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By JLenardDetroit
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Election 2020 FRAUD - Trump's legal path to reelection!

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[Originally posted Sat Nov 21 - last update: Tue Jun 1, 2021, yes it kept growing and a bit difficult to follow for some with all the "new sub-pieces" that kept getting added on/in]

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added part-2:
[and now added, June 1 2021, part-3: /u-s-politics/2021/06/election-2020-re-examined-reviewed-recapped-expounded-upon-etc-2582544.html (]


TUE APR 26th 2022 UPDATE:

Hey #Patriots:
Want a SNEAK PEEK at Patrick Colbeck’s next book*??
My book (#TerrorStrikes) is first on the Page** and his follows down-page!!

* hint: it has to do with the 2020 Election!
** more on McHenry Press & #TerrorStrikes making History: [](  


Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



—————————————–  BEGIN TUE JUN 1, 2021 UPDATE —————————–

[If you look ( you'll see I've been VERY BUSY with new material over this Memorial weekend 2021, and now June 1, 2021, I bring you another (Examination, rather RE-EXAMINATION, with what we know now, of ELECTION 2020 (MUST READ: /u-s-politics/2021/06/election-2020-re-examined-reviewed-recapped-expounded-upon-etc-2582544.html (Tue Jun 1, 2021)))....
IMPORTANT NOTE: While a new piece, it is really a sequel, but not even that really but another in an now ongoing series of these related topics! It is a follow-up/continuation of: /the-law/2020/12/scotus-shows-cowardice-in-refusing-to-take-tx-case-electionfraud-unequal-applicationprotections-constitution-disenfranchisement-etc-issues-vs-pa-ga-mi-wi-2458458.html (Dec 2020); and /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html (Nov 2020, which in part needs updates/minor-corrections to); as well as /u-s-politics/2020/07/never-ending-efforts-of-democrats-to-controlmanipulate-elections-via-voterfraud-2580233.html (July 2020); /u-s-politics/2019/04/exposing-the-lefts-lies-that-voterfraud-never-happens-2576326.html (Apr 2019); and even more I could list going back before that!]
—————————————–  END TUE JUN 1, 2021 UPDATE —————————–

UPDATE: FEB 6, 2021 – The Lindell report (view before SNOWFLAKES get this pulled too, they cannot refute the FACTS so they must SILENCE/CENSOR THE TRUTH):

[My Vimeo VLOG above (yes, it is up at YouTube ( also, but of course they've already FLAGGED IT and likely will pull it down entirely soon) - Election2020Fraud: Trump LEGAL PATH TO REELECION 2020 #StopTheSteal - Illegal Votes MUST BE TOSSED! There are enough PROVABLE IN COURT OF LAW ILLEGAL VOTES that must be tossed, BY LAW, to then change the currently CALLED ONLY BY ENEMEDIA OUTLETS Election2020 (strip Biden of phony PresidentElect title! I will add later, additional RADIO SHOW Archives (3 WAAM Radio Sat Shows) in the comments to expound even further on #Election2020Fraud issues, remedies, etc!]

also now banned and my account revoked by cowards/idiots at VIMEO, so here it is from

ok, now RUMBLE wants to play games with the Video?
See MY VIDEO/VLOG direct from MY DROPBOX save location then: 


UPDATE: Lies on Top of Lies! ‘Simple Math’ Proves Numbers Don’t Add Up — Media and Biden Now Claim 73% Turnout? — an ALL-TIME HIGH Since 1900?


[Sun Jan 24, 2021 update:

The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history.  The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active - And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued ]


well… well… well… VOTER FRAUD and HACKABLE and/or FAULTY MACHINES only matter when a FASCICRAT loses, ey? see:


[update Feb 10 -
HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes! - CD Media ]

gun toting patriot bryson gray


FEC Chairman Trey Trainor Confirms There Was Election Fraud This Year – Points to Several Instances (VIDEO)


Democrats are HILARIOUS!
In 2000 with ZERO #EVIDENCE of any #ElectionFraud in FL AlGore demanded SIX #AUDITS of the #Vote (none, changed the outcome) but in 2020 w/ rampant easy to see for oneself (you can VIEW THE DEAD THAT VOTED online) they want to deny #RuleOfLaw.


[Thu Dec 3. 2020 update/interjection (above beyond anything else in this article, must know):

Seriously, YOU LIBTARDS still want to play games and toe the THERE WAS/IS NO FRAUD (or, those willing to admit there is still peddle the SPIN that NOT ENOUGH TO OVERTURN RESULTS) manure?!?!? PA ALONE! The State of PA stated before Nov 3 that 1.8M Ballots HAD BEEN MAILED OUT! PA Reports now, THEY HAVE COUNTED 2.2M MAIL IN BALLOTS returned! YOU HAVE TO BE A FUCKING RETARD TO NOT GRASP THOSE #FACTS ALONE ARE ENOUGH TO SET ASIDE THE ELECTION IN PA!! PA Electors SHOULD NOT BE SEATED, since the FASCICCRATS have dragged things out to the point where a REVOTE is impossible in PA! Set aside the Electors, or return it (UNDER THE CONSTITUTION) to the PALeg to select the Electors, is the ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL REMEDY at this point!
That is just PA alone! And we can go STATE BY STATE in all of the 6 key Battleground States that would determine this Election! In each of the six (AZ, GA, MI, PA, NV, WI) similar CLEAR DEMONSTRATABLE IRREGULARITIES AND/OR OUTRIGHT PROVABLE FRAUDULENT VOTES WERE CAST beyond MARGIN OF CURRENTLY "RECOGNIZED" OUTCOME! Each of the 6 States must have a REVOTE (but unless SCOTUS moves ELECTORS ALLOCATION to Jan 5th(or abouts) then Electors meeting 10th(or abouts) there is INSUFFICIENT TIME FOR A REVOTE and therefore, again, ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY to cast aside those States' Electors or have those States' Legislatures determine which Electors are alloted/sent! 
Current active cases (not full reports of all alleged irregularities and/or fraud....
AZ cases breakdown:
VIDEO: The Full Six Hour Georgia Senate Oversight Committee Hearing on Democrat Voter Fraud with Witnesses and Video Evidence -
MI latest:
Clear demonstrated fraud above margin that would TOSS NV Certifications and Electors:
#REALNEWS: MORE #EVIDENCE: New #Video Shows '20 Binders Full Of Evidence' Of #Nevada #Fraud, Says Campaign Has Even More - National File -

PA latest:

200,000 Illegal ballots:


Illegal Georgia Vote Breakdown:
2506 Felons
66248 Underage
2423 Not registered
1043 P.O. Box
4926 Registered After Date
10315 DEAD B4 Nov 3rd
395 Dual State Voting
15700 Nat'l Change of Address
40279 Crossed County Lines
143,855 Total Illegal Votes In Georgia [Fact]

What’s Going On with the Server Reportedly Obtained in Germany Related to the 2020 Election?
We need the answers and we need them IMMEDIATELY for Legislatures and/or COURTS to make proper rulings/(re)actions!

MUST SEE: TGP’s Joe Hoft Discusses Statistically Impossible Patterns in 2020 Election Data with Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens (VIDEO)

Like I’ve said, and becomes more and more AN ISSUE with each passing day! #FACTS are on our side, TIME is not! There are still TWO BASIC PATHS for 2020 to still be over-turned!
1) 5 of the 6 Legislatures in question, are controlled by GOP
(however, how many times have we discussed their PAST COWARDICE? and the liklihood of them getting a backbone now?!?!)
One of the States MUST step up by Dec 11 then the others may get some courage – none of them wants to be first!
2) SCOTUS, does anyone think any of the Justices other than Alito and Thomas have any backbone to make a decision?!?! They too, likely, are just HOPING THE FASCICRATS CAN DELAY THE PROCESSES until it is TOO LATE!
Once the Electors are allotted, it goes down to THE SCOTUS PATH ONLY (likely)! And since they’ve REFUSED to step up an hear the PA case already after dismissed and requested appeal of PA Supreme Court – as each day goes by the chances of them acting diminishes!
I AM NOT SAYING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! Just that as Fascicrats delay yet another day, every new day, the ODDS CONTINUE TO SHRINK!
#REALNEWS: 3rd state considers lawmakers naming electors 

#China #Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward – Reveals #Video, #Photos of #Chinese #Counterfeit #Ballots Printing Operations of #USA Ballots for #MI


“The FBI Is Nowhere to be Found!” – Rudy Giuliani Reveals UNDENIABLE VOTER FRAUD in 2020 Election – Now Has 1,000 Signed Witness Affidavits! (VIDEO)



TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



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Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here — 


from my GAB (
I was just on WAAM (Abolitionists Roundtable Show (Sat’s 9a)) 1600 Ann Arbor and we talked about the Sham in Atlanta too, but first like I said there: Let me implicitly state what others hint at – that is there is a reason why the Lilly White Controlled Fascicrats Party CHEATS in Detroit rather than equally firmly absolutely controlled LilyWhiteLiberal ANN ARBOR! That, of course, is if it is done in AA and we call it out they’d have to DEAL IN THE FACTS where-as in DETROIT they can, of course, instead, DEFLECT and ignore dealing in FACTS and PLAY THE RACE CARD! They will RACISTLY imply it is not FRAUD it is just incompetence year, after year, after year, and why they don’t say it explicitly THEY ARE RACISTLY SAYING You know “those people” just can’t ever be expected to get anything right!” Yet, as usual, employ #PsychologicalProjection of their RACISM by calling everyone else RACIST!

As for RINO Kemp and RINO GASOS Raffensperger, equally COWARDS refusing to call out FRAUD in Atlanta cuz they are afraid of being called RACIST! They insist: They were properly trained on SIGNATURE VALIDATION! Training means SHIT when/where some purposefully, willfully, and with malice of forethought, decide TO CHEAT (no “training” will stop them)! 6 key locations, including Atlanta, they purposefully, willfully, and malice of forethought, RESET THE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION levels from normal of decades before to a LOWER STANDARD for one purpose alone – ALLOW FRAUDULENTLY FILED MAILINBALLOTS to be counted! PERIOD! The norm is 3-4% rejection rate, but this cycle in Atlanta, Filthydelphia, and a couple other key CHEATING locations it was down to 0.3%. Yup, with MILLIONS MORE BALLOTS, people filing them for the first time, THINKING PEOPLE know full well that MORE MISTAKES would occur and be found NOT LESS!


