Life-Walk Downriver Detroit MI June 22nd 2024 (UDMI-RTL)
“Life-Walk Downriver Detroit MI June 22nd 2024 (UDMI-RTL (Upper-Downriver MIchigan Right-To-Life crew))”…
Hello again all. This is going to be another quasi B4IN CHEAT (JLenardDetroit) article, taking a bit of a short-cut. I just spoke with Debbie Bloomfield, Ed Kroll, and Al Lemmo – therefore, “cheating” rather than writing a piece completely from scratch I will include the Show Video and the Show Transcript (and FYI, I use an online AI Transcription Service therefore the Transcript is likely to have potentially bad sentence structure, some wrong words, mis-spellings, etc.; as AI is pretty good (but not perfect by any means, and therefore over the next several months I will be experimenting/testing a few other options as I have more Shows/episodes and potential B4IN articles based upon them to drop) I know well as a former IT guy that I am, AI ClosedCaption and/or Transcription Services not perfect at grasping overall Context in order to interpret the correct verbiage vocalized to be translated (plus we sometimes are not “clear” in our speaking and pronunciation of terms/words for the Machinery to distinguish it) to text; but it is GREAT at being able to share a Conversation in print and therefore sharing (as is, well, not entirely true, I do indeed make some changes, additions, etc.) below…
CTP (S1EJunSpecial1, 20240605) UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024 BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video (edited)
CTP S1EJunSpecial1 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Wed Jun 5 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1EJunSpecial1) UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024
Program audio issues note – I normally do not like to edit the BTS/SP Video (found on Bitchute, Brighteon, Rumble, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit channels) but today some audio issues (with my Microphone) and therefore have made some Video BTS/SP edits (you will notice there). Speaking with Debbie Bloomfield, Ed Kroll, and Al Lemmo, about the June 22 UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024.
Transcript Bonus: No Transcript Bonus this Episode
Episode related pieces…
- No related corresponding TLB piece this Sat. Jun 5th for this Show/episode (will be corresponding Jun 8 “Is Prayer Alone Enough?” piece for CTP S1E51 Show)
- BeforeItsNews (May 30) piece title/link TBD
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- UDMI-RTL June 22 Life-Walk flyer:
- Post-Event (Mon. Jun. 24) follow-up:
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
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- Joseph M Lenard – ( /
(S1EMaySpecial1 Audio: 43m 07s, Wed May 8 2024)
some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via…
In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.
SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from May 11th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
May 18 – S1E48: Let Left Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
June 5 – S1EJunSpecial1: UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024 discussion
June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough?
June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
Let the Left KEEP PUSHING – whether it be on this (Murdering Children: any time, any place, by anyone (NO Health License required) with a coat-hanger, with zero “inspection” requirements to assure any protections or cleanliness and equipment standards what-so-ever for the Woman (meaning will be more Abortion deaths of Mothers), etc…, and in all BLUE controlled States as part of the farce enacting Child Mutilation with zero Parental consent or even notification, and more) issue, the Grooming of Children (#GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism; recruiting and engaging in #Pedophilia; NOT “tolerance and acceptance” (NOT the “Born this way” narrative but open attempts to indoctrinate others into the Lifestyle) as first demanded and most warned slippery-slope would lead), etc… etc… etc… Eroding Parental-Rights and Protections of INNOCENT CHILDREN is causing a SHIFT in our Nation (to correct the ultra-Leftist loonism many just sat idly by and LET HAPPEN; they didn’t support, but were too lazy/stupid to help stop)…
CTP S1E48 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat May 18 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E48) “Let Left Keep Pushing (Generational Shift Occurring)”
IF you have a Show and looking for Guests, or an “expert” or “Speaker” on a given or set of subjects, you too can likely make use of Podcast Guests List like I do, though Jason and I connected via another Service called MatchMaker.FM, and where I connect with majority of my CTP Show Guests and make arrangements for their appearing on my/the ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics Show – see (my Profile there, by way of example):
Transcription Services below from: - Converter apps AI are not perfect by any means, so yes there will be some “errors” (spellings, grammar, word-choice-translation, etc.) but presented mostly “as-is” from the service….
