US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It
Joe Biden was sworn in as president of a bankrupt and defunct US Inc. Corporation. Just prior to his pre-recorded-in-Hollywood-by-Castle Rock Entertainment Inauguration, Washington DC, Capitol Hill and the White House were secured within miles of barbed wire fences and 60,000 National Guard troops.
Now over a week later, over 30,000 troops and the barbed wire fencing remained. Why?
An answer came early Mon. morning 25 Jan. when from 3am to 6am arrests of 80 to 140 Congress people appeared to be underway at Capitol Hill – after which Congress seemed to have disappeared. Why? House cancels business during first full Biden week – Washington Times US Military at the White House Arresting Congress | Politics | Before It’s News
In reality an Interim Military US Government had taken over Washington DC and was running our country. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.
The US Military appeared to be in charge of Biden and making him sign blank Executive Orders on a stage set of the Oval Office. The White House was said to be empty. Why?
The whole operation began way last Jan. 2020 during a government shutdown. President Trump was said to have reorganized several agencies including the US Treasury, IRS and Federal Reserve. Now the US Military had control of all assets including taxpayer dollars at the new US Treasury near Reno. Why?
The Military had been tasked with conducting a return to a gold/asset-backed dollar and to insure that the US Republic was restored to original laws of the Constitution as written prior to 1871.
This was all made possible after a Sat. 9 Jan 2021 raid by US Military Special Op Teams on CIA Headquarters in Langley Virginia. The raid produced firm evidence that the CIA, Democrats and other traitors had conspired with foreign entities led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to interfere in the 2020 Election.
Earlier that Saturday morning 9 Jan. there had been two attempts on Trump and his wife Melania’s lives (there were said to have been twelve plus such attempts since he gained office).
Trump had had enough. He immediately instigated the Insurrection Act (put into law by George Bush Jr. after 9/11), and then turned his authority over to the US Military.
With the nation now under Martial Law, Trump would remain as US President until all those who committed treason were arrested, including those who certified the illegal 2020 Election.
Some in the Pentagon had been preparing for this for over twenty years. US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators had been very busy since 2016. The US government was corrupt throughout including Congress and the three letter agencies. There were a lot of traitors whose cases had already been processed through State Grand Juries. There was an estimated 80 to 140 Congress people thought named in over 223,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts since Trump took office.
Of those, 85% to 95% indicted were Democrats, intermixed with a few Rino Republicans. The majority of charges were said to be pedophilia, child exploitation, misappropriation of US Taxpayer funds and conspiring with foreign powers to influence the 2020 Presidential Election – an act of Treason. Some serious charges couldn’t be brought because Obama pardoned so many in his last days in office.
By Jan. 2 2020 Military Tribunals were said to have already began at GITMO for high profile elites such as the Clintons, Obamas and Bushes. Charges against them were believed to include Capital High Treason, Election Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking, Money Laundering, Misappropriation of US Taxpayer Funds, plus Uranium One, 9/11 and Benghazi crimes.
Deep State Special prosecutor Robert Mueller was believed to have been charged for his involvement in the 9/11 cover-up (he was appointed FBI Director 7 days before 9/11 and oversaw 9/11 so-called “investigations”), plus he conducted an ongoing fake Russian witch-hunt against Trump.
It was no wonder the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump, again. On Thurs. 28 Jan. certain traitors in both the House and Senate did in fact recognize Trump as the acting US President when they voted, again, to try to impeach him. Under rules of the Constitution you could not impeach a US President if he didn’t presently hold the office.
Donald Trump wasn’t worried about being impeached from the presidency of the bankrupt and defunct US Corporation. He had other plans. On 11 Jan. 2021 Donald Trump was inaugurated as head of the Patriot or Constitutional Party, which made him a candidate for US President, again.
The US Military was about to restore the US Republic to laws underlying the original Constitution as written prior to 1871. That election was planned to be held on 4 March 2021 through use of a transparent, secure and instantaneous Quantum Voting Computer where citizens could vote using their own computers, or phones.
For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP bought Dominion Voting machines that through use of an Italian satellite loaned with money at the Vatican, threw what was believed to be millions of Trump votes to Biden. And, the CIA raid proved it all.
The war between the CCP and the US actually ended on Thurs. 28 Jan. Former Navy Intelligence officer Simeon Parkes reported a showdown in the South China Sea. The CCP had been trying to take over Taiwan. Taiwan was where gold was stored that would back countries including the US, for a Global Currency Reset. Parks said that there were air battles between America and Taiwan fighter jets against CCP jets and “the CCP lost big time.”
