Flashback 2024... A brief look back at Politics in 2024... part 2 of 2...
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening (as of Dec. 19, 2024):
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads (they pile up, to be able to get them viewed in case someone doesn't read the whole article) here interrupting a nice/natural Read flow and are ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past) and conversely their annoyance may indeed keep some from wanting to bother (so, Please, there is some GREAT CONTENT here on B4IN, keep reading the entire pieces despite the annoying Ads) and note if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! The authors images (some or all), videos (some or all), their intended cross-reference links (vs Site produced Ad links, the easy Share-At/On buttons, and more, might also get "blocked" from viewing. And so now, to catch any NEW Readers, I too adding to annoyance having to repeat this over and over. My apologies. I endeavor to always give you DETAILED WRITINGS (and cross-reference related links with other rabbit-holes you can go down) hopefully you'll deem worthy of putting up with the annoying Ads to engage in/with.
I am NOT fond of the changes, but I have been with B4IN a long time now - certainly not looking to leave.
Lastly, note: I also wrote for TheLibertyBeacon (https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard), where I dropped pieces (normally weekly) on Saturdays for the last 3 years (and even RedState back when) and now joined and dropping pieces via SUBSTACK (https://tinyurl.com/JLDonSubstack).]
[ Sat Feb 8 2025 – 1,600-ish words, 8 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E85 ]
Flashback (2024 epilogue / 2025 prologue) – as promised, part 2…
[image source: Joseph M Lenard media aided by Galaxy.AI]
Hello everyone, if you’ve been following me at BeforeItsNews 15-ish years) and TheLibertyBeacon (now on 3-ish years or Substack not even 3 months there yet) you all certainly know me by now and therefore likely can guess my next line: this will be another bit “odd” piece from me (and part 2 to boot; moving along immediately past my word-play on to, too, two, lameness I cannot pass (did it again pass/past); of last week’s “odd piece!” LOL
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon (https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor/) – and just referring to the paragraph above “punnies” mentions, this is a very, Very, VERY, serious piece]
So, OK, let’s continue the “Flashback 2024” (now part 2, Sat. Feb. 1 part 1 dropped) but, yes, of course, in my ODD FASHION – you know I can never do anything in traditional manner; even though I am very much a Conservative, a ChristiTutionalist, therefore very much “traditionalist” traditionally. LOL
Continuing from last week’s “odd-ball” fashion/form…
The Left often seeks to obscure the principles of basic economics, leading many individuals to focus solely on the rising income figures without understanding the underlying factors. This superficial perspective can create a false sense of prosperity among those who may not fully grasp economic (Basic Accounting, both Debits and Credits ledgers) concepts.
It is essential to recognize that income increases, such as a 7% raise compared to a 3% raise during the Trump administration, must be contextualized within the broader economic landscape. For instance, inflation was significantly lower during that period, which affects the purchasing power of wages. Individuals must consider various expenses, including fuel costs—whether for gasoline or electricity—necessary for commuting to work, as well as the rising prices of groceries, housing, and utilities.
Moreover, current interest rates are driving up mortgage costs for homeowners, and landlords often pass on increased expenses to renters. As credit card balances rise, many individuals find it increasingly difficult to meet their basic needs, let alone their wants, particularly when inflation outpaces wage growth. This situation is especially detrimental for those on fixed incomes, who are often at the mercy of government-defined cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) that fail to accurately reflect rising living costs.
Historically, wages also experienced substantial growth during the Carter administration, a time characterized by high inflation, which led to the coining of the term “stagflation.” It is crucial to understand that both sides of the economic ledger—income and expenses—are interconnected and significantly impact individuals’ financial realities.
Many individuals may not fully grasp these complexities and would benefit from the education provided by this article and related episodes of my CTP podcast.
Whole lot of Americans clearly needing real Econ-101 and Accounting-101 Classes.
