Staying Safe in the Secret Place of the Most High
We are entering the time period the Holy God of Israel warned us about, the time the world of the dead will open its mouth wide for. Destruction such as the world has never seen before is coming. The Book of Revelation is no longer near, it is here. Do you want protection for you and your loved ones from all that is coming over the earth? Divine protection can be found in the secret place of the Most High:
1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
—Psalm 91
This promise of divine protection, the secret place of the Most High in verse 1 above is conditional as per verse 9 above.
Divine protection is afforded those who make the Most High their habitation. We all dwell and move and exist within Him. He is not far from any of us. He that goes seeking after the Most High with their whole heart shall find Him!
How do you partake of this divine protection, how do you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, how do you make the Most High your habitation?
The first step of course is accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and becoming born again. To see how to do that, read my Profile.
Once you are born again, you will then have the spiritual eyes to see with and spiritual ears to hear with.
Abiding in the shadow of the Most High 24/7 is accomplished using the two T’s as the two keys: trust and thanksgiving.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
—Philippians 4:6
Thank God for all the blessings in your life everyday all the time all the while resting and trusting in Him now and forever more amen!
Become like an olive tree, growing in the house of God:
8 But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
9 I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints.
—Psalm 52:8-9
“Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.”
—Psalm 141:2
Partaking of the two keys of the two T’s of trust and thanksgiving leads to partaking of this thing that is too marvelous and too wondrous for words and that is this thing called grace.
No matter your situation, draw near to God now and God will draw near to you now and provide you favor with His grace!
Enter into the gates of the Most High in the temple in heaven with praise and thanksgiving!
Become a member of the spiritual and holy priesthood, offering sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to God forever and ever:
“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
—1 Peter 2:5
To all those who willingly draw near to Him, He gives grace and peace that passes all understanding, a peace and a joy that the world knows nothing about. It’s all about drawing near unto God, getting into His presence. Do that daily and His presence will bless you and your household and God will keep you and your family from all harm—His angels will watch over you at all times (Psalm 121). If you want to find refuge from all that is coming over the heavens and the earth (we are entering the tumultuous time Jesus warned us about), if you want to avoid the eternal torments of hell and inherit the eternal pleasures of heaven, if you want to walk in divine protection and divine health, if you want to find out your calling in life and why God created you and receive the grace and anointing you need to do that which God called you to do, you must draw near to God. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. The key to it all is picking up your cross daily and seeking His presence. It is there—in God’s presence—where you will you be given all that you need, through this wondrous thing to wonderful for words this thing called grace, which gives the revelation, the peace, the joy, the strength, the wisdom, the health, etc. etc. etc.. all that you need is provided unto you as you abide in the presence of the Most High.
We have a High Priest who meets all our needs and allows us to abide in the shadow of the wings of the Most High, our Abba, our Father who art in heaven!
It is there, in the Father’s presence, that we are transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. Make prayer and worship and thanksgiving the foundation of your life and it will be the one thing from which all blessings flow. Live and breathe and dwell in Him and remember always that He is with us always! Immanuel God with us forever and ever hallelujah! Amen!
Go ahead, die to this world and fully trust fully in Him!
All things are possible to those that believe! All creation groans, waiting for the unveiling of the sons of God, who will soon come upon the scene, to be unveiled:
When you plant a seed in the ground and water it, it grows and becomes what it is supposed to be naturally and automatically as a by-product of feeding upon nutrients in the soil. Likewise, if you abide in the Father’s presence, you are feeding in His presence and you will, through no effort on your part, other than the effort to get into His presence daily, naturally receive everything you need to fulfill your destiny and automatically be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. Seeking His presence daily take not one more breath without being conscious of Him! He is with you always!
The more you seek Him the more He becomes part of your life, the more you will grow in Christ. You will come to know why God created you. You will enter into a symbiotic relationship with the Most High and you will fulfill your destiny, automatically as a by-product of dwelling in Him.
Blessed are all that put their trust in the King upon Mount Zion (see Psalm 2:12).
