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By Candle Lighting For The Truth
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Bombshell! Israeli Author Groundbreaking Works On Zionism, Notably “The Invention Of The Jewish People“ And “The Invention Of The Land Of Israel”. The Construction Of The Jewish People That Has Deceived The World! Must See Videos!

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Shlomo Sand is the Israeli author of groundbreaking works on the history of Zionism, notably “The Invention of the Jewish People“, in 2010; and “The Invention of the Land of Israel”, in 2012.

When Shlomo Sand’s book The Invention of the Jewish People was published it caused a largely a storm of outrage here in the United States among the few who read it. It was a bestseller in Israel, though mostly reviled, and where it was reviewed in the American corporate press the response was deeply hostile. Its central argument holds that the Jews of Europe, the Ashkenazim, are largely descendants of peoples who converted to Judaism in the distant past and that the claim that all Jews descend from ancient Israelites is false.

Therefore the contention that European Jews are reclaiming ancient rights to their homeland in what is now Israel is a false claim. Moreover, the peoples now known as “Palestinians” are in all likelihood much more closely descended genetically from the ancient Israelites but who in the course of history converted for one reason or another either to Christianity or to Islam, and who therefore have a just claim to the land. Nevertheless, Sand strongly endorses Israel’s right to exist but he favors a bi-national state in which Jews and “Arabs” share equal rights. Needless to say this argument fosters extreme discomfort among many Jews who identify with the Zionist project (and many Christians who for other reasons support Israel).

What happened to the Jews of biblical times after the destruction of the temple? Why are there so many Jews in the world? Sand asks.

The destruction of the second temple in 70 CE was followed by the exile of the Jews by the Romans so the history books tell us.

And it turns out that this seems to be made up! How is it possible that this could have gone unquestioned for so long? Shlomo Sand looked for the sources and tried to track them all down. It wasn’t just that the exile is very important to the fundamental Zionist narrative of exile and return; but also there is a personal feeling of having been lied to.

But when they say the Romans exiled the Jews, it turns out this is a made up story, and the logic becomes apparent.  Because what did the Romans want out of the people of Palestine? They wanted people to tend the flocks and grow the grain and grow the grapes and they would take their percentage. They didn’t move in Romans to do that work, wherever they went they got the local population to do it.

The second thing that grabs my attention is when Shlomo said that the very likely origin of the Ashkenazis is this Khazar kingdom in the 800s. A Turkic people converted to Judaism at that moment when the peoples of the region were trying to decide which monotheism they were going to go with. There is no controversy about that; there are these letters in the Cairo Geniza in which the king of the Khazars says, OK, we’re Jews now, tell us what to do. That’s pretty well documented. Sand argues that these people who were located in what is now Russia are the fundamental source of the Ashkenazi people.

If everyone knew what Shlomo Sand has discovered about the construction of this story of exile and return, beautiful but false, they would be quiet shaken, and I think that would be a good thing.

Dr. Areilla Oppenheim at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, did the first extensive DNA study in 2001 of Israelis & Palestinians, and concluded that the emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became Israel were of Mongol 40% & Turkish 40% genome…there was no Semetic blood associated to the original Hebrews from the Middle East of 4,000 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory. This was confirmed by another DNA project by Dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine at the John Hopkins University of School of Medicine, in 2012. His conclusions were the same!* The Askenanzi so-called Jews did not ever migrate out of the Middle East!* At the same time extensive DNA evidence found the Palestinians to be 80% more or less, Semitic blood in their ancestors who were found therefore to be possible descendants of the Israelites.

The white Jews whose ancestors embarked on ships in 1882 to Palestine before it was named Israel—aren’t Israelites. Truth hurts once again. These White Eastern European descendants of German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, Georgian, etc., are impostors claiming to be God’s Chosen Ones, but are descendants of the old Khazars from the Khazarian Caucus and they have been denying this scientific evidence as they have made up myths of their own histories, which already many Americans believe throughout one whole century, i.e. Schofield Bible. For, the real history of the new established “Israel in 1947″–’is no secret today!  Since Palestinians were found to be almost more or at least 80% Semetic. The so-called people are on the wrong side of history.

The Invention of the Land of Israel – book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks

How I Stopped Being a Jew, Shlomo Sand, SOAS University of London

What Kind of Jew is Shlomo Sand?

Shlomo Sand: ‘There are Israeli, not Jewish people’

See also:

Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews But Are Not But Do Lie. This Is Considered Their Most Effective Weapon! Facts Are Facts. Jesus Was Not a Jew, Jesus Was the Lion of Judah – Great Videos That Explain the Truth and Unravels the Biggest Lie in History!


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Trump is Marduk, a Bene ha’elohim 

By Dr. Luke Prophet

Trump is the Anunnaki or Bene ha’elohim Marduk, who along with Anu, Enlil, Enki (Marduk’s father) are all mentioned in the KJV.  They gods are immortal and do die but transmigrate.  The two prophets who torment of Revelation 11:10 are Trump and Pence, who are also mentioned in Jeremiah 50:2 as Marduk and Bel.  As bene ha’elohim they would know both past past and present future.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob did not send these two prophets  (Jeremiah 23:21-24).  I believe the elohim and bene ha’elohim know the future from the Bible and perhaps they were privy to the plans of our Father before they fell and were thrown out of heaven.