WAAM Abolitionists Roundtable (Sat’s 9a) – focused on MI:

WAAM Your American Heritage (Sat’s 1p) – broader National focus* and Legal Path to/for #Trump Victory:

WAAM Moment Of Clarity (Sat’s 2p) – continuation of YAH 1p show (since Rick was out Sick): 

and my follow-up YouTube Vlog (covers additional ground, embedded at top of this article): 
if YouTube pulls/flags it: (direct:

WE HAVE A NATION TO SAVE! And big part of that right now is to #STOPTHESTEAL, we cannot allow clear/obvious #ElectionFraud (not all direct #VoterFraud, some of it just ignoring #ElectionLaws in a few States) all that adds up to VOTES THAT MUST BE TOSSED AND COURT ORDERED CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDAY of Electors of #AZ, #GA, #NV, #MI, #PA, #WI, determined by their State Legislatures (all of which, controlled by GOP, except NV)!

*Let me be clear about something I said during Ed’s/YAH Sat 11/21 Show:
I am NOT saying to ignore the CLEAR FRAUD of/in WayneCounty Michigan!
What I am saying is to PRIORITIZE and our main focus on States we can, beyond reasonable doubt, PROVE, ElectionFraud. Where “X” number of DEAD PEOPLE voted (ILLEGAL VOTES that must be tossed), “Y” number of NON
-RESIDENTS voted (ILLEGAL VOTES that must be tossed), “Z” of whatever, and so on, where X, Y, Z, etc, all 100% demonstrably ILLEGAL VOTES amount to above the MARGIN OF VICTORY which should be easy to do in AZ, GA, NV, WI, coupled with PA where PA LAW was clearly violated and LATE VOTES MUST BE TOSSED (which is above Margin of Victory)! Thereby, all those States, the 100% CONSTITUTIONALL MANDATED REMEDY (since a ReVote not possible in time) IS THAT THE RESULTS OF THOSE STATES TOSSED AND BY CONSTITUTION SELECTION OF ELECTORS GO TO EACH OF THOSE STATES’ LEGISLATURES (all but NV, controlled by GOP)! Which is enough, to #STOPTHESTEAL and OVER-TURN NON-BINDING ENEMEDIA BULLSHIT CALLS AS/FOR #BIDEN AS PRESIDENT-ELECT!!! We can and must continue to push the MI and even clear FRAUD of/in VA (and a few other States) AFTER WE TRUMP DECLARED WINNER OF 2020 ELECTION!

Additional MOC Show on GREAT RESET (only touched on today during MOC):


[Quick Sun Dec 6 update/briefings/must-know:

Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within 'Safe Harbor' Window To Intervene - CD Media

Jenna Ellis Confirms Judge Granted Trump Campaign Access to 22 Dominion Machines in Michigan

Yeah.... too bad this is a STUNT (they don't have the Votes) going nowhere ...
#USHouse #Republicans Introduce #Bill to #Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘#MotorVoterLaw' - National File


MUST SEE… Michigan Montage: TCF Center Elections Observers Testify on the Massive Democrat Vote Fraud (VIDEO)


Study: Noncitizen votes gave Biden wins in Arizona, Georgia


Spare me the line “BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY PATHETIC/BAD (esp if BIDEN steals the #WhiteHouse and they can steal #USSenate via #GASen #Runoffs (see: ) you’ll really see how bad the FASCICRATS are becoming)!” If you think the #GOP is inadequate, and many times, IMO, I think it is — WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP?? Are YOU a #PrecinctDelegate (PD)?!?!
You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!
“Help becoming a PD” in MI (DuckDuckGo search for other States):


If #’s/trends continue:
Trump WON 18 of the 19 bellweather Counties that have correctly predicted POTUS last 50+ years!
Trump WON 47 of the 50 bellweather Counties that have correctly predicted POTUS since 2000!
Trump WON both bellweather States of FL and OH – noone has won POTUS and lost Ohio (and usually FL too, and NEVER BOTH COMBINED) in the last 50+ years!
Trump gained 10% (ish) more of both the Black and Hispanic Vote ALL ACROSS USA, except MaricopaCounty(AZ, Phoenix area), ClarkCounty (NV, Vegas area), WayneCounty(MI, Detroit area), Philadelphia (PA), Milwaukee (WI), and Atlanta (GA), and we are supposed to believe that?
Joe Biden UNDERPERFORMED HILLARY in virtually ALL COUNTIES except, again, the key ones I just pointed out above – but still WON?!?!?
POTUS45 got more Votes for reelection than for initial election, BUT LOST? NEVER HAPPENS!

#GOP will TAKE BACK 10+ (needed 17) #USHouse seats, #Pelosi / #Fascicrats will retain control BARELY (by skin of their teeth)!
#GOP retains control of #USSenate (pending #GASen runoffs)!
#GOP is gaining many STATE HOUSE/SENATE seats (which will be important in many States for 2021 ReDistricting)!
#GOP hold ground of #Governors’ Offices across #USA (after having lost a couple stolen in 2018 due to same #VoterFraud in 2018 that is happening again in 2020 (but, yet, despite the #Fraud we may lose Presidency due to it we still will have accomplished REDWAVE of all I pointed out above)!
#Biden will have 306 #ElectoralCollege #Votes (pending litigation/audits, will remain disputed, his Presidency (if he does become POTUS46) will always have an asteric next to it) while #Trump had (undisputed) 304 in 2016!
There was more of a #REDWAVE (up, down, around BALLOTS) than the #BLUEWAVEmirage in 2020 – which makes the fact we WON VIRTUALLY EVERYWHERE (including seats in CA/NY) but TRUMP atop the ticket (that provided those coattails) did not Win! IT IS NOT CREDIBLE, that is just NOT how Elections have EVER shaken down/out!
Yet, #Pelosi / #Biden claim they will have a Governing #MANDATE! LOL

Reminder #Trump had 304 (undisputed) #ElectoralCollege #Votes in 2016!
#GOP gained #USHouse seats 2016 (gained control of that body, #Fascicrats didnt get control until stolen seats in 2018 w/ #VoterFraud and #BallotHarvesting (illegal in 49 States (legal only in #CA)))!
#GOP added #USSenate seats 2016 & held in 2018!
#GOP gained many STATE HOUSE/SENATE seats in 2016 (lost some in 2018, but regained them now in 2020 which will be important in many States for 2021 ReDistricting)
#GOP hold ground of Gubernatorial Offices across USA!

And, of course, yes an underlying #REDwave #BLUEmirage, but Biden is Elected?!?! #NotCredible

IF trend continues and Fascicrats STEAL #POTUS46 slot (and, yes, we MUST continue any and every LEGAL REMEDY to #StopTheSteal)…..

@KristiNoem 24: Best #GOP #Governor (either sex, any State) EVER for #POTUS!
I/you/WE may not LIKE #IDENTITYPOLITICS, but you have to be STUPID to not see the #TRENDS! In 2018 #Fascicrats took many State/Federal seats, WITH/BY #FEMALE CANDIDATES (there was NO BLUE WAVE, but a bit of a PINK WAVE that gave them several State seats (inc MIGov, MISOS, MIAG, MICD08, MICD11))! Likewise, 2020, reason #GOP gained (different, to offset our 18 loses) State/Federal seats was MOSTLY #FEMALE #REPUBLICANS (and that was/is KEY that we took back many State Legislatures with ReDistricting coming in 2021) or Black Republicans and a couple White Military Veterans (but, again, primarily FEMALE and/or MINORITY Candidates)!
#KristiNoem vs #KamalaHarris 2024! We all know DementiaJoe won’t last one term.
The first #FEMALE #POTUS must be a #MargaretThatcher like #Conservative #Republican!! 


CONFIRMED: The Trump Team’s Steve Cortes Confirms Our Report – Trump’s Case is a Constitutional One


GAB ( 
( )

#DavidPerdue (
#KellyLoefller (
..for their #GASen #RUNOFF #Elections

WHY???? – Dems will do ANYTHING (#VOTERFRAUD) to ensure they lose & have #USSenate 50-50 split (if #Harris is VP, they have tiebreaker control)!

They will again LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, commit more #VoterFraud in #GA to ensure Perdue and Leoffler LOSE THEIR RUNOFF ELECTIONS in Jan!
That creates 50/50 split, and with HARRIS as President Pro Tem of the USSenate to break all ties will immediately:

1) Eliminate FILIBUSTER RULE!!!!

2) PACK THE #SCOTUS to give them Liberal Activists Judicial control there

3) with no Filibuster to prevent simple majority actions by Fascicrats, that then allows them to UNCONSTITUTIONALLY make DC a State (LibActivistSCOTUS will ignore challenge) and they will then get to put 2 more FASCICRATS into the USSenate eliminating any need for tiebreakers from Harris!

4) They will then FORCE STATEHOOD ON PUERTO RICO despite the FACTS that PR has VOTED TO DECLINE STATEHOOD 5 times in my lifetime (58 yrs, and the last time just a few years ago) so Fascicrats can again add another 2 Senators to USSenate with hopes in 2022 to defeat enough Republican incumbents to gain SUPERMAJORITY (however, at that point, WILL BE MOOT)!



7) Both GND & MFA will have hidden #Taxes in them, but that won’t be enough they will then RAISE TAXES ON EVERY WORKER (regardless of Income level – their no-one below $400k is same FARCE/LIES as was Carter, Clinton, Obama years)!

8) OverTurn #CitizensUnited and enact new more intrusive unConstititional CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS (which McLame/Feingold was, and SCOTUS refused to more broadly STRIKE DOWN ENTIRELY as Constitution demanded when deciding Citizens United (leaving onus Personal Restriction on/against our SPEECH and PROPERTY (Cash, is your property) RIGHTS to give to whom you like! To ensure that UNIONS can still donate in unlimited amounts to Fascicrats, but PACs & BUSINESSES will get limited/restricted also preventing you from donating to Conservative PACs and/or BUSINESSES TO GIVE as under Citizens United to then give above/beyond your UnConstitutional donation restrictions of CFLaws (McLame/Feingold)! Everything to insure flow of money to Fascicrats Campaigns, while limiting options to GOP Campaigns!

