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Prophecy News - 'A Final Call Before Finality Falls on The Judged', given to William Brooks by Yahweh, the everywhere present I AM, March 20th, 2025

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I found the image on, and it truly is symbolic. The sacral center is sacred, but we have misused it, and all that flows from this sacred energy. The bird flying down to the wheel of life, and the dove when it is raised. As in all symbols, there is a dual meaning. The snake of depravity, deprived (destitute) of fullness of life, becomes the serpent of wisdom when that Sacral Energy is rightly used. And read into that word, the Ascension, as well.

  image Yahweh the earliest conception(Yahweh, the earliest conception of)

A Final Call Before Finality Falls on The Judged.

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten: The Everlasting Gospel.
    Published: March 20, 2025
    Created: March 20, 2025

    The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
    The Little Book for Handheld Devices
    Spirit of Prophecy YouTube Channel

Behold! I AM Yahweh, the Great I AM, and I do come to send my Words of love and a final call to those who face finality of judgment should they refuse my final call. Even though, “all who call on the name of Jesus until the end will achieve great and eternal salvation” (Acts 2:21; Rom 10:13) and great reward, many many men will fall to judgment on account of their sins and hardness of heart. Because, I AM he who convicts the unrighteous to repent, and those who refuse repentance I continue to convict until their hearts are fully hardened and they are taken in judgment.

Therefore, I do come to give this message in my love for you, and send my undeserved grace to a judged world yet again in my efforts to soften your impenitent hearts to accept salvation; or that in your hate and rebellion you are left in a state of final refusal, ripe and ready for final judgment. Understand, there is no more time in my times of grace and mercy for a lifetime of repentance, on account of my plans of salvation for all of mankind who will come to full salvation in their times and orders, for those who will accept my love for them. Therefore, your times are now and a final call is now being sent. Selah.

Hear, O’ Hear the voice of The Great Eternal God of Righteousness, even Yahweh, The Great I AM, who is also The Everlasting God of Righteousness and understand the meaning of my speech, and know that my voice is as the sound of many rushing and living waters. And understand that my voice rumbles as the sound of many thunders, (even the thunders of thunders) in my righteous indignation for the dwellers on the earth who dwell therein in great disobedience, in great unrighteousness and sin.

Behold! I AM that I AM, even The Great I AM, and I have created the heavens and the earth and all the fullness therein, and in my righteous design I made the heavens and the earth perfect in my ways of perfection. Even creating them in harmonious and righteous perfection, where all of my creations were to live in harmonious perfection and love and service, in love one to another. And in their love for their Father and creator, they would obey my voice and commandments for their lives, that indeed they may understand themselves as they were created and also understand my ways. Nevertheless, iniquity was found in Heylal [Lucifer], even he who fell from glorious perfection. Even he who was created in great and awesome splendor, only to fall to the earth, degraded in sin and darkness, to inhabit the form of a snake, who are accursed on account of the disobedience of Seraphim. Selah.

Because of an eternal truth, my ways are higher than the ways of man. And I AM he who has surrounded my throne with ten thousand times ten thousand, even an innumerable number of angels who excel in wisdom, power, and might, and who love Yahweh. And who love to learn the ways of Yahweh, the Great I AM in all fervent and ever faithful obedience: Selah.

Truly, of a great and eternal truth, I have created them powerful and glorious and clothed them in bright splendor and eternal righteousness, and everlasting honor. Truly, of a great and eternal truth, they have never lacked in want or need, not even in the tiniest matters ever. And they do serve me and my creation fully in their hearts of love for their Father and creator, even Elohim, in their obedience to Christ Jesus.

(Even He whom, Yahweh, “The Great and Everlasting I AM has placed all things in heaven and earth into his mighty and everlasting and obedient hands” John 3:35.)

Therefore know of an eternal truth that Christ Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and he it is who will bring peace to the heavens as well as the earth. “And he it is who will return to my glorious hand (in his love for his Father and Creator, Elohim, even the Great I AM) the subjected Kingdom at the end of all things” (1Cor 15:24), when his mighty hands shall have accomplished all things that are written and foretold, regarding The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness! Even when that Son of Man shall have completed all things in great power, and in greater love. Even so at which time, I will have accomplished in my power by his mighty hands and sacrifice, all things given in my eternal plans and mysteries for him to accomplish.

Therefore, I give you to understand, that I AM he who in all power and sovereignty can literally understand, accomplish, fully know, and control every detail pertaining to every aspect of my creation no matter how large or seemingly powerful, to the minutest detail. And nothing can be hidden from my sight! I AM he who can literally accomplish all things instantly in my might and eternal power. However, “I am also he who works all things after the counsel of my own will and who needs no counselor” (Eph 1:11), therefore, my plans and mysteries will be fully fulfilled in these times of their fulfillment, even the times of NOW.

