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Ron Howard Says the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was Faked in a Studio

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Ron Howard Says The 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was Faked In A Studio

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    Total 94 comments
    • Gryphon

      Yeah, right…
      I watched it all ‘live’ on TV in the late 60s.
      This huge, enormous rocket as big as an apartment tower blasted off into space, and returned 8 days later.
      So where did it go then, for a week?

      • LifeIs

        The problem is not getting to orbit. The problem is getting through the radiation belts and the radiation beyond them. The radiation that no one has even pretended to travel through, since 1972.

        “It” may have gone to low Earth orbit, with a crew on board.

        But let us remember the Soviet Union returned an Apollo capsule to us in late 1970, and we had several stories about where and when it was lost.

        Let us remember that at the end of the Moon landing hoax, in 1972, the US government financed the purchase of large amounts of grain, on behalf of the Soviet Union.

        Let us remember that the Soviet Union had its own fake space flight, that we could have exposed and didn’t. Gagarin’s voice, relayed by an unmanned craft in orbit, said erroneous things. And he landed by parachute, not in a space ship.

        Just because the network or the government tells you something is “live,” does not mean that it is. A videotape made in a studio can be called “live.”

        The Saturn V launches, one of which I witnessed with my own eyes, are not evidence of flight to the Moon. There is no evidence of manned flight to the Moon.

        • Anonymous

          All the moon landings were fake. Even today, they cant do it

        • caribbean critic

          The problem any animal tissue including human tissue is the radiation and the Compton inverse scatter effect. No animal tissue has been above 350 miles from earths surface. period.
          The Compton inverse scatter effect is caused by solar particles impinging on the outer metal skin of any capsule when these particles strike the metal outer shell they interact at the atomic level losing energy but creating high energy ionizing x-rays radiation that continuously flood the inner capsule making it impossible for any animal tissue to survive.

          • LifeIs

            There was Bonny the monkey in June-July, 1969.

            NASA wasn’t specific about where she went exactly, but they brought her back early. And she died 8 hours after landing.

            That’s Biosatellite 3, launched June 29, 1969. Scheduled for 30 days, terminated on the 8th day.

      • Parjaroguy

        I watched it as well. I’ve also watched Star Trek and Lost in Space. So?

        • ecclesiatical

          You forgot Capricorn One,James Brolin was the astronaut and he landed on Mars.
          Maybe Peter Hyams was trying to tell us something. :wink:

      • Mot

        You “saw” it on the Tell-Lies Vision so it has to be true, right ?

      • theawakezone

        Hey you! Wheres your pillow?

      • Global Grist

        Ron Howard at 0:47 says that in 1970 NASA did go to the moon, but they weren’t ready in 1969 so they faked it. Huh? They would risk hoaxing the moon voyage in ’69 rather than postponing it a year until they were actually ready? My BS meter just went off the scale. I suppose ’69 was an important threshold given that JFK said we were going to land a man on the moon before the decade was out. Too bad he wasn’t here to see it, taken out by the same forces that set up the Gentle Ben stagecraft.

        • LifeIs

          Global Grist how have you failed to notice we are STILL not “actually ready” to send people to the Moon?

          • Global Grist

            Don’t get me wrong, I am highly skeptical that we ever landed on the moon. The main point I was making is that Ron Howard’s statement made zero sense. The first part of his statement was the admission of the fraud, the second part was a CYA statement so that his life and career wouldn’t be ruined. De Niro planned to show the vaccines causing autism documentary Vaxxed at the Tribeca Film Festival and he was shut down by powerful forces not wanting that information put forth in such a public fashion by a high profile movie star. Ron Howard is no dummy, so he couched his statement in such a way that maintains credence to the official story, which is one possibility. The other possibility is he was intentionally put up to make such a statement to placate and diffuse the “moon landing is a hoax” growing sentiment by exposing that some of it was fake (but we really did go there the next year).

        • Damien

          THAT is exactly the reason it MIGHT WELL have beeb faked. The dead President had sworn to the people in the middle of the cold war that they WOULD get to the moon within the decade. In peoples mind that meant it HAD to be before 1970. It has seemed strange to me that theycmanaged it woth so little time left to spare. How suicidal or a international laughing stock it would turn the nation into if it failed.

    • zero

      So, they’ve never even put a vehicle in space…. What about satellites? Are they a myth? Satellite TV? Never happened. What about all the hours of footage supposedly taken in space? That all fake? Seems like a bit of a stretch to conclude that everything we’ve been told about NASA is a lie because there is footage that suggests there may be a space shuttle equipped with jet engines somewhere out there.