[AND MORE (which can also be seen via attached images to the GAB Post) THAT COULD NOT FIT IN THE POST:

8) OverTurn #CitizensUnited and enact new more intrusive unConstititional CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS (which McLame/Feingold was, and SCOTUS refused to more broadly STRIKE DOWN ENTIRELY as Constitution demanded when deciding Citizens United (leaving onus Personal Restriction on/against our SPEECH and PROPERTY (Cash, is your property) RIGHTS to give to whom you like! To ensure that UNIONS can still donate in unlimited amounts to Fascicrats, but PACs & BUSINESSES will get limited/restricted also preventing you from donating to Conservative PACs and/or BUSINESSES TO GIVE as under Citizens United to then give above/beyond your UnConstitutional donation restrictions of CFLaws (McLame/Feingold)! Everything to insure flow of money to Fascicrats Campaigns, while limiting options to GOP Campaigns!

9) PASS UNCONSTITIONAL #2ndAmendment RESTRICTIONS (again, LibActivist PACKED SCOTUS will ignore and overturn HELLER and uphold new #GunControl and #GunConfiscation #Laws!

10) MAKE UNCONSTITUTIONAL PLOY TO ELIMINATE #ELECTORALCOLLEGE and enshrining, illegally/unconstitutionally, #NationalPopularVote (and, again, LibActivist SCOTUS will rubber-stamp the move)!

11) Sure you can think of at least another couple of items I just am drawing a blank on at the time I'm typing this!!!!

ALL OF THESE THINGS WILL BE RUSHED AND RAMMED THROUGH BEFORE 2022, before Voters will have any other chance to VOTE THEM OUT of USHouse control (again, at this point, they'll have stranglehold on USSenate and unlikely can be Voted out of USSenate control w/o major/massive/unprecedented RED WAVE SWEEP of virtually all Elections across USA in 2022 at which time will them be TOO LATE)!  ]

THIS IS NOT HYPERBOLE, they learned from FAILING TO DO MORE when they had Obama, USHouse control, USSenate control Obama’s 1st 2 years (but, remember, back then WE STILL HAD FILIBUSTER (see #1 again, they won’t make the mistake again))!


[update/edit Tue Nov 24:

Seen all the moron LIBTARDS who have joined GAB, Parler, MeWe, and even separate new Twatter accounts, since Nov 4 trying to pretend to be CONSERVATIVES and discourage us?
1) We will NOT give up our efforts to #STOPTHESTEAL
2) nor, at same time, prevent #SCHUMER CONTROL OF #USSENATE (#GOTV #PERDUE / #LOEFFLER)
Do you moron Libtard Trolls really think you are fooling us with your new Accounts and Lies?!?!



Love both LLinWood and SidneyPowell, but they of course have not just Fascicrats but boat-loads of #RINOs trying to stall, delay, distract, and distort, and aid/abet Liberal Activist Judges also desperately trying to drag things out (as FACTS are on our side, but time is not)!

Wood has called out #RINOs #GAGov #Kemp and #GASOS #Raffensperger – once we get past the more immediate concerns to SAVE THE REPUBLIC by having to SAVE THE #USSENATE trying to get both #Perdue and #Loeffler reelected (see related item why: despite the morons leading #GAmore interested in cozying up to Liberal #ENEMEdia press than AUDITING to get HONEST ELECTION RESULTS — we need to team up with Wood and find strong #CONSERVATIVE #REPUBLICANS to PRIMARY both those buffoons!

related items:
Undercover Video shows Fascicrats in Atlanta trying to cover up their Fraud, with MORE FRAUD – details:

@newsmax is far superior to @FoxNews
but STILL let #GabrielSterling (#GASOS RINO lacky) off the hook (making excuses, refusing to deal in reality, trying to cover his/their own asses rather than have HONEST AUDIT). He insists folks trained on #SIGNATUREVERIFICATION as if the cheaters in Atlanta cared, what is the REJECTIONS RATE Vs law abiding counting Districts (hint: 3-4% always, vs fraudulent 0.3% in the StealTheElection Districts/Counties)? #factsmatter #StopTheSteaI – details:



Why should you support #Perdue and #Loeffler for #GASen #Runoff Jan 5 (aside from the whole FATE OF AMERICA may weigh in the balance)?!?!?

Well, let’s start with #KellyLoeffler -
She was only recently appointed to #USSenate by Governor #Kemp (which in many peoples’ minds, including mine, made her a bit “suspect” so I KEPT A CLOSE EYE ON HER) therefore not been there long for a whole lot to Judge her upon! She has been a SOLID CONSERVATIVE VOTE thus far and no reason to believe she would go SWAMP CREATURE if returned to the USSenate (and, again, since having been appointed, she is up for Special Election, and will be up again due to the situation after the Term she is fulfilling completes – therefore knows PEOPLE WILL BE WATCHING)!!! She is a BUSINESS WOMAN (no, let’s not call her Trump in a Dress) not career Politician and owner of the GA WNBA Team (and by way of endorsement, many of the Libtard kneeler moron Players of her team OPPOSE HER (Tells you exactly why to support her)!

As for #DavidPerdue? WHO you say? Exactly!!! One of the chief reasons to support Dave is YOU DON’T HEAR ABOUT DAVE! Dave is NON CONTROVERSIAL. He is a SOLID PRO AMERICA, PRO US WORKER, AMERICA FIRST, VOTE IN #USSENATE! Unlike fools like #Romney who you hear about endlessly, due to his NOT POSITIVE (in so far as PRO TRUMP goes) antics, just like everyone knew McLame – DAVE IS RELIABLE, NOT A RINO!

#GOTV in #GA on Jan 5… but before that… DONATE…..

[additionally, not in GAB post: 

While #ENEMEdia conts "NO #EVIDENCE OF #VOTERFRAUD" (despite undercover #Videos of it & SWORN #AFFIDAVITS) #LIES
Encourage Dems go 2 #GA, #REGISTERTOVOTE using local DemOPERATIVE ADDRESS, & illegally Vote #Absentee Jan 5 #RUNOFF

DO NOT LET THEM STEAL GEORGIA, call/email everyone you know THEY ABSOLUTELY MUST VOTE FOR LEOFFLER AND PERDUE ON JAN 5 IN PERSON (so the cheaters can't toss their Ballot)!!!! The Fascicrats are NOT EVEN HIDING THEIR CLEAR INTENT TO CHEAT AGAIN while their current cheating is EXPOSED and official Investigations begin!!! 

And, of course, knowing RINOs Kemp and Raffensperger looked the other way on MAIL IN BALLOTS FRAUD on Nov 3, Democrats are certainly emblodened to COMMIT EVEN MORE OF IT ON JAN 5.  ]


Remember: #Hollywood did a #BOYCOTT of #Georgia over wanting to force you to allow MEN in WOMEN’S bathrooms and #Georgians’ Traditional #Marriage views (even though, just a few years before the people of #CA voted for PROP8 (Traditional Marriage) themselves (that they then used Liberal Activist Courts to strike down the People’s vote)! Don’t remember? LOOK IT UP! They took away #JOBS / #Revenues of/from your Friends, Family, Neighbors, all but drying up the once thriving #GA #Movie industry (thankfully, good Christian Conservative Studios came to fill some of that Void – Republicans supporting GA Families and Values)!

SEE RELATED – Liberals only real Religion is (Faith in) GOVERNMENT – their motto: Separation FROM Church TO State (see at)

Now, #Hollyweirdo #Pedophile Klan wants to FLOOD #GA W/ 100′s of MILLIONS of $$$$$$$ to try & BUY your #USSenate seats for #Fascicrats * #Ossoff & #Warnock who would #Vote with #Schumer’s ( #NYValues ) and #Commiefornia #IllegalsFirst rather than #Georgians #AmericaFirst #Values and #Principles .


#GOTV #Perdue ** & #Loeffler **

RINOs #Kemp and #Raffenperger REFUSE to do anything about invalid signature votes to be counted (normal reject rate: 3-4%, Atlanta: 0.3% ensuring VoterFraud Ballots are counted Nov 3 race and ZERO PLAN for crackdown for Jan 5) so we have to overcome that Fraud and all the other “TRANSIENTS” illegally registering to Vote in the upcoming Election!


* Fascicrats, not hyperbole – details in:



Georgia Dems Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Anti-Semite Who Compared Jews to ‘Termites’ – National File


As for the manure going on in Michigan you’ve heard about, shenanigans in WayneCounty MI (GOP Canvassers withhold certification of Vote, recant, then recant the recant): 

Dan asked WHAT THE HELL?
my ( repsonse:
@DanWallDry The usual.
Cowardly RINO establishment hacks cave the minute the RACE CARD is played by the Fascicrats! Just another normal day in Michigan. Actually rather amazing they stood up for a whole 2 seconds. I know both them personally, Bill lives in same city (Wyandotte, Downriver Detroit) as me and Monica (Black herself, caved anyway too) Detroit resident. Though, I have NO DOUBT they got immediate Death Threats and ZERO PROTECTION from Wayne County Sheriffs Office. And would not have mattered, honestly, in long run, idiot Benson (MISOS, Fascicrat) with backing of Whitler (MIGov, Fascicrat) and Nessel (MIAG, Fascicrat), cuz RINOs failed to do anything about FRAUD in 2016 allowed Fascicrats to steal many seats including Gov,SOS,AG, in 2018 via Fraud, would have likely just illegally certified the results anyway and the COWARDS hiding in Lansing (MI Capitol) will do nothing to take a stand. They are busy with FAKE IMPEACHMENT of Whitler* to deflect from their Cowardace over the ElectionFraud in Michigan (which was exposed long ago, the Jill Stein Recount in 2016 laid it all bare for the entire USA to see, but Cowards in Lansing (back when we had GOP Governor) and could of fixed the MI ELECTION LAWS refused to do anything and therefore ARE COMPLICIT in the Fraud happening again – cuz, same reason then, AFRAID OF BEING CALLED RACIST!

If you’re interested in the Impeachment farce – see:

further about the IMPEACHMENT SHAM in MI (it does NOT have the Vote to remove WHITLER, it is all about distraction from RINO Establishment hack cowards in Lansing’s unwillingness to do a damn thing about ELECTION FRAUD 2020…

I DO NOT SUPPORT IMPEACHMENT OF WHITLER, it just gives us even bigger Fascicrat Gilchrist (who, cuz he’s Black, moron RINO Est Hacks in Lansing would do even less to oppose (cuz they know they’ll be labeled RACISTS))! WE MUST HAVE A RECALL ELECTION!!!