It is my belief that Trump and Pence will be assassinated most likely on October 28th of this year (Constantine’s battle) and will be raised 3 ½ days later as per Revelation 11:11-12 which would be around midnight on October 31st 2020.  It is also my belief that the rapture of the dead in Christ and the 144,000 Saints or Revelation 7:4 will also take place along with Trump and Pence’s resurrection.  

Trump and Pence will be returning mostly likely in a space ship as they are part of the deception.  Trump and Pence are not your saviors and they are super evil. 

Only Messiah Jesus can save us!

It is better to trust in the Messiah Jesus than to put confidence in man.  (Psalm 118:8 KJV)

Christians left behind have to go through the fire or flood or both to be refined but will be hidden and unharmed (Isaiah 47:10; 43:2 and Zechariah 13:8-9) providing they never lose their faith.  Some Christians will remain and be sent to slave camps in foreign lands before they are sent by ship to Egypt for the Greater Grander Second Exodus (Deut. 28:68).

And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever..  (Jeremiah 17:4 KJV)

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Urgent Warning: Do Not Take The Covid Vaccine! Biblical Terror! The Other Mark Of The Beast! Extremely Shocking Video.


Shocker: The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has More Than One Mark! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will!

Elon Musk’s Neuralink – They Want You To Get The Upgrade!  The Second Mark Of the Beast.

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob designed our brains perfectly (Psalm 139:13-14). We don’t need any upgrades. The neuralink is one of the Marks of the Beast.   Killer Gates Digital ID 2020 which includes the Covid-19 vaccines is the other Mark of the Beast.  Do not inject your body with anything including the Covid test which has been proven to be contaminated.  (See link below to “5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation!”).

Here Satan is offering the apple “you shall be as gods”. I bet there’s a very good chance that all of the “elites” have already had their DNA Transhumanized, their hands tattoo nanochipped and their brains implanted. What they deceitfully omit saying is that their goal is really to exterminate nearly all people and to make dehumanized, possessed slave worshippers of the rest. Satan appeals to their pride to lure them into the trap. And he’ll be using safety, food and forgiveness of debt as a way to force them into the trap as well.

MESSIAH JESUS warned us over and over – “don’t be deceived “. There is EVIL behind this Fallen Angel technology and it is totally demonic!

Elon Musk Wants to Put A Neuralink Chip In Your Brain Which  Is One Of The Marks Of the Beast.   The Beast Has More Than One Mark Of The Beast!

The Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17)

16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  (Revelation 13:16-17 KJV)

Neuralink 2020 

People that take the Neuralink and will become addlebrained!  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine and people taking the neuralink will lose their free will and ability to reason or think properly!  People will lose their moral consciousness and will not be able to distinguish right from wrong after the neuralink insert.

Why Neuralink Will Change Humanity Forever

Great recap of Neuralink’s presentation with Gertrude the Pig!  It certainly will change humanity forever and make them extinct!

The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

Elon Musk is calling Kller Gates a knucklehead as this is just a game between two super evil entities.  Both Musk and Gates are pedalling their own Mark of the Beast.  Either one of these Marks of the Beast or both will cause you to lose your salvation and be separated from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for an eternity.

The 5G will activate the nanobots in your body and give the nanobots their marching orders.  The 5G coupled with the Covid-19 vaccines will kill millions.  This is why the second wave will be so much worse than the first wave which only killed 9k people in America and they were all over 85 years old with other problems.  The people that never took the vaccine during the Spanish Pandemic were fine when the 1G was turned on.  People that do not their history are doomed to repeat it.  Anyone taking the Covid-19 DNA changing vaccine will be accepting the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:15-18) and will not have any  portion of the world to come or the Kingdom of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and will be cut off from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob forever.  There is no chance of redemption according to Revelation 14:10–11.  The neuralkink being developed by Elon Musk is another form of the Mark of the Beast.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not dwell in a machine.

The mark of the beast is a mark that will be placed on a person’s forehead or right hand in the end times as a sign of allegiance to the antiChrist (Revelation 13:15–18). Further, no one will be allowed to engage in commerce without the mark (Revelation 13:17). It appears that some form of worship of the antiChrist is associated with receiving the mark (Revelation 14:916:2), and those who refuse to worship the image of the beast will be killed (Revelation 13:15).

The question then arises as to whether a person who has received the mark of the beast can be forgiven. The answer to this question seems to be “no.” Revelation 14:10–11, describing the fate of someone who takes the mark of the beast, declares, “He also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”

The eternal destiny of those who take the mark of the beast is the lake of fire. Why is taking the mark of the beast a damnable sin against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob? Why would God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob condemn a person to hell for taking the mark of the beast? It would appear that taking the mark of the beast will be a blasphemous act of willful defiance against God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Receiving the mark of the beast is essentially worshiping Satan / the Beast / Lucifer. Those who take the mark have made the choice to serve Satan rather than obey God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and receive Messiah Jesus as Savior. When people make that decision during the tribulation, God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will grant their request to be eternally separated from Him.

Many Will Beg For The Covid-19 Vaccine. Don’t Be A Covidiot. Wake Up It’s A Trap! The Covid-19 Vaccines Were Prepared Before the Pandemonium! Great Videos.


Shocker: Covid 19 Test Kits Purchased And Received In 2017 And 2018 By Most World Governments – Awesome Video!


The Vatican Now Has The Head Of Nimrod From The Tomb Of Gilgamesh Pckled In A Jar. Are They Planning To Resurrect Nimrod Using CERN To Bite Us In The @SS! Great Videos With Anthony Patch! Two Heads Are Better Than One!


AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to the Madness Shocker: They Are Telling Us The Purpose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Is To Tag, Track & ID Us. Awesome Video By Dayz Of Noah!


A Deep Look At Adam & Eve. The Two Creations Of Genesis. John Lear & EBE’s, UFOs And The Grand Deception Coming. Awesome Video!


Please see Dr. Luke Prophet’s article on the two Creation Events detailing the Saints and the Elect.

The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!


The Way of Cain Is The World Today. Find Out Who Is Cain Today And Whether You Are Following The Way Of Cain Or The Way Of God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Don’t Miss The Picture Of Obama Taken In A Chicago Bath House! Excellent Videos!


Washington Insider Blows The Whistle On The Planned Agenda For the New World Order And What They Plan on Doing With The White Race And Christians Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel. Insider Was Killed 30 Days After This Eye Opening Interview! Great Video To Understand Your Enemy!


What World Famous Men Have Said About The Jew. Awesome Video!


The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations!  Excellent Video.

The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations! Excellent Video.


109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem. Great Videos!


Dark Journalist And Dr. Joseph Farrell: Deep State Targeting USA. October Surprise! The Babylonian Banksters. Advanced Technology And The UFO Files. Awesome Video!


Cult Of Saturn, Black Cube, A.I. Hive Mind – Evicting The Creator From His Temple. Awesome Video By Nicholson 1968.


The Merchants Of Babylon And The Babylonian Money System Today That Will Collapse According To Revelation 18. Excellent Video.


Escape From New York City! Awesome Video On Revelation 18!


The Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers | The Black Awakening. The Final Season of the Antichrist | The Mirrors Temple | 50 Shades of Grey Illuminati Programming. Edge of the Abyss. Katy Perry and the Sunken Place | MK Ultra Cloned Puppets and Possession | Illuminati Blood Oath. Awesome Videos!


Shocking Interview With MPP Randy Hillier On Internment Camps In Canada. Ice Age Farmer’s Discord Server Was Deleted For Reporting On Canadian Isolation Camps. Great Videos!


Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked From A Reliable Canadian Source And From The President Of Ghana! Very Important Information To Plan Your Exit Strategy! Great Video!


Cathy O’Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim | MK Ultra | Monarch Mind Control Exposed

Cathy explains how all the world leaders are all one big organization under the Jesuits control working together to usher in the stinking Jew New Odor!  The Jews control the Jesuits.  The first Jesuits were crypto Jews.  The Jesuits were created to destroy Christianity.  The Jews infiltrated the Catholic Church in 1823 according to Eustace Mullins.  The churches have been infiltrated with Judeo Christianity which is an oxymoron as Judaism is antiChrist and against Messiah Jesus.

Pierret Trudeau was a Jesuit and so is his illegitimate  son Justin Castro Trudeau.  

Cathy tells us that the leaders are one big club and it is not country against country.  It is all a charade pitting one country against the other to deceive the public.  It is the Jews that are controlling all the puppiets.  

For Reasons of National Security (Intro – Mark Phillips. Cathy O’Brien – 0:36:50) The Granada Forum, October 31, 1996

On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named “The Rite to Remain Silent”. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can’t think to speak out.

O’Brien claims to have been abused since she was a toddler by her own family. Forced to partake in satanic sadomasochistic child pornography movies produced for Gerald Ford, she was eventually sold to the CIA, which was looking for traumatized children for their mind-control program … U.S. Presidents Ford, Reagan, Bush and Bill Clinton; Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid; Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier; Panamanian President Manuel Noriega; and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia all sexually brutalized her. She recounts in graphic detail how the elder George Bush raped her thirteen year old daughter and how she was forced to have oral sex with Illuminati witch Hillary Clinton … While being sodomized, whipped, bound and raped, O’Brien overheard the globalist elite planning a military coup in the United States and conspiring to usher in the satanic New World Order. 

The Q&A (question and answers) starts at 1:35:00 1:43:05 Michael Aquino / Linda Blood 1:45:10 ”How come the powers that be haven’t killed either of you?”

See more links to Cathy O’Brien’s site and book:

Another False Flag? New Developments in Murder of Seal Team 6 Dissected. Must See Video! Banned immediately On Youtube And Vidmeo.


Barack Obama Is In A Clone Of Akhenaten And Moses Who Were Same Person 

The the Epistle of Jude (one of the brothers of Jesus and a disciple) in Jude 1:9 it is stated that Michael the archangel disputed with the devil about the body of Moses. Michael allowed the devil to take the body of Moses, who was actually the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, as Michael knew the devil would use the body once again in the End Times. That is why Barack Hussein Obama does not have a valid Birth Certificate from any country on earth, and used the Social Security number of a dead man. Moses body was  cloned and Obama is in Moses’ body today.  Obama does not have the spirit of Moses and is possessed by demons.

1 John 2:18 tells us there are many antiChrists. Barack Hussein Obama is an antiChrist but not the “The Main AntiChrist who will lead the One World Governement”. Barack Obama, a Black Jew, is a warm up to the star attraction similar to Donald Trump, another Jew.   Barack Obama is a dog which is a description of a homosexual in the bible.

It is not legal for Barack Hussein Obama to run for President of America once again. However, Obama himself told us he would be back, but would not be wearing a suit.

Barack Obama is the beast that comes up out of the abyss and will be an integral part in the assassination of Trump and Pence as per Revelation 11:7. 