      • urdivine

        You’re missing the point. The “hoax moon landing” believers [which is me at 95%], are saying that no HUMANS landed on the moon. the Van Allen Radiation Belt was one of the huge obstacles among others.

      • urdivine

        Sorry. I responded to your comment before watching the video. The guy in the video does imply, I think, that rockets have never been in space. If I understand that correctly, then I’m with you. It’s easy to believe we never landed on the moon in 1969 as we were told, but to believe that everything sent into space was faked, at this time, is too difficult to believe. I am open minded though.

        • LifeIs

          urdivine you were wise to simply ignore the “poison the well” propaganda, and focus on the REAL issue.

          It’s what I do.

        • 2QIK4U

          Rocket’s can and do burn a solid fuel mix which still burns and produce’s force in a vacuum.

    • dabu

      There’s also no such thing as satellites or mathematics. The earth is flat. There are three suns hiding behind each other. If you sail to the edge of the world, you will fall off. What a moron. Let’s not think, ok.

    • King of Shambhala

      This is the finger hiding the moon.
      The big story is that Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the Messiah.
      That’s because I’m the only one in the world who’s revealing the miraculous heaven-sent curse upon Obama: on the day after his election, the Lottery in Obama’s homestate drew the Mark of the Beast 666 (indicating the Antichrist).
      That’s the news we must spread worldwide even to China and the Far East because it’s the Apocalypse. That counts for the whole world and not just Christians.

      • King of Shambhala

        people know Obama’s the Antichrist.
        Why the silence?
        If you want to go to heaven STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.

        • The Clucker

          Sit down and be ignored.

      • King of Shambhala

        The big story is that Obama’s the Antichrist and I’m the Messiah.
        That’s because I’m the only one in the world who’s revealing the miraculous heaven-sent curse upon Obama: on the day after his election, the Lottery in Obama’s homestate drew the Mark of the Beast 666 (indicating the Antichrist).
        That’s the news we must spread worldwide even to China and the Far East because this is the Apocalypse.

      • Big Craig

        We know, we just don’t care. I still think the little engine could shouldn’t have because that set precedent.

      • Jack Shlitz

        Yeah, but has he ever landed on the moon?

      • Jack Shlitz

        Who drew the 666 number? How much did they win and what did they do with it?

      • Syco

        Get back on your meds nut bag!

    • TwoCentsBob

      Ron Howard Says the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing Was Faked in a Studio

      Ron Howard is having a joke. It’s a gag……….regardless of whether they landed or not. The first video is ‘Funny’ c’mon man the Andy Griffiths Show starring Richie Cunningham(Sorry sarcasm). ” Yeah it’s not a done deal yet.” Drink less fluoride you will feel better in a little while. The clip is not conclusive evidence that they faked the 1969 Moon Landing. Sorry man; but Jesus really does love you!

    • Eaglefeather

      Man “O” man, I wanna know who this total retard is that made this stupid video? I was in the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Holloman AFB & watched the Space Shuttle land at White Sands with my own damn eyes. Some one needs to slap the stupid out of this moron…

      • ecclesiatical

        On January 28, 1986, when the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members, which included five NASA astronauts then again, May 21, 2008

        I was there too,so.You should ask yourself one question,we went the moon so many times and came back when space technology was in its infancy,60`s and 70`s and nobody was even scratched and yet later on we ended up having so many dead bodies,WHY?

        The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, when Columbia disintegrated over Texas and Louisiana as it reentered Earth’s atmosphere, ..than again Apr 3, 2013

        Space shuttles killed 18 astronauts,Apollo missions ,nil. :lol:

        • 2QIK4U

          NASA – Need Another Seven Astronaut’s :lol:

    • Ideas Time

      Most of what most of us have been told about everything is a lie. Nothing surprises me anymore. Anyone who has looked at the evidence like the starless background, or the earth the size of the moon, big screw ups. Ron is right just like those who figured out that the towers on 911 were blew up and did not vaporize 3/4 of the buildings mass into nano sized particles because fake plans hit them. More Hollywood.

    • Jango

      By now most people who have done any research on the subject know that it is impossible for man to go to the moon or further because of the Van Allen radiation belts and the Thermosphere + where temperatures reach 2500C + which would fry and melt them, their equipment, and space vehicle. This is not the issue. What is the major issue out of this is that NASA and the Government outright LIED TO US and they are still lying. Every time you see their blue marble realize that it’s all brainwashing to keep the lie going. Yes, the earth is flat because simple math and science can prove that it is impossible to be a round spinning globe. Deniers are those who haven’t done their research. Don’t feel bad, we were all deniers at one time because we were only taught ONE THEORY in school so we believe that to be true and don’t give it a second thought…..but when you do….you realize it’s all a lie. Want to see what I mean?

