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By The Blaring Trumpet (Dr. Luke Prophet)
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The End Times Prophecies Of The Bible Unveiled For All Caucasians & Christians! Our Spiritual Battle Against The Forces Of Darkness! The 4 Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, The antiChrist, The Prophets of Revelation 11, The Harpazo, And The Gathering Of The Remnant!

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The Spiritual Battle Between The Sons of Darkness VS The Sons Of LIght Will Only Be Won With The Return of Jesus The Christ To Earth.  The End Times Prophecies of The Bible Unveiled!

Everything you have wanted to know about our Spiritual and Earthly Enemies, The identification of the antichrist and the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the future of the white race who are the Tribes of Jacob-Israel.

Unravelling the end time prophecies of Revelation and the Bible using the Holy Gematria of King David.  

Unraveling Revelation covers the period from June 28th, 1919 from the signing of the Versailles Treaty ending WWI to Armageddon including the identity of antiChrist and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  There will be a grander second Exodus out of Egypt.

This is a prophecy concerning America, Britain and the Commonwealth, and Europe as well as the Country of Egypt.  Jesus is at the door.  The rapture will take place in 2021 along with WWIII with 1/3 of the white race going into captivity.  Zechariah 13:8 tells us that 2/3 of the white race will perish.  

This work deciphers the book of Revelation. It includes the identity of the antiChrist and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It explains Armageddon, captivity of the white race, and the  second Exodus from Egypt. 

By Dr. Luke Prophet

After working as a medical doctor for ten years, I left the medical profession and returned to University to obtain a master’s degree in both Economics and Mathematics, then worked for a major bank in England until I decided to retire early to devote the rest of my life to the study of Soteriology (Salvation), Eschatology (The Biblical End Times Prophecies), Israelogy (The Twelve Tribes of Israel) and Ecclesiology (The Development of the Christian Church). In Luke 12:2 it states: There is nothing concealed that shall not be revealed, or hidden that will not be made known. My goal is to fulfill this prophecy and now I believe that after many years of effort, and with the constant help and support of the Holy Spirit, I finally succeeded. You be the judge after you read this work.

Ephesians 6:12 states: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. The Apostle Paul wrote the letters to the Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon around AD 62, and had them delivered by Tychicus who was accompanied by Onesimus. (Ephesians 6:21, Colossians 4:7-9 and Philemon1:10-12)

If our struggle, according to Paul the Apostle in Ephesians 6:12, is not against fresh and blood or humanity, who exactly are our enemies, and how can we determine what Paul was trying to tell us? The prophet Hosea prophesied to the northern tribes of Israel just prior to their destruction in 722 BC when they were taken into captivity.

I feel I’m in the same situation today as Hosea was in 722 BC waiting for the true Tribes of Jacob Israel to wake up and heed my warnings before they are taken into captivity.

In Hosea 4:6 it states: my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Things are much worse today with the lying mainstream media such as CNN in America and the BBC in Britain. You cannot believe anything from alternate media sources as well such as James Corbett and Alex Jones as they do not talk about the Jews. Lies are everywhere including those lying from the pulpit and the lying Khazars on Bitchute such as Steven and Jana Denoon and Adam Green. Anyone not talking about the Khazars (modern day Jews) and the Synagogue of Satan cannot be trusted and are not telling the truth!

Why can’t anyone today tell us who are enemies are that Paul the Apostle was referring to? Why should this be the case when 1 Corinthians 14:33 states: For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. There had to be a way to determine what these End Times prophecies actually meant. I did not believe Our Father would leave us in the dark without the means to determine what the prophecies are warning us about. It took many years, but I did discover that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, His memorial-name for all generations, (Exodus 3:15)  did give us the means to unravel the truth and now I will share this knowledge with you that Our Father allowed me to rediscover. 

Fifteen years ago I was struggling with how to determine the meaning of prophecy, and to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that my interpretation was factual.  I had retired early in 2006, and had always been fascinated with the book of Revelation.  After reading about Sir Isaac’s Newton’s attempts at deciphering Revelation through mathematics, the first project I decided to undertake was to decipher the book of Revelation, and gave myself a year in which to complete it. I had been a mathematician, so had worked with numbers most of my life. I had realized after reading Revelation that it’s words must also equate to numbers. It was through the numbers that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob had sealed the book of Revelation, and it was only through numbers that Revelation would be unsealed. That initial pastime activity lead to fifteen years of devotion to both the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and this task He had laid in front of me of how to decipher extremely difficult bible passages with the confidence of knowing you have determined the correct interpretation. Sir Isaac Newton was not successful in unveiling the prophecy in Revelation because Newton died in 1727 and Revelation was sealed until the end of World War Two.