Nevertheless, in my love for my creation and my desire for children and family, I create specific beings and persons (with free will) for my specific eternal purposes given to the obedient in great service and honor, and I do empower them accordingly. Therefore, I counsel you to learn my ways in salvation or choose the flames of destruction forevermore. But know, O’ fallen man, you have a choice that so suddenly now will forever change, to you HAD a choice, and all those who will have chosen evil in finality when finality comes, will never escape their judgments eternally and forevermore. Selah.

Who are you, O’ fallen man, even you who have joined yourselves to the senseless and foolish and insane rebellion of the fallen ones in all unrighteousness, greed, lust, and perversion, to exalt yourselves in arrogance against the Great and Eternal God who has created you for my purposes and pleasure?

Who are you, O’ fallen man that in your ignorance and lust you would dare raise your heel [sexual nature] against the great and eternal God of the Heaven of Heavens (even HE who gave you life) in the ways of the Satans? Therefore, understand my purposes and intent because I AM sending these Words to YOU as my final call to many of you who foolishly think you have time you do not have, and I AM even giving you words of warning in my undying love for you, by reminding you once again of declarations of judgment and calamity already given that you have ignored in full, that have been made by Christ Jesus in the throne and power of Yahweh. And also declared by Yahweh himself, even the Great I AM!

(Do you not understand that my declarations can never be changed?)

Yet, you even ignore the utterance of “the seven thunders that I revealed to, and had John the Revelator seal up in his time until the proper times of revealing, of which times are now (Rev 10:3-6). (And will continue until the testimony of my two witnesses are concluded in final judgment (Rev 11:3), right before the greatest tribulation ever, fully falls on the unrighteous (Rev 11:13 et seq), Selah.) Even which thunders were pronounced by Yeshua HaMashiach and Yahweh, the Great I AM, from my mighty throne of declaration and judgment, and that now is given by the hand of my mighty messenger by whom I send these Words of love and extremely firm and dire warnings, even so that all- whoever may come should come, before judgment fully falls and there is no more time!

Therefore should you desire to escape your own judgment and eternal destruction, I do command you to make Jesus your Lord fully and without hesitation because when my judgments are falling and will fall on whomever they are sent, even those same judgments of condemnation that are eternally final in their finality even eternally and forevermore. Therefore, I counsel all who have not confessed Jesus the Christ as Lord from a heart full of faith, knowing that I AM he who raised him from the dead in exceedingly great power, to die no more and to continue in his inheritance eternally and forevermore. Nevertheless, the vast majority will fall to great and eternal judgment exactly as written in the Holy writings of old and the Holy writings of now.

But I do come to give my warnings anyway, even after declarations of your final judgment have been declared and are already underway. Because my ways are ways of grace and mercy and love and of an eternal truth. “I desire that none should perish but that all men would come to eternal salvation and restoration” (2Pet 3:9), even though most will refuse my offer and choose their own eternal torment and judgment instead. Although, I come to warn men, there are no warnings given that will change my judgments, nor their timing, nor their outcomes, nor my eternal plans to redeem my first-fruits, even snatching them away to fulfill their eternal inheritance before calamity falls. Selah.

And I do so send this message of love and warning in my love to evil [sexually oriented] natural man, even in the same love I send messages of love and warning to my own children who have obediently accepted Jesus the Christ; because “I cause it to rain on the just and unjust alike” (Matt 5:45). On account of my love for you, I do come to provide my final call before calamity strikes from my very own throne of eternal power, judgment, and declaration, where my thunderous voice still thunders in great and righteous anger. Even so, because YOU REFUSE to hear me, even though I have warned and warned for many, many jubilees now! Hear me and hear me well because your times of eternal destruction will be sent to bind in judgment all who love and make a lie, and who have pleasure in unrighteousness. And should you refuse me in these times of grace, you will fall to eternal judgment because there is no other choice.

Yet, in your hard-hearted blind arrogance, you reject the one person I sent for your full salvation, even Jesus the Nazarene, even that lowly Son and servant of Yahweh who has been made a life giving spirit. Even made just a little lower than Yahweh himself in my resurrection from the dead and glorification of Christ Jesus! Because I AM supreme and sovereign over all of my creation. And of an eternal and unchanging truth, I AM he who sends rain on the just and unjust alike in my love for my creation, and in my ways, there is never a respect of persons in my righteous judgments on my creation.

Therefore understand being a respecter of persons is one of the many polluted ways of the fallen ones. So I do come to warn even the vilest sinner amongst the dwellers on the earth before their judgment fully hits, even so they might escape in the few remaining and fleeting seconds of grace before calamity strikes. So I counsel all who hear or read these Words to turn to Jesus the Nazarene immediately, doubting nothing. Because for a great multitude there will not be another chance, because in their vile sins and utter disdain for all things Holy, they will fall to eternal judgment, even preserved in torment where they will await that “great white throne judgment” (Rev 20:11) where they shall not stand, but instead be bound and delivered to the flames of punishment where their sins will be given into the flames for full recompense of justice forevermore.

