Archangel Uriel - Elevation Is Now
Archangel Uriel is the Angel mentioned in Revelation who appears when the sky splits. He works with the Archangel Metatron as described by Anael (archangel); will post that later. The rise, the elevation in frequency, has been slow so that people can keep up, if they want to.
June 5, 2011
I am URIEL, Angel of the Presence and Archangel of the Reversal. Liked well Children of the Law of One, liked well Seeds of Stars. Today, we will intone, together, through the Grace of the Angel METATRON and my Presence, the Song of your Crowning, of your Ultimate Reversal. At the hour when the Sun is crowned with glory, at the hour when the Earth Awakens to its own glory, the hour has come to sing the Song of the elation, to hear the Sound of the Earth and of the Heaven reuniting again. That is now, in your Interior Temple as within this space-time. The hour has come to live the announcement of the News, the hour has come to live the News: that of the Eternity. Liked well Children having worked within this space, within this time, for the return of the Earth to its Eternity, for the return of your Spirit to its Liberty. Children of the Law of One, together, we make the ultimate Trumpets resonate announcing the Reversal, announcing the Ultimate Crossing. The crossing of the ways is passed and gone beyond.
The hour has come to live the Joy and the elation. The hour has come to receive Christ. The hour has come to elevate yourselves to Him as He descends to you. The Spirit. The Spirit rises to the Spirit. Festival of the Pentecost. Ascent of the Holy Spirit and descent of the Holy Spirit meeting in this space, in you, in your Temple and in your head, reunited and crowned, elevated in the Grace of the One, in the Grace of the Truth, in the Grace of the Eternity. Children, Children of the Light, being given birth in Spirit and in the Spirit, the hour has come to fulfill the Oath and the Promise which are deployed, in you and so around you. The hour has come to leave your eyes to sing the Songs of praise. The hour has come to hear. The hour has come to listen. The hour has come. It has been announced, it is fulfilled, under your eyes and in your Temple.
Soon the Song of the Heaven will resound in unison with the Song of the Earth, permitting you to live the ecstasy of the return of the Spirit. In that moment, it will be time to go into the stasis, in order to quit the illusion, in a definitive manner. Children of the Law of One, listen, listen to the Song of the Love which rises in your Heart. Listen to the Song of the Vibration. Listen to the Song of the Light deploying itself. At the hour when the Celestial Jerusalem is deployed, in your Temple and in your Heavens, the hour has come to celebrate with dignity the return to the Eternity, the return to the Truth. Accompanied by the Brothers from the Stars, accompanied by the multidimensional Brothers, revealing themselves little by little within your space, as announced by Marie and by METATRON, I unite with them, in order to intone the Song of the return, the Song of the Eternity. This happens under your eyes, this happens in your Temple, this happens now. The hourglass of time arrives at the term during this Time, at the term of the illusion. This is now. Go, go towards Him as He comes towards you. Go towards yourselves because it is there that is found the Truth, it is there that is found your Eternity. Children of the law of One, together, we deploy the Song of the Grace. Together, we deploy the Song of the Crowning: Song of Grace and of Eternity, lighting and Awakening the Doors, in you as in the Heaven, as on the Earth.
The white Light becomes established and comes back, today, to celebrate with dignity its return among you, just as you celebrate your return into it. Children of the law of One, the One reveals itself to you within your Unity, within your Presence. Realize your Presence. Awaken the Temple. Raise the flame and the standard of your Truth. The instant is now. There is no longer space for the suffering, there is no longer space for the separation, there is no longer space for the illusion, there no longer exists space for the fear. Then begin again, begin again in Joy of the Resurrection, begin again in Joy of your Ascension, begin again in Joy of your Eternity. Children of the law of One, enter into communion the ones with the others. Enter into communion with us who rush up towards you within your dimensional spaces in order to dilute and to dissolve, completely, what remains of suffering, what remains of illusion, what remains of alteration of the Truth. Children of the One, the hour has come to set you right, the hour has come to receive the One Light and this is now.