Speak video ( ( transcription)
Title: CTP-S1-20240605-S1EJunSpecial1-LifeWalk-FullShow-VideoEdited
Created on: 2024-05-30 01:39:16 AM
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Welcome to ChristiTutionalist politics podcast; aka: CTP; in association with the Liberty Beacon .com, and I am your host, Joseph M Lenard, and that’s l e n a r d. CTP is your no muss, no fuss, just me, you and occasional guest type podcast.
I really appreciate you tuning in, and as Graham Norton would say, let’s get on with the show.
Welcome back to ChristiTutionalists podcast.
Thank you for tuning into this special to promote the Life Walk Down River Downriver Detroit for those of you listening outside Michigan or even overseas.
Appreciate you all tuning in. I’ve talked with those in Canada. Of course, they have right to life out let’s say there.
I don’t know offhand, though, if they do a life walk, but at any rate, Debbie running me. Waive, Debbie.
Ed Kroll is next to Debbie Bloomfield, and Al Lemmo is also here. Not limo, Lemmo. And, we’re gonna talk about the Life Walk Downriver. Again, that’s a south suburb.
It’s the Upper Down River Michigan right to life organization. And there is a Southern Down River both for all the suburbs south of Detroit, and the life walk is coming June 22nd And rather than me blab, why don’t I turn it over to you, Debbie? Okay. You’re showing the flyer that’s for those looking on the bitchhoot, brideon, rumble, or YouTube behind the scenes. You could see her holding up the flyer there.
And Oh, looks looks like Debbie’s husband is peeking in. So, Debbie.
Debbie Bloomfield
enter in the oven,
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Well, that’s great. You know? Hey. Just goes to show. This is a normal people talking kind of show. Right? We’re not in buried in professional studios here. Debbie, why don’t you go ahead and tell us a little bit what number life walk. Do you even know this is? How many anniversary?
Debbie Bloomfield
I’ve been doing a life walk. My self personally, probably 34 years, 33 years. But it started before that, with Betty Pivavar, in, probably the 1980s, as a fundraiser. It started out as a bike and hike. And, it was it’s a fundraiser. We asked people to, pledge for us and, that can support us, because the money that we raise will be helping to promote the life issues from conception to natural death in our whole area, as you say, Southern Down River, but also Detroit, or or south of Detroit.
And, our influence extends beyond because we do a newsletter and things. And so it helps to pay for our newsletter, helps to buy billboards.
It helps to send information to schools. We sponsor, a pro life oratory contest high school students. And it helps to sponsor that, with prizes.
We just had a contest this last, last month. And we had some great participants in the contest.
You can I don’t know if there’s enough light on that to see?
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. Well, of course, people could go to No. Udmidashrtl. That’s the shortcut to the Upper Down River Michigan right to life website. That I’m webmaster for. A copy of that newsletter you can find under news and indeed see pictures from the oratory contest under the news tab oratory contest results.
So this has been going since the eighties, you said then.
Debbie Bloomfield
Right. Right. It’s all to we’re a part of right to life of Michigan. And right to life of Michigan, we we also support them, while we have a monthly rent that we pay, And that’s so that we can keep the office going.
We we work with the legislative, lobbyists for right to life of Michigan that work with the legislature.
And we help to support that because we understand that the law helps people to under to for people who have no faith basis for morality, the law sort of dictates the community morality.
I mean, that’s why we don’t have I mean, why murder is illegal why, we have to drive on the right hand side of the road.
All of these things are to make, life in in the community, function more or in a more orderly fashion.
But of course people do break laws and but but we want the laws to reflect real morality, which is the natural law, which is god’s given law that life is sacred.
From the moment of conception until natural death. And even after death, how we care for the human body is reflects that respect that we have for each person as the humanity is the apex of creation.
We are. We have.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Of course. Pardon? Of course, as we accept as god given creature on this planet. Although I have said on this program many times, Yeah. Ultimate right wing is anarchy. We don’t out of for themselves in laws at that can’t work as a society, but we also post lifeline fascism which is top down federal tyranny overall.
And then, like, on on planet. I’m not advocating that there is alien life or not, but I’m just saying Genesis does not say, and god created life on earth and only on earth life created It doesn’t say that.
It doesn’t preclude life on other planets.
Al Lemmo
Well, I’ll chime out altogether in just a couple minutes here. I, recommend though if you wanna have a a very, logical and, I I guess you call it, edge of, I’m almost professorial discourse on morality and law, and where it all comes from.
I happen to be browsing through Great Prager University (Prager-U) on the internet here last night, last couple nights. He is just excellent.
