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Prophecy News - 'Behold! I Come: A Love Letter of Comfort to the Faithful in Christ', given to William Brooks by Jesus, March 14th, 2025

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Jesus explains if very well, but I will try to emphasize it a little here. Our makeup is not what we think it is.  When we do the will of God, we are allowing God do His will through us. The marriage of the Lamb is NOT a human marriage. It’s not based on bodies and sex and reproduction, rather it is based on a merging – a merging that was never not true. Our dissociation is what is untrue. Jesus in the passage below, says the Will of God comes through His words AND His Spirit, meaning His energy or the energy of God. It can be a prompt, a word, but unless there is that sense of rightness, of fittingness, in it, then it could be from or through your own personal self- the ‘mask’ or veil of the soul. In other words a calculated move for self-interest. Bargaining with God. The Will of God merges with your own will, when there is no self-interest in it. What then is our makeup? We let Jesus lead us through.

  image painting of Jesus in Italy in 2016(Painting of Jesus in Italy in 2016)

Behold! I Come: A Love Letter of Comfort to the Faithful in Christ.

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: March 14, 2025
    Created: March 14, 2025

    The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
    The Little Book for Handheld Devices
    Spirit of Prophecy YouTube Channel

Hear the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach and receive my Words of comfort and hear my Words of joy, for your full redemption has come and is at hand. Truly, truly, I am he who is coming for my Church, and your bridegroom lingers not, my bride, so stand firm in great faith and allow my Words and my power and might to be the stability of your times and strength of salvation, and the fear of the Lord is your treasure.

Even so the times are upon you my loves and the times of my full revealing have come. And I will reveal myself to each in turn. I will first reveal myself fully to the faithful in Christ in the heavens, so suddenly and unexpectedly now at that mighty shout of the Archangel. And that mighty trumpet shall sound because it has been given in hand to sound at my command at that exact perfect moment chosen by Yahweh himself in eternities past! Even in his eternal and everlasting plans of salvation for the race of Adam, and its voice will fill the earth and the Faithful in Christ will hear “Come up hither! (Rev 4:1)”, so suddenly and so unexpectedly now.

But the unfaithful and stubborn will be left behind with the fallen ones and the faithless, to call on my name to their end, and all who do will be taken into everlasting salvation and glory, even an eternal reward of whose merit and weight truly is not worthy to compare to the sufferings and trials of this earth, that are minuscule and insignificant in comparison. So says he who suffered the full punishment of your sins in my own sinless flesh, shedding in great agony my own sinless blood to the last drop, and I held nothing back for you my loves. Therefore, “look unto me, Jesus the Nazarene, even the lamb of God, who is the author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy that was set before me, endured the cross, despising the shame, and I am set at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb 12:2). Selah!

Even so you, the faithful in Christ, will all be taken to the heaven of heavens where I will present you to Yahweh himself! And you will marvel at the splendor with which you will be clothed, “and you will know even as you are known” (1Cor 13:12), and you will see even as you have been seen, and you will hear even as you have been heard by the Everlasting God of Righteousness, even Yahweh himself who remembers every Word in every prayer that you have ever uttered whether out loud by your faculties of communication, or quietly within your hearts. Because Yahweh is the searcher of hearts, and what is there that can be hidden from his sight? Truly, truly, what is there that can be hidden from my sight? Therefore, understand that my Father and I are one in unity and purpose and all that the Father has, he has given into my hands for the salvation of Adam, and truly the salvation and sanctification of the earth itself, because “the earth is mine” (Exo 19:5), “and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war on the fallen ones” (Rev 19:11) whose times have come, and their full judgment lingers not and they shall not escape.

Therefore, I give you to understand my loves, to stand firm for me and continue to keep your lamps filled with the oil of my spirit that I have provided for you, and walk by and in my spirit of Righteousness as you walk by faith because “the just shall live by faith” (Rom 1:17; Hab 2:4; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38), Selah! And so that you are not tempted to go at this late hour in the power of your own might to fill your lamps with impure oil based on your own works, but fill your lamps with the pure oil of my spirit so that your ways may be illumined, because truly, truly, “my Word is a lamp unto your feet” (Psa 119:105). And I have filled you all to the fullest with my spirit of Sonship and “I have poured out my spirit in these last days” (Acts 2:17; Joel 2:29 et seq) even as promised of Joel in the writings of Old given to my Fathers, who are your Fathers by inheritance of promise, because you are the children of promise, even the children of Faithful Abraham, Selah!

