Jesus - Judgment and how it will be
People have to do their final choosing, sincerely from the Heart and not from the mental one (calculating gain) before they lose their physical body and not afterwards. Because afterwards it is too late. People cannot change their minds afterwards, for then it is reaping time. Living what we have given out in this lifetime and even brought forward from previous lifetimes if those faults have not been ironed out.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Do you see with eyes of truth or has your vision been impaired by the shadows that surround, the darkness that hovers, the clamor for more, the need to excel whatever the cost? Have your ears become so dull that you no longer hear the cries of the hopeless, the sounds of suffering, the throbbing heart of pain?
A great awakening is coming – an awakening of Truth. God will pronounce His righteous judgment upon all that give lip service to the gospel, those who by example lead millions astray, those who laugh, scorn and pervert His Word. In that day, God will stand and declare: ‘I tell you, I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves are thrown out. People will come from the east and the west, the north and the south and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:27-29)’, but you…
Millions prefer madness to morality, chaos to Christianity and nonsense to nobility. ‘O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am! (Psalm 39:4)’
‘Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust (Psalm 40:4)‘…Blessed are those who do not go astray following a lie!
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
Mary: “Where is the Church of My Jesus”, people will ask
Mary: ‘People will go where their vibration carries them’
msg no.52, July 17th 2010 (in French)
“The Source has decreed, as you know, the final end of the illusion. But the Source has also conferred on you that of which you have been deprived, by certain forms of consciences within this world: the liberty. And this liberty, of course, is imprescriptible. And so, you will go where your Vibration carries you. Your destination will be established from the moment when my Announcement will be made. Because, at that time, my Heart of the Mother hopes that many human beings, from the reconnection which I will establish, will open, in that moment, their Heart and decide to return to the Truth of what they are and not remain within the illusion.”
Mary’s Announcement comes 72 hours, exactly, before the onset of the Three Days of Darkness/Three Days of Light (given May 17th 2010) when, as She said, “the Conscience of humanity falls for the first time within the new Dimension.” .. For the Three Days, rotation is stopped, caused by the Nibiru. “My planet” said Jesus (given March 31st 2019)… Archangel Michael, “The Light comes to establish itself in you” (given July 12th, 2009). Hence, the long lead up time we have had to allow us to prepare ourselves for this big rise in frequency to get to the Kingdom of God and not to the other place.
So, how come just about every picture you use for Jesus is a different dude?
Asking for a Friend.
The one from South Africa of Jesus in the air is a side view. This one, a painting in Italy is a face on view. The one from 2000 years ago (if you remember that one), also a side view with his Uncle looking towards the camera, looks to be of the same person.. tall, same build and same facial features with a similar length of hair..
2000 years ago photo
Aliens Reveal Jesus Near The Sea Of Galilee? 2013 HD
You really have NO sense of humor, do you?
That picture comment was in jest, and in no way should have been construed as a legitimate question.
I Award 5.3 Super Secret Bonus Points to myself for using ‘construed’ in a sentence.
I’ve always thought that most pictures of Jesus look like every roofer I’ve seen, after the first 6-pack of beer for the day. [ <---In case you're wondering, that's a joke, a jest, a vagary, perhaps a yarn, if you will].
Religious people tend not to have a great sense of humour.
There’s not a great deal of fun in the bible,koran etc..
Cara,you continue to be a disgusting human being.
Yet again, threatening people with ‘reaping’ and implying suffering and an eternal torment and burning if they don’t kneel and sing to your ‘god’.
All this for an idol for whom there is no evidence for whatsoever,apart from in your own tiny mind.
Did you torture animals when you were a child?
Turn around planogod and look what we have done to others – other nations, other countries other peoples, without the blink of an eye. That ill-will, as a frequency of energy, has to work itself out somehow, to be balanced and in balance with the rest of the creation. And no, I never tortured animals when I was young, or at any time in my life… Look at your own habits, planogod, and don’t try to imagine your own failings, your own frequency, onto someone else. There is enough projection going on in relation to what I post, and personally I just pass it off, and only reply because others might believe the lies – the distortions.
Cara, that all sounds very lovely,and no doubt some people will go all goo-goo how nice Cara is.
But you don’t fool me.
It does not alter the fact that religious people such as you have been bullying the weak minded,susceptible,the young and the meek and the dumb for millenia,all via different mythical beings who do not exist.