This was something done in conjunction with Roger of TheLibertyBeacon to more-or-less have chance to discuss with his audience the key points of (as mentioned in Flashback part 1) “No You Can Not Rest” as We The People must keep pressure on regardless of how the 2024 Elections might turn out and if things would not have gone the way they did – perhaps then “A Republic If You Can Keep It” (as Franklin warned) might have passed the point of no return.
If we do not get vast steps toward #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) in these next few years the USA may indeed be fully lost forever to #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats via the #DeepState insiders Leftism regardless of how many, or few so-as to not have control of Congress and/or the White-House, positions of supposed “real Power” but instead able to continue to steer our Ship Leftward toward and past that point-of-no-return.
[image source: Joseph M Lenard media aided by Galaxy.AI (An abstract representation of 2024 politics as a chaotic mural on a crumbling urban wall in 2025. The colors are bold and vibrant, symbolizing the emotional turmoil of the past year. The composition uses a wide-angle perspective to create a sense of immersion, with splashes of paint representing different political factions. The lighting is moody and slightly surreal, highlighting the contrast between past events and the present.)]
In-line with the theme of need to #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic before we turn that point-of-no-return corner, this piece was another dire warning of how far we’d strayed from our Foundations in a Constitutionally Limited Representative Republic. Too, ties back with “No You Can Not Rest” as people forget it is WE THE PEOPLE not the THOSE IN DC that are the bosses but quick to shirk our responsibilities and duties.
“So you Voted?” “SO THE *BLEEP* WHAT?” as the old SNL Church-lady would say “Isn’t that SPECIAL!” LOL [Yes, I mention CHURCH LADY cuz Sat Nov 16 I dropped my TheLibertyBeacon SATURDAY NIGHT* (the movie) discussion piece!!!!]
WTF are you going do next 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, to help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) that is all but DESTROYED by The Left. Actual REAL ACTIONS; your own efforts, sacrifice, own blood/treasure; not just online WHINING, actions to make real difference? Took decades to get here, will take DECADES (and YOU as part of WE THE PEOPLE (v Those In DC) be continually involved to resolve! Our REVOLUTION was brought about by less than 1% of the Peoples under the Crown at that time.
Remember Contract With America? NOW We the People (post-election) Demand List…
* https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/from-ny-its-saturday-night-no-not-live-in-theaters/
I expect The Left to be lazy and remain delusional. What upsets me most is that sadly seeing so many on “my supposed side” (The Right) there are also so many Snowflakes that just deal in their feelings too. They are NON-PRINCIPLED and willing to turn a blind eye to something someone on our side (we’d otherwise call a CINO or RINO normally) but they make excuses for when they do what would otherwise complain when a #CommieFasciSocies-ocrat does.
Like Voting over and over and over for deficit laden “Omni-Bus Bills” with always some excuse or another. Long ago I wrote a piece “When You Gonna Stand And Fight” about the non-Principled crowd that just ignore what goes on as long as “our Team” is supposedly in Charge but yet The DC Swamp keeps on Swamping along and Spending, Spending, Spending! Snowflakes on The Right always cave (like a RINO, they refuse to place said label on themselves though) as “well, next time” they’ll take a stand – and, of course, the NEXT TIME never ever materializes as they cave over and over and over.
Do I really need to say it again? Sadly, I do, because far too many keep allowing The Left to redefine terms (only way they can win any argument, try to change the terms) and do not push-back. #WordsMatter #LanguageMatters #FACTSmatter #HISTORYmatters #CONTEXTmatters and we must STOP allowing The Left get away with rewriting such by adopting their terms. [listen too: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14701072-christitutionalist-politics-s1e39-newcomers-the-left-again-with-orwellian-newspeak-language-twisting]
VIDEO (41m 24s): CTP S2E85 “Flashback 2024” BTS/SP Video:
Subject: A Critical Reflection on Perceptions and Influence
This is a brief note regarding a piece that warrants serious re-examination—if it has been read at all. If your approach involves traversing what I have termed “Reverse Occam’s Razor,” wherein you insist that every situation must be explained by the most complicated and convoluted reasoning, you may elicit only eye-rolls. In doing so, you are not contributing positively to your cause. If the result of your efforts is that people merely laugh at you and do not take you seriously, you are unlikely to affect current or future election outcomes. Do you wish to be regarded as a laughingstock?
