Jesus - the Corona Virus a call to Righteousness; plus O.M. Aivanhov - replies to questions
After nine days without, a new message from Jesus.. We are traveling to the Heart Center, to be centered there and away from the mental one, if we will. The real event will be if the mental one is transformed into the Buddhic mind, the spiritual mind. From other readings (see O.M. Aivanhov, below), the authority in this world is set apart and raised to be ‘God’ – the flawed idea of ‘merit by association’, whereas the authority of the spiritual worlds is an integrated authority and is called ‘Source’. We all come from Source and we go back to Source, while not losing our individuality. We being sparks of the Divine Flame.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
In panic or in praise, in times of plenty or in times of lack, sunshine or thunderstorm, we must never loose sight of God. If ever a nation lets go of God’ hand, that nation will crumble, destroyed from within. ‘Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of JESUS Christ (1 Peter 1:13)’.
While in prayer I pondered the meaning of CoVid19, I wondered what the LORD wanted us to learn from all that has been thrust upon us. Holy Spirit spoke, spirit to spirit, from His heart to mine: “the virus is a wake-up call to the nations, get your house in order, refuse to compromise, stand firm in faith. Darkness awaits, do not be deceived. The virus will shine the light of truth into areas of corruption, deception and greed; exposing the darker side of governmental officials, corporations, organizations; their agendas, their subtly hidden thirst for power. Instead of righteousness there are rags, instead of grace there is greed, instead of love there are lies. My people perish for lack of wisdom. Speak to them of My Son, speak to them of My glory.”
‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6)’.
I said, ‘LORD, this is a mess!’ The LORD said; “No, this is not a mess but a mission.’ “You as a nation, a world, have an opportunity to turn away from evil and back to righteousness. You have been given time to stand in the gap, to repent for the sins of your nation, to repent of your laziness in prayer, repent of your lack of concern, your lack of commitment to goodness as your nation crumbled under the weight of sin, graft and perversity. You have an opportunity to turn your nation back to God.” There is more, much more that the LORD would say to His people, to those with ears to hear Truth, to those with eyes to recognize greed, hatred and unbridled sin. ‘Our LORD is a strong tower, the righteous will run into it and they shall be safe (Proverbs 18:10)’. Will you be one to whom the LORD will speak?
‘If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)’.
As a Christian, as an American I wonder if we will take this time God has graciously given us to return the reins of power to the righteous, will we pray for our enemies, that they would repent of their sin and turn the nation back to God. I wonder will we vote for godly men and women who will lead the charge to make the nation ‘one nation under God’ through repentance, restoration and revival or will we continue to vote for pleasure seekers, promise breakers, corruption, compromise and greed. Will we rise up or remain weak kneed, will we vote for patriots or pacifiers, men/women of character and commitment to truth or criminals, cheats and liars? ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2)’. Will we accept the mission God has given us or remain stuck in our own shelter of sinfulness; shamefaced and proud, the mission becoming a sad reminder of what could have been…if only.
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
O.M. Aivanhov
‘Replies to Questions’
msg 135, May 29th, 2010
The message is: Do not be afraid of opposition, of your difficulties, because sometimes that can be the breakthrough into the Consciousness of Unity.
May 29, 2010
Eh well, dear friends, I am extremely pleased to find you. I must say, first of all, that you have had interventions which have softened you a bit. Then, as you know, me, I love it greatly that you turn on the bicycles, I will explain why. First of all, I give you my greetings and especially to those who I have never yet seen, never caught sight of, here, in their cocoons of Light.
Then, first of all, I must say that my way of proceeding is from ‘Fire by friction’, that is to say, I generate in you, through the questions that you put to me, the need to turn even more quickly on the bicycle. Pay attention because this bicycle, it skids on snow, doesn’t it? Thus, all that to say that the force with which you pedal, that is to say, carry your head, will, at the end of a certain time, force you to get off the bicycle and give way to the force of the Truth and Love of the Heart. For this reason I like very much to laugh with you, more and more. This is why I like to help you in your more ordinary questionings, I would say, because it is through the ordinary that we find the extraordinary, obviously, and one that transcends the ordinary-extraordinary difference to go towards more authenticity and simplicity. Then, dear friends, with all my greetings and my Love, I give you right now the word.
Question: according to Anael, France would be saved from the climatic disturbances. Why?
