A Big Unholy Hoax! The Word Gentile Does Not Exist In the Hebrew Scriptures And Was Inserted Into The Bible To Deceive Everyone And To Teach A Universal Religion That All Races Are Equal Which Is Contrary To The Word Of God! Must See Video For The Truth!
EOI-6 – That Unfortunate word GENTILE // Exclusiveness of Israel Chapter 6 Written By Arnold Kennedy
RIP Arnold Kennedy of New Zealand, A Racial Christian Identity Teacher.
This video is a reading of Arnold Kennedy’s Book Chapter 7 “The Exclusiveness of Israel”
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By Arnold Kennedy Excerpt from His Book “The Exclusiveness of Israel”
When we examine verses such as, “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth” (Deut.7:6), they establish the exclusive nature of Israel as being a holy (set apart) race among all the other races of this globe. Because these verses are so precise, we can see that there is a racial message that conflicts with the common belief about “Jews and Gentiles”.
The common teaching is that “The Jews” are Israel and the “Gentiles” are everyone else. The two views are against each other; one cannot be held together with the other. This is being examined and it will be seen that “The Jews” cannot equate to all Israel and that some “Gentiles” may be Israelites in Scripture. That is, the all-inclusive all-race message is not that of the Potter in Romans 9 who says in verse 18, “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth”. In the next verse Paul says, “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest [contradicts] against God?” On this basis those who hold the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine are contradicting God Himself.
Because the traditional teaching is so ingrained in commentaries, concordances, Bible dictionaries, books and in people’s minds, it is very hard for anyone brought up with this belief to shake it off.
Accordingly we will make an examination of the word “Gentiles” as commonly used in the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine, and then give some answers to particular popular Bible verses that are the mainstay of the “Jews and Gentiles” belief, and how there has been an identity switch made.
That there are two parties in the New Testament does not mean to say the two parties have to be Jews and Gentiles in the way that this is taught. Rather than that, the existence of two parties confirms what is taught in the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets about the division of Israel into two kingdoms from which arose the House of Israel [ten tribes] and the House of Judah [two tribes]. These two houses are shown in prophecy to be a continual vexation to each other, with a “middle wall of partition” between them, until they are reconciled together under the New Testament [Isaiah 11:13]. But both parties are still Israelites!
This word, GENTILE, originated from the Latin Vulgate translation, where the Roman doctrine said that the Roman Church had become the Israel of the Bible. Even more recently, Pope Pius XI reinforced this saying, “Spiritually, we Christians are Semites”. The inference of the word “Gentile”, in the Roman Catholic context is, “one who is not of Rome”. In the English translations that were partly based upon the Latin Vulgate, this Latin word has carried on with a similar interpretation but instead of meaning “not of Rome” it has become to mean “not of Israel”. In the minds of those to whom Rome and Israel were synonymous, there was no difference; to be of the Roman Catholic Church was to belong to and to be part of Israel. Rome accommodated all races that could buy citizenship. Effectively, this is redefining “race” as being “belief” and this is still done today in the field of “Human Rights”. Rome calls herself a universal church with a universal Pontiff and is the originator of both modern and ancient universalism in the Christian religion.
But, unfortunately, translators have transliterated this Latin word, “Gentile”, into their versions, and it has carried forward even into recent translations. By transliterating the Latin form, it has allowed scope for the idea that the untranslated Latin word “gentilis” referred to non-Roman to continue. Switch the “Roman” to “Israel” [because Rome said she was Israel] and we then find how Rome expressed the two parties as “Israel” and “non-Israel”. This has continued even to this day. This doctrine has found its way into commentaries and Bible dictionaries and through these media, most Christians are still influenced, and deceived.
The meaning of “Gentiles” which comes from the Latin is confusing. The Latin noun “gen” means ‘a nation’ and is equivalent to “ethnos”. However, the word Gentiles does not come from the noun but from the adjective, gentilis, which means “of” or “belonging to” a nation. In all Paul’s writings that are to Israelites, he uses ethnos to refer to his outcast kinsmen of Israel because that is how they were addressed in the Old Testament Scriptures – Gen19:4-6; Gen18:18; Deut32:41(the “with” is not in the Hebrew text); Ps 22:27,28; Ps 57:9; Ps 67:4; Ps 81:8; Ps 108:3; Ps 117:1; Is 5:26; Is 11:12; Is 34:1; Jer 1:5,10. The Latin distorts and obscures these facts and we need to check its context every time it appears in the text.
In both the Hebrew and the Greek there is no word even approaching the way “Gentile” is used today. In the concordances we can see the influences of the religious teaching of the day and age where the Roman influence is manifest.
Strong H1471. Gowy or goi [goyim Pl.]: a foreign nation, hence a Gentile, also a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts, heathen.
Strong G1484. Ethnos [Ethne Pl] a race [as of the same] habit, that is, a tribe; spec. a foreign [non- Jewish] one [usually by impl. pagan] Gentile, heathen, nation, people.
We must remember that concordances give usage rather than definitions but within these we can see part of the true meaning “like of the same habit and tribe”. The lexicons are more definitive.
Thayer: A multitude [whether of men or beasts] associated or living together … of the same nature or genus.
Vine Denotes firstly a multitude or company, then a multitude of people of the same nature or genus. It is used in the singular of the Jews for example, Luke7:5, Luke23:2; John 11:48:50-52.
Vine goes on to show that Gentile is used in Scripture of both Jews and non-Jews. [Strong and Vine use the word “Jew” for “Israel” following the understanding of the periods].
It is time to look at the words translated as “Gentile”. In the KJV translation of the Bible, immediately the strange fact of multiple inconsistent translations can be seen.
Gowry – goi – goyim
374 times as nations 143 times as heathen 30 times as gentiles 11 times as people
ethnos – ethne
64 times as nations 5 times as heathen 93 times as gentiles 2 times as people.
Now, when we compare versions, we find that the number of times we find the word “Gentiles” increases from 93 times in the KJV to 129 times in the NASB. This immediately alerts us that there is a problem with this word. It at once suggests that the NASB is writing doctrine into its version, even more that the KJV does.
In the author’s paper, “Galatians and Israel Exclusive”, we can look at the “Greeks”. In the original text the word Hellen is used thirty five times, but our translators have also chosen to translate this word (wrongly) as “Gentile”, particularly in the Book of Romans. Ethnos and Hellen are quite different words! Sometimes the justification is to say that the Greeks were not “Jews” and therefore they must be “Gentiles”. This is not translating; rather it is interpreting Scripture in the translations. There is neither rhyme nor reason for all these various translations and mis-translations, other than to perpetuate a wrong belief!
The commonly accepted meaning of the word “Gentile” immediately falls down from the translation point of view alone. When we add the fact that the word in Hebrew is used also of Israel it falls further! When we show the real meaning from the New Testament, it falls right out of sight! The Hebrew and Greek words mean “nations” as races and peoples. They mean any group of a common origin, including Israel, when this is the context.
Let us look at some Old Testament Scriptures where the word Gowy, Goi or Goyim are used. If we apply the logic concerning Gentiles for these verses, we can see the ridiculous conclusions that could be reached by transposing translations. Remember that goi and ethnos are used of Israel as well as of other races.
Gen 12:1,2 Now the Lord said unto Abram … and I will make of thee a great nation
Gen 17:5 A father of many nations have I made thee.
Did God make a great non-Israel “Gentile” nation out of Abraham and did Abraham father many Gentiles? Was the great nation other than Israel? We need not comment here on the singular “nation” and the plural “nations”.
Gen 25:23 And the Lord said unto her (Rebecca), Two nations are in thy womb … Could Rebecca have what would become two non-Israel “Gentiles” in her womb?
Gen 48:19 And his seed shall become a multitude of nations.
There is no evidence in Scripture that Ephraim would produce a lot of non-Israelites. Indeed, Ephraim became the leading Tribe of the House of Israel.
Gen 46:3 And he said, I am God, the God of thy father (Isaac) fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation.
Could the sons of Jacob be a great non-Israel nation of “Gentiles”?
Jer 31:36 If those ordinances [the sun and the moon] depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me for ever.
As the word for “nation” is the same as that translated “Gentile”, we could equally read the seed of Israel shall not cease from being Gentiles before Me. We could even say Israel would not cease from being heathen! This is absurd!
When we consider the word ethnos, which is sometimes translated as “Gentiles” in the New Testament, we have another block of translations among which we could make transpositions. The consequences are equally absurd!
Luke 7:5 For he loved our nation, and has built for us a synagogue.
Would that section of Jewry be pleased if the Centurion had built a synagogue for the so-called Gentiles or the heathen? “Nation” is the word ethnos.
Luke 23:2 We found this fellow perverting the nation, … Would “The Jews” care so much if Jesus were perverting the “Gentiles”?
John 11:48 … the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. For the Romans to come to Judea and take away “our” Gentiles gets more that a little foolish.
John 11:49,50 Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.
Caiaphas did not know that this word ethnos would be translated as “Gentile” and “heathen” and note he used “nation” in the singular. Jesus did die for the sheep that the Father had given Him and only that many. He gave Himself a ransom “for many”; but not every race on earth. It is explained that the Law and Covenants given to the seed of Israel only were not given to other races. We will see more of what “many” means later in this paper.
Acts 10:22 Cornelius … of good report among all the nation of the Jews …
“Nation” is ethnos which is often translated as “Gentiles”, so could we possibly have “Gentiles of the Jews”, in the popular conception?
Acts 24:17 … I came to bring alms to my nation and offerings.
Here Paul would be saying that he brought alms to his “Gentiles” in Jerusalem. Paul was an Israelite of the Tribe of Benjamin.
We just have to admit that there is no such word in all of Scripture which matches up with the common acceptance of the word “Gentile”. We can now see that goi [Heb] and ethnos [Greek] can mean both Israelites and non-Israelites.
Some teachers who admit to goi and ethnos being used of Israel declare that in the singular they refer to Israel and in the plural they refer to all the non-Israel nations. Galilee of the Gentiles in Matthew 4:15 is said to refer to “Gentiles” because it is the plural. When we make a comparison with Acts 1:11, “ye men of Galilee”, and Acts 2:7, “are not all that speak Galileans?”, it has to be admitted that the disciples were Israelites even if they were from Galilee, and so the expression, “Galilee of the Gentiles” is about Israelites living in Galilee. But it is not about Israelites living in Judea.
We have already seen on the origin of the word “Gentile”. There appears to be no evidence that the Apostles could properly distinguish between Israelites and non-Israelites in the nations, to which they went. Hence the message had to be taken to the nations in order for the message to reach “all men” of the descendants of the outcast Israelites. These men had the capacity to believe God and so could accept the ‘good news’ and become reinstated as God’s people. But the Roman error was picked up and it has come to prevail. Of course, the originator, the arch-cult-type, the Roman Catholic Church keeps on its unchanging
false doctrine and false identification. But she is the one with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and by whom they have been deceived through her sorceries [Rev 17:2 and Rev 18:23]. It was Rome who originated the error in doctrine about the “Gentiles”.
But we are told to come out of her my people [Rev 18:4]. God’s chosen people Israel are warned to come out of all of Rome’s doctrines, including Rome’s universalism! Multitudes today are going Rome’s way. But the great whore will be cast down; God has so decreed, and none need be partakers of her plagues. Who rejoices when Babylon is cast down? Is it not the holy [set-apart] apostles and prophets? [Rev 18:20]. One has to come out to be set-apart! The Faithful and True will come to judge and make war on that whore Rome [Rev 19:11]. The “wife” must get ready. It is the saints [Israel by Bible definition - see Psalm 148:1] who wear the white linen [Rev 19:8]. The voice from out of the Throne addresses His servants. They are the ones who have the right to enter the city through those twelve gates. Would there be much point in mentioning this if every race went through those gates?
Rev 21:12 Rev 21:27
And a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes the children of Israel.
And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
A comment here might well be helpful because Rev. 21:12 is confirmed in the Book of Zachariah where we find Israelites only within the New Jerusalem, with the other races outside the City of God. This being so shows that there is no scope for the popular “grafting in” and “adoption” doctrines. “The Twelve Tribes” is rather definitive and cannot possibly be moulded into the popular concept of the “Church”. To do that it would be necessary for a switch in identity to be made, but this cannot be done because we are told, “The promises made to the fathers (of Israel) are fulfilled in us their children (offspring)”-(Acts 13:32).
Who works the abomination in doctrine? Is it not the mother of harlots and abominations? Who spreads the doctrine of universalism? Who originated it? The meaning of Catholicism is universalism! Search the Scriptures and see which race is the only race written in the Book of Life, and when this was done!
JESUS IS THE REDEEMER OF KINSMEN! If anyone believes the “go ye into all the world” and “Jesus died to save the world” doctrine in the way Rome (and most churches) interprets the world, then that person cannot believe that Jesus is our [that is, Israel’s] Kinsman-Redeemer. At the Second Advent Jesus will ignore those who are not His kinsmen.
In the second chapter of the author’s book, The Exclusive Nature of Israel in the New Testament, many New Testament Scriptures were quoted to show that the Apostle Paul wrote to Israelites and that he could not have been writing to anyone else.
Gal 2:7 “The gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter”.
Rom 11:13 “For I speak unto you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles”.
These verses are commonly used to support the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrine in the popular concept. In this view, the “uncircumcision” are the supposed “Gentiles” and the “circumcision” are supposed to be “The Jews”. Whatever would a circumcised “Gentile” be?
It is important to remember that the word translated as “Gentiles” in these verses is “ethnos” in Romans and “hellen” in Galatians. “Ethnos” refers to Israelites by the same term that applied to them in the Old Testament. “Hellen” is discussed in the author’s paper “Galatians and Israel Exclusive”. Everyone who has been taught that the Gentiles are always non-Israel does experience difficulty in “unlearning”. This is understandable, because this doctrine is what theology has taught; this is written into translations in a way that makes unlearning difficult.
Now we can look at some other Scriptures from the New Testament that show Israel as being the only people being addressed.
Acts 10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching (proclaiming) peace by Jesus Christ.
Acts 10:43 Acts 13:23 Acts 13:32,33
To Him give all the prophets witness, that through his name, whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.
Of this man’s seed hath God, according to his promise raised up unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus.
How the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children …
Here we see direct Scriptures that are particular and exclusive. We also have a whosoever to which all the prophets of Israel give witness. Now, in the Old Testament books, to what “whosoever” does the Redeemer of Israel come? Is it whosoever of Israel as the prophets say, or is it the “whosoever” of every race as translators think it should say? A positive decision has to be made! The word ”whosoever” is an objective pronoun that gives a specific meaning to a noun or subject. Thus it means, “whosoever of Israel”. For this reason, “whosoever” cannot mean “anyone of all races” when Israel is the context.
Someone might be thinking, Yes, but there are still two parties. This problem completely disappears when we take note of:
Matt 4:12 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee [from Judea].
Acts 9:31 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee …
The highlighted words show clearly that the two territories are treated differently. There was a clear barrier between the two. But both were Israelites of differing Houses.
Matt 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom …
Matt 4:15,16 The land of Zabulon and the land of Nepthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people which sat in darkness saw great light
The latter verse identifies these Israelites in Galilee and calls them “Gentiles”! It is historical fact that Israel separated into two Kingdoms and became known in prophecy as:
The House of Israel [10 tribes] also known as Ephraim and “the uncircumcision”. The House of Judah [2 tribes] ..also known as Judah and “the circumcision”.
Subsequently, both Kingdoms went into captivity in Assyria or Babylon. Following the captivities, all of the 12 tribes (except for a small remnant) went North and were dispersed among the nations. These became known as the Dispersion or Uncircumcision. A small remnant of the Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom returned to Palestine and formed the Judean nation. The ruling classes of the Judean nation were dominated by Edomites (Jews), and their subversion of the Scriptures, the Traditions of the Elders, became the religion of the land. The Judean nation practised circumcision and hence in the Scriptures, are referred to as the Circumcision. Consequently, the New Testament refers to two groups – the Uncircumcision (the Israelites outside the Judean nation) and the Circumcision (the Israelites inside the Judean nation).
The other uncircumcised races are not included in the uncircumcision, because the sum of the two groups addressed is “all Israel” in Romans 9.
But this is ignored by Churches that claim the “The Jews” means Israelites and that “Gentiles” means everyone else.
Most people would question this statement without even thinking about it! But let us look at this matter more closely. In the gospels, Jesus makes a clear distinction between Galilee and Judea, the latter being the territory of “The Jews” = The Judeans or Jewry.
John 7:1
John 11:53,54
Matt 19:1.
After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death. Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim.
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judea, beyond Jordan.,
And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum …
Matt 4:13
In the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, the footprints of Jesus are presented graphically on Pages 274 and 275 showing that Galilee was the major area of Jesus’ ministry.