Matt Maddock and more self-promotion, going nowhere!

An Impeachment would elevate GILCHRIST to Governor!
Removing one SOROS minion for an even WORSE SOROS minion – MORONIC!!!
The RINOs in Lansing who have done NOTHING really to oppose Whitler, will do even less to oppose a Gov Gilchrist — and we all know damn well why, THEY ARE COWARDS who are afraid to be called RACIST if they oppose a Black Governor!

Thoughts from a Friend (Janice Daniels, of the Janice Daniels Show (, listen live button, Sats 1-2p, show archives:….

HER FATAL FLAW IN REASONING, HOWEVER… Morons in #Michigan would NOT pay attention to an actual Impeachment trial of Whitler in MI and be only fed usual eneMEDIA SPIN manure how it is unwarranted attack on her and only potentially Help her Campaign in 2022 (just as FAILED IMPEACHMENT only lit a fire under Trump supporters)…..

her thoughts:

Why I believe impeachment is the proper constitutional course to take, in these times of great usurpation of authority.
In Michigan we still have a Republican majority house.? If they initiated impeachment proceedings against this governor, three things would happen.
? The trial would expose to the people of Michigan what the constitution says about their inherent political power.
? The trial would expose to our legislators what the constitution says about their delegated powers.
? And the trial would expose to the governor what the constitution says about her delegated authority.

MY RESPONSE: WE NEED THIS EDUCATION?  The ones who do, will NOT PAY ATTENTION (they are ignorant and they choose to wallow in their ignorance, never, ever, do any Research for themselves to educate themselves (for the most part anyway, some have – see related (WALKAWAY / BLEXIT movements) at:! One thing that would not happen is that this governor be convicted and or removed from office – we know that – because the Michigan senate does not have a 2/3rds majority to actually convict her BUT the lesson in constitutional government would be a blessing in and of itself is a COMPLETE FARCE (the ENEMEdia will only peddle pro WHITLER spin and call the Impeachment a WITCH HUNT)!

We are in a war for the very heart and soul of our country – now is not the time to continue taking half measures.


More related material on WHITLER (who would not have been elected (nor Fascicrats Nessel to MIAG, nor Fascicrats MISOS Benson) had complete GOP controlled MI (Lansing) Capitol DONE SOMETHING ABOUT FRUAD EXPOSED IN 2016 BY JILL STEIN RECOUNT and then led to even more FRAUD in 2020:

(from MeWe Post:

Have you seen KELLY STAFFORD’s Video calling her out?!?!?

My response (cut/paste from 3 of my (JLenardDetroit) tweets and then some additional thoughts/comments):

1) Will KELLY STAFFORD announce she is running for #MIGov for 2022?!?! [see related tweet:] Or, at least, will she get off her ASS and Campaign for whomever is going to challenge #WHITLER?!?! There is a RECALL #WHITLER (#UNLOCKMICHIGAN) CAMPAIGN that could use a good sized Check from Her to do something 


2) Rem when #Whitler #Fascicrats gave #KellyStafford & kids hard time when #MattStafford had FALSE POSITIVE COVID TEST? Yet claim cases are up now, how many FALSE? I mom Kelly for #migov, w/ vid done more 2 oppose Whitler than all #RINOS in Lansing.


3) (CONT) too long to share on Twatter…
I mention KELLY FOR GOVERNOR movement in other Social Media forums when talking about the WHITLER IMPEACHMENT FARCE (all a Dodge by RINOs in Lansing to avoid dealing with #Election2020 issues)!
hope you’ll look: GAB JLenardDetroit account

THE ONLY REAL REMEDY IS RECALL PETITION TO FORCE A RECALL ELECTION IN 2021 or find someone outside of the RINOs in Lansing who have done virtually NOTHING to oppose her (yes, the one Bill to REVERSE her Policy which KILLED MI SENIORS in Nursing Homes which she of course just VETOED)! I was (only half jokingly) saying on Twitter @JLenardDetroit ( time to DRAFT KELLY STAFFORD for MIGOV2022 since her Twitter Video rant  (see that at: about Whitler dictatorship lockdowns again is unwarranted is more Publicly than all the RINOs in Lansing combined have done!


THE ONLY REAL REMEDY IS RECALL PETITION TO FORCE A RECALL ELECTION IN 2021 AND/OR find someone outside of the RINOs in Lansing who have done virtually NOTHING to oppose her (yes, the one Bill to REVERSE her Policy which KILLED MI SENIORS in Nursing Homes which she of course just VETOED)! I was (only half jokingly) saying on Twitter ( ) time to DRAFT KELLY STAFFORD for MIGOV2022 since her Twitter Video rant about Whitler dictatorship lockdowns again is unwarranted is calling her out more Publicly than all the RINOs in Lansing combined have done!


yup, Impeach Whitler

guarantees Gilchrist as Governor UNTIL 2030 (2 Elected Terms)!

Anyone dumb enough to not figure/understand that?!?!?

You think they’ll cheat to get WHITLER elected in 18 but not cheat 10x more, and 10 years of RACE BAITING by the Left – and the usual COWERING by RINOs unwilling to oppose him cuz they are afraid of being called RACIST?!?! Anyone been involved in MI Politics for anymore than 5 minutes should understand that.

You want 8 years in MI like the Nation was under OBLUNDER?

Same shit, same strategies by them, same Election outcomes (Gilchrist will Win) GUARANTEED!


If you want to literally cut off your Nose to spite your Face, go ahead as that only harms you — this MORONIC strategy harms to an even greater scale than having Whitler 10M+ Michiganians.


Also from my GAB posts ( 
As you’ve seen on my TL, clearly we MUST FOCUS ON:
1) #StopTheSteal of the White House
2) Jan 5 GA Runoffs, fate of USSenate
BUT, after that, hope youll join in unseating some in our GOP proven VERY UNWORTHY of continued support

1) AZ – Ducey
KELLI WARD (1st in trying to unseat McLame in Primary years back and her untiring efforts to be StopTheSteal point person in AZ) IMO has earned the support of both those in AZ and from across the entire Nation to hopefully Run for AZGov to unseat Ducey?!?!? I would certainly, from here in MI, donate to KELLI WARD FOR AZGOV movement!

2) GA – time to unseat Kemp and Raffensperger!!
They clearly were more interested in decrying their system FULLPROOF and insisting Folks in Atlanta properly trained (doesn’t mean they chose to ignore the training to CHEAT FOR BIDEN) than having real AUDIT to ensure FAIR/HONEST ELECTION IN GA (the whole SIGNATURES VERIFICATION thing, clear Fraud, they lowered threshold to PERMIT FRAUD and just 0.3% of MailInBallots rejected vs normal 3-4% of/in any/every State any/every Election (and same Fraud, probable violations of STATE LAW ELECTION REQUIREMENTS as pulled in Detroit, Philidelphia, Milwaukee, etc to help the Biden Steal)! Doug Collins has been EXCEPTIONAL in both being point for Trump StopTheSteal point person and GA Sen Runoff trying to get Perdue and Loeffler (even after losing to her in Primary) reelected to date! Hope we all can get a DRAFT DOUG COLLINS FOR GAGOV movement going! Who there would clearly take concern for honest/fair Election more seriously going forward in GA to Draft for GASOS?!?!?

3) OH – DeWine
Far too eager and draconian in his WUHAN VIRUS PARANOIA LOCKDOWNS (acted as bad as all Democrat Governors harming their own and the overall US Economy and States/Nations Citizens)! Trump did WIN the State of Ohio, so was no need for StopTheSteal efforts focused in Ohio and noone from OH I’ve seen thus far really stepping up to help Nationwide in that regard to be clear odds-on favorite to support in OH. Just clear we can help OH do better! We need to find Ohio’s version of KRISTI NOEM!

4) TX – Abbott/Patrick! Yes, I know full well I may lose many of you on this one! Frankly they were LESS THAN STELLAR during the whole LOCKDOWNS initially. I know next to nothing about Shelly (the Salon Owner) other than her clear STAND FOR THE CONSTITUTION and LOCKDOWN RESISTANCE (just like we had now world reknowned Karl Manke here in MI) and frankly may be enough in my and many others’ book to warrant a DRAFT SHELLY FOR TXGOV (or at least Dallas Mayor, she was/in Dallas if I recall correctly, memory isn’t what it used to be) movement!


extended (
and, yes, of course: RINO MITT ROMNEY (UT)
It is one thing to understand a Moderate like Collins in Blue ME.
How could UTAH elect moron (yes, moron, not mormon) Mitt to even DogCatcher after his FAILED GOVERNORSHIP in MA and hilariously pathetic Presidential Run?!?!?
And, rumor is, Mitt is being considered for Post in Biden Admin! Of course, both of their Families are steeped in UKRAINE CORRUPTION (not just Hunter) so those Families are CLOSE!
Mitt doesn’t oppose Trump out of any Principle, but of FEAR if the Joe/Hunter Biden corruption is really dealt with several in his Family (and maybe even Mitt too) would go down also!
If Biden does complete the STEAL, hopefully Mitt does go into Biden Admin (don’t care for what) and we could then get honorable Jason Chaffetz appointed to USSenate (cuz even if Perdue/Loeffler win their seats, we will have a very slim margin in USSenate and can’t afford TRAITORS like Mitt to still hang around there)!



[ Wed Nov 25 UPDATE:

Ugh, REALLY FOLKS? Some are now lambasting #NEWSMAX for REPORTING THE ACTUAL #FACTS and HARD #NEWS !  


As for ME, I want to hear ALL THE FACTS/DETAILS (I do NOT just want my sides SPIN for propaganda purposes - we need to deal in Reality in order to have HONEST CONVERSATIONS and be FACTUAL when we are rebutting the GARBAGE that comes out of CNN, MSNBC, and FOXNEWS, viewers mouths)! Like, they also added: PA JUDGE HAS BLOCKED PA FROM CERTIFYING THEIR RESULTS YET and it is STILL POSSIBLE that actual/real #AUDIT may, hopefully will, be Ordered by other Judges for MI and other DISPUTED STATES to NOT PROCEED WITH CERTIFICATION or WITHDRAW IT while Results are litigated!!!

