Nibiru - Dr Sam.. Nibiru's magnetic field is 200 times greater than the Earth's magnetic field
Dr Sam is an astronomer from Israel. His writings are in Arabic.. translated into Portuguese for Tio Abadom (Brazilian) to post them up in very informative videos.. Dr Sam does not pull any punches.. He tells things straight, and for you to decide whether they are for you or not.
A new lecture from Dr. Sam
Good morning talk … In the name of Allah the Merciful .. Much has been said recently about the persistence of the weak electromagnetic shield of the earth, which assumes extreme forms of field. And the velocity of the effusive fields exceeded the barrier of 800kms. Knowing that all this comes after we pass the month of alignment in July for the closest orbital peak. The earth is now moving in direction to orbital distance from Nibiru. We have a question … What is the extremism of field of the earth ?? !! From where come the violent swirls of field? And how are they formed ?? .. To answer these questions, I will move away from the language of numbers and equations. I will explain this in the simplest examples, if God wills it.
1) Field Extremism Experiment: If theoretically we take a straight magnet, AND its magnetic field X Tesla .. And we take another magnet several times larger than the first. And its magnetic field is amplified two times. We take them 1 meter apart. And we had the magnets with north pole to front. We cover the magnets with a surface of paper. And then .. We spread filings of soft iron on this surface of paper … What will happen … !! ?? … The filings of iron will be organised on a field centered on a magnet strong and large. The filings of iron over a small magnet will portray a field irregular and distorted.
If we move the north pole of the large magnet toward the north pole of the small magnet, we will notice the polar kinetic transformation of the small magnet and severe repulsion between electrodes. The polar transformation and the repulsion increase exponentially as mass increases between the two bodies. If we approximate … the south pole of the small magnet approaches the north pole of the large magnet, the entire record of iron will be subject. It will join itself to the big magnetic field … !!
We will take on this example and leave this simple example about the state of the earth with Nibiru. Nibiru is about seven times larger than Earth. And its magnetic field is 200 times larger than the field of the Earth. The Magnetic field of Nibiru extends for 47 au in space. (This data is in agreement with Voyger 2). Where is the problem? The problem is that the electromagnetic north electrode of Nibiru is relatively comparable to the electromagnetic north pole of the Earth. The closer to the earth, the more applied to it. It has begun to distort the field of the Earth, as happened in the example of the filings of iron above the smaller magnet.
This visiting object will reach a stage in which the entire field of the Earth is stolen. It signifies that the earth will be abstract before the cosmic rumours/murmurs/sounds. This is what we call a real collapse of field. This will only happen if Nibiru achieves a certain approach. This phase begins when Nibiru exceeds the orbit of Jupiter.
Ladies and Gentlemen .. The North Pole now lives in a state of magnetic polar migration towards a violent repulsive force … This violent contradictory force seeks to move the poles rapidly from one field to another. The reason for this is the polar convergence between the Earth and Nibiru … Observe in the images annexed below … the size of the transitional acceleration of these points in relation to previous years. And we are seeing a constant acceleration this year.
But .. On or at the 40 degree angle of elevation crusade, the polar transformation will be complete. Scientists from the geological survey probably will travel to this point after 4 years !! But what if the acceleration of the polar displacement approached this period … !! … We will leave the answer to the earth herself, The facts will inevitably speak to us ..!
(2) interpretation of field swirls behind the earth. Earth is now subject to two fluxes of field. The first from the sun and the second intruder. Example and experiment. The earth here is a small boat of paper at the spring . We put this boat in a flux of water, and this flux is going against the direction, but if we doubled the force of this flux in a manner that surpassed the flux of the spring of water; These swirls, when formed, will be a warning sign and an alarm. And it is this that is happening now on the Earth …
(note. The first is an equatorial cut. The second is a north-south cut.. see ISWA link)
For years, NASA and its false scientists were flooding the world with empty dates. And imagery .. And the news does not have the truth of any link to this heavy visitor .. !! .. People are bored. And the people have been made incapable of hearing the news about this legend (Nibiru !!) .. That it does not exist originally, only in the minds of dreamers .. !!