In this space of the 40 days, the Awakening of the Kundalini, Fire of the Earth and of the Ether erects itself in you, elevating the Crown of the Heart and the Crown of the head, in a last movement of Grace which deploys itself to the infinity and towards the infinity. This is now. Listen. Listen and hear the call of the Unity to your Unity. Hear the call of KI-RIS-TI to your state of KI-RIS-TI. The Fire of the Spirit pours onto the Earth. The Fire of the Earth rises towards the Heaven. The whole of the Earth sings. The whole of the Earth frees itself. Beyond its core, beyond its appearance, the new Earth is born. With you there to penetrate, if such is your destiny, if such is your way, if such is what presents itself to you at the crossroads realized by the Angel METATRON, permitting you to penetrate, with solid foot and full Heart, within your Eternity.
Children of the Eternal, Children of the Eternity, we sing in you, us, Archangels, together with the Intergalactic Fleet of the Free and Unified Worlds, the Song of the Truth, the Song of glory. That is now. Forget. Forget the past. Forget the suffering which no longer belongs to your Truth. Forget what is not the One. Forget what is not the Truth and the Light. It is possible, now, in each one of you and in each instant, in your sacred spaces of alignment, which pour out, in you, the totality of the One Light. Christ arrives in you and through you. You have worked, within the limited spaces, in order to reestablish the Unlimited of your Truth, the Unlimited of your Eternity. The hour is with the Liberty, the hour is with the Autonomy, the hour is for the total opening in the Fire of Joy of the Spirit, of the Earth liberated, of the Sun liberated and of your Beingness liberated, in this moment even, from its confinement. Receive, receive the Temple of your Eternity, receive the Temple of your Truth, Vibrate in the unison of the One, in the unison of the Source.
We are with you because we are in you, because we are you as you are us, to make the miracle of only one thing because, in Truth, there is only the One. In Truth, there is only the Light. You are Light. All that is not Light is called to dissolve, is called to disappear. That is now. Penetrate the Residences of the Eternity. Penetrate the Residences where there exists no separation. The hour of the separation ends and is achieved in what is a Liberation, permitting you to come to birth in the Unity. Receive and hear. Receive and listen. Receive and Vibrate. While the majesty of the announcement of the Tri-Unity deploys itself, woken for a few months, realized as the Archangel Michael had announced it to you in his festival of your preceding year, the new Tri-Unity deploys itself now, accompanied by the 12 Trumpets by the 12 Doors by the 12 Stars, rising and waking up, on the Earth, in your Crown of the head, in your Crown of the Heart and in the Fire of the Kundalini. This is now.
Children, Children of the One, we receive you in the Grace because you are the Grace. Realize that. Remove. Remove all that is not this Grace. Remove from you all that is weight, heaviness and density. Take along. Take along the Truth of your being within the One Light. The Sun deploys itself, its radiation touches you and waters you with the One Source, relaying the respiration of the Galactic Center of the One. The One Source sings its call and resonates the Song of the Resurrection. The Earth lives that. Your Heart lives that. Your head lives that. And your flesh lives its own Resurrection within the Residences of the Eternal. The Vibration which travels through you, the Song of the ecstasy and the bond with oneself, manifesting itself within your spaces of alignment, accompanied by Marie and the whole of the Fleet, comes to you. You are now woken to the Truth. It rests with you to penetrate into the spheres of the Truth, completely, without looking behind you because what is past is dead, because what is illusion is dead. It rests with you to become aware of it. It rests with you to make it concrete. It rests with you to manifest it. We are there for that, with you, in you and around you, in the Vibration of the One Source, deployed and unveiled, on this world and in this world. In your Temple, in your cells, in your eyes, in the whole of what is your flesh, within this world, so that the flesh rises in the Spirit. You are the Children of the Unity and of the Truth. In you is deployed the white Light. In you, is deployed the Truth of the Life. In you, is deployed the ineffable Joy of your return to the Unity.
