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#POLITICO is targeting me (@JLenardDetroit - and other #Conservatives) on #Twitter... #TheMighty200....

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[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
includes section on FREE SPEECH assaults and advocacy]

You’ll get a HOOT out of this, #POLITICO is making me “FAMOUS!” lol
LOL… Thanks to #POLITICO for getting me a whole bunch of new Followers on #Twitter (up 3k as of 2/28, and still climbing) that can and do clearly see that I am not a #BOT (like their sub-link: … tries to dismiss us all as)! They cannot deal with our FACTUAL POSTS and therefore try to dismiss us! If you are a Conservative or Republican (of any persuasion) you should definetly consider following all they identify there-in.

[update/notice: B4IN ARCHIVES articles 1 year after Publication, so all related images may have been stripped and therefore potentially some much needed context and/or related thoughts that were conveyed by the image(s) (something B4IN does to articles after 1 year of age to save space on Archive Server). I will try to Archive the images themselves and have them accessable via PARLER!]

And be sure to check out the main article that the above is a sub-link of: as originally pointed out to me by a new Twitter follower of mine (TEX) who followed me solely because Politico ID’d me as an obvious threat to them and their Liberal agenda (see image below)! [NOTE: Mar 18 2019 update: thanks to @He-remainder-redacted for having captured an archive in case if the original source location becomes an issue @ (captured Feb 22 2019)][UPDATE: Mar 21 2019: Politico clings to #RussianCollusion & #RussianBots #Delusional #FalseNarrative peddling it still again in another SPIN story about "hashtag" "investigations" see:]
I consider it such a great HONOR, to be deemed such an enemy of and threat to Liberalism, that they called me out so much more personally and directly THIS TIME? This time? Yes, previously I was only kinda/sorta targeted by way of the Group (Rattle With Us – TEA Party of S.E. Michigan) of which I am a part of (currently the Writers Group Chair, there), when a Local Liberal Newspaper attacked us. That, only emboldened us, empowered us, made our Voice even more CREDIBLE and POWERFUL, and grew our ranks/membership – just as the Politico attack will do for all of us targeted on Twitter. That Paper’s attack also inspired me to write the Article – Dealing With BrainDead Liberals @
[Image above: @Jali_Cat tweet about #The200 (image archive link:]
As for Politico thinking I’m some Cultist, rather a principled Conservative…. Fact is, and those of you that have known me a long time, know that there are actually times I have been “tough” (some of you have said I may be being too “harsh” in some cases) on President Trump (and countless other Republicans). I am actually, at times, HARDER on Republicans than Democrats, cuz my fellow #GOP folks should know better and stop caving to Liberals all the time. POLITICO is not interested in those Posts (how I actually try to be IMPARTIAL at times regarding what is in the News), but just what fits their agenda, and they understand/know with 100% certainty that I WILL ALWAYS OPPOSE #LIBERALISM / #SOCIALISM (no matter who peddles it)! That is what makes ALL OF US (I just happen to be one target they try to (#Alinsky) polarize and dismiss), it is all about trying to marginalize all of you/us #Conservatives!!
see:  I’m #CONSERVATIVE (1st/foremost) #Republican (2nd) – stand by any #POTUS when deserving and criticize when I feel necessary (with ANY/ALL Politicians)!   @ /v3/republican/2018/2444930.html
and just a short-list of some of the articles from me:
and you can find other Articles by me via online search!

In fact, if you JUDGE based upon my online Articles, you might actaully get an improper perception and think me anti-Trump (or silly/moronic #TDS/#NeverTrump emotional rectionary compelled by Hate (as most cases with Liberals and even some former reasonable/thinking/rational (now just emotional wrecks) that oppose Trump on everything just to be contrarian), which is untrue, or anti- any number of people/things (except firm anti-LIBERALISM). It is just that it often requires far more words and explination as to why you disagree with someone than a quick tweet or FB Post (which works just fine to lavish praise, a sense of agreement, and maybe a brief point on why you are in support)! I praise when deserving, IMO, and there are plenty of times I think he is deserving of Praise, but (again) I just don’t feel compelled to right long reasons/explinations why when I’m in agreement with President Trump or any other Politician for that matter!

