Newborns Are Being Murdered Under Freeways
The Prophetic channeling information has explained the devil antichrist men who murder people got many years ago from my High School, Ulysses S. Grant High to think they would be better suited to do the utmost important job positions when they were sent, and said the Honor Roll brainy types could to the in depth crime tip reports instead of Nancy Fox doing in depth angel board crime tip work as a psychic detective channeler, readings say from 2005 to 2007 mail they stole may have said Nancy Fox might hire people from Grant High class of 1977 to elaborate on her psychic crime tip work, and readings say they assigned stolen instructions to people who went to Grant High class of 1977 and 1970 etc. and they give them wrong information to put in their reports, and they say they took the job to elaborate on Nancy Foxs tips in 05 to 07 as they said no way she could to in depth crime tip reports by word spellings on a game board, and say a group of them from Grant High class of 1977 were suggested for her to hire, and they voted others in to do the Son of God job and lie the Son of God jobs sent to Nancy Gail Fox and the money sent to her name is for the people named on the letters that said she might hire these people to be Son of God assistants, and they are lying the Son of God job is not for her communicating for the Son of God Jesus its for the people named in the mail they took when its not, and they are saying they want her to eat dollar pizzas from the market to keep the money they took, and they planned this out to take her Nancy Gail Fox orders and her Nancy Gail Fox work book and to follow what it says shes supposed to be informed to do such as in depth crime tip reports and they are lying the money they took is for their in depth crime tip reports when its not, readings say they and others took 20 years of Nancy Gail Fox mail, opened it and stole the cash and checks, and hackers rob my paypal cash app venmo for years that is sent for my Medium For God Prophetic channel writing work, and they send it to them, and they steal my online payment money, postal money, and money sent to banks, and ups fed ex gifts and lie everything sent is for their in depth crime tip reports, they say the ellaborate on her work some, but mostly say her work is wrong, and they say read our information on our great backgrounds, and our high grades in High School, and our University report cards as we are the brainy ones mail suggested to do this, and they are writing the wrong information in reports, and they are saying we planned to continue taking every dime sent to her name to frame her to look like a bum to lie the money and gifts are for us, and they say one thousand of them planned it out when her angel board channeling jobs were taken off their porch in summer 05 and out of their mail box on a post, and they all agreed they would take everything sent and pretend its for them as they were named as suggestions to be hired by Nancy Gail Fox and it said she might hire the brainy kids who went to Ulysses S. Grant High with to elaborate on her word spelling crime tips, and say they knew the person would take them off the porch in 2005 and she messaged them and said ” Hey you guys I got assigned the big huge important Son of God job position to fed ex nice neat folders with elaborated in depth crime tip reports, and to over see buying many properties as the Son of God leader and commaner with authority to over see every notice and instruction sent for Nancy Fox, I will be taking them and marking them up and changing what they say okay you guys? I am doing this with others who are suggested to be hired by Nancy Fox, and we are saying we are doing the Son of God job without her top secret by taking her mail ups fed exes and her money sent to the banks and we are saying the money sent for her and her kids is for the 80 people named as suggestions for her to maybe hire, and we are going to pay payroll checks from her money by following instructions and cut you guys a check for five hundred a week and you will have an estate to work from to elaborate on her psychic crime tips that we can get by bugging etc. as mail says she should buy many mansions with her money sent and that the people she hires can work in the estates doing elaborated reports, so you guys will have five to ten estates on the street named , as it says she should buy estates on the Golf Course Road with large Oaks that she loves and on other streets she loves where she sells real estate, so you can live there part time or full time, and do the reports as we always planned to take her big important Son of God job and instructions and funds when they were sent so vote me in to do the big Son of God commander job with authority with the others named who are suggested for her to hire as we are saying to banks we got Son of God jobs by what mail says, and the letters say they suggest Nancy Fox hire about 50 to 100 people who went to Grant High class of 1977, and about 100 real estate agents she works with, and worked with on escrows etc. and we are pretending the Son of God job is a real estate job to buy many properties, and to fed ex nice neat folders all tabbed to leaf through so keep saying I got the big important Son of God job to over see buying alot of properties as thats the angle we are using to fool people into thinking Nancy Fox was sent a big real estate job, and others were assigned to do the big job instead as we are lying shes dumb and stupid because she bought a house for a million and we are lying she just sold a couple homes, and we are saying shes not suited for that big Son of God real estate job when its not a real estate job really, its for her game board word spellings to solve crimes, and it says shes to do in depth crime tips with her psychic genius sent because shes doing her angel board channeling every night and because she posted about it online, and mail says she might delegate the leg work to buy properties she names for a nominal referal fee as a suggestion so we got about 89 realtors in it mostly women, and mortgage brokers, and Title Reps, and it says they suggest she hire kids and teens from the area as assistants for about $50 a week or day and their parents, and neighbors from everywhere shes lived, and wardrobe assistant people who assistted her as a Costume Designer, and 100 relatives and friends to live by them to protect them so they cnn do their Son of God Family job safely so we are saying the Son of God job is for others named as suggestions for her to maybe hire, when really its for her and her daughters The Son of God Family and the money is their personal money and I took banking authority papers, and filled them out and told banks this is for my Son of God job I got, and told banks shes not the type to have all this money sent and told them shes never been the type to have a lot of money in her life and told others to write reports like that to banks so dont say she sold alot of homes and estates over a million as we are saying she just sold a couple homes and lied shes a new agent, and dont say shes so nice and sincere and sober so long in A A leading a very spiritual life as shes praying alot in bugging so we are looping it out, and changing her records on her house she bought to look like she did not buy it with her owned money as we are framing her to look like shes another kind of person and we all agreed we would do this years back and said we thought shes not the type to do a Son of God job by the way shes dressed in her life, and by the way she dances, and tell banks she wore low jeans and cropped sweater to her sober AA party in Feb 05 when it was a spiritual Free People light blue cotton sweater and mid rise designer jeans from Nordstroms, and we lied her shabby shiek decorating was gaudy and lying her Italian glazed classy tile was shiny gaudy tile, to make her look like another kind or person and she really started selling homes in 1999 and makes a good living, and we are changing records, and took screenplay pages from her screenplay she wrote in 04 that say Mother Teresa as we do not want people to know what shes really like okay guys? we planned this years ago when we were told we could take Nancy Foxs Son of God mail and we were told it could be assigned to us and say we are so much better suited for that utmost important job position, so keep saying the stuff I send you to say online, and keep saying the money sent in mail and by ups fed ex and to her paypal cash app venmo is for our elaborated reports I fed ex and I xerox her Medium For God channel writing reports on a blank word press page and I got the rooms built underground in 09 to hack and get her work and mail” Readings say that Grant High class of 1977 are lying the tips about newborns being killed under roarin freeways is wrong, they are saying what Nancy Fox wrote about young girls going under 11 to 29 freeways in L A County to murder newborns is not accurate, they say they know those suburb girls who are from the area around the County Line where they work from estates and they see them going under freeways at about 8:45 to 9 am each day for ages at the same time, and they say thats clean up time in the walking tunnels under freeways, and they say no way those nice girls would hurt anyone as they know them, they say read our elaborsted in depth report instead that we did, we elaborate on the tips those girls send us, and we do background reports about Nancy Fox and explain clothes shes worn in her life, and thats why we don’t think shes the type to do an in depth crime tip job and say those tips she wrote about killing newborns are wrong. When Jesus Christ the Son of God and God are not wrong, and thats what the Son of God communication crime tip job is, its for my communicating for the Son of God and God, and I channel them everyday for about 20 years, and I do my Medium For God Prophetic channel writing for them to stop crimes since 2009 June for almost 16 years, and the mail money ups fed exes paypal cash app venmo is sent for my work and newborns are being murdered by them for years.
The lying thief reports say they see girls, young gals who are the computer technician young women who text us brief messages all night and day til 9 am usually and at 5 am again another slew of them send short reports and say hey hey all you Grant High babes and for some guys from Grant a High School the past classes, you gals and guys should know this all went on to dam day hey hey we got many more babes in swadlings taken away from their very bad ma mas you guys and gals all framed so well and perfectly and we are doing the utmost ever so important Medium For God work as a great group in our computer technican areas, in the rooms our Son of God pretend commander had built for us to hack in cap YES on that word a hackin and we do that from our brand spankin new autos parked with a paper tag in the window and paper car plates also as we get the work Miss N F Taylor types so sloppily and redo it and send it out to you guys and dolls past classes of Grant High and we say her work is ever so wrong so please with mounds of sugar on top do not listen to one wee bit of it, as we go under many freeways in the valley of the dolls at 9 am exact tackly yes at Reseda Blvd Hayvenhurst Ave etc. and under 9 roarin freeways YES and that is for clean up as we do many clean up jobs to help the community and we walk straight under many roarin freeways at 9 am exactly and not at 8:45 am usually but some may and right after our fifty dollar sit down breakfast at a 24 hour coffee shop in red vinyl booths where we chow down all together about 89 of us, and others go under freeways after they meet up at half past 7 a,m its been and 8 am probably now for a wee while from bagel places and donut shops where they meet up at half past 8 o clock for a snack or entire breakfast at many Sambo pancake house type places the most now and has been that way for awhile but was at many donut shops for meet ups at half past 7 for years, and thats 89 men and women usually or they may be at several places in their work area zones by zip codes YES