Bill Gates - admits CoVid vaccine will change our DNA forever, reposted with transcript
This is so scary, it cannot be dropped. A microchip with microneedle injection that cannot be removed. It’s like a tattoo, but that tattoo, with microdot technology, will change your DNA forever!
Bill Gates on the Covid vaccine
“One final way that’s new and is promising is called the RNA vaccine with RNA and DNA. Instead of putting that shaping, you put instructions in the code to make that shape.. [repeated] you put instructions in the code to make that shape..
Commentator – “Everything that I am about to mention is currently being developed by Bill Gates, often in partnership with the Covid19 playbook, MIT.. all of which is backed by the United Nations and the Rockefeller foundation.
Due to ongoing mutations with Covid19, the Covid vaccine currently being developed will alter our DNA through an actual synthesising of our individual genetic code, using MRNA and CRISPR technology which acts as scissors by cutting DNA at a designated spot and removing, or inserting a new sequence. with an artificial code, to make sure every man, woman and child complies with the One World Order’s mandatory implementations.
Gates and MIT are currently developing the human ‘implantable quantum dot micro needle vaccination‘ delivery system. It’s a tattoo for the hand which will include our identification mark and vaccination records. It needs an enzyme called Luciferase in order to make it work.
The transhumanist agent on every person’s hand will glow with the bioluminescence of the ‘light bearer’. A chip you cannot remove with a knife. This tracking system will alter your DNA and it is permanent.
33rd degree Freemason and occultist, Manly P. Hall, once wrote: “The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.”
Bill Gates – “So this is urgent, and it’s going to require incredible collaboration. It’s going to have to go to 7 billion people.”
Bill Gates caught on video admitting vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER.
first posted to BIN by ‘the Tap Blog’
RED ALERT! The Tyranny is Ramping Up in Australia
About the-
‘Defence Legislation amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020′
nb. I don’t know whether these “emergencies” include one declared by the WHO in relation to a pandemic, or not.
Dormant or “sleeping contracts” with governments
“These dormant, or “sleeping contracts,” stipulated that if a global pandemic were to occur, it would trigger the contracts, specified pharmaceutical companies would manufacture flu vaccines and the respective governments would pay the vaccine manufacturers…”
nb. The WHO changed its definition of pandemic in 2009 from being “severe” producing many deaths, to just being “widespread”. Please read Wolfgang Wodarg (then chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s Health Committee)’s quoted comment in the article.
Anthony Patch – nano particles in vaccines with Silicon, with altered human Chromosome 8, and a thin coating of gold for electronic programming.
Celeste Solum – a former FEMA employee who spilled the beans on the COVID vaccination and its testing (both the test and the vaccine contain gene altering nanoparticles)
Mary’s messages
See also the Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Lockstep 2010‘.
Bill Gates needs to be strung up.
He needs, rather, to be taken down from his high position where he has the resources to do these things. And it’s not just him, but all of the people who are in that money tree who compete for money, position and authority, over others. How many people do it?.. and you’ll see how bad the crime is …. It’s embedded in our thought constructs, taught to us from birth. Very few people escape from that prison of ‘want and have’. “I want more” syndrome.