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By Patrick Henry
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Remember America – If we loose the USA then Freedom and Independence is over!  

Pick One: Death by a Thousand Cuts or Freedom and Independence? You know what to do! Wake up the sleepers!

BTW – do not say Protect every ‘Legal Vote’ Legal is not lawful! Protect every Lawful Vote! Legal is form, Lawful is substance! Everything going on is legal — that does not mean it is LAWFUL! We have been placed into a legal Matrix! NOT a Lawful one based on the organic original foundations of our nation! See the letter below to understand this!

We have attempted to warn President Trump, loyal members of his staff / Military, the American people that our nation is OCCUPIED and totally ran by the Deep State Parasites beholding to foreign interests pushing the New World Order!

We warned this included EVERY so-called Court in the nation all the way up to the so-called SUPREME COURT!

California Government Code at 1027.5 spells out what is really going on across America and the World!

The faction highlighted in the above code run the so-called Federal, STATE, COUNTY and CITY Government NONE of which is organic, original We the people Governance. The entire COUNTERFEIT governance system is CROWN – VATICAN … only those at the highest levels understand they are an Occupation force for foreign interests. 

They OWN the Courts, the Banks, Media, Big Business, Pharma and they control the 1.4M Attorneys via the CROWN BAR Franchise system [Crown Corp. of London]. Constitutionally banned foreign agents have increasingly been running America since our nation was usupred by enemies foreign and domestic in the 1860′s and the original physical states (overthrown 1934 – 1954). 

Please see reference and the letter to TRUMP and the military below to understand this situation. 

Now we would love for all to know what we know and is presented below! Please read the letter below and share it! 

Now you know why all the so-called COURTS are doing the will of the CROWN / VATICAN which is beholding to the Black Nobility, and pimping for the New World Order Global Slavery and Democide system. They are not Independent impartial Judges! They are controlled and their CROWN BAR COURT Pantomime is RIGGED as is every Court Case! Courts operating in America are debt collectors for the International Banking Cabal! Its a all a fraud! EVERYTHING we have been told is a lie! 

The following speech triggered the DEEP STATE Black Nobility War on Trump and the American people. If America falls so does the World! 

Understand why the Black Nobility feared a We the people Representative Government system and have warred against it from the beginning!


What you should be asking yourself? Why are those in so-called Government at War (Lawfare) with the American people?  The following letter was sent to Trump via US Military alerting those loyal to the American people to the state of affairs described below and linking to certified government issued proofs of claim described in the letter. /new-world-order/2020/12/letter-to-trump-and-us-military-on-lawfare-mixed-war-color-of-lawauthorityoffice-constitutionally-banned-foreign-agents-fake-weaponized-courts-etc-time-to-take-back-america-from-the-parasites-9526.html

Please see the following hyper-link for the next three pages of the above letter… 


About Patrick Henry and our Red Pill projects: Fascist-book:    More Articles: +++ more links here Important articles have been uploaded to BIN on the ongoing CCP. Black Nobility.New World Order.RINO-Demon-rat.Socialist DC Crown US of DC, the ongoing New World Order Usurpation of America by enemies Domestic and Foreign, and the GOV-ID-1984-Great-Reset-Agenda21/2030-Depop-Plandemic.  Articles available at this link: /v3/contributor/bio/?uid=713008 Video channel: 

The focus of our work over the last 15 years has been to investigate the Legal and Governance systems operating in America at Federal, State, County, City etc.. Conclusion: the entire legal system in America has been usurped by 185,000+ foreign CROWN / VATICAN rooted corporations and is illegally operated by Constitutionally-banned foreign agents that unlawfully run America for foreign interests (example US Corp., [CANADA], STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ______  are NOT the original organic We the people Governments but counterfeits). Constitutionally-banned foreign agents run nearly every now Occupied counterfeit government Office in the nation. In America the leading faction of the 5th Column at war with the rest of us are BAR Attorneys (whether they know it or not)! See California Government Code 1027.5 to understand the silent War that has been going on for 150+ years.  It is further concluded these Constitutional banned foreign agents have literally been engaged in a Mixed War against the American people, relying on lawfare while literally farming Americans to profit the International Bankers (aka Human Trafficking) and the CROWN / VATICAN system in a silent war with all Americans since the War of Independence. 

See for more and proof that the original organic United States Constitution post 1819 was modified and orchestrated to bring America under a foreign Corporate Democracy [Socialistic Mob-rule] as a path to destroy the original organic we the people Governments and deprive the people of their guarantee of a Republican form of Government all so as to advance their Luciferian Roman Cult Talmudic New World Order Agenda.