He goes to the each of the 10 commandments in a in an unbelievable, unbelievably impressive way.
And then what their meeting is and the original meeting and what got lost in translation and how to look at it and how it applies across the board in every society.
And, it’s well worth your time as far as, describing the contributions from, the ancient Hebrews and the people who uh-uh, put down the inspired word of god in the Bible and, how that kinda got together with, the more, secular philosophers from Athens and how all that came together and and established the the western tradition.
At any rate, he’s he’s got an unbelievable collection of stuff there. I I can’t believe what what this guy has done, but anyway, well worth it. Highly recommended.
You might even put it in your newsletter there, Debbie. Anyway, I’m gonna, call it a night here.
Got some other things I gotta take care of after a little bit of a break
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Alright. Well, thanks for joining briefly, Al.
Al Lemmo
Alright. Thanks for getting us together, Joe.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Appreciate that. And, yeah, Prager-U is great. But to what Al you were saying, too, Penn of Pennantail teller, professed atheist is not a hate religion type atheist like both ace are.
He agrees that, you know, you don’t have to have faith and religion for morality, but it helped and pen does, but pen does not object as a nonbeliever to our Judeo Christian Ethos Foundations.
And most of our laws being based on biblical. The way he sees it, it’s just positive members of society.
He can’t deal from you and you can’t steal from him. That to him was just good societal norm.
Al Lemmo
Well, Debbie mentioned natural law earlier, and I think that’s where that’s coming from. Yeah. Anyway, good night folks.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Also, Well, let me conclude my thought on Penn. Also, obviously, murder. You have no right to take his life or him yours. And our whole point here, no right to take a life in a womb. It is not reproductive health. Reproduction has already occurred.
Your contraceptive rights exist before the reproduction occurs. That is health care. Once the child is is just steding in the womb.
It has its own DNA, its own blood type, its own organs. It is not of the mother, it is in the mother’s womb.
Having been conceived, fertilized egg from the sperm That is a new and separate life. Right? The My Body My Choice Dodge is ridiculous.
It’s your body when it’s your kidney. Do what you want with it. Your liver. Do what you want with. You need a heart transplant. Sure.
That’s part of your body, your choice. Vaccinations, though, however, the left you know, it isn’t your body, your choice then when they wanna force a jab on you, but that’s off the topic.
Anyway, let’s bring Ed in here. What would you like to say about the life walk ad getting us back. Get us back on track, Ed.
I went down another dumb rabbit hole.
Ed Kroll
Oh, well, life walks a great great idea. We get together. We have a potluck afterwards. And I think the message we try to bring to people is that it’s all right to be pro life.
If they listen to most of the popular legacy stations, they they get the wrong message. They may feel that it’s right to be pro life, gee, nobody else is.
Come come to the life walk, Talk. Listen with us. People like you, who believe in the right to life.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Very, very well stated, Ed. I’m glad you said it. That way in that manner. And I’ve got a show that just dropped a little while ago. Let the left keep pushing. A generational shift is occurring. And, Debbie, you mentioned the oratory contest.
That is a perfect example of how our younger generations are moving to the right, are moving towards life moving towards freedom as opposed to communistic.
You know, you mentioned morals of, like, the community. Community standards are different than communist dictates. Right.
I you know
Debbie Bloomfield
It’s searching for the truth. And we need to encourage them to search for the truth.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. And our youth are doing that. They’re moving away from the indoctrination they’re giving the schools and the oratory contest shows that many of them are becoming live. Cause again, like, Hillary Clinton bastardized the it takes a village. It takes a village is a community standard.
A biblical standard in the sense that, you know, if I have a child, which I never did, but, you know, to babysit that child, I might need Debbie or I might need Ed or I might need the neighbor’s kid, right, to give me a break or if I’ve something to do or go, or you may need a day care center if both parents work.
So community and it takes a village in that sense is way different than the Hillary, as I call her, it takes the state to raise a child.
She wants your children to be wards of the state whereas we as life members defend parental rights. So I’ve opened up that rabbit hole.
Why don’t we go down that parental rights?
Debbie Bloomfield
Well, absolutely. Parents are the primary educators of their children. They are the 1st teachers of their children. And Parents have the responsibility to end the desire to share their values their ideas with their children to pass them on. Children are our legacy.
And, I’m proud grandmother and watching my grown children now as they raise their children and see those values being expanded and shared.