      • ecclesiatical

        Just because they didn`t go to moon and lied about it,doesn`t mean the Earth is flat.

        Answer just one simple question I have been asking the flat earthers which nobody has answered and then I`ll agree that it is flat.

        Which airport is furthest to the east and which airport is furthest to the west of the flat earth?

        • Jango

          I don’t know, but how about this one. Science tells us that the earth spins at 1000 mph or 1500 fps. If a plane is coming in for a landing on a N/S airstrip how can he land the plane when the earth is moving west to east at 1500 fps? Or this one. If the plane has to circle before landing, how does he do it when the earth is moving west to east at 1000 mph? He would have to speed up and slow down depending on which direction he was going just to keep up. Or this one. If you fly from Europe to South Africa, the plane would have to either fly nose down all the way or continually fly in a down the staircase pattern to avoid flying off the earth. Does he do either…NO. Ask a pilot if he course corrects to allow for the curvature of the earth and he will tell you..NO. I know it takes time for all of this to sink in, but give it some thought and see if it makes more sense on a spinning globe earth or a flat earth.

          • Coolviper777

            Try this little experiment in your car tomorrow, when you’re on the highway going 60mph. Toss a small ball (or other object), straight up a foot or so. Does the ball come down fairly straight after you toss it straight up? Or does it immediately upon being tossed, hit the back windshield?

            I’m pretty sure, it won’t hit the back windshield, but in fact will come straight down. The reason is that the ball is traveling at 60mph also, just as your body is. That’s also why seatbelts save lives. If your car hits a tree at 60mph, and stops, your body is still traveling at 60mph until you hit the steering wheel, dash and windshield, and you fly out without a seatbelt.

            This same principal applies to the airplane when it leaves the ground and flies in the air. The earth spins at 1,000mph at the equator (and no less than around 700mph even as far north as Canada, or as far south as the bottom of South America). So, the airplane takes off, it’s already at 1,000mph. Of course you have to add (if flying west to east) or subtract (if flying east to west) the speed the plane’s speedometer shows. If you’re flying North to South, or South to North, then there’s isn’t much difference in your rotational speed overall.

            Gravity is much, much stronger than the centripetal force of 1000mph that tries to throw you, me, everything on the earth, and even the plane off the earth. That’s why the plane does NOT have to point nose down. The plane would have to attain a speed of 25,000 mph to fly off the face of the earth. Of course, the plane would fall apart long before that speed was achieved.

            And pilots are correct, they don’t have to course correct for the curvature of the earth, because the curve of the earth is very slight. The earth is very large, and even though not quite a perfect sphere, at the altitude planes fly at, the earth still looks pretty flat, so the amount of curvature is very small at that altitude. So, no reason to correct for it.

            • Jango

              Everything you said is incorrect. When in a car, it’s an enclosed environment, just like doing that in an airplane. Do it outside on a long treadmill or on a merry go round and see what results you get. To say that the moment a plane takes off it’s going 1000 mph is pure insanity. Think this through, it’s impossible. And if you do research, scientific publications will tell you that gravity is one of the weakest forces. You can even prove this on a merry go round. It’s centrifugal force that overtakes “gravity” at a very low speed and throws you off. To say that the curvature from Europe to S. Africa is very slight is totally wrong. The plane flies parallel to the earth so the curvature is the same, and at 8″ per mile squared it would be huge, not small. See for how this really works.

            • FadingShadow2

              Coolviper 777 – Great explanation! Sadly, I think you are wasting your time with this gent as I have in the past as well. His mind is locked up, and facts or physics do not matter to him. His flat earth theory is his religion.

            • LifeIs

              Pilots do correct for the curvature of the Earth.

              (1) They may do this by using their altimeter and their vertical speed indicator, to remain at the chosen altitude.

              That keeps them parallel to the curved surface of Earth.

              (2) The artificial horizon depends on gyroscopes, and the output from those is adjusted for several kinds of error. Including Earth’s curvature.

              The curvature is not “very small at that altitude.” It’s almost exactly the same.

              And the curvature is not “slight.” About eight inches per mile adds up to 667 vertical feet, in a 1,000 mile trip.

          • ecclesiatical

            Congratulations,you are the 1,000th flat earther that haven`t answered my question,but i will answer yours with more simplicity than Coolviper777 .

            First, the Earth is not a vacuum,those things you are saying take place in vacuum conditions only.
            Second,airplanes are sophisticated enough to fly parallel(even you agree below) to the earth and need not adjust to the curve. Why are planes fitted with a sensitive aneroid barometer?
            Thirdly,if you are driving at 60 mph and there is a fly hovering next to you,why doesn’t it get smashed to your back-shield? Cos your car is not a vacuum.,just like the earth.