As for being part of #TheMighty200 targeted, I, and I know several of my other #200List-ers know (frankly bet all would say), WE know that this is NOT ABOUT US. We are just a small sampling and respresentation OF ALL OF YOU – we just happen to be this #The200List and if they get us all banned from Twitter then there will be another 200 list, and another, and another, IT IS ABOUT ALL CONSERVATIVES!
And speaking about being BANNED….. Friends of Politico hit-list (the targeted 200)… Important thought/idea… If you like something we’ve tweeted, consider CUT/PASTE into one of your own new tweets! Why? Cuz if they suspend us our tweet and your RT will disappear (but will remain if you CUT/PASTE/SHARE on your TL)! Even better yet, if you know how to do it, some are starting to do SCREEN-SHOTS of Tweets from a #200List-er (like I did with Tex’s tweet below), that way the full tweet, intact, can be shared and you’ll have the full tweet character space to add your own additional commentary! They may be able to disapper us 200, but if you follow this suggestion, they will NOT be able to erase all our Work!!!
[Fri 3/22 update: Also, I understand that a SHOUT-OUT from me to Q-anon is in order?!?! I have been informed that Q has responded to Politico and suggested his followers Follow all us 200 called out by Politico on Twitter! :) Thank you Q! I'm, we the 200, are not getting that kind of LOVE from Hannity or Limbaugh! ;-) :P LOL ... Obviously Politico tried to pad the list with a few real crazies, to try and be able to point to as (phony) representation of the whole group to taint us all as Cultists or Crazies. Q posted what was considered to be a real list of real Conservatives (only about 165 of the full 200) that people may wish to go by instead.]
And if you are also on #Twitter, be sure you follow me there: @JLenardDetroit
Be sure to sign up at GAB also (http://GAB.AI), in case we do indeed all get banned by Twitter, and look me up there too also as @JLenardDetroit
I know most are not members of #B4IN and not about to join just to make a comment. This was originally a Facebook Post and if you want to join in on the Fun people are having in the comments feel free to join in at:
And what better way for President Trump to further counter the #RussianCollusion Delusion and #RussianBots false-narratives and have #TheMighty200 all to the White House?!?!
[Image above: Me tweeting about Trump should invite us to the WhiteHouse to counter RussianBots False narratives (image archive link:]
If you yourself are one of the targeted by Politico, please consider doing the following as we are all trying to link ourselves in the following fashion. Use #TheMighty200 hat image (‘I’ll include a clean/clear image of it below this paragraph that you can than save and update your Profile) to make as your Banner like we are/have! Also, while you’re editting your Profile, please consider adding “I am 1 of #TheMighty200″ or at least “#TheMighty200″ hastag as a lead in to whatever your current HandleTag is now (you can see my @JLenardDetroit Twitter Bio as an example). Lastly, adding at least “#ImOneOfThePoliticoTargeted” and “#TheMighty200″ hashtags into your Bio and any of the additional related hashtags: “#The200″ “The200List” “#200List” if you can squeeze them in also. I/we understand you not wanted to destroy your entire existing BIO items in order to do so!
Here is the Hat image for Background:
[Image above: #TheMighty200 hat for use as Twitter banner image (image archive link:]
Also, if you’re one of #TheMighty200, if you occasionally tag/sign some of your more hard-hitting/poignant tweets with “#TheMighty200″ it will serve as a repository and focal point for some who may not decide to follow all of us but still interested in topics we are highlighting! Exponentially extended our reach/effectiveness!
Unrelated, but I want to share: Friends, NOT same old/tired rerun/repeat #CONSERVATIVE #TALKRADIO on #Saturday…. Tune in Saturdays (LIVE, online link below) for #LIVE #WAAM #Shows: 9a #AbolitionistsRoundtable 1p #TheDrift 2p #MomentOfClarity (I usually call in: “Joe from Wyandotte”) – Located #AnnArbor #Michigan (#Detroit #MI suburb) these Shows mainly deal in #Patriot #USA #Conservative  National related #Politics!  Again while, more/less Detroit Station, call in (734-822-1600) like #Jazmine from #Chicago often does.
LASTLY, as a bit of an aside, fellow CONSERVATIVES and lovers of the Constitution should join the Wayne-12 CDRC on March 4th for “Constitution Celebration #230″ with a focus on the 13th (Freed Slaves), 14th (Citizenship Rights), and 15th (Race no Bar to Vote), Amendments (known as the ReConstruction and/or Republican Amendments) — more info at:
[Image above: Me RT'g (with comment) @Tex_968 tweet, as he was the first one to give me a heads-up that I was being targeted by Politico (image archive link:]
[Image above: My "Proof of Life" image, showing I'm real, not a Bot, holding my #TheMighty200 #NotABot sign.  (image archive link:]
If anyone you come across mentioned they’d really like to follow all #TheMighty200 but they are already following 5k and have less than 5k followers (the dreaded Twitter Ratio Rule Zone) there is now something they can do….. or, if for any reason you are TRAPPED BY TWITTER’S ABRITRARY “TWITTER RATIO?” Cuz you are at 5k Following but below that in “Followers?” SOLUTION: You no longer have to arbitrarily go thru you list and guess at who isn’t worthy of being followed….. I highly recommend they use – i finally found a USEFUL (easy to use, simple instructions/operations) TOOL to ID folks they may follow that haven’t tweeted in say the last 365 days (any # days criteria allowed) so they can clear inactive folks to add all of us!! :)
[Image above: partial image, capture of section of original image showing #The200 targeted by Politico's Twitter avatars. (image archive link:]
Found (pic) in Aug 2016 history (part of time-frame Politico seemed so obsessed w/ #Conservative Tweets 4 targets)! I may not have had, & really still don’t yet, have many in my #Official #Followers list…. BUT LOOK AT MY (REALLY OUR) REACH…. Like I said elsewhere, this is not about me or we(200) but all of us TOGETHER doing what it takes to spread the word …
[Image above: My SumAll report showing my 8.32M retweet reach, the likely reason why Politico feared me (over many others that may have more followers but not this reach). (image archive link:]
IN CLOSING, and important to Note: While I have tried to express a sense of firmness of Resolve in the Face of being targeted and put forth a Brave Face – I have to SERIOUSLY SAY THAT THIS CAUSES GREAT CONCERN, STRESS, AND FEAR! We all have seen what has happened when the Left has called out folks on Social Media Platforms (Twitter, FaceBook, etc) and VIOLENT ACTIONS (see related: /v3/tea-party/2018/2615003.html) taken by sympathetic Left-wing allies (whether acting as individuals or as part of #BlackLivesMatter and/or #AntiFa (so mis-named) MOBS) to actually engage in VIOLENCE and PHYSICAL ASSUALTS/ATTACKS upon Trump supporters! So far I’ve been “safe” but this could easily change at any given moment (as I pointed out earlier the History of VIOLENCE of/from/by the Left upon Trump supporters and/or actions #BLM/#AF engages in towards those previously “deemed enemies” (outed on Social Media outlets, for targeting. Famously, Property Damage at Tucker Carlson’s Home and threats made (not fully enacted upon, yet) by Leftists toward Tucker’s Wife and Children who had to Barricade themselves inside while under such Assault(s).And as many other well Publicized examples can be referenced.
[Image above: @AmyMek tweet - more Twitter targeting. (image archive link:]
You all have seen the Videos of Students being physically assaulted on Campuses all across USA, people at local establishments just trying to have a peaceful meal, etc…..
I didn’t want to pile too much more in and update the piece again, so if you’re interested in even more thoughts –> check the COMMENTS SECTION!!
[Image above: My tweet joking about the the #MuellerInvestigation cannot be officially over! I was never interviewed regarding #TheMighty200 supposed #RussianBots #RussianCollusion. LOL (image archive link:]

