Jesus - Vision of the Three Days of Darkness, plus (2) Earthquake-Tsunami Vision and HIS MESSAGE
The ‘Three Days of Darkness’ may not even be caused by the Planet X, 2nd sun, but may be caused by men/MAN, with their technology of very low frequency transmitters like HAARP, Omega (8 spaced evenly around the world) or SuperDARN (at the North and South poles). The Vision received by Kerry-Ann bears similarity to one received by Stalking Wolf in the 1920′s (links below) in that the air will densify from air to liquid or a jello-like consistency.
Mary has said numerous times in Her Brazilian messages that: ‘Humanity walks to the abyss of auto-destruction that men have prepared with their own hands.’
Jesus has said recently (posted to BIN): “Once Donald Trump leaves office things will change drastically.”
April 1st 2019
‘Hi, guys. This is your sister, Kerry-Ann Gidden, in Jesus Christ. Guys, I’m going to come to you and share a vision that the Lord – I say a very deep vision – that the Lord gave me in the early hours of the morning on the 1st April 2019, ladies and gentlemen. This vision is the most terrifying, the most frightening, I have ever had, since the Lord Jesus Christ has been giving me visions and dreams in Revelation since 2015. This is far, the most worst.
Just before I share this vision with you, I quickly want to explain something to you that I told the Lord about. So basically as you know, my beautiful brothers and sisters in the Lord, last week, Sunday the 31st of March, I took a video down concerning the three days of darkness and a date, because I shared with, in that video, somebody else’s link that I shouldn’t have done, but obviously I did that and I should have really sought there the confirmation of the Lord.
But anyway, after I’d deleted the video and I went into a deep conversation with the Lord, and I poured my heart out to God because I was saddened that I took that video down, and basically I said to the Lord Jesus Christ– I said to Him, “Father, as you know Lord, I have been warning about the three days of darkness because this is an event that will come– so many Christians do not believe, and I said, “Father, I’ve been warning– I have a lot of videos on my YouTube in a playlist called, ‘Three Days of Darkness’, plus other things that have been posted on Facebook concerning this event. And I just said to Him, “Lord, I believe that I have done enough concerning this–, and I said, “Lord Jesus, I do not want to do another video concerning the Three Days of Darkness, and if it’s at all,, Please Lord I don’t want another vision concerning this– because, obviously, as I said to the Lord, “I’ve done a lot”.
And I spoke to Him about it, and I was very honest with God, very straight– “Don’t want to talk about three days of darkness anymore, and I don’t want another vision concerning this.” And I spoke to God about it, and I KNOW 100% that the Lord heard me. He didn’t handsome me or anything, but I left His Presence feeling okay. I didn’t feel condemned; I didn’t feel, oh–, you know, nothing like that. I felt absolutely fine. Then Sunday night, ladies and gentlemen, as I was drifting off, just before I went to sleep really, and I was, you know, meditating on the Lord, and in the distance I heard the Voice of God,, It was like echoing, and I heard– The Lord said, “My Wrath is coming”.. My Wrath is coming.. My Wrath is coming. And when I heard that, ladies and gentlemen, I began to weep both in the physical and in the spiritual. I began to cry, and crying out to God, and I said, “Lord, there’s so many people that have not repented.” I said, “This whole world is lying darkness”, and I said to Him, “You know, Lord, we don’t know what your Wrath is, but we know that it is coming.” And as soon as I spoke to God about what I heard Him say about this wrath.
Ladies and gentlemen,straight away, straight away, I was in a deep vision. This is the deepest vision I’ve ever had up to date. This vision occurred about.. probably after midnight, so I got it on the 1st of April 2019. When I say to you, my beautiful brothers and sisters, that this vision is the most realistic – there is such a word. It was very real.. I didn’t even know I was in a vision, but I will tell you what the vision is; so the vision started off like this.
My family, which is my husband and my three kids, we were in a shopping mall. We were having a day out, and my husband said to me, “Kerry-Ann, why don’t you go and do a know, shopping. Walk in the shops, get some stuff if you want, or do some window shopping, and I will take the kids to go and watch a cartoon.. And I said, “Yeah, that’s fine.. You can do that.. I’ll go do a little window shopping. And as he said, “We’ll meet up later after the little cartoon is finished,.” and I said,”Fine.” And I think what –5m47s– , ladies and gentlemen, is like the Lord showed me the ‘name of the cinema’ that he was entering in with the children, so I knew exactly where He was going, and the name of that particular area where he was. So I went off, and I went looking in the shops..