And it’s all about fear isn’t it. Don’t dare not to believe my god or you’ll go to eternal torment,or variations of that theme.
You may feel you need some deity to monitor and judge your behaviour. If that’s the case I feel very sorry for you.
I just treat people as I would be treated myself. It works every time.
How you can look in the mirror with a straight face and say you believe in the christian god of the bible,a book which advocates,nay compels, genocide,torture,slavery and the subjugation of women on a routine basis,and still go out and preach this horrible nonsense.
I just hope you have no children to indoctrinate with this evil garbage.
The way to avoid trouble, is to walk the straight and the narrow way. Mary says she has come from the Heaven to lead us on the path of holiness… What’s the difference? There is none and there’s no fear in the holy way, just a growing sense of the Presence.. there is guidance and communication, albeit mute, as though the right thing to do just flows through you. You could call it ecstasy, or Peace, the easterners call it Samadi.. And as I keep saying, “Get the energy right on the inside of you and things on the outside seem to go better as well”. So there is that connection between the inner and the outer. And when it’s run right there is happiness.. Do I have no sense of humor? In a way, I do have, because events and circumstances in this life pass and we have our experiences, but those experiences are able to be influenced.
All that has happened in this life and all the bad that is going to happen due to mankind’s resistance to the Life, and the passing of the Nibiru, is our influence on that Life. There is nothing but that Life all around us.. in the plants, in the animals, in other human beings and even in the mineral life of this planet. It’s all alive and living, therefore conscious to some extent, and we influence that life through our behaviour and our thoughts because thoughts are indeed vibration…. ‘Get the energy right on the inside and things on the outside seem to go better as well’.
The future as well as the present is dynamic! Which way are we going to go? The way of the ego or the way of the spirit? The one way separates us from our interior knowledge and the other way connects us to our interior knowledge.. and as we know, “The Kingdom of God is within you.”
Congratulations for addressing not one single point I put to you.
I must assume its a generic copy and paste that you keep up your sleeve.
All I see is some quasi new-age babble mixed with a touch of ‘testament’. There’s no evidence that ‘mary’ even existed except in some random mistranslated medieval scribblings.
‘The lord of the rings makes much more sense than the bible,and is a much more spiritual literary work.
I could not care less what you believe,but you just cannot keep it to yourself can you!
So in between threatening people with judgement and eternal torment you seem to think you have some magical inner grace that you ‘feel’ from jesus and that makes you above the rabble like me,and possessed with some inner caring charm(well,apart from the threats of course).
Good luck with your ‘kingdom of god’ lol. Just don’t tell all the hindus,muslims,pagans they are all wrong, and you,cara,of course are right…
To hell with your religious bullying nonsense(pun intended).
You are starting to spout rubbish, planogod, just like Central Scrutinizer has begun to do with the updates on the Nibiru. No, the above was not a carbon copy, it was written fresh for the reply. And in your second to last paragraph, you directly contradict the message above, which says in part: people will come from the east and the west, the north and the south…. but not you.. So apparently Christians are way down on the list of people who will be admitted to the Kingdom (a state of mind and not a place), because they have too much ego, too much separated mind, too much of calculation in them.
Personally I like the Buddhist phrase: ‘Buddhism is a way of life and not a religion’… That’s what all religions should teach.. The immanence of God, of Life throughout the creation. All else is the opposite of Life, or “Live” spelled backwards. We have gotten above the ground floor, and so we as a race of people are lost souls. And lost souls, as the Pleiadains have said, get “re-cycled” as everything else in Nature.
And Thiaoouba in the Pleiades is pronounced with a soft “t” and a “va” at the end, so in reality it is Jehovah (“Hyehouva”). We die to spirit by our own hand, and not by anything that anyone else decrees, let alone me. I don’t pronounce anything except what is the obvious. And with that, people still have free-will. They can end up in ‘the lake of fire’ with Satan (in the bowels of the Earth) if they want to. It’s not for me to decide. I only alert, as a relay of sorts..
* begun ????
You crazy old hack, I’ve been hounding you and every other Niburutard for years! I’ve run most all of them off, with my collection of burns and catchy nick-names.
Do a quick search on my vast collection of comments on this nonsensical ‘planet’ and you will see it goes back at least a decade.
‘Begun – indeed.
Very well done Cara, you’ve succeeded in boring me to silence.
I hear the house band on Niburu is called Jesus and the F*ckin’ Miracles. I cannot wait!