“You want to talk about fraudulent elections? Let’s start with the very concept of democracy to begin with: other people voting on how much of my property to plunder.” – btw TuSA and organic states were created as a republic and guaranteed a republic form of governance – don’t let the CROWN Plantation managers have you thinking any of the physical states or Organic Federal states co-ordinating governance was created as a DEMONcracy! PJ

Please like this article/author and others if you find this document insightful or useful and do not forget to share… more by the author here:




The Next Great reveal about Enemies Domestic and Foreign: Did we tell you that the Backdoor to the Internet is operated by the Clinton Mafia: How The Clintons are always 1 step ahead — Its HUGE– email encryption keys

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 19 2020 12:53707

2020 12 18 Simon Parkes

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 19 2020 12:311227

Nurse Collapses on Live Television Shortly After Receiving the NWO Vaccine – Fauci/Gates Virus aka GOV-ID-1984 Vaccine! Question: Why Are the Demon-Rat Parasites Pushing Their GOV-ID Vaccine Genocide Program?

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 19 2020 00:089769

Supreme Court Pussy shows his true colors (Once a Constitutionally – banned foreign agent always a … ). The foreign Crown / Vatican created DC UNITED STATES Municipal Corp. “JUSTICE” Roberts rant exposed! Viral video claims ‘Supreme Court backroom shouting match’ over Texas case…

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 17 2020 17:393297

THEFT BY A THOUSAND CUTS: Assistant to President Trump Peter Navarro Produces Report on Election fraud-2020 election

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 17 2020 14:19689

ITS SHEARING TIME: Two Mind blowing Bombshells to counter RINO Mitch McConnell’s own goal! Affidavit published showing McConnell knowledge of deep election fraud going back years and known to those now suggesting we ignore election THEFT by enemies Foreign and Domestic; and two, WIKI Leaks Massive

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 17 2020 03:392029 Everything that was hidden from the American people has been leaked! Massive Data Dump has potential to destroy Shadow Government narrative!

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 17 2020 03:0215444

Amistad Project Unveils Report on Election Funding From Facebook Founder Zuckerberg

To New World Order on Wednesday Dec 16 2020 12:47550

Trumps path to victory based on EO 13848 addressing Foreign Election Interference and The Insurrection Act of 1807 [Insurrection Act Title 10 U.S.C. Sections 251 - 255]

To New World Order on Wednesday Dec 16 2020 00:111694

Bombshell Interview “Operation Snowglobe” – Breaking News – Hillary Clinton Is Caught in an FBI Sting Taking an $18M Bribe With Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne as the Go Between Him and Alleged Foreign Nation!! FBI, Bill Barr and Obama Are Exposed!

To New World Order on Tuesday Dec 15 2020 14:5330491

Honest elections? Why are Attorneys, acting as Judges / State Legislators / Governors betraying the American people at every turn? Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Which  Constitution has the US been operating under?

To New World Order on Tuesday Dec 15 2020 14:15269

The endgame of this plutocracy is global financial domination and world government.

To New World Order on Monday Dec 14 2020 12:3187

Understand the RNA Vaccine: Vaccine taking the World right Into Mark of The Beast… Trump rejects NWO Great Reset by Globalists to their face triggering all out war against Trump / Patriot Americans!

To New World Order on Sunday Dec 13 2020 14:082055

CNN Proves Voter Fraud

To New World Order on Sunday Dec 13 2020 12:49572

Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice: Public Notice for use by all. Put those masquerading as Government on Notice!

To New World Order on Sunday Dec 13 2020 01:12334

Jericho DC event Livestream… Now that America’s experiment with self Government and its 329,000,000 people teeters on the edge of a Socialist New World Order abyss, will her people finally wake up to our 150+ year OCCUPATION, unlearn what all need to know to save themselves, our Republic, the fift

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 12 2020 13:27628

Battle Between the CIA and DoD? This contains a wealth of information, highly recommended!

To New World Order on Friday Dec 11 2020 12:151259

Secret Military Documents: Trudeau Invited Chinese Troops to Train at Canadian Military Bases

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 10 2020 11:311138

Sitting Michigan State Representative Rep Cynthia Johnson exemplifies the mentality of the Lefty-Neo-Marxists for you. Full of hate for anything that does not conform to their Socialist Warped, Indoctrinated view of the World.