Reporting THOSE FACTS does NOT change the path we are on and litigation needed to overturn the #VOTERFRAUD in the several key States which we are FIGHTING (and hopefully quickly, time is NOT on our side, get to #SCOTUS ! Lots a ELECTION LAWS have been broken and #EVIDENCE to show in Courts on it in order to TOSS RESULTS and push Elector Allocation to State Legislatures (and we control 5 of the 6 States in question) or VOID THEIR ELECTORS (at which point when Electors meet, noone would have 270 and it would go to #USHouse (and State delegations, NOT NANCY'S CURRENTLY HELD MAJORITY (in State delegations, #GOP has majority and could even lose a few RedStates and still have #Trump declared #PRESIDENT UNTIL 2024))! Every DUMBocrat of course needs to READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION (but, sadly, too do many on our side)!  ]




ANALYSIS: Transparent Mail-In Voting Audit Could Easily Flip 2020 Election for #Trump – National File


anyone sez NO SUCH THING AS #VOTERFRAUD now, is a complete #LIAR! Videos are all over of IT folks doing the SIMPLE HOMEWORK cross-referencing last yrs obits w/ online Voter sites and seeing SOMEONE COMMITTED FRAUD VOTING ON BEHALF OF MANY OF THEM & recent stories of CONVICTIONS!

In 2000 with ZERO #EVIDENCE of any #ElectionFraud in FL AlGore demanded SIX #AUDITS of the #Vote (none, changed the outcome) but in 2020 w/ rampant easy to see for oneself (you can VIEW THE DEAD THAT VOTED online) they want to deny #RuleOfLaw.


Seen all the moron LIBTARDS who have joined GAB, Parler. MeWe, and even new fraud accounts on Twatte, since Nov 4 trying to pretend to be CONSERVATIVES? They are trying to discourage us (just like MORE FAKE POLLS showing us down in GA (2020 polling: don’t let them give you loads of manure trying to get you down, divide us, never…..
1) We can/will NOT give up our efforts to #STOPTHESTEAL
2) nor, at same time, prevent #SCHUMER CONTROL OF #USSENATE (#GOTV #PERDUE / #LOEFFLER)

So, be careful who you are FRIENDING or accepting FriendRequest/Follows/Subscriptions/etc too unil things completely still shake out over the next few months!



#Ukraine-Born Incoming #Republican #USHouse Rep Warns ‘I Grew Up In #Socialism’ And ‘It’s Not Pretty’ – National File



NO REAL CONSERVATIVE! NO REAL REPUBLICAN! Would ever sit idly by and allow a FASCICRATS NOMINEE (for anything from DogCatcher to President) to Win an Election! EVER! Ignore the MORON #RINOSFORBIDEN crowd and/or LIBTARD TROLL MORONS (who created a new Account over the past few days, liars, FAKE CONSERVATIVES PROFILES) claiming they are sitting out the #GASEN #RUNOFFS on Jan 5 and that “you should too!” Only a MORON or a LIAR would suggest anyone sit idly by and allow FASCICRATS #OSSOFF and #WARNOCK “just be given” a #USSENATE seat, for any reason – at all – EVER! DONATE TO, SUPPORT (regardless of where you Live in #USA), both #TRUMP ENDORSED CANDIDATES #DAVIDPERDUE and #KELLYLOEFFLER (http://WINRED.COM, select GA in State pulldown)!

If YOU LITERALLY want to cut off your Nose to spite your Face – then you go right ahead, you only hurt yourself that way. NOT SUPPORTING PERDUE and LOEFFLER (to STOP BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, FASCICRATS (see related: AGENDA (THEIR 600 DAY RAM THRU 10+ ITEMS AGENDA – SEE: harms 330M Americans and no-one should do that, even if LIFE THREATENED by #BlackLyingMarxists FASCICRATS crowd! You Childrens’ Future demands you STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR PERDUE AND LOEFFLER!





BEWARE: Have you seen all the moron LIBTARDS who have joined all the more Conservative Social Media Platforms (and even created new FAKE CONSERVATIVES TWATTER accounts) since Nov 4 trying to pretend to be CONSERVATIVES to try and discourage you/us yet?
1) We will NOT give up our efforts to #STOPTHESTEAL
2) nor, at same time, prevent #SCHUMER CONTROL OF #USSENATE ( #GOTV #PERDUE / #LOEFFLER)
Do you moron Libtard Trolls really think you are fooling us with your new Accounts and Lies?!?!

If YOU LITERALLY want to cut off your Nose to spite your Face – then you go right ahead, you only hurt yourself that way. NOT SUPPORTING PERDUE and LOEFFLER (to STOP BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, FASCICRATS (see related: AGENDA (THEIR 600 DAY RAM THRU 10+ ITEMS AGENDA – SEE: harms 330M Americans and no-one should do that, even if LIFE THREATENED by #BlackLyingMarxists FASCICRATS crowd! You Childrens’ Future demands you STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR PERDUE AND LOEFFLER!





People are upset that they FACTUALLY REPORTED that #MI and another State “CERTIFIED THEIR RESULTS FOR #BIDEN!” That is NOT OPINION, THAT IS NOT CONJECTURE, THAT ALSO DOES NOT MEAN #JOEBIDEN IS #PRESIDENTELECT YET (and they said no such thing)!!!! All it means, is what was said – FACT States X, Y, Z, certified their Results (which yes, PROJECTS A WINNER BASED ON CERTIFIED RESULTS BUT MEANS ONLY “PROJECTED” UNTIL #ELECTORS MEET) AND if you pay attention they choose their terms CAREFULLY AND WISELY (UNLIKE FOXNEWS)! NEWSMAX also clearly STATES/REPORTS that those States just certified ARE UNDER DISPUTE! LEGAL CHALLENGES ARE FILED! That, my friends, is #REALNEWS, HONEST REPORTING!

As for ME, I want to hear ALL THE FACTS/DETAILS (I do NOT just want my sides SPIN for propaganda purposes – we need to deal in Reality in order to have HONEST CONVERSATIONS and be FACTUAL when we are rebutting the GARBAGE that comes out of CNN, MSNBC, and FOXNEWS, viewers mouths)! Like, they also added: PA JUDGE HAS BLOCKED PA FROM CERTIFYING THEIR RESULTS YET and it is STILL POSSIBLE that actual/real #AUDIT may, hopefully will, be Ordered by other Judges for MI and other DISPUTED STATES to NOT PROCEED WITH CERTIFICATION or WITHDRAW IT while Results are litigated!!!

Reporting THOSE FACTS does NOT change the path we are on and litigation needed to overturn the #VOTERFRAUD in the several key States which we are FIGHTING (and hopefully quickly, time is NOT on our side, get to #SCOTUS! Lots a ELECTION LAWS have been broken and #EVIDENCE to show in Courts on it in order to TOSS RESULTS and push Elector Allocation to State Legislatures (and we control 5 of the 6 States in question) or VOID THEIR ELECTORS (at which point when Electors meet, noone would have 270 and it would go to #USHouse (and State delegations, NOT NANCY’S CURRENTLY HELD MAJORITY (in State delegations, #GOP has majority and could even lose a few RedStates and still have #Trump declared #PRESIDENT UNTIL 2024))! Every DUMBocrat of course needs to READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION (but, sadly, too do many on our side)!




MUST SEE MOVIE: #AnAmericanCarol
It is about THE LEFT wanting to cancel #4thOfJuly but it clearly equally THE LEFT WANTS NO #THANKSGIVING for same reason!!! The hate anything uniquely American!!
MUST SEE MOVIE EVERY #4thOfJuly…. #AnAmericanCarol
From #DavidZucker, the director of #NakedGun and #Airplane!, comes a bare-knuckle #Comedy where no one is safe from the onslaught of lunacy! When obnoxious #Hollywood director Michael Malone (Kevin Farley (perfect in this Role mocking #MichaelMoore)) organizes a “Ban the 4th of July” campaign, his efforts are upended by a gang of spirits from America’s past.
Zucker (teamed up with Robert Zemeckis (BTTF) for this) roasts a herd of sacred cows in this latest parody featuring an all-star (#LeslieNielson, #KevinFarley, #KelseyGrammer, #TraceAdkins, #JamesWoods, #RobertDavi, #DavidAlanGrier, #JonVoight, MORE) cast.
MPAA Rating: PG-13 An American Carol, LLC.
Just like every 9/11 I rewatch the News of that Day I have on DVD and other related 9/11 #NeverForget Specials….
And some folks watch #ItsAWonderfulLife and #MiracleOn34thStreet every #Christmas….
Every #4thOfJuly I watch (and do my best to promote others watch) #AnAmericanCarol ( and then some other #Patriot related movies!




The leftists’ march through Georgia
must see:
Yup, they are trying to FLOOD GEORGIA — don’t let them get away with another STEAL (#USSenate) while we’re still trying to stop/reverse the #WhiteHouse one!
Remember: #Hollywood did a #BOYCOTT of #Georgia over wanting to force you to allow MEN in WOMEN’S bathrooms and #Georgians’ Traditional #Marriage views (even though, just a few years before the people of #CA voted for PROP8 (Traditional Marriage) themselves (that they then used Liberal Activist Courts to strike down the People’s vote)! Don’t remember? LOOK IT UP! They took away #JOBS / #Revenues of/from your Friends, Family, Neighbors, all but drying up the once thriving #GA #Movie industry (thankfully, good Christian Conservative Studios came to fill some of that Void – Republicans supporting GA Families and Values)! (SEE RELATED:
Now, #Hollyweirdo #Pedophile Klan wants to FLOOD #GA W/ 100′s of MILLIONS of $$$$$$$ to try & BUY your #USSenate seats for #Fascicrats * #Ossoff & #Warnock who would #Vote with #Schumer’s ( #NYValues ) and #Commiefornia #IllegalsFirst rather than #Georgians #AmericaFirst #Values and #Principles .
#GOTV #Perdue ** & #Loeffler ** on Jan 5
Then on Jan 6, we must start immediate search for Candidates to PRIMARY RINOs Kemp and Raffenperger!
* Fascicrats, not hyperbole – details in:



Thousands in Georgia Registered at Postal, Commercial Addresses, Portraying Them as Residences, Researcher Says




Who was the Fucking moron that was just Fired claimed this was the MOST clean Election (or whatever) EVER?!?!? HILARIOUS!!
One has to either be completely STUPID and choosing to not see the ENDLESS EXAMPLES OF FRAUD in #Election2020 already exposed, with more coming daily, as the saying goes: none so Blind as one who refuses to see — or, ONE IS COMPLICIT IN THE FRAUD!
#SCOTUS MUST step in and either ORDER full (IN PERSON, FULLY MONITORED BY SEVERAL PEOPLE AT EVERY PRECINCT) REVOTE in the 6 questionable States or VOID THE VOTE and send the Allocation of Electors to each of those States’ #LEGISLATURES (as #CONSTITUTION assigns full/final say)!! And, #GOP controls all the Legislatures in question except NV. Or, beyond that, VOID/TOSS THOSE RESULTS, DISQUALIFY THOSE STATES’ ELECTORS at which point no-one will have 270 and the #USHouse will decide (and, NO, it is not MAJORITY RULE VOTE, it is ONE VOTE per STATE DELEGATION, which should favor #TRUMP absent more #CINO / #RINO (#RINOsForBiden ( manure)!