The New World Order fans had lost their war. A banker source out of Zurich said they had promised to settle everything by Fri. 29 Jan.
Rinus Verhagen reported that “the CCP has abandoned their Big Restart Operation and the liberal elite-scheduled reboot of Globalism has failed. Operation COVID-19, expressed in the book “Great Restoration” by Klaus Schwab, President of the Davos Global Economic Forum, has also failed. The CCP would not impose a Global Order. Their power, like any commercial empire, was limited to an economic expansion.” Take care 4 –
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Try to remember Judy, your dreams go into your dream diary and not BIN.
Who is Judy anyway. Some CIA operative trying to confuse people?
Everyone knows Judy but you.
How lucky he is !
….. the answer is … JUDY LIEINGTON IS NO BODY AND NOTHING to be concerned with
She applied for the CIA but I heard her stories were too outrageous even for their Pysop department.
again, and i say, good propaganda is where you can find it? nice jog DARPA traders keep the Q-tipps story running as your boss’s ransack the last of the gold and weapons! remember your future? now buy my pillow, book and vitamins to make you a real patriot, yes dont wait act now for a 50% savings if you call within the next 8 hours! 1-800-get-real
Smdh mentally unstable, what the hell is going on with Americans? The attack on the capital was nothing but cops, ex cops, military, and ex military white supremacists. My point is this Hollywood is the government bunch of actors who we allow to have power of authority. I personally don’t like authority, I like being a sovereign being not harming and not being harmed.
May I point out to you that the Democrat Party started and propagated the KKK and all of its present day Branches? The paint brush you just took a swath with has negated the intended point . Which would have been a good one. Being blinded by BS and hatred for your fellow man is the rich mans tool against you. You would do good to recognize who the real Boogie Men are . And they are not your Neighbors on the street. Your Freedom and Liberty is no more precious than that of the ones you are imaginarily accusing…
Simple question…
WHO OWNS H-wood, Congress (Aipac, ADL, CFR, etc.), 96% of the media?
WHO has build the third temple under “The Dome”?
wake up.
Time is up.
Who owns all of this? Ashkenazi Jews/Khazarian Mafia. Do a search at this web site. All while you are at it, save it. A lot of material there.
……. I DO … I DO…. I DO
Can’t believe I clicked on this shit.
That’s what we say when we click on your posts 🤣🤣😂😅😐🖕
🖕🤬 Truth hurts? Then post the Truth and nothing but the truth. 😐🎯💯
Don’t feel bad. I seen the lavish headline, and I had to click on it to just to see who posted it, and of course it’s Judy.. Next!
Check out all of the Presidential executive orders from 20 Jan 21 to the present day in the federal register! This is more hopium CIA psyop bs! They are getting ready to implement the insurrection act against us in the first 100 days of being in office! The only people that are getting arrested are Trump supporters! Look at the meme maker that got arrested yesterday! That was a hitlery revenge arrest!
With all these Military court cases and Arrests where can I find Evidence of any of it ?
Not here or from this post that’s for sure !
Sadly I agree 😭
Save it for The Onion.
Hey Judy Fruit: this story stank worse than most the rest of your shit. I’m guessin’ you have Down Syndrome if you post shit like this. Sorry you are retarded.
Your here everday reading and posting, maybe your the retard?
Barry is one of the very few idiots in here that knows what the hell he’s talking about.
Do you see the Liars name by the headlines before you click? I do not so I just click on the headlines and then find out it’s the same Liar who has lied in every post. By now I feel it’s my civic duty to point out a proven fraud and liar.
…..WEll GOD DAM IT….
“you’re”. Come on, this is third grade stuff. Try harder, dimwit.
U-R entitled 2 your opinions
U and Fairy Barry can take turns blowing each other——
I bet your REAL good-Bitch
Hey Stone-moron. I may not be the smartest peanut in the turd, but you wouldn’t last 10 seconds where I’m from fool. Don’t matter how smart you think you are. Me bein’ book smart, perhaps not. Street smart, had that going for me my whole life.
Your entitled to your opinion Tough Guy,
(From “the hood”-I’m guessing), how would
U Know how long (1) would last in
“Your neck-of-the-woods?——-
How-bout “Working” on Cleaning-Up your “Hood” and “Working” (🗝 word) on making It Safer?
(Like millions of other “Hoods?”)———
Always these little indirect Threats about
“Their Hoods”.
So instead of Talking about the Past,—
Let’s Look Towards the Future—
(Even a Peanut can Figure that (1) Out-)
TURD!! (or is it FAIRY BERRY?)