And, with the love of god, the love of caring for one another, following the golden rule. So, we invite families to participate in the life walk.
It’s in Windot on Saturday morning, June 22nd. So Windot, Michigan, if you’re anywhere near Southeast Michigan, You can come and join us.
We’ll be at Bishop Park at 10 o’clock. Bishop Park is lovely, park right on the Detroit River. And there there is a shelter there will be under the shelter.
And you can bring your potluck picnic food and we’ll go on the walk from 11 10:30 to 11:30.
And then everybody, though even those that cannot come on the walk, older people, to, those that are unable to do the walk will be able to join us for the picnic and the fellowship.
So it’s a family event. We want lots of families to come. We’ll have balloons and t shirts, and we walk through parts of the city, to highlight some of the, life affirming, organizations Windot Hospital has a, Memorial Garden, and we’ll stop there.
And then we’ll go on, Saint Patrick, St. Joseph’s church. We’re taught we’re in touch with a couple of other churches waiting to get, formal approval.
We’ll be going by them anyway. But we want them to participate. We want their we want the members from various churches, various, denominations to join us.
We expect the Lutheran and, hope hopefully the Methodist will join us this year. And, and we’re inviting people from Bishop Coop, the senior citizen residency to come to the picnic. And, it’ll be it’ll be fun for everyone. Evolve interest.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
At any rate, the the the listeners at home will get that. It’s a verbal tick I’ve developed and now I have it. That’s an ongoing running joke. You know, a lot of, you know, as a podcaster, you gotta avoid the oz and the ohms, pauses, and the dead air.
But I started saying at any rate, as I said, when So now I do it as a joke to laugh at myself.
Poke fun at how stupid I can be at any rate. Let’s see. I that’s the segue.
So in add any rate to go back and mention the potluck before I go back to the potluck with Ed.
There’s a raffle, right, because I remember I brought raffle tickets to the last, u d m I r t o meeting so that we could raffle off what?
Debbie Bloomfield
We have a blanket of our with the image of our lady of Guadalupe. But it’s, one of the, I don’t know what it is around the corner, but, it’s
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Well, also the blanket and it So
Debbie Bloomfield
Right. So the blanket, it it’s one of it’s those, fuzzy kind, fleece, fleece. Yeah. And and it’s it’s nice and big and, beautiful. Can you find the the up there, Ed?
Ed Kroll
No. I don’t see them.
Debbie Bloomfield
All the way on the on the left corner. Left Fort Foreman from the bookcase.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Well, we’re not live, but we are a member accident. You’re gonna get, like, I always joke about my shaw. Raw, and then filtered blemishes at all. This isn’t gonna be cut out. This is all gonna stay in.
Debbie Bloomfield
Oh, forgot about the raffle until you mentioned it. So I’m glad we need to we need we, offering a prize of of I think a $100 to the person who brings in the most pledges, or a team.
And we have for $50. Ah, there we go. I’m here. We have it. Thank you. See our lady of Guadalupe.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. That’s So totally in focus.
Debbie Bloomfield
I mean, if I hold it back a little bit, the image, or maybe if I hold it, so that’s what you’re seeing.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yep. I I think they’ve got a good idea of it now. Even though it isn’t perfectly in folk.
Debbie Bloomfield
This image is came and delay our lady appeared in 1531 in Mexico. To Juan, Juan Diego, just, native Mexican This image, she she was on he was, going to to on his way to church.
He he was a a Christian convert had, the Franciscan missionaries that were there in Mexico that came with the conquistadors.
Were sharing the truth of the of the Catholic face with the native people And he was on his way to church and here’s this beautiful young woman in December, and she asked him to have a chapel built there to go and tell the bishop.
She would like a chapel. Well, he went to the bishop and they wouldn’t even give him an audience. With the bishop in Mexico City.
And so he went back and then he saw her again on in the way back and that she still wanted it.
So the next day then oh, the bishop wanted proof. He wanted proof. He says, bring me roses. And so, because roses were from Spain where he was from.
And so she she told him she told Juan Diego go go go pick the roses up there, bring them. He put them in his his, cape.
Called a tilma that was made out of cactus cloth, from the cactus fibers. And so he spunted around forward.
So he had like an apron, and she arranged the roses into the into the cape. And or his tilma.
And then he went back to see the bishop, and they are the the people attending the bishop 1. What’s in there? What’s in there? No. No. You wouldn’t show.
