4chan Is Freaking Out Over This: Is the President's Son a Time Traveler?
This is REALLY freaky!
Is the president’s son a time traveler? Sounds like a silly question, but this is what the good folks of 4chan have been pondering over this past month; and all things considered, it’s not really that far of a stretch. It all began when one /pol/ack discovered a 19th century author of fiction by the name of Ingersoll Lockwood. Lockwood, who died in 1855 (91 and 151 years before President Donald Trump and his son were born), wrote several stories centered around a fictional character named “Baron Trump”. (Their faces even look identical.)
The first two books, titled “The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar” and “Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey”, tell the story of Baron Trump, an aristocratically wealthy young man living in “Castle Trump”, who is bored of the luxurious lifestyle he has grown so accustomed to. Young Trump decides to pay a visit to Russia, to embark on an extraordinary adventure that will shape the rest of his life. Both of the books are archived by the Library of Congress and can be read in full on Archive.org.
It get’s spookier: Baron Trump is mentored in the books by “the masters of all masters”, a man named “Don”. Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: “The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers.”
Having bid farewell to his family, Trump heads to Russia to locate an entrance into alternate dimensions. The first two books state that there is no recorded history of Baron Trump’s death, instead, he finds a time machine and travels to the future – The is where the third book comes in.
The third book, titled “The Last President”, is even spookier than the first two. Baron Trump time-travels to New York City using a time machine he found in Russia.
The date is November 3rd and the City of New York is in a “state of uproar”, following the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate. Socialists and anarchists organize violent riots across the country:
“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”
“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,” the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. “Would the troops be in time to save it?” Yes, you heard that right. A hotel in the novel that the protesters planned to attack stood in the exact same location where the Trump tower is located today.
The protests in the book are taking place during an eclipse. Coincidentally, The United States is set to experience a solar eclipse on August 21st, one that hasn’t occurred since 1776.
We’re not done yet, folks – The Rabbit hole goes much deeper. In 1943, after Nikola Tesla’s death, the F.B.I declared all his research to be “top secret” and ordered all his possessions to be seized. The F.B.I later appointed an M.I.T professor to make sense of his notes, to see if any information in them could be used to create military weapons. That M.I.T professor was none other than John Trump (Donald Trump’s uncle). (Source: Business Insider).
Curiously, Tesla is well known for conducting an awful lot of research around time travel and teleportation. The type of research that could potentially create….. say……. a time machine?
/Pol/ has a theory (Worth the read):
(My note: Ok, so I feel like most of the comments screenshoted above were made in jest….but when you really look into this…it is BIZARRE. Nothing can explain it in my opinion. Also is this a foreshadowing to something happening during or around the eclipse that will cause riots and martial law?)
I also am a time traveler. I always travel forward though time. It’s safer that way.
How can you trust someone who uses a 1 eyed illuminati Avatar
Trump-et Call To Penance, Penance, Penance.
if you use 4chan as a news source, you fail.
The Obots are going crazy.
Obama’s the Antichrist.
An they know it perfectly well.
The day of Obama’s election-victory, the lottery of his homestate drew the number proving he’s the Antichrist: 666.
Interesting. I didn’t know Trumps uncle was involved with the Tesla papers. That puts a whole new twist to things.
Spread the good news: We won!
We’re closing down the “god and saviour” aka Satan-in-Person the Demon – the Antichrist Obama.
We’ll send him to trial and jail for hundreds of thousands of years and he’ll be dragged away yelling and kicking to resist.
The Holy Ghost Writer, me, David Montaigne, Mark Brander, Jay Will and Pink Slime all says Obama’s the Antichrist: he’s toast to a crisp now.
Jesus’s Here. Was Revealed On BIN This Afternoon A Few Minutes Ago. Very Big News Once In 4000 Years Only (Video) /prophecy/2017/08/jesuss-here-was-revealed-on-bin-this-afternoon-a-few-minutes-ago-very-big-news-once-4000-years-only-video-2493289.html
4chan is not “freaking out”, 4chan is “making jokes”.
That’s true and KOS is a faggot…
Wow nice piece you put together here. I like “the note” and the sentiment of the entire article. Well done.
How timely.
Why thank you
this is really stupid!
Baron isn’t a name it is a nobility title!
I bet Trump gaves his son that name because he likes that book!
it is an eerie coincidence, i’ve never heard of the book or how life imitates art, there are others that believe we are living in a combination of several fiction novels
Well, did someone somewhere on the internet today, say there are 2 solar eclipses a year? They did not say TOTAL Solar Eclipses. Are they TOTAL Solar Eclipses? The gangs are to be loosed on a TOTAL Solar Eclipse. That could be any time there is a TOTAL. It could be August 21, 2017 or some other time.
Many gang members wear a Total Solar Eclipse tattoo on the inside of the right forearm nearest the wrist. I know it’s the sun (SOLAR) because the tattoo also shows the rays of the sun.
See how many of them you can find. Keep your eyes open for it now, while everyone is wearing sleeveless or short sleeves. Inside fore arm. Puertoricans (spelling?), Dominic Republicans, Mexicans, Latinos, etc. Keep looking. Whites are in gangs too.