Yet, you, O’ fallen man, would sit in your unrighteous ways, even utterly overcome by the fallen ones in your ignorance and blindness caused by their lies, even lies you love because you do love the ways of your lies. Therefore, I have sent to the earth great and strong delusion that you all might be condemned, who have pleasure in unrighteousness and refuse Jesus the Nazarene, even Yeshua HaMashiach. And as you grope about in ignorance in your blind and hard-hearted ways, as you sit in darkness in apathy and great sin, as you go about in futility treasuring to yourselves great wrath and eternal consequence in your disobedience, I will still yet raise my voice, even sending these Words as a testimony against those who will refuse. Even in hopes that you might turn to Christ Jesus, so I would save you from the judgment of the fallen ones: Selah.

O’ Natural man, even all you unredeemed and impenitent children of Adam, even all whom I chastise on the earth in my love for you! Yet you have believed the stupidest lies given to you as education in your indoctrination by the fallen ones. Even an education of death given in your corrupt and corrupting institutions of death where the ways of the sodomite [sexually active] now rule, as they mark and groom your very own children so they may feast on the innocent in their putrid lusts. Yet, you are so enamored in the pleasures of sin, and so encumbered in your greed to accumulate more wealth, that you willingly sacrifice your own children in the ways of Baal for a morsel of polluted bread. Therefore, I have allowed the fallen ones to poison your food, and I have given them your full abundance even so that the dragon [satan], beast from the sea [BH Obama], and the beast from the earth [initially DJ Trump then JG Hallett, antichrist] may fulfill my purposes, because even my enemies obey my voice.

Because your so-called educations are spurious and corrupt by design, and this because you reject the true knowledge and ways of Elohim your creator, choosing instead to be hypnotized by your black mirrors you hold ever so faithfully in hand as you go from screen to screen in the darkest ignorance. Yet you are utterly overwhelmed, and blinded in cheap and fleeting pleasure, as your minds are altered chemically by design by means of the devices with which you chain yourselves in sin. And so spurious knowledge causes pride and ‘pride goes before great destruction’. Understand, O’ Man, that your knowledge cannot save you from my judgments, and the fallen ones judgment is now set to fall. Yet, you, O’ Natural man are so utterly foolish to not understand that the fallen ones have indoctrinated you with their lies, even so that they would cause as many men as possible to join them in their inheritance of burning, putrid, and rolling brimstone. Even a harsh punishment that was made for the devil and his angels, and not Adam. Selah.

Nevertheless, by your willing consent you take great pride in your worthless secular accomplishments where you greedily gather your pretend worthless paper or your pretend worthless digits in a virtual worthless account that will be taken from you so suddenly in judgment now, even so because these are the ways of Esau who sold his birthright for a morsel of bread. Yet, in your willing consent you allow the fallen ones to take money from you by threat of force, to pay for the indoctrination of your own children in the ways of death. Even so that all who are indoctrinated in such ignorance and blindness would willingly serve the fallen ones while thinking they do God himself a great favor in their sins, as if Yahweh should step aside from his own creation and sovereignty on account of their worthless, sinful pride. Even an impossibility that can never happen, because I AM.

And in your hard-hearted ways of unrighteousness you have even lost your ears and stand deaf, dumb, and blind in your unrighteous ways that have reduced you in servitude as a slave to sin, to appease the lusts of the fallen ones, who you do serve in your faithless ways. Nevertheless, the servant remains not in the house forever should he obediently choose to enter in at the only door to the heavens that I will ever open to mankind: Jesus the Christ who is also, Jesus the Messiah, whose name is also Yeshua HaMashiach, who is that great and only open door of salvation to ever be opened by my hand for the righteously faithful in Christ. Selah!

I AM, and I have sent these Words of love, to the condemned, by my messenger and servant, and by my messenger and servant have I sent these Words to those who will shortly be judged.

Understand all who hear these Words, that this is not a final pronouncement of judgment, that brings finality to natural man. On the contrary, this message serves to warn the disobedient and unrighteous of Secret Babylon and even all, these Words are sent, (and some will come to salvation in these last seconds). But also as a final testimony of warning given before judgment falls fully on Secret Babylon.

Understand, that my Words will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to those to whom they are sent, and no effort from the fallen ones, their abominations, nor their worthless and ignorant technologies can stop that which the Great I AM intends to accomplish.

And so I sign my personal love letter to the judged in hopes that by obedience to my Words sent in my love for them they would escape their judgments before that final hand strikes that final second.

And so I sign my letter of love in great Love and Eternal Authority!

I AM that I AM, and I AM Yahweh, The Great and Eternal I AM.



Yahweh’s Final Call before finality falls on the Judged

Mary’s Messages

Jesus’ Love letter to the Faithful



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