Nibiru as a 2nd sun seen over the Ocean from Brazil, May 2nd 2019-- Aries sun, Perseus for our 2nd sun.
~8 am
May 2nd 2019 (Thursday)
overlooking the water. Sun in Aries. The Brown Dwarf possibly in Perseus.
Photos/films of the 2nd sun/ brown dwarf always seem to be bright and sunlike when filmed over the Southern Atlantic Ocean – perhaps better, because of the South Atlantic Anomaly off the coast of Brazil. The South Atlantic Anomaly is where the Earth’s magnetosphere comes closer to the Earth. It’s not so high.
Then, too, if when in Perseus the 2nd sun is aligned with the double or variable star Algol, then it too could have some serious effects upon the Earth or upon the sun, like it did with the sun back in 2007 when Algol was aligned with the new moon and our sun on May 16th 2007.
May 16 and 17 2007
And it’s pretty much stayed that way – bright. At the link, see the 4th line down.
Please look up Algol and read about its significance.
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
Jesus – Details on the soon Three Days and Nights of Darkness
Note. The next new moon is on the 3rd June, which is the date when President Trump travels overseas to the UK for a STATE VISIT. The trip is planned for June 3 – 5.
Julius Caesar (Act I, Scene II) Cassius: Men at some time are masters of their fates: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
Emphasize: Jesus has said that Donald Trump will be in danger on this trip and that multiple attempts will be made on his life, even in the air. If enough people pray for him, Jesus says.. – sending out enough calming prayerful energy that Spirit can use, then things might be different..
Algol in Perseus has a malefic influence… but… yet it’s not in our stars that we are underlings, but in ourselves. Jesus: “Once Donald Trump leaves office things will change drastically.” /v3/spirit/2019/2515072.html Let’s hope Donald Trump does not leave office at the end of a bullet on this upcoming trip to the UK in June..