Father God - What God thinks of us.
Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019
Father God
“Church after church celebrated Easter. Millions went to “worship” the idea but not the I AM.
Few recognized Me or took note of I AM as they dressed in their Easter finery to see and be seen; never giving a thought to the real meaning of What My Son accomplished for them. His death, His burial, His resurrection was overshadowed by Easter egg hunts and juggling for position at the restaurant down the street.
O man, why don’t you care?
The church…tattered and torn, man doing what seems right in his own eyes…America, 2019.
You, o sinful man, are without excuse.”
Like Jesus, God the Father is NOT HIGH. He/She/It is immanent (indwelling all), Omnipresent and Omniscent (all knowing because everywhere present). All powerful, because inherent.
The I AM is the sparks of God, consciousness – life indwelling the form; even the form is conscious. When we oppose that ‘everywhere present mentality’, we do WRONG.
If we do wrong, what do you suppose Mother Nature, the Earth and Space will do about it?
Messages of Jesus
Messages of Mary
Was just thinking: Being inherent in a Creation where humans, part of that Creation, have “free will”, and misuse that free will as we have done – blind to the One Life – is a big big sacrifice for the ‘ONE LIFE’ and for ALL CREATURES IN IT. To generate beings out of oneself, starting as thought, and allow them to grow according to their own self-realization, is a sacrifice for the self-realized. For Mary, for Christ, for the Archangel Michael (solar logos) who is responsible for all of the evolutions present within this solar system. For others, too. We, too generate thoughts.. but what are our thoughts like? Are they suitable offspring from us? Do we like what we create? Do we like what we think? Or are we stinkers in what we think, say and do? All thought driven.