Most Christians seem to think that Jesus dwelt among “The Jews” in Jerusalem, but this is not so. Christians seem to think that Jerusalem was the centre-point of Jesus’ teaching ministry. Jesus went to Jerusalem at particular times for particular purposes. His disciples did not appreciate these times about going up to Jerusalem, as Jesus once told them, “Your time is always now, but My time is not yet” [John 7:6]. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament times exactly regarding the Sabbaths and the feasts of Israel. Jesus said He knew the exact day of His crucifixion at Jerusalem [Matt 26:2]. He went to Jerusalem on exactly the right day [Nisan 10th] to be chosen by the Israelite people among the population as their King, and He was delivered to become the all-sufficient sacrifice for the redemption of His people. Jerusalem was the centre- point where Jesus would fulfil His mission and His Father’s Will to be the Passover Lamb for Israel. The institution of the Passover Lamb was only to Israel.
Across the border from Judea, mention is made of Ephraimites and Galileans [Benjamites]. Jesus was safe amongst the Israelites in Galilee whereas He was not safe amongst the Judeans. This fulfilled the prophecy made by Moses:
Deut 33:12 And of Benjamin he said, the beloved of the Lord shall dwell safely by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.
We have seen from Matthew 4:15,16 above that these Israelites in Galilee are called “Gentiles”. It was Galilee from whence Jesus picked out eleven of His disciples. Judas, the Judean, was the one who betrayed Jesus! Eleven of the disciples were not of “The Jews” and were not of Judah either.
When Jesus ascended, the witnesses are described as Men of Galilee in Acts 1:11 and Acts 2:7. In Acts 2:22 those addressed were Men of Israel, but not “Jews”. But whilst addressing the Men of Israel, the disciples soon came up against “The Jews” in the national leadership. The more we look into this matter, the more impossible it becomes to say The Jews and the Men of Israel refer to the same people.
Today most denominations are “Christian Zionists” who insist that “The Jews” and “Israel” are one and the same! We read that some of the priesthood believed in Jesus; all were not Edomites or other proselytes. Nicodemus was a “ruler of the Jews” and so was among the leaders. But his counsel was somewhat different as an Israelite non-Edomite! Jesus was speaking primarily of the leadership in general when referring to “The Jews”. Jesus described these leaders as “hirelings”, and not” the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not”. Each such person in the religious leadership was “climbing up some other way” and each was a thief and robber [John 10:1]. In Verse 5 Jesus calls them strangers and they are identifiable because of the what they were doing as making them different.
God says that Israel would always be a nation. A nation has government such as a King, the laws of the King, a territory, and a subject people. The word ethnos could not apply to a multi-racial church. Prophecy gives such positive identification of Israel. Israel is a separate people of a common racial origin. They would remain a nation [or nations] as long as the sun and the moon are shining [Jer 31:36].
The Hebrew and the Greek words which are sometimes translated “Gentile” have both pagan and Israelite connotations. The words goi and ethnos are used of any group of a common racial origin. The idea that the word refers only to non-Israel people comes from the translators, who took their lead from the Latin Vulgate whose interpretation of “Gentile” was one who was not of Rome. This can never mean “not a Jew” in the sense it is given today, because Judaism is multiracial! There are other words that apply to heathen and barbarians and Paul could have used these to describe non-Israelites if that had been his mind. But he did not! What the word “Gentile” has come to mean is not the original meaning and therefore not the true meaning.
It is necessary to point out:
1) If “The Gentiles” does not mean what we have been taught, then the word “Church” may not mean
what tradition teaches either.
2) If we want to declare that “The Gentiles” are non-Israel, then why does God say something different
and still isolate Israel and Judah from the other races?
3) If any want to say that Israel is now “The Church”, called out of every race, then they have a problem understanding the difference between race and nationality. These are not identical. Israel was scattered among the nations, and is regathered out of [not of] them. This means that they are separated from other races.
The Apostle Paul concludes his argument in the Book of Romans by saying:
Rom 11:26 And so shall all Israel be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the
Deliverer, and shall turn away all ungodliness from Jacob.
It is not said that the Deliverer will turn away ungodliness from others as well as from Jacob or that other than all Israel will be saved. It is “all Israel” that shall be saved. We cannot somehow change all races into “Jacob”.
The parties that make up “all Israel” are still the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Thus says the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets! Thus says the New Testament also! Therefore, the two groups are not “Jews and non-Jews”, or “Jews and Gentiles” in the popular concept.
There are many indoctrinated people who will not listen to any exposition about “Gentiles”, such as that above, and who rely upon certain passages that are supposed to “prove” their position. This paper would not be complete without a look at some of these.
Most of these claims are based upon the word, “Gentiles”, and usually exponents think that they have such heavy-weight ammunition that any recourse to comparing Scripture with Scripture is unnecessary. That is, they have the traditional meaning of the word “Gentiles” so fixed in their minds that they will not consider any alternatives or make any examination.
Let us look at some of these claims from actual email correspondence received. Some of the answers are written in a personal manner for this reason.
QUESTION: “The Prophet Amos, he says directly, “And all the Gentiles who are called by My name, Says the Lord who does this thing.” What clearer confirmation do you need that God has elected some from all the nations and that they will be gathered in along with all those of Israel who are true Israel as Paul teaches in Romans chapter nine?”
ANSWER: Who is always “called by my name” through Scripture? Look at over one hundred references! Who is this in the context of Isaiah 43:7? “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him”. Does not Jesus call his sheep by name? Who are always described as the “sheep”? Is it not Israelites? Goats are not called by name, are they?
QUESTION: Does not this Scripture shows that all Christians of all races are as one because of their belief? “Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may be one”.
ANSWER: Who does God say He is Father to? Where is any statement that God is the Father of all races? Who does “our” refer to? Jer. 31:9, “for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn”. Who are the firstborn sons?
QUESTION: Does not this Scripture tell us that God is merciful to everyone? “Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the fathers, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy’.
ANSWER: Where are, “The promises made to the fathers (of Israel)” ever said to be made to others? The “Gentiles” (also given as “nations” and “peoples”) are those referred to in Heb. 8:12 and 10:17, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more”. The total context here is Israel.
QUESTION: “For this reason I will confess to you among the Gentiles, And sing to Your name. He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore”.- [Psalm 18:48-50].
ANSWER: Whichever way you want to use the word “Heathen” or “Gentiles”, it does not change the context from “to David and his seed for evermore”. How does anyone manage to convert David’s seed into non- Israelites?
QUESTION: Do not these verses say there are two lots of people, Deut. 32:43, “And again he says: “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people!” And again: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!” [Psalm 117:1 and verse two says peoples in my view].
ANSWER: You create your own problem in that you have not recognized that “with” is an added word supplied by the translators to support their view. At least the KJV and the NASB puts “with” in italics to show it is an added word. “Heathen”, “Gentiles” or “Nations”, (whichever translation you like), has the gloss of, “a number of people accustomed to live together…a people…a nation”. Take out the “with” and you have, “Rejoice o nation, His people”. No, even Strong says, “people, tribe, nation”. Even in your version there is no “and” to determine two peoples. If they were different the grammar would tell us.
QUESTION: And again, Isaiah says: “There shall be a root of Jesse; And He who shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, In Him the Gentiles shall hope.” [Is. 11:10]. Does this not say that Jesus will reign over all races?
ANSWER: The New Testament confirms the Old Testament as to who Jesus will reign over.
Luke 1:32-33, “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end”.
No one can convert “the throne of his father David” or “the House of Jacob” to mean all races, or even a “spiritual” kingdom.
One does not have to be a genius to find out that the first “Gentiles” is not the same word and meaning as the second “Gentiles” in the Greek. The first word is 5971 “’am” that Strong gives as, “persons, members of one’s people, compatriots, country-men”, and also “kinsman, kindred”. The second word “Gentiles” is 1471 “gowry” that is sometimes used of Israel. Have you yet taken the trouble to pick up a concordance to find that this word is used of Israel (or are you scared to do this?). At least the KJV is honest enough to give “people” and “gentiles” to show there are two differing words in this one verse that are given one translation.
QUESTION: What about these verses”? “Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points, as reminding you, because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient– in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation, but as it is written: “To whom He was not announced, they shall see; And those who have not heard shall understand.”
ANSWER: Matt 10:6, “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, and Matt. 15:24, “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” answers this “clearly” (a word you like using). You are again relying on the word “Gentiles” which is used of Israel too. You just will to not examine this matter. You will see more about the identity of, “and those who have not heard” below. You should look at all the “not heard” through prophecy.
In this you are following traditions you will see why I can say this below. It is traditions that render the Word of God to be of “none effect”. You know Mark 13, “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered”. Of course that last part is a quote from the end of Isaiah chapter 52 just before the gospel is presented so strongly in chapter 53. It is preceded by, “So shall He sprinkle many nations”, and the next question looks at this word “many”.
QUESTION Now let me ask you one of those tough “language” questions about this verse: Why did the Holy Spirit say “many nations” instead of “both nations” if in fact there are only two nations or peoples involved in salvation?
ANSWER: At least you do not say, “sprinkle many Gentiles” as might have been expected! “Many” = rab is not an all-inclusive word. It is not the all-inclusive word, as you would like it to be. The gloss in the Septuagint is, “a number of people accustomed to live together- a nation”. Twelve tribes are “many”! The “many” used here is not the cardinal number so there is no question about “both”. Consider other places where “many” is used so you can compare Scripture with Scripture, such as Luke 2:34, “And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel”. “Many” in whom?
Do not dodge the “many” in Gen. 17:4, “As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham;
for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee”. You will find plural kings of Israel elsewhere to confirm this. In the following verse to that above you can see whom these “many” are. “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee”. I cannot see anywhere out of more than 500 places where ‘many” is used as you want to claim. Thus the odds are sure stacked against you, are they not?
ANSWER: This traditional idea infers that it does not concern any outside of the “Jews” in the “Jews and Gentiles” doctrinal belief. If this was so, why should “non-Jews’ quote it? But this is a book that defines the two parties concerned as being “The House of Israel and the House of Judah”, where these are the “Gentiles” and “Jews” as defined by Scripture, but not defined by tradition. This book defines who only the New Covenant is made with:
Heb. 8:8-10 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
Further to this, tradition does not use the word “Jews” in the same manner and meaning as Jesus does in John chapter eight.
ANSWER: How you reason is that Peter had difficulty in presenting the Gospel to Cornelius because one was a “Jew” whereas the Centurion was a “Gentile”, in your view. What you miss is that the House of Israel and the House of Judah had always had enmity between them, and you do not admit that the “middle wall of partition” that is what is broken down by the Gospel is between these two particular parties.
Isaiah 11:12-13, “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim”.
This of course also states exactly who are gathered to God, as do as most of the prophets who state they are only Israelites from the two Houses. Further to this, the Book of Corinthians tells us how the Corinthians could only be Israelites.
1 Cor. 10:1-5 “Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness”.
Cornelius is used by many as a supposed example of a so-called “Gentile” non-Israelite being saved, but the place of birth, or citizenship tells us nothing about race. Neither does the word “Italian”. The Roman army engaged or conscripted people of many races. Some declare that the Roman armies in Palestine were mainly British and German Saxons. But Scripture can determine this man’s race, even if he is not described as a “Jew” [or “Judean” as it is here].
In the AV of Acts 10:28, Cornelius is described as being of another nation but, the Greek text uses the word allophulos which is a compound of allos [another of the same kind], and phulos [a kindred tribe (phule)]. He was not “another” of a different kind…why ever ignore these language differences? Cornelius was a devout man, we are told, and he feared [the] God, therefore he was one who could believe. According to Vine, devout means careful as to the presence and claims of God. So Cornelius knew the Old Testament claims of God upon Israel. We do not find devout being used of people other than Israelites. Also, he feared “God” [Acts 10:2] and he prayed to [the] God and was heard by [the] God. “God” here is ho theos, the term used to denote the one true God. So, Cornelius was not a Roman polytheist! He was an Israelite! When we read, “And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses”. The Law of Moses concerned Israel, and so Acts 13:39 is likewise concerned with Israelites. And, “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” is not about the redemption of any but Israelites.
ANSWER: Peter addresses his book to “strangers scattered” just the same as James does and describes them as being “the twelve tribes”. The word “scattered” = diaspora in both books and Strong gives this as, “Israelites dispersed among foreign nations”. So this is just yet another case of “Gentiles” being Israelites. When we look at all the prophecy about the “scattering” and “gathering”, we have to reconsider. The word “strangers” is not a way out either. There are five major words in both Hebrew and Greek all with differing meanings, and some are Israelites.
The people being written to are described in, “Ye are a chosen (elect) generation”? Strong gives “generation” as meaning, “Offspring, family, stock, race, nation”.-i.e. nationality or descent from a particular people”. Thayer’s Lexicon confirms this with, “An aggregate of many individuals of the same nature, kind, sort, species”. Thus the basis of election is race.
“Strangers and Pilgrims” in Greek matches perfectly with the Hebrew in regard to Israelites (ger -torshab).
Peter was writing to people who had a king, and therefore to a nation. Do we really not see, “Honour the king” in 1 Peter 2:13 when we read this? Does any interpretation allow for a singular king over all the “Gentiles”? Israel was promised a king over them somewhere even when scattered, and that this would continue so long as the sun and moon are still functioning.
Peter takes us back to Hosea in 1 Peter 2:9, “Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy”, where he is talking about fulfilled prophecy made to Israel. So how could these “Gentiles” in the Book of Peter be non-Israelites? In the accusative, “Love the brotherhood” = adelphotes, this has to do with a common womb. Does the use of “us” in this book of Peter refer to those diaspora being addressed, or to others? It is only to “us” of the “diaspora”.
Even Strongs 1484 gives ethnos (translated as “Gentiles”) as “a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus”, so “Gentiles” may be Israelite or non-Israelite…that is, it means essentially, “any group of a common origin”. The context decides. Mr. Strong confirms that it is used of animals too, but we cannot think of Peter as addressing animals, can we? And none can come back to say that “born again” in, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” is the same as “born again” in John 3, even if many churches say so. People do not become “a people” this way.
ANSWER: This is sometimes used in connection with Rahab, to say that as a non-Israelite, she was justified by her faith. A full determination about Rahab and Ruth as being Israelites is too lengthy to be considered here, but three points will be made:
Argument is made that these women were non-Israelite, simply upon the grounds that that they were not living in Israelite territory. That is not proof at all. As for Ruth being a Moabitess, we can find three places in Scripture where Israel had eliminated the inhabitants of a part of Moab, “until there was none left”. This is the Israelite-occupied territory in Moab where Ruth had gone. There were no Moabites by race living there.
Argument is also made with Gabriel’s revelation to Zacharias in Luke 1:17, “And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings”.
God would not operate against His Own Laws regarding racial intermarriage.
It does not seem to matter to the exponents of this claim that they are extending the boundaries of the Gospel, and that in the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews that Rahab is listed in a list that is made up of Israelites only, as well as Adamic stock that predates Israel.
ANSWER: This view is based upon the traditional use of the word “Gentilies”. When God said to Abraham, “I will make a great nation of you”, since the word translated here as “nation” is exactly the same as that translated as “Gentile”, so was not God then saying to Abraham, “I will make a great Gentile of you”? Likewise, Rebecca had two Gentiles in her womb. The mentions of the “Book of Life” in The Revelation such as, “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”, tells us something about the time when the names are written into this book. We are also told who can be removed from this book.
Where the “nations” or “all nations” is written in the Hebrew or Greek, the inclusion of the article (not shown in most versions) determines that the subject people are the Israelites.
In quoting, “In “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”, it is common to make, “Christ Jesus” mean “Jesus Christ”. These two phrases do not mean the same. Grammar tells us “Christ Jesus” means “an anointed people belonging to Jesus”, whereas Jesus Christ means “Jesus the anointed one”.
Your statement makes an absolute denial that, “He came unto His own” as in John 1. This shows those Jesus came to were His already as “His own”. This confirms verses like, Matthew 1:21, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins”. That Israelites are so spoken of as being “His own” before Jesus came is spoken against today. “Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against”-(Luke 2:34). “Many in Israel” is not “many in all races”
ANSWER: Israel was scattered amongst many nations in punishment for breaking the covenant God had made with them. Prophecy tells us about the regathering of the House of Israel and the House of Judah from amongst the people they were scattered. In the Greek we find the word ‘”ek” is there that means “out from amongst”, and not “of”.
QUESTION: Does not Isaiah 11:10, “And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious” tell us that others besides Israelites will gathered to Jesus?
ANSWER: No it does not. Verse twelve says, “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth”. These are “the nations” of this context.
QUESTION: Does not Isaiah 41:1-2 say, “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street” say that the elect nation shall bring in the Gentiles too?
ANSWER: “Elect” as in “mine elect is a singular adjective. Your view is based upon your misunderstanding of what “Gentiles” means, and that this can vary according to context. The context is found confirmed in the first verse of the next chapter, “But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine”. The context is Israelite only.
