Gang Stalker Women Are Trying To Murder Targeted Individuals By Electronic Harassment Parked In Packs In The USA
- The gang stalker women are sitting all over parked in new cars saying they have been told to off the ones they take money from by hacking because they want them gone so they keep their money they took and that is why they set them up and murder and bank robbery it is yes cap on that the killer hit women are saying
- They say they choose the nicest Moms when they moved, bought alot, shopped and spent money at places, and they pick them out to target when they spend money to do a Frame-Up and the mortgage broker and realtor gal they send stolen paypal to frame the Moms with fake real estate mortgage broker financial evaluations and then lie they are bad persons by spending and balances and its all a game done up purpose and they say they are trained to do Frame-Ups and the realtor gal buys them their local computer technician apartment buildings.
- Readings say the realtor gal and mortgage broker gal steal save life on earth crime tip jobs from mail ups fed ex the ups store for almost 20 years, and lie they got a fed ex folder job by stolen jobs they ripped off and they rob crime tip money and lie its for their folders they fed exed when its not.
- The readings say the realtor gal they call her finds Moms to target when she sees Moms spending money, and she lies to their area and lies they have such problems when they do not, and she lies they spent too much updating the house, on a new house or apartment, and on furniture, clothes etc. and she says she plots to set them up for spending money when they can pay their monthly bills just fine, and budgeted for what they spent and many she and the mortgage broker frame pay cash only and use atm cards and do not even have credit card bills, and they lie good parents are bad persons by the way they spend and set up hare crimes against nice people, and readings say she pays 99 people in their areas to frame them and to do set ups, and lies they need to run them out of their house they bought too much because it cost too much when it did not, they make enough income for their mortgage and plan to stay in their home and not move, and she does framing fake real estate evaluations the readings say.
- Readings say she got a real estate liscense in 2008 or 2009 and did fraud evaluations before she had a lisence and she runs the wrong comparable properties the readings say and frames home owners with them, and they are not comaparable properties an appraiser would do and they are not what a realtor would run to see what to list a house for, readings say she puts attached properites, and propertys from other tracts that are not real comps, and says see that house cost too much, and lies they gotta run the family out, and says they gotta set the Mom up for doing that, for spending too much, and lies the Mom is not thinking of her family when she bought the house for her family, and she would lie the mortgage is five thousand when its around twenty five hundred a month, so she makes people hate Moms who did nothing wrong by her fake framing evaluations on properties, and on apartments, and she says they gotta get control of their finances and run the family to a little low cost rental and says they get their bills and pay them off with their money they take by giving the Frame-Up fake evulations to banks and post offices, when the Moms always paid their bills just fine in their life, and they go by their monthly bill amounts minimum payments, and she lies she helps by running someone and their family to a low cost rental when they make one hundred and fifty thousand a year, and when they may have a lot of equity in their house, and when they could refinance and pay less than renting an apartment, and does this to people who would not qualify for a low income rental, and says thats her way of doing this as she chooses who she thinks is a bad person by how they spend money, and she says if they buy alot at once it means they have a spending problem to her when they budget shop on sale buy in bulk and often do in thier life and save money this way, and budget well with monthly household bills, and readings say shes a hypocrite and spends fifty dollars a day at restaurants, and four hundred on one outfit a month or two times a month, and readings say she charges on American Express and pays a huge bill the 1st of the month, when people she frames are many who do not charge at all and they budget alot better than her, as they may buy a lot of clothes at once and wear them for a year or five years, and they may update their house, and make more money selling it because they did that, and readings say shes a dumb idiot who does not get it, and says she writes in reports what she thinks and says thats how she sees it when she sees everything wrong as shes stupid, and she says if Moms spend two hundred at a store she marks them down to set them up to their CPS Secret Court and to DCFS, and she does not care if they spent alot on toys and clothes for their kids and household items its the point the buy alot at one time, and many do that to save time, to save gasoline, they buy what they need for a year or longer, and a real evaluation would be two hundred divided by 12 months, as most are people who shop once and a while and buy a lot at once, and they do not have spending problems, they are not shop alcoholics at all, and she says shes trained to see things wrong and to lie good nice great parents are bad persons when they are not at all, shes the bad person who frames them and who lies all over town people have problems who have to problems at all, and shes the one who plots to run Moms and Dads and children out of their house where they have their own large nice bedroom, a nice yard to play in, and friends in the neighborhood, and she sits plotting to run familys out of their happy family homes and apartments as shes the very bad person and frames nice parents to take their happy loved babys and kids away and teenagers, and says thats to get them away because her mission is to cut off clitoruses, she says she sets up FGM and V Back surgerys, and says her mission is to do that to Moms who are so busy and passionate about life because she hates them, and she hates Moms who update their houses, as she thinks they should leave them original and not spend a dime on them, and her Jewish cheap friends doing the Frame-Ups with her feel the same way, and they say they all pack up and write down what Moms bought and say there is one lets set them up, and CIA Northern CA says set them up so dam stinken bad for being like that,for buyin a lot at once as they think thats bad, and they hate them for decorating, and for buying household items, and for buying paint even as they are not into decorating and neither many others doing this to people, as they start stalking people to see what they are doing, and they are just doing things they always did in their life that always worked just fine, and they frame innocent people who are just being themselves, and say they hate them because they act happy shopping, and they hate how they fling things around their house so happily as they do not get people who have a zest for life, and say they should be boring and glum and ho hum yes cap on that, and they hate Moms who dress stylish, and they set them up for buying clothes, and for putting outfits together to work in and to socialize and to net work in with work people, and to the people this is positive, to look their best, and for prosperity, and everything they do thats normal to them they hate and say they are trained to see things wrong, to say thats how they see it thats what they think, and thats what they observed when they do not know details, why a Mom bought something, why she updated the house or anything at all about where shes going dressed up and just make stuff up because they hate them so much for being so nice, and passionate about life, and some call around and say gotta house payments you can take over as they plot to run the familys out of homes they line people up to pay the mortgages, and say pay three house payments then it can be recorded in your name, and plan kidnappings out, and the people are murdered.