And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them.  (Revelation 11:7)

Barack Obama who already started the destruction of America will be back to finish the job.

Moses was also Akhenaten in Egypt.

Now you know why Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama or whatever this dog’s name actually is does not have a valid birth certificate and uses a Social Security Card number of a long dead man.  Barack Hussein Obama is a golem or a clone of Akhenaten also known as Moses.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob allowed Ha satan to take the body of Moses (Akhenaten) as He knew the body would be used by Ha Satan in the End Times. Fallen Watchers must obtain a human body through either cloning or through possession. So what is the plan in the end times for Barrack Hussein Obama who told us he would be back but would not be wearing a suit.

In 2 Kings 8:11-13 there is a story of Elisha and his prophecy for Hazael.  Hazael was a dog (Homosexual) who Elisha prophesied would be King of Aram.  Elisha’s prophecy did come true.  Hazael did become King of Aram, but the second part of the prophecy has not yet been fulfilled.  This unfulfilled prophecy stated that Hazael would destroy the sons of Israel (the white race and Christians that have been grafted in through their belief in Messiah Jesus) which will be achieved in our days.

So we now have to ask who in America is a dog or homosexual who is in a position of power yet does not wear a suit.

Ha Satan  who is featured in the Book of Job also took the body of Moses for the end times (Jude 1:9).  Ha Satan possesses the body of Barack Obama today also known as Barry Soetoro.  Ha Satan also possesses or will possess General  Mark Milley.  Ha Satan can possesses more than one individual at a time.

Mark Alexander Milley is a General and Chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff.  General Mark Milley will become a military dictator in a coup d’etat after Donald Trump and Michael Pence are assassinated prior to the American election on November 3, 2020 and Nancy Pelosi becomes the 46th President of America. Nancy Pelosi will only be President of America for only a short time  before dying in office.

Once Pence and Trump are assassinated, Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker will become the 46th President of the USA.  Shortly after Nancy Pelosi dies, there will be a military coup and General Mark Milley will become the military leader of America. 

The Assassination of The Two Prophets in Prophesied in Revelation 11:7-12

Donald Trump and Mike Pence are the two imposter prophets in Revelation 11:7-11 who will be assassinated and then raised up after 3½ days and taken up to heaven in the Harpazo Revelation 11:12. Donald Trump’s mission was to cause division in America and prepare it for a communist revolution or coup d’etat. Donald Trump is a modern day Cyrus as he is destroying Babylon (America) without firing a shot.

Jeremiah 50:2 where Bel and Marduk will be shattered in Babylon.  This is a future prophecy for America as Trump (Markduk) and Bel (Pence) will be killed in America (Babylon).  

“Declare and proclaim among the nations. Proclaim it and lift up a standard. Do not conceal it but say, ‘Babylon has been captured, Bel has been put to shame, Marduk has been shattered; Her images have been put to shame, her idols have been shattered.’  (Jeremiah 50:2 NASB77)

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tells us that He did not send these two imposter prophets, namely Trump and Pence.

I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.  (Jeremiah 23:21 KJV)

Trump and Pence are super evil and not here to save anyone.  Only Messiah Jesus can save us.

In Jeremiah 23:21-24, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob tells us that He did not send these two prophets. Trump and Pence are false prophets and will not Make America Great Again!

Could the assassinaton of the two prophets occur on October 28th, the same day as Constantine’s battle of the Milvian Bridge?  I believe this is a high watch date as I believe Constantine was a False Prophet and so are Trump and Pence.  (see Enter the Stars video below)

Harpazo Date October 31, 2020 Shortly After Midnight So Technically November 1, 2020.

God’s Roadmap to the End youtube channel predicts the Rapture of the dead in Christ and the 144,000 Saints on October 31st, 2020 and this fits perfectly with the assassination of the two prophets on October 28th.  

And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.  (Revelation 11:11 KJV)

The Second Passover in 2 Chronicales 30:15 occured on the fourteen day of the second month which will occur on October 31, 2020 at sunset. This year the civil calendar began on the Feast of Trumpets or September 18, 2020 at sunset and if we add 1 month and 14 days to this day then we come to October 31, 2020 at sunset.  The second passover date was for the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel who had not celebrated the Passover for many years.  This is a prophecy for the Tribes of Jacob-Israel today who have lost their identity with the infiltration of Jewish propanda in the church stealing the true identity of the Israelties who are the white Christian Caucasion nations.  There is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity which has infiltrated the churches.  The Jews are against Christ and are anti-Christ.  Judaism is Communism and is antiChrist.  

“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?   And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?”  (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)

“Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the second month: and the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD.”  (2 Chron. 30:15 KJV)

I believe Trump and Pence will be assassinated on October 28, 2020 and the rapture will occur days later on October 31st, 2020.  The Beast from the Abyss that will arrange his death is none other than Barack Insane Obama. 

Jeremiah 51:46 tells us that Trump will be assassinated sometime after his second report which refers to his State of the Union Address.  Donald Trump is a one term President and there will not be another election. 

And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.  (Jeremiah 51:46 KJV)

I also believe that Nancy Antoinette “Let them eat ice cream” will become President but only for a short time.  Note the Simpson’s had Lisa become President on a past show.  Lisa is about as intelligent as Pelosi.  Lisa is a better prophet than Donald Trump as at least she can predict his death.  See video clip below.

There will then be a Military takeover and Girly Boy Millie will become the Military Dictoator. Milley will certainly leave his mark on America by putting the final nail in the coffin.