In these Isaiah passages, please remember that here, as in other places, the word “Gentiles” may refer to Non-Israelites as well, e.g Isaiah 60:16. We can also see this in Gen. 10:5 and Judges 4, 2+13+16. We find passages like Isaiah 61:9, “And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed” where we can see how we have “Gentiles” and “the people” as differing words within one verse, where “people” = ‘am to which Strongs gives the meaning, “persons, members of one’s people, compatriots, country-men”.
Ezekiel 4:13, “And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them” is another illustration.
Matthew 20;19, “And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again”, is a New Testament illustration.
As always, these words must be kept in their context. Otherwise total confusion will reign.
This paper says that the so-called “Gentiles” being addressed in many places cannot possibly be other than Israelites. In general, they represent the House of Israel as opposed to the Judean nation. But the word may refer to non-Israelites as well. The Bible is a book about the whole nation of Israel and the covenants and promises made to that nation, either as a whole nation or to individual parts of it. The other races are mentioned in the Bible only as they affect Israel. The term “Greeks” is examined in another paper.
The popular use of “Gentiles” as always being non-Israelites, is wrong!
Links to previous articles:
Christians Duped By Another Unholy Hoax By The Insertion Of The Word Gentiles In The Bible. Who Are The Gentiles? There Is No Such Word As Gentiles In The Hebrew Manuscripts. You Will Be Surprised! Great Videos.
Race vs Religion. The Holy Bible Is A History Of The Racial Relationship Between The White Race Of The God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob And What God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob Requires Of Us In Our Relationship To The Other Pre-Adamic Races Here On Earth. Great Video That Explains How Religion Was Created To Control Man And Deceive Many.
Dr. Wesley Swift: Children of the Nephilim and Great Spiritual Treasures of The White Race. Dr. Swift Identifies The First Creation Of The White Race Civilization On Earth In What People Refer To As Atlantis. There Were Other PreAdamic Races on Earth Before The Two Creations Of The White Race. The White Race Were Made Special As The Covenant Race and The Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Great Eye Opening Videos.
Pastor Eli James: Identity in Genesis to Revelation Featuring Dr. Wesley Swift’s Work – In Order to Understand Revelation, We Have to Go Back to Genesis – There Were Two Creations of the White Race in Genesis 1 (Saints) and 2 (Elect) – Great Video – Gives You a Solid Foundation of Your Covenant Race, the End Times and the Harpazo
Links to prior heavily censored posts as BIN will not feature anything that goes against the Jewish party line and suppresses the post. There are lots more posts under More Stories as I just started linking my posts below in October.
And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)
Christian Identity: Identifying God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Holy Seed and Why It is So Important? A Panel Discussion On The Truth Of Judaism & How Judaism Is Diametrically Opposed To Christianity. Great Videos On Revealing The True Biblical Identity!
Chrstian Identity Archive With Impeccable Research On The Tribes Of Israel Including America Being The Tribe of Manasseh and Britain and the Commonwealth Being The Tribe of Ephraim. Free to everyone to learn the truth.
The Mystery of True Israel
The Greatest Hoax in History! Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie! Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!
Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, By Chuck E. Carlson – Great Video Showing How the Scofield Bible Was Corrupted to Push the Zionist Agenda
Who are the Gentiles?
Do Gentiles Exist And If So, Who Are They? You Will Be Surprised To Find That The World Gentile Was Inserted Into The Bible By The Catholics To Deceive Everyone And To Teach A Universal Religion That All Races Are Equal. Great Video.
Christians Duped By Another Unholy Hoax By The Insertion Of The Word Gentiles In The Bible. Who Are The Gentiles? There Is No Such Word As Gentiles In The Hebrew Manuscripts. You Will Be Surprised! Great Videos.
Who are the Gentiles? Can Anything Be “Judeo” Christian? Does Christianity Discriminate? Was Noah’s Flood A World Wide Flood Or Only A Partial Flood? One Of the Best Bible Scholars Of The Twentieth Century Provides The Answers To These Disturbing Questions Which Have Misled Many. Great Videos By Bertrand Comparet.
The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.
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American’s Enemies And The Red Dawn Invasion
The US Government is trying to tell you that China is the enemy of America as the Jews always use a frontman for their dirty work. Just look at 9/11. Jeremiah 51:57 tells us that our enemies are Ararat (Russia), Minni (China) and Ashkenaz (Ashkenazi Jews). The Bible tells us that it is the Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenaz) who are the brains behind the takeover of America and Russia and China are their pawns as well as the United Nations. Rottenchild and the Jews wants to destroy America (The Tribe of Manasseh) in order for The State of Israel to be the next super power to run the stinking Jew New World Odor! The Jews used America to build up Russia during WW2 and built up China starting with Nixon to send all the manufacturing and oil refinery to China. Germany (The Royal Tribe of Judah) was completely pillaged after WW1 and WW2 and the patents stolen and sent to Russia, Britain and America for the JNWO. Judah is the battle axe for the Tribes of Jacob and completely decimated after WW2. The Jews control America and is even in recorded in the Congressional record in 1957.
The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites. They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago. The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white.
The white race are the true Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and God’s Holy Seed and heirs to the covenant. The Devil and his children (the Jews) are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His son Yeshua Hamashiach (Messiah Jesus) and the white race.
See Major Jordan Diaries link below and Texe Marrs Die America Die on China link below this post to understand the transfer of America ‘s technology and riches to Russia and China respectively. See Dr. Luke Prophet’s article on the Red Dawn Invasion of America to understand the Red Dawn Invasion of America that likely occur in December 2020.
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob warns all of His people (the white race and Christians grafted in) to FLEE in Jeremiah 51:6. Best places to Flee to is Egypt and Jordan (Daniel 11:41). The Greater Second Exodus will originate in Egypt so it is preferable to go to Egypt.
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People cannot catch the Covid unless they take they are injected with it with a vaccine such as the Covid or flu or any vaccine or the Covid test. We are commanded to guard our blood and our DNA in the Bible so do not submit your blood either.
CDC’s failed coronavirus tests were tainted with coronavirus, feds confirm
There is a a high probability that people will die from wearing a mask as the unmasked buried the masked in the Spanish Flu 1918 as the mask causes people to get bacterial pneumonia.
The fallen angels here on earth (primarily in the Ashkenazi Jew lineage which are the devil’s children) created this covid-19 scamdemic in order for people to beg for the Covid-19 vaccine which will change your DNA and have an RFID chip in it to tag, track and ID every person on the planet that you will not be able to remove from your body.
The Beast has more than one mark of the beast. The Covid-19 DNA changing vaccine has an RFID chip in it and with the hyrdrogel in the Covid-19 vaccine will fuse to your body and you will not be able to remove it. They want to tag track and ID you for 24/7 Global Surveillance.
Do not affix or insert anything in your body such as Musk’s Neuralink, Gate’s tattoos and Covid-19 vaccines and these electronic tattoos as these are all forms of the Mark of the Beast. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine and people that choose to take the Mark of the Beast, will be separated from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for an eternity in eternal darkness. There is no chance of redemption according Revelation Chapter 14.
You should not take the Covid-19 tests either as the tests have been contaminated and will give you the virus or something worse. The Covid-19 PCR test is not reliable and not designed to test for a virus. ”The COVID19 test” being run at such high number of cycles that as the inventor of the test, the late Dr. Kary Mullis warned, “you can find almost anything in anybody.”
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Flower Of Life & Sacred Geometry Used In All Of Creation By Our Creator Of Heaven And Earth Who Is The Ultimate Mathematician! The 144,000 Is In The Flower Of Life And Relates To The First Creation Of The 144,000 Saints – Awesome Video!
Second Wave Documentary! [2020] – V For Vendetta (Documentary) Great Video
Rothschild’s Sino-Russo-Israeli New World Order And The Controlled Demolition Of America. Excellent Video!
The Nibiru Movie. The Secret Origins Of Our World! Great Video!
The 2020 Election Selection. Trump Is the Tip Of The Spear. The Year of the Dragon Has Arrived And Dark Winter Coming. Great Videos!
The Human History Movie Showing How The Nephilim Came To Lemuria On Earth After Destroying Mars And Then Destroyed Lemuria. Only A Remnant Of The Hebrews Survived. This Remnant Are The 144,000 Mentioned In Revelation 7 & 14 And From The First Creation In Genesis 1. Great Video!
Why the Lockdown? Ian R Crane Explains the Real Agenda – Brilliant Video!
Trump To Exterminate Americans! Must See! Great Video!
Donald Trump Signs $10M Holocaust Brainwashing Bill While America Burns And People Starve. Great Educational Videos For People That Are Interested in Learning The Truth Since The Schools No Longer Teach The Truth.
Fritz Springmeier: World System The Illuminati Structure. Great Video!
ODD TV: Predictive Programming. 100% Proof of Hollywood Brainwashing & Foreknowledge. Big Bird Tells Us What Will Happen To Anyone Who Gets The Killer Gates Covid-19 Vaccines! Great Videos!
Why Is Trump’s Presidential Campaign 2020 Selling Freedom Hats With A Decapitated Eagle With No Claws And With The Satanic Pentagrams On It? Is Trump Planning To Decapitate All Christians And Patriots Like The Eagle On This Hat? Find Out What Trump Is Telling Us. Great Videos!
America’s Secret Destiny – Ralph A. Epperson. Great Video Showing The New World Order Plans All They Way Back To 1776!
Ralph tells us that Trump will be elected for a second term as all Presidents serve 8 years and alternate between the Demon Rats and the Repulican Rats since 1920. Presidents are selected and not elected.
Planned Genocide Against The White Race! The White Supremacy Lie! Must See Banned Videos To Understand Who The Enemy Is!!
Trump Gave Pope Francis Books By Martin Luther King, Jr. At His Vatican Meeting In 2017. A Deeper Look At Martin Luther King Jr. To See Why He Is Treasured By These Two. Great Videos!
Fritz Springmeier: Illuminati Human Cloning And Immortality. Excellent Video.
Dr. Ron Carlson Exposes The Cult of Freemasonry. Excellent Videos.
Mossad 101 Restricted Information. Great Video To Show How The Majority Americans Have Been Duped!
Wow! The Jewish Question Famous Quotes! Fasten Your Seatbelt! Great Video Banned On Youtube!
The UN is planning on eliminating the white race which is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
The white Christain nations cannot be conquered unless they are flooded with immigrants as confirmed by former Britisih PM Benjamin Disraeli who was also Jewish and a Rothschild in his book.
Google “Replacement Migration”. The UN Are Replacing The Western Nations With Radical Islamists To Weaken The White Christian Nations. Great Video!
Nov. 3rd, 58 Days Till Year End, Election Day TOMBSTONE & Lincoln’s VIRUS is Happening NOW!. Great Video By Enter The Stars!
Trump vs Kamala, The Battle For The Lotus – Lets Get Ready To Rumble. I Pet Goat 2 decoded. Excellent Video!
See Trump’s secreat weapons. One of them are US government preachers infiltrating the churches.
Trump’s Secret Weapons Unleashed! Great Videos!
Secret Societies: The Dark Mysteries Of Power Revealed. Great Videos!
How The State Of Israel Censors The Internet – Banned From Youtube! Great Video! Watch While You Can!
Will There Be A Third World War? Wars and Rumors of Wars! Remember, Remember 5th November! Great Videos By Shaking My Head.
Jewish Kabbalah (Zohar 1,25b) “Exterminate All Non-Jews”.
The Jewish Utopia Written By A Psychopath For Psychopaths That A Jewish Utopia Is Coming But Messiah Jesus Tells Us Otherwise. Excellent Decode And Videos!
Wake Up Stupid, It’s The Jews! Excellent Videos To Understand Who Is Trying To Take America Down In Order To Establish The Stinking Jew New World Odor!
Trump’s Pedophiles. Must See!! Great Videos!
The Countdown : Fall Of 2021. Awesome Videos To Give You The Cold Hard Facts What Is Going On And Cut Through The Deception!
The Jewish Mafia – Wexner, Maxwells, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed! Great Video!
Secret Societies – Bankers. – Ralph Epperson
Secret Societies – How The Bankers Took Control Of The World!. Awesome Video!
The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.
Project Zephyr Exposed – Tag, Track, ID And Extermination It’s Happening In 2020 Wake Up. Awesome Video!
David Goldberg confirms what Klaus the Louse Schwab (World Economic Forum) is telling us in the “America The Blight” video below. The object of the Covid-19 vaccines is to tag , track and ID everyone on the planet! God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine. The Covid-19 vaccines will make us a cyborg and we will lose our free will and consciousnes and turn us into zombies. The Covid-19 vaccines will attack our Chromosome 8 and make us mentally retarded and have our immune system attack on us.
David Goldberg’s Final Words Before He Was Murdered. Projects Pogo & Project Zyphr Leaked And The Plan To Exterminate Millions Of Christians and Patriots. Who Will Be The Future King Of Israel? Great Videos.
Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER and David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Awesome Videos.
AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to the Madness Shocker: They Are Telling Us The Purpose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Is To Tag, Track & ID Us. Awesome Video By Dayz Of Noah!
Featuring Klaus The Louse Schwaab (World Economic Forum).
Tracked Like Cattle – QR Codes – RFID Chips – Quantum Dots. Tracked ‘Til Death’ – ID2020 – “Digital Vaxines” – The Digital Currency Beast System Is Upon Us. Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head.
The unmasked buried the masked in the “Spanish Flu.” What did people in masks die from? Bacterial pneumonia. Who knew this and wrote about it in 2008? Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The Unmasked Buried The Masked In The “Spanish Flu.” What Did People In Masks Die From? Bacterial Pneumonia. Who Knew This And Wrote About It In 2008? Fauci! Excellent Videos! Banned Everywhere!
Andre and Pastor Bob have a very interesting discussing on idols and the Federeral Reserve Jewish Banking System that has enslaved everyone.
Stop Worshipping Idols! Awesome Biblical Discussion On Idol Worship Focussing Primarily On The Jewish Federal Reserve System That Controls The World Wide Economies (Video)!
Revelation 2:9 Jewish People Are Not The Israelites Of The Bible Exposed By Texe Marrs
Alex “Shill” Jonestein speaks with New World Order expert author Texe Marrs. (((Their))) own science exposes (((them))). (((They))) are NOT linked to Jacob who became Israel. (((They))) are the chosen people of the satanic kingdom. Revelation 3:9
Where are the real Hebrews? Where are the real 12 tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel? Wake up out of your sleep Jacob which is the white race of the Western European Christian Nations, Britain, the Commonwealth and America!! Come back to the Bible. Come back to the Father who chose you to represent himself on this Earth and to be a light to everyone else. Humble yourselves and return to your King and Messiah Jesus. The end is near and your rulership is next.
REVELATION 2:9 (KJV) – I Know the Blasphemy of (((them))) that say (((they))) are Jews, And Are NOT, But are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
Alex Jones To Retire Next Year – Admits To Amphetamine Abuse On Joe Rogan. Whitney Webb & Aliens. Great Videos!
TRUMP, “Friday the 13th” & Jason Voorhees CREEPY CONNECTION. Arrow of APOLLO, Standing Stones, TIME TRAVEL. TWO Lincolns? Great Videos By Enter The Stars.
Get Your Corona Bacon Mask Today! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!!! Wake Up – TV Is Casting A Spell On You! Great Videos By Shaking My Head.
Flat Earth, Jews, Jesuits & More – ODD TV Interview. Great Video!
The farmers had their land stolen from under them by the Jewish bankers and the farmers certainly knew their enemy 35 years ago. The Jewish lying main stream media (ABC News) demonized the farmers and the Israel Christian Identity movement and called them terrorists for wanting to go back to following all the laws of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The Puritans founded America based on the Laws of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and now that the Jews invaded America, they demonize anyone trying to follow God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s commandments and ordinances.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20 KJV)
The Seed Of Hate. How The Lying Jewish Owned Media Turns The Christians Into Terrorists. Great Video!
TED GUNDERSON CHRONICLES – The Jew New World Order Plan discussed in Detail
The New World Order Plan Discussed In Detail By Whistleblower Who Was Killed By The Illuminati! The Plan Is Materializing Before Our Eyes. Awesome Videos!
Jesuits Are Crypto Jews. Must See! Excellent Video!
Rothschild Created Communist Red China. Find Out What Happened To The Oil In Iraq That Was Supposed To Pay For The US – Iraq War. Awesome Video By Christian Author!
The Chinese ghost cities in China will be used for slave labor camps where the remnant of The Tribes of Jacob-Israel (the white race from the Christian nations) will be sent.
Yet I will leave a remnant, for some of you will escape the sword when you are scattered among the nations and throughout the lands. (Ezekiel 6:8 Berean Study Bible)
to disperse their offspring among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands. (Psalm 106:27 Berean Study Bible)
The plan to take down America and build up China has been in the works for quite some time. Cheyney (a crypto Jew) made a secret oil deal that he refused to disclose it to Congress. America has enough oil for all her needs but the oil companies locked up the rights so no one can drill very much in the USA in order to build up China.
Die America Die! Awesome Video Based On Book By A Christian Author! Texe Marrs
New Age Plan For A One World Stinking Jew New World Odor! Great Video!