And in the vision I went outside, and when I went outside I went in the few shops, just looking at stuff.. And then all of a sudden, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know what happened, but I found myself at the other side of the road.. So basically, the shopping mall was about two minutes walk away from me, and I was looking at the shopping mall. I was– I was stunned really, because I’m saying to myself, ‘How did I get here?”.. like, I just came out of the shopping mall.. and was across the road, looking at this mall. And beside me were two houses, and a lady came out of one of the houses, and she knew me. She knew me from social media– somebody that I perhaps fellowshipped with on youtube or on Facebook. And she came and she hugged me, and she said, “Hello Kerry-Ann, how are you. How is things?” And she said, “It’s me, we talk on Facebook all the time” ..or YouTube, one of those social media.. “and I hope John will be going to get–” Have a good little conversation, ladies and gentlemen.
And then another lady, who I fellowship with, another sister who I have fellowship with on Facebook or social media, came up as well and joined the conversation. We were just happy to see each other and meet each other in the flesh, in the vision. We were just talking..
Then the weirdest thing happened: A lady.. another lady– she wasn’t for God lady, drove up in her gray car, and she came out of the car, ladies and gentlemen, and she was behaving absolutely, just odd – abnormal behaviour. And myself and the two other Christian ladies who I was talking with, knew in our spirit that this woman was demonic. And she came up.. did some odd stuff.. went back in the car and just drove off. Just like that. And then we continue a conversation…. And then all of a sudden one of the ladies, ladies and gentlemen, said to me, “We’ve got to go.. We’ve got to go”, and I said to her, “What’s wrong?” And she said to me, “Look in the sky!” And when I look in the sky, ladies and gentlemen, THE SKY WAS PINK, and almost Jello/Jelly like. It was really odd. It was almost, I thought– I can’t describe it, but the colour was pink, and it was that the sky was almost as if it was jelly-like in nature. And she said to me, “Can you see that, Kerry-Ann? The DARKNESS IS COMING.”
She said, “TODAY, TODAY, the three days of darkness begin. We have to go!” So that lady went back into her house, and the other lady who I am speaking to, saying that the three days of darkness will begin, like, within hours. She said to me, “We have to go.. she said, “Come on, come in my car, I will drop you home.” And I said to her, “I can’t come back, I can’t come with you because my husband and the kids are in the cinema across the road in the mall, and I have to go and get them. And she said, “OK, whatever you do, do it fast, and get yourself home. And ladies and gentlemen, the woman drove off – the sister drove off, and when I looked in the sky, the only way I can describe this darkness– Just imagine a play in slow motion descending. That is how the darkness was coming. It was just descending – very, very thick when I say this thing was thick, and it was coming, ladies and gentlemen.
So, as I was about to walk off and run over to the cinema to get my husband and kids, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. And He said, “Don’t go in the mall. Do not go to shopping mall.” And I said, “Lord, my husband is there, kids are there, Why must I not go? – and He said, “If you go over there, that mall, when the earthquake comes, will collapse.” And I said to the Lord, “An EARTHQUAKE?,, And He said, “Yes, an earthquake is coming.”
So I reach in my pocket, ladies and gentlemen, and I rang my husband, and the first ring – ting-a-ling-a-ling – the first ring, he picked up. And I was panicking, and I was saying, “Dee, where are you, where are you?– and he was saying to me, “Kerry-Ann, calm down. It’s ok.” And I said, “Can’t calm… Where are you, where are YOU?– and he said, “I’m at home.” I said, “You’re at HOME!– ? I said, “What? You’re at home.. You’re at the home.” I said, “What happened? You left me..” He said, “Well, the movie, it was over ages ago.. He said, “We’ve been ringing for hours. And we could not find you – We were looking for you, we were ringing the phone for so many hours and your phone was just– it just wasn’t picking up.. It– the phone was just not ringing. So the kids wanted to go home, and I had to take them home.”