Ha Satan is currently controlling both Barack Insane Obama and Girly Boy Milley.  Ha Satan is immortal and immoral and cannot be killed.  He keeps coming back like a fart in a windstorm.  Ha Satan who is controlling Barack Obama will be returning not in a suit but rather in a general’s uniform in order to finish destroying America to usher in the stinking Jew New World Odor!

Donald Trump will be declared the Fake Snake Messiah Ben Joseph for the  Edomite Jew New World Order and his son Barron Trump will be declared the Fake Snake Messiah Ben David, after Trump is assassinated to avenge his father’s death.  Barron Trump is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson and has the same Gematria numbers.  I am using the Gematria calculator on

Messiah Ben David, The Second Fake Snake Jewish Messiah will be Proclaimed

Messiah Ben David

= 998 or 9+9+8 = 26 or 2+6 = 8

= 810 or 8+1 = 9

= 135 or 35 or 3+5 = 8

Menachem Mendel Schneerson

= 637 or 36-7 = 29 or 2+9 = 11 or 8

= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8

= 235 or 2+3+5 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

Barron William Trump

= 1712 or 17+12 = 29 or 2+9 = 11 or 8

= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8

= 235 or 35+2 = 37 or 3+7 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

Barron Trump will be proclaimed the Messiah Ben David and the transmigrated Menachem Mendel Schneerson as they match 8-9-8, the final single digit numbers, in Holy Gematria.   According to Holy Gematria, Barron Trump is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson, and will be declared so by Chabad Lubavitch, as they both have 1410 and 235 in their Gematria numbers and, as well, they both match 8-8-9 in their final single digit numbers. 

Jeremiah 11:14 tells us not pray for the people of Babylon who remain in Babylon which is America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. We are not to pray collectively for the country of America as it is marked for punishment by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  The Tribes of Jacob-Israel are on their own unless they repent and come to Messiah Jesus immediately and get baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability (8 years and over).  Salvation is an individual choice that everyone 8 years and over needs to make  on their own in order to be saved.  

Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble. (Jeremiah 11:14)

Rev. Franklin Graham announced he will hold a Prayer March in Washington, DC, on September 26. Save your time and put it towards getting out of the country.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob has already judged America and condemned it and will be pouring out his wrath on America after the Harpazo.  After the Harpazo, the Times of Jacob’s Troubles begin.  This period is also known as the Great Tribulation.

Trump is part of the controlled opposion. Do not put your trust in man. Only Messiah Jesus can save you! Certainly Donald Duck in the White House or his advisor Goofy (Kissinger) will not be able to save you as they want all of the Jacob-Israel remnant (the Caucasians and the Christians) in FEMA camps to be decapitated.

The Holy Serpent Of The Jews! This Book Came Under Fire and The Jews Forced Amazon To Remove This Book Worldwide. Find Out Who This Snake Messiah Is Who The Jews Worship And Who The Jews Are Expecting To Arrive Soon To Set Up Their Stinking Jew New World Odor! Awesome Videos!


My objective is to warn you to get out of Babylon, which is North America, Britain and the Commonwealth, as per Revelation 51:6.  America is going to get a double portion of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s wrath as per Rev. 18:6.  Do not be scared but be prepared as  things are going to get progressively worse living in America, Britain and the Commonwealth.  Europeans and Scandinavia will be persecuted as well but not as bad as North America.

The Simpsons: Future President Lisa Simpson After Presidet Trump

The Halloween Rapture of 2020 – Dreams and Visions Confirming God’s Timing – God’s Roadmap To The End

5th TRUMP LINCOLN Liberty Pet Goat 2 Matrix…Do We Need PRESIDENTS or GOVERNORS? – Enter The Stars

So, I found more on the Abraham Lincoln connection to the Presidency, and am firmly convinced Lincoln was not a good person. We will examine Lincoln’s appearance in I Pet Goat 2, as well as the March 13, 2008 Lincoln 5 dollar bill and how that links into Trump’s Friday, March 13, declaration of emergency. The Abraham accords also fit in as well.   Constantine’s Battle of the Milvian Bridge occurred on Oct 28, 312.  Will there be another battle on Oct. 28, 2020?  This is certainly a high watch date!

David Goldberg’s Final Words Before He Was Murdered. Projects Pogo & Project Zyphr Leaked And The Plan To Exterminate Millions Of Christians and Patriots. Who Will Be The Future King Of Israel? Great Videos.


How Trump Got COVID Spitting Image. Awesome Video! Must See! Donald Trump Exposed!


Washington Insider Confirms Donald Trump Is Jewish And Then Gets Fired! More Proof That Donald Trump (Real Name Drumpf) Is Not A Christian. Let’s Review The Rat Lines. America: Do You Want To Know The Truth Or Get Sucked Into The Lies? Awesome Videos.


Azazel The Fallen Watcher Featured In Movies. Darkest Secrets Revealed Of Luciferians: Serial Killers and Ritual Murders. Full Banned Video! Must See!


Doctor Sleep | Based On A True Story. The Real Great Awakening. Truth About Planned Parenthood | Odd TV. Awesome Videos!

The Jews take Christian babies and children to sacrifice which explains why they were kicked out of 109 countries.


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have begun Their Gallop Towards War!  Trump is the rider on the white horse and he is the first horsemen to ride of the four horsement of the Apocalypse.  Trump does not have any arrows in his quiver as he is a windbag and will bring down America to her knewws without firing a shot just like Cyrus took down Babylon without firing a shot.