Robert Alchemy. Excellent Video!
Jesuits Are Crypto-Jews. Awesome Video!
New World Order – Pope Francis Kissing The Hands Of Rothschild & Rockefeller. Great Video!
Martin Luther On The Jews And Their Lies! Excellent Video.
The Brainwashing of America and Exploding the Chosen People Myth. Awesome Video!
The Race Riots Between the Whites And The Blacks In America Are Right Out Of the Playbook Of The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion. Awesome Videos That Reveal The Enemy!
The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans, The Royal Tribe of Judah.
The Great Melting Pot: The Final Solution To Exterminate the White Race Through Mongrelization, Sterilization, Starvation, Vaccination and War! The Full Europa Documentary Details The Jewish Plans In Detail! Very Informative Videos!
The Holy Scriptures in the Bible tell us that the White Anglo-Saxon race is “the Holy Seed” of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and not to race mix with other nations and peoples.
Exodus 22:31
You are to be My holy people. You must not eat the meat of a mauled animal found in the field; you are to throw it to the dogs.
Deuteronomy 7:3
Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons,
Deuteronomy 14:2
for you are a holy people belonging to the LORD your God. The LORD has chosen you to be His prized possession out of all the peoples on the face of the earth.
Joshua 23:12-13
Else if ye do in any wise go back, and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with them, and go in unto them, and they to you: Know for a certainty that the LORD your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.
Ezra 9:2
For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass.
Ezra 9:12
Now, therefore, do not give your daughters in marriage to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. Never seek their peace or prosperity, so that you may be strong and may eat the good things of the land, leaving it as an inheritance to your sons forever.’
Ezra 9:14
shall we again break Your commandments and intermarry with the peoples who commit these abominations? Would You not become so angry with us as to wipe us out, leaving no remnant or survivor?
Ezra 10:2
Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel, an Elamite, said to Ezra: “We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women from the people of the land, yet in spite of this, there is hope for Israel.
Ezra 10:18
Among the descendants of the priests who had married foreign women were found these descendants of Jeshua son of Jozadak and his brothers: Maaseiah, Eliezer, Jarib, and Gedaliah.
Nehemiah 13:3
As soon as the people heard this law, they excluded from Israel all of foreign descent.
Nehemiah 13:23
In those days I also saw Judeans who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab.
Isaiah 6:13
And though a tenth remains in the land, it will be burned again. As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when felled, so the holy seed will be a stump in the land.”
Malachi 2:11
Judah has broken faith; an abomination has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem. For Judah has profaned the LORD’s beloved sanctuary by marrying the daughter of a foreign god.
“Diversity is a code word for White Genocide” to Weaken The White Christian Israelite Nations
The White Europeans, Britain, the Commonwealth and Americans are the 13 tribes of Israel. Not the Jews. That is why Satan wants to genocide the white race. Satan’s children, the Jews, know who the white race is. This is why they flooded all the white nations with non-white people. The Holy Scriptures tell us not to race mix and to remain a pure white race and not to corrupt our DNA with the COVID-19 tests and COVID-19 vaccines or the Elon Musk’s Neuralink.
Jacob’s brother Esau race mixed with the Edomites and later became known as the Esauites-Edomites which is today modern Jewry. Esau never forgave his brother Jacob for taking his inheritance for a bowl of lentil stew.
In the 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, it states “EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41. The Jewish Almanac 1980 Pg.3 states Jews are not Israelites or Hebrews. The Pharisees, which are now the Ashkenazis, told Jesus the Messiah that they are of Abraham’s seed but were never in bondage, which can only mean one thing. The Pharisees / Ashkenazis are descendants of Esau which mixed with other races and became known as the Edomites (John 8:33).
Satan believes that if he can kill off the population, then there will be no one of faith left to call upon Jesus the Messiah to return to earth as detailed in Hosea 5:15.
In Hosea 5:15, Jesus tells us: ”I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.”
In Matthew 24:22, describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that “if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible).
In Numbers 22—24, we find the story about Balaam and the king of Moab, a man called Balak. King Balak wanted to curse and therefore weaken the children of Israel, who on their way to Canaan had moved into his territory.
Balak followed Balaam’s advice, and The Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel fell into sin, worshiping Baal of Peor and committing fornication with Midianite women. For this God sent a plague, and 24,000 men died (Numbers 25:1–9; Deuteronomy 23:3–6).
Balaam’s name and story became well known and he is referred to several times in the New Testament. Peter compares false teachers to Balaam, “who loved the wages of wickedness” (2 Peter 2:15). Jude echoes this sentiment, associating Balaam with the selling of one’s soul for financial gain (Jude 1:11). Finally, Jesus speaks of Balaam when He warns the church in Pergamum of their sin: “There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites (the Tribes of Jacob which is the white race) to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality” (Revelation 2:14). Satan’s tactics haven’t changed all that much. If he cannot curse God’s people directly, he will try the back-door approach through idolatry, sexual immorality and race mixing to achieve his ambitions to destroy the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel or the White Race.
The Real Agenda Behind The Race Wars.
The Jews (Satan’s chidlren) are behind all race wars and attacking the Whites using The Blacks as their pawns. The Jews always pit the blacks against the whites to divide and weaken the nations so that they can conquer all of us. The Jews are behind the White privilege campaign and the Jews are more privileged than any White Israelite (Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel). The first move in their agenda was to bring in multiculturalism which the whites allowed the Jews to do without even having a referendum. The Whites are now suffering for allowing the Jews to have outsmarted them and the Whites are now a bunch of lily livered swine that deserve everything that get from these blood suckers. The Bible tells us not to race mix so let us put all the Jews on the first ship to the State of Rothschild. Let’s all hope it is the Titanic!
It is a typical communist propaganda tactic to try to humiliate the whites to bow down to the blacks and then later to kiss their asses. It is a well know fact that it was the J-e-w-s who were the slave masters of the Blacks and the J-e-w-s owned and operated the slave ships in Africa and brought the black slaves to America. Once the J-e-w-s take over the World in the Stinking Fascist Jewish New World Odor, then they will declare Jewish Privilege and Jewish Supremacy over all the Non Jews and will make all the Non Jews their slaves.
The Promises made by The One God to Abraham and To His Descendants through Isaac and Jacob
The War between Esau-Edom (Modern Jewry) and Jacob Surnamed Israel (the White Christians) Rages On
Esau has been at war with Jacob-Israel from the time he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Esau race mixed with the Edomites who today form Modern Jewry. The Edomites (the Jews) have been plotting to kill all of Jacob surnamed Israel (the Tribes) and they killed off hundreds of millions of Israelites (white Christians) in the contrived Rothschild banker wars to steal their assets and reduce their population including WW1 and WW2. Modern Jewry (the Edomites) are planning to slaughter all the Christians and the white Israelites in the upcoming WW3 in order to bring in the Fascist Edomite Jewish Stinking New World Odor.
When Jesus the Messiah touches down to earth, He will destroy Edom (Modern Jewry) and all the nation’s armies that are surrounding Jerusalem who conspired against True Jacob Surnamed Israel (the white Christians). Jesus will kill all the Edomites and clear out the Promised Land before He leads his flock of Jacob surnamed Israel home and all the non Israelite Christians grafted in.
Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? (Isaiah 63:1)
Jesus the Messiah and King of Kings, is first going to Bozrah (Petra Jordan area) when He touches down to earth to destroy all the armies surrounding Jerusalem including the Edomites (modern Jewry) which is why His clothes will be stained with blood. Only 1/6 of the armies surrounding Jerusalem will survive and be able to return to their home land according to Bible prophecy.
1Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 2And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel: (Ezekiel 39:1-2 KJV)
The absorption of Edom/Idumea into Judea is recorded by Josephus and Strabo. See link below.
The Book of Obadiah is a future prophecy of Edom and Esau being destroyed for dealing treacherously with his brother Jacob surnamed Israel when Jesus the Messiah Touches down to earth.
Ezekiel records prophecies against Edom, using the name Mount Seir which is the area belonging to Esau’s descendants. Israel (the Tribes of Jacob-Israel) was forbidden from invading or capturing that territory except when Edom became a threat to Judah, God did allow Judah to attack (2 Chronicles 25).
The final mention of Mount Seir is a warning in Ezekiel 35:15: “Because you rejoiced when the inheritance of Israel (The Tribes of Jacob-Israel) became desolate, that is how I will treat you. You will be desolate, Mount Seir, you and all of Edom. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
Today, Mount Seir (the mountainous region of Seir or the hill country of Seir) is in the country of Jordan. It is known in Arabic as Jibāl ash-Sharāh. The Jews are predominantly located in the USA and the Rothschild state of Is-ra-hell and will be destroyed accordingly to Bible Prophecy in two stages (Obadiah and Revelation 18:2-6 when Babylon (America) is destroyed)
The Murderers & The Mongrels. The Sheep And The Goats. Messiah Jesus Told Us The Truth As To Who Our Enemies Are Today. These Patriots Tried To Warn Us. Awesome Videos!
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
Myron Fagan, a Jew substantiates the quote by Israel Cohen above. Here’s what he says about it:
“Around 1910; one Israel Zengwill wrote a play entitled “The Melting- Pot.”
“It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews because the play purportedly visualized how the American people were discriminating against, and persecuting Jews and Negroes.
“At that time nobody seemed to realize that it was a propaganda play.
“It was that cleverly-written.
“The propaganda was well wrapped-up in the truly great entertainment in the play and it was a big Broadway Hit.
“Now in those years, the legendary Diamond Jim Brady used to throw a banquet at the famous Delmonico Restaurant in New York after the opening-performance of a popular play.
“He threw such a party for the cast of “The Melting-Pot,” its author, producer, and chosen Broadway-celebrities. By then I’d already made a personal mark on the Broadway Theater and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen.
“Zangwill, Shaw, and Cohen were the ones who created the Fabian Society in England and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordicai who had changed his name to Karl Marx; but remember, at that time both Marxism and Communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either and nobody suspected the propaganda in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.
“At that banquet; Israel Cohen told me that he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s “The Melting-Pot.”
“The title of his book was to be “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century.” At that time I was completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, its real objective never dawned on me nor was I interested in reading the book.
“But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen-bomb when I received a newspaper-clipping of an item published by the Washington D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century” and it read as I quote:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial-tension.
“‘By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party.
“In America; we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites; we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
“We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige; the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.’
“… Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully
established. But the one question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official policy or plot of the Communist Party or just a personal expression of Cohen himself.
“Hence I sought more proof and I found it in an official pamphlet published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library Publishers.
“That pamphlet was entitled: “The Negroes in a Soviet America.” It urged the Negroes to rise-up; form a soviet state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would be supported by all American “reds” and all so-called “liberals”.
“On page 38; it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to whites and again this official communist pamphlet pledged that; I quote: ‘any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law.’
“That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book published in 1913 was an official-edict of the Communist Party and directly in line with the Illuminati-blueprint for world-revolution issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.
“Now there’s only one question and that is to prove that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy.
“A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party, as we know it, was created by those masterminds (capitalists if you will note)…
“Schiff, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds that planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution; the murder of the Czar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin took their orders directly from Schiff and the other capitalists whom they supposedly are fighting.
“Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites.
“Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian-prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the “Consular Treaty” which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs?
“All those 66 Senators are 20th century Benedict Arnolds.”
Above excerpt comes from The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, by Myron Fagan. For Part 12 of this intriguing look at Illuminati information, see The Order of Illuminati.
Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy Quote
“We who have posed as Saviors of the World … we (Jews) are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, it’s incendiaries, its executioners .. We who have promised to lead you to a new heaven, we have finally seceded in leading you into the new hell.” Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy, Preface to the World Significance of the Russian Revolution 1920.”
Famous Quote Abouts Jews
“I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.”
“For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.”
“If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.” “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.”
“Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatic (Khazars – GOG & MaGOG of Russia), let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.”
Ben Franklin, 1789.
Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order
Mysterious Force was the original name of Freemasonry, which started in 43 A.D and later took on the name of Freemasonry started in 1717 by Joseph Levy and Abraham Abuid to bring in more European men, then to to destroy Christianity that was growing to fast for them to infiltrate–Facts and fictions of Freemasonry by Margaret C. Jacob and Dissipation of Darkness: The Origins of Freemasonry
THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18: “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”
LA VERITE ISRAELITE, Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74: “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”
LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928: “The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”
AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia, 1906: “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”
MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile: “The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”
THE FREEMASON, April 2, 1930, quoting Br. Rev. S. McGowan: “Freemasonry is founded on the ancient law of Israel. Israel has given birth to the moral beauty which forms the basis of Freemasonry.”
Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England, in The Life of Lord George Bentick: “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”
LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July 1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism (Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to further human welfare. Socialism and Freemasonry, together with Communism are sprung from the same source.”
BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic News, London: “I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”
O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936: “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”
JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503: “The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”
B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi and mason Magnin: “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.
Please Note: The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) of B’nai B’rith is a totally Jewish controlled organization with its main goal to destroy Christianity.
(Also, the B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no “Gentiles” are admitted.)
TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”
The Talmud And Communism
By David J. Stewart
“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31
“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
“The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
“The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.”
The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4
“The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33
“There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction”
D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22
“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious”
Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7
“Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues”
Harry Watan, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80
“If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.”
George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414
“The [Jewish] Commissaries were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.”
Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14
“The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country – and as yet the only country in the world – in which anti-Semitism is a crime.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), January 1942, p. 16
“Anti-Semitism was classed [by the Soviet Government] as counter-revolution and the severe punishments meted out for acts of anti-Semitism were the means by which the existing order protected its own safety”
The Congress Bulletin, (New York: American Jewish Congress), January 5, 1940, p. 2
“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.”
Dr. Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“The part which Jews play in the [Communist] Government of the country [Russia] does not appear to be declining”
Harry Sacher, in The Jewish Review (London), June-August 1932, p. 43
“The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
“The Russian intelligentsia . . . saw in the philosophy of Judaism the germs of Bolshevism – the struggle of … Judaism versus Christianity.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York, July-September 1932, p. 105
“Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity, and on those who profess this faith. In the Russian villages today Bolsheviks and Herbert H. Lehman . . . were called the ‘secret government of the United States’ and were linked with ‘world communism.’”
Dr. Louis Harap, in Jewish Life (New York), June 1951, p. 20
“The Secretary of War [Winston Churchill] charges Jews with originating the gospel of antiChrist and engineering a ‘world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization’“
The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 13, 1920, p. 8
“The sun has never shone on such a bloodthirsty and vindictive people as the Jews, who cherish the idea of murdering and strangling the heathen. No other men under the sun are more greedy than they have been and always will be, as one can see from their accursed usury.”
“The Jews work more effectively against us than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our Liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”
“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assiminated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially.”
“You Jewish Bankers are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”
“Ye (Jews) are of your father the devil; and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44)
Jesus said, “If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you FREE.” (John 8:31-32) “I am the way, the Truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6) “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Everyone that is of the Truth heareth my voice.” (John 18:37) Paul asks, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?” The only true liberty is where the SPIRIT of the Lord is (2 Corinthians 3:17), and may that SPIRIT open the blinded eyes and soften the hardened hearts, that the works of darkness be cast off, and that the workers of iniquity who control our nation be expelled.
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Only God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Messiah Jesus can save us..
It is better to trust in God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8 KJV).
10Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. 11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:10-12 KJV)
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The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites. They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago. The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white.
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Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:
Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
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Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:
Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites
See Book on the Pre Adamite, Or Who Temped Eve to show the different races here on earth and how we are not to race mix. The white race is the “holy seed” as per Ezra 9:2. The Serpent that Seduced Eve produced Cain and his descendants.
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A Good Deep Look Into The Secret Satanic Communistic Societies Run By You Know Who Ushering In The UN Administered One World Order Controlled Out Of Jerusalem. Great Video!
Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order
Mysterious Force was the original name of Freemasonry, which started in 43 A.D and later took on the name of Freemasonry started in 1717 by Joseph Levy and Abraham Abuid to bring in more European men, then to to destroy Christianity that was growing to fast for them to infiltrate–Facts and fictions of Freemasonry by Margaret C. Jacob and Dissipation of Darkness: The Origins of Freemasonry
THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18: “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”
LA VERITE ISRAELITE, Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74: “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”
LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928: “The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”
AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia, 1906: “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”
MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile: “The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”
THE FREEMASON, April 2, 1930, quoting Br. Rev. S. McGowan: “Freemasonry is founded on the ancient law of Israel. Israel has given birth to the moral beauty which forms the basis of Freemasonry.”
Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England, in The Life of Lord George Bentick: “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”
LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July 1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism (Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to further human welfare. Socialism and Freemasonry, together with Communism are sprung from the same source.”
BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic News, London: “I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”
O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936: “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”
JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503: “The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”
B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi and mason Magnin: “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.
Please Note: The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) of B’nai B’rith is a totally Jewish controlled organization with its main goal to destroy Christianity.
(Also, the B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no “Gentiles” are admitted.)
TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”
The Kalergi’s United Nations Plan for The White Race Extinction in Europe and America. International Communism. Great Video!
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
Myron Fagan, a Jew substantiates the quote by Israel Cohen above. Here’s what he says about it:
“Around 1910; one Israel Zengwill wrote a play entitled “The Melting- Pot.”
“It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews because the play purportedly visualized how the American people were discriminating against, and persecuting Jews and Negroes.
“At that time nobody seemed to realize that it was a propaganda play.
“It was that cleverly-written.
“The propaganda was well wrapped-up in the truly great entertainment in the play and it was a big Broadway Hit.
“Now in those years, the legendary Diamond Jim Brady used to throw a banquet at the famous Delmonico Restaurant in New York after the opening-performance of a popular play.
“He threw such a party for the cast of “The Melting-Pot,” its author, producer, and chosen Broadway-celebrities. By then I’d already made a personal mark on the Broadway Theater and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen.
“Zangwill, Shaw, and Cohen were the ones who created the Fabian Society in England and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordicai who had changed his name to Karl Marx; but remember, at that time both Marxism and Communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either and nobody suspected the propaganda in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.
“At that banquet; Israel Cohen told me that he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s “The Melting-Pot.”
“The title of his book was to be “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century.” At that time I was completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, its real objective never dawned on me nor was I interested in reading the book.
“But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen-bomb when I received a newspaper-clipping of an item published by the Washington D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century” and it read as I quote:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial-tension.
“‘By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party.
“In America; we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites; we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
“We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige; the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.’
“… Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully
established. But the one question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official policy or plot of the Communist Party or just a personal expression of Cohen himself.
“Hence I sought more proof and I found it in an official pamphlet published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library Publishers.
“That pamphlet was entitled: “The Negroes in a Soviet America.” It urged the Negroes to rise-up; form a soviet state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would be supported by all American “reds” and all so-called “liberals”.
“On page 38; it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to whites and again this official communist pamphlet pledged that; I quote: ‘any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law.’
“That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book published in 1913 was an official-edict of the Communist Party and directly in line with the Illuminati-blueprint for world-revolution issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.
“Now there’s only one question and that is to prove that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy.
“A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party, as we know it, was created by those masterminds (capitalists if you will note)…
“Schiff, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds that planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution; the murder of the Czar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin took their orders directly from Schiff and the other capitalists whom they supposedly are fighting.
“Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites.
“Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian-prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the “Consular Treaty” which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs?
“All those 66 Senators are 20th century Benedict Arnolds.”
Above excerpt comes from The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, by Myron Fagan. For Part 12 of this intriguing look at Illuminati information, see The Order of Illuminati.
Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy Quote
“We who have posed as Saviors of the World … we (Jews) are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, it’s incendiaries, its executioners .. We who have promised to lead you to a new heaven, we have finally seceded in leading you into the new hell.” Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy, Preface to the World Significance of the Russian Revolution 1920.”
Famous Quote Abouts Jews
“I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.”
“For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.”
“If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.” “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.”
“Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatic (Khazars – GOG & MaGOG of Russia), let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.”
Ben Franklin, 1789.
Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order
Mysterious Force was the original name of Freemasonry, which started in 43 A.D and later took on the name of Freemasonry started in 1717 by Joseph Levy and Abraham Abuid to bring in more European men, then to to destroy Christianity that was growing to fast for them to infiltrate–Facts and fictions of Freemasonry by Margaret C. Jacob and Dissipation of Darkness: The Origins of Freemasonry
THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18: “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”
LA VERITE ISRAELITE, Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74: “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”
LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928: “The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”
AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia, 1906: “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”
MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile: “The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”
THE FREEMASON, April 2, 1930, quoting Br. Rev. S. McGowan: “Freemasonry is founded on the ancient law of Israel. Israel has given birth to the moral beauty which forms the basis of Freemasonry.”
Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England, in The Life of Lord George Bentick: “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”
LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July 1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism (Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to further human welfare. Socialism and Freemasonry, together with Communism are sprung from the same source.”
BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic News, London: “I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”
O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936: “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”
JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503: “The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”
B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi and mason Magnin: “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.
Please Note: The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) of B’nai B’rith is a totally Jewish controlled organization with its main goal to destroy Christianity.
(Also, the B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no “Gentiles” are admitted.)
TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”
The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans
Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda (7 November 1891–15 March 1938) into a Jewish family in Rybinsk. He joined the Bolsheviks in 1907 and was a director of the NKVD, and intelligence agency. Responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people, as head Yagoda’s black vans went out every night in St. Petersburg, known then as Leningrad, to round up “class enemies”: former members of the aristocracy, former civil servants, former businessmen, former teachers and professors and professional people, ethnic Europeans who had graduated from a university. A quarter of the population of the city was arrested and liquidated by Yagoda.
The New World Order. Redemption Through Sin! Awesome Heavily Censored Video Showing How The Secret Societies Are Being Used To Usher In Their Two Fake Snake Messiahs And Their Stinking Jew New World Odor!
The Scientific Mechanisms Of The Anti White Paradigm: Psychology Of White Genocide And Its Evolution. Phenomenal Video!
The Scientific Mechanisms Of The Anti White Paradigm: Psychology Of White Genocide And Its Evolution.
The Jews are pushing multiculturalism as it is strictly forbidden by the white race (The Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel) to live amongst the non Israelite tribes and race mix.
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob instructed the white race not to live amongst the other preAdamic races and forbid them to race mix outside of the Tribes of jacob – Israel. The white race is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Satan and his children (the Edomite Jews) want to exterminate all whites.
Why do jews hate White people?! The J e w s Admit That They Are NOT The Israelites https://truth-over-tradition.com/2020/03/06/jews-admit-they-are-not-israelites/
The real Israelite people formed the European nations, they are the White race alive today as most every other family of Adamic peoples have been miscegenated out of existence!! Here’s proof!! Heirs To The Covenant https://christogenea.org/essays/heirs-covenant
100 PROOFS THE ISRAELITES ARE WHITE!! By TruthVids – video https://www.truthvids.net/
100 PROOFS THE ISRAELITES ARE WHITE!! This is a set of podcasts with historical, archaeological, linguistical, biblical, cultural, etc proof that the Israelites without doubt migrated west and formed the European nations, they are called Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Germanic, etc peoples today. The Israelites are not arabs, jews, or negroids they are the White race!! https://christogenea.org/tags/100-proofs Abraham A Father Of Many (White) Nations!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/rwQmimY7R6rb/ Christ Is White!! https://christogenea.org/podcasts/truthvids-100-proofs-israelites-were-white-part-5
John 3:16, What It Says And What It Doesn’t https://christogenea.org/podcasts/john-316-what-it-says-and-what-it-doesnt The Seed of Inheritance, Part 1 [show more] Epistles Of Paul – Romans chp 5, Salvation Is A Racial Phenomenon https://christogenea.org/podcasts/epistles-paul-romans-part-6-05-09-2014-salvation-racial-phenomenon The Unpardonable Sin https://christogenea.org/podcasts/unpardonable-sin The Unforgivable Sin(Race mixing) https://christogenea.org/podcasts/unforgivable-sin No Safe Haven – Stripped Bare & Naked https://christogenea.org/podcasts/no-safe-haven-stripped-bare-and-naked-christogenea-internet-radio-08-16-2013
Two Top Leading Experts Explain the Alien Human Abduction Agenda. The Evil Demonic Fallen Watchers Are The Ones Doing the Abducting. Awesome Videos And Analysis.
Calling On The Name Of Messiah Jesus Proven To End The Abduction.
Anyone that believes that they are being abducted, should call on the name of Jesus the Messiah to help them and the abduction should come to an end. The CE-4 research group has done extensive research on abductions and found the experience was shown to be able to be stopped or terminated by calling on the name and authority of JESUS THE CHRIST.
by Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992
The U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people by their OWN leaders, Senators and Congressmen, who have sold their soul to the devil. On March 5, 1991, in the House of Representatives, and March 7, 1991, in the U.S. Senate, without any knowledge of, or input by, the people of the United States, U.S. Senators and Congressmen passed a law that is so outrageous – and frankly unconstitutional – that it forces the American people to be bound by a set of monstrous rules, called the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine! On March 20, 1991, President George H.W. Bush, a supposed Christian, but who is actually a Khazar, the bill into law.
See full article on the Noahide Laws. https://spingola.com/Dannemeyer.html
70 nations have all signed legislation to adopt the Noahide Laws under the umbrella of the United Nations.
Revelation 19:15-16 Jesus the Messiah will be Victorious, Destroy All Evil and Rule over Us as King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereign
15And from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
Acts 4:12 There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Seeking an alternative to Jesus for salvation? There is no other way! Jesus is it!
Scripture declares that there is one creator God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and one mediator between the Father and man, and that is His Son Jesus, the Messiah, King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereigns.
Woe To You Pastors Who Deceive The Flock And Push The Mark Of The Beast (The Covid-19 DNA Changing Vaccines) On Your Congregation! Jeremiah 23:1. Awesome Video For All Christians!
Project Blue Beam: The Fake Alien Invasion to Usher in the AntiChrist – The Fake Holographic Asteroids Preparing for the Day of 1000 Stars and Asteroids – Fabulous Videos!
The Awesome Mystery Of The Hebrew Alphabet That Reveals The Mystery Of GOD OF ABRAHAM ISAAC AND JACOB, Yeshua Our Messiah, Creation, The Purpose Of Human Life, The Redemption Of Jacob-Israel, And The END Of This Age!
Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 Detention Centres: What You Need To Know. The Canadian Detention Leaked Memo Broken Down And Confirmation Of The Mark Of The Beast. Excellent Videos!
Three World Leaders In One
These 3 world leaders are all Jews and fallen angels. Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Killer Gates is a Bavarian German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew. The fallen angels and demons predominantly manifest in the Serpent Seed Line which is the Jews as these are the Nacash’s (the shining one) children from his rape of Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 4:1). Antonio Guterres is the main antiChrist that will be the one world leader ruling the one world government. As Antonio Guterres has the same Gematria numbers as Killer Gates and False Prophet Francis (1206 and 201), I believe all 3 are controlled by the Devil and Satan in Revelation 12:9. Antonio Guterres will announce himself publicly as dictator of the one world government after the Harpazo and during the fake alien deception (see Project Bluebeam) which will occur shortly after the Harpazo of the dead in Christ, the 144,000 Saints and Israelite babies and toddlers, and the two imposter prophets (Trump and Pence). Antonio Guterres will announce that the world has to unite against these fake aliens which will be the next enemy as part of the grand deception. The Harpazo will occur 3½ days after the two imposter prophets are assasinated (Trump and Pence). Antonio Guterres will then request that everyone unite against the alien threat with himself as leader of the world. Note that the aliens are already here as they are fallen angels and demons and EBEs. The earth has a firmament over it and no one can leave planet earth or enter our atmosphere.
Three for the Price Of One World Leaders Holy Gematria
The three major characters Leading us to Armageddon are Antonio Guterres, Pope Francis, Killer Gates and all three have the same Gematria numbers of 1206 and 201. It is interesting to also note that Guterres is a Portugese Jew, Francis is an Argentinian Jew and Killer Gates is a Bavarian German Jew. All the fallen angels and demons who are controlled by the Devil have to come into the Devil’s serpent seedline which are the Jews.
I am using the gematria calculator located on gematrix.org and using all three cyphers (Jewish, English,and Simple).
Antonio Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations)
= 857 or 85+7 = 92 or 9+2 = 11 or 8
= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9
= 201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7
Jorge Mario Bergoglio. (Pope Francis)
= 1142 or 1+1+4+2 = 8
= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9
= 201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7
William Henry Gates (Computer Nerd & Vaccine Pimp)
= 1725 or 25-17 = 8
= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9
= 201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7
It is interesting to note that Antonio Guterres, Pope Francis and Bill Gates all have 1206 and 201 in their Gematria numbers. These are all fallen angels which I believe are all controlled by “the Devil and Satan” Rev. 12:9.
There are many antiChrists in the End Times as prophesied in 1 John 2:18. The main antiChrist is represented by the little Horn in Daniel 7:7-8.
See full article here:
The antiChrist Has Arrived! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beast Six Hundred Three Score and Six As Per Revelation 13:18.
Note that there is more than one Mark of the Beast. Both Killer Gates Digital ID2020 / Covid-19 vaccine / tattoo / Digital passport and Elon “Executioner” Musk’s Neuralink / Fit Bit in your brain are individually the Mark of the Beast and either one will cause you to lose your soul and be separated from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob forever.
The Little Horn Is Coming to Stick It To All Of Us!
“Is the Nimrod antiChrist Leading us Down a Path to Destruction in Conjunction with the False Prophet? Is the Coronavirus the Beginning of the End? Are We Two Events Away From the Great Tribulation? Have Nazis infiltrated the U.S. Government? The Mark of the Beast and the Timing of the Rapture Revealed!”
“The Little Horn Is Coming to Stick it to All of Us! Find Out Who Is Going to Rule the World With a One World Government and a One World “Currency Prior to the Anti-Christ Blowing His Own Horn!”
Peace and Security The Grand Illusion – Exposing Mystery Babylon – Shaking My Head. Great Video!
Punishment For The Abrahamic Accord
By Dr. Luke Prophet
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will be pouring out His wrath on America (Manasseh) for a multitude of reasons including Donald Trump separating His land in the Middle East with the Abrahamic Accord agreement. America will be getting a double portion according to Revelation 18:6.
The Edomite Jews have no right to the land of Israel. Britain (Ephraim) will be punished for the Balfour Declaration and giving Palestine over to Rottenchild and the Edomite Jews. No one was supposed to enter the land of Palestine until after the Greater Second Exodus when Messiah Jesus will lead His people, the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel home home as prophesied in Genesis 48:21.
And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die: but God shall be with you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers. (Genesis 48:21 KJV)
See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full article on “ Trump’s Israel-Palestine “peace plan” is a Con” located within “The Sign of the Prophet Jonah” article below.
What is the Sign the Prophet Jonah gave us that Signifies the Beginning of the Tribulation? What Lessons Can Be Learned from Jonah? What Ethnic Group did Jonah Belong to, and Who Are They Today? Does Nineveh Represent Sinful America Today and Will Our End Be Invasion, Captivity and Destruction?
The Crow House: Max Igan – Humanity Is Becoming A Parody Of Itself! Excellent Video.
Bush Funeral “The Envelope Affair” Solved. The Black Mirror Of Mike Pence. The Cult Of Q. Fascinating Video!!
The Simpsons COVID-19 Matrix And JFK Jr. Predicted 24 Years Ago. Why Is Nobody Talking About The Elimination Of SMALL BUSINESSES? Great Video And Decode By Enter The Stars.
It all starts with an earthquake🎵 It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) R.E.M.
More Simpson’s Predictive Programming. Kids In Cages. Fleetwood Stevie Nicks Second Wave Symbol. It All Starts With An Earthquake. Excellent Videos And Decode.
CREEPY Copper Top Matrix. COPPER Time Machines! The Snake Has Shed it’s SKIN! Awesome Videos And Decode By Enter The Stars.
The Image of the Beast. The AI Plans of the AntiChrist. Human Robots Among Us. Excellent Videos!
Whose Image Is On The Shroud Of Turin And Who Is The Vatican Planning To Claim To Be The Christ Based On The Image On The Shroud Of Turin? Are We In For Another Deception By False Prophet Francis? Great Videos To Be Prepared For The Coming Deception!
“Magicians” Prove a Spiritual World Exists – Demonic Activity Caught on Video. Excellent Educational Videos.
Your Guide to the Great Reset. This Week in Tyranny. How The EU Stopped The Pandemic. Great Videos By The Corbett Report.
The Crowhouse: Max Igan – The Great New Covid Normal World Reset Order Beast. Awesome Video!
The Major Charachters Pushing And Organzing the Stinking Jew New World Odor!
Klaus Schwab is a fallen angel and is planning on leading everyone to the slaughterhouse at the FEMA camps. Killer Gates is another fallen angel (Nephilim) and will be rolling out the Mark of the Beast (Digital ID 2020 with Covid-19 vaccines laced with Bubonic Plague and possibly Ebola). Elon “Executioner” Musk will be pushing the second Mark of the Beast namely neuralink to insert into your brain. Do not take the Covid-19 vaccines / Digital ID 2020 or the neuralink being pushed by Musk or the plagues of Babylon will be poured out on you and you will beg for death but not find it! There are more than one Marks of the Beast and if the covid-19 vaccine doesn’t kill you, then the neuralink will. No one will be able to take the tracking devices out of their body as the hyrdrogel will fuse the tracking device to your body. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine and the people who take the mark of the beast will become a zombie or mentally retarded or have their auto immune itself turn on itself as the Covid-19 vaccine will attack your Chromosome 8. The neuralink will also cause you to lose your soul as well. There is no chance of redemption for anyone take either of these two Marks of the Beast as per Revelation 14:9-11.