Now .. data on climate changes .. The melting of the polar ice. Warming pattern, spread of fire .. Earthquakes .. Volcanoes .. The field of earth has decayed .. Hazardous meteorites .. etc. They all became real events. No doubt about it …. And on top of this … Preparations of developed countries to establish a force of space deterrence to protect the Earth … But one question: Protect the Earth from what .. And why now !! ?? .. And for information only: that on 29 of this month the force of space deterrence of the U.S. will be ready and in use .. !!
Ladies and Gentlemen. We cannot believe in an hypothesis in mathematics without proof … When the proof is reached, we have a theory. Nibiru is now clearly shining in our fields of observation. And who did not believe those photos .. I think that he believed in its obvious impact on us .. If not explicitly .. will be implied .. Events are speeding up .. The clock is ticking … And the date of arrival is only with the knowledge of Allah ..
This lecture was written only to explain the field transformation of poles and our physical examples most simple. We are waiting for the command, start, knowledge, wisdom, and measure of God. And the scientific logic is true. And leave the knowledge of the invisible to God alone. God before and after. The peace be with the ones who follow the orientation. May the mercy and blessings of Allah be with the believers …
the video
ISWA (Integrated Space Weather Analysis)
goto Magnetosphere, goto page 9, see the first three
Migration of the magnetic north and south poles. The North Magnetic Pole is moving from Canada across the top of the world towards Siberia faster than the South Magnetic Pole is moving from Antarctica towards Australia. Remember that the South Magnetic Pole is really a positive pole (north) and the North Magnetic Pole is really a negative pole (south). During July when we are between the sun and the Nibiru, the northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun and away from the Nibiru.. warm, while the southern hemisphere tilts away from the sun and towards the Nibiru.. cold. So in reality during July it is the South Magnetic Pole (really a north) which is being pushed by the north magnetic, +ve pole of Nibiru. I’ve tried to look this up since there are no maps of pole migration in the video, and you could probably do a bit more looking up, too.
Wandering of the Geomagnetic Poles
Why the North pole is actually a South seeking pole
Apparently the north magnetic pole (south) was moving at the beginning of 2019 at 55 miles per year – 88 kilometers per year, speeded up since 1980, while the south magnetic pole (north) is moving more steadily at 10 miles – 17 kilometers per year.
South.. North below.
image from the Guardian, UK.
‘Polar express: magnetic north pole speeds towards Russia’
5th February 2019
Why Earth’s magnetic poles would start to converge, the North (really a south) towards Russia and the South (really a north) towards Australia, I don’t know..
For some reason the video is not showing… It should be up the top, with link in the links section..
Don’t worry cara your not missing anything but a bunch of gibberish in some language hardly nobody understands.
I don’t think it’s gibberish, DJ Dog. The man is a practicing astronomer who is away from the western world where astronomers who leak such things get killed or silenced in one way or another..
In 2014 a leak from the European Space Agency..
“WARNING relative at ESA says possible black hole passing through solar system; tsunamis, EQs, asteroid impacts..
“She says it’s pretty much confirmed. Already affecting levels of insolation leading to the extreme weather in North America and Europe. || World leaders being updated but not ready to break news to avoid panic for as long as possible.”
..”Planetary mass black hole, passing through the solar system, skirting the outer edge of Uranus orbit.”
So in 2014 it was out near Uranus’ orbit.
Now in 2019, it’s approaching the orbit of Jupiter, to cross into the inner solar system again, and towards Earth.. The Chilean astronomer, Carlos Munoz Ferrada, predicted its coming a long time ago, and calculated that it would come within 14,000,000 kilometers of the Earth.
Here could be a reason for Earth’s Magnetic Field reversal
Is Niburu is behind the Sun? The Picture is of the Sun from the ISS 8/30/2019