You know, I I can only do this for the bishop. When he got to the bishop, he opened up his tilma And the image of the lady who had arranged the flowers was was imprinted on the tilma.
It is still there. It is on exhibit in Mexico City almost 500 years ago. And it’s and it hasn’t even disintegrated. And, it’s a it’s truly miraculous.
And, but she is pregnant there. The So when the Indian, the native people saw this image, they knew that she was worshiping god. Her hands are are in prayer.
And she has a little tiny cross on a broach on her neck. So they knew that she was not the god they were familiar with lots of gods and stuff, but that she was she was praying to a more powerful god.
And so
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
The monotheism (Christ) faith
Debbie Bloomfield
9,000,000 people were converted and became Catholic were baptized soon after that and it stopped the sacrifice of infants for all life. And so she is our patroness of, pro life work.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Amen as Jesus came to fulfill the Jewish scriptures and became the final blood sacrifice, which is why we also don’t sacrifice animals like we used to in the old testament that he didn’t come to supplant or replace the old testament. He came to fulfill Though that aspect of it was indeed replaced because, again, he became the final blood sacrifice.
But add back to the potluck because, indeed, I have a heart valve issue, so I won’t be participating in the life either myself.
So anyone else in right to life in other states or any other nation, whatever, if you’re considering doing life walk.
I highly recommend to do, like, to do here in the Upper Down River, Michigan, right to life life walk.
Have a pot luck somewhere afterward so that people like me who can’t actually walk can still come and participate afterward. And as edge, say gather with like minded people.
See, you are not alone. Despite the me media, the Anna media, the leftist media, the pro baby murder media, wanting you to think you’re such a small minority We’re not.
We are again the silent majority, and that’s part of what this show is about.
Getting people off their bucks and not being a silent majority, many more, being a vocal majority.
Like, we the potluck again, go ahead and and tell us a bit more about that again?
Ed Kroll
I’m gonna bring a boiled wheat salad. Hopefully.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Got it. Is that something healthy? I don’t want something healthy as.
Ed Kroll
Well, when you taste Pretty sweet. When you taste it, you will see the boiled weed is the least part of it. Yeah, it’s it’s
Debbie Bloomfield
marshmallow, isn’t it? But
Ed Kroll
No. Cool. Yeah. Cool whip and condensed milk and,
Debbie Bloomfield
just some Pineapple. Pineapple.
Ed Kroll
And then boiled wheat. Which is the smallest part, but it gives it that crunch.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
So Okay. Oh, I pineapple and that’s fine. Don’t try putting it on a pizza you’re trying to give
Ed Kroll
Oh, no. No. It’s just pork. No.
Debbie Bloomfield
I think I’ll probably bring a taco salad.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Had it last week. My sister makes taco trails are very good. They hold up really well. Cause we don’t know how warm or cool it will be at June It is Michigan we’re talking about here. It could be snowing in June. I’m just kidding.
Of course, I actually looked that up a couple weeks ago because we always joke. Hey. It’s Michigan. Don’t like the weather. 8:10 minutes. It’ll change. Right? But I looked it up mid May supposedly for southeast Michigan is at the latest it snowed. So today, we’re recording on May 29th, some behind the scenes there.
This will air pretty soon because again, the life walk, June 22nd, I want this to air, obviously, as far in advance as possible to get the work out.
The whole point of having this CTP special. But, yeah, mid May is the latest on record since we more or less paid attention that it snowed.
So sixties, seventies, eighties, it could be the nineties out. Who knows? We don’t know till we get there. Right?
Debbie Bloomfield
Right. And if people would like to support us, I was in the process and I I got distracted with my garden, couple of days ago, of coming up with a link so that people could make donations online, even if they cannot come and join us in person.
And when they do that, then we will add their, email to our distribution list when we do our newsletter and or I don’t know if they can contact you, through your Constitution list politics.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
they they can, of course, go to, the website. Again, There is a donate button there. I don’t remember exactly how I set it up that they would donate. There is, of course, the membership form on there. Also, if they wanna print that out, send in a donation for the membership, we will then add you to the newsletter and that.
But once you have that link, please get it together soon, Debbie. I will, of course, include that two notes, which will be in the transcript of go at. Please.
