BE CAREFUL of warnings about future disaster.
Thousands of groups and individuals are posting WARNINGS and advice on the internet with instructions on how to prepare for approaching disasters by praying. Some instructions also advise readers to join a Christian church. It’s important for readers to know that these instructions usually come from people who think they understand the hidden message of the bible, but in fact have been indoctrinated by their bible teachers into a religious delusion. This leads to a false sense of security. The Messiah of Israel warned that there would be multitudes of false prophets and the truth of these warnings are before our eyes today!
These people have allowed themselves to be convinced that their faith in Jesus, qualifies them to be miraculously saved or removed from the earth immediately before disaster strikes. The truth is that they have been misled by their bible teachers and will be shocked when they find themselves struggling in the midst of the disaster, like most other people. They will be devastated on realizing that their faith was not really based on the bible, but dreamed up by self-deluded people who invented clever theories and propagated these fantasies using the terminology of the bible – the blind leading the blind. This doctrine called “the pre-tribulation rapture” seriously misinterprets the true message, of the Messiah of Israel.
The records of the life and instructions given by the Messiah of Israel and the prophets of old explain that a series of global wars, famines and disasters will eventually erupt and cause death and destructions on a massive scale over a short period of time. A small proportion of the earth’s population will survive to rebuild society and rejuvenate the earth. The new civilization that will be born after destruction of the old and rejuvenation of the natural environment will be far better than the conditions of life that we have today.
There are three possible future destinies for people living on the earth today. Most people will die when the disasters strike. Those few who understand and follow the instructions of the Messiah of Israel, will escape the destruction, although even some of these followers will also die. Small proportions of the earth’s population (communities in remote places who live with little use for modern technology) will also survive and help rebuild and repopulate the earth.
The Messiah of Israel and the prophets of old explain that the destruction of the majority of the earth’s population is the natural consequence of the failure to learn from the mistakes of the past, the failure to learn from nature and take care of the natural environment, and the failure to learn from the wisdom of people who know better than ourselves. The survivors will be mainly those like the Messiah of Israel and the prophets of old, who learn from their mistakes, who learn from history, from nature and from the wisdom of people who know better than ourselves. So it’s important to go and study what those wise men said and wrote, go and practice what they preached, go and prepare yourselves and your families for the coming disasters. And yes, go and pray that you may be ready to escape what is about to take place, but remember that praying is not enough.
The sort of people who spout such nonsense are victims of the state, totally disempowered by the state and the states pet propaganda organisation, usually a mind numbingly stupid religion, but can also be via advertising.. they have lost before they even begin so resort to praying.
Praying for self = the last desperate act of a loser.
Praying for others = an odious pr*ck who can’t be bothered to help other’s personally and are making themselves feel better about their lack of proactivity at other peoples expense.
From the author’s bio:
“He developed and tested a unique new statistical technique for analyzing belief systems and ethical philosophy that can also be applied to contrast subjective perceptions and objective reality. The analysis indicates whether any system of verbal communication includes anything of real knowledge and meaning or is only an obtuse, confusing mish-mash of esoteric nonsense, mumbo-jumbo mysticism or pseudo-science.”
This is intriguing, Mr. Molyneaux. Have you written about this in any of the material you have posted at this website?
From the article:
“…people who think they understand the hidden message of the bible…”
Does that mean they erroneously look for a hidden message in Scripture? Or are you here suggesting the existence of such a message?
“Small proportions of the earth’s population (communities in remote places who live with little use for modern technology) will also survive and help rebuild and repopulate the earth.”
Whence comes your structural support for this claim? I recall nothing in prophecy which suggests what you have stated here.
“The survivors will be mainly those like the Messiah of Israel and the prophets of old, who learn from their mistakes…”
Doubtless the prophets did, but did the Messiah make any mistakes? What were they?
“…who learn from history, from nature and from the wisdom of people who know better than ourselves.”
Which people know better than we do? Doesn’t ‘history’ teach us that learning anything from our supposed ‘superiors in knowledge’ ALWAYS lead us right into unsound doctrine and wrongheaded thinking? Don’t our ‘betters’ always lead us out of the Way and into the wilderness? And if you had in mind the Apostles or the ‘prophets of old’ – when is the last time anyone saw one of those fellas around these parts? How about learning from the Spirit and from the Word, seeking in nature only confirming witness, and frankly understanding that we have no need of being taught by men?
“…remember that praying is not enough.”
True, but let us pray that our FLIGHT be not in winter, nor on the Sabbath day.