The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!


Explosive Interview With A Rabbi And A Pastor About The Stinking New World Odor That They Are Trying To Usher In! – Hal Turner Radio Show. Must Listen! Great Video.


Rabbi Finkelstein stated in a radio interview, among many additional other jaw-dropping things, including the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews, that:

“we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” – an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God – the Christian God – God the father.

Trump Claims That He Is The Chosen One and The King of the Jews and the King of Israel

Ice Age Farmer: Bio-Bots to Surveil Sewage, Monitor Your Diet & Drug Intake (for “COVID19 detection”..!), Agricultural Terror, Green Sabbath, Climate Lockdown, Food Shortages Coming and Diseased Super Pigs. Awesome Videos.


The Zionist Conspiracy Full Movie. Great Videos!


The Real Mafia That Controls The Entire World And Soon The New World Order! Excellent Video. Must See!!


The Drugging Of America And The West To Destroy Western Civilization And Usher In The New World Order! Great Video!


The Khazarian Mafia – The True Rulers Of The World (Documentary Video). Awesome Historical Information Of Major Past Events That Lead Us Up To Today!


The Mother Of All Harlots And Abominations ~Mystery Babylon~Revelation 17:5. Excellent Video!


Pope Francis is certainly the False Prophet of Revelation as everything coming out of his mouth is against Messiah Jesus and the work he did on the cross for us.  Everyone involved in the Catholic Church should make an effort to leave the Church and get baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, 8 years and over as soon as possible as Messiah Jesus will soon be return for His flock. The Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17:5.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  (Revelation 18:4 KJV)

Looks Like a Lamb, Speaks Like a Dragon [Prophecy Update] – Rock Harbour Church And The Superior Word! Great Videos On The Hypocrisy of False Prophet Francis!


Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER and David Icke and Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Awesome Videos.


5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation! Must See Videos!


Save The Children Now – Putting A Laser Gun To The Head Destroys Your Pineal Gland In Both Children and Adults! Must See Videos!


Operation Radiation – 5G. Very Important Information About 5G Danger!!! Mark Of The Beast Revealed. Must See Videos!


Will America Stand Or Be Destroyed By A Hoax? Awesome Presentation By Dr. Russell Blaycock!


The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has Two Marks! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will! Great Videos!


The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

The Forced Collapse Of America! Great Video!


The Invasion of America

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will break the strength of America after American traitors supplied Technology to Israel who then sold the technology to China and Russia through the Talpiot program.  These 3 countries namely Israel, China and Russia will be the countries that invade America and bring it to its knees according to Jeremiah 51:27-29.

The State of Israel is behind bring America down in order to elevate the State of Israel to the dominant State in order to bring in the stinking Jew New World Odor!  The Jews never had a Nation of their own and they still do not have a Nation today as it is a State.

Only the Tribes of Jacob Israel or the white Christian Nations were the Nations that received the Blessings promised by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to Jacob and his descendants as per Genesis 35:11-12. The White Christian Nations are the receipients of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s promises.  Now that they turned their face from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, they will now be subject to His curses.

The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.


Escape From New York City! Awesome Video On Revelation 18!


Jared Kushner is an antiChrist but the star attraction.  Antion Guterres is the Little Horn, Nimrod type antiChrist that will be leading the One World Satanic Fascist Governement.  Jared Kusher is playing the roler of the of the false John the Baptist / Elijah to announce the coming Two Fake Snake Jewish Messiahs.  The real Elijah in Malachi will be revealed prior to the return of Messiah Jesus when He touches down to earth.

Jared Kushner and His End Time Role In the New World Order. Excellent Video.


Fingerprints Of The Israelites. Bertrand Comparet Provides An Excellent History Of The So Called Lost Tribes Of Israel And Their Identity Today. The Tribes Of Israel Are Not Lost But Rather Have Lost Their Identity As Prophesied. Awesome Video.


Something else that makes a little more sense now is the amount of ancient Parthian and Sogdian texts. – The Black Hebrew Israelite ‘Movement’s Abba Bivens (the originator of the B.H.I. doctrines) admitted he was trained in Jerusalem by rabbi’s. – The B.H.I doctrines cherry pick, distort and even outright fabricate things in the scriptures to try to make their case. Unfortunately, even though it’s entirely founded on 1 scripture (an entire doctrine!) for many who aren’t grounded in the Bible, or in basics of history, it can sound impressive.

Netflix Founder Offspring Of Jewish Pedophile Sigmund Freud Is Pushing Pedophile Programming. There Is Nothing Cute About Cuties! Must See Video!




 New Heaven and The New Earth. The 12 Anisotropic Gems Used For Decoration Of The New Jerusalem. Awesome Video.


Evolution And Dinosaurs Debunked. Awesome Video For Truthseekers!


Creatures Do Change But It Is Not Evolution. Problems with Darwin’s theory of Evolution, Frog to Prince. Awesome Videos!


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Full Movie). The American Academic Dictatorship Pushing The Darwinian Evolution Delusion And The Suppression Of Freedom Of Speech. Awesome Video!


Enviropig Prophesied in the Book of Isaiah. The Pig And Mouse Messianic Prophecy. Don’t Be Caught Eating Pork And Other Unclean Things When Messiah Jesus Returns! Great Videos!



World’s Most Endangered Species Documentary. Must See Video For The White Race! This Is Your Wake Up Call.