Debbie Bloomfield
Appreciate your help. We really do appreciate your help here. Terrific.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Well, I to many people. You know, I I’m older. Lower. My health just allow me to do what I could do before. I’ve had to retreat behind the keyboard. So Since I’ve got the show now, obviously, I can make use of it to promote Ply flock. Right?
Debbie Bloomfield
Well, thank you. That’s wonderful. We appreciate it. And, and again, like I say, it will support our our efforts in Southeast Michigan and in in the whole state. And especially during this election year, we will be it will be important that we promote and help to encourage, our elected representatives to to support parents.
I mean, parents want the rights of of, being being involved with the decisions of their daughters, and especially parental consent, if if an abortion is requested.
And so many times with the pregnancy resource centers, it’s a it’s a matter of needing some sort of solution for some other problem. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
And, we want to help these moms. To be
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
I’m I’m so glad you mentioned the crisis pregnancy centers. We have Lincoln Park crisis pregnancy Saturday.
Debbie Bloomfield
But now call the resource center. Oh, thank you. Call it crisis pregnancy anymore because It’s even from families, married, husbands and wives are part of they they come when they need help.
And certainly depending on job situations or, whatever the family situation is, that the resource centers want to help support families and support moms.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. And I’m glad I’m glad you’ve given me that correction to her new rebranding.
Debbie Bloomfield
New terminology. Right.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. But I I almost forgot. I wanted to mention, shout out to WAAM radio, especially Phil Stargill of the abolitionist round Saturdays 9 AM and pastor Richard Clark Dietering, who used to have moment of clarity 1 o’clock on Saturday.
You could go to, listen live. Their Saturday shows are mostly live unlike most other stations that play re recordings of previously run shows, but I’m giving them a shout out because when I was a member of the Wayne 12 congressional district public committee with in conjunction with and help shout out to pastor Jeff Jones of God family room and doctor Richard Zeilek, pastor at, or minister.
I’m I’m not sure his correct technical pastor After. At the Saint John’s also in Taylor. Us to have a pro life event to support the park crisis pregnancy center.
Now it’s called Resource Center. Can you hear me, Debbie?
Debbie Bloomfield
It cut out. We couldn’t hear. I hope it’s all recorded, though. I hope it’s all dated properly.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Sometimes things happen during the record, but usually the cording does get it all. But again, the Wayne 12th, we did with, god’s family room, mostly a 3 different events over 3 years to raise funds for the LPCPC as it was called at the time.
[transcription note: the 2019 and 2020 flyers for these events are at the bottom of this article (2021 file size too large B4IN would not allow (also note that images are stripped from B4IN articles after 1 year (to conserve Archived items space requirements) as the articles are moved to Archive Servers))]
As you said, now they’re now the LP resource center, but to get diapers and formula and things.
Because again, we’re we’re about life and the left tries to say, we abandoned people once the baby pops out. Couldn’t be further from the truth.
Debbie Bloomfield
Well yeah. I was a part of, just a week ago, the motor city baby shower, and that was in Detroit. And seventy mothers And a lot of families of few fathers were were there, was it was a lovely, lovely event.
They had car seats, pack and place, bedding, diapers, formula, information about natural family planning, information, even about banking, and preschool preschool information. Lots of information. 20 booths.
And I was just one of the 20. And the moms, then they did some drawings and gave away lots and lots of resources, beautiful new things, and a great help to these
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
And, again, you could go to l and under news, you could see what Debbie was talking about. We have that on our website, pictures from that event, and I almost forgot. Let me fit it.
Now the wham I’m shouting out to because Pastor Rick and Phil were kind enough to do a remote broadcast from family god’s family room over the wham airwaves when pastor cat his moment of clarity show at 1 o’clock, which helped promote life and promote the resource centers and that.
So with all that, let me turn it over to Ed for any final thoughts and then we’ll you’re shaking your head now for for the benefit transcript, Ed Schick is his head.
No. No. No. No. Don’t come to but I’m coming to you again anyways.
Ed Kroll
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. Any final thoughts?
Ed Kroll
My thoughts, we we invited people from the co op because we were for all life from conception till natural death, And if we look to our north, we can see things that may be coming here, in Canada, you may ask for a medical procedure to ease your pain or save your life. And instead, they offer you assisted suicide much cheaper. $20 to kill you, maybe 20,000 to ease your pain, keep you alive.