- They set up hate crimes by lying about nice good people with lies and fraud real estate mortgage evaulations and say look what the Mom did she spent too much updating the house so fast thats so bad, we gotta run them out and set the Mom up when updating a house is a good thing, and positive for a parent and home owner to do, and usually its very planned out, and they budget for it and are happy about it and that is very normal and they lie they did that too fast without thinking and lie they gotta get a hold of finances when they may have spent cash they had or have a hundred dollar a month payment, and its their money thier life and their house and nobodys business to be in at all in any way, and the gang stalkers cause all the trouble in the targeted individuals lives, and life was fine until they started zipping around logging receipts and doing Frame-Ups to good nice people, then they lie to the whole gang stalker ring of 9 year olds 10 year olds teenagers and young women, and their Moms, and they lie these are very bad persons see the money they spent on their houses apartments, on clotthes, at Big Lots, Target Macys etc. and they say see you guys that means they are so bad, they spent money they needed for their childrens food and clothing, and set up hate crimes by lying to kids youths and young women and older women gang stalkers when the Mom had plenty of money for great food and cute clothes for their kids, and paid alot each month for their lessons etc, and they spent a thousand or two on their children a month, and they lie if a Moms spends a lot st once or at one store that means they got a problem because a normal thing would be to one top at a time the mortgage broker says because thats what they have done in their life, and they say see you guys you kids the Moms spent alot on themselves, they bought make up and clothes they did not need at all, and the realtor saying this spends four hundred on one outfit at a store the readings have said, and wears it two month, throws it away, and the Moms she frames may spend four hundred at one store and wear the clothes for years and have five outfits to wear when she has one, so you would need to divide four hundred by 48 months if they wear them for 4 years, and thats how they do Frame-Ups they do not tell the truth about what a Mom buys or why or the real cost or what they saved the way they shop.
- The mortgage broker does fake financial mortgage evaluations, and puts the net income as the gross, when it should be the gross income them bills they pay such as mortgage interest thsts a write off is deducted from the gross, so they may make 150 K a year and write off 50 k their morthgage interest, so thats written off and they would deduct the mortgage from the net income when its paid from the gross, so they send a false impression about monthly bills and income, and thier office rent etc may come out of their pay checks, and commisions etc and they would deduct it from the Net income when its already been deducted from the salary before the gross, so they do Frame-Ups to people by fake financial evaluations, and lie the mortgage will be ten thousand when it wont go up for 5 or 10 years and by then they would refinace or sell and they do not know the targeted individuals plans at all and just lie about everything and make things up, and lie they over extended themselves when they did not, and they lie their balances are too high when they just pay the minimum payments and the balances are not affecting them, they go by their income and monthy household nut and not balances, and many do not even use credit cards that they target and do not have credit card balances they have secured debt secured by their property and car, and they could always refinance both to lower their monthly nut if they needed to, and they say they tell everyone look at here you guys this bad person spent too much on a house on a car, and they say they could have spent less they could have bought a cheaper modest vechicle when they may need the car for work to make money, for safety for their family n ahd have a reason why they decided to spend their money on their car, as they do not frame people who spend money on fancy cars fancy watches trips to gamble etc, who spend alot, they frame nice familys whos priority is having a nice family life in their home or apartment, people with normal bills who do not spend alot, and they lie they have had frivilous spending on too many expenditures when they did not, they may have spent a hundred dollars in one store and bought things for their family home, and household items that are needed, and parents often shop for a lot fast at once because they are busy taking care of their kids and working, and they do not want to stand in line for one thing to waste time and gasoline shopping, they to it all at once because its practical, and these are the types they do Frame-Ups to the readings say.
