Q Puppeteers Exposed! The Charade Falls Apart! The End is Near!- video
Update as of Tuesday Sept 24, 2024
Eight years have gone by since the 2016 Election and one thing is clear and obvious.
Nothing has come to pass as promised and as a matter of fact it’s been the opposite. Instead, everything which has come to pass has been against we the people putting us deeper and deeper in harms way.
Everything is now set and ready for The Deep State’s Grand Finale!
TRUST THE PLAN = For total global control. Do nothing to interfere.
THE END WONT BE FOR EVERYONE = Not for you & me, but for the 1%.
NO ONE CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING = No one can stop the globalist take over.
WE HAVE IT ALL= Evidence of election fraud. A manifest of who to pay.
WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL= To the slaughter.
THE MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY = Force will be used on the ones resisting and exposing the globalists and their plans.
This is why nothing is being done about the poisoning/destruction of our air, water, and food supplies.
This is why our stolen elections aren’t fixed.
This is why our military hasn’t done anything.
This is why nothing is being done about our govt being occupied by destructive forces within.
When they arm all the hundreds of thousands of military aged “immigrants” from countries that hate us, it’ll be war on our own soil. we’ll be fighting for our very families’ lives and just like Isis, our government will be giving them everything they need.
So who’s directing this Movie? Who wrote the Q script? All evidence points to the owners of this planet and they took care of the problem, the reaction and solution.
The Deep State runs the Q show as a script. They know the dates and when to do their Deltas. Billions were spent to make The Greatest Show The World Has Ever Seen and ofcourse to pay for the many CIA FBI and Mossad “WHITE HAT” operatives pushing the narrative.
This Q MAGA movement that includes Trump as the main character comes with white hats, black hats, villains and heroes all in the same script directed by the Deep State.
What we know for sure is they’re on schedule for their NWO and Trump will disappear into the sunset as a hero and meanwhile Ivanka Trump is being groomed to take over in 2028 or possibly in 2024 as millions more will die from the 2nd Covid bio weapon.
1. On January 20 2021 right before his term ended Trump flies to Davos to meet Klaus Schwab at the WEF.
2. Marina Abramovic praises Trump as a MAGA, latin for “Magician Sorcerer of The Highest Satanic Order” and for waking us up.
3. Trump invites Henry Kissinger to the White House to praise him for everything he’s done and Kissinger says ”I’m here at a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive Peaceful World Order”
4. Trump converts to the Jewish religion and keeps it secret for two years! Mark Levin of Fox introduces Trump as the first American Jewish President of the United States
5. Trump is surrounded by Freemason Jews in his administration.
6. Ivanka Trump wares the Kabbalah (Jewish Black Magic) wrist band just as Hollywood actresses such as Lady Gaga.
7. Trump is seen as the Messiah by the Jewish community.
8 The Deep State tells you what they’re going to do in advance through either predictive programing or the prophetic such as in The Simpsons and Jewish artist Kim Clement’s Trump shall become a trumpet.
9 Trump gets a pass on his past friendships with Epstein and friends, the Clintons and all Deep State individuals
10 Trump never gave an indication that the vaccines were deadly and instead promoted then in which he made millions.
After analizing all this information it clearly becomes evident that he was chosen to take the world to the Deep State’s next phase which is financial collapse and the culling of the masses for their New Word Order.
the joke of all fucking jokes theres no one coming to save your ass but you wake the fuck up
Wake up and piss the world is on fire.
If the situation were hopeless, why would anyone need to invest effort in convincing us?
The fear of the awakening is real, and “stories” like this one prove it.
That was true but something changed.
Katt Williams said 2924 would be the year everything came out
Mary Margaret Beaver said this was going to be the 6rh reset but now it’s a mercy because evil overcame good and freewill was at risk.
The return of the planet, or the return of the king Mary Margaret spoke of, or the implementation of the corporate transparency act, that is causing all kinds of businesses to shutter their doors but they still have to report because they were operating in 2021 and they made more than $1000, the conviction of a former president for a felony, before this a president was forced to resign, or was murdered in office, or attempted murdered in office, or impeached, but after office nothing happened until 2024, and the people who would elect a convicted felon to run their nation, who would continue to participate in a game rules by evil wrongdoers acting like they don’t have a choice; like they have to leave home or work to vote or to mail in their choice are lying because there is no force or coercion making them choose; it’s coming out.
We can’t have a leader that has integrity because there are people who would pick anything given to choose from and they would act victimized if they find out they violated their own laws. Remember someone once said there are so many laws on the books people break about 10 laws every day.
There are laws against discrimination, against intimidation, against aiding and abetting, against sedition, against…
There are laws against discrimination, against intimidation, against aiding and abetting, against sedition, against treason, and people act like those laws are for someone else. There is no military telling you, you have to do anything not even take the vaccine, no military keeping you from traveling because you didn’t take the vaccine, it’s all lies and just because you believe a lie and take action doesn’t make it true for people who don’t want to take action because they see the lie. Q is a patio. People who saw it said it and were ridiculed. Dinar was a scam, people who saw it, said it and were ridiculed. Trump is one of them. People who see it, say it and are not popular. We will keep seeing.
Q is a psyop
And you are lying MARXIST JEW-JEW. You can now resume sucking on your toes.
You are either inventing or LYING. If neither, then proceed to offer citations that readers can investigate to determine Truth from LIES. DO YOU HEAR NEWS from your TEL-LIE-VISION? If so, don’t bother posting comments anymore….
Why don’t you post content with controverting evidence?
What do you BE-LIE-VE? What BE-LIES your BE-LIE-FS.. Actually there is no -LIE- in television (just saying).
You can search ‘make-’ and the number one response is: make-believe. Which can be used interchangeably in any sentence,and not change the meaning of either sentence.
What do you believe? What do you make-believe?
In essence, if you are reduced to simply believing in something, you obviously cannot prove it.
Come-on, show everyone that you can disprove this content, point by point. Hold yourself to the same standards you wish to hold this article/ content to. Post an article/ a video. They have. I actually may watch/read it.
By Darwin all rights reserved