To New World Order on Wednesday Dec 09 2020 10:01557

In case you missed it: Bidens Selling Off America: The bigger Story here is this: The friction going on in America today is that TRUMP is running America as a sovereign nation when in fact up until now it has been an OCCUPIED NATION! 

To New World Order on Monday Dec 07 2020 12:32914

More on the Crown.NWO.CCP.Demon-rat.Socialist party of DC and their ongoing Coup of America aided by China Slow Biden. by: #MichaelFlynn, #TomMcInerney & #MaryFanning Drop A MOAB: ‘If We Don’t Get THIS Right, We’re Done!’

To New World Order on Monday Dec 07 2020 00:331537

Remember, it is well settled that Fraud vitiates all it touches: BREAKING NEWS IN GEORGIA Sunday 12/6/20 – CPA FIRM RESULTS + The Epoch Times News article. Impact of FRAUD also applies to the so-called “Government Orders” re: GOV-ID-NWO-WEF-WHO-CDC Corp. GATES / Fauci 1984: Plandemic!

To New World Order on Sunday Dec 06 2020 17:256575

Four Page Cover Letter to Trump via US Military / Ambassador Rick Grenell++ on Lawfare, Mixed War, Color of: Law/Authority/Office, fraud, Constitutionally-banned foreign Bar Attorneys, fake weaponized Courts (foreign, private for profit BAR Courts) etc. Time to take back America from the parasites!

To New World Order on Sunday Dec 06 2020 16:248018

Do you get it yet? Banned foreign agents have been running America since the 1860′s… they MUST get Trump out of the Whitehouse to move forward their NWO!

To New World Order on Friday Dec 04 2020 16:19548

Breaking News: December 4, 2020 – SHARE – Has Attorney Bill Barr been clean with America? Have attorneys been clean with America? Alleged Government documents surfaced that show the worst!

To New World Order on Friday Dec 04 2020 05:0712046

UNLEARN America: We Were Warned about the ongoing Coup: California Government Code: 1027.5 Remedy TONA and TITLE 10 Section 253

To New World Order on Thursday Dec 03 2020 11:56224

Former Russian Bio-Warfare Expert Warns That ‘Covid-19’ Vaccine Is a Deadly Bio-Weapon

To Agenda 21 on Wednesday Dec 02 2020 01:25342

Dear America, the American people have been under Mixed War and Lawfare since the Civil War. Trump has the opportunity to undo it! PLEASE UNLEARN!

To New World Order on Wednesday Nov 25 2020 22:05648

UPDATE: BRITAIN MOVED AGAINST THE GOV-ID-1984-Parasites: ITS OVER…. The parasites now need to be arrested, tried and punished for crimes against humanity and Genocide

To New World Order on Wednesday Nov 25 2020 12:491778

Exposing the ground work for the NWO GOV ID 1984 Plandemic, uncovering the Khazarian Mafia Genocide Plan: 1986: the Act

To New World Order on Tuesday Aug 11 2020 16:00173

Breaking News – Breathtaking Video May show Israel Missile Attack on Beirut According to VT: Original VT Caption “Case Closed, Infrared Video Reveals Details of Israeli Nuclear Missile” and much more…

To New World Order on Thursday Aug 06 2020 22:2215178

U.S. National Security Alert: Military Investigations Reveal History of Vaccine Science Fraud By Leaders of White House COVID Task Force

To Health on Tuesday Aug 04 2020 01:0910102

Reclaiming America – Restoring ‘De Jure’ Government, Judge Anna Von Reitz and Mark at LightHouse Law Club

To New World Order on Sunday Aug 02 2020 01:351502

8-4-2020 Update: D.C. Already Using HCQ! Update From S.O.N – The Great American Awakening Brain Dump, NWO Genocide Conspiracy, Connecting NIH Admitting 5G Can Actually Create Corona Virus Within Cells (i.e., “Corona Virus” Second Wave?), the Overthrow of Lawful Governance Across America and Exposing

To New World Order on Friday Jul 24 2020 13:2815643

The enslavement of America and Americans over the last 150 years by Constitutionally Banned Foreign Agents openly violating enacted organic law and openly engaging in Sedition and Treason [See TONA* & Title 10 Section 253]!