        • Micah

          My question is – if the earth is flat, where are the edges located on the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost, and westernmost parts? I wouldn’t want to get too close to the edges, since I might fall off. But then, if I fell off, where would I land after the fall? I don’t get it…

      • FadingShadow2

        JANGO – Apparently YOU haven’t done any research on the Van Allen belts otherwise you wouldn’t be spouting your nonsense. They are two belts that are donut shaped around the earth’s sphere. The do NOT completely encase the entire sphere, and their intensity varies depending upon the output of the sun. Scientists have learned to predict these variations, and move satellites around the earth to safer orbits to protect them from radiation. However, here is a link that diagrams what these actually look like in space, and you can see that they are not the ‘barrier’ to space travel that you claim. Even if the earth was flat, the above reasoning would hold true. (lot’s of amazing math, and graphs – scroll down about 6/8 to bottom to see relevent answer as to how the apollo flight path circumvented the VAR belts easily. (Scroll the very bottom to skip the math, and see the actual dosimeter chart for radiation received by every Apollo flight) Guess what? They are very safe!

        Have you ever studied classic physics? Or are you just a denier?

        • LifeIs

          FadingShadow2 by “classic physics” i guess you mean “out of date” in the sense of being “wrong.”

          “- NASA’s Van Allen Probes mission has discovered a previously unknown third radiation belt around Earth, revealing the existence of unexpected structures and processes within these hazardous regions of space.”

          “…scientists realized that the belts don’t even change consistently in response to what seem to be similar stimuli. Some solar storms caused the belts to intensify; others caused the belts to be depleted…”

          “Reeves and his team observed a rapid energy increase of high-energy electrons in the radiation belts on Oct. 9, 2012…all of the acceleration took place in about 12 hours…”

          “Until the 1990s, we thought that the Van Allen belts were pretty well-behaved and changed slowly…With more and more measurements, however, we realized how quickly and unpredictably the radiation belts changed. They are basically never in equilibrium…”

          THAT puts your dosimeter chart into the dustbin of propaganda history, dude.

          As for “doughnut shape,” it’s a wide doughnut, and (1) Apollo did NOT fly to the pole and then back down to the Moon’s orbital plane.

          That would require a costly (in fuel) high-inclination launch trajectory (As as an eyewitness to one of them, i assure you it wasn’t.) AND then, after hopping over the belts, a costly (in fuel) trajectory change.

          (2) The radiation belts PROTECT astronauts from solar particles. That’s why we have always, to this very day, kept our astronauts BENEATH those belts. We don’t put people into polar orbits. Or send them to the Moon.

          • FadingShadow2

            Lifels – Essentially you agreed with me on all points – I realize there the 3rd VAB was discovered, but thought it irelevent to my point; in that I erred.. .

            But essentially, you agree that there are 3 VAB that are a torus shape that are expanding and contracting in their planes around the earth. NASA’s answer in simplest form was to fly up and curve around them thereby avoiding the areas of highest radiation.

            I find it difficult that you would believe it would be more cost effective to create entire faked moon landings repeatedly (why would they repeat the trick over and over?- that’s just weird) instead of expending more fuel to change the flight path on the way to the moon.

            And as an eye witness, you would not have been able to see their trajectory in space – in fact, depending upon the day, you may have not been able to see past any clouds, so that comment is just silly.

            The radiation belts do NOT protect the astronauts from solar particles. Obviously, you didn’t bother yourself to actually read the links I provided that explained this quite well. The protection comes from the metal in their ship, and they are concerned about high energy protons primarily.

            Regarding classic physics, I also am quite aware of what I wrote. Newtonian physics, yes, not used so much as a universal model anymore, is still better than Egyptian cosmology that requires a flat earth held up by pillars surrounded by a dome (firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below, etc…) that JANGO is trying to adhere to.

            I find it rather amusing that you seem to be defending his views.

            • LifeIs

              FadingShadow2 I pointed out that you are dead wrong, on all points.

              The intensity of the radiation belts changes constantly and rapidly. There’s no way to predict the dose. Those who said they could were lying.

              And if you had watched as many space shuttle launches as I have, you’d know what a launch to a high-inclination orbit looks like. I told you the Apollo launch I witnessed DID NOT fly way off to the north.

              And your B.S. reply is that it could have?

              “Cost effective?” Good God, you’re talking about building a much bigger launch vehicle. And a much bigger spacecraft.

