School Shootings... TIME TO ACT and assure Children never again easy targets for mass murderers...
[ feel free to reach-out to me via ]
Yesterday, mere MINUTES after the Winder Shooting News broke those rushing for their own agenda publicity folks were right about something: “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” (Biden Admin Press-Secretary first thoughts) and “IT NEED NOT HAPPEN HERE” (Kamala Harris at podium at a Campaign Rally words) so since they could not have the decency to WAIT until we actually know all the Facts to react so to must I/we react to their knee-jerk political reaction(s) dare not leave their (re)actions go unanswered and shaping of the continued News-cycles of/on/about this event (indeed, as Kamala said “TRAGEDY”) going forward….
The following, if you’ve not read any piece from me before may not know I sometimes do this, is a B4IN exclusive early SneakPeek (SP) at an article ONLY ROUGHED-IN, early thoughts, ROUGH-DRAFT that will be re-worked and re-worded with some additions/deletions, but final version to appear on TheLibertyBeacon and as commentary on/with/for my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episode (CTP S2E68) on October 5th… So before preceeding, again let me reiterate that these words that follow are VERY ROUGH-DRAFT INITIAL REACTIONS (some FACTS may be proven incorrect and will be corrected/updated before actual “OFFICIAL” dropping on/via TLB/CTP Oct. 5th (and that ALL THE FACTS ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING IN YET why I am hesitant to post this early SP item…. but, too, sadly, the NEWS outlets and the Guests they book to SPECULATE about such do not wait…. therefore I must respond to their SPECULATIONS (see my related: “Speculations and What If’s” CTP episode)…. Official TLB piece will have all images and video embeds available for view there…
[ Oct 5 2024: 1,600 words, 4+ images, 4+ videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E68 ]
ROUGH-DRAFT AS OF SEP. 5 for drop and CTP S2E68 episode Record for Oct 5 – LINKS updates forthcoming – FACT checks updates needed before official release – etc..
BE SURE TO SEE TLB ARTICLE and CTP S2E68 FOLLOW-UPS Oct 5th as they will both contain additional bits of information not found here-in this B4IN piece. ]
School Shootings…
First, continued Thoughts and Prayers to the deceased (RIP), the wounded, and any/all others directly and/or indirectly effected by the act of Terror in Winder on Wed. Sep. 4th as we know this is something that will remain with you for the entirety of the remainder of your Lives and is not, as The Left making it, a Political Football for their Anti-American/Constitutional agenda (sadly, The Left sees everything only as a “never let a crisis go to waste” moment and using any/all harmed for their Political ends/means)…
No sooner as LEO boots on the ground just began the Apalachee School (about an hour north-east of Atlanta) in Winder Georgia shooting investigation and The Left was at it again… So, to start this piece, I am going to start with my social-media response to #KringeJeanPeon and #kamELE (Extinction Level Event, if elected POTUS)…
#KringeJeanPeon and The Left AT IT AGAIN when we do not even have any details of today’s #SchoolShooting calling for more UnConstitutional #Gun legislation saying “Enough is Enough” as well as #kamELE saying at Rally before #investigation in #GA is done “it doesn’t have to be this way!” Well, indeed “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” and “it doesn’t have to be this way” letting The Left leave our #Children as sitting Ducks in #GunFree Slaughter Zones. We need #EliminateGunFreeZones in our #Schools legislation. WHILE the #UnConstitutional #DepartmentOfEducation is going to exist we need a #EnoughIsEnough Act which DICTATES (since that is what The Left created that Agency to do, UnConstitutionally in violation of #ParentalRights, #StatesRights, #LocalControl) any #Education center that takes FEDERAL FUNDS to operate MUST HAVE (not may, not should, MUST HAVE) an ARMED GUARD on Duty any and every time any Students are on Campus and require 1 more additional ARMED GUARDS per 750 Students on/per Campus (and removal of #GunFreeZone signs to be replaced with “WE PROTECT OUR #CHILDREN, ARMED GUARDS ONSITE” signs. ENOUGH letting Left leave our #Kids UNPROTECTED.