Are you a #SocialMedia #PowerUser too?!?! I float between #FaceBook, #Spreely, #MeWe, #PolitiChat, #Parler (spend most my time here), #GAB, and #Twitter!! Look me up on all those platforms you also frequent…. either Joseph Lenard or @ JLenardDetroit across all platforms!

And, MOST ALL (some exceptions) that Follow me on GAB, Twitter, Parler, I will auto-follow-back!

No, I’m not leaving the other Platforms, cuz frankly that is where the Battle mainly continues to RAGE, and you cannot win a #WAR if you don’t go engage the #enemy and reach as many as possible to try and #TurnTheTide!

Think about @usminority’s #WalkAway movement… We are reaching some Folks… As the #Democrats get WEIRDER AND WEIRDER and now undeniably 100% #Socialists, some now #WalkAwayFromDemocrats (and we must reach out to those folks)!



TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 


Days Like These I Feel Like I Can Change The World….

————- MON SEP 27 2021 UPDATE….

If your response to the known #VoterFraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022, THEN YOU ARE A #MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if #MORONS won’t #GOTV, they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID


Let’s just pretend that 160M people did vote in last Election, there are 330Mish #USCitizens in USA (but, yes, of course, not all are of age to Vote)… It is reported that between 50-60% OF ALL CHRISTIANS are STILL NOT VOTING (most of which are Conservatives, likely Constitutionalists, except for the FAKE CHRISTIANS like Biden, Pelosi, et al (see related:! There are PLENTY of Folks that HAVE NOT GOT OFF THEIR ASSES YET and are still part of the Problem.