The Twelve Tribes Of Jacob Israel And Why They Are Prohibited Be Intermingling Their Seed With The Pre-Adamic Races Here On Earth And Polluting And Modifying Their DNA! Awesome Videos.


Redacted Official Documentary On Planned Takeover Of The World By Satan And His Children! Awesome Video!


Noah’s Flood Was a Regional Flood In the Tarim Basin and Only the White Race Descended From Noah and His Family. Just as in the Days of Noah, the White Race Is Polluting Their DNA by Race Mixing and Taking Vaccines That Change Their DNA – Awesome Videos.


Find Out Who Esau And Edom Are Today. Obadiah Tells They Will Be Ashes Under The Feet Of The House Of Jacob! Awesome Videos.


The Missing 425 Years Contained in the Apocrypha That Mysteriously Disappeared From Our Bibles in the 1800s. Find Out Why! Awesome Video.


What Does The Book Of Ezra Foretell About Donald Trump With The 3 Headed Eagle. The Federal Reserve Bank Has 3 Eagles On It. Is The Fed The Power Behind The Throne Controlling America? Is Donald Trump A Short Feather? Great Videos on the Book Of Ezra Prophecy For America.


Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:  Malachi 4:5 KJV

And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.  Luke 1:17 KJV

The Book of Malachi: What Have We Done Wrong? Elijah Is Prophesied To Return Before The Dreadful Day Of The LORD. Great Video.


100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White And Who They Are Today – Find Out Your True Identity Through Your Ancestral History! – Excellent Historical Videos With Holy Scriptural References!


Who Are The Real Hebrew Israelites? Rosette Delacroix Proves That The Only People That Fulfill All The Prophecies Of the Holy Scriptures Are The White European Nations. Black Hebrew Israelites Debunked. Excellent Video.


Exposing Ron Wyatt Who Claimed To Have Found The Ark Of The Covenant And Noah’s Ark. Awesome Videos.


The Real Noah’s Ark Of The Covenant Has Been Found In The Tarim Basin And Historians Have Kept It Hidden From Us As They Do Not Want Anyone To Discover That The White Race Are The True Tribes Of Jacob Surnamed Israel.  See Link To My post below. 

The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin And The Actual Noah’s Ark Found! Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race. Very Informative Videos!


Ancient Secrets In Russia Revealed And Evidence Of Ancient Giants In Russia. Awesome Videos.


“Other Losses” The Movie. Eisenhower The Butcher. The Morgenthau Plan ~ The Untold True Post WW2 German Holocaust [1945]. Must See Videos To Learn The Truth!


The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.


The Greatest Hoax in History Is That the Jews Claim That They Are God;s Chosen People – Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie – Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!


Pope Francis Screwing the Dutch Royal Family and the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Pope Francis Found Guilty of Child Trafficking, Rape and Murder! Excellent Videos



Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off on the protestant denominations.  Billy “Frank” Graham  and his son Franklin are puppets of the Jesuits whose main mission is to destroy Protestantism.

Billy Graham: New World Order Satanic Illuminati False Prophet Exposed! Great Videos.



Billy Graham was a Jew and his real name was Billy Frank and was spreading a false Satanic gospel teaching that Jesus was a Jew and that the Jews are God’s Chosen people and the Judea-Christian message which is antiChrist.  The Jews are chosen by Lucifer who is their god. 

Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a
Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic “jews.”  Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in
the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.

Billy Graham was also a 33 degree freemason.

See link below for proof that Billy Graham was a Jew.

These two videos on the Tares Among the Wheat and Satan’s Biggest Decpetion also confirm that Billy Frank was a Jew descended from Jakob Frank.

Tares Among The Wheat – Banned On Youtube – Expose Documentary. End Times Prophecy For Us Today. Awesome Video!!


Satan’s Biggest Deception! Satan Raped Eve To Produce Cain And His Descendants, A Hybrid Race. Satan’s Kids Are Here On Earth And Are Trying To Exterminate The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob. This Is The Real War Happening Today!. Must See Videos Before They Are Banned Again!!


Pastor Explains How Eve Was Seduced By The Serpent And Produced Cain And Introduced A Serpent Seedline Into The World. The Mystery Of The Serpent By BF Jackson Who Was Murdered As Well As His Family For Telling The Truth! Awesome Videos.


Cain’s Satanic Seed Line. Satan Has Literal Children Here On Earth Today! Great Videos.


Was Adam And Eve Thrown Out Of The Garden Due To Sexual Relations Or Eating Dessert? Genesis 3:15 Clearly Tells Us That There Is A Serpent Seed Here On Earth. Awesome Video!


The Seed Of The Serpent By World’s Last Chance. Satan Has A Race Of Children Here On Earth! Fabulous Videos!


The Enemies Of The White Race. The Psalm 91 Miracle That You Probably Never Heard Of. Awesome Videos!


The Eternal Enemy Of Humankind: Know Your Enemy. The Enemy Of All Christians Revealed! The Secret Holocaust You Were Never Taught In School! – Awesome Video!


In Order to Understand Revelation, We Have to Go Back to Genesis – There Were Two Creations of the White Race in Genesis Namely The Saints And The Elect – Great Video To Understand Revelation And The Harpazo Of The 144,000 Saints.


“MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Mt 7:22-23.