And I repeated (Quoted) the above Post again on Thu. Sep. 5th (on the several of the dozen plus social-media platforms I initially shared the above) with the following lead:
I hated to even say what I said attached, but The Left didn’t even wait to hear the victim’s names and their bodies be cold and removed from the Slaughter Zone and needed to responded to… I will be writing an HONORING to the dead and complete thoughts (continued Prayers to those behind) on Sat. Oct. 5th via TheLibertyBeacon and my ChristiTutionalistPolitics Show….
The Left does not (did not) even have the DECENCY to offer Thoughts and Prayers (no, certainly not enough, but at time all “average” folks watching/listening to events unfold via TV, Radio, Smart-Phone, etc., can at that point do (more below in “Is Prayer Alone Enough” CTP episode Video embed)), which on that day, Wed. Sep. 4th (as I sit here now, watching the News, and starting rough-in-start of this piece, knowing I will not have all necessary and relevant FACTS (nor will those already running to Microphones already on The Left for Campaigning for Gun Confiscation agenda) still for many days to come like actual numbers killed, wounded, effected by being near the slaughter-zone The Left assures exists) was all that could really be offered as we knew no real details and needing to leave it to/for LEO to secure the facility and get to the facts; if we all ran to the scene we would have been IN THE WAY!
[Resuming article writing, the day after and continued building even more days later corrections that will likely needed be made since article first initially roughed-in] Now that some time has passed, we actually know that 4 (2 Students and 2 Teachers) were killed, 9 were wounded, and may never know how many others may have PTSD from being at the location during the shooting (many could have been in shooters aim but able to have escaped that day), and all those Children and their Families needing our continued Thoughts and Prayers AS WELL AS our need to ACT so these things do not continue to happen or at least if/when do CARNAGE MINIMIZED by having Armed Security on-site.
VIDEO (27m 07s): ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E51) “Is Prayer Alone Enough?”:
[video will be embedded for view within the TLB piece]
Plus (B4IN exclusive look) I was on with Rick Walker and Brendan (Maverick News, Ontario Canada) to discuss INITIAL thoughts (again, FACTS were still TENUOUS at that point/time):
And while The Left has LIGHTENED their #DefundThePolice rhetoric recently (only to feign they’ve really backed off, just for #Election2024 and their need to LIE about who and what they actually are and about for 2024 Campaign season) - the reality of what they’ve already done and likely will do more of if re-elected leaves us with LESS RESOURCES to react when/where/if these things occur. We must back/support all our front-line First-Responders (those whose Serve and Protect (Home or Abroad))!!!
Still all these days later (as I prepare this rough-draft, later changes/updates may need be made): Reports are already that there was a THREAT phoned in that there would be “multiple” School Shootings and that School in Georgia would be only the first one. The Suspect from that shooting was apprehended and placed into custody the day of the event; a 14-year-old Student from that School (not going to mention name or anything else, zero intent to give him fame). Open questions: Was it he that phoned in threat? Does he have accomplices for the other supposed to be targeted Schools based upon the phone-threat? Did he provide a Manifesto or have a Diary with relating entries or the like? Will LEO’s be able to get information out of him to ward off other shootings and piece together what all else we could have, and should have, been able to do since a threat was phoned in (just how much time from phone-threat to the shooting currently details not released) or was the phone-threat just attempted distraction/diversion to water-down any/all responses to any one of the named or implied locations (or potential accomplices not go through with the other intended targets attacks still under RICO need be tracked down and charged)? Weeks later questions still remain unanswered and uncertainty still exists.
VIDEO (4m 16s): Shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia (FOX 5 Atlanta):
[note: very early initial Reporting just as word of the Shootings was Breaking.]
[video will be embedded for view within the TLB piece]
Further, now, let’s expand a bit on what I think need be done.