Saturday’s (Nov 28) Fun Fraud Facts: Seven Unexplainable Results that Reveal Democrats Didn’t Even Try to Hide Their Fraud

#REALNEWS: Soros-funded #MediaMatters accuses WND of ‘lying,’ ‘scamming’ readers (about #ElectionFraud (Left still has head up hindside to not see the endless examples and even recent CONVICTIONS of Democrats for it)) for money
(MM is, of course, just another one of the FAKE FACT CHECKERS FB/Twatter use to present SPIN rather than #FACTS and as usual is #Fascicrats engaging in #PsychologicalProjection (#LIARS, calling Truth Tellers posts #LIES))
related: man whose $ is behind most EVIL #FASCICRATS ( peddle in #USA. #SOROS funds #BlackLyingMarxists #Terrorists, #OWS (be4 them), #ANTIFA (named exactly opposite what they r), Sorros-SOSproject (to steal #SOS offices across #US), etc
#REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets
#democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists
#WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!
All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!

#REALNEWS: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

#REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets

#democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

#WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!

All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!




#REALNEWS: BREAKING HUGE: #Pennsylvania #Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 #PA #Election Likely #Unconstitutional – #Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” – Gives State #Legislators Power to Choose #Electors!

All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!


Rand Paul points to 4 wild ‘data dumps’ that put Biden ahead: ‘Fraud?’

GOP’s House wins show some Dem voters ‘connecting the dots’ on liberal left, lawmaker says | Fox News

If #’s/trends continue:
#GOP will TAKE BACK 12+ (needed 17) #USHouse seats, #Pelosi / #Fascicrats will retain control BARELY (by skin of their teeth)!
#GOP retains control of #USSenate (pending #GASen runoffs)!
#GOP is gaining many STATE HOUSE/SENATE seats (which will be important in many States for 2021 ReDistricting)!
#GOP hold ground of #Governors’ Offices across #USA (after having lost a couple stolen in 2018 due to same #VoterFraud in 2018 that is happening again in 2020 (but, yet, despite the #Fraud we may lose Presidency due to it we still will have accomplished REDWAVE of all I pointed out above)!
#Biden will have 306 #ElectoralCollege #Votes (pending litigation/audits, will remain disputed) while #Trump had (undisputed) 304 in 2016!
#Trump and #GOP did 10% (give/take) better amongst Blacks & Hispanics everywhere but MaricopaCounty, Milwaukee, Filthydelphia, and Detroit
There was more of a #REDWAVE than the #BLUEWAVEmirage in 2020!
But we are expected to believe the guy up-ticket that provided all these coat-tails, didn’t Win?!?! NOT CREDIBLE!
Yet, #Pelosi / #Biden claim they will have a Governing #MANDATE! LOL

Reminder #Trump had 304 (undisputed) #ElectoralCollege #Votes in 2016!
#GOP gained #USHouse seats 2016 (gained control of that body, #Fascicrats didnt get control until stolen seats in 2018 w/ #VoterFraud and #BallotHarvesting (illegal in 49 States (legal only in #CA)))!
#GOP added #USSenate seats 2016 & held in 2018!
#GOP gained many STATE HOUSE/SENATE seats in 2016 (lost some in 2018, but regained them now in 2020 which will be important in many States for 2021 ReDistricting)
#GOP hold ground of Gubernatorial Offices across USA!

And, of course, yes an underlying #REDwave #BLUEmirage, but Biden is Elected?!?! #NotCredible


BREAKING: PA State Rep. Russ Diamond introduces the resolution (HR1094) to formally dispute the 2020 election results. The resolution already has 21 sponsors. Passage would require 102 votes.
#TRUMP IN #AZ: ‘We’re Going To Win This Thing, We’re Not Giving Up’ … ‘We’re Taking It All The Way’
#StopTheSteal #TrumpWon
#JoeDiGenova Calls 4 “Remedy 4 #TREASON” 2 #Krebs Over #Election2020 stmt
#NOFRAUD only/either:
1) completely trying (None so Blind as 1 who refuses 2 See) NOT 2 see the rampant #ElectionFraud
As #Biden moves forward with his BULLSHIT TRANSITION to his ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENCY (which, of course, WE STILL FIGHT TO #STOPTHESTEAL) you will start to hear again about the ” #HeroesAct ” that #Pelosi #Fascicrats passed in 2020. The DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS!! As always, they create a Bill with a WONDERFUL/FLOWERY NAME that is packed with ALL KINDS OF UNRELATED SHIT making it an ABSOLUTE NO GO! PERIOD! DEAD ON ARRIVAL in the #USSenate (and further absolute need why we must support #Perdue / #Loeffler to keep control of Senate in #GOP hands)!! They….
* NEARLY 1 FULL TRILLION TO BAIL OUT BLUE STATES THAT ARE ABOUT TO GO INTO OFFICIAL BANKRUPTCY (REDISTRIBUTION from 40 RED/PURPLE STATES to 10 BLUE STATES) with ZERO demands they change their ways and will be back in Bankruptcy again REAL SOON due to failed Libtard Policies.
* Legalize BALLOT HARVESTING in all States (currently ILLEGAL in all but CA, and what they did anyway in 2020 with all the #MAILINBALLOT sham under cover of #WuhanVirus)
* More Funds, yes AGAIN (like hidden in 1st #CovidReliefBill), for Kennedy Center and other LIBTARD PET-PROJECTS having ZERO to do with Covid Relief!
* DACA amnesty
* and on and on and on and on of MANURE they know damn well they cannot get passed otherwise (and why IT MUST BE OPPOSED no matter where they hide it)!!
* oh, and, of course, a few hundred Million for actual #USCitizens in need. (as just an after-thought, and EXCUSE to try to pass their SHIT)!


Twitter BANS Mathematician Who Said He’d ‘Rather Resign’ Than Certify Fraudulent Arizona Results – National File



#StopTheSteal #TrumpWON
#ElectionFraud #Witnesses: #Kanye’s #Michigan #Votes Were Stolen by #Democrats for #BidenIllegitimatePresident (VIDEO)

Meanwhile in Lansing, the moron #GOP controlled #MILeg , just like during/after #JillStein #Recount in/of 2016 REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING!

Instead, afraid they’ll be called #RACIST dealing with the REALITY OF THE FRAUD THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES THERE (and exactly why the Fascicrats do the FRAUD in DETROIT NOT LILLY WHITE ANN ARBOR (so they can ignore #FACTS , and scream #RACISM as their goto deflection knowing #ENEMEdia will only cover the #RACEBAITING #FalseNarratives ). they entertain IMPEACHMENT OF WHITLER THEY KNOW THEY DONT HAVE ENOUGH VOTES FOR! But, hey, it serves its DISTRACTION purpose!

Matt Maddock and more self-promotion, going nowhere!

An Impeachment would elevate GILCHRIST to Governor!
Removing one SOROS minion for an even WORSE SOROS minion – MORONIC!!!
The RINOs in Lansing who have done NOTHING really to oppose Whitler, will do even less to oppose a Gov Gilchrist — and we all know damn well why, THEY ARE COWARDS who are afraid to be called RACIST if they oppose a Black Governor!

Thoughts from a Friend (Janice Daniels, of the Janice Daniels Show (, listen live button, Sats 1-2p, show archives:….

HER FATAL FLAW IN REASONING, HOWEVER… Morons in #Michigan would NOT pay attention to an actual Impeachment trial of Whitler in MI and be only fed usual eneMEDIA SPIN manure how it is unwarranted attack on her and only potentially Help her Campaign in 2022 (just as FAILED IMPEACHMENT only lit a fire under Trump supporters)…..

——————————– her thoughts ———————————-

Why I believe impeachment is the proper constitutional course to take, in these times of great usurpation of authority.
In Michigan we still have a Republican majority house.? If they initiated impeachment proceedings against this governor, three things would happen.
? The trial would expose to the people of Michigan what the constitution says about their inherent political power.
? The trial would expose to our legislators what the constitution says about their delegated powers.
? And the trial would expose to the governor what the constitution says about her delegated authority.

My response: WE NEED THIS EDUCATION.? One thing that would not happen is that this governor be convicted and or removed from office – we know that – because the Michigan senate does not have the Votes to actually remove her. And MSM will cover for her, DUMBocrats will learn NOTHING!

We are in a war for the very heart and soul of our country – now is not the time to continue taking half measures for Show (which, again, THE MSM WILL PROVIDE HER DAILY COVER, no “message” or “FACTS” will be diseminated).

THE ONLY REAL REMEDY IS RECALL PETITION TO FORCE A RECALL ELECTION IN 2021 AND/OR find someone outside of the RINOs in Lansing who have done virtually NOTHING to oppose her (yes, the one Bill to REVERSE her Policy which KILLED MI SENIORS in Nursing Homes which she of course just VETOED)! I was (only half jokingly) saying on Twitter ( ) time to DRAFT KELLY STAFFORD for MIGOV2022 since her Twitter Video rant about Whitler dictatorship lockdowns again is unwarranted is calling her out more Publicly than all the RINOs in Lansing combined have done!

yup, Impeach Whitler
guarantees Gilchrist as Governor UNTIL 2030 (2 Elected Terms)!
Anyone dumb enough to not figure/understand that?!?!?
You think they’ll cheat to get WHITLER elected in 18 but not cheat 10x more, and 10 years of RACE BAITING by the Left – and the usual COWERING by RINOs unwilling to oppose him cuz they are afraid of being called RACIST?!?! Anyone been involved in MI Politics for anymore than 5 minutes should understand that.
You want 8 years in MI like the Nation was under OBLUNDER?
Same shit, same strategies by them, same Election outcomes (Gilchrist will Win) GUARANTEED!