              I’m sorry I didn’t explain. I thought you would understand. It’s not just a matter of USING more fuel, in rocketry. You have to have the engine power, the lift capability, to accelerate your fuel to 25,000 mph, before you can make course changes on the way to the Moon. Apollo rockets COULD NOT fly around the radiation belts.

              And NOBODY claimed that they could, until recent years. Every course change was REPORTED at the time. The modern fictional “polar route” would involve a huge course change, because you MUST be in the Moon’s orbital plane, to match velocity and land there.

              Don’t quote dishonest propaganda to me. Electrons striking metal produces X rays. And the high energy electrons less than 400 miles up interfered with vision, in the 1997 space shuttle flight.

              The “metal in their ship” (in the case of the LEM, aluminum foil you could puncture with your finger) does not encounter the particles that are deflected/trapped in the belts. That is why low Earth orbit is relatively safe.

              And to debate something so obvious is ridiculous.

    • truther357

      Who cares what this ‘left-wing’ Hollywood ( or any of them!) ‘commie’ says or thinks!
      Try another source and we might take a little interest in the post.

      • truther357

        Yes Ron and Fonzie are both Obamatards.

        • SaulRosenberg

          What about Potsie?

    • G

      No one in an Apollo ship went to the moon. They might of launched a spy satellite and said it was a moon rocket. but no man can traverse the horrors of space where radiation runs wild, space debris will punch holes in the ship and people can’t be in the sun while on the moon without an atmosphere to defuse the radiation and heat.

      1969 technology could not have done it. Hell, 2016 technology still can’t it so how and why do it back then and never again some 45 years later.

      It never happened and won’t for a long time. Propellant rockets can’t maneuver in the deep of space guiding a ship to another space destination. There ain’t enough gas to do that. It’s like filling up the car only once and driving to California from New York.

      • Real Expert

        That is why you fail young skywalker, it can’t be done. It’s too bad your generation will freeze
        us out of being able to go to the moon or Mars. It cannot be done according to most of you.
        But that is good, as you can stay on your couch.

        And there is plenty of fuel to do a space voyage for a propellant rocket. Since there is
        no friction and no gravity in space, one burst of the rocket engine will send the vehicle
        on it’s way, and they don’t fire it again (unless minor course corrections are needed).
        The vehicle will sail on through space with no engines running virtually forever, unless
        it hits something, or is influenced by gravity from another body in space that slows it
        down. So there is plenty of fuel for space flight.. And since there is no gravity, or
        friction from atmosphere in space, even an ordinary balloon has enough thrust if
        you aimed it away from you to blow your around in space. So a propellant filled rocket
        surely will get you going on your trajectory. And your proclomation about “propellant
        rockets can’t maneuver in space” is ludicrous.

    • Uriel#73

      My guess is that yes they went but did indeed film large portions of it in a studio. Why? So that none of the “anomolies” where accidentally missed by those responsible for making them disappear from the footage. There are without a doubt a lot of unanswered questions in regards too the Apollo missions, the moon itself as well as Mars but to fake something on that scale? With how many people were involved in the project across the board I don’t see how in the world one could expect all of them to keep quiet about it. Dead people don’t tell secrets yet many of them are still alive today.

      • guibus

        one just needs to be threatened, him and his beloved ones, and he will not talk…

    • Anonymous

      We didn’t go to the moon. Sandy Hook never happened. Boston never happened. The Twin Towers didn’t get hit by any planes. The Erf is flat. The sun is only 50 miles away. The stars are painted on a roof. Elvis is still alive. The antichrist is at your backdoor. Nibiru is on the way.

      If I had only known I could have been educated just by reading BIN, I wouldn’t have spent so much getting my graduate degree.

      God Bless BIN, The College Of Choice!!!!!

      • LifeIs

        Without the ability to muddy the waters, the government would lose control of the public. And the government would rely more on violence against the public. So yes, God bless BIN.

        But 30% of the public doubted the moon landings, AT THE TIME. They had more sense than I did.

        Sandy Hook initially had a different story. (Two brothers shooting, both parents murdered.) It amazes me that anyone believes a story that starts out wrong.

        Boston is likewise transparent. Show people a picture of a 2-tone mostly white backpack, over and over and over. And then show them a Craft International black backpack, with the side blown out, and say the bomb was in it. Show Craft mercenaries running from the scene.

        You’re supposed to know these things are hoaxes. It was made clear by the perpetrators.

        Two towers and the Pentagon were hit by unmanned military planes. The three towers that fell were demolished by below-ground nuclear bombs, underneath their central cores. Every bit of video you saw was the same kind of CGI you see in movies.

        No, the Earth is not flat. The Sun is not 50 miles away. The stars are not painted. And yes, the public will catch on to the “poisoning the well” tactic eventually.