thats accurate, as we got 5 zip codes in our zone and Sherman Oaks has 7 zip codes and they to under the Sepulveda Dam 405 and the Ventura Freeway both by Sepulveda, and get the money from trucks in the Trader Joes parking lot area on Sepulveda south of Ventura Blvd, and the men in Encino go right to the Ralphs market hacking room down stairs in the back that say City Street Workers as many say that and us gals 5 to 9 of them walk straight to a freeway tunnel near breakfast and go right in a gate we got keys to, with a bag of clothes under our arms, and we do clean up work in the tunnels under the freeways, and thats what we are sayin, and we get the brown bags from where they are left in our new vechicles or cars or trucks from the day before, and they are left in the back seat or thrown in the back of the truck camper shells in North Carolina where our peers do this and they are in thier mid to late 20s and from Thousand Oaks we are sayin but they are from our areas and younger than us, and do this with men there 9 men, and go under highways at the same time noon probably, and we say we clean up under freeways highways and roads in some states like Ohio Cincinatti, and Utah Provo its been and our friends we went to camp with or who lived by us who were a few grades below us are in Haysville and Ashville North Carolina, and we go in Janitor sheds to work also, and at 9 am we fling the sacks or shopping bags in the dumpster as thats our work stuff so please do not listen to what the so called psychic medium says on the internet as we redo her work right away and sit collecting all her pay and say thats ridiculous shes being sent so much dam stinken pay for that crap, and say read ours not what she wrote as shes just sayin that. When really they murder newborn infants under freeways at 9 am in L A County in the San Fernando Valley and at Noon in North Carolina etc, as the young women are addicted to doing oral sex to newborns and to eating their genitials, and the young women starting doing oral sex to each other when they were kids and youths and got addicted to getting it done to them and to doing it, and they were told they were doing a secret save life mission, and told that killing off a certain breed of people was saving life on earth, and they think they are saving life on earth by murdering newborns, and babys of every age and toddlers young children up to age 11 as the men who hack with them and the 9 antichrist men molest and rape the ones over 11 and they murder babys too by raping them to death, and call it a rag doll ritual to rape them to death to throw them in the air and yell a rag doll, as they are a satanic cult doing sex torturing murder rituals, and the young women say they hate the Moms so much because of the body they were born with , and they hate the way they look and act, and they hate them because they see them making love in spy cams, and they say they are offing an entire breed of people that should not exist and the mission is to make them all cum so much they die and go to Gods light to reincarnate as a different type and they think if Moms orgasm and they see it in spy cams placed over beds and in shower head spy cams then the newborns are very bad persons to get rid of, and they say they walk out to get the outfits left in their car to wear in the shot and they carry the bag under their arms and go in freeway tunnel gates with keys one has, and they put the new outfits on and throw their old clothes they wore in in the bag, and they get shot up with many shots of meth in the tunnel in a corner hiding by the men they work with, and they say okay kids go in the Workmans stall a wooden shed its been, and its a stall built for men to stand in to urinate maybem and they stand there in the new outfits that were bought and dropped off in the backseat at the bus depot parking areas, or on the street , wherever they left their car the night before, and the men throw them a brand new baby fling it in the air in a suitcase usually and say packed it up for ya all so chow down kids right dam now, and the men do them from behind at the same time in the skirts and shorts its been, and long dresses never but they have intercourse with them while they eat the new ones genitals til they bleed to death in their mouths, and then they say they are addicted to the vagina fluid of a new one, and to chewing up their genital skin, and to drinking thier fluids in a pack while the men do them who rape the new one when they are done eating thier flesh, and they say no one can hear them because of the roarin freeway noise, and then they put their own clothes back on that and chug a lug alcohol and walk out and fling the brown paper sacks or bags with their bloody clothes in a dumpster by the freeway on ramp or off ramp but an on ramp normally and they say the dumpster is picked up right away normally and taken to the Forest Lawn dumping grounds as they have top secret trash men too probably and real ones often took dumpsters away they threw their clothes in and the newborns dead body in a bag all folded up or in the suitcase and the dumping area is by the real Cemetary across the street from it, and the men leave by a different route, and the Moms they took the newborns from by going in hospitals with papers to take custody in nurse uniforms Candy Striper dresses, and white polished up nurse shoes the night before or that very day at 8 am often when they sit down to eat a slu of them go in hospitals to get babys taken away and they say got papers to take custody away so sorry dear, and the balling crying Mothers sob in disbelief as we see in spy cams placed wherever new ones are delivered, and know who we will be eating and the Moms are taken away and placed in a room underground by elevator shafts and they are forced to watch the video of us eating their new one to death and we say thats to end cumming times , Moms with passion inside are named bad and offing them and thier new ones just born and every age baby tot and kid is saving life on earth
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