Barry, you liar. It’s obviously that you are book smart, too. Let’s keep it real.
Archangel Michael needs to slay her dumb ass for writing crap like this
Archangel Michael, defend in battle.
Be thou our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
we humbly pray.
And, do thou Prince of the heavenly host
by the Power of God
cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl throughout the world
seeking the ruins of souls
Explains the troops, the fencing and theatre we have been watching.
I wish BIN would stop pretending it’s a source of real news. Even Weekly World News was a bit more entertaining than this rubbish.
You need to swallow your vibrator and choke on it!!!! It is for no one is gonna give your ugly lying ass the real deal to swallow.
What a great story! Even the Chinese are not aware of this titanic event! Well done and GREAT investigating.
” Some serious charges couldn’t be brought because Obama pardoned so many in his last days in office.” – SORRY THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE, PARDONS ARE NOT PREEMPTIVE BLANKET PROTECTION FOR FUTURE CRIMES, PARDONS ARE FOR THOSE CONVICTED, NTO THE ACCUSED
Here are Obama’s pardons. See any names you recognize?
Me either.
how many congressmen are in their offices at that early in the morning? i can see closer to 6am, but 3am? that sounds sketchy. we know something is overall amiss because of the behavior going on since the election fraud that occurred. plenty of videos and people speaking out showed huge problems across at least the swing states, but certainly in all 17 states that dominion voting machines were used and this has not been resolved. now we continuously read and hear about strange stuff occurring around the dc swamp. so we know odd things are occurring, what we don’t know is what it all means. the dni report is real and china did attempt to interfere in the 2020 elections as reported so that means there must be a response and a remedy and trumps EO of 2018 contains the remedy along with the other real actions to include the insurrection act. we know that we can’t let the enemy see america is fighting against itself or undermined because of their actions, because then they would invade using real troops that really are in canada at the least and some alleged in baja mexico and the rest scattered throughout the u.s. awaiting their orders while they blend into the population. we know the military is the answer to the election interference by a foreign country(ies) and we have seen the military doing things we’ve never seen before. we know biden did not arrive in a government plane, so we know and see a lot of unusual things that have really happened so it is…
Why is Biden costing hundreds of thousands of people their jobs? Why is Biden continuing with these executive orders? Can you answer me that?
For the same reason that Trump continued with HIS executive orders, dimwit. It’s called “politics”.
all hearsay at this point..not one proven fact…just a story
Pure science fiction comedy.
Dude, if you go to the Federal Register you will See Joe’s xl Pipe line EO and registration so your info is wrong.
The clip you have of the buses is actually taken from part of a video on YouTube that started being recorded at 12:35 in the morning on inauguration day. The guy who did it went live and it’s a 3 part video. Here’s the link.
Joe Biden signed an executive order saying it’s illegal to be alive
Gods-Speed My Friend—🤗 🚛🚛🚛
You Are Awesome!!
Archangel Michael slaying evil
Military Code 11.3 does not EXIST…
11-3. Separation policy a. This policy applies to soldiers who … first 180 days of continuous AD or the first 180 days of continuous AD following a break of more than 92 days of active Military Service.
No one knows it because it never happened.
Hopium OD.
LOL, Faaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr out.
Complete hogwash….none your your stories are true. Nothing from your stories has ever been proven out. Stock spreading this nonsense.
Judy be smokin that good shit Simon parkes be smokin. I can see that the hopium posts are getting less and less now , and reality is starting to finally set in. Once March 4th passes with no great awakening or arrests, they will all hopefully be off here. Nut jobs.
Dear Judy – Thank you for your hard work saving the underground kids. I will never be strong enough
Yeah, cuz you’z a beta cuck soy pantifa man.
FUCKA YOUA-And the Bitch You
Rode In On———-
Keep them coming. These dimwits are truly funny. I’m damn near peeing my pants.
U’re the Bitch we’re talking about—
Don’t we all wish this was over with.
I see the impeachment as as the start of that big can of worms opening up. Boy does it stink too. Thanks for sharing what I believe to be true. I can’t write like you, but it doesn’t change my message.
That video with the vans & busses was before the 25th wasn’t it?
WOW–if only we had known that one air-battle could and would destroy the hated and feared One World Order decades ago, we could have initiated that battle in the 1970′s when the OWO was yet a conspiracy and all could have saved tons of money spent on stored foods and all provisions and invested in gold.
WOW–if we had only known what Judy knows NOW . . .
