Obama’s “Socialism”? Karl Marx Wrote the Blueprint for a Communist America in 1848… And We’re Almost There
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 8:41
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The United States is in fact fast becoming the most powerful communist nation the world has ever seen!
In his 1848 Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx listed a number of things needed to establish this type of tyrannical government…let’s see how the United States is doing so far:
Abolition of private property: True, private property exists in the US (and also in what’s left of the USSR), but only until the state wants to take it. With its powers of eminent domain, the government can and does confiscate people’s property when it wants for public use. Your property isn’t unconditionally yours. Just think of property taxes, for example.
Complete abolition of inheritance: Between the US and State governments, they can take up to 40% of your estate when you die.
Centralization of transportation and communication: This is already accomplished and cruelly enforced both economically and by police forces.
State-guided agricultural production and combination of agriculture and manufacturing: Family farms in American have fallen from more than 6 million in 1935 to roughly 2 million in 2012.
The centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank: The United States government is borrowing over $8 trillion a year and maintains a stealth operation to bail out the banks of foreign nations.
The FED has a private police force…
Heavy progressive income tax: Take a look at your next paycheque stub, then add on sales taxes for everything you buy, property taxes, licenses and fees for even the most basic of things, fines…you get the picture.
Confiscation of the property of emigrants (expatriates) and rebels: Try to stand up and protect your rights? Go ahead and you’ll lose everything…the more you resist, the more they take.
Free education for all children, to enable the uniformity of thought: Coming next on the indoctrination menu is the 5th biggest school district in US beginning to teach five-year-old children about masturbation, homosexuality.
At the same time America rapidly descends into this communist abyss, the government (and their propaganda mainstream press) is also keeping the common folk in constant fear over everyone dying from terrorists.
The facts don’t matter, mind you, that the chance of an American being killed by a lightning strike is greater than them being killed by a terrorist either..jpg)
In fact, more than 200,000 Americans have been murdered since 11 September 2001…just regular folks killing their wives, neighbours, and business rivals, mostly with guns but also with knives, poison, paperweights, and what have you.
Over this same period, somewhere between 2.7 million and 5.7 million of Americans died because of preventable medical errors, with another 500,000 Americans being killed in car accidents…and the TOTAL amount who died from terrorism?
Just 25….that’s right, just 25 in the past 13 years!
Oh, 911 WAS an inside job, in case that hasn’t sunk in yet. Here’s a compilation of the collapse of a 47-story building, part of the World Trade Center (building number 7) that ‘collapsed’ into its own footprint all by itself a few hours after the Twin Towers… Come on, Americans!
So instead of spending $1 billion of the American people’s money on something that could actually save lives, the United States is spending it on attacking the Islamic State…the war drummed up in the mainstream press by reporters such as Ken Dilanian of the Associated Press who not only submits his stories to the CIA for their approval, but actually invented out of thin air a new terror group called the Khorasans that no one has ever heard about!
Now folks I want to tell you…when faced with oppression there is only one response…ACTION!
Thanks for your time in reading this, and all of you take care and never forget…We’re all in this together!
All the best,