And, ladies and gentlemen, that is when the tears started to just roll down my face. I started to cry, and I said, “You left me”.. I said, “You left me, Dee.” He said, “Kerry-Ann, just, just make your way home and you’ll be fine. And as we were talking, I said, “Right.. I said, “Listen to me, listen to me very very carefully now.. I said, “There’s something happening outside. It is dark.. As I was going to say “darkness”, my husband said to me, “Kerry-Ann what’s going on– he said, The house is getting dark.” And I said, “I know!– I said, “the Lord..” And then he said, “I can’t see my hands.. he said, “I can’t see anything, so what’s happening, Kerry-Ann?”.. He was absolutely petrified. He was scared. He was petrified. He was nervous. All of these emotions were coming through from my husband.. And I said, “Right, Dee, listen to me very very carefully.. I said, “Beside my bed there are two candles that I bought.. I said, “Go and light them.. and I said, “Whatever happens, do NOT OPEN THE DOOR. And he said to me, Kerry-Ann, I can’t see the phone, I can’t see anything. It’s getting dark…. “Dooooop”– the phone just went.. Puff! .. He was gone. The phone just cut out.
Ladies and gentlemen, when I tell you: That FEAR.. I know she will have fear but.. I was fearful, I was crying, I was– my mind, my heart, everything was just all over the place, ladies and gentlemen. And then I went to knock on the lady’s door, and when I look in her house it was completely dark – pure darkness, thick darkness, and I said to myself, “I’m not going to knock on this lady’s door, because I’ve been warning on Facebook that whatever you do, whatever you do, do not open the door – No way. So, I said to myself, “I’m not going to go and knock on this lady’s door. So she had some bins outside, and at this point, ladies and gentlemen, the darkness coming and it was THICK! And I went into one of her bins and I put the lid over my head, and went into the bin. And when I went into the bin, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said to me, “You cannot stay in the bin because you will suffocate. Come out.” And I came out of the bin, ladies and gentlemen, just crying– just, you know, my heart was just beating, pumping – everything was just going, and I sat outside of the bin, and the Holy Spirit– and I took off my coat, because I didn’t want to look what was going on in the darkness, even though it didn’t fully engulf me but it was coming down slowly. And I put my jacket over my head, and Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “The jacket won’t work, take it off.” ..took off my jacket and put it back on me. So this time I put my hands on my face, like that, because I didn’t want to see the darkness, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me again, and He said, “Well, if you have your hands over your face for three days, your hands will get tired and you will have to take it away.”
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m telling you, at this point, the darkness was coming, I couldn’t see my hands – this was it– from here, and my hands I could hardly see, It was sooo dark and thick. It was like something was pushing against you – absolutely gross and demonic. That’s how I can describe it. And that’s a tale of falling, and of crying, I was by myself, I was lonely, I was thinking about my husband, my children, everybody.. if they’re safe. Everything.. All the emotion was just running, and I began to cry. And the Holy Spirit said to me, “Look beside your thigh.” There was a blanket, because at this point remember the Darkness, because it’s descending.. my face was covered. My hands – unless I put my hands way out – I could see, and right beside me, ladies and gentlemen, was a blanket beautifully folded up. I don’t know where it came from, because it wasn’t there– because I would have used it, and the Holy Spirit said, “There’s a blanket beside you; spread it over your head and your feet.” I got this blanket, shook it out and I spread it all over, and as the blanket descended, down and made– it turned into a beautiful little tent. It formed a tent, ladies and gentlemen, and as soon as the blanket formed this lovely tent, there was light. There was light underneath this tent. It wasn’t a light.. I didn’t have any candles; my phone was dead. There wasn’t any lantern, but the blanket itself– it was glowing – it’s just beautiful.. beautiful glow that was coming from the blanket, ladies and gentlemen. And then at that point, I began to relax, and the Holy Spirit began to speak to me and He said, “Calm down, calm down start it, calm down, calm down.” And my heart, I could feel my heart because it was racing, because I was so scared.. I’m just terrified.