As the Canadian Rock group RUSH tune says: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice —- or, let me add: allowed one to be FORCED UPON YOU!


YOU, if YOU are already involved, MUST BECOME EVEN MORE INVOLVED.
Applications/Forms at:  




THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU’VE MADE IT TO THE END, SOME PEOPLE WILL NOT READ THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH. PERHAPS YOU KNOW SOME THAT PREFER VLOGS?!?! So, here a few Jan 2022 ones that I hope you’ll watch and SHARE with those you know will NOT bother to read blogs. I am trying to do a few more vlogs now, so do not be surprised if you see a low view count (on one platform, cuz others may be seeing them on OTHER VIDEO (like Vimeo, Rumble, Brighteon) PLATFORMS instead….




TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



Appreciate this or other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 



I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!

It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.

Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.




ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast now available
News/Opinion-cast (weekly/weekend) from a Christian U.S.Constitution perspective


CMT crumbles to Cancel Culture, pulls video:
And what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just Foreign Terrorists but USA Leftist Terrorism within & destruction of Western-Culture (as whole, not just US)
#JasonAldean #BoycottCMT















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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Total 13 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      Amazing the Libtards that run Twitter haven’t used the Politico hit-piece as EXCUSE to permanently ban my account (at least, they haven’t yet)!!

    • JLenardDetroit

      You should definatly consider following all #TheMighty200 identified there-in…. I consider it such a great HONOR, to be deemed such an enemy of and threat to Liberalism! But, I know, we all know, that it is NOT about us, none of us would dare say we are speaking for anyone but ourselves, we are all individuals, but know there are indeed many out there that do think (heavy emphasis on THINK, unlike Democrats that like to tout their FEELINGS) but know there are contless others to do indeed think like we do, therefore we are just a segment they are targeting to try and smear and dismiss all #Conservatives on Twitter!

      • JLenardDetroit

        But it may NOT remain all “Fun and Games” (online banter) as we all know how VIOLENT the Left gets, as many highly publicized events demonstrate – that when they decide you are to be TARGETED any and all methods (including Property destruction and Physical harm) to try and Silence are often brought to bear!

    • JLenardDetroit

      Well let me say this, thus far, this has been only Good for me, but I’m not foolish enough to think it will remain this way. This is the usual #LeftWing #Alinsky, author of #RulesForRadicals, and all the Dem Elites (just like Murderer Margaret Sanger) Mentor and Hero… They are engaging in DisInformation and Pscyhological Projection (the Socialists always do) by saying WE are the ones engaged in DisInformation. But let me reiterate my concerns of being targeted by LeftWing NutJobs as we’ve all seen the VIOLENCE and EXTREMES that Dem groups like #AntiFa (and #OWS before them) engage in by Doxxing Conservatives and/or Republicans, show up to our Houses, make Public threats of harm, if we will NOT BE SILENT… And, we will NOT be Silent.

      • JLenardDetroit

        But, I have to emphasis again, it may NOT remain all “Fun and Games” (online banter) as we all know how VIOLENT the Left gets, as many highly publicized events demonstrate – that when they decide you are to be TARGETED any and all methods (including Property destruction and Physical harm) to try and Silence are often brought to bear! As I point out (elsewhere) I have Run for Office before and been a target of their wrath – they got one of my Utilities SHUT-OFF and I had to get it turned back on (since having to put extra security protections on any/all Accounts to hopefully prevent it from happening again)!

    • JLenardDetroit

      EXPOUNDING ON…. RWU-TARGET (not the 1st time I’ve been a Target of Liberal smear Campaign):
      Actually this whole Politico targeting brings back Memories – as I have been, more or less, targeted by the Left #Liberal #eneMEDIA before. I am Writing Committee Chair of Rattle With Us TEA Party of SEMichigan and a Liberal Hack Rag – The Plymouth/Canton Eagle – tried to smear all of us, obviously me included as part of Leadership, as a way to try and be dismissive and get people to not take us seriously. It was an #EpicFail, just as I expect the Political, RT’d by Hillary, hit-piece to be. We, just like #TheMighty200 will, just got more attention from the Publicity, our numbers grew, it made our Voice even more powerful and strong!!

    • JLenardDetroit

      Typical Alinsky tactics, as I’ve already touched, to try and focus on a smaller more managable target, polarize, and use disinformation about them to try and taint a whole larger group, like in this case, mainly Conservatives specifically but even ALL REPUBLICANS if they were to be able to get away with it. Unfortunately, they, Leftist Elite Leaders, know that their DUMBocrat base, aided and abetted by the Liberal #eneMEDIA, will buy whatever manure they care to peddle (the stench never serves as any warning or concern for them)!! Targeting #TheMighty200 is an extension of and way to keep the ridiculous, zero credibility, #RussianBots and #RussianCollusionDelusion alive!