- They make thousands of gang stalkers hate people who did nothing wrong is the point by the Frame-Ups they do and they sit around loathing the nice Parents who did nothing wrong, and say they hate them for shopping fast and for buying alot at once cause they got receipts that show the Moms bought far too much make up for themselves, and say see Sir the bad Mom bought make up so fast and spent ten bucks and that was not necessary or needed as they had old make up at home, as we check everything,when the Mom probably bought a standard make up item they always have and buy, and when they run out they buy it because they need it and it could be for work to make money, as they frame Moms with things they always buy in their life as a standard item, and lie that was not necessary or needed at all in our so strong keen observation opinions on the spy watch cam committee, and say they should have bought stuff to make cute fun snacks at home for their kids instead of dam stupid make up thats not necessary or needed say young gang stalker women in their 20s and 30s and they say their Mom would not do that so fast just run and buy make up for ten bucks so quick they would at least shop around to see what else they could buy instead, when the Moms they frame bought a certain brand they always buy ran in and knew just what they needed and bought it and did not need to look around, and probably hurried because they had to go pick up their kids,and they young gang stalkers say they hate them for being like that as their Moms would not do that ever, they hardly wear make up and they would not spend time buying something for themselves so fast, and they hate Moms who do things like this all the sudden, why not do it later ? probably they went in a store because it was convenient because they were near there doing something else, to save time with great time management is probably why
- They say they scan the Country to see who to see up by whos being sent money and big jobs to steal them,then they do thumbs up symbols and say YES set them up, then they lie to their areas and lie the person has problems, and they lie they want to help them secretly and pay people to keep an eye on them and that alone ruins their life and income, then they do they FRAME-UP Fraud bankiing finance real estate evaulations, and lie the people over extended themselves so they gotta run them out of their houses and apartments because of the way they do things, and say see the expenditure list and what they all bought, they spent alot at once in one store, and they have high balances on their credit report, and they say they gotta tie their hands and get control at banks of their finances and their mail by giving the post offices their banking morgage broker financial realtor evaluations, then they rob their mail and money from it, and the gang stalkers zipping around saying their on patrol take the mail from the homes and apartments, and they sit around opening it and taking cash and checks and tally it up, and the mortgage broker deposits the targeted individuals money in accounts at banks, and says slam it in this account slam this pile in that account, and has it in a private mortgage broker account and says thats funds held for customers for mortgages and so on when its stolen money robbed from targeted individuals,
- The young hacker gang stalker women and some of their own mothers send stolen paypal they rob by hacking to the mortgage brokers email addess, and to the realtors email address and to CIA Northern Californias email address,
- They say they want the business owners they take alot of money from gone, they are told to do electronic harasment to them parked in cars until they die, and the paypal crook hacker young women and their mothers who hack and steal are parked 9 in a vechicle in 10 cars, 90 of them are trying to murder one person or five in one area, and they are told okay kids keep on pressing the key pad to burn them so dam bad that they die as we want them all gone to keep the paypal cash app venmo we all took , so keep doing the electronic remotes on dash boards in the new cars I got you guys again at many new car lots and do not say you pick them up at five am around then or a quater or five okay dokay. Readings say they get new vechciles every day at the time for years by keys left on the front tire or rear, and they take them to mechanics shops or their guys do it at Pep Boys or a place like that and they install remotes on the driver side to murder people with, and on the floors they put levers they pull on to kill the people on the lists, and they sit doing that parked by the targeted individuals areas, and 9 pile in and say lets to key pad pressing today til they die as we want to keep the paypal we took by a hackin and the gifts we looted from ups fed ex trucks at 5 pm at 9 streets that cross the L A River we call the banks along the L A River, and we want them to all die the young 89 gang stalker women say, and say they are told for all 90 to press press press til they die as they want them gone, and they are told to kill the ones who are business owners they took a whole lot of money from, and they say they are on meth as always and drinking parked as always, and drive drunk yes cap on that and lie they are above the law drunk drivers sitting around trying to murder people with electronic harasment by the mircowave energy pellets they got in the people in food and beverages as it elecricutes them, and they do it after they big Frame-Up, first they pick who to target by jobs and money sent to them they want to steal, then brain wash the areas, then steal mail and work calls by bugging, and the mortgage broker siphens thier income earnings out banks, and they take their fraud mortgage broker realtor fake evaulation FRAME-UPS to banks and lie they need to run their finances and lie they gotta pay off balances etc, and take their money, mail ups fed exes by spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and they photo shop and loop bugging and frame innocent good people, and set up hate crimes to get others to gang stalk them, and slander them to set up not needed case files, and put microchips in their coffee, food, water, juice, beverages, and food, and then do electronic harassment to them til they die, and they do this to children and baby also and to Dads or whoever swallows the chip. and they will do vibrate penis to a baby Son or Boy or girl that makes them cry, and burn rectum key pad a pressin the lyin brat young gang stalkers say you say my oh my a baby sons a cryin a so coot little boy a boy hoo wa wa by texts and say we gotta take custody away right now from that bad Mom her litlte boy is a cryin, and thats the way they do FRAME-UPS too as evil wicked criminals who are real serial killers who are like the Charlie Manson women who killed Sharon Tate and her unborn baby and like the murderer who killed Laci Pederson and her unborn baby, as they eat genitials on babys and children til they die, and 90 murderer women, are sitting around doing electronic harasment to targeted individuals and say they want them to all die to keep their pay and so many fine gifts they took and thats why
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