We we we’re for all life from natural from conception to natural death. So that’s why we invited the people from the from the coop just key corner from the park to come to our our life walk.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
June 22nd. Please contact any local right to life agency near you ask if they have a life walk. Ours is June 22nd, again, wind up Michigan. Right? How how does the hand thing work right? Southeast Michigan, Detroit, right? There There’s the UP.
Debbie Bloomfield
I can give you an easier e an easier website to remember. And you can always look up up or downriver in the affiliates. So and that’ll lead us to the website that that with all the letters that you could give me.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Yeah. Yeah. Art for up or downriver, am I for Michigan, obviously, dash rtl for right to life. Is is good a shortcut if I could create our our our real website name through Wix we have our system for free.
It’s it’s a big long at any rate. Thank you all for tuning in. Hope everybody made it to the end, of course. Thank you, Debbie Bloomfield.
You’re what president or chair of
Debbie Bloomfield
Ed is president of Upper Downriver right to life. I’m vice president.
Joseph M Lenard (Host)
Okay. I I got that backwards. So thank you both for joining and a thank you to Al who chimed in for at least a little bit. Anyone lending their voice to this. Certainly appreciate. Please mark your calendar, June 22nd, again, contact any right to life in your area regardless of the state or providence in Canada. I know they’re there.
If you have them in your areas in England and France and Spain, I’ve got listeners all over. Check with them.
If they don’t have a life walk, have them check out our website, get our flyer, reach out. [email protected]. Right?yandot, that’s w y a n [email protected].
Of course, I will include that. Shown out to the transcript at Buzzproud for Anthony to see, reach out.
Maybe we can help you to start a life walk where you are. No matter what country you’re in, we need to stand for life now more than ever.
Thank you all for tuning in. Take care. God bless. Thank you for having tuned in for Kristitutionalist Politics Show.
If you haven’t already, please check out my primary internet all your available book, terror strikes coming soon to a city near you available anywhere books are sold If you have locally run bookstore still near you, they can order it for you, or autograph copies are available online direct from me via tear strikes that info slash shop.
Be sure to check out more about today’s discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday, and let me remind over time, the fancy high production items will come, but for now, for starters, it’s just you as a very appreciated listener by me.
All substitutes, no fluff, no fancy high production intro or inserts, at least yet, just straight to key discussion points, a show that looks at a variety of topics mostly politics through a Christian US constitutionalist lens.
So, again, thank you from the bottom of my heart Take care. God bless. Like and subscribe to Kristitutionalist politics podcast and share episodes.
We need your help to grow the show. Just wanted to give a brief shout out and thank you to all the folks on Iheartradio and player FM for being 2 in the top three platforms that my show, constitutionalist politics is most often listened to.
So thank you all. Take care. God bless.
END Speak video ( ( transcription)
BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: No Transcript Bonus this episode
- Post-Event (Mon. Jun. 24) follow-up (including photos from Event day Downtown Wyandotte MI):
LOOK BACK and SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (planned going forward from May 11th – June 22nd) already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
- May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence
- May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring
- May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were)
- June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State
- June 5 – S1EJunSpecial1: UDMI-RTL Life-Walk 2024 discussion
- June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropping]
- June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats
- June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
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SCOTUS engaged in ANOTHER DODGE – PUNT issue.
Dismissed (9-0) on STANDING* “distortion” #Abortion #Pill Case. The Doctors in question had/have Standing in several senses as THEY ARE DIRECTLY EFFECTED as Law violates their 1A Free exercise of Religion and OBJECTIONS and THAT they then cannot be FORCED to engage in Baby Murder and even beyond that….
IF, when, where, someone KILLED in say Car Accident, others HAVE STANDING to STAND IN for DECEASED – same PRECEDENT. Murdered Children cannot STAND for selves, others can, others have been allowed before, SCOTUS again wanted to DODGE/PUNT on merits of Case actual arguments. We will be here again, with another Case, and STANDING will eventually be PROPERLY GRANTED.
Just as SCOTUS Cowardice punted on STANDING ISSUES (that completely turned STANDING GROUNDS PRECEDENCES on their Head) back with the TX V BATTLEGROUNDS Election issue knowing the evidence submitted then would clearly dictate PRECEDENCE RULE and New Elections ordered where LAWS VIOLATED (as Courts have many times before on lower Court and just lessor Election scale). They knew, they didn’t like WHAT KNEW WOULD BE OUTCOME so PUNTED on made up twisted convoluted STANDING excuse dismissal.