David Goldberg confirms what Klaus the Louse is telling us. The object of the Covid-19 vaccines is to tag , track and ID everyone on the planet! God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine. The Covid-19 vaccines will make us a cyberg and we will lose our free will and consciousnes and turn us into zombies. The Covid-19 vaccines will attack our Chromosome 8 and make us mentally retarded and have our immune system attack on us.
David Goldberg’s Final Words Before He Was Murdered. Projects Pogo & Project Zyphr Leaked And The Plan To Exterminate Millions Of Christians and Patriots. Who Will Be The Future King Of Israel? Great Videos.
Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER and David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Awesome Videos.
The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has Two Marks! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will! Great Videos!
The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both Individually The Mark of the Beast. You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!
These 3 world leaders are all Jews and fallen angels. Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Killer Gates is a Bavarian German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew. The fallen angels and demons predominantly manifest in the Serpent Seed Line which is the Jews as these are the Nacash’s (the shining one) children from his rape of Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 4:1).
The antiChrist Has Arrived! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beast Six Hundred Three Score and Six As Per Revelation 13:18.
Tracked Like Cattle – QR Codes – RFID Chips – Quantum Dots. Tracked ‘Til Death’ – ID2020 – “Digital Vaxines” – The Digital Currency Beast System Is Upon Us. Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head.
The American Eclipses Collide at LITTLE EGYPT America! America is the new Egypt. Here’s Actual PROOF!!! Excellent Videos!
There is a lot we all should know. Ignorance is not bliss. Charles A. Weisman confirms the white race is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that Modern Jewry is Esau – Edom. The Jews are descended from Cain who was a murderer from the beginning. The Jews are at war with the white race and the Christians.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as My priests. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children. (Hosea 4:6)
The Trump Prophecies. The Illustrious Donald Trump. The Trump Card. Awesome Videos!
Monarch Mind Control in the Churches | Event Level 2 Extinction |They Are Telling You Their Plans |The AI Invasion is in the Book of Joel | Beelzebub’s Flies |The Sell-Out Files: Paul Walker. Fabulous Videos!
‘Syndemic’ COVID-20 Needs ‘Social Vaccine’ As Global Food Shortage Begins. CORN SHORTAGE: Grand Solar Minimum Kills Crops. Awesome Videos By Ice Age Farmer.
The Evil Luciferians Are Using The Holy Bible Playbook As Their Playbook. Awesome Videos!
Shocker: How Trump Got COVID And The Spitting Image. Find Out About The Real Donald Trump. Awesome Videos!
Trump’s VIRU5 Featured In A 30-year-old Film About a 30-year Age Difference? Trump The Time Traveler And The Date Of November 5th. Awesome Video And Decode By Enter The Stars!
Predictive programming for a rabies virus.
Betelgeuse And The Cosmic War In Heaven Before They Were Thrown Down To Earth! Great Video And Explanation As To Who Our Spiritual Enemies Are Today.
Former Illuminati With 189 Years Experience Tells Us Of The Pagan Origins Of The Holidays Including Halloween And How They Were Placed Over God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Calendar. Fascinating Video!
Luciferase – Bill Gates Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine To Alter Your DNA. Bill Gates Caught On Video Admitting Vaccines Will Change Our DNA. The Smoking Gun. The Mark Of The Beast! Awesome Videos!
Shocker: The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has More Than One Mark! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will!
Elon Musk’s Neuralink – They Want You To Get The Upgrade! The Second Mark Of the Beast.
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob designed our brains perfectly (Psalm 139:13-14). We don’t need any upgrades. The neuralink is one of the Marks of the Beast. Killer Gates Digital ID 2020 which includes the Covid-19 vaccines is the other Mark of the Beast. Do not inject your body with anything including the Covid test which has been proven to be contaminated. (See link below to “5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation!”).
Here Satan is offering the apple “you shall be as gods”. I bet there’s a very good chance that all of the “elites” have already had their DNA Transhumanized, their hands tattoo nanochipped and their brains implanted. What they deceitfully omit saying is that their goal is really to exterminate nearly all people and to make dehumanized, possessed slave worshippers of the rest. Satan appeals to their pride to lure them into the trap. And he’ll be using safety, food and forgiveness of debt as a way to force them into the trap as well.
Both Killer Gates and Execution Musk are Ashkenazi Jews. Killer Gates is a fallen angel and Elon Musk is Cain, a hybrid from the rape of Eve by the Snake in the Garden of Eden.
MESSIAH JESUS warned us over and over – “don’t be deceived “. There is EVIL behind this Fallen Angel technology and it is totally demonic!
Elon Musk Wants to Put A Neuralink Chip In Your Brain Which Sounds Is One Of The Marks Of the Beast.
Elon Musk Is Into Everything From Making Rap Songs About A Gorilla To Colonizing Mars. Great Videos To Give You Some Insight Into This Character Who Claims To Be A Vampire And Is Summoning Demons With A.I.
The Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17)
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17 KJV)
Neuralink 2020
People that take the Neuralink and will become addlebrained! God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine and people taking the neuralink will lose their free will and ability to reason or think properly! People will lose their moral consciousness and will not be able to distinguish right from wrong after the neuralink insert.
The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both Individually The Mark of the Beast. You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!
Elon Musk is calling Kller Gates a knucklehead as this is just a game between two super evil entities. Both Musk and Gates are pedalling their own Mark of the Beast. Either one of these Marks of the Beast or both will cause you to lose your salvation and be separated from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for an eternity.
The 5G will activate the nanobots in your body and give the nanobots their marching orders. The 5G coupled with the Covid-19 vaccines will kill millions. This is why the second wave will be so much worse than the first wave which only killed 9k people in America and they were all over 85 years old with other problems. The people that never took the vaccine during the Spanish Pandemic were fine when the 1G was turned on. People that do not their history are doomed to repeat it. Anyone taking the Covid-19 DNA changing vaccine will be accepting the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:15-18) and will not have any portion of the world to come or the Kingdom of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and will be cut off from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob forever. There is no chance of redemption according to Revelation 14:10–11. The neuralkink being developed by Elon Musk is another form of the Mark of the Beast. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine.
The mark of the beast is a mark that will be placed on a person’s forehead or right hand in the end times as a sign of allegiance to the antiChrist (Revelation 13:15–18). Further, no one will be allowed to engage in commerce without the mark (Revelation 13:17). It appears that some form of worship of the antiChrist is associated with receiving the mark (Revelation 14:9; 16:2), and those who refuse to worship the image of the beast will be killed (Revelation 13:15).
The question then arises as to whether a person who has received the mark of the beast can be forgiven. The answer to this question seems to be “no.” Revelation 14:10–11, describing the fate of someone who takes the mark of the beast, declares, “He also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
The eternal destiny of those who take the mark of the beast is the lake of fire. Why is taking the mark of the beast a damnable sin against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? Why would God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob condemn a person to hell for taking the mark of the beast? It would appear that taking the mark of the beast will be a blasphemous act of willful defiance against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Receiving the mark of the beast is essentially worshiping Satan / the Beast / Lucifer. Those who take the mark have made the choice to serve Satan rather than obey God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and receive Messiah Jesus as Savior. When people make that decision during the tribulation, God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will grant their request to be eternally separated from Him.
Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender! He Is Pretending To Be Jesus Our Messiah With His Blood And He Is Pretending To Be Christian. Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!
The Jews Themselves Tell Us Who They Are From Their Own Writings! Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!
Kabbalah Sabbateanism Chabad Lubavitch The Illuminati – Awesome Video!
Pastor Appears on Donahue Show To Discuss The Role Of the Posse Comitatus And How The Sherriff Is Suppose to Uphold The Citizen’s Rights in America. Very Enlightening Video!
Pastor Bob and Andre discus Wlliam Gale’s book “The Faith Of Our Fathers” and the different races here on earth and where they came from. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob made a covenant with the white race of Adam as per Genesis 5. Andre discusses Pastor Wickstom and the Posse Comitatus and his appearance on the Donahue show above.
Scripture & Historicity – The Faith Of Our Fathers – Chapter 1. Awesome Video!
Major Jordan Wrote Down All The Explosive Deep State Secrets In His Diaries! – He Was Instrumental As A Witness To The Communist Theft And Acts Of Treason Of America Transferring Their Arms And Technology To The USSR During WWII. One Of The Best Whistleblower Videos Ever!
The Talmud And Communism
By David J. Stewart
The Talmud
What Is ‘The Talmud’?
“The Talmud’ is the real scripture of the Jews and was completed some 1,500 years ago. The Rabbis say that it supersedes the Old Testament.
Racism Against Non Jews Is Preached In The Talmud
The Talmud preaches that members of the Jewish race are superior to all other races. It says that the Jews rightfully own all the wealth of the Gentiles and should dominate them.
Socialism Is A Concept Preached In The Talmud
The Talmud preaches tribal form of socialism with ownership of property to be controlled by elders of the community. This is the basis of the Kibbutz communes in Israel. Here is the only nation in the world which has voluntarily adopted communal living. The hundreds of Kibbutz in Israel operate many farms and factories. It is of interest that they are always millions in debt and must be bailed out constantly with U.S. Foreign Aid money.
Marx and Engels Were Talmudic Scholars
Karl Marx (born Levi) and another Jew, Friedreich Engels, issued “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 in London. Marx was descended from a long line of famous Rabbis who were so-called “Talmudic scholars.” This is the source from which his communist philosophy springs.
The Communist Moral, Economic And Political Subversion Of America
The Talmud and Judaism are synonymous with the sex-perversion of Hollywood.
Lenin, Trotsky, Engles, Karl Marx and Stalin were all Jews as others were who started wars like Rothchilds whose sons funded both sides of the WW 1 and 2 and reparations afterward. It was the white Christians and the non Jews who were sent to be slaughtered fighting these wars as well as those who inhabited the countries involved in these conflicts
Today there is a lot of talk about fighting Communism. The only problem is that the American people are not aware of who are the true founders and promoters of Communism. If you had to find a Communist, where would you look? Would you recognize a Communist if you saw one? What do they look like? This article will give you a new understanding and knowledge about Communism.
The first place we need to go for Truth is the source of all truth JESUS CHRIST. In Matthew 23:35 He reveals that there is a group that is guilty of “all the righteous blood shed upon the earth.” This is also reaffirmed in Revelation 18:24. “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” Since the Communists have shed the blood of TENS of MILLIONS, they must be part of this same Satanic group spoken of by Jesus Christ. In John 8:44 Jesus identifies this mystery group as the JEWS. He says to the JEWS, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” JEWS have proven the truth of this statement by their lying deceit and murderous activities.
JEWS authored, created, promoted, and perpetuated Communism. Read the following documented quotations from the Jews. Out of their own mouth they condemn themselves. “Ye shall know a tree by its fruit.”
“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
“The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31
“The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
“The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
“The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
“Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.”
The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4
“The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals”
Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33
“There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction”
D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22
“There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious”
Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7
“Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues”
Harry Watan, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80
“If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.”
George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414
“The [Jewish] Commissaries were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.”
Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14
“The Jewish people will never forget that the Soviet Union was the first country – and as yet the only country in the world – in which anti-Semitism is a crime.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), January 1942, p. 16
“Anti-Semitism was classed [by the Soviet Government] as counter-revolution and the severe punishments meted out for acts of anti-Semitism were the means by which the existing order protected its own safety”
The Congress Bulletin, (New York: American Jewish Congress), January 5, 1940, p. 2
“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.”
Dr. Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“The part which Jews play in the [Communist] Government of the country [Russia] does not appear to be declining”
Harry Sacher, in The Jewish Review (London), June-August 1932, p. 43
“The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. This is the historic destiny of the Jews”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), pp. 99-100
“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own.”
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 155
“The Russian intelligentsia . . . saw in the philosophy of Judaism the germs of Bolshevism – the struggle of … Judaism versus Christianity.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York, July-September 1932, p. 105
“Soviet Russia has declared war on Christianity, and on those who profess this faith. In the Russian villages today Bolsheviks and Herbert H. Lehman . . . were called the ‘secret government of the United States’ and were linked with ‘world communism.’”
Dr. Louis Harap, in Jewish Life (New York), June 1951, p. 20
“The Secretary of War [Winston Churchill] charges Jews with originating the gospel of Antichrist and engineering a ‘world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization’“
The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 13, 1920, p. 8
“The sun has never shone on such a bloodthirsty and vindictive people as the Jews, who cherish the idea of murdering and strangling the heathen. No other men under the sun are more greedy than they have been and always will be, as one can see from their accursed usury.”
“The Jews work more effectively against us than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our Liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”
“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assiminated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially.”
“You Jewish Bankers are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”
“Ye (Jews) are of your father the devil; and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44)
Jesus said, “If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you FREE.” (John 8:31-32) “I am the way, the Truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” (John 14:6) “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the Truth. Everyone that is of the Truth heareth my voice.” (John 18:37) Paul asks, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the Truth?” The only true liberty is where the SPIRIT of the Lord is (2 Corinthians 3:17), and may that SPIRIT open the blinded eyes and soften the hardened hearts, that the works of darkness be cast off, and that the workers of iniquity who control our nation be expelled.
Satan’s Fingerprints In New Bible Versions. Awesome Video!
How Did Jesus, The Lion Of Judah, Become a Jew Wihout A Conversion? Find Out The Truth!
Is Churchianity, Televangelism, Judeo-Christianity Scriptural ? Pastor Eli James
Sarah, The Wife Of Abraham, Had Pure White Skin
The Essenes were law-keepers, unlike the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Note that the Essenes were NOT a Jewish sect. Josephus tells us that the Essenes were composed of pure-blooded Judahites. In essence, they were the first monastic sect of Christianity.)
The real reason the Essenes left Jerusalem is because they were being persecuted by the Pharisees and Sadducees. The REAL REASON for the Dead Sea Scrolls cover-up is because they reveal that the Israelites were Caucasians.
“In the seventh Dead Sea scroll, whoever wrote this extolled Sarah’s perfections from head to foot and while it was written in prose poem, the description as it appeared in the news media was as follows:
`Her skin was pure white;
She had long and lovely hair;
Her limbs were smooth and rounded and
her thighs were shapely;
She had slender legs and small feet;
Her hands were slim and long and so were
her fingers.’”
“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” Praise God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob..
Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls
The caucasian’s ARE the semites… NOAH: 2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful.. The Semites are from Noah’s white son Shem.. The Hebrews are from Shem’s white son Heber.. Genesis 5:1 This book is the race of Adam. ALL of the promises in scripture belong to the race of Adam~ The Bible was written EXCLUSIVELY for the Race of Adam: Genesis 5:1: This book is the race of Adam.. Psalm 115:16 The highest heaven belongs to the LORD, but he has given the earth to the descendants of Adam.
Israeli Author Groundbreaking Works On The History Of Zionism, Notably “The Invention Of The Jewish People“ And “The Invention Of The Land Of Israel”. The Construction Of The Jewish People And Their Stealing The Land Of Palestine! Great Videos!
“Our Nordic Race” Focusing On The Danger Posed By Racial Integration, Which Has Either Destroyed Or Stagnated All Nordic Civilizations In The Past By A “Racial Apocalypse. Are They Planning To Destroy The White Race As They Have Done To The Past Civilizations? Awesome Videos!
Who’s Who And Who’s Jew In The Holy Bible? Awesome Video!
Gulag USA: Concentration Camps In America. Very Gripping Video!
TRUMP The Time Traveller. SUPERMAN Building EXPOSED. Trump Gives “CHINA VIRUS” a Whole New Meaning 30 Years Ago. No Flesh Left…Out of TIME. Great Videos By Enter The Stars.
Trump is Marduk, a Bene ha’elohim
By Dr. Luke Prophet
Trump is the Anunnaki or Bene ha’elohim Marduk, who along with Anu, Enlil, Enki (Marduk’s father) are all mentioned in the KJV. They gods are immortal and do die but transmigrate. The two prophets who torment of Revelation 11:10 are Trump and Pence, who are also mentioned in Jeremiah 50:2 as Marduk and Bel. As bene ha’elohim they would know both past past and present future. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob did not send these two prophets (Jeremiah 23:21-24). I believe the elohim and bene ha’elohim know the future from the Bible and perhaps they were privy to the plans of our Father before they fell and were thrown out of heaven.
It is my belief that Trump and Pence will be assassinated most likely in 2020 and will be raised 3 ½ days later as per Revelation 11:11-12. It is also my belief that the rapture of the dead in Christ and the 144,000 Saints or Revelation 7:4 will also take place along with Trump and Pence’s resurrection.
Trump and Pence will be returning mostly likely in a space ship as they are part of the deception. Trump and Pence are not your saviors and they are super evil.
Only Messiah Jesus can save us!
It is better to trust in the Messiah Jesus than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8 KJV)
Christians left behind have to go through the fire or flood or both to be refined but will be hidden and unharmed (Isaiah 47:10; 43:2 and Zechariah 13:8-9) providing they never lose their faith. Some Christians will remain and be sent to slave camps in foreign lands before they are sent by ship to Egypt for the Greater Grander Second Exodus (Deut. 28:68).