        Elvis, who cares. Antichrist is a generic term in the Bible, there isn’t just one.

        Planet X has been here and it will more or less destroy our world in the near future.

        • Anonymous


          Just want to say that I love your comments. You are a smart guy. What are you doing in BIN? Come to think of it, what am I doing in BIN?

          Anyway, thanks for the comment and adding a little sanity to the world of BIN.

    • moochie2

      If I have to watch Gabby “Bilderberg” Giffords and her fake astronaut hubby one more time I will throw up.

    • Anonymous


    • Lori

      Special Access black operations people have been going back and forth to the moon quickly anytime they wanted for decades: /politics/2016/03/you-heard-it-here-first-third-phase-of-the-moon-video-interview-of-new-edward-snowden-class-whistleblower-2789965.html

      • Lori

        That’s part of the deception the Ron Howard is being encouraged to promote by his possible illuminati handlers… going to to the moon isn’t hard and Ron Howard is portraying… to the contrary it is vastly easier than msot people have been led to think:

        161 ebook “Top Public” Chronology loaded with amazing photos (video snapshots):

        or the following free to download 360mb audio/visual compilation press kit on this most newsworthy story:

        Michael’s on the scene videos can also be downloaded easy here from this cloud-disk folder: (or on youtube “RadioEast1″ channel itself using a youtube video downloader.) Show kids especially, they love the idea of levitating into the sky in a new class of vehicles even more than more close-minded adults.
        Mar 26, 2016, 9:13 pm

        Go AERO Liberation Party!

        Please yourself and send this BIN article link to 10 of your friends!

        beforeitsnews dot com/science-and-technology/2016/03/epic-breakthrough-satellites-can-now-be-put-into-geostationary-orbit-at-any-altitude-2816282.html

        • 2QIK4U

          Ron doesn’t need handler’s but i bet that he’s one himself. Fully vetted. Ayyyyyyyy

    • JohnDave

      One small problem with this BS: The Russians and others have tracking equipment. If 11 never went to the moon they would instantly know it. What’s faked is the so-called interwiew with Ron Howard.

      • Lori

        Earth’s full and major history for the past couple of decades has been a breakaway faction of humanity equipped with anti-gravity and ulimited zero point energy reactors have in apparrent partnership with a federations of aliens all under a King God that has been managing the world fom behind veils of deception and projected and re-inforced through the television for soon too many decades.


        If we seize and show our blazing will for this technology for our equitable defense against any enemies equipped with it .

        If Trump, when soon questioned by a member of the public about it, if he can’t see/admit see that this would be a huge economic boon and make fore an entire refursbished and upgraded economy and therefore an incredible economic revolution – then he is blind or deceiving you. In that case, there is a better well-known candidate that run for the President of the AERO Party. In the next phase/age Earth/We will either be a giant incredibly happy world planet with a HUGE Surplus -or- an age of the subjugation of natural humanity into a totally entrenched planetary prison.

        However, we’d all need to start waking up fast and bigtime and seize the day, such as the AERO Party. Party Poster here: Please inform Trump and get him to comment on the marvelously incredible anti-gravity technological breakthrough that is already navigating passages through our skies, and especially over Albany New York as Michael Weise has video documented.

        Lets see if he is even willing to comment on it. If Trump can’t seen the incredibly massive economic boom that would bring, because everyone would want an antigravity car, or egg with a window, and use one for themselves for personal and business uses.

        Please see the AERO Party. Party Poster here: Please inform Trump and get him to comment on this incredible new topic asap; somebody out there should be able to inform him from the audience and ask him to look into it and then further comment on it asap. If Trump (or Turnip?) is not up for the job, then surely the people can pick one – like Chuck Norris: cnorris @ . Perhaps the first President of the AERO Party should only have a term of 1 month, because there are a billion good people out there capable of the job. If Trump doesn’t take the job now, then he can after the first President’s short 1-3 month term if Trump is sincerely saying the right things, or somebody like Chuck Norris – we need somebody well versed in self-defense tactics on a big set within a big plot to lead humanity into freedom. A Trump/Norris (A North and South P/VP) ticket sounds like a good pair.

        See this link for more information and Michael’s interview videos, this is the biggest technological breakthrough since radio, communications, and computers combined:


      • LifeIs

        JohnDave the small problem is, the Soviets were bought off. We know they returned an Apollo capsule to us in late 1970.

        And we know the US government financed a large grain purchase for them in 1972. (See: “The Great Grain Robbery)

        And we know that they had fake flights we didn’t blow the whistle on. Gagarin’s voice, relayed through an orbiting unmanned vehicle, said erroneous things. And he landed by parachute, not in a spaceship.