The crux of the matter is this: it is not what you know (or believe you know) to be true that matters, but rather what you can persuade others to accept as truth. This ability may significantly influence their future voting behavior. It is essential to awaken them from the stupor induced by the “Woke” media, which often leads them astray.
I am NOT going to say more about this other than ARE PEOPLE FINALLY GOING TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT CAUSES AND POTENTIAL REAL SOLUTIONS? Which, of course, The Left is not. They would NOT blame a Car for an Accident (yes, aside from Mechanical failure factors). They would NOT blame the Baseball-bat if someone beats someone to Death with one. But, yet, still, and likely forever, they want to blame Guns (the inanimate object, that cannot fire itself) for their lacking any Security at the Schools to deter any potential Shootings (or stabbings, which of course they would not blame the Knife).
I am going to react and try get folks to look at, following up this one with another link but over on BeforeItsNews: /power-elite/2024/08/its-why-many-do-not-want-history-taught-in-u-s-schools-they-might-learn-from-bradford-colony-early-failure-if-full-truth-taught-2453688.html
And to say, from Quotations pieces a #JoeOriginal: “The Left doesn’t know, and they don’t want to know, because they do know just enough that if they really knew their delusional bubble would be burst” so they ignore Facts, ignore History, seek only “confirmation bias” items (rather than Truth/Facts/Evidence) online.
Something need be shared with every ClimaTard you know; but, of course, they would never read it nor admit to the obvious reality of the common-sense there-in. And coming Sat. Feb. 15th and 22nd “Conservationism [vs ClimaTardism]” parts 1 and 2.
Let me just cut to the chase on this piece, and all that is laid out Biblically there-in, on The Left – you cannot be a real Christian and a #CommieFasciSocies-ocrat. Bible, God, provides FREE WILL, we are asked to follow, not forced; if we want the rewards of Heaven in the Afterlife.
My ChristiTutionalist Politics 2 book dives deeper into the (as Christ warned in Matthew – Vipers, Snakes, Blind-Guides) false-narratives (Bible distortions) and while we’re “called” be “Brother’s Keeper, “Widows / Orphans,” and like (we are to WANT TO, not be FORCED TO) via Christian Charity (“Cheerful Giver” not theft / redistribution), Jesus not Socialist and “Community” (Bible sense, distinction between “unable” vs “unwilling”) not modern Political “Communism” (yet some try co-opt / distort “Community” language).
Yes, again: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/no-you-can-not-rest-part-1/ and https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/no-you-can-not-rest-part-2/
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]
[image source (from another article (https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/only-thing-required-for-evil-to-prevail/) but highlighted within NYCNR piece too): TheLibertyBeacon]
And, of course, like every piece far more additionally important things to be said in that as with every article than just the image tease for the item portends and should be read in entirety.
DISCLOSURE: Portions of this piece re-worked by/with Galaxy.ai AI-writing-improver service (to help reduce overall word-count size and maximize number bullet-items (call-back link sections) but minimize overall article space).
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]
MON. FEB. 15h 2025 UPDATE….. From my SocialMedia (15+ platforms) just a few minutes ago…
I previously wrote…
Thoughts on the “God Bless The USA – Bible” Generic Book? Actual Bible? Propaganda? let’s look…
Books | Dec 19 2024 00:11
… and I still highly reco peeps read the LEGIT QUESTIONS at that time
SINCE THEN, I’ve come to learn that it is supposedly an exact copy of KJV (I don’t know, I do not have a copy yet to verify) and also contains our #USA Foundation documents. That is a GOOD THING! Peeps can READ our #JudeoChristian #BIBLICAL Foundations based on FREE WILL and BIBLICAL COMMUNITY (under FREE WILL) not Worldly Communism (which is FORCE) and go back and forth to check the cross-referencing — I do NOT KNOW, hope it does, do annotation of our Documents back to the Biblical Scriptures to which apply!!!!
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