The byproducts of drawing near to God are grace, peace, divine protection, divine health, and blessings of all kinds. Every promise in the Word will be available to you. If you want to know how to enter into this symbiotic relationship with the Most High, come hither and I will show you the One whose blood gains you entrance into the Most Holy of Holies in heaven and a bold entrance even into the very throne room of God (see Hebrews 4:16)!
Dwell in your heavenly Father 24/7 forever and ever by putting all things in His hands ever trusting in Him now and forever more amen!
Enter in through the gates of the Most High in the temple in heaven with praise and thanksgiving and keep on going right into the Most Holy of Holies in Heaven, a privilege which is afforded us because of the precious BLOOD OF THE LAMB! Which allows us to even to come boldly before the throne of grace!
Come before the LORD daily in faith and prayer and worship and enter into the Most Holy of Holies in heaven through the precious BLOOD OF JESUS and recite with your tongue the following verses from Psalm 91, even at the lifting of your head from your pillow in the morning and before you lay down at night:
9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
—Psalm 91:9-11
When you speak the above Scriptures with blood-covered-faith, angels are charged to do the very things you speak forth with faith in the name of Jesus!
Every promise in the Word is yes and amen through Jesus!
Amen and hallelujah forever and ever!
Daily, through prayer and worship and through every moment of your existence cling to the King upon Zion (see PSALM 2:6) and divine protection will become second nature to you.
Speak out the promises of Psalm 91 daily child of God, believing it in your heart, standing firm in your faith and indeed, angels of the Most High shall keep you in all your ways in your comings and your goings (see Psalm 121:8)!
God’s presence is located in the Most Holy of Holies in the tabernacle in heaven, the one that the earthly tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon was modeled after. Entrance into the dwelling place of God in heaven is gained by the same way Israelites were instructed to gain entrance into the earthly temple:
“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
—Psalm 100:4
So enter through the gates into the courts of God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise!
But you don’t want to stop there. You want to enter into the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. And the way you do that is only through the precious BLOOD OF JESUS.
Prayer time is about worship. Under the Law of Moses, the Israelites offered up daily worship and sacrifices in the tabernacle and temple. Believers in the New Covenant are a spiritual priesthood who offer up the sacrifice of praise and worship. We are to minister to God daily with worship/praise. Prayer should be about cultivating the presence of the LORD with prayer and worship and forging a symbiotic relationship between yourself and God. You are always blessed in His presence! Look at what happened to the house of Obededom when the ark of the LORD was kept at his house. The LORD blessed Obededom and his household (see 2 Samuel 6:11). Obededom wasn’t anyone special, but he and his family became blessed merely from the fact that the presence of the LORD was in his house. And how much more are we blessed in the New Covenant with the presence of God dwelling within us thru Jesus Christ our Lord and God within us our hope and glory Immanuel hallelujah forever and ever amen!
If you want to find refuge from all that is coming over the heavens and the earth, if you want to avoid the eternal torments of hell and inherit the eternal pleasures of heaven, if you want to walk in divine protection and divine health, if you want to find out your calling in life and why God created you and receive the grace and anointing you need in order to do that which God has called you to do, then draw near to God so that God may draw near to you!
Yes draw near to God my brothers and sisters and God will draw near to you!
The key to it all is picking up your cross daily and seeking His presence!
Dwell in the presence of the Lord 24/7 through thanksgiving and trust!
It is in God’s presence where you will you be given all that you need—the grace, the revelation, the peace, the joy, the strength, the wisdom, the health, and all the other promises in God’s Word that are yours through Jesus. It is in God’s presence where you will be transformed into the image of Jesus. If you make prayer and worship the foundation of your life, it will be the one thing from which all blessings flow. When you plant a seed in the ground and water it, it grows and becomes what it is supposed to be naturally and automatically as a by-product of feeding upon nutrients in the soil. Likewise, if you abide in the secret place of the Most High, then through no effort on your part other than the effort to enter into His presence daily, you will supernaturally receive everything you need to fulfill your destiny and automatically be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus as a by-product of feeding upon God’s presence. As seeking His presence daily becomes part of your life, you will begin to grow in Christ. You will come to know why God created you. You will enter into a symbiotic relationship with the Most High and you will fulfill your destiny and divine protection will become a given for you.
A good prayer discipline to follow is the Lord’s Prayer, our Father who art in heaven, etc.