Allow me to instruct you on how to trim your wicks because “you are the lights of the World that cannot be hid” (Matt 5:14)! It is by way of my Words and spirit that you receive instructions in righteousness, and by my spirit of sonship you are convicted of righteousness” (John 16:8), that truly, truly, you may live righteously in all things. Because it is by my spirit of sonship that my true righteousness is imparted within you, where truly, truly you all have a choice as to whom you will obey, whether you obey sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness, unto eternal life and full reward. Therefore, obey my specific instructions for your lives and be meek to my voice and to the voices of those I send and who speak for me, and by their fruits you will know them, and by their Words that I do give them for your salvation and well-being. And I do command you “to work out your own salvation in fear and trembling” (Php 2:12), and I do command you to not withhold good when it is in the power of your hands to accomplish.

Therefore, understand that I have empowered and enabled many of you for my purposes of salvation and that you should support one another in love. Therefore, do not hoard the material and financial goodness that I have given you, even hoarding from others in the ways of Satan who seeks to put weights and measures on the goodness of Yahweh, that is truly immeasurable because no scale exists in heaven or earth sufficient to measure the abundance of Yahweh he has prepared in the face of Jesus Christ, for those who love him.

Therefore, “come out from amongst them fully and do not partake of their sins” (2Cor 6:17), do not hoard to yourselves Yahweh’s monetary and material abundance given in the face of Jesus Christ as if by the power of your own hand you have accomplished this bounty to be hidden away and hoarded for your lusts. Even so that you may take comfort that you have provided for yourselves in pride and sin, that you would sneer at those without, even delighting in the numbers in your accounts in great shame.

Therefore, understand and be warned that all who do such things from the greatest to the least, shall suffer great loss of reward and will truly take to themselves the designation of the lowest in the kingdom of heaven! And that because by virtue of your own greed will your works burn to ashes at my judgment seat where you all will stand and give an account. Therefore, distribute all things to the necessity of the saints in love for one another and withhold no good thing, because truly, truly, your material and monetary abundance has been given by my hand for my purposes from the storehouses of Yahweh, therefore, do not hoard the goodness of the Lord but accomplish those things in which I will direct your steps in service and love to the saints.

Come out from your sins my people, “lest you partake of their judgments” (Rev 18:4), because these are the ways of Secret Babylon and the times of her judgment has come, and powerful is Adonai Yahweh who judges her with a double portion of judgment, therefore depart from her ways and sins that are unacceptable and utterly evil in my sight! Selah!

Yeah, of a truth, I counsel one and all to continue to come out of your sins and come fully into my righteousness, and allow me to be your sufficiency in all things, because truly, truly, I am.

I am he who is coming in the clouds for the faithful in Christ so suddenly and unexpectedly now, because the world, in its faithlessness, does not expect Christ Jesus to appear in the clouds as promised in scripture. Yet, this moment will not overtake you, my loves, as a thief in the night, should you remain meek to my instructions and follow the details of my commandments with your entire hearts, knowing that for your diligence and faithfulness comes the full rewards of the inheritance of the faithful in Christ, that truly, has not entered fully into the hearts of men at this time. Therefore, do not allow Satan to purchase your rewards of inheritance in the ways of Esau, who was a profane person and fornicator who sold his birthright for a bowl of pottage, that was cast out in the drought. Selah!

Therefore, understand the nearness in time of my appearing and how close your full redemption is, my loves. Wherefore, I give you to understand that the host of heaven has taken their places in their orders and formations, and they have presented themselves for service, and they stand at the ready. They have taken their places, and they are at the ready! Therefore, understand, that I hold that mighty trumpet in hand, that at my command “the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and you which are alive and remain will be taken suddenly to meet me in the clouds and so shall you all be forever made like your Lord” (1Thes 4:16-17), and for those who have fully overcome will always be with me because I will take you to myself in covenant as my very own, and many mighty works will you do, because my bride is a mighty host of Prophets, Kings, and Priests who will be empowered with a great empowerment as my warrior bride. And who is there who shall be able to stand against my bride of empowered immortals who are redeemed from the earth in great power and righteousness, Selah!