To Awakening? Start Here on Tuesday Jul 21 2020 21:54820

Important Update: Plandemic Roth’s UN WHO 194 Nation Live Exercise: Surrey, England A&E Consultant Exposes the Truth on What Is Occurring in Surrey Hospitals (Similar Stories Are Being Exposed Worldwide) – COVID 19 Is Undeniably a NWO – Crown – Rockefeller (Gates – Fauci – WHO – CDC et al.) Plan

To New World Order on Sunday Jul 19 2020 02:163686

What should Trump be doing to stop the NWO within? 1860′s Coup of America to current NWO End Game, Silicon Valley Tech Giants (i.e. FASCIST – DARPA Book, Apple, CNET) pumping Soros’s Rothschilds Luciferian Cult manufactured insurgents like Black Lives Matter (on the streets with ANTIFA).

To New World Order on Tuesday Jun 02 2020 12:40605

“The people in Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns… “

To New World Order on Tuesday Jun 02 2020 02:2765

Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa, BLM & More

To New World Order on Monday Jun 01 2020 13:13493

Lazaro: “You have been usurped”! The USRael UNITED STATES Corp. Human Trafficking System and Court Registry Investment System!

To New World Order on Saturday May 30 2020 16:18660

ALL “THEY” HAVE IS LIES – Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

To New World Order on Friday May 29 2020 06:51133

More New World Order psychological warfare Bull-$%#@ in Britain! Matt Hancock issues more Fourth Reich Demands of the British People

To Healthcare on Thursday May 28 2020 12:53117

UPDATE: Hey, Minnesota! Don’t Take the Bait! ~ Rex Reviews

To Education on Thursday May 28 2020 10:57894

That Sudden Moment When You Realize the Corona Virus GOV “ID” 1984 Is the Hoax of the Millennium and American Governance Has Been Under Global Luciferian Roman Cult Control Since the 1860′s for the New World Order!

To New World Order on Thursday May 28 2020 07:46966

Global Lawful Rebellion against Treason & Sedition. The truth about the “Deep State”? The New World Order Luciferian Cult has made their move… Time to wake everyone up, for all to understand their inherent God given unalienable rights.

To New World Order on Monday May 25 2020 16:16688

New World Order Globalist Elite Plans: The Toronto Protocol taken from Group 6.6.6 first published in 2013

To New World Order on Monday May 25 2020 04:30945

“Its for Your Safety” – Elderly Couple in Their Home in Canada Forcibly Cuffed and Taken to Hospital by Police for Their Own Safety!

To Agenda 21 on Friday May 22 2020 19:341462

Who Controls the Gates Family? The Deep State, Bain & Company?

To New World Order on Friday May 22 2020 06:35363

Update: Twitter – Fascistbook Book Burning and Disregard of 1st Amendment Continues – Twitter Triggered by My BIN Article “We Have Temporarily Limited Some of Your Account Features, What do They Not Want You to Know?:  Connecting the Overthrow of America in the 1860′s to the COV ID-19 “84″ Plandemi

To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 15:45302

Medical Mafia and the biggest Conspiracy in the history of the World! Koby & Miss V ~ Connecting the Dots

To New World Order on Wednesday May 20 2020 06:04138

What did you do when the New World Order Luciferian Roman Cult attempted to enslave humanity, take over the World and Democide the people in 2020?

To New World Order on Tuesday May 19 2020 12:47592

Will Americans, the British etc… listen to the Whistleblowers now? COV “ID” 1984 NWO End Game, Judus Goats, Black Nobility / Rothschilds (UN) Agenda 21 / 2030 and the farming of Americans since the 1860′s.

To New World Order on Monday May 18 2020 19:10555

The Problem With Wall Street

To New World Order on Sunday May 17 2020 05:4931

May 15th update: 5G Circuit Board labelled COV-19, Coincidence… this is a reminder that we have good reason to look harder at 5G and how it could be used by those that just took the World down on FAKE Media, lies, crooked science and quite literally caused Genocide that may end up getting worse if

To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 08:121405

Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!

To Healthcare on Thursday May 14 2020 07:17195

Doctors Standing up: Riverside California Dr. Addresses Crowd: Dr. Jeff Barkey, slams Handling of COVID Plandemic; Yvette Lozano from Dallas, talks to crowd at Get Back to Work rally about MEDIA FEAR PORN, MEDICAL SYSTEM FRAUD, FAKE PLANDEMIC NUMBERS and HCQ Experiences!

To Healthcare on Wednesday May 13 2020 19:32123

UK Column Whistleblower reveals British Government is engaged in an ongoing Psychological Warfare Program against 65M Brits

To New World Order on Tuesday May 12 2020 19:19490

COV “ID” 1984, a Worldwide Staged Luciferian Roman Cabal Controlled De Facto Gov. Co. – Shadow Government False Flag. Exposing the Luciferian Talmudic Roman Cabal attempt to take over the World, c. 1302 – 2020!