Oh God!.. Oh, Jesus, I Love you Lord. And the Holy Spirit said to me, “Calm down, some.” And I began to calm down, and He said to me– He said, “In this situation you will have to have faith in Jesus Christ. There’s no other way.. He said, “FAITH AND TRUST IN THE LORD IS WHAT’S GOING TO PROTECT YOU IN THIS DARKNESS.” And as He said that to me, ladies and gentlemen, I just hanged on to every single word.. He was sooo refreshing. And I just hanged on to that, and I felt OK.. And because the vision felt so real, ladies and gentlemen – because I meant to say to you that throughout this episode of the vision, I’d tried to wake myself, because normally in my vision I can wake myself up or I can come out of it. But this one, I tried about six times to come out of the vision: Nothing happened. I was settled.. It was so real– I was stuck in this thing. So I gave up and I thought, ‘This is the darkness; we’re in the Three Days of Darkness.’ I totally ignored that I was having a vision and just accepted that, ‘This is IT’ – I was in the Three Days of Darkness, full on, and I was caught OUTSIDE. I wasn’t at home, I was caught outside: And then when the Holy Spirit spoke to me.. ‘said relax.. total trust in Jesus’, I began to just relax.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I could hear the chaos-es outside.. You know, these Hollywood people that make horror movies and zombies and– But basically, what I heard was demonic people. There were people outside that were literally possessed. They were possessed and they could handle the darkness, and that is the reason why, when I did the ‘bird box movie’ and linked it with the three days of darkness – That’s the Holy Spirit that told me to do that, because I didn’t know this information. But I’ve seen it with my own eyes in this vision, ladies and gentlemen… The only people that can move, maneuver, in this thick darkness IS the demonic’s. Honestly it is the demonic’s.. and, and, and so, the Lord– when when the Holy Spirit said, ‘relax, everything is ok, total trust in Jesus’, I began to relax, I could see my hands, I could see my feet. I looked beside me and there was two bottles of water– it wasn’t there before. The two bottles of water was there with me, and then the Holy Spirit let me go.
I opened my eyes, and I realised I was in my bedroom. Oh.. oh, brothers and sisters, you don’t even know how happy I am– So happy I was. I turned the lights on and looked at my three-year-old son because he was sleeping with me. I looked at my phone, it was 2:25 when I came out of the vision. I went to the toilet.. I was so happy, I thought, ‘Thank you Lord, Thank you Jesus’. It was only a vision – Thank.. I was so happy, and no, I’m not going to be caught in the vision, in the darkness, please Lord… Oh, yeah, I hope not. But the Lord– and then the vision ended, obviously, because I’m out of the vision now. It’s all gone, it’s all finished. And when I came out of the vision I said– the first thing I said to the Lord.. I said, “God, I had the conversation with you today, and I begged you, I told you Lord: ‘NO MORE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS’.. I don’t want to have a vision, I don’t want to do another Youtube video about Three Days of Darkness.’ But, the Lord, you know, I’m His vessel, I’m a servant. I have no right to tell God how to use me, so I acted out that, this– This vision maybe a replacement for the one that I’ve deleted.
But, quickly, ladies and gentlemen, the reason why– The vision was sooo real, like 100% real to me. I’ll quickly tell you the reason why it was real:
- number one. In the vision, my husband, my kids and myself wee acting more in real life, in real life. We have a weekend plan, and we’re going to a mall, ok? And it was the same mall in the vision. That’s number one. So that’s why I thought that the vision was real.
- number two. When, when I told my husband there’s two candles at the bedside, in real life I bought two candles on the 30th of March 2019 and they are still at my bedside. So when I was telling my husband in the vision about the candle, that in my head thought, ‘Right, you’re not dreaming, you’re not having a vision, it’s not revelation. You’re in the darkness.’
- And thirdly. That topic all over to let me know 100%, you’re not having a vision; this is absolutely real, when my husband was petrified.. he wasn’t.. He was terrified. And I’ll tell you this, ladies and gentlemen: When it comes to families, your close friends, they don’t want to know. They don’t want to know about the ‘end times’. My husband, God bless his heart, but yeah– Just leave it like that, ‘you don’t want to know.’ So when I was explaining to him what to do, that’s exactly what I would have to do when this thing comes, because, you know, they don’t listen. So when I was doing that, I just thought, ‘Right, this is It… I thought, ‘No vision. This is absolutely real.. So that’s the reason why I thought that the vision was 100% real.
- And plus. I couldn’t wake. I couldn’t come out of it until the Holy Spirit released me, and when He released me, put me back in my bedroom. That is a hundred percent coming.