Therefore, understand that the exact time chosen by Yahweh in his foreknowledge has always been an exact day, time and hour, except it was hidden in Yahweh’s heart alone until the proper times of its revealing came to pass in the heavens alone. Because this time is not revealed on earth, although Satan stands at the ready to devour all who are left and remain on the earth, therefore, all who call on the name of Jesus to their end shall be saved. Understand that this exact time has not been given to Satan either but he must stand at the ready until he is released for his short rule, after which he will be bound with a great chain in the abyss in torment and agony where he will fully understand his coming inheritance.

And so it is that I come to give you understanding of the times you live and I do so by giving you once again the very Words that I gave Peter to address the masses on that great day of Pentecost these many Jubilees past now, where nevertheless, his Words ring true evermore in fulfillment eternally and evermore. So I say to you that “this is that, which was spoken by the Prophet Joel, And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons, and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants, and on mine handmaids I will pour out of my Spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in heaven above, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and the vapors of smoke. The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall be, that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved” (Acts 2:16-21).

Therefore, I do come to declare these Words fulfilled in your ears this very day, and that so suddenly and unexpected now the faithful in Christ will be taken and redeemed and changed and glorified and rewarded forevermore. So understand the sudden fulfillment that is so suddenly to come. Do not give ear to the date setters and the Judaizers [Juda Iharioth, son of a pharisee who betrayed Jesus, see Phoenix Journal link below] who do not understand neither what they teach, neither the real truth of scripture they wrest to their own detriment.

Wherefore, I give you to understand that the gathering of the faithful in Christ is not tied specifically to any holy day, nor feast days, nor any other date or event given to ancient Israel in the law of Moses, even which law is fulfilled fully in Christ Jesus your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness. As I have told you in times past I tell you again my loves: “Let no man therefore condemn you in meat and drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days, Which are but a shadow of things to come: but the body is in Christ” (Col 2:16-17).

However, do understand that this event can happen at any second and on any day and very well might happen on a significant day, time, or hour or even during holy days, or feast days, or the Sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come! Therefore, wait and watch and give earnest expectation to my appearing because your times of your full redemption has come. And so I give you to understand and also for your obedience, that you wait and watch every day (and not just your self appointed high watch times) and that you give the more earnest heed to these Words in full expectation of fulfillment, because there is no more delay. Selah!

I am Christ Jesus and I am he who has sent these Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have these Words been sent. Even as encouragement so my Church, my body, and even my Bride may be comforted with great comfort and that you may understand fully the exact nearness in time of this event, so that you are not overtaken in surprise of this event that is sure to happen so suddenly now.

I am Yeshua HaMashiach who will now move to send my two witnesses and my two candlesticks, even as declared in The Everlasting Gospel, because Yahweh has never left himself without witness, and my two witnesses will witness of all times and from an earthly and heavenly perspective. And Enoch the Scribe does bring the writings of old in his script and their testimonies will be added to The Everlasting Gospel that will endure evermore along with all the Words of Yahweh that will be restored to the earth in exact perfection as recorded in the heavens, even so that the works of the devil might be fully undone and that the ways and Words of Yahweh may flood the earth in righteousness for all times and forevermore! Selah.

Behold! I am he who comes in the clouds and my times of revealing are at hand.

Are you watching my loves? Is your expectation fervent and alive?

I do command you to receive my Words in full and watch, and wait, and be at the ready.

Until suddenly….On earth….You are not.

Behold! The exact second of redemption approaches and is in sight.

Consider my Words and blessings of benediction that surely will endure into the eternity or eternities forevermore. Selah!

Receive my Love Letter my Bride for I have delivered it for your comfort and expectation.

In the Love Of Yahweh given to me to you-ward,

Yeshua HaMashiach: The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness.



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