I hate to put this in the way I am about to, but the reality is that WE WERE LUCKY (or dare I say BLESSED? were protected from above) THAT DAY that the Death and Wounded Toll was not even higher. Quoting from “God and Guns (redux)’ piece: #FACTSmatter as 14 (give/take a few decimal points) is the average mass-casualties in shooting waiting on Police to intervene; and 2 (give/take a few decimal points, the statistic fluctuates up/down over the years but remains about same primary number) is the average mass-casualties in shooting when met with 2nd Amendment carriers to STOP THEM thus Lawfully Armed Citizens SAVE LIVES! Given those FBI statistics numbers far less loss of Life occurred than the on-average of mass-shooting events due to creation of Leftist Gun-Free Slaughter-Zones years ago; and we must ACT (with Legislation) to STOP THE CARNAGE created by The Left.
[image source: Libertarian Group, link since CENSORED and REMOVED]
Yes, #kamunist it “need not happen here in America” and your knee-jerk response; to take Rights from ALL, your always first response to any issue and desire to enact Soviet style reactions against all rather than focus on real solutions while maintaining and preserving our Constitutional Republic protections/Rights; is not the answer. We need House-Speaker Johnson to put forth a GOP Bill as I said titled “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” Act to provide for REAL PROTECTIONS for our Children in Schools as we know decades after the ridiculous Gun Free Zones (really: Slaughter-Zones) legislation passed it has AIDED MURDERERS to kill more Kids NOT save any Kids. These mass-shooters target the Gun-Free Zones knowing they will not meet resistance until LEO’s are called in (WITH THEIR GUNS) to confront them and capture or kill them.
In a Gun-Free-Slaughter-Zone when seconds count (‘til someone Lawfully with a Gun comes) the Police, FBI, Marshalls, Sheriffs, etc., and others (that can/will intercede) are minutes away (and in meantime, the Killer keeps killing others). “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” Act to mandate ONE ARMED GUARD (or 2 NRA Certified 2nd Amendment to Carry in Education Center State in question Administrators and/or Educators) per every 750 (number, of course, open to/for debate, for best fit after Congressional hearings with LEOs, Terrorism experts, etc.) Students on Campus at any time.
Now for some related Flashback material…
[Following from TLB “School Reforms (Parental/Local control/choice) needed now”]
[Image source: The Liberty Beacon © 2022]
First the new editions most needed. Time is now long overdue for School reforms, the absolute need to start defunding the Department of Education and return of Education (as before it was created, and Constitutionally via the 10th Amendment) back to the States and even more-so to Local entities. PARENTAL RIGHTS have been degraded more and more, and Parents having less and less say in the Education of their Children these last few decades. The Wuhan Virus Lockdowns did one good thing, IT AWAKENED THE MAMA-BEARS as they saw via the Zoom Classrooms that today the Deep-State Indoctrination Factories (Government run Schools) are now all about peddling the new “3 R’s” of: Radicalism, Raunch, and cRt (racism) – versus the old Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, and histoRy, let alone lack of real Civics Education on the greatness of the Nation (A Constitutional Limited Republic, NOT DEMOCRACY (that sadly the 17th Amendment helped destroy our 10th Amendment check-and-balance as the US Senate as the Body of/by/for THE STATES – but that is a whole other discussion for another day)) our Founders gave us.
[continues in… “School Reforms (Parental/Local control/choice) needed now” as well as in my "Protecting Children" chapter of my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics book (the original, since then a CTP2 book has also released]
VIDEO (29m 14s): CTP (S2E57, 20240720) “USA Past Present Future” BTS/SP Video:
[video will be embedded for view within the TLB piece]
[Following from TLB “God and Guns (redux)”]
[Image source: The Liberty Beacon © 2024]
“An Armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” – Robert A. Heinlein — as discussed on “Trigger Talk” Show (Sat’s 11:00 ET – Noon, and show part 2 continuance 13:00 ET – 14:00 ET) April 6th… Be sure to see the “God and Guns” chapter of the coming soon “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics 2” book dropping June 1st 2024.]
Thank you, and others, for the posts re: Guns and 2A. As with many of my pieces, this one too inspired by all the commentary of others all across Social-Media platforms.