Oh goodie! More bulls*it! Just what we need right now!
See what happens to a women’s mind when no one is flicking her bean properly?
Mustang Medic recorded this on the 20th of January….I was on his live……first thing, facts are NOT accurate…..second thing. I cant believe a news station of all people would steal videos……
Judy, thank you for your article. Don’t mind the negative comments, just a bunch of paid losers who have nothing better to do with their life. Keep up the good work.
How come this lying trash article is still trending high here at BIN? Let it die along with the author who is more than discredited.
People like Judy should be careful. In Scripture it says God hands some people over to believing delusions. A sign of their condemnation.
If I could turn the page
In time then I’d rearrange just a day or two
Close my, close my, close my eyes
But I couldn’t find a way
So I’ll settle for one day to believe in you
Tell me, tell me, tell me lies
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can’t disguise
(You can’t disguise, no you can’t disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
Although I’m not making plans
I hope that you understand there’s a reason why
Close your, close your, close your eyes
No more broken hearts
We’re better off apart let’s give it a try
Tell me, tell me, tell me lies
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can’t disguise
(You can’t disguise, no you can’t disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
If I could turn the page
In time then I’d rearrange just a day or two
Close my, close my, close my eyes
But I couldn’t find a way
So I’ll settle for one day to believe in you
Tell me, tell me, tell me lies
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can’t disguise
(You can’t disguise, no you can’t disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can’t disguise
(You can’t disguise, no you can’t disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me, tell me lies)
Hey Judy Fruit, this story did not age well at all.
Neither Did Your FUCK-IN MOTHER!!!
Hey Anus-Please make sure U get Vaccinated,
We don’t want
(2) lose U—-
Sure (almost?) everything Judy has said in the past did not come through, I think we really should watch this though. (I am not gonna be fooled by false false false false and then truth)
Discernment is absolutely necessary to know the difference between BS & truth. Humanity is drowning in BS. We need NO MORE of it! Wise up, please!
God Bless U Judy 🤗
Who was on Capitol Hill between 3am and 6am to arrest? lmao
And since when is it the military’s responsibility to put us on the gold standard? lol
This woman needs to get help. Seriously. She writes the most bizarre novels and pawns them off as news. They’re rediculous.
CDC confesses to COVID-19 “vaccines” being a medical HOAX
vaxxed individuals shown to have HIGHER viral loads and can be $UPER – SPREADERS
Thursday, July 29, 2021
(Natural News) Many people seem to have missed it, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) MADE A POWERFUL ADMISSION THIS WEEK that completely upends everything we have been told for the past several months about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
In a shocking announcement, the CDC actually CONFESSED to the fact that the Trump VACCINES it has been aggressively pushing as the final solution to the Chinese Virus WERE NOTHING BUT A MEDICAL HOAX……providing no protection against infection or spread.
After BAITING MILLIONS of people INTO GETTING JABBED on the promise that life would return back to “normal” if they did, the CDC now admits that being “FULLY VACCINATED” does not actually fight the “delta variant,” but instead CONTRIBUTES TO MORE INFECTIONS.
Because of this, the CDC now wants ALL INJECTED PEOPLE to PUT BACK ON their MASKS just like before they were vaccinated.
Fauci FLU $HOT$, the CDC now admits, ARE more SYMBOLIC than anything else
PEOPLE WHO REFUSE to get them ARE just AS safe and PROTECTED against Chinese Germs AS THOSE WHO DID, is the short of it.
So much for “science.”
“In areas with substantial and high transmission,” announced CDC head Rochelle Walensky, vaccinated people should mask up to “help prevent the spread of the delta variant and protect others.”
In other words, just because you got vaccinated does not mean that you are immune from killing grandma, according to Walensky.
CLICK on LINK for the full article.
Couldn’t tell it by me or any positive actions taken by them. If true, they are as complicit as those conducting the atrocities. Don’t rely on Trump or the Army or some other force. People need to rely upon themselves and the power they have en masse. As individuals we are weak, as a unit we stand strong to the largest oppressors. 3-5 milliion people with tools can remove the scourge infesting the planet.
Lol. Judy’s BS lies proven fake over a year later!!!!!!!!
OH they censored the arrest of 140 congress folk, but the main ones escape Pelosi, Schiff, Cheney, AOC, Omar, Nadler, Kinzinger, Danang Dick, HRC, Obama, and many others. Until we see these gone down your articles mean little.
You gotta stop sniffin airplane glue.