        The Soviets, like the Chinese now, had their own Potemkin space program. For the same reasons we had ours.

    • Don - 1

      Boston Marathon Bomb Hoax.
      One of the fakers was blond “Heather age 39″. Her name and photos were found at the website ”Hollywood Amputee Actors”, [using the same name]. She actually lost her foot in an accident riding on the back of her boyfriend’s motorcycle about ten years before Boston Bomb.

      There were no injuries or deaths at Boston Bomb. It was a ”drill” about mass casualties and a practice for martial law. All of the injured were prior amputees.

    • Mr. R. West

      This should not be posted in the “money” section … so I’m not watching it!

    • FadingShadow2

      So if it was faked back in the 60′s when we were in a cold war with Russia, then why didn’t Russia call it out publicly?

      • ecclesiatical

        Because they were trying to do the same thing to their comrades,its called scratch my back and I will scratch yours. :wink:

        • FadingShadow2

          Ecclesiastical – If what you say is true, then how do explain away the voice recordings of Russian astronauts who died in space trying to return home? That would be inconsistent with a successful space race on the part of the Russians.

          I don’t believe the Soviets in that era had any inclination to work with America at all. Remember they responded to nuclear deterrents and military power. We beat them in that way. No way would they scratch our back, and no way would we scratch their back.

          • ecclesiatical

            I never said that they worked together,what I meant was that if they divulge such info about the Apollo hoax,they would be bringing it on themselves as well and their own people would start doubting their Soyuz missions as well.
            Its like a sword,it cuts from both edges.
            Why do you think the soviets never landed on the moon with manned missions?
            and yet they landed on the moon unmanned in 59,10 years before Apollo.
            There is no way you can prove that Vladimir Komarov recording was from beyond the Van Allen belts,most probably it was as he entered them.

          • ecclesiatical

            Just listen to what Nasa says at 4:42 point.

    • sarah

      So, do we live in a Twilight Zone?

      Or, do we live in a Big Cartoon?

      All the lies the Elite have told to remain in power has gotten to the point it’s no longer unbelievable.

      But, it is to the point it’s almost funny.

      No wonder the Elite are scared.

      I don’t know which is the most ridiculous the whopper lies the Elite have told us or the fact that many people have believed them.

      • FadingShadow2


        So, do we live in a Twilight Zone?

        Or, do we live in a Big Cartoon?

        All the lies the have told to remain in power has gotten to the point it’s no longer unbelievable.

        But, it is to the point it’s almost funny.

        No wonder BIN readers are constantly scared witless by new threats of destruction.

        I don’t know which is the most ridiculous the whopper lies BIN readers have told us or the fact that many people here have believed them.

    • Medusafern

      Google ‘front screen projection’. Stanley Kubrick created and perfected this film technique for his movie ’2001: A Space Odyssey’, a technique which was cutting-edge for its time. However, once one comes to know about the telltale flaw in this filmmaking method, it is always discernible thereafter.

      Watch the ape scene/s in 2001 ASO and examine the backdrop in the distance. What initially appears to be a mountainous landscape on the horizon is actually fake, a trick created by the front screen projection technique. The “apes” are on a rocky mound on the movie set. Then look for line where that foreground of the film set meets the background. You will always see a distinct line between the two. Now look at all the photos of the Moon landing. Behind the astronauts and the Moon Lander there is always a line running between the foreground of the photo and the background, somewhat like the one a curtain would create. Gryphon, this line separating the foreground from the background is without a doubt visible in each and every photograph and in all of the “live” footage. NASA needed someone with Kubrick’s visionary filmmaking skills to fake the landings and they even allowed him to use their state of the art camera to do this. Investigate what I am telling you. No matter how much you believe the landings were real, you’ll not be able to deny that what I am telling you is true.

      • Don - 1

        100% Correct.

    • stanley03061973


    • pulltabjunkie

      How do you know it was live TV? How do you know the rocket wasnt a model?…You don’t, that’s the point. If it was a real rocket, and if it did in fact take off, it was in low earth orbit. There’s enough evidence to easily debunk the moon mission now. Try doing some actual research. BTW- if we had actually gone to the moon, it would stand to reason that we would have been back many times since, and even built a station on the moon, but alas we have not. Ask yourself why. And now they are talking about sending someone to Mars soon. Laughable how gullible folks can be.

      • FadingShadow2

        And I suppose all those folks that actually viewed the takeoff were a hired crowd, the news media that covered it all was completely in on it, as were the media studio executives, cameramen, special effects people, and everyone involved with the financial transactions because I’m sure that a studio is not going to work for free, and yet, not one person has come forward and said ‘this was all a fraud’ except for this bogus claim about Ron Howard (who was still a child then)

        • LifeIs

          A take-off is not a flight to the moon. A take-off is down here, and the radiation belts are way up there. Unshielded living persons can’t survive the radiation, and neither can photographic film.