I did NOT cover any of such in my ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics book, but recognize I need to address such in ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics 2 book that is planned for June 1st 2024 to lead-in and attempt to influence the 2024 Election!!! So, here goes…
First, and this may seem like an aside, but it is not and will make sense as you traverse this writing… The Commandment is “Thou Shalt Not MURDER” (just one of the rabbit-holes that comes up in my discussion with Cy Young on CTP S1EAprSpecial2 BTS/SP Video (and I really go into in the “Special” within the Special “Segment 2 of that Show “clarification” and “expounding”)) versus the improperly twisted/weakened “Thou Shalt Not KILL” as there is a big difference – as we will discuss here-in. Thou Shalt Not MURDER INNOCENTS, but there are times (Biblically, and in our USA Laws) where lethal-force is allowed and actually justified! Defense of one’s own life, life of others, to repel hordes of invaders, or other aggressing tyrants, looking to enslave by force.
[continues in… “God and Guns (redux)”]
Let me add [as BeforeItsNews EXCLUSIVE commentary]: Many try claim as a notion why we need eliminate Guns – “What, you want bring back the Wild Wild West?” Well, YES indeed I do – the reasons why are simple! Things then were NOT as portrayed in all the Spaghetti-Westerns flicks with a Gun-fight every 5 seconds and why/how/from-which Robert A. Heinlein derived his “Armed Society” REALITY from. In the WILD-WEST as they say, most open-carried a weapon. An “occasional” Gun-fight at High-Noon was actually rare and need I say going back to our Nation’s foundations there were indeed DUELS (between two consenting Adults to settle grievances) NOT a threat nor danger to all other Public there-at!!!!! Beyond that the REALITY really was as Heinlein stated – POLITE. And WHY??? Simple for you non-thinkers, feewings based Snowflakes, because IF ONE WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO DRAW against an Innocent there were often then dozens+ other LAW ABIDING CARRYING GUNS CITIZENS to DEFEND THE INNOCENT in question — people carrying SAVING LIVES. It would be only STUPID and INSANE with a Death Wish drawing knowing so many other Firearms would be targeting them and likely resulting in sure arrest IF NOT INSTANT DEATH REIGN DOWN upon them. There were, for those reasons, why ONE SHERIFF could Police an entire county/territory — Law abiding Gun-carriers Policing (Deputies, so to speak) the area for them while they may be away in another county/territory!!!! These are SIMPLE UNDERSTANDINGS OF REALITY to/for thinkers but sadly most our fellow U.S.Citizens lack any and all understanding of HISTORY. And while mentioning writers and lack of Historical understanding (any common-sense) of folks today – likely in part where Ayn Rand got ATLAS SHRUGGED content from The Bradford Colony (see: Many don’t want History taught in U.S.Schools - might LEARN from Bradford Colony early fail (if full truth taught)…. for more (/power-elite/2024/08/its-why-many-do-not-want-history-taught-in-u-s-schools-they-might-learn-from-bradford-colony-early-failure-if-full-truth-taught-2453688.html) here on B4IN).
VIDEO (34m 05s): CTP (S1E44, 20240420) God Guns Redux (contains video and other technical issues, audio version of episode aired without issues) BTS/SP Video:
[video will be embedded for view within the TLB piece]
We are here today, because The Left has been DEFUNDING THOSE THAT PROTECT US
2024 ChristiTutionalist TM Politics Show Special Guest Appearances (Wed drops) Aug-Dec preview
Media | Aug 17 2024
JLD B4IN pieces:
JLD TLB pieces:
Joseph M Lenard books:
How am I bringing back the LITTLE WILLIE JOHN “FEVER” Song?
see: /sports/2024/06/will-wnba-actually-put-female-pro-sports-really-on-the-map-or-die-to-dei-correctness-hate-2785791.html
Going further back….