To New World Order on Saturday May 09 2020 08:121618

YOU TUBE REMOVED PLADEMIC-MOVIE, find it here: – Judy Mikovits rightly burns Fauci and the New World Order Medical Cabal

To Healthcare on Wednesday May 06 2020 10:49265

Pastor Exposes New World Order Luciferian Cabal Take Over, please share with those still sleeping!

To New World Order on Tuesday May 05 2020 08:11256

Breaking News (updated): Busted – Documents Exposing that COVID-19’84′ Plandemic is a World Economic Forum, Rothschild’s UN/CIA/Mockingbird Media, Crown – Vatican – US Corporation De Facto Government Production Amounting to a Declaration of War on 7.8 Billion people… Message to Prime Minister John

To New World Order on Tuesday Apr 28 2020 19:5713310

Breaking News – Vaccine Update!

To Health on Saturday Apr 25 2020 04:264001

Coronavirus… What If?

To New World Order on Friday Apr 24 2020 18:59411

NWO COV “ID” 1984 – 911 International Luciferian Cabal Psyop / A Global 911 Style False Flag.

To U. S. Politics on Thursday Apr 23 2020 11:11653

Red Alert Update – Apr. 14. 3.0: Gathering Evidence Suggests the New World Order Luciferian Roman Criminal Cabal have made their move to replace their Vatican / Crown Banking and Governance Slavery System for their Long Threatened Demonic One World Government Slavery System… What Are You Going to

To New World Order on Friday Apr 10 2020 22:3121418

Domain Name Registered in 2002: Used by WHO! Everything You Have Been Told by Government, CIA Crown-Zio-Corp. Mockingbird Media Is a Lie! Connecting 1860′s Coup of America, the Enslavement of the American People to the WHO-5G-Corona-Virus / Election-Cycle-Virus! This Revelation Begs

To New World Order on Saturday Feb 29 2020 02:584772

UPDATED: WARNING: 5G Human Command & Control, THE TRUTH IS >>> The Coronavirus PlayBook Is already Written. Are we being subjected to fear- porn by the usual Military Psyop Professionals! See my earlier articles on this linked below

To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 22:471049

Updated April 18th 2020: Warning – 5G & Hive Mind: Breaking: Q Is for the Queen’s Qinetiq? – NWO Global PSYOP – Coronavirus Patent; Unraveling the Talmudic Global Fascist Conspiracy: Who Is Behind the Coronavirus Patent? Connections Between Rothschild/Crown – Pirbright Institute; Queen’s Qinet

To New World Order on Thursday Feb 27 2020 13:514318

Major Update: Do you get it yet? Exposing CROWN Corp. running Global Intelligence and weaponization of everything to control Humanity: Banned foreign agents have been running America since the 1860′s… The Swamp is the UNITED STATES Corp. and its fifty STATE OF STATES Sub. Corps. !

To New World Order on Wednesday Feb 26 2020 20:531597

(Update from AVR. See end) America unlawfully under Military Government / Military Authority of the Crown / Vatican Old World Order Roman cult, 1863 – 2020: Are 300 Million+ Americans living under the spell of the Stockholm Syndrome [...& Billions of others]? What if the UNITED STATES had you l

To Power Elite on Saturday Feb 22 2020 01:513953

Dear Mr. President, how to clean the Swamp out over night! Titles of Nobility Act (aka TONA) and Title 10 Section 253, Obstruction of State and Federal Law! Enforce already organic law / De Facto Law and take back the de jure Office!

To Banksters on Friday Jan 17 2020 20:073472

Walter Burien, introduction to the Federal Reserve’s Annual Z.1.Report raw data table and the looting of the American people

To U. S. Politics on Sunday Jan 12 2020 13:29154

A 2.3 Trillion Lawsuit unveiled against Big Tech Giants like Google, FB, Deep Mind Inc, Tesla, Alphabet Inc, Zuckerberg, EMusk.are using AI that endangers the entire human race working along side China.

To New World Order on Monday Dec 23 2019 23:58495

Trump Signed Executive Order Showing Loyalties are to Rothschild created Israel and not America or American Foundational Principles Like Free Speech!

To New World Order on Saturday Dec 14 2019 19:4911821

Update with Video by AVR and RDS: Dear President Donald John Trump, our Nation Was Overthrown in the 1860′s by the Vatican/Crown! What are We Doing About It?

To Awakening? Start Here on Monday Nov 25 2019 05:495328

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