The readings say gang stalkers say they are coverin Nancy Fox by hacking and security cameras etc to see what she is doin and write it down and get paid by instructions they took from mail long ago out of their mail box on a post and off the porch her fed exes and ups deliverys and from post offices, by security camera stalking and spy cams placed everywhere and the stolen insructions say perhaps Nancy Gail Fox can hire 100 people to live around the house she just bought in summer 05 for protection, and safety and they can make certain she receives her important psychic crime tip jobs from mail and sift through junk mail, and she might pay them and others a salary from her owned money being sent to banks where has bank accounts in the area where the house is, and she may pay them one thousand a week from her owned money to Protect the Prophet and family, and she might open a payroll company and pay them checks each way that say The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth job, something such as this, and readings say devils stole the instructions and lied thats to write down what shes doin by security cameras, hacking equipment, when its for nice honest good sincere loyal trustworthy people to protect the Prophet in person, and the stolen mail said Nancy Fox might hire a thousand people and interview people, get resumes’ etc. and they stole it all and changed what is said and got gang stalkers to stalk by gang stalker spy cam equipment when its for nice people to be in person that I would hire, and they pay them stolen money in checks each week, and lie they got the Son of God job when they stole it from mail and they say they follow Son of God instructions by the job they took in 05 and they change instructions, and write notes on them,and shred them, and told thousands of people you can be paid to write down what Nancy Fox is doing a weekly payroll check, and they said you could receive many perks and gifts, and thats my stolen Prophet gifts they loot and steal that they send the gang stalkers on spy cam and security camera hacking equipment and they told them you might receive a whole lot of money later on for being in on this by taking an oath that says its forbidden to tell Nancy Fox we spoke, as she can not know a word of it, when I am supposed to be paying people I choose from my money sent to banks that they steal to be nice in person Prophet body gaurds, and nice assistants to work with me, and they changed instructions and said I can send you a whole lot of pay for keeping this so quiet as we are pretending thats our big important Son of God mission job and pretend its for us to do crime tips by proffesional equipment instead of Nancy Fox doing dumb ouja board word spellings a dumb stupid game board job sent in 05 Feb and July 05, we took those dumb stupid Ouija Board jobs, and lied we got a Son of God job to do crime tips by proffesional spy cam equipment when its for her to spell sentences and pages and pages by the Son of God Jesus and by God in a medium trance, and their her channeling Son of God jobs we took so we take every stinken cent of her Medium For God pay to a Prophet since 09 on top of it and every single shopping gift card since May 2010 and her car gifts at freeway off ramps as we know by bugging equipment when they are sent, and we take her mail and contents cash and checks that are hers for her Medium For God Prophet channel writing work and her Bank of America mortgage money we took that was sent from 2009 to 2012 by her letters asking for it because of the lying and stalkiing that was done, and her Prophet channel writer book publishing pay sent since May 2010, and her Stop Traffick Office rent money since 2011 sent for her letters asking for it by email, and her Prophet writer rent exspense money sent since Sept 2012 and thats in Citibank Studio City, and we lie thats our Prophet pay for rent, and hand it out and pretend to be so nice, and do this with her resume’ gifts and pay since May 2010 and say hey hey take the gifts and pay Sir Mam the kids on hacking equipment yell this out on street corners,and we will out forms and lie we can assign the stolen property and pay to a prophet to people, and they pass out gifts and pay by City Halls for years, and everywhere in neighborhoods and get people to gang stalk this way, and we take her Fox-Taylor Family victims money since 2009 thats sent for her letters she faxed and has emailed for 15 years, and we hack and take her paypal cash app venmo and every cent thats hers, and her gifts, and mostly its been resume’ pay that says Thank you so much Miss Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the Medium For God and Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary for saving life on earth with your goodwill work, and here is thank you Prophet pay, a thank you Prophet gift, a thank you Prophet shopping mall gift card, and Sees Candy Flowers, diamonds a new car and a outfit you can speak in as a Prophet at a Church as your resume’ states, and they have stolen everything sent and every cent. They tell the people they pay with in payroll checks with stolen money, and stolen paypal robbed by hacking the following ” I am the important Son of God leader in charge of a big huge important crime tip job that I am doing as I assumed this job postion in 2005 by many voting, and they agreed I am so much better suited for that utmost important large huge big Son of God job position than Nancy Fox is and her job notices we took then said its for her to spell out words on a game board, and how dumb is that? so we do work by proffesional spy cam equipment and say hey hey take the pay on messenger and send her paypal out and say here is some pay to keep an eye on the retard stupid dumb idiot who was not equipped to do a crime tip job sent in 05 so we took it and send pay out and say keep an eye on the dumb stupid retard idiot as no way she could crack a case to stop sex slavery internationally by spelling words on a dumb stupid game board salright? agreed? say cap YES with a thumbs up symbol and you can be sent more free pay as we say her paypal sent for her Medium For God channel writing work is free pay and free money and thats why we take it by hacking and send it out online, and write a really bad report about what shes doin or not doing, as we follow instructions sent in 05 that we took that said people should be hired to cover Nancy Fox and to log notes about her day, and we say many are paid by paypal we take and by payroll checks to see what Nancy Fox is doing, when really its for her to have hired in person people to cover her for safety and to be her assistants staffs, and its to log the nice things shes doing like she wrote a page by Jesus Christ, she wrote a page with God, she wrote a poem she did a Jesus Christ tick tock, and the nice things shes doing it means, it said send reports to the United Nations to inform them about her day and her evenings s as we are interested to hear about all angel board channeling it said from 05 to 09 and what gourmet meal she had, all about her happy days full of laughter as she has a great sense of humor, and is so light hearted so we want to know all about her days and what shes doing. Readings say they changed this to thousands of gang stalkers and said see what Nancys doin and you can be paid, and they are sent five hundred in stolen money a week for about 20 years, by a payroll check, and they are told say anything to make her look bad, such as she bought a couple things at the market that were not necessary or needed, like garlic or chives, and so on, as we framed her and lied she spent too much money too fast in 05 and lied she did all that without thinking to frame her to look like a dumb idiot when she spent her own money on what she planned to spend it on by budgets and lists and measurements, as a smart realtor and home owner, and she planned to update the two story to sell it for a good price, and planned in 04 she would to new carpet tile and paint to sell it and to get a good price to have more money to buy another house, and she planned to update that house, and to decorate it by lists and measurements and a budget and spent her own money on her house she bought in 2005 and felt it will be worth 2 million later, and wanted to invest money in to update it and to continue selling many homes and estates to keep updating it as her project her house she was so in love with, and they say they lie that was a dumb stupid idiot who spent too much too fast who did not know what she was doin, when I knew exactly what I was doing, and readings say they stole notices that said tell Nancy Fox to pay her house off that she just bought with her owned money sent to her checking account Nancy G Fox deposit only Downey Savings, and tell her to gate the driveway so she can sit and answer our angel board questions safely in a paid off house thats gated, and tell her to buy many estates around the house where people can live to protect her and her family, and they can log notes and tell us what shes doing, and she should buy many mansions for staff people she should be hiring to work from the properties we suggest she should buy that shall own, as her funds are sent to her bank account, and she might pay people she hires a thousand a week from her funds, in payroll checks and they can write reports for us and readings say they lie in reports and lie Miss Nancy Gail Fox had a scrumpteous lovely beautiful gourmet meal, she is so pleased to enjoy the tender steak fillet mignon, when I DO NOT EAT MEAT, I am a vegatarian since 2011, I do not eat meat of chicken or fish, and readings say they send fake reports out, and say they are covering her with kid gloves when they are sitting on hacking equipment stealing my paypal cash app venmo and lying in reports, and they say they write down she had a nice pleasant brisk walk, and a lovely mid afternoon tea, and a scrumpteous snack, a tea biscuit as they pretend they are covering and are not they are gang stalkers on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras who loot my Medium For God fed ex ups gifts, and rob my mail and money from it, and they are lying to 10 United Nations offices my readings say, and Treating someone with Kid Gloves means the way an actress is treated on a movie set by make up hair wardrobe people, that would be proffesional nice caring people in person who would say what type of clothes would you like me to buy for you to wear today? and who would have racks of clothes to try on, and to say am I brushing your hair okay? what restaurant would you like lunch delivered from? and how do you want your coffee ? and Kid Gloves is the way famous actors are treated, with gold star treatment, and they lie they are covering the food list when they are not, they are on gang stalker equipment covering zip God says and Jesus says they are fooling the new President also with their lies and fraud frame-up reports they make stacks of.