A response I made to someone (SMS Texts, back and forth) in regard to their saying a recent CTP Show “BrainDead (well that’s a harsh title LOL) part 1″ ( was/is “thoughtful”…
Thx for the feedback on BrainDead1 episode (he will be on my Show soon for an already “Listener Feedback” mini-episode in next several weeks (end of February or early March 2024) when he wanted to react and talk about S1E13 “Censorship” Show) I indeed go for “thoughtful” (always, logic and reason and facts) though I have addressed that sometimes I may indeed get HOT/ANIMATED and sound more like raving lunatic (Leftist) at times (while “spirited” in “tone” and action – still using logic/reason/strategy but just a bit more “passionately” delivered (see related 1m YouTube Short on that))! LOL Thankfully those number of Shows are the exceptions and not the Rule. I am always going for “not the same ole talking-point takes of the usual suspect talking-head parrots” (there is Hannity and a million others for the same-ole bs parrot responses (though, not to say, sometimes a particular talking-point oft heard is not worth repeating too, but parroting cannot be one’s ONE TRICK (and sadly too many are just parrots (or One-Trick-Pony, if you prefer) with never any originality — AT ALL, EVER (at least if delivering the same basic “topics” have some reasonable different approach or other “angle” of delivery than same mono-tone talking-head resting face and voice))).
Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:
2023 in review…
[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see:
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]
CTP S2E59 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 3 2024 and thereafter) at: )…
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E59) “Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?”
“Who is Baby-Sitting Whom?” Are YOU the Parent, or just the Night-Sitter for WARDS OF STATE Children?!?!?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus
A myriad of Rabbit-holes (including how a recent #Joestradamus prophecy came true (#Kamalot Spin; Style over Substance, Personalities over Principles, #IdentityPolitics deflection from Policy (especially Biden/Harris admin #EpicFail policy disasters) that I (#Joestradamus) predicted (they would take my JOKE and try and make serious) almost a full week before NYMag decided to put the farce as A SERIOUS COVER? even though there is a REAL KENNEDY (descendant of #Camelot) in the Presidential Race), and another #kamELE prediction (ELE, Extinction Level Event)) ultimately culminating in how they all relate to how The Left wants your Children (the one’s that PlannedSlaughterhood doesn’t Murder) as Wards of Fascist State! How does Tyrus of GUTFELD! Show factor in this?
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: TLB “Slaves To State” piece
Episode related pieces…
.SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward in September) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes…
August 31 – just dropped today (Sat. Aug. 31) – S2E63: Neighborliness
September 7 – S2E64: Charity (Neighborliness, part 2)
September 14 – S2E65 Stand Against Tyranny
September 21 – S2E66 WOKEists Warping Words (Diversity)
September 28 – S2E67 Strategically Stupid [this rouged-draft piece]
DNC night 2 Coverage (I join) Maverick News 2000ET (Tue. Aug. 20th)
DNC Night 4 of LIES wrap-up (Thu. Aug. 22nd)
Maverick News – RFK Jr endorses Trump (Fri. Aug. 23rd)
Maverick News – Derek Reimer (Political-Prisoner) joins and more Trump Rally in AZ tonight (Fri. Aug. 23rd) follow-up
Again, SORRY, I would have embedded all 4 of those Videos for viewing right within this Article – but there STILL continues to be a BeforeItsNews issue that when/where I try to put more than one Video Player embed in it SCREWS UP and manages to RANDOMLY DELETE other parts of the Piece – they have been told, but it STILL has not been addressed/fixed so I can only supply links to those Videos.
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ARE YOU ACTUALLY AWAKE RATHER THAN WOKE NOW?!?!? Did it not seem REAL CLEAR after the #ABC #Moderators had the #Springfield* #Ohio “#City #Manger” #SPIN-#CHECK (carefully crafted language) ready to go THE WHOLE #DEBATE WAS A #SETUP (and yet #Trump still WON, cuz people who are #THINKERS and have #CommonSense SAW what was going on – they were so obvious; and IT IS BACKFIRING ON THEM)?!?!?
YES, #Whistleblower #insider from #ABC confirms #ABC leaked the Questions to #Harris, and #ABC had back her PRE-REHEARSED PLANNED RESPONSES, and “potential” that #Trump would take any number of the BAITING w/ that Story.
* more specifics and breakdown WHY the #ABC #ENEMEdia Team had that exact CAREFULLY CRAFTED (keyword: CREDIBLE, spin, twist, dodge) response outlined in (that exact #verbiage was NOT COINCIDENTAL):