Presence. Presence and Eternity. Presence and Breath, animating the Fire: Fire of the Earth, Fire of the Heaven, Fire of the Spirit, annihilating all fire of the ego and all hint of suffering. That is now. Listen to the Sound. Listen to the silence. Sing the Song and sing the silence of the Truth, through the elevated Vibration of your Heart. The Heart which is deployed, through the Love and the Grace of the Truth, through the Love and the Grace of the Light, through the Light of the Love and the Light of the Grace. You are the Eternity, on the way towards your Eternity. That is now. Gradually with each respiration of this Earth, as with your respiration, each day will bring you closer to your Ascension, each day will bring you closer to your final revelation, you clairvoyant to extract yourself, in the lightness and in the Grace from the illusion and from the falsification. The time has come for our communion, for our reunion, with us, Archangels. The whole of the Intergalactic Fleet, all of the Unified Consciences, hold themselves at your door, at the door of your Sun, at the door of your Heart, in order to live together, to merge our Consciences, forever reunited in the Liberty, in the Autonomy and in the Truth.
It is time to elevate your Vibration. It is time to break the moorings of the falsification. It is time to come back into the Joy, because you are the Joy. We have said it to you for a long time. You will verify it and live it. Turn towards the Joy because that is what you are, before even you existed within this world, before even this world sees the day in the Truth as in the falsification. Children, Children of the Grace and of the Light, the Sound of the Angel METATRON is deployed, in this moment even, awakening the 12 Trumpets, finalizing the Awakening of the 7 Trumpets of the falsification. The 12 Vibratory Songs of the Unity are from now on called to unify themselves, in you, within your Crowns. Then, in that moment, the Fire, Fire of the Ether and of the Earth waking up from the depths of your being, within even the falsification, will permit the Heart to live the Transparency, to live the Presence, to live your Essence. Become what you are: the Essence of the One, the Essence of the Joy, the Essence of the Truth. Deploy, in you, the wings of the Eternity. Deploy, in you, the wings of your etherization. Elevate yourselves because He lowers himself to you. Elevate yourselves because He comes to your meeting. You meet, in your Temple. You meet, in your Heart, which is our Heart, found and linked together, forever and for the Eternity. Children of the law of One, become the One, become the All, accept to no longer be anything within this illusion, penetrate with full foot, and with open Heart, the Temple of the Eternity.
Presence, Vibration and Radiation. Now, in the reception of the Truth, together, the Consciences of incarnated humanity, roused and woken, will begin to merge in the Transparency and in the Truth of the Unity. That is now. That is the Grace which is deployed, that is the Trumpet of the Unity. That is now. That is in you. That is permanent. If that is your wish. If that is your Abandonment. If that becomes your Truth. Liked well Seeds of Stars, liked well Children of the law of One, resonate our common Presence. Open your Heart to the Truth of the Light. Open the Heart. Close what does not belong in the Heart. Turn away from what is not the Truth, enter with full foot into the Temple of the Resurrection. That is now. The Temple of the Resurrection of the Earth, is liberated now, making it possible to liberate the Fire of the Earth, within all of the volcanoes of the Earth. Volcanoes of your Earth dissolving the last Shades, in order to be born again in the Unity, to be born again in the Truth. That is now.
You have the capacity, you have the opening to live your Presence. Together, we resonate the Presence and the Unity, now and forever. Now, and forever, we unite the Crowns, ours as yours. No separation will ever be able to alter our reunion. No separation will ever be able to alter what has been separated and which, again, is reunited in the spaces of Liberty of the Creation. From one end to the other of the Dimensions, and from one end to the other of the universes and multiverses, resounds the Song of the liberation of this solar system.
Children, Children of the One, children in the Grace, the hour is now, the hour is immediately because there is no after, because there is no yesterday, there is only the instant of your Grace, there is only the instant of your Presence, which is deployed from the instant when you accept it, from the instant when you receive it. Together, now, let us have silence, in the Grace of your Presence, in the Grace of your radiation which is you and which is us. We are One. There is no other alternative, there is no other Truth, there is no other path, there is no other way, there is no other Song than the one of the Unity. With you to become what you are, with you to awaken what you are beyond the appearances. The appearance which will no longer exist. Only the Truth will remain, a soil of Truth, a new Heavens, a new Earth, with new spaces, a new Life, found, at last, without any hindrance, without any limit, where all of the Love is deployed, in each encounter and in each regard of the Spirit.