The White hats keep telling us they are in control and the New One World Order/Deep State is falling apart yet every day we lose more of America our rights our securities now there is no more grains to feed our farm animals for market, FOSTER FARMS are moving out of California. Are we being fooled by deep State playing as ‘white hates’ to keep us calm and asleep?
🔸 A Prayer To The Heart of Reality, Proposed By The Divine World-Teacher, Adi Da Samraj, For Non-Sectarian Use By Humankind🔸
👐🏻 Beloved, Inmost Heart of every heart,
do not Let our human hearts be broken
by our merely mortal suffering here—
but Make our mortal human hearts break-Free
to an unconditional love of You,
that we may, Thus, love all living beings
with Love’s own True, and Truly broken, Heart. 👐🏻
They always mix the companies to hide numbers. Great post. The only real evidence I’ve seen.
i like it when the fat lady sings. that way everyone is happy and satisfied.
Got anything newer??? This is 2021
I am now finding all this hard to believe .Why because so called Congress is passing laws that are damning to American citizens . Like no gardens so you have to eat fake Bill Gates ( hung 2013 in India for crimes against humanity ) bug protein , grown meat in a pan with modified organisms that will help depopulation agenda . Not stopping millions of illegals crossing boarder which appears to be young men military personal , passing funding to support illegals with social security funds that aid illegals more than Americans .
So are these things being allowed to help aid NWO , UN , WEF, Soros agenda , Rothschild elite bankers , the Pope , Natzi take over of the world ?
I have followed this agenda for almost 3 1/2 years . It’s beginning to look as if we have been lied too , are we ???
Real Biden excited in 2019 and video of granddaughter saying so her self . Now Fake Biden has us at World War 3 stand off . He has push America to bankruptcy levels . , The only agenda I see in this is the new digital money on its way . You know the standard that they control with pushes of a button . One minute you have cyber money the next minute you don’t because you failed to comply to their agenda .
I’m reading lights will be out soon , gas will be controlled , meat will be harder to find , food shortages , false flag agendas soon to come . What I am seeing is a major take over and take down by the foreign NWO and UN agenda , which if so everyone in envolved will be guilty of Treason .
I see word correct helped me by changing my word from exicuted to real Biden excited in 2019 ( I guess he was excited awaiting time to die ) . While writing this correction it did it again after I continued on and had written several words , looked back and it was changed again .
It’s like someone is reading what is being written and changing our words . I guess this is to make you look like some dumbass blabbering on and on . I try to always reread before posting . Now after posting I try to reread again and guess what while writing this they did it again . Hope this makes it thru !
Anyone notice this is from the BIN archive that was first posted 3 YEARS AGO?
HA! Still ain’t none of it true!
Its always fun to take a walk down memory lane with Judy. This post from 3 years ago should tell you everything you need to know about her. In spite of not a single one of these events ever happening . She still to this day posts the same ridiculous, outlandish bull shit every day on BIN. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE HILARIOUS. There are still some of the same slobbering Morons who believe said bull shit coming on here arguing with the sane people about all this being 100% true and factual. Begging the question. What kind of person does it take to divorce reality all together and throw themselves in to a state of permanent denial to swallow this nonsense?
Okay, so dude says his wife cheated on him for four years of his seventeen year marriage, ….. and he was too dumb to realize it was happening? Then he says he asked her why she did it and she answers, “Because he was good at hiding things” ?? The ONLY way that answer makes any sense at all, is if it was The Sausage he was hiding lmao and he was too friggin’ dumb to realize that either. No, she cheated on him because he’s a dumb as !!
Most of Congress and Senate were Arrested in Jan and Feb 2021. They had it posted for everyone. Guess you missed Schiff was Executed for all his crimes Real peloski been gone Waters Schumer you see his Double, Jerry Nader Got Life in Prison. Bernie Sanders got Life
There Only A handful of them still There. Theres about 20 Demarats you See A;; doubles. Remember when Fake Biden has His State of UnionThey Bused all these Doubles in.
Nancy Drew That Goes around Dc Everyday Talked to The Bus Driver. Remember when when The Treasury was Cleaned up Arrests?
Richard Citizen Journalist was Right there. He just about got arrested for asking Questions Dc Is dead
We Have 2 Gov Default one thats Fake biden ceo of
Republic that Trump and Jfk jr vp of .
Biden was executed Long ago. Sames as Hunter Did You Wake Up Yet?
No one Believes in Truth Because The World Been Living a Lie for Years. it done now Truths all Being revealed. You people Dont Know What all is Comming Yet. Be Prepares For The Good And Bad. Its Real.