They have sent out yet another slanderous report by fed ex to thousands that says ” Miss N Fox is not doing things shes planned on doing as we hack her and saw she was looking for a scan emailed out many years back, and we know she said she was going to scan the papers again ( Means my Angels Anonymous screenplay I wrote in 2004) to send it out again to some who might be interested in it, and we see shes not done that yet and why is that? as she also started printing her book on her wordpress I am a medium for.. to divide it into two parts, The Famous Persons who died that shes a medium for ,actors and musicians and so on, and the other part she plans is to a seperate God, Jesus, Virgin Mary, Saint type book from her wordpress I am a medium for… as we know the things shes doing by hacking, and she plans to send the printed pages all laid out to Publishers, and we have not seen her continue with that either and why is that? we say shes not motivated enough to try to publish her wordpress I am a medium for.. book or to sell the pages of importance to her ( my screenplay) and we say due to these actions, and not seeing actions that she is not the type at all to be in charge of stopping sex slavery internationally by her psychic Prophet Medium For God work as we take that mail and open it and read it, and sift through papers, and send many letters to say no way this is for her by her actions,and say shes not doing what she planned to do again, and why is that? we say shes not the type to be in charge of important things, so sorry to inform you of this information but thats how we see it and thats how it stands, thereby we are continuing to take her pay away by hacking her paypal cash app venmo, her postal letters we take, open and read what is sent to her name and many addresses over the years, and her cash and pay to a Prophet thanking her we take as well and say that pay is for us covering and say why is she not doing as planned to thousands on her spy watch cam committee online known as gang stalkers cap YES and they messenger all day the dumb stupid lazy bum retard idiot Nancy Fox did not scan her screenplay to email it out yet or continue printing her I am a medium for.. book from her wordpress to publish it and why not? so take her pay we take from paypal and pass this all along on facebook to inform everyone of what she’s not doing, WHEN THEY STEAL MY MONEY I NEED TO DO THESE THINGS as it costs money to do a 100 page or more scan, and to print a screenplay and mail it is about $50.00 each time, and I need a new lap top to print my book I am a medium for… and these are my private ideas of what I am planning to do with what I wrote when I have the money to do them, as readings explain gang stalker rob my Medium For God writers business money thats sent for what I wrote, and I have tried to get Medium For God Communication money since 2012 by my Medium For God business plan, and I have tried to get book deals, and channel writing jobs since May 2010 by my resume’ I started emailing then, and readings say they steal all my money sent for my communication, a thousand lap top gifts sent to Nancy Fox they stole, iphones, ipads, office rent money, book publishing money etc etc etc. and they are sadistic to say why is she not doing as she planned? when they have my money they stole that I need to do what I planned, and that is SADISTIC to tell lies like that when a real report would say Nancy Fox does not have her owned Medium For God writer business money to scan or mail her writing work out. I also happen to be a great delegator in my life, when I was a Costume Supervisor and Costume Designer on T V shows, movies and feature films from 1979 to the early 1990′s I had many wardrobe assistants I delegated to, and as a Realtor who sold many homes and estates from 1999 to 2009 I delegated to Advertise, to take proffesional photos and to make proffesional flyers, and I delegated to a person who did my Escrow Files, to transaction coordinators I paid, as I am a great delegator and that’s a fact but I do not have money to delegate and for years since 2011 I said “I need money to rent a stop traffick office and to hire assistants”and I have worked hard to make that money by many letters I have emailed. by faxing, posting, business plans by Prophet writing in a medium trance from 4 am til midnight non stop for years, by posting on my wordpresses and emailing out my posts by my 4 facebooks, twitters, tumblr, 100 youtubes, many sound clouds and pod casts, and by publishing a thousand aritcles I wrote on and no money comes.