Larry Lea had an excellent teaching on this called “Could You Not Tarry One Hour?”
Be sure to download this excellent LORDs PRAYER PDF :
Using the Lord’s Prayer as an outline for your worship, put on some worship music during your prayer time, like this:
What can wash away our sins and make us whole from head to toe? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS!
Sorry, getting ahead of myself but I just can’t help it I get so excited about what the precious BLOOD OF JESUS does for me!
But speaking of the Lord’s prayer, as you declare “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name” singing praises to the Most High, and you recite the different names of God and what God means to you, such as God our healer, God our deliverer, God our peace (Jehovah Shalom), etc. when you recite an attribute of God and give thanks and praise to God for whatever attribute, then that attribute (healing, peace, etc.) manifests itself within you. For example, for God our healer, when you confess with your mouth the following words from Isaiah chapter 53 and believe it with your heart then that healing manifests within you:
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
—Isaiah 53:4-5
When you speak the above words in faith before Lord and give Him thanks and praise for it, supernatural healing becomes a fountain of living water within you!
God inhabits the praises of His people (see PSALM 22:3)!
Enter into a symbiotic relationship with your heavenly Father and divine health and divine protection will become second nature to you!
The FORMULA for a SYMBIOTIC relationship with the LORD is simple:
You provide unto Him the PRAISE, the WORSHIP, the THANKSGIVING, and the TRUST, and the LORD provides unto you this wondrous thing called GRACE!
At the core of your symbiotic relationship with the Most High is the precious BLOOD OF JESUS, which makes all things possible to those that believe.
Here then is what the precious BLOOD OF JESUS means to all believers (and this should be the inner core of your hallowed be thy name O Lord prayer time). Confess the following words with your mouth and believe it with your heart and when you do, these words, spoken with purpose and worship, will work to alter your reality in the physical world to match up with what you have crafted with faith in the spiritual world. The spiritual comes first, and the physical follows.
Because of the BLOOD OF JESUS:
- All my sins are forgiven (see REV 1:5)!
- The Comforter (Holy Spirit) dwells within me (see JOHN 14:16)! Because of the crimson flow, I have access to and the fullness of the sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit, the golden flow of oil!
- I have the soundness of body, divine health:
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
—Isaiah 53:4-5
NOTE: When you confess the above with your tongue daily you are crafting your health in the spiritual world which, if you continue on on the road of faith, will transform the physical, material world to match up with the words you have spoken in faith and trust in the spiritual world! Day by day, more and more, divine health will be a given for you. Remember this my Christian brothers and sisters, the spiritual comes first, so we must walk by faith and not by sight. What you see and feel may be a sick physical body, but when you craft your health by the seeds of faith you planted in prayer before the LORD by believing and confessing that Jesus bore all our sickness and disease, then as long as you hold onto that with dogged determination, then the physical cells in your body will be transformed by the spiritual realm where there is a fountain of living water and divine health will start to become second nature to you and eventually it will become a given.
… Because of the BLOOD OF JESUS (cont’d):
- All my sins are forgiven (see REV 1:5)!
- The Comforter (Holy Spirit) dwells within me (see JOHN 14:16)! Because of the crimson flow, I have access to and the fullness of the sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit, the golden flow of oil!
- I have the soundness of body, divine health:
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
—Isaiah 53:4-5
NOTE: When you confess the above with your tongue daily you are crafting your health in the spiritual world which, if you continue on on the road of faith, will transform the physical, material world to match up with the words you have spoken in faith and trust in the spiritual world! Day by day, more and more, divine health will be a given for you. Remember this my Christian brothers and sisters, the spiritual comes first, so we must walk by faith and not by sight. What you see and feel may be a sick physical body, but when you craft your health by the seeds of faith you planted in prayer before the LORD by believing and confessing that Jesus bore all our sickness and disease, then as long as you hold onto that with dogged determination, then the physical cells in your body will be transformed by the spiritual realm where there is a fountain of living water and divine health will start to become second nature to you and eventually it will become a given.
… Because of the BLOOD OF JESUS (cont’d):
* There is no longer any curse (see REV 22:3)!