So this thing is coming, ladies and gentlemen. I am not making no apologies. You can call me, all, the false prophet. You can call me whatever you want to call me.. I will accept that.. But ‘The Three Days of Darkness’ is coming. Now, there’s a lot of people on Youtube who are doing videos, who are sane, and millions of people will die. That’s it…. This is a WAKE UP CALL, this Darkness is literally TO WAKE UP THE WORLD, to know that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is coming. So to say that thousands and millions of people are going to die.. I’m not saying that.. That is not what I am saying. I am saying that the gross darkness is to wake up the world. People will be scared, yes. There might be deaths.. you know few, you know deaths and stuff but not millions and thousands. I think a lot of people would be ‘wake up’ and know that Jesus Christ is Lord. I think during this Darkness, a lot of people will give their hearts to Christ. The lukewarm Christians will know that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He is not playing,.. So I just wanted to come to you, I’m sorry, but I don’t do long videos, but obviously it is the time. And so, yeah– so this vision it’s still in my heart.. You know, whenever I think about it, my still heart beats really fast. I do not want to be caught outside. I know the Holy Spirit will protect and.. but for me — “Oh Lord, please God.” I’ve experienced the three days of darkness, ladies and gentlemen..
It’s horrible. The word ‘horr.. horrible’ is not even a word to describe it. It’s.. It’s.. It’s devastating. It’s a hopelessness. Yeah. It’s just a hopelessness that you feel when it comes on you, and you have to have the Holy Spirit. But the beauty about it is that– remember I said I was panicking, I was terrified, I was scared, so on. Even though those emotions going through me, I still could hear the Holy Spirit. He was saying: “Don’t go into the mall”, and He knew that my husband was home– “Don’t go into the bin, don’t do this.. take the blanket”.. I could still hear Him, and that’s the beauty. That’s the beauty of having a beautiful relationship with Jesus Christ. In the moment of tears and problems, you can still hear His Voice, and in the darkness, He will speak.. He will speak, ladies and gentlemen. So, this thing is coming, but we can– I’m not going to mention any date; I know the weekend when I’m going away.. I’m not going to mention it, because everybody’s going to say, ‘What date is it? What date is it?’ And I don’t want to go into any dates with anybody, just be ready. Just be preparing yourself: get your water in, get your candles, even perishable food. Get your stuff in, ladies and gentlemen.
I would say, MAYBE.. No, I’m not going to give any dates. I’m not going to do it. No I’m not.. I’m not, no. You.. sorry, Just get yourself ready, just be ready, ladies and gentlemen, ok? So, God eternally bless you, I love you all. Honestly –25m42s– I love you all, you know. I really love you guys, and I will see you soon – someday in glory, in Jesus’ precious Holy Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.. I sense many blessings.’
1. Cover windows.
2. Do not look outside your windows, until the darkness have past.
3. Do not open you doors for no one.
4. Get unscented candles – although the Holy Spirit will provide supernatural light |
5. Get water plenty.
6. Get non perishable foods.
7. Get medicines.
8. Store blankets and water in your cars/trucks.
May 3rd, 2019
The Three Days of Darkness is at our Door – Jesus
Night of the Red Sky – the prophetic vision of Grandfather
- the four prophecies
1) starvation in Africa (due to industrialisation in Europe)
2) holes in the sky (due to splitting of the atom and escape of particles smaller than sub-atomic particles)
3) sky on fire for one week (due to HAARP): no turning back possible after this sign
4) 10 years of worldwide starvation (due to crops failing, poisoned water) and mass disease.
May 12th 2019
Earthquake AND Tsunami Word given May 12,2019 BEHOLD I COME – Jesus
The Henoch Prophecies
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
May 12th, 2019
‘The night of May 11, 2019, I had a short dream of an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. I found myself running to warn my adult children that this was about to happen, and there were only precious few moments to prepare. By the time I had arrived at the home where they were visiting their friends to warn them, until the events happened, was only minutes, literally. We as believers were protected, but the devastation was massive. I asked Father this morning as soon as I woke up if He wanted to speak to this. He has given me many warnings like this to post, and He has been so merciful in warning us to prepare, first and foremost spiritually, then physically as we are led. I wondered if He is going to continue to warn, because He has already given us so much, but because of my position as a watchman, He reminded me to continue to warn until He tells me to stop, and so I will obey. He has not given me the sequence of what judgments come first, only to be ready at every moment because judgment is set, it is HERE.’
‘WAKE UP! WAKE UP! It has been decreed, what has been sown will now be reaped! The Harvester comes to gather His harvest and the chaff will be thrown into the fire!
There is only one safe place to be, and this is in the center of My heart and My will. You will find no refuge in the idols of this world. My warnings have repeatedly fallen on the spiritually dead, and I will now act.
To those who are My disciples I say the fuse has been lit, follow the instructions I have given you in your secret place with Me.’
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