          The “studio” is an intelligence agency operation.

          People keep secrets in these matters, because they don’t want to die, as whistleblowers Gus Grissom and Thomas Baron died.

          First they murder you, then they try to destroy your reputation. As with the B.S. book, “The Right Stuff.”

          There are people who keep secrets because it makes them special. And because they are rewarded for doing so. (Why do you think people join secret societies) THIS is why “news media” people keep the secrets of the ruling class.

          YES, Ron Howard and I were mere teenagers during the moon flight hoax. Which is my excuse for being fooled by it.

          Most of the people involved in Apollo thought it was real. An unmanned probe was built and substituted for the LEM. That’s the difference.

          The controllers were seeing the same flight simulations they trained with every day.

          • FadingShadow2

            LIFELS – So if I assume you are correct, and a rocket took off but did not enter space, most of the people in NASA, including the controllers thought it was real, just like their simulations, then how do you explain what the controllers would have had to see that the rocket really did not enter space, but at some point returned to earth? It seems to me that you are merely reinforcing my point here.

            You claim that an unmanned probe was built and substituted for the LEM. How do you know that? It’s a claim you just wrote. Can you verify that with documented evidence?

            • LifeIs

              FadingShadow2 i said there could have been flights to low earth orbit. But whether EVERY one was manned and orbited, i don’t know. They didn’t leave low Earth orbit, just as no one else EVER has.

              What the controllers see is on screens in front of them. And they practiced, trained, with simulated flights.

              Yes I can verify the claim that unmanned probes were launched to the Moon. Laser reflectors and seismographs were landed on the surface.

              And they were not placed there by astronauts, because:



              We –the public– didn’t know until 2013 that the radiation belts around Earth are highly variable in intensity. And unpredictable.

              We didn’t know how intense they were. And the electrons produce X rays when they strike metal.

              We didn’t know how intense radiation was on the surface of the moon, until 2009.

              Read the links. Consider the effect of gamma rays and X rays on photographic film.

              We also didn’t know how variable the Sun is, in the X ray part of the spectrum, in the Apollo years.

              You’ve been fooled, not for the first time and probably not for the last. It won’t kill you.

    • Twisted_Leads

      IF they construct a moon base, where will the air come from? Do we have enough to spare from Earth? :wink:

    • Str8Talker

      If 1960′s-70′s tech protected our astronauts and electronics then… it would do so now for the Orion spacecraft that was touted about. In this NASA Orion video, this developer says the shielding used needs to be tested before sending people into this region of space. Huh? If they are so concerned, just use the old tech shielding & spacesuits that can keep out horrific levels of cosmic radiation but not Fukishima smaller levels of radiation.

    • Corruption Killer

      They could not do the first landing on the moon. They did not have the telemetry technology to lift off moon and dock with orbiter.

    • Steven

      I don’t know, That is too big a hoax to cover up that long. some of what he said could be true, then he goes off on a tangent. For example, i know that kerosene and Oxygen has more than enough lifting power to make it happen. Nasa did not like that it wasn’t high tech enough, so they wanted to use Hydrogen. That is why the big tank on the bottom of the shuttle and the solid rocket motors. Hydrogen does not have the energy. we had the ability to fly aircraft into space and back in the late 60′s but NASA did not want any of that.
      From what I heard, when we got there there already was a base.
      The Chinese did not want us infringing on their claims.

    • RationalSkeptic

      So that’s what he says ON A FICTIONAL TV show. And the weirdos takes this seriously? :roll:

    • You People Are Nuts

      Yeah like I’m going to believe a guy who was raised by Otis the Drunk and Barney Fife….sure…

    • Templar

      Cause the Greys and Reptiles wanted it to?

      • The Clucker

        Are you the guy that said he’s from Neptune?

        • Templar

          NO! I AM ADENNIAN FROM THE GARDEN OF ADEN KNOWN AS EDEN! My Master Lord Enki is from Neptune and so I also find myself part of it!

          I am wondering why you are still around here. Did not the radiation get you yet in your area?


    • DwnRange

      How does a scripted clip from “Arrested Development” prove your case?

      It’s tv show (which I never heard of and had to look up) and a “script” which is not real.

      Try Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy website moron, I know and have communicated with him – he ain’t no nut.

      • LifeIs

        Yes, Phil is a nut. And the name of his website could not be more accurate.

    • Steven

      I am not believing any of this until they prove Obama is an American Citizen. There is just as much smoke and mirrors there.

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