* I have the promise of success (see 2 CORINTH 1:20 “every promise is yes and amen”)!
* I have eternal life in the kingdom of God (see JOHN 3:16, 17:1-3; ROMANS 6:23, etc.)
* I have eternal security (see JOHN 10:28)
* I have the ability to enter the Most Holy of Holies with boldness and confidence (see HEB 4:16)
* I have all power and authority (see LUKE 10:19, REV 2:27)
* I have victory over the world (see 1 JOHN 5:43) and the Devil (see REV 12:11)
* I have grace and peace (see REV 1:4)
As you speak the above words daily in faith before God and as they become part of you, you are slowly but surely helping to shape the physical with the spiritual.
So go ahead child of God, during your daily time of seeking the presence of the LORD, speak forth Scriptures like the following:
“If you make the Most High your dwelling—even the LORD, who is my refuge—then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”
And when you do so, when you speak the above with faith in the name and blood of Jesus and with thanksgiving, angels are charged and released to do the very things which you speak in faith.
And let that faith flourish with thanksgiving and trust!
If you are diligent in your pursuit of the Most High, if you enter into His presence every day and you speak forth the words from Psalm 91 with faith, divine protection will become second nature to you and angels will guard you and your loved ones in all your ways (see Psalm 121) and divine health will also become second nature to you (see Isaiah 53:5) as you grow in your symbiotic relationship with the Most High.
Cultivate your relationship with God. Remain in the secret place of the Most High 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all month, all year, forever and ever through trust and thanksgiving.
Trust and thanksgiving is what enables you to become like an olive tree, growing in the house of God (see Psalm 52:8). Live a lifestyle of thanking God (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18) for all that you have give unto Him all the thanks and the glory forever and ever amen!
Seek God daily and His presence will bless you and your household and God will keep you from all harm, watching over you when you’re coming and when you’re going (see Psalm 121). When you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, grace will be the substance of your life. You will have grace for the race from the never-ending river of grace and peace that flows from the throne of God!
So come one come all, if you want to survive what is directly ahead of us, seek out the secret place of the Most High!
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Satan quoted psalm 91v11 in the wilderness. He actually expanded upon it, what did he mean?
Satan dared Jesus to throw Himself down from the top of the temple, citing the divine protection Psalm 91 promises. But divine protection in Psalm 91 is a conditional promise. You must dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and so you cannot dwell there when you aren’t doing the will of God. And so Jesus pointed out the Scripture that said not to tempt the Lord, which, in this case, would have meant going and purposely throwing yourself off a high place just because of divine protection.
Well isnt the scripture accurate anyways, the angel told the disciples that just as Christ left he will also return. So satan was correct, that just wasnt the exact moment it was supposed to be. Christs first appearance will not be with peels of lightning but as the angel said. The child born at the 7th trumpet is much later when the Father builds the nation of Israel in one day (Isaiah 66) after the 2nd exodus. Interesting stuff.
God bless am123
Thank you Daniel, may God bless you as well!
“He who dwells in the secret place” this place is literal.
But you are to seek the habitation of your Father; the place which your Father shall choose out of all your tribes to establish His Name–and there you must go. –Deuteronomy 12:5
Well he did. He chose the place for all Seven Eras to dwell under the shadow of protection to train for a position in his kingdom. Behold the 144000 the Called Out Ones from the Seven Eras.
Era #1: Smyrna (Abel)
Era #2: Pergamos
Era #3: Thyatira
Era #4: Ephesus
Era #5: Sardis
Era #6: Laodicea
Era #7: Philadelphia (Abel)
Philadelphia is the Greek and English
translation of the Hebrew word ach.
This is word #251 in the Hebrew Dictionary
of The New Strong’s Expanded
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
and means and she again bore his
brother Abel.
Scripture was not written for the world. Scripture was written for the Called Out Ones, The Bride of Messiah, the 144000. Scripture was not written for the Church, the Church goes against scripture. It is the Church and State that makes war with the Messiah on Mt Zion.
Let me know when you find the place!
Thank you for your straightforward, easy-to-understand article and guidance. It’s refreshing to find material that is not full of over-zealous, religious ranting accompanied by sometimes incomprehensible and often confusing explanations. We need all the help we can get. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words—they are very much appreciated!