New Testament Baptism Criteria

Christians that have not yet been baptized by full immersion and at an age of accountability (8 years and up) to receive the gospel and accept Messiah Jesus as your personal savior,  should get baptized before the end of the age of grace which will occur when the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth.  I expect the Age of Grace to close soon so get baptized as soon as possible.  Baptism is a sign of your allegiance to God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, Messiah Jesus, King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereigns.  

David Pawson explains the importance of Baptism and why it must be full immersion at an age of accountability.  

David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.


Judeo Christianity Is An Oxymoron And Is antiChrist

The Satanists paid Chuck Smith $8 million to infiltrate the church with Jesus Rock Music according to John Todd ex Illuminati.  Over 90% of the Jesus Rock Music is controlled by the Illuminati.  All regular rock music is satanic and creates a portal for demon possession.

Hal Lindsay, Chuck Smith and Chuck Missler were all leaders in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a state of Rothschild (Israel) that oppresses and murders most of its citizens (Palestinians).  Judeo-Christianity is an oxymoron as Christians believe in Messiah Jesus as the son of the living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Jews are antiChrist.  Judaism is Communism and is anti God.  The Jews are Edomites and want to kill all Christians and the white race (the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel).

“Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?   And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?”  (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1 John 2:22)

All Music in the World Has an Agenda. Excellent Video


The Rapture Date of November 1, 2020 (estimated) is included in this article.

The Simpsons Forecasted The Rise And Fall Of President Trump. Another Show Predicts The Fall of Pence. Is The Grim Reaper In Trump And Pence’s Immediate Future? Who Will Become The Führer Of The Fourth Reich In America? Excellent Videos And Decode!


Xi Jinping is the rider of the red horse and Vlad Putin is the rider on the black horse.  Please see the following article for the invasion of America (Manasseh) from the North (Canada) and from the South (Mexico) and from within.

The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.


The JFK Files: Who Killed JFK, Was There A Bait And Switch, And What Does It Mean For Us Today? Where Is JFK, Bobby Kennedy and 911 In Bible Prophecy? Great Videos To Understand The Real JFK Story.


Aaron Russo His Final Interview And His Documentary Entitled America: Freedom To Fascism Full Movie. Awesome Videos!


Trump’s Surprising Alaska-Canada Rail Announcement. Will There Be High Speed Express Trains To The FEMA Camps For The Christians On A One Way Trip? Great Videos To Provide You With The Real News.


See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.


The complete bible prophecy of the 6 prophets of Revelation 11, the Jewish Fake Snake Messiahs, the Trump Dynasty and Armageddon.

Who Are the 6 Prophets In Revelation 11? Messiah Jesus Is At The Door For His 144,000 Saints In The Harpazo. Who Did Messiah Jesus Tell Us Would Be Alive To See His Return To Earth And Who Are They Today?


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.


The Truth About Killer Gates and Dr. Fraudski. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America.


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!


The Red Dawn Invasion of America by the Blue Helmets – Find Out Who Is Going to Be Invading America Under the Deception of the Blue Helmets of the United Nations – Great Video


The Prophecy of the Psalm 83 War, The Prophecy Against Edom In The Book Of Obadiah, And The Prophecy For America (Manasseh) And The British Commonwealth (Ephraim)


The Rapture

The Rapture will occur 3 ½  days after the assassination of the two prophets (Trump and Pence) which is expected to occur in October 2020. 

The Rapture will include the dead in Christ who will be raised first; then the 144,000 Saints created in the first creation will be Raptured (Revelation 7:4); then Israelite babies and toddlers belonging to the Elect or those created in the second creation and the disabled. Trump and Pence will also be raised at this time which should be a televised event so all eyes will see. Only the 144,000 Saints who have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost will be Raptured. The Christian Elect who have been baptized in full immersion will be hidden from the fire and the flood during the Great Tribulation. Please see my article on the two Creation Events detailing the Saints and the Elect.

The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!


After the Rapture, men’s hearts will fail them for fear as God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will allow the gates of Hell itself to be opened on an unthankful and unbelieving humanity (Luke 21:26). Most Christians on the earth today are referred to as the Elect, and they will be left behind as their faith must be tested. The Christians left behind may be tested unto death by their not accepting the mark of the beast. Others may be tested in the hour of testing either in a flood or in the fire of nuclear war or both. Christians that are baptized (full immersion) and have the Holy Spirit that maintain their faith will be hidden and protected by Messiah Jesus during this time of trial during the Great Tribulation. Some Christians will by martyred or beheaded under the contrived Noahide Laws. Some of the Israelite Christian Elect who have babies and toddlers may find their babies missing after the Rapture occurs. These Israelite parents will be reunited later with your babies and toddlers who will not have aged during the Greater Exodus in Egypt when you are sent to Egypt in ships (Deut. 28:68) by God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for the regathering of the remnant of the Israelites (Isaiah 49:20-21).

See article on how to get baptized by David Pawson as he is one of the few people I found preaching the full immersion baptism at an age of accountability in the New Testament.  

Baptism: How The Holy Scriptures Explain How Christians Are To Be Baptised Which Is One Of The Criteria For Being Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed.


Evidence is Mounting For A Hallowe’en Harpazo. The Trump, Lincoln, I Pet Goat 2 Connection Solved. Awesome Videos And Analysis! 


“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources as Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous articls so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.

America Is Babylon the Great With Over a Hundred Scriptural Verses to Prove Without a Shadow of a Doubt Why the USA Is End Times Babylon – Awesome Videos – Britain Is Also Babylon the Great and Will Be Destroyed After America Is Obliterated!




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