And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever.. (Jeremiah 17:4 KJV)
Ezekiel 7: A Proclamation Of Judgment Upon America And The United Kingdom And The Commonwealth. People Will Be Throwing Their Gold And Silver Into The Streets On The Pain Of Death. Great Video.
How Much Is George W Bush Paying Off These Congress Members To Keep Their Mouth Shut Over The 9/11 Judeo American Conspiracy? Shocking Video.
Urgent Warning: Do Not Take The Covid Vaccine! Biblical Terror! The Other Mark Of The Beast! Extremely Shocking Video.
Shocker: The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has More Than One Mark! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will!
Elon Musk’s Neuralink – They Want You To Get The Upgrade! The Second Mark Of the Beast.
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob designed our brains perfectly (Psalm 139:13-14). We don’t need any upgrades. The neuralink is one of the Marks of the Beast. Killer Gates Digital ID 2020 which includes the Covid-19 vaccines is the other Mark of the Beast. Do not inject your body with anything including the Covid test which has been proven to be contaminated. (See link below to “5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation!”).
Here Satan is offering the apple “you shall be as gods”. I bet there’s a very good chance that all of the “elites” have already had their DNA Transhumanized, their hands tattoo nanochipped and their brains implanted. What they deceitfully omit saying is that their goal is really to exterminate nearly all people and to make dehumanized, possessed slave worshippers of the rest. Satan appeals to their pride to lure them into the trap. And he’ll be using safety, food and forgiveness of debt as a way to force them into the trap as well.
MESSIAH JESUS warned us over and over – “don’t be deceived “. There is EVIL behind this Fallen Angel technology and it is totally demonic!
Elon Musk Wants to Put A Neuralink Chip In Your Brain Which Is One Of The Marks Of the Beast. The Beast Has More Than One Mark Of The Beast!
The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both Individually The Mark of the Beast. You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!
The eternal destiny of those who take the mark of the beast is the lake of fire. Why is taking the mark of the beast a damnable sin against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? Why would God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob condemn a person to hell for taking the mark of the beast? It would appear that taking the mark of the beast will be a blasphemous act of willful defiance against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Receiving the mark of the beast is essentially worshiping Satan / the Beast / Lucifer. Those who take the mark have made the choice to serve Satan rather than obey God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and receive Messiah Jesus as Savior. When people make that decision during the tribulation, God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will grant their request to be eternally separated from Him.
Many Will Beg For The Covid-19 Vaccine. Don’t Be A Covidiot. Wake Up It’s A Trap! The Covid-19 Vaccines Were Prepared Before the Pandemonium! Great Videos.
Shocker: Covid 19 Test Kits Purchased And Received In 2017 And 2018 By Most World Governments – Awesome Video!
The Vatican Now Has The Head Of Nimrod From The Tomb Of Gilgamesh Pckled In A Jar. Are They Planning To Resurrect Nimrod Using CERN To Bite Us In The @SS! Great Videos With Anthony Patch! Two Heads Are Better Than One!
AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to the Madness Shocker: They Are Telling Us The Purpose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Is To Tag, Track & ID Us. Awesome Video By Dayz Of Noah!
A Deep Look At Adam & Eve. The Two Creations Of Genesis. John Lear & EBE’s, UFOs And The Grand Deception Coming. Awesome Video!
Please see Dr. Luke Prophet’s article on the two Creation Events detailing the Saints and the Elect.
The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!
The Way of Cain Is The World Today. Find Out Who Is Cain Today And Whether You Are Following The Way Of Cain Or The Way Of God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Don’t Miss The Picture Of Obama Taken In A Chicago Bath House! Excellent Videos!
Washington Insider Blows The Whistle On The Planned Agenda For the New World Order And What They Plan on Doing With The White Race And Christians Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel. Insider Was Killed 30 Days After This Eye Opening Interview! Great Video To Understand Your Enemy!
What World Famous Men Have Said About The Jew. Awesome Video!
The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations! Excellent Video.
The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations! Excellent Video.
109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250
The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem. Great Videos!
Dark Journalist And Dr. Joseph Farrell: Deep State Targeting USA. October Surprise! The Babylonian Banksters. Advanced Technology And The UFO Files. Awesome Video!
Cult Of Saturn, Black Cube, A.I. Hive Mind – Evicting The Creator From His Temple. Awesome Video By Nicholson 1968.
The Merchants Of Babylon And The Babylonian Money System Today That Will Collapse According To Revelation 18. Excellent Video.
Escape From New York City! Awesome Video On Revelation 18!
The Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers | The Black Awakening. The Final Season of the Antichrist | The Mirrors Temple | 50 Shades of Grey Illuminati Programming. Edge of the Abyss. Katy Perry and the Sunken Place | MK Ultra Cloned Puppets and Possession | Illuminati Blood Oath. Awesome Videos!
Shocking Interview With MPP Randy Hillier On Internment Camps In Canada. Ice Age Farmer’s Discord Server Was Deleted For Reporting On Canadian Isolation Camps. Great Videos!
Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked From A Reliable Canadian Source And From The President Of Ghana! Very Important Information To Plan Your Exit Strategy! Great Video!
Cathy O’Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim | MK Ultra | Monarch Mind Control Exposed
Cathy explains how all the world leaders are all one big organization under the Jesuits control working together to usher in the stinking Jew New Odor! The Jews control the Jesuits. The first Jesuits were crypto Jews. The Jesuits were created to destroy Christianity. The Jews infiltrated the Catholic Church in 1823 according to Eustace Mullins. The churches have been infiltrated with Judeo Christianity which is an oxymoron as Judaism is antiChrist and against Messiah Jesus.
Pierret Trudeau was a Jesuit and so is his illegitimate son Justin Castro Trudeau.
Cathy tells us that the leaders are one big club and it is not country against country. It is all a charade pitting one country against the other to deceive the public. It is the Jews that are controlling all the puppiets.
For Reasons of National Security (Intro – Mark Phillips. Cathy O’Brien – 0:36:50) The Granada Forum, October 31, 1996
On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named “The Rite to Remain Silent”. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can’t think to speak out.
O’Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program … U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton … While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O’Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order.
The Q&A (question and answers) starts at 1:35:00 1:43:05 Michael Aquino / Linda Blood 1:45:10 ”How come the powers that be haven’t killed either of you?”
See more links to Cathy O’Brien’s site and book:
Another False Flag? New Developments in Murder of Seal Team 6 Dissected. Must See Video! Banned immediately On Youtube And Vidmeo.
Barack Obama Is In A Clone Of Akhenaten And Moses Who Were Same Person
The the Epistle of Jude (one of the brothers of Jesus and a disciple) in Jude 1:9 it is stated that Michael the archangel disputed with the devil about the body of Moses. Michael allowed the devil to take the body of Moses, who was actually the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, as Michael knew the devil would use the body once again in the End Times. That is why Barack Hussein Obama does not have a valid Birth Certificate from any country on earth, and used the Social Security number of a dead man. Moses body was cloned and Obama is in Moses’ body today. Obama does not have the spirit of Moses and is possessed by demons.
1 John 2:18 tells us there are many antiChrists. Barack Hussein Obama is an antiChrist but not the “The Main AntiChrist who will lead the One World Governement”. Barack Obama, a Black Jew, is a warm up to the star attraction similar to Donald Trump, another Jew. Barack Obama is a dog which is a description of a homosexual in the bible.
It is not legal for Barack Hussein Obama to run for President of America once again. However, Obama himself told us he would be back, but would not be wearing a suit.
Barack Obama is the beast that comes up out of the abyss and will be an integral part in the assassination of Trump and Pence as per Revelation 11:7.
And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. (Revelation 11:7)
Barack Obama who already started the destruction of America will be back to finish the job.
Moses was also Akhenaten in Egypt.
Now you know why Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama or whatever this dog’s name actually is does not have a valid birth certificate and uses a Social Security Card number of a long dead man. Barack Hussein Obama is a golem or a clone of Akhenaten also known as Moses.
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob allowed Ha satan to take the body of Moses (Akhenaten) as He knew the body would be used by Ha Satan in the End Times. Fallen Watchers must obtain a human body through either cloning or through possession. So what is the plan in the end times for Barrack Hussein Obama who told us he would be back but would not be wearing a suit.
In 2 Kings 8:11-13 there is a story of Elisha and his prophecy for Hazael. Hazael was a dog (Homosexual) who Elisha prophesied would be King of Aram. Elisha’s prophecy did come true. Hazael did become King of Aram, but the second part of the prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. This unfulfilled prophecy stated that Hazael would destroy the sons of Israel (the white race and Christians that have been grafted in through their belief in Messiah Jesus) which will be achieved in our days.
So we now have to ask who in America is a dog or homosexual who is in a position of power yet does not wear a suit.
Ha Satan who is featured in the Book of Job also took the body of Moses for the end times (Jude 1:9). Ha Satan possesses the body of Barack Obama today also known as Barry Soetoro. Ha Satan also possesses or will possess General Mark Milley. Ha Satan can possesses more than one individual at a time.
Mark Alexander Milley is a General and Chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Mark Milley will become a military dictator in a coup d’etat after Donald Trump and Michael Pence are assassinated prior to the American election on November 3, 2020 and Nancy Pelosi becomes the 46th President of America. Nancy Pelosi will only be President of America for only a short time before dying in office.
Once Pence and Trump are assassinated, Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker will become the 46th President of the USA. Shortly after Nancy Pelosi dies, there will be a military coup and General Mark Milley will become the military leader of America.
The Assassination of The Two Prophets in Prophesied in Revelation 11:7-12
Donald Trump and Mike Pence are the two imposter prophets in Revelation 11:7-11 who will be assassinated and then raised up after 3½ days and taken up to heaven in the Harpazo Revelation 11:12. Donald Trump’s mission was to cause division in America and prepare it for a communist revolution or coup d’etat. Donald Trump is a modern day Cyrus as he is destroying Babylon (America) without firing a shot.
Jeremiah 50:2 where Bel and Marduk will be shattered in Babylon. This is a future prophecy for America as Trump (Markduk) and Bel (Pence) will be killed in America (Babylon).
“Declare and proclaim among the nations. Proclaim it and lift up a standard. Do not conceal it but say, ‘Babylon has been captured, Bel has been put to shame, Marduk has been shattered; Her images have been put to shame, her idols have been shattered.’ (Jeremiah 50:2 NASB77)
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tells us that He did not send these two imposter prophets, namely Trump and Pence.
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. (Jeremiah 23:21 KJV)
Trump and Pence are super evil and not here to save anyone. Only Messiah Jesus can save us.
In Jeremiah 23:21-24, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tells us that He did not send these two prophets. Trump and Pence are false prophets and will not Make America Great Again!
Could the assassinaton of the two prophets occur on October 28th, the same day as Constantine’s battle of the Milvian Bridge? I believe this is a high watch date as I believe Constantine was a False Prophet and so are Trump and Pence. (see Enter the Stars video below)
Harpazo Date October 31, 2020 Shortly After Midnight So Technically November 1, 2020.
God’s Roadmap to the End youtube channel predicts the Rapture of the dead in Christ and the 144,000 Saints on October 31st, 2020 and this fits perfectly with the assassination of the two prophets on October 28th.
And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. (Revelation 11:11 KJV)
The Second Passover in 2 Chronicales 30:15 occured on the fourteen day of the second month which will occur on October 31, 2020 at sunset. This year the civil calendar began on the Feast of Trumpets or September 18, 2020 at sunset and if we add 1 month and 14 days to this day then we come to October 31, 2020 at sunset. The second passover date was for the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel who had not celebrated the Passover for many years. This is a prophecy for the Tribes of Jacob-Israel today who have lost their identity with the infiltration of Jewish propanda in the church stealing the true identity of the Israelties who are the white Christian Caucasion nations. There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity which has infiltrated the churches. The Jews are against Christ and are anti-Christ. Judaism is Communism and is antiChrist.
“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)
“Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the second month: and the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD.” (2 Chron. 30:15 KJV)
I believe Trump and Pence will be assassinated on October 28, 2020 and the rapture will occur 3½ days later on October 31st, 2020. The Beast from the Abyss that will arrange his death is none other than Barack Insane Obama.
Jeremiah 51:46 tells us that Trump will be assassinated sometime after his second report which refers to his State of the Union Address. Donald Trump is a one term President and there will not be another election.
And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler. (Jeremiah 51:46 KJV)
I also believe that Nancy Antoinette “Let them eat ice cream” will become President but only for a short time. Note the Simpson’s had Lisa become President on a past show. Lisa is about as intelligent as Pelosi. Lisa is a better prophet than Donald Trump as at least she can predict his death. See video clip below.
There will then be a Military takeover and Girly Boy Millie will become the Military Dictoator. Milley will certainly leave his mark on America by putting the final nail in the coffin.
Ha Satan is currently controlling both Barack Insane Obama and Girly Boy Milley. Ha Satan is immortal and immoral and cannot be killed. He keeps coming back like a fart in a windstorm. Ha Satan who is controlling Barack Obama will be returning not in a suit but rather in a general’s uniform in order to finish destroying America to usher in the stinking Jew New World Odor!
Donald Trump will be declared the Fake Snake Messiah Ben Joseph for the Edomite Jew New World Order and his son Barron Trump will be declared the Fake Snake Messiah Ben David, after Trump is assassinated to avenge his father’s death. Barron Trump is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson and has the same Gematria numbers. I am using the Gematria calculator on gematrix.org.
Messiah Ben David, The Second Fake Snake Jewish Messiah will be Proclaimed
Messiah Ben David
= 998 or 9+9+8 = 26 or 2+6 = 8
= 810 or 8+1 = 9
= 135 or 35 or 3+5 = 8
Menachem Mendel Schneerson
= 637 or 36-7 = 29 or 2+9 = 11 or 8
= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8
= 235 or 2+3+5 = 10 or 10-1 = 9
Barron William Trump
= 1712 or 17+12 = 29 or 2+9 = 11 or 8
= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8
= 235 or 35+2 = 37 or 3+7 = 10 or 10-1 = 9
Barron Trump will be proclaimed the Messiah Ben David and the transmigrated Menachem Mendel Schneerson as they match 8-9-8, the final single digit numbers, in Holy Gematria. According to Holy Gematria, Barron Trump is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson, and will be declared so by Chabad Lubavitch, as they both have 1410 and 235 in their Gematria numbers and, as well, they both match 8-8-9 in their final single digit numbers.
Jeremiah 11:14 tells us not pray for the people of Babylon who remain in Babylon which is America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. We are not to pray collectively for the country of America as it is marked for punishment by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The Tribes of Jacob-Israel are on their own unless they repent and come to Messiah Jesus immediately and get baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability (8 years and over). Salvation is an individual choice that everyone 8 years and over needs to make on their own in order to be saved.
Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble. (Jeremiah 11:14)
Rev. Franklin Graham announced he will hold a Prayer March in Washington, DC, on September 26. Save your time and put it towards getting out of the country. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob has already judged America and condemned it and will be pouring out his wrath on America after the Harpazo. After the Harpazo, the Times of Jacob’s Troubles begin. This period is also known as the Great Tribulation.
Trump is part of the controlled opposion. Do not put your trust in man. Only Messiah Jesus can save you! Certainly Donald Duck in the White House or his advisor Goofy (Kissinger) will not be able to save you as they want all of the Jacob-Israel remnant (the Caucasians and the Christians) in FEMA camps to be decapitated.
The Holy Serpent Of The Jews! This Book Was Banned From Amazon Worldwide. Find Out Who This Snake Messiah Is Who The Jews Worship And Who The Jews Are Expecting To Announce Soon To Set Up Their Stinking Jew New World Odor! Awesome Videos!
My objective is to warn you to get out of Babylon, which is North America, Britain and the Commonwealth, as per Revelation 51:6. America is going to get a double portion of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s wrath as per Rev. 18:6. Do not be scared but be prepared as things are going to get progressively worse living in America, Britain and the Commonwealth. Europeans and Scandinavia will be persecuted as well but not as bad as North America.
The Simpsons: Future President Lisa Simpson After Presidet Trump
The Halloween Rapture of 2020 – Dreams and Visions Confirming God’s Timing – God’s Roadmap To The End
5th TRUMP LINCOLN Liberty Pet Goat 2 Matrix…Do We Need PRESIDENTS or GOVERNORS? – Enter The Stars
So, I found more on the Abraham Lincoln connection to the Presidency, and am firmly convinced Lincoln was not a good person. We will examine Lincoln’s appearance in I Pet Goat 2, as well as the March 13, 2008 Lincoln 5 dollar bill and how that links into Trump’s Friday, March 13, declaration of emergency. The Abraham accords also fit in as well. Constantine’s Battle of the Milvian Bridge occurred on Oct 28, 312. Will there be another battle on Oct. 28, 2020? This is certainly a high watch date!
