Jesus - awaiting the Prodigal
My guess after reading this latest message from Jesus, is that people don’t know which way is ‘up’ (search ‘A Course in Miracles’ with the word ‘upside’.. upside-down). They are so focused on the outer that they have closed the door on the inner energy which is all around them, is buoyant and gives peace. If you balance the energy on the inside so that there is no agitation, no conflict on the inside – in the mind – then that energy finds its way into the outer life and there seems to be harmony in the things that happen around one. But if a person suppresses that reserve, that feeling of guilt, before acting, then that energy too goes out into the outer life, powering it. Grace truly is our “saving grace”, and until we hold to it without wavering, our life will be one of ups and downs, truly. No middle ground, no balance and NO MIDDLE WAY between the pairs of opposites…. and I say this deliberately, because quoted in the middle of the message is a passage from another author who implies that Buddhism, too, is one of our stumbling blocks, that it ‘redefines the truth’ untruthfully…. My feelings on this is that if people open themselves to the inner way (controlling the mind and its forces) while walking the outer way, it doesn’t matter which religion they follow, because they will help to make this life harmonious, despite the agitation and disagreeableness that may be found around them. Energy carries and is transmitted, and this is the Way of the Cross – to transmit this beautiful energy which smooths the way. Example: Jesus stilling a storm and walking on water.. Matthew 14:22-33… water being of the emotional nature and wind being of the mind. So simple a concept, but effort and persistent effort is needed to control or tame this energy. The inner energy (which powers the outer life) can be made peaceful, but it requires inner effort and long term practice to do it.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Americans, how quickly you forget. Once a proud nation, you have become a pompous nation of smug spoiled children demanding your own way. Where once you honored God and country, you now worship at the trough of depravation, corruption and greed. Your hands are stained with blood. With dogged determination, relentless in your quest to better yourselves, have it your own way; without regard for others you have forgotten, or perhaps you never knew… ‘you may be sure that your sins will find you out. Numbers 32:23′
David Fiorazo author of Redefining Truth states: “Government in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago, leaving a massive spiritual void. The doors were then flung open to Atheism, evolution, Humanism, witchcraft, Islam, Liberalism, sexual promiscuity, the LGBTQ agenda and recently Buddhism. Our tax dollars now support the teaching of an ABC curriculum, Anything But Christ.”
Holding tightly to the American dream, refusing to accept reality, complicit to the ways of the world, albeit home, school, government, church it matters not, Americans cling to man made promises, jeopardizing family, faith and future. ‘Thus says the LORD, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM the LORD who exercises loving kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 9:23-24′
America is adrift in a sea of immorality and godlessness; the harbor distant, beyond her reach, she struggles, she rows, without a moral compass, without direction without an anchor, a lighthouse, a guide, she drifts, and satan takes more ground. Our only Hope, our Lighthouse, our Anchor steady and strong, full of grace and mercy awaits the return of the prodigal, the wanderer, to guide them safely home…but no you say, we will not relinquish control, we will not admit our inadequacies, our faults our failures our sins. ‘To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear? Behold their ears are closed and they cannot listen, behold, The Word of the LORD has become a reproach to them; they have no delight in it. Jeremiah 6:10′ And America drifts as satan takes more ground.
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages