Nibiru - Dr Sam.. 'Nibiru the Sixth Seal Arrives', given December 23rd 2020
The talk is very straight forward. But I had to go looking, back in Dr Sam’s talks and further afield to the generation of sine waves – electrical voltage and alternating current – to try to piece together why the magnetic field of the Earth would have it disturbances at midnight and not all day long. Hopefully the explanation in the links section below is correct and not too far off. Nibiru in its orientation to us is a very very powerful intruder.
commentary by Dr. Sam
Good morning,
In name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Gentlemen, what do we expect from these fragile lines? Successive deformations in the sky of the earth, and the magma is boiling and coming out from the interior of the earth. And the plates are moving and waiting for a zero moment ….. !! … Nothing remains in front of us, except the collapse of these lines, opening the way so that the cosmic rays enter and be stored with charges, which exceed the energy of the Earth itself.
Dec 21st
Dec 22nd
Many of you think that the occurrence of successive collapses of field will be easy and we will not feel them … !! .. whoever has perceptiveness and intelligence, contemplates what is around them and will realize that we are approaching the precipice.. And telescopic observation is no longer possible until the end of the month of April. Please be careful of the false images without coordinates …. and with the imaginary reflections that even children are tired of seeing … !! …
Dec 21-23
The field of the earth is exposed to waves of impulsive fluxes intertwined with the solar wind, which [solar] winds do not constitute any disturbance to the field of the earth, independently of its force. The field of the intruder, it is the one directly responsible. We will monitor the formal structure of our visitor via satellites, and we will monitor the developments on the earth, because it is capable of translating what is happening in the sky. The solar winds flow at all times parallel to the terrestrial field.
But why does this deformation occur exclusively at midnight ?? !! …. Is this no longer an evidence of the existence of a hidden celestial body, to do this … !! ?? ….. The cause was explained in detail earlier … now we have the last step …. and God has the decision of the before and after, That the peace and the mercy and blessings of God be with you.
Lecture from the Syrian Astronomer Dr. Sam, Nibiru the Sixth Seal Arrives
Dr Sam’s previous explanations of the 24 hour peak and trough..
1) The magnetic disturbances are like waves in the ocean with peak and trough.
2) “The invader has a sinusoidal shape”. Disturbances peak in January and July.
I had trouble with this, until I went looking.. The Earth as a conductor rotating in the magnetic field of the Sun generates electricity. Since the Earth lays parallel to the sun’s magnetic field, the sine component of electricity is ’0′ – not high voltage. But since the Nibiru comes in with north pole facing towards the Earth, its magnetic field perpendicular to our rotating Earth, the sine component is ’1′ – high voltage. One rotation of the Earth in 24 hours creates one sine wave. When the ‘angle of incidence’ is low, when we are not in the months of alignment with the sun and Nibiru, the sine wave generated is between ’0′ and ’1′, so less Voltage is possible. And we know that Voltage is the FORCE with which electricity flows (current X resistance = Voltage), and we can get zapped with high voltage, and so can the Earth get overburdened, to discharge, with storage of electricity. Zapping us twice.
And it has happened before
June 23rd 2020
The only way you can see Nibiru is if you happen to have the brand new 7.0 NIBUTARD BINNER SPECS. Other than that, you can’t see it. But the 7.0 BINNER SPECS give you a great view! Right now, Nibiru is hiding right behind the Sun again, getting ready to smite us! Cara will be ince enough to give we BINTARDS a warning before this happens so that we can get our affairs in order. It looks like it may graze us in around the year 3647. So, we have a little time to prepare.
Caca, you do realize that ‘midnight’ at one point on da Erf’ is 6:00 am somewhere else, and 3:00 pm elsewhere, and 10:00 pm at yet another hidden location, right?
Your STUPIDITY knows no bounds…………… CACA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I got my 7.0 BINNER SPECS (fully adjusted no-less) trained on the heavenly skys. Just to make sure you aren’t correct…. for the 1,234,382th straight time!!!!
What a MAROON!!
And somebody add an extra layer of foam to the padded room for the Good Dr. Sam-I-Am, yes I would some more Green Eggs&Ham.
“But since the Nibiru comes in with north pole facing towards the Earth, its magnetic field perpendicular to our rotating Earth, the sine component is ’1′ – high voltage”.
^^^^^ That is BY FAR, the most idiotic thing I have read on the Interwebs in many, many years. Time to replace the batteries in your BOB, Caca.
I don’t think the above analysis is too far wrong.. Looking further, the current and voltage is created when the rotating conductor (Earth) cuts magnetic field lines, and subsides when the rotating conductor is parallel to the magnetic field lines, not cutting them.
So Earth and the sun laying pretty well parallel, with Earth tilted 23°, the magnetic field lines of the sun are cut less than if the Earth was tilted more. With the Nibiru, it’s different – it’s poles, like those of Uranus, are horizontal to the equatorial plane of the solar system, so when the Earth is rotating in that field it is cutting field lines all the time.. Nibiru’ magnetic field lines are cutting the sun’s field lines and visa versa…. Electricity is being generated in both the Nibiru and the Sun… But Earth meets too magnets.
In the daily cycle, disturbance is greatest at midnight universal time…. What is close to the Greenwich meridian to make it so? The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and in the southern hemisphere the South Atlantic Anomaly… There must be additional resistance/cutting of field lines, at that time of night, rather than at any other time.
In the yearly cycle the disturbance is greatest when the Earth is in alignment with the sun and the Nibiru, so the cut field lines between sun and Nibiru, must play havoc with the Earth. Like ocean waves crashing on the seashore, as Dr. Sam has explained.