Because you have a tradition, if you like, where the bicycles turned much. Then, in so far as the bicycles have turned much, you have made a certain number of things more rigid, and it must be understood that to not have the climatic disturbances is not necessarily an advantage, because those who put up with disturbances more, are those who will access probably, first, I would say, the Unified Dimensions. So, the more one is in the west of this continent, the more there are resistances linked to the mental one which prevent the establishment of the Light, in as rapid a manner as what it will be, for example, in continents like South America.
There, there are the people, today, who are very much closer to the Unified Dimensions than the Occidental people, in particular Europeans in the west, because you have been (we have been, since I was part of it) fertile soils favorable to a certain number of security measures which have been installed, which have, to some extent, locked us up in a kind of ivory tower, making it more difficult perhaps to gain access and be open to the Light. That is not the case, for example, for the people, as you will soon see, in Latin America.
And besides I point out what I have said, here now for nearly 18 months, that the people, the first persons to live the Ascension in a conscious manner, would be found in Latin America. That does not mean to say, of course, that you will have no climatic event. That means to say, simply, that the priority is not at the climatic level and birth, if you like, as Neige/Snow, has said just now (ndr: reference to the intervention of Snow, the same day).
Question: towards what does India head?
Where do you want it to head? As in any country, it must be well understood that you are subject to a collective influence. This collective influence, it is not karmic strictly speaking, it is matrix related, that is to say it is subjected to influences linked to your own culture which have existed for a very long time. India is a country where there is the best relation with the illusion, the most comic, I would say. But nevertheless, there are essential Truths which are present in India, as in any country, isn’t that so?
Nevertheless, there exist continents, there exists cultures where a certain number of modifications are more evident in leading at the collective level, certainly. Therefore, at the level of the Indian sub-continent, things will go at their own pace. For the moment, you know, for mankind, it is not necessarily, a birth. That means to say it is something which will touch first the continents or the cultures, first of Latin America, then of the Asian countries. This is where will be seen the more important tectonic movements, which will result in geophysical phenomena about which you have heard very many times, of course, and therefore you know.
Then, obviously, the transformation is not the same for all humanity but all humanity passes by the door of the transformation. Certain transformations will go towards something much more ethereal than other transformations and within the cultures or the continents or sub-continents. One cannot say that one continent will go to one place and that another continent will go to some other place. Just as obviously, there are individual predispositions, is this not so, which will attach you more to one continent than to another continent, independently of your culture or your continent of origin. And when I say attach you, this is not a mental view, at the Vibratory level. You will see: at that time, you will live transformations which will place you within groupings profoundly different according to your system of Beliefs, I will say, and above all Vibration.
Question: are the Antilles part of the same Vibrations as those of South America?
Yes, all in fact. All the countries located not very far from Latin America, the islands, even, within certain seas, share in this same Vibratory, between quotation marks, future. Logically, if you like, manifestations linked to what I have said already for many years, in association with volcanicity, for example. These are the people who are most ready to live the Fire, what I have called, it seems to me, fifteen months ago, the toaster or grill-planet (le grille planète).
Question: why do the youth seem to be in perdition (alcohol, violence, sexuality etc)?
The reasons are multiple. Humanity has been conditioned, since the existence of your modern media, to create this violence, to create this depravity. But do not forget also, among younger ones who are incarnated today, there are often the souls who have responded, they have heard somewhere in the universe, within Unified Dimensions, that there is going to be a great festival somewhere, an incredible festival. And what have all these souls done? They wanted to be incarnated on Earth. So they have descended into the matrix and (mostly, not all because there are those, among the indigo, crystal, diamond souls, who remember what they are) they found themselves trapped in a world which is not their world.
They participate, in their manner, through resistance, through what I have called the Fire by friction (the bicycle which turns in the head, you remember yourself), in their manner, in the emergence of the Unified Conscience because, for a Unified Conscience to emerge, it needs the Fire, much Fire. The Fire of the Spirit, of course, but sometimes, to give birth to the Fire of the Spirit, it is necessary that the Fire of the Earth and the Fire of the resistances of the personality are manifest.
Therefore, once again, give attention to the point of view which you have on things. Then, there are those who say regard, others who say point of view. I have also employed the regard, such as what has been called by Un Ami, Butterfly, caterpillar. It depends on the regard which you carry. Therefore, give attention, there too, not to be limited by the regard that you carry, because, when you carry a regard within this world of the Duality, you put forth necessarily a judgment.
As soon as a regard falls on an event in this world, even if you are a young man who is attracted by the young lady, you will carry a value judgment: she is beautiful/she is not beautiful or then if you are very romantic: she is romantic/she is not romantic or if you are into the Vibrations: she resonates or she doesn’t resonate, but this is still a value judgment, isn’t it? You adopt the same principle when you say: what will become all these young people who are in the violence? I have always said and we have always said, do not worry about the young people.
Question: in the times which come, the fact of getting together to pray to Marie would be more useful than to appeal for the marian protection individually?
I believe that the Christ has said: “when you are two or three gathered together in my name, I will be among you”. It is obvious that from the moment when you are several, with one common intention, the intention is, how to say, more effective, more immediate rather. I nevertheless have to balance this speech, dear friend, by the fact that to speak about external protection means strictly nothing. Even if Marie is there to rescue you, she comes to save you in the sense, not of a lifesaver, but in the sense that she will cover you with her Cloak and her Vibration. That, that is one thing.
Now, as long as you imagine that you must be protected, it is also a form of Duality. I do not mean that one should not pray, that it is not necessary to ask for protection but that, perhaps, it is necessary to start to consider that, if you are in the Light, you do not need candles nor electricity, perhaps not today, at the present moment, because I put to you nevertheless the challenge to make a computer work with your spirit, isn’t it? It will be difficult to do. But when you are covered with the veil of Marie, you will be guided, literally, by the Intelligence of the Light, you will be led in life and you will be led, in different ways, to the places where you will have to be. You will not have to worry about any Duality. If the Light, in you, grows sufficient, not a hair on your head may be touched.
Remember also what has been said by beloved Jean: “one will be taken, the other will be left”. What does that mean? It is simply the power of your Interior Vibration, of your opening of the Heart and the Light, nothing else. Remember that the Light is in the process of being established, the Unitary Light is not, how to say, is no longer perturbable within your Dimension, even by the play of the Duality, the play of the Shade and by the false Light. If you yourselves are in this Vibratory state or if you tend to approach and live it, how can you even think that something can come to you and stop you from reaching to what you are? With or without the body.
From the moment when the Intelligence of the Light manifests in a tangible and total manner on Earth, at that moment, what you have called, the Divine Providence will be at work, both to feed you, to protect you and enlighten you. It is necessary to leave your habitual linear context of Duality where I go buy a ticket to eat, where I look ahead to what will happen tomorrow. Obviously, the system of fear in which we have all lived has made us, how to say, look ahead or try to prevent certain things, in particular disagreeable things: lack of money, lack of food, lack of a place to live, lack of protection. But do you believe that the Light which comes will leave its own Seeds of Stars in a situation which could compromise their own Light? That is impossible.
Then, obviously, you do not know and we do not know how long this period of tribulation or of revelation can last. But, within this period, do not forget that you alone can take the ultimate step towards the Light but that, when you do, do not forget that we are a multitude much larger than you, around you. There are how many inhabitants on the planet now? I do not know, perhaps 7 billion. There are as many guardian angels, there is the whole of the Intergalactic Confederation, there is Marie with her Sisters, there is us, the Old Fossils, there are the Angels of the Lord (the whole of the Intergalactic Fleet of 3D unified which have set foot on Earth, I remind you), there are the Archangels.
Then, you, obviously, when you speak Archangels in your understanding and in mine also, from my life, I imagined, for example the Archangel Michael slaying the dragon with his blue cape, his loops of colored flame. Then, that, it is a particular vision but the Archangel Michael is not only that, isn’t that so? Within the Unified worlds we do not have only one single form, our forms are mutable, they are not fixed like yours within this Dimension. We are Consciences and the Conscience of Michael, it is something! If you were to see it, in your sky, in its original Dimension, but that would be enough to change the face of the world. Imagine a Vessel of pulsating and vibrating Light which would be thousands of km wide, a gigantic aerofoil. Then, you see, we are very far from the visions of the Archangel slaying the dragon, isn’t this so? You still do not have any idea, how to explain it, of the power of the Fire of Love and the Light which is on its way and which is at your sides.
