Time to revisit the Harriet Tubman on US Currency idea again... Yes a Personal Finance issue...
[This is now going to be my, every B4IN article, standard opening (as of Dec. 19, 2024):
I get it, I really do, all these outlets are operating as a business… And how do they make money? Advertising! (more continues: /media/2024/07/click-bait-here-click-bait-there-everywhere-click-bait-2515961.html )
Yes, sorry, frankly I TOO find especially the initial Ads (they pile up, to be able to get them viewed in case someone doesn't read the whole article) here interrupting a nice/natural Read flow and are ANNOYING (but it keeps the Site FREE FOR VIEWING no Pay Wall to have to BUY your way past) and conversely their annoyance may indeed keep some from wanting to bother (so, Please, there is some GREAT CONTENT here on B4IN, keep reading the entire pieces despite the annoying Ads) and note if you engage an AD BLOCKER often I have found it/they can cause issues with seeing all the intended article content --- don't want you to miss any of mine, nor anyone else who posts here entire content as intended! The authors images (some or all), videos (some or all), their intended cross-reference links (vs Site produced Ad links, the easy Share-At/On buttons, and more, might also get "blocked" from viewing. And so now, to catch any NEW Readers, I too adding to annoyance having to repeat this over and over. My apologies. I endeavor to always give you DETAILED WRITINGS (and cross-reference related links with other rabbit-holes you can go down) hopefully you'll deem worthy of putting up with the annoying Ads to engage in/with.
I am NOT fond of the changes, but I have been with B4IN a long time now - certainly not looking to leave.
Lastly, note: I also wrote for TheLibertyBeacon (https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard), where I dropped pieces (normally weekly) on Saturdays for the last 3 years (and even RedState back when) and now joined and dropping pieces via SUBSTACK (https://tinyurl.com/JLDonSubstack).]
Yes, talking about HARRIET TUBMAN Bill…. but first related (Harriet down-thread) as this cross-posted from
Eliminate the Penny? Good, Bad, InDifferent? Let’s examine all the angles… and about that Harriet Tubman Bill idea… | Economics and Politics | Feb 10
Why is this listing under B4IN “Personal Finance” well read on in the Tubman part and you’ll get why ($20 ain’t worth a whole lot these days sadly, directly relates to our Personal Finances, inflation, American Commerce, etc.)!
Eliminate the Penny?
The dumbest of recent dumb ideas and peeps ignoring the oft ignored Slippery Slope forewarnings that indeed often materialize later as foreseen
I get it – this does fall potentially under “waste” of the “waste, fraud, abuse” we’re trying to root out and I’ve written several pieces in support of DOGE (several on SUBSTACK and several on BeforeItsNews) but wrong solution (Government again likely making things from bad to worse) to the issue…
[from a Truth-Social interaction follows]
Trump announced that it costs more (some saying $0.02 others saying $0.03 (regardless the exact overage NOT the point of this piece, let’s stay focused)) to make a new Penny and that he may potentially want to STOP MAKING PENNIES… My response, a response to my response, then my final closing thoughts response to that response, and then some even other thoughts this topic begs question too (if you follow that LOL)….
MY RESPONSE (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities) TO POTUS47’s THOUGHTS:
LOVE @RealDonaldTrump, does not mean I CHECK MY BRAIN AT THE DOOR and just surrender any/all Principles/Values to “just rah rah rah” whatever he wants – HE IS HUMAN, like us all, frail, flawed, imperfect, and subject to some DUMB IDEAS at times (like potentially eliminating the Penny (change it from Cooper, to tin painted cooper color or whatnot) and rushing in MARK OF THE BEAST Digital Currency)… #PrinciplesNotPersonalities
Oh, and YES, sure, HELP BRING IN THE MARK OF THE BEAST helping Left eliminate ALL PAPER/COIN CURRENCY with Digital that the Govt can then SEE EVERY TRANSACTION and TURN OFF YOUR ABILITY TO USE if you do not TOE THE CURRENT GOVT LINE. That is what is coming. It is STUPID to not understand that eventually Govt will TAKE OVER all controls of any/all Digital Currency for such control.
CTP S2E82 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Jan 11 2025 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/16419107-christitutionalist-politics-s2e82-revelation )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E82) “Revelation”
See buzzsprout Transcript for fuller/extended Show Notes (inc. related links) and Transcript Bonus
Book of Revelation unfolding?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: “Will Real Christians Be Able To Save America” TheLibertyBeacon piece
Episode related pieces…
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/revelation/
- /christian-news/2024/07/weigh-in-is-this-time-end-really-nigh-is-revelations-about-to-unfold-2622416.html
- S2E82 BTS/SP Video:
“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)
[ Some CTP episodes contain additional/separate Copyright materials, Used With Permission ]
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
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- other podcasts with Joseph M Lenard (partial listing): https://ivy.fm/tag/joseph-m-lenard
(CTP S2E82 Audio: 43m 31s, Sat Jan 11 2025)
[ Stomping Rock Four Shots - Alex Grohl, Used With Permission Under License ]
I must agree about not eliminating the penny…makes no sense having a certain amounts of money that one is unable to use, in order to keep an honest amount upon a good or service ….now as for stopping printing of them, if there are enough in circulation, of any denomination, don’t stamp/print more…. In capitalism having an exact amount that can be represented by a money, is keeping it real…but the representation of exact worth has been forsaken for tricking the consumer(like charging $xx.99, as an optical illusion), just as the definition of capitalism has been perverted … there is a much deeper meaning in all of this, just as in most everything else… there will always be criminals but why take the option of being honest away, by not allowing one to price something at its perceived value….