In order that nothing comes to tarnish the brightness of your Resurrection, we ask you, from now on, to receive us, us Archangels, in your deployment of Fire and of Light, within your Temple. Preparing and working in the Temple of the Resurrection. Preparing and working at the time of the Resurrection which is now. I have come to announce the good news, the new Gospel, the new Eucharist which is realized, from now on, totally, in your Temple. Open, open the Heart to us. Open the Heart to you because we are only a single Heart. A single close-knit Heart, singing in unison the Song of the Grace and of the Unity because we are, together, the One.
Liked well, liked well Seeds of Stars and liked well Children of the law of One, the hour has come. The hour has come. The hour has come. Welcome, welcome to the Eternity, welcome to the Grace and to the Truth. Receive that even while remaining, for the instant, within this world which dissolves. Find the Truth because you are it. There is nothing to search for, there is just to acquiesce. There is just to open, as the flower which opens to the morning Sun and which turns towards it during the day. Children of the Unity, resonate in you the Song of the Call. Marie will speak soon within your Temple of the Resurrection, calling you to live that.
Children of the Law of One, from now on the radiance and the radiation of the Angel METATRON, joined with my radiation, open in you the path of the crossing of your Resurrection to the Eternity. Listen, listen to the voice of the One, the voice of the wisdom, that which opens the floodgates of the Joy and moves you away forever from the heaviness and from the suffering. Dare. Dare to be what you are. Dare to live what is to live. Deploy. Deploy the Song of the ecstasy. Deploy yourselves. Open yourselves, completely, because you are the Love, because you are the Grace, because you are the Unity. We vibrate and together commune. Resurrection, Presence, Unity. Now, within the silence, within the sacred space of your alignments of communion.
Each evening, at the French hour, we will be together, more and more close and more and more unified, the ones with the others, in your Dimension, as within all of the Dimensions. Reunion. Reunion and communion. One and common Vibration. This is now. Hear. Hear and listen to the Vibrating call of the Angel URIEL, calling you to your Presence, to your Ultimate Reversal. The one who turns you away from the suffering and from the Shade. The one who places you in the Heart of your Heart. Together, we will commune in the Grace of Marie, in the Grace of METATRON. All of the Conclave, all of the Ancient Ones, the whole of the Earth, within its beings awoken to the Light, commune, from now on, in each one and in every one. You are the Children of the One, you are the One, in manifestation and in Creation, within even this world.
Liked well, liked well Children of the One, liked well Unities revealed to their Unity, we sing, we sing together the Song of the communion, Song of the Resurrection, Song of the Eucharist. This is now. The Fire of the Spirit baptizes you, in Spirit. The Fire of the Earth elevates you, in Spirit. The Fire of the Heart makes you bear witness to the Christ Presence, as Ardent Son of the Sun, revealed in the Sun, on the Earth. Together, we will now commune in your space of communion, all together, reunited, unified and free, liberated, in the elation and in the Joy.
I am the Angel URIEL, Angel and Archangel of the Presence and of the Reversal. The Passage, the Ultimate Door is from now on opened, in you and in front of you. With you to cross the threshold of the Joy. With you to cross the threshold and to find yourselves in your Unity and in your Truth all the time. Liked well Children of the law of One, together, now, we will commune in the space of the Grace, in the space of the communion, deploying your Merkabah as well as the Merkabah of the Earth, through the deployment of the Metatronic cube, calling you to the Resurrection of Yérushalaïm, the City of the Joy eternal.
Children, Children of the One, we commune. I remain in you, within this space of Fire of the Unity. We vibrate, we Vibrate and commune, now.
… Vibratory overflowing…
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the time has come, time is now, for it may come to the current age of moments….for you to cut the crap out with this stupid blabbering! Megatron has spoken!
To be unified, to be whole, to be healed is not to be dual. I believe that this is what the Archangel Uriel is on about. He is the Angel of the Presence – the Presence itself of the Source which lives in all, so that is what is conveyed in vibration. One has to think a little differently, Psp, to be open to feeling and not just to thought constructs.
Deceivers of the Lord are everywhere. Jews spreading garbage as usual.
If you want to say there are no other Archangels, that’s fine, yet I am not a Jew, but Jesus was… Who or what else are you going to criticize dakota?