I was overly optimistic and unrealistic in the year I had given myself to decipher Revelation.  It took me ten years to unveil the prophecy in Revelation.  Revelation is the most complex book ever written, and contains a Pesher, or riddle using words but with only one solution; Holy Gematria that King David had used; and this is all interwoven in a spiritual overview of the End Time events.

During his life, Paul struggled against the same forces we are battling against.  However, as we are living in the End Times which are just like the days of Noah, the forces of evil today are far greater in strength and in number than in Paul’s day. All evil from the time of Adam is back on earth today as satan is back on earth to bring this age to a close, and satan knows his time is short. (Revelation 12:12)  Satan is at war today with all Christians. (Revelation 12:17) I will include the interpretation of Ephesians 6:12 after I have explained the prophecies concerning the land of Egypt for all of my Egyptian friends, both Christian and Muslim.

You may find this truth unbelievable or frightening, but you will know the truth, as well as how to save your soul, and the truth will set you free (John 8:31-32).

Please be aware that the interpretations of the Bible prophecies in this work are directly from the Holy Spirit. I am only the vehicle the Holy Spirit is working through and all interpretations are then further confirmed as the truth through the three witnesses of Holy Gematria.

Holy Gematria

I am using the gematria calculator at for all my calculations so you can follow along if you wish to do so. I reduce the gematria numbers to a single digit either by adding or subtracting or taking a factor. An aleph (1) or a zero are neutral numbers and can be dropped. We can add or subtract an aleph (1) to any final number and an additional aleph (1) to any number where there is an aleph in the number. The number 1 can be 1 or 10, but the number 10 can only relate to God. The number 11 can be 2, 10-1, or 8. I am using the NASB77 version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.

I am using the English language as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, gave the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel a new language and it is primarily English. For the calculation of the antiChrist and the Mark of the Beast, we use only English Gematria. For Bible Prophecy, we use all three ciphers (Jewish, English and Simple Gematria) for our three witnesses.

I am primarily using the Mispar Katan (small value) which calculates the value of each letter, but truncates all of the zeros. It is also sometimes called Mispar Me’ugal.  However I have updated the rules with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

The first key or clue to unsealing Revelation, or any bible prophecy, lies in three bible verses, Revelation 11:18, Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14. In all three verses the word understand is used.

I have used three witnesses or three different forms of Holy Gematria, namely Hebrew, English and Simple Holy Gematria to establish the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s truth.


=   564 or 64+5=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6       (Hebrew Gematria)

=   720 or 72 or 12 or 6                                   (English Gematria)

=   120 or 12 or 6                                             (Simple Gematria)

Use Holy Gematria

= 1006 or 6

= 1074 or 74+1=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

=   179 or 79-10=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

Note that aleph (1) and zero are neutral numbers and can be dropped.

“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this:  (Revelation 3:7)

The Key of David

= 1302 or 20+3+1=24 or 12 or 6

=   810 or 10+8=18 or 9

=   135 or 35 or 3+5= 8

Holy Gematria

=   711 or 11+7=18 or 9

=   804 or 8+4=12 or 6

=   134 or 34+1=35 or 3+5= 8



=  415 or 4+1+5= 10

246 or 2+4+6=12 or 6

=    41 or 5


=  228 or 28+2=30 or 10

246 or 2+4+6=12 or 6

=    41 or 5

Revelation was written by John of Zebedee in both Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew and Greek are two of the three languages, the other being Latin, in which the letters of their Alphabet also equate to numbers. The second clue, located in Revelation 13:18, relates to an ancient form of Mathematics called Holy Gematria, where it states that the beast from the sea equates to 600 three score (60) and 6

The first reference of Holy Gematria‘s use in the Bible is in 1 Samuel 30:7-8 in which King David uses an Ephod or Abacus with Holy Gematria and inquired of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

There are three types of Ephod in the Bible

In the Old Testament Ephod has three meanings; in one group of passages it signifies a garment; in another, very probably an image of an abacus; and in another, a sacred oracle or abacus.

In the former the ephod is referred to in the priestly ordinances as a part of the official dress of the high priest, and was to be made of threads “of blue and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen,” and embroidered in gold thread “with cunning work” (Ex. 29:5 and 2 Samuel 6:14).

The word “ephod” has an entirely different meaning in the second group of passages, all of which belong to the historical books. It is certain that the word can not here mean a garment. This is evident in Judges 8:26-27, where it is recorded that Gideon took the golden earrings of the Midianites, weighing 1,700 shekels of gold, and made an “ephod thereof, and put it in his city, even in Ophrah,” where it was worshiped by all Israel. The ephod image in this verse