Thanks for chiming in
PART of the issue here is so darn many people have a PENNY JAR or whatever and so darn many Pennies are actually out of circulation why so many People have them laying about their dwelling until they get around to deciding to Roll them and take to the Bank – well, more-so now, along with other coins to a CoinStar as everyone now is too lazy bother roll any Coins. LOL
And, again, see the SLIPPERY SLOPE thing, time after time Slippery Slope warnings are made ignored and then low-and-behold WE TOLD YOU SO when the ball keeps rolling further downhill. In this case, if you take away one coin then the argument EASILY becomes the WHY NOT ALL and just go Digital (and the whole MARK OF THE BEAST warnings ignored which can quickly become real if you give them power of all digital and can turn on/off based on Regime desires to force folks to TOE THEIR LINE).
And about that Harriet Tubman Bill
Brief aside, I wrote on this somewhere as part of another discussion, apologize as I am having a BRAIN FREEZE and cannot think of the piece so-as to be able to link. BUT: It is about time #Republican #Abolitionist Hero Harriet have a US Currency Bill of HER OWN – not a rework.
During the GWBush (R) admin it was put into Policy that Harriet was to replace “Trail Of Tears” Andrew Jackson (D) on the $20 Bill. Left kept delaying it during W’s terms, obaMAO killed it, Trump 1st term tried revive it which #demoKKKrats again opposed, and now after #BIDENflation since $20 is not worth what it used to be time to consider creating a $25 or $75 Bill with Harriet on it – which can just go under the Business tills (like the $50’s and $100’s are all currently stored until shift-change time and time to balance the Register funds). THIS REMOVES ANY OF THE BOGUS OBJECTIONS and excuses Left/demoKKKrats can have!
Funny ironic in the HYPOCRITICAL way how The Left #CommieFasciSocies-ocrats constantly point to “Trail of Tears” as one of the supposed “proofs” that America IS BAD, was bad, always been bad, remains bad, therefore why they want DESTROY the most Free and Prosperous Nation on the Planet REPUBLIC to bring in bits and pieces (blended bastardization of all the worst of the worst Political philosophies failed everywhere (including already on American soil (Why Left doesn’t want History taught as the Bradford Colony originally tried Communism/Socialism and they all almost starved out as more and more wanted be carried in cart for their “equal shares” of everything while doing little or nothing until there were not enough people to pull all those trying to lazily ride in the cart; Atlas Shrugged; Bradford pivoted from Worldly Communism back to Biblical FREE WILL Freedoms and Private Property ownership, Free Markets, Supply-Side-Economics, Individual Rights over “collectivist” failings, etc., and the Rest was/is History (again Left doesn’t want taught)) creating #INEPTocracy #MOBocracy #CLEPTocracy on their way to their ultimate goal of ONE PARTY RULE like China, Russia, Dictatorial regimes around the Globe.
Oh… hey… update…. found one mention… it was/is from Social-Media posts about topic and my WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND LIST drafting…
Remember Contract With America? Well Here Is the started the We the People (post-election) Demand List
Last Update: Tue. Nov. 12 2024 15:45ET
item added…
35) A brand new US Currency Bill for HARRIET TUBMAN Act.
In the late 1990′s the GOP (you know, The Party formed as the Abolitionists Party to end Slavery) started talking about enacting Harriet Tubman (Abolitionist, Underground Railroad Hero, more) to replace Wilson on the US $20 Paper-Currency-unit. Those who have always tried to DUMB DOWN Americans (see other sections here-in) and fearing People might actually then become Educated/Informed about her years and that part of our History (The REAL History, not the more modern watered-down and/or rewritten versions) via the DeepState insiders in Dept. Of Treasury, stalled, delayed, ignored the Congressional input and Presidential Orders and it never happened by the end of GWBush’s 2nd term as was mandated. President obaMAO (more interested in Cultural Marxism, and CCP history than USA’s) completely ignored the effort. By time of Trump’s first-term the concept basically forgotten.
Time to SCRAP THE $20 SWAP, time instead to create HARRIET TUBMAN Act to declare creation (with Inflation of the Biden years, this really makes sense) instead replace Wilson create NEW $75 US CURRENCY Paper-Money-piece to fill the gaps of the lessor and lessor (buying power) of our $50 and even our $100 Currency-Paper-units. Along with ORDERS for Treasury and US Mints to plan/prepare for printing of $500 and $1,000 Bills again. Or, at least, a new $25 Monetary unit-of-measure in our Currency with Harriet on it – what RACIST (and wanting our History erased, not promoted) reason will the Left try employ to block this THIS TIME?!?!? With today’s anti-Counterfeit Tech this is a NO-BRAINER.
Addresses multiple fronts/issues: Education, Monetary, etc….
semi-related: https://tinyurl.com/LastChristmasReview (also discussion of HARRIET (about H. Tubman) and OVER-COMER movies)
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