David Goldberg’s Final Words Before He Was Murdered. Projects Pogo & Project Zyphr Leaked And The Plan To Exterminate Millions Of Christians and Patriots. Who Will Be The Future King Of Israel? Great Videos.
How Trump Got COVID Spitting Image. Awesome Video! Must See! Donald Trump Exposed!
Washington Insider Confirms Donald Trump Is Jewish And Then Gets Fired! More Proof That Donald Trump (Real Name Drumpf) Is Not A Christian. Let’s Review The Rat Lines. America: Do You Want To Know The Truth Or Get Sucked Into The Lies? Awesome Videos.
Azazel The Fallen Watcher Featured In Movies. Darkest Secrets Revealed Of Luciferians: Serial Killers and Ritual Murders. Full Banned Video! Must See!
Doctor Sleep | Based On A True Story. The Real Great Awakening. Truth About Planned Parenthood | Odd TV. Awesome Videos!
The Jews take Christian babies and children to sacrifice which explains why they were kicked out of 109 countries.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have begun Their Gallop Towards War! Trump is the rider on the white horse and he is the first horsemen to ride of the four horsement of the Apocalypse. Trump does not have any arrows in his quiver as he is a windbag and will bring down America to her knewws without firing a shot just like Cyrus took down Babylon without firing a shot.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!
Explosive Interview With A Rabbi And A Pastor About The Stinking New World Odor That They Are Trying To Usher In! – Hal Turner Radio Show. Must Listen! Great Video.
Rabbi Finkelstein stated in a radio interview, among many additional other jaw-dropping things, including the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews, that:
“we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” – an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God – the Christian God – God the father.
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/O8EiJaCwu2AR
- http://antimatrix.org/Convert/Books
Trump Claims That He Is The Chosen One and The King of the Jews and the King of Israel
Ice Age Farmer: Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..!), Agricultural Terror, Green Sabbath, Climate Lockdown, Food Shortages Coming and Diseased Super Pigs. Awesome Videos.
The Zionist Conspiracy Full Movie. Great Videos!
The Real Mafia That Controls The Entire World And Soon The New World Order! Excellent Video. Must See!!
The Drugging Of America And The West To Destroy Western Civilization And Usher In The New World Order! Great Video!
The Khazarian Mafia – The True Rulers Of The World (Documentary Video). Awesome Historical Information Of Major Past Events That Lead Us Up To Today!
The Mother Of All Harlots And Abominations ~Mystery Babylon~Revelation 17:5. Excellent Video!
Pope Francis is certainly the False Prophet of Revelation as everything coming out of his mouth is against Messiah Jesus and the work he did on the cross for us. Everyone involved in the Catholic Church should make an effort to leave the Church and get baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, 8 years and over as soon as possible as Messiah Jesus will soon be return for His flock. The Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17:5.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4 KJV)
Looks Like a Lamb, Speaks Like a Dragon [Prophecy Update] – Rock Harbour Church And The Superior Word! Great Videos On The Hypocrisy of False Prophet Francis!
Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER and David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Awesome Videos.
5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation! Must See Videos!
Save The Children Now – Putting A Laser Gun To The Head Destroys Your Pineal Gland In Both Children and Adults! Must See Videos!
Operation Radiation – 5G. Very Important Information About 5G Danger!!! Mark Of The Beast Revealed. Must See Videos!
Will America Stand Or Be Destroyed By A Hoax? Awesome Presentation By Dr. Russell Blaycock!
The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has Two Marks! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will! Great Videos!
The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both Individually The Mark of the Beast. You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!
The Forced Collapse Of America! Great Video!
The Invasion of America
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will break the strength of America after American traitors supplied Technology to Israel who then sold the technology to China and Russia through the Talpiot program. These 3 countries namely Israel, China and Russia will be the countries that invade America and bring it to its knees according to Jeremiah 51:27-29.
The State of Israel is behind bring America down in order to elevate the State of Israel to the dominant State in order to bring in the stinking Jew New World Odor! The Jews never had a Nation of their own and they still do not have a Nation today as it is a State.
Only the Tribes of Jacob Israel or the white Christian Nations were the Nations that received the Blessings promised by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to Jacob and his descendants as per Genesis 35:11-12. The White Christian Nations are the receipients of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s promises. Now that they turned their face from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, they will now be subject to His curses.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.
Escape From New York City! Awesome Video On Revelation 18!
Jared Kushner is an antiChrist but the star attraction. Antion Guterres is the Little Horn, Nimrod type antiChrist that will be leading the One World Satanic Fascist Governement. Jared Kusher is playing the roler of the of the false John the Baptist / Elijah to announce the coming Two Fake Snake Jewish Messiahs. The real Elijah in Malachi will be revealed prior to the return of Messiah Jesus when He touches down to earth.
Jared Kushner and His End Time Role In the New World Order. Excellent Video.
Fingerprints Of The Israelites. Bertrand Comparet Provides An Excellent History Of The So Called Lost Tribes Of Israel And Their Identity Today. The Tribes Of Israel Are Not Lost But Rather Have Lost Their Identity As Prophesied. Awesome Video.
Something else that makes a little more sense now is the amount of ancient Parthian and Sogdian texts. – The Black Hebrew Israelite ‘Movement’s Abba Bivens (the originator of the B.H.I. doctrines) admitted he was trained in Jerusalem by rabbi’s. – The B.H.I doctrines cherry pick, distort and even outright fabricate things in the scriptures to try to make their case. Unfortunately, even though it’s entirely founded on 1 scripture (an entire doctrine!) for many who aren’t grounded in the Bible, or in basics of history, it can sound impressive.
Netflix Founder Offspring Of Jewish Pedophile Sigmund Freud Is Pushing Pedophile Programming. There Is Nothing Cute About Cuties! Must See Video!
New Heaven and The New Earth. The 12 Anisotropic Gems Used For Decoration Of The New Jerusalem. Awesome Video.
Evolution And Dinosaurs Debunked. Awesome Video For Truthseekers!
Creatures Do Change But It Is Not Evolution. Problems with Darwin’s theory of Evolution, Frog to Prince. Awesome Videos!
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Full Movie). The American Academic Dictatorship Pushing The Darwinian Evolution Delusion And The Suppression Of Freedom Of Speech. Awesome Video!
Enviropig Prophesied in the Book of Isaiah. The Pig And Mouse Messianic Prophecy. Don’t Be Caught Eating Pork And Other Unclean Things When Messiah Jesus Returns! Great Videos!
World’s Most Endangered Species Documentary. Must See Video For The White Race! This Is Your Wake Up Call.
The Twelve Tribes Of Jacob Israel And Why They Are Prohibited Be Intermingling Their Seed With The Pre-Adamic Races Here On Earth And Polluting And Modifying Their DNA! Awesome Videos.
Redacted Official Documentary On Planned Takeover Of The World By Satan And His Children! Awesome Video!
Noah’s Flood Was a Regional Flood In the Tarim Basin and Only the White Race Descended From Noah and His Family. Just as in the Days of Noah, the White Race Is Polluting Their DNA by Race Mixing and Taking Vaccines That Change Their DNA – Awesome Videos.
Find Out Who Esau And Edom Are Today. Obadiah Tells They Will Be Ashes Under The Feet Of The House Of Jacob! Awesome Videos.
The Missing 425 Years Contained in the Apocrypha That Mysteriously Disappeared From Our Bibles in the 1800s. Find Out Why! Awesome Video.
What Does The Book Of Ezra Foretell About Donald Trump With The 3 Headed Eagle. The Federal Reserve Bank Has 3 Eagles On It. Is The Fed The Power Behind The Throne Controlling America? Is Donald Trump A Short Feather? Great Videos on the Book Of Ezra Prophecy For America.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: Malachi 4:5 KJV
And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Luke 1:17 KJV
The Book of Malachi: What Have We Done Wrong? Elijah Is Prophesied To Return Before The Dreadful Day Of The LORD. Great Video.
100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White And Who They Are Today – Find Out Your True Identity Through Your Ancestral History! – Excellent Historical Videos With Holy Scriptural References!
Who Are The Real Hebrew Israelites? Rosette Delacroix Proves That The Only People That Fulfill All The Prophecies Of the Holy Scriptures Are The White European Nations. Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked. Excellent Video.
Exposing Ron Wyatt Who Claimed To Have Found The Ark Of The Covenant And Noah’s Ark. Awesome Videos.
The Real Noah’s Ark Of The Covenant Has Been Found In The Tarim Basin And Historians Have Kept It Hidden From Us As They Do Not Want Anyone To Discover That The White Race Are The True Tribes Of Jacob Surnamed Israel. See Link To My post below.
The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin And The Actual Noah’s Ark Found! Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race. Very Informative Videos!
Ancient Secrets In Russia Revealed And Evidence Of Ancient Giants In Russia. Awesome Videos.
“Other Losses” The Movie. Eisenhower The Butcher. The Morgenthau Plan ~ The Untold True Post WW2 German Holocaust [1945]. Must See Videos To Learn The Truth!
The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.
The Greatest Hoax in History Is That the Jews Claim That They Are God;s Chosen People – Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie – Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!
Pope Francis Screwing the Dutch Royal Family and the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Pope Francis Found Guilty of Child Trafficking, Rape and Murder! Excellent Videos
Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off on the protestant denominations. Billy “Frank” Graham and his son Franklin are puppets of the Jesuits whose main mission is to destroy Protestantism.
Billy Graham: New World Order Satanic Illuminati False Prophet Exposed! Great Videos.
Billy Graham was a Jew and his real name was Billy Frank and was spreading a false Satanic gospel teaching that Jesus was a Jew and that the Jews are God’s Chosen people and the Judea-Christian message which is antiChrist. The Jews are chosen by Lucifer who is their god.
Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a
Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic “jews.” Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in
the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.
Billy Graham was also a 33 degree freemason.
See link below for proof that Billy Graham was a Jew.
These two videos on the Tares Among the Wheat and Satan’s Biggest Decpetion also confirm that Billy Frank was a Jew descended from Jakob Frank.
Tares Among The Wheat – Banned On Youtube – Expose Documentary. End Times Prophecy For Us Today. Awesome Video!!
Satan’s Biggest Deception! Satan Raped Eve To Produce Cain And His Descendants, A Hybrid Race. Satan’s Kids Are Here On Earth And Are Trying To Exterminate The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob. This Is The Real War Happening Today!. Must See Videos Before They Are Banned Again!!
Pastor Explains How Eve Was Seduced By The Serpent And Produced Cain And Introduced A Serpent Seedline Into The World. The Mystery Of The Serpent By BF Jackson Who Was Murdered As Well As His Family For Telling The Truth! Awesome Videos.
Cain’s Satanic Seed Line. Satan Has Literal Children Here On Earth Today! Great Videos.
Was Adam And Eve Thrown Out Of The Garden Due To Sexual Relations Or Eating Dessert? Genesis 3:15 Clearly Tells Us That There Is A Serpent Seed Here On Earth. Awesome Video!
The Seed Of The Serpent By World’s Last Chance. Satan Has A Race Of Children Here On Earth! Fabulous Videos!
The Enemies Of The White Race. The Psalm 91 Miracle That You Probably Never Heard Of. Awesome Videos!
The Eternal Enemy Of Humankind: Know Your Enemy. The Enemy Of All Christians Revealed! The Secret Holocaust You Were Never Taught In School! – Awesome Video!
In Order to Understand Revelation, We Have to Go Back to Genesis – There Were Two Creations of the White Race in Genesis Namely The Saints And The Elect – Great Video To Understand Revelation And The Harpazo Of The 144,000 Saints.
“MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Mt 7:22-23.
New Testament Baptism Criteria
Christians that have not yet been baptized by full immersion and at an age of accountability (8 years and up) to receive the gospel and accept Messiah Jesus as your personal savior, should get baptized before the end of the age of grace which will occur when the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth. I expect the Age of Grace to close soon so get baptized as soon as possible. Baptism is a sign of your allegiance to God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, Messiah Jesus, King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereigns.
David Pawson explains the importance of Baptism and why it must be full immersion at an age of accountability.
David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.
Judeo Christianity Is An Oxymoron And Is antiChrist
The Satanists paid Chuck Smith $8 million to infiltrate the church with Jesus Rock Music according to John Todd ex Illuminati. Over 90% of the Jesus Rock Music is controlled by the Illuminati. All regular rock music is satanic and creates a portal for demon possession.
Hal Lindsay, Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler were all leaders in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a state of Rothschild (Israel) that oppresses and murders most of its citizens (Palestinians). Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron as Christians believe in Messiah Jesus as the son of the living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Jews are antiChrist. Judaism is Communism and is anti God. The Jews are Edomites and want to kill all Christians and the white race (the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel).
“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)
All Music in the World Has an Agenda. Excellent Video
The Rapture Date of November 1, 2020 (estimated) is included in this article.
The Simpsons Forecasted The Rise And Fall Of President Trump. Another Show Predicts The Fall of Pence. Is The Grim Reaper In Trump And Pence’s Immediate Future? Who Will Become The Führer Of The Fourth Reich In America? Excellent Videos And Decode!
Xi Jinping is the rider of the red horse and Vlad Putin is the rider on the black horse. Please see the following article for the invasion of America (Manasseh) from the North (Canada) and from the South (Mexico) and from within.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.
The JFK Files: Who Killed JFK, Was There A Bait And Switch, And What Does It Mean For Us Today? Where Is JFK, Bobby Kennedy and 911 In Bible Prophecy? Great Videos To Understand The Real JFK Story.
Aaron Russo His Final Interview And His Documentary Entitled America: Freedom To Fascism Full Movie. Awesome Videos!
Trump’s Surprising Alaska-Canada Rail Announcement. Will There Be High Speed Express Trains To The FEMA Camps For The Christians On A One Way Trip? Great Videos To Provide You With The Real News.
See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.
The complete bible prophecy of the 6 prophets of Revelation 11, the Jewish Fake Snake Messiahs, the Trump Dynasty and Armageddon.
Who Are the 6 Prophets In Revelation 11? Messiah Jesus Is At The Door For His 144,000 Saints In The Harpazo. Who Did Messiah Jesus Tell Us Would Be Alive To See His Return To Earth And Who Are They Today?
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America In Bible Prophecy And Specifying Which Countries Will Be Invading North America. The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Revealed. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Identified! Video Interview.
The Truth About Killer Gates and Dr. Fraudski. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America.
The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!
The Red Dawn Invasion of America by the Blue Helmets – Find Out Who Is Going to Be Invading America Under the Deception of the Blue Helmets of the United Nations – Great Video
The Prophecy of the Psalm 83 War, The Prophecy Against Edom In The Book Of Obadiah, And The Prophecy For America (Manasseh) And The British Commonwealth (Ephraim)
The Rapture
The Rapture will occur 3 ½ days after the assassination of the two prophets (Trump and Pence) which is expected to occur in 2020.
The Rapture will include the dead in Christ who will be raised first; then the 144,000 Saints created in the first creation will be Raptured (Revelation 7:4); then Israelite babies and toddlers belonging to the Elect or those created in the second creation and the disabled. Trump and Pence will also be raised at this time which should be a televised event so all eyes will see. Only the 144,000 Saints who have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost will be Raptured. The Christian Elect who have been baptized in full immersion will be hidden from the fire and the flood during the Great Tribulation. Please see my article on the two Creation Events detailing the Saints and the Elect.
The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!
After the Rapture, men’s hearts will fail them for fear as God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will allow the gates of Hell itself to be opened on an unthankful and unbelieving humanity (Luke 21:26). Most Christians on the earth today are referred to as the Elect, and they will be left behind as their faith must be tested. The Christians left behind may be tested unto death by their not accepting the mark of the beast. Others may be tested in the hour of testing either in a flood or in the fire of nuclear war or both. Christians that are baptized (full immersion) and have the Holy Spirit that maintain their faith will be hidden and protected by Messiah Jesus during this time of trial during the Great Tribulation. Some Christians will by martyred or beheaded under the contrived Noahide Laws. Some of the Israelite Christian Elect who have babies and toddlers may find their babies missing after the Rapture occurs. These Israelite parents will be reunited later with your babies and toddlers who will not have aged during the Greater Exodus in Egypt when you are sent to Egypt in ships (Deut. 28:68) by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for the regathering of the remnant of the Israelites (Isaiah 49:20-21).
See article on how to get baptized by David Pawson as he is one of the few people I found preaching the full immersion baptism at an age of accountability in the New Testament.
Baptism: How The Holy Scriptures Explain How Christians Are To Be Baptised Which Is One Of The Criteria For Being Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed.
Evidence is Mounting For A Hallowe’en Harpazo. The Trump, Lincoln, I Pet Goat 2 Connection Solved. Awesome Videos And Analysis!
“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23
“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3
Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources as Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous articls so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted. Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.
America Is Babylon the Great With Over a Hundred Scriptural Verses to Prove Without a Shadow of a Doubt Why the USA Is End Times Babylon – Awesome Videos – Britain Is Also Babylon the Great and Will Be Destroyed After America Is Obliterated!
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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules
Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.