I am blessed to know what I have written has a positive effect on some people.
Thank you this was awesome! I ask that anyone who doesn’t know GOD, know him. Admit that you are a sinner (we all are) ask for forgiveness, repent. Except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. But I believe that you died upon
the cross for me. That you shed your precious blood for the
forgiveness of my sin. And I believe that on the third day, you
rose from the dead, and went to Heaven to prepare a place
for me. I accept you now as my Savior, my Lord, my God,
my friend. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and set me free
from my sin. And, because you are my Savior, Jesus,
“I shall not die, but have everlasting life”.
Thank you Jesus!
And thank you as well for your kind words and thank you for sharing your love for Jesus!
This article has confirmed what the spirit has been telling me since last fall. Thank you, am123 for being obedient to the Father’s calling and for sharing this word from Him. With your permission I will print this out and give it to everyone that will take it. I have been broadcasting “read Psalm 91 daily” to my friends and family since last Sept. however, I couldn’t tell them why in the way you have stated here.
These words give perfect detail and insight into what I have been trying to convey to them. I love you, brother/sister!!
Thank you so much CarriedbyGrace! Please share this article with anyone and everyone who will listen.
I’m so blessed by your message knowing that what I have written has a positive effect on someone. God bless!
God Bless You am123
Thank you Manichjee, may God bless you as well!
I had a visit from an angel several years ago. I didn’t understand why, but I do now. Thank you for your writings.
Thank you DianeCee. Grace and peace to you. God bless.
May He not tarry.
Praise the Lord and His mercy. Comforting words well constructed to make it easier for us laymen to renew our strength and understanding. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. God bless my brother in Christ!
You’re so welcome jc. Your words are a blessing to me. God bless you too my brother in Christ! You just keep hanging onto Jesus and I’ll see you on the other side of the Second Coming!
I look forward to it!
May the Grace of the Father, and Jesus Christ his Son, be with you all! God is Alive! Truly accepting, and believing, is the only revelation of this truth, and only by accepting through faith will his being be revealed! I have seen the trees clap, witnessing together the presence of the Lord, and we all praised his Holy name together in accord, as the Holy Spirit blew along as the wind! Praise you Jesus, for thou art my Lord, and Bless your Holy name. Thank you for your continual Love, and gifts I have received, so many as to make the sand of the seas a small number! You are my Refuge, my Comforter, my Mother, my Father my, Sister My brother, my friend, My Savior! Believe his words people and accept them as the truth, ask him into your hearts, believe, and thou shalt be saved! Jesus said he was God, and he loved us so much, as if you were to love someone, and be truly telling them the truth! He said “If it were not so he would have told us” Amen!!
God Bless your ministry IAM123!
Thank you very much Miriams Musings.
May God bless you as well!
Psalm 91 “Oh yes the PTR view” protection from Gods wrath …I will rescue him not massacre him and the whole ekklesia
I am asking this in all seriousness, why did most all of the Apostles and Peter die such terrible deaths if they were offered this protection? Thank you for your time
Thank you for the question. I’m glad to answer it.
The divine protection of which I speak applies to a child of God carrying out or fulfilling their destiny. Then, and only then, can the Devil can take them out. The Bible tells us the Devil is like a lion seeking whom he MAY devour. He can’t devour a child of God doing the will of God as long as their work remains. But once that plan (will) is finished, the divine protection is no longer in place and the Devil is able to devour them.
Here is an example from Revelation:
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
—REV 11:3-7
The two witnesses are under divine protection UNTIL they have finished their testimony, in which case, the Devil can take them out.
So for any child of God, divine protection is available while you are figuring out and fulfilling your destiny.
Thank you am123 for the encouraging words. I need them at this time, and although this is an older article, its truths are timeless.
Appreciate it my friend.
You’re more than welcome nomorelabels it is my pleasure.
God bless.
May God’s grace and peace be with you in Jesus name amen!
This is truly exciting time for those that are truly followers ( doer of the word not just listeners)!! Fear not for I am with thee! Those are the words that we are true believer need to know!! To think that we shall see our King soon face to face! Praise the Lord.