If you want to literally cut off your Nose to spite your Face, go ahead as that only harms you — this MORONIC strategy harms to an even greater scale than having Whitler 10M+ Michiganians.



MUST SEE… Michigan Montage: TCF Center Elections Observers Testify on the Massive Democrat Vote Fraud (VIDEO)



ALWAYS take your own Black Ink Pen to Polls with you to Vote with!!
FACT CHECK: Media, Dominion, Arizona Sec of State Issue Contradictory Messages On SharpieGate As Expert Says It’s Real – National File



this is from PRIMARY, not GENERAL
but, again, another example, ELECTION FRAUD the #ENEMEdia pretends doesn’t exist, never happens, let alone anyone ever charged/convicted of it!


FRAUD: Native Americans Were Bribed With Gas Cards, Vacations To Vote Biden – Soros Money Involved


semi-related: /u-s-politics/2020/12/the-socialmedia-battleground-no-i-will-not-concede-any-of-it-to-do-so-is-surrender-and-we-cannot-let-the-leftwingloons-win-2580681.html


BONUS POST – NON-POLITICAL RELATED, for all the great folks that made it all the way down to the bottom of the Article! In this TWITTER/SHORT ATTENTION SPAN WORLD we’re livin’ in, you are one of us rare breed of Folks who care to KNOW THE FULL DETAILS! Obviously you’re a caring person, so here’s a way of knowing what is going on in your Neighborhood and to interact with those “NEXTDOOR!”

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TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger/speaker/writer.



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    Total 36 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      BREAKING REPORT: Largest Number of Cluster Votes In Wayne Co. MI Came From Psychiatric Hospital For Patients With Severe Mental Illnesses

    • JLenardDetroit

      PUPPET: #China’s Top Propaganda Paper Issues Orders to ‘Incoming #Biden Administration’ – National File

      #JoeChina #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenCorruption #ChinaJoe #ChinasPuppet

    • JLenardDetroit

      Report: Biden to Name Russia Hoaxer, CNN Analyst Tony Blinken Secretary of State

    • JLenardDetroit

      WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia – National File

    • JLenardDetroit

      Trump Campaign’s Third Circuit Appellate Brief, Explained | Law & Crime

    • JLenardDetroit

      Stakes in Georgia races couldn’t be higher. That’s why all this money is flowing.

      Remember: #Hollywood did a #BOYCOTT of #Georgia over wanting to force you to allow MEN in WOMEN’S bathrooms and #Georgians’ Traditional #Marriage views (even though, just a few years before the people of #CA voted for PROP8 (Traditional Marriage) themselves (that they then used Liberal Activist Courts to strike down the People’s vote)! Don’t remember? LOOK IT UP! They took away #JOBS / #Revenues of/from your Friends, Family, Neighbors, all but drying up the once thriving #GA #Movie industry (thankfully, good Christian Conservative Studios came to fill some of that Void – Republicans supporting GA Families and Values)!

      Now, #Hollyweirdo #Pedophile Klan wants to FLOOD #GA W/ 100′s of MILLIONS of $$$$$$$ to try & BUY your #USSenate seats for #Fascicrats * #Ossoff & #Warnock who would #Vote with #Schumer’s ( #NYValues ) and #Commiefornia #IllegalsFirst rather than #Georgians #AmericaFirst #Values and #Principles .

      #GOTV #Perdue ** & #Loeffler ** on Jan 5
      Then on Jan 6, we must start immediate search for Candidates to PRIMARY RINOs Kemp and Raffenberger!

      * Fascicrats, not hyperbole – details in:


    • JLenardDetroit

      Why should you support Perdue and Loeffler for GASen Runoff Jan 5 (aside from the whole FATE OF AMERICA may weigh in the balance)?!?!?

      Well, let’s start with KellyLoeffler –
      She was only recently appointed to #USSenate by Governor #Kemp (which in many peoples’ minds, including mine, made her a bit “suspect” so I KEPT A CLOSE EYE ON HER) therefore not been there long for a whole lot to Judge her upon! She has been a SOLID CONSERVATIVE VOTE thus far and no reason to believe she would go SWAMP CREATURE if returned to the USSenate (and, again, since having been appointed, she is up for Special Election, and will be up again due to the situation after the Term she is fulfilling completes – therefore knows PEOPLE WILL BE WATCHING)!!! She is a BUSINESS WOMAN (no, let’s not call her Trump in a Dress) not career Politician and owner of the GA WNBA Team (and by way of endorsement, many of the Libtard kneeler moron Players of her team OPPOSE HER (Tells you exactly why to support her)!

      As for DavidPerdue? WHO you say? Exactly!!! One of the chief reasons to support Dave is YOU DON’T HEAR ABOUT DAVE! Dave is NON CONTROVERSIAL. He is a SOLID PRO AMERICA, PRO US WORKER, AMERICA FIRST, VOTE IN USSENATE! Unlike fools like #Romney who you hear about endlessly, due to his NOT POSITIVE (in so far as PRO TRUMP goes) antics, just like everyone knew McLame – DAVE IS RELIABLE, NOT A RINO!

      GOTV in GA on Jan 5… but before that… DONATE…..

    • JLenardDetroit

      Spare me the line “BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY PATHETIC/BAD (esp if BIDEN steals the #WhiteHouse and they can steal #USSenate via #GASen #Runoffs (see: ) you’ll really see how bad the FASCICRATS are becoming)!” If you think the #GOP is inadequate, and many times, IMO, I think it is — WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP?? Are YOU a #PrecinctDelegate (PD)?!?!
      Why #Conservatives MUST become Precinct Delegate

      You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!

      “Help becoming a PD” in MI (DuckDuckGo search for other States):

    • JLenardDetroit

      ANALYSIS: Transparent Mail-In Voting Audit Could Easily Flip 2020 Election for Trump – National File

    • JLenardDetroit

      Ugh, REALLY FOLKS? Some are now lambasting #NEWSMAX for REPORTING THE ACTUAL #FACTS and HARD #NEWS!

      People are upset that they FACTUALLY REPORTED that #MI and another State “CERTIFIED THEIR RESULTS FOR #BIDEN!” That is NOT OPINION, THAT IS NOT CONJECTURE, THAT ALSO DOES NOT MEAN #JOEBIDEN IS #PRESIDENTELECT YET!!!! All it means, is what was said – FACT States X, Y, Z, certified their Results (which yes, PROJECTS A WINNER BASED ON CERTIFIED RESULTS BUT MEANS ONLY “PROJECTED” UNTIL #ELECTORS MEET) AND if you pay attention they choose their terms CAREFULLY AND WISELY (UNLIKE FOXNEWS)! NEWSMAX also clearly STATES/REPORTS that those States just certified ARE UNDER DISPUTE! LEGAL CHALLENGES ARE FILED! That, my friends, is #REALNEWS, HONEST REPORTING!

      As for ME, I want to hear ALL THE FACTS/DETAILS (I do NOT just want my sides SPIN for propaganda purposes – we need to deal in Reality in order to have HONEST CONVERSATIONS and be FACTUAL when we are rebutting the GARBAGE that comes out of CNN, MSNBC, and FOXNEWS, viewers mouths)! Like, they also added: PA JUDGE HAS BLOCKED PA FROM CERTIFYING THEIR RESULTS YET and it is STILL POSSIBLE that actual/real #AUDIT may, hopefully will, be Ordered by other Judges for MI and other DISPUTED STATES to NOT PROCEED WITH CERTIFICATION or WITHDRAW IT while Results are litigated!!!

      Reporting THOSE FACTS does NOT change the path we are on and litigation needed to overturn…

    • JLenardDetroit

      #Ukraine-Born Incoming #Republican #USHouse Rep Warns ‘I Grew Up In #Socialism’ And ‘It’s Not Pretty’ – National File

      NO REAL CONSERVATIVE! NO REAL REPUBLICAN! Would ever sit idly by and allow a FASCICRATS NOMINEE (for anything from DogCatcher to President) to Win an Election! EVER! Ignore the MORON #RINOSFORBIDEN crowd and/or LIBTARD TROLL MORONS (who created a new Account over the past few days, liars, FAKE CONSERVATIVES PROFILES) claiming they are sitting out the #GASEN #RUNOFFS on Jan 5 and that “you should too!” Only a MORON or a LIAR would suggest anyone sit idly by and allow FASCICRATS #OSSOFF and #WARNOCK “just be given” a #USSENATE seat, for any reason – at all – EVER! DONATE TO, SUPPORT (regardless of where you Live in #USA), both #TRUMP ENDORSED CANDIDATES #DAVIDPERDUE and #KELLYLOEFFLER (WINRED.COM, select GA in State pulldown)! Also see: /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html

      If YOU LITERALLY want to cut off your Nose to spite your Face – then you go right ahead, you only hurt yourself that way. NOT SUPPORTING PERDUE and LOEFFLER (to STOP BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, FASCICRATS AGENDA) harms 330M Americans and no-one should do that, even if LIFE THREATENED by #BlackLyingMarxists FASCICRATS crowd! Your Childrens’ Future demands you STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR PERDUE AND LOEFFLER!

      BEWARE: Have you seen all the…

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALENEWS: Not Only Was Dominion Prone to Attack from China and Iran – It Was Also Connected to Pro-Obama Entity Known as ACORN

    • JLenardDetroit

      Saturday’s Fun Fraud Facts: Seven Unexplainable Results that Reveal Democrats Didn’t Even Try to Hide Their Fraud

    • JLenardDetroit

      Saturday’s (Nov 28) Fun Fraud Facts: Seven Unexplainable Results that Reveal Democrats Didn’t Even Try to Hide Their Fraud

    • JLenardDetroit

      Sat Nov 28 – DATA: Michigan Analysis Suggests Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer’, Flags Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots

    • JLenardDetroit

      man whose $ is behind most EVIL #FASCICRATS ( peddle in #USA. #SOROS funds #BlackLyingMarxists #Terrorists, #OWS (be4 them), #ANTIFA (named exactly opposite what they r), Sorros-SOSproject (to steal #SOS offices across #US), etc

    • JLenardDetroit

      The man whose $ is behind most EVIL #FASCICRATS ( peddle in #USA. #SOROS funds #BlackLyingMarxists #Terrorists, #OWS (be4 them), #ANTIFA (named exactly opposite what they r), Sorros-SOSproject (to steal #SOS offices across #US), etc

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

      #REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets

      #democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

      #WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!