Not many, still, human beings have the Conscience of what comes. Then, certainly, in my life others have had the visions but a very dualistic vision because we were still in the Duality, in spite of our degree of Conscience where we were seeing flames. Many prophets have announced it but it is necessary to go beyond the appearance of the vision. It is necessary to go towards the profound significance of an event, even occurring within your Dimension which is completely other thing. Then, perhaps there is not a better image, for this instant, than what Un Ami or others say, about the caterpillar and of the butterfly. I am sorry but if I speak to you about the grill-planet, you will be afraid. In fact there is the grill-planet and there is the significance of the grill-planet. The grill-planet, this is what comes to burn the illusion. How do you expect to exist within the Eternity and your first Dimension, without burning, literally, the illusion, it is impossible.
Question: could you speak to us about the activity of the Angels of the Lord?
The first thing I should say to you, is, do not be afraid. The Angels of the Lord, they are the beings of the 3rd Unified Dimension never having passed by the separation matrix which is yours and which was mine, that is to say being deprived of the emotion. They are the great telepaths living within carbonaceous structures but different from the human structure. They are nevertheless humanoids. They are small white beings dressed in a white jumpsuit, not to confuse with the bad boys or their assistants who have been called the small grays, although the morphology is much the same. The major difference, it is that the beings linked to this Dimension of Angels of the Lord are beings of pure Love but they do not have the emotional side, how to say, humane. Then, now, their mission is what has been announced already when Sri Aurobindo was Jean and he received, under the dictation of Christ, the Apocalypse, is that not so? The Angels of the Lord are those who will come to assist you but there is not only the Angels of the Lord, there are also all the Consciences of the Intergalactic Confederation of the Light.
Question: no longer having the wish or desire, the projection, the creativity is in connection with what we live?
For most of you, yes. Some must continue their activities, within their different spheres of life, as if nothing was happening. Others, on the other hand, have an impulsion so strong towards the Unity that all that has been their pleasure, within the Duality, is disappearing. As I have said, in a given moment, many have had the seat between two chairs, that is to say, at the same time one foot or one buttock in the 3rd Dimension and the other side already in the 5th Dimension. Today, you have beings who are taken by a frenzy of action and others who, on the contrary, will live, almost, a total inaction with the immersion in the Light within Beingness and the Unitary Vibration.
Understand well that, everyone, you have different functions and roles in what comes. Some will have to anchor the Light and to anchor the Light requires what you would call, within your Dimension, inaction. To anchor the Light is done in the absence of action in the outside world. For others, that will be the reverse. Everything can be seen. But you, all, notice, in one way or another, that things are changing, in you as in the world. Then, each one lives the changes in their own way, according to their capacity to integrate the Vibration but also according to their function and their role in what is to come. Some will feel the Vibrations, for example, which take them to the level of the head, to places they have never felt. Others will feel very strong Vibrations at the level of the nose, which is the activation of the 12th lamp. So each one lives unusual things, new. There are some who have been involved, for example, in a relationship and suddenly wonder what they doing in this relationship. But all that is part of the changes and the adjustments also, necessary, to help you to go towards what you are.
In any event, it is very simple, I have already said. If you feel that something changes, if you must struggle, if you must use a considerable amount of energy to keep yourself in the old schemes, it is that this is not right for you. Remember that the Light is simple, that the Light is obviousness, that the Light is easy. It has only to make your mental reflections, it has only to make your turns of the pedals on the bicycles. It simply needs you to let become established the facility, the Fluidity and the synchronicity. Those of you who already have confidence in the Light, see that, the more they go towards the Light, the more things become simple, that all that was complicated, that made their life before, disappears. The more you go towards the Light, the more it becomes simple. If the things remain complicated, it is that you resist the Light and it cannot be otherwise.
One can be somebody of a great Light and have many resistances because one has a very strong mental. One can, on the contrary, come from a Dimension that I would say is inferior (but do not see in that a pejorative notion because it means nothing at the level of the Unified worlds, say of a less expanded Dimension) and have less resistances and live the Light with a greater acuity within this Dimension. Therefore, each way is different, each life is different, each perception is different but, within all these lives, within all these perceptions, you must remember still that, the more you go towards the obviousness and the simplicity of the Light, the more your life will become easy. The more you resist, the more it will become difficult. That, it is a quasi absolute rule.
Question: if God and devil are equivalent why is the term of God sometimes employed in channelings, even by Marie?