    • JLenardDetroit

      * I’ve been involved in a lot of Conservatives Campaigns and even served on the actual inner-circle Candidate Committee for several – and my experience doesn’t stop there, as I myself have Run for Office 4 times as a Conservative Republican here in Deep Blue Wayne County (home of Detroit)! I wish that I could Run again, can’t get into why I can’t right now, but now would be a great time to STRIKE while the iron is hot and the Politico Publicity is fresh!
      *(PINKWAVE/IDENTITYPOLITICS): We had a bit of a BlueWave here in MI in 2018, but actually it was a #PinkWave as the Democrats put up mostly Women and played up the #GenderIdentity nonsense as they always try to Peddle #IdentityPolitics and sadly the #GOP often fails to bother to Fight them on that Battle Field. You don’t always get to pick your Battles. Its not like Lincoln could of said: You know, I don’t want to bother with #Gettysberg, let ‘em have it, let us just concede that ground – it doesn’t work that way, you have to be prepared to engage (except where clearly so outnumbered, uout-gunned, on weak grounds, you’d be slaughtered) again, engage, ON ALL FRONTS!

    • JLenardDetroit

      SCREEN-SHOTS: I’d like to talk about some Behind-the-scenes, minor TechTalk, operations of Twitter, as a retired Information Technology guy. Some just don’t know or understand – if you appreciate something 1 of 200 tweets and feel others should know? Instead of doing a RT, it is better if you do a SCREEN-SHOT if you know how to do that) into 1 of your own new tweets! And the reason Why is? Because if they suspend the Originator of a Tweet anything done as a regular RT option/function Twitter provides you, will disappear – BUT remains if u SS it and put it into your own tweet as a means to SHARE on your TL! Twitter doesn’t want you to know or understand that. Sure maybe RT the normal, average, everyday things, but the most important, hard-hitting, poignant, Tweets you should SS to share that way!
      ALSO, and possibly more important, if you catch one of these Liberals openly conspiring on Twitter to target #TheMighty200, do a SCREEN-SHOT and share it with as many of us as you can. It can, may, be used in any potential litigation and as complaint against those clearly misusing Twitter Policy/Rules in targeting us in an effort to get us BANNED!

    • JLenardDetroit

      If anyone you come across mentioned they’d really like to follow all #TheMighty200 but they are already following 5k and have less than 5k followers (the dreaded Twitter Ratio Rule Zone) there is now something they can do….. or, if for any reason you are TRAPPED BY TWITTER’S ABRITRARY “TWITTER RATIO?” Cuz you are at 5k Following but below that in “Followers?” SOLUTION: You no longer have to arbitrarily go thru you list and guess at who isn’t worthy of being followed….. I highly recommend they use – i finally found a USEFUL (easy to use, simple instructions/operations) TOOL to ID folks they may follow that haven’t tweeted in say the last 365 days (any # days criteria allowed) so they can clear inactive folks to add all of us!! :)

    • JLenardDetroit

      Call me Billy ShakeJavelin

      To RT, or not RT: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of sharing outrageous one-liners, Or to stay silent against a sea of troubles the #TROLLS will send your way! :P

      #TheMighty200 #The200 #200List

    • JLenardDetroit

      No, I’m not leaving the other Platforms, cuz frankly that is where the Battle mainly continues to RAGE, and you cannot win a #WAR if you don’t go engage the #enemy and reach as many as possible to try and #TurnTheTide!

      Think about @usminority’s #WalkAway movement… We are reaching some Folks… As the #Democrats get WEIRDER AND WEIRDER and now undeniably 100% #Socialists, some now #WalkAwayFromDemocrats (and we must reach out to those folks)!

      Are you a #SocialMedia #PowerUser too?!?! I float between #FaceBook, #Spreely, #MeWe, #PolitiChat, #Parler (spend most my time here), #GAB, and #Twitter!! Look me up on all those platforms you also frequent…. either Joseph Lenard or @ JLenardDetroit across all platforms!

      And, MOST ALL (some exceptions) that Follow me on GAB, Twitter, Parler, I will auto-follow-back!

    • JLenardDetroit

      & what my #book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You) about, not just #Foreign #Terrorists but #USA #Leftist #Terrorism within & destruction of #WesternCulture (as whole, not just #US)
      #JasonAldean #BoycottCMT

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