      All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: BREAKING HUGE: #Pennsylvania #Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 #PA #Election Likely #Unconstitutional – #Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” – Gives State #Legislators Power to Choose #Electors!

    • JLenardDetroit

      #Pennsylvania #Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 #PA #Election Likely #Unconstitutional – #Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” – Gives State #Legislators Power to Choose #Electors!

    • JLenardDetroit

      GOP’s House wins show some Dem voters ‘connecting the dots’ on liberal left, lawmaker says | Fox News

      If #’s/trends continue:
      #GOP will TAKE BACK 12+ (needed 17) #USHouse seats, #Pelosi / #Fascicrats will retain control BARELY (by skin of their teeth)!
      #GOP retains control of #USSenate (pending #GASen runoffs)!
      #GOP is gaining many STATE HOUSE/SENATE seats (which will be important in many States for 2021 ReDistricting)!
      #GOP hold ground of #Governors’ Offices across #USA (after having lost a couple stolen in 2018 due to same #VoterFraud in 2018 that is happening again in 2020 (but, yet, despite the #Fraud we may lose Presidency due to it we still will have accomplished REDWAVE of all I pointed out above)!
      #Biden will have 306 #ElectoralCollege #Votes (pending litigation/audits, will remain disputed) while #Trump had (undisputed) 304 in 2016!
      #Trump and #GOP did 10% (give/take) better amongst Blacks & Hispanics everywhere but MaricopaCounty, Milwaukee, Filthydelphia, and Detroit
      There was more of a #REDWAVE than the #BLUEWAVEmirage in 2020!
      But we are expected to believe the guy up-ticket that provided all these coat-tails, didn’t Win?!?! NOT CREDIBLE!
      Yet, #Pelosi / #Biden claim they will have a Governing #MANDATE! LOL

      Reminder #Trump had 304 (undisputed) #ElectoralCollege #Votes in 2016!
      #GOP gained #USHouse seats 2016 (gained control of that body, #Fascicrats didnt get control until stolen…

    • JLenardDetroit

      Who was the Fucking moron that was just Fired claimed this was the MOST clean Election (or whatever) EVER?!?!? HILARIOUS!!

      One has to either be completely STUPID and choosing to not see the ENDLESS EXAMPLES OF FRAUD in #Election2020 already exposed, with more coming daily, as the saying goes: none so Blind as one who refuses to see — or, ONE IS COMPLICIT IN THE FRAUD!

      #StopTheSteal #TrumpWon

      #SCOTUS MUST step in and either ORDER full (IN PERSON, FULLY MONITORED BY SEVERAL PEOPLE AT EVERY PRECINCT) REVOTE in the 6 questionable States or VOID THE VOTE and send the Allocation of Electors to each of those States’ #LEGISLATURES (as #CONSTITUTION assigns full/final say)!! And, #GOP controls all the Legislatures in question except NV. Or, beyond that, VOID/TOSS THOSE RESULTS, DISQUALIFY THOSE STATES’ ELECTORS at which point no-one will have 270 and the #USHouse will decide (and, NO, it is not MAJORITY RULE VOTE, it is ONE VOTE per STATE DELEGATION, which should favor #TRUMP absent more #CINO / #RINO (#RINOsForBiden ( manure)!

    • JLenardDetroit

      BEWARE: Have you seen all the moron LIBTARDS who have joined the more Conservative based Social Media Platforms (and even new Fake Twatter accounts) since Nov 4 trying to pretend to be CONSERVATIVES to discourage you/us yet?
      1) We will NOT give up our efforts to #STOPTHESTEAL
      2) nor, at same time, prevent #SCHUMER CONTROL OF #USSENATE ( #GOTV #PERDUE / #LOEFFLER)
      Do you moron Libtard Trolls really think you are fooling us with your new Accounts and Lies?!?!
      MUST SEE: /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html

      If YOU LITERALLY want to cut off your Nose to spite your Face – then you go right ahead, you only hurt yourself that way. NOT SUPPORTING PERDUE and LOEFFLER (to STOP BIDEN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, FASCICRATS AGENDA) harms 330M Americans and no-one should do that, even if LIFE THREATENED by #BlackLyingMarxists FASCICRATS crowd! You Childrens’ Future demands you STAND UP AND BE COUNTED FOR PERDUE AND LOEFFLER!

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: Firm Linked To #Biden Scrubs Website Of All #China Related #Business

    • JLenardDetroit

      Agents Raid Home in Maricopa County in Voter-Data Theft Investigation — Confiscate 8 Hard Drives, 3 Computers and a Bag of USB sticks

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: ‘Exceptionally disturbing’: Forensic exam shows Dominion machine switching votes

      We know this happened, trouble is FASCICRATS in most of the cheating Districts have now had sufficient time to FUDGE THE PHYSICAL BALLOTS by destroying Trump Ballots and making fresh Biden ones to match their machines bogus totals.


    • JLenardDetroit

      OF COURSE: #Pelosi to Headline Mega-Bucks #Fundraiser for #Democrats #Warnock, #Ossoff
      #FASCICRATS are anxious to #COMMIFORNIA #GEORGIA and then the rest of the #USA!

      Remember: #Hollywood did a #BOYCOTT of #Georgia over wanting to force you to allow MEN in WOMEN’S bathrooms and #Georgians’ Traditional #Marriage views (even though, just a few years before the people of #CA voted for PROP8 (Traditional Marriage) themselves (that they then used Liberal Activist Courts to strike down the People’s vote)! Don’t remember? LOOK IT UP! They took away #JOBS / #Revenues of/from your Friends, Family, Neighbors, all but drying up the once thriving #GA #Movie industry (thankfully, good Christian Conservative Studios came to fill some of that Void – Republicans supporting GA Families and Values)!

      Now, #Hollyweirdo #Pedophile Klan wants to FLOOD #GA W/ 100′s of MILLIONS of $$$$$$$ to try & BUY your #USSenate seats for #Fascicrats * #Ossoff & #Warnock who would #Vote with #Schumer’s ( #NYValues ) and #Commiefornia #IllegalsFirst rather than #Georgians #AmericaFirst #Values and #Principles .

      #GOTV #Perdue ** & #Loeffler ** on Jan 5
      Then on Jan 6, we must start immediate search for Candidates to PRIMARY RINOs Kemp and Raffensperger!

      * Fascicrats, not hyperbole – details in:

      related: /u-s-politics/2020/11/election-2020-fraud-trumps-legal-path-to-reelection-2580638.html

    • JLenardDetroit Not just TAKE THE CASE, demand they finally UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION rather than allow #TDS #RobertsT to play POLITICS again! And call your State AG if you’re in one of the 25 States that Voted for Trump and DEMAND your State join the TX suit!

    • JLenardDetroit

      Wisconsin Supreme Court shows divisions as it hears Trump lawsuit seeking to overturn state’s election

    • JLenardDetroit

      LEAK CONFIRMED: #Chinese #Communists Have Infiltrated Top Companies, #Governments In #USA, #UK, #Australia – National File (yup, can you say: #CHINAjoe?)


      #REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets

      #democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

      #WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!

      All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!

    • JLenardDetroit

      For those of you that have NOT seen the CultClassic THEY LIVE yet, you need to!

      It is every bit as PROPHETIC as 1984, except the “Aliens” in this flick are the FASCICRATS and RINOs of the DEEP STATE controlling everything, including the messages/NEWS/INFO you see/hear!!!

      And it’s past due time for us REAL #PATRIOTS who care about #USCitizens and the #Constitution thereby understand that #AmericaFIRST does NOT mean #AmericaALONE (but in the Airline crash vernacular: put on your own mask first, you cannot help others unless/until you help yourself) to “CHEW BUBBLEGUM AND KICKASS” (a line from the movie)!

    • JLenardDetroit

      #REALNEWS: MUST-SEE VIDEO: Voter Fraud Occurred in Arizona – The State Certified Fraudulent Results (VIDEO)

      more/related in:


      #REALNEWS: AVOID #FakeNews #ENEMEdia #SPIN outlets

      #democratLIESmatter #DemocratsAreCorrupt #WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

      #WeAreTheNewsNow – see #REALNEWS tag (across all #SocialMedia (#MeWe, #Spreely, #PolitiChat, #Parler, #GAB, #Twitter) Platforms for #REALNEWS)!

      All the REALNEWS TWEETS: see: if they don’t #Shadowban the tweets!

    • JLenardDetroit

      from MeWe: Michael Marino
      4 hours ago

      Here is an interesting statistic though:

      US population as of January 20, 2019 approx’: 327 million

      Percentage median of population under 18 years of age: 22.4%

      Remaining amount of possible voters : 253.752 million

      National median for percentage of population registered to vote: 67%

      Median number of actual registered voters in the US: 170,013,840

      Median turn out of registered voter in the US (this is very difficult to find as the search engines are trying to use the percentage of people who are able to vote (legally of age and a US citizen) instead of the the actual registered voter data. This allows for a large pool of votes that are not attached to a registered voter. What Data I can find from pooling state data is a median between 64 and 78% of registered voters voted with some data that is currently in legal cases still having some states having an issue with the dead voting and ballot for person that are not legally registered being counted. So with that data I will take the median of those two numbers and see were that leaves us. which is a median of 71% which is still a historical turn out.

      With the above data the amount of votes cast should be at or near:

      120,709,827 votes cast. which makes the possibility of Biden getting 80 million votes and Trump getting 80 million votes completely impossible. So we have some voter fraud going on somewhere and that was only a half hour of research and data crunching. That in and of itself should cause some serious raised eyebrows.

    • JLenardDetroit

      JULY 2021 UPDATE…

      The usual ENEMEdia games… Can’t refute the FACTS, alter the “terms” to maintain the FalseNarratives….

      All over the #Twatter #trends …
      #ENEMEdia outlets claim “NO ‘WIDESPREAD’ FRAUD”
      LOL, the usual Leftard games
      depends on what the definition of “IS” (rather “widespread” ) is again.
      they are carefully couching their #LIES .
      Libs always twist language, redefine terms, to peddle their #FalseNarratives !

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