No, Marie never speaks of God, she speaks of the Divine and I call it incidentally the Divine Marie. The etymology of the word Divine has nothing to do with the etymology of the word God. Now, you must learn or understand and live the fact that the forces opposed to the Light have always made use of the Light by reversing it. That, you have lived it through the revelations of the Metatronic Keys, through all that is Shade/Light play, within this density. You know that the projected shade, for example, is linked to the insufficiency of transparency existing within this Dimension.
Within the Unified worlds, the shade cannot exist, it does not exist, all is transparent. But when I say to you, the transparency, how can you understand the transparency since you do not live it? You have the habit of a certain density, of a certain weight. When you move in the ways of Beingness, when you have access to the Truth, beyond the matrix, you penetrate the state of consciousnesses and the phenomena linked to the visions, linked to the Conscience, linked to the perception of colors and forms which have strictly nothing to do with what exists on this Plane.
Now, it must be understood that the true God, if you want to call it thus, that we call the Source, is manifest through a Goddess who is the Creative one. But God is only the name that Yaldabaoth was given, that is to say the Supreme entity (between quotation marks, Supreme. Supreme imbecile, we can now say) who wanted to imitate the Creation of the Source, who has succeeded in what we have lived and what you live today, that is to say the illusion. Simply, you are so acclimatized to this illusion that you, that we have all believed (and me also, at first, when I was living within this Dimension) that there were laws which existed within this world and the first of these laws had made us believe that we reincarnate ourselves to go progressively towards a liberation. But that is impossible.
The only beings who have been liberated from the matrix, you know them. It is Christ, he has never been subjected to the influence of the matrix. It is Marie. The only two to have succeeded in extracting themselves from the matrix totally, have been by the Angels. They are Enoch and Elie. The beings said realized, of which I was one in my life, have been put in a pocket of Light in order to avoid the need to reincarnate, it is the same for Sri Aurobindo, it is the same for Un Ami, it is the same for the 24 Old Fossils that we are. We have been placed in a Vibratory sphere which was like a kind of protection, a cocoon, which has saved us from the obligation to reincarnate, until the moment when the matrix had begun to give signs of weakening and at the moment when we were able to complete our mission. So what is called God, it is simply the Yaldabaoth entity who came from the unredeemed Dracos, who came from the Ursa Major and who is called Creator while he did nothing but modify existing Creation within this planet, as on another planets, that had been created by Marie.
This shows you at which point the impregnation of the Source was falsified and transformed by the impregnation of the God because we employ the word God at every turn, isn’t that so? And, obviously, when you pronounce the word God, the devil is not far behind, of course, since it is the same entity. It is that which has been called the great Shaitan, the administrator of this world or, if you prefer, Satan. God speaks to you of the Devil, obviously, since it is interested in keeping the Duality going and the only way of maintaining the matrix is to deprive it of the Unity. This is logical.
Therefore, the more you will create, within humanity, a system of human control, a system of mental control, what will you do? You will modify first the gravitational forces, to lock up a solar system inside of itself and deprive it of the radiation of the Source. Something which was accomplished more than 300,000 years ago. Then, you will induce, within this private system of the Source, the behaviors of action/reaction and you will create a marvelous law which is called Karma, to which some will adhere while saying: “I will purify my Karma to reach to the Unity”. Like an expression which says: you can always run, of course, we have always run or pedaled, isn’t that so? And then one day, you reach, like some of you here, to the Vibration of the Heart. And like some of you here, you penetrate the spheres of Beingness. And there, all the veils fall.
You understand that it is a Belief. You understand the difference between a life and a Belief and you understand that the human being, the limited human Conscience, was left locked in the Beliefs: the Belief in sickness, the Belief in death, the Belief in birth, the Belief in the religions, the Belief in a savior, the Belief in something exterior and you have exteriorized this world and you have brought, and we have all brought, this Creation to be what it is. Within this Creation, it is fortunate that very great Beings and very great Archangels have maintained, hidden inside the human being, a piece of Eternity which we can even call the body Divine or God in Self but it is not God, of course, in Self, it is the Source in Oneself. It is time today, to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s. God, Diable take part in the same Duality and the same falsified Creation. God wanted to be Creator but the Creator is the Source and you are the Source.
When you live the Beingness, when you reach to the Sun, as I did in my living, at the time of my first revelation while contemplating facing the Sun, in that moment, the world will never again appear to you in the same way. You come very clearly, with the eye of the Conscience, with the eye of the Heart, to differentiate between the Truth and the falsification. You come to differentiate between what is called God and what is called the Truth. It is not a vision in the mind, it is not a Belief, it is an experience. That is all the difference.
Question: what does it mean to abandon to the Light?
Then, I believe that there has been someone who speaks very well about that, which is the Archangel Anael, who at great length expressed himself, during June and May of your previous year. I urge you therefore to take from there what is called the abandonment to the Light. Me, I can give you extremely simple examples. The human being resists the Light because all our life is resistance. The life that we live within this Dimension is resistance. You see that well, bending down to cultivate vegetables or going to work, that costs energy, nothing is free. That is all the difference with the Unitary worlds where all is free, where all is gifted and where all is abandonment. The abandonment takes part in the gift. To give oneself up to the Light, it is to accept that the Light and the Vibration of the Heart, which is the same thing, are able to lead and direct your life according to the principles of the Unity, even within the Duality.
Within the abandonment to the Light, all the Graces manifest themselves to you, without exception. You no longer live any situation of lack, any situation of fear. The fear is the opposite of the abandonment, and yet what wants to make you believe your brain? It wants to make you believe that if you abandon yourselves, you will have still more fear. This is marvelous, isn’t it? Your brain spends time making you afraid, part of your brain. And all your system (educational, family, emotional, social, political, economic) is based on the fear. And nothing else, only the fear.
Question: the recommendations that you give, from your living, to have the Conscience on each daily act is always actuality?
All in fact. To be in the present moment is what will bring you, closer, to the Light. As long as you are in the past instant or in the future instant, you cannot be yourselves. As long as you are not aligned with your own Presence, which requires a Conscience, even in the ordinary, to be in the present moment. How many things (me also, in my living), how many things do you do in an automatic manner, like eating, like all the activities of the daily life which become again automatic? The human being is a being, at the level of this density, a being of automatisms and, really, it is very tempting to have automatisms. Remember, perhaps, if you drive, how it was difficult at the beginning and how it became easy after, for most of you, I do not speak about those who have accidents all the time. Nevertheless, the training leads to the automatism and the automatism leads to the sleep.
Look at the Beliefs in the religions, the Beliefs in the Light. To believe in the Light is not sufficient to live the Light. To believe in an after-life is not sufficient to live the after-life. As long as you do not have the experience, you remain beings of Beliefs. However, today, the experience, it is to reach the Heart. If you align yourselves in the present moment, if you are in nature, if you avoid eating too rich, if you drink plenty of water, if you immerse yourselves in nature, if you remain simple, the Light, it will strike you because, in the types of lives or the type of Conscience that you put forward, there will be simplicity in fact remember always that the Light is simple. It is only the mental which wants to make you believe the reverse and which will lead you towards learning various and varied techniques which will reassure you. You have the urge to understand the universe but never, nevertheless, have the scientists, except perhaps some awakened, been also far and at the same time, paradoxically, close to the Truth.
Question: will the intra Terrestrials participate in this planetary movement?
They participate already, for some time. It is they who have prepared, already, many things in anticipation of these moments, for, already, many years, as many channels have said. The intra Terrestrials have a role to play, of course. We all have a role to play and you, above all. Then, the roles are multiple. The same way that each human being on the surface has a role which is specific for him. But you do not have to know what this role is because, in the Intelligence of the Light, if you live the Light, the role, it becomes established all on its own. But as long as your mental will say to you: “I must seek my role or my place”, you are not in the Light, you are in the search and you are in the head.
The Vibratory manifestations linked to the Archangelic Radiances, linked to the Michaelic interventions, to Marie’s and ours, as was the case, at your beginning of the year, at 7 p.m., had only one goal, it is to bring you closer to your Presence to yourselves, because all is there. Nothing is elsewhere, it is your mental which wants to make you believe that all is elsewhere, in another place, even if, sometimes, in fact, certain beings are led, are impelled to change the place or to change the life or to change the action but, ultimately, these impulses are intended to only make you find your own simplicity, your own Truth.
We do not have any more questioning, we thank you.
Then, dear friends, I will thank you for having turned the bicycles moderately. I see that the forces of resistance are becoming exhausted in you, it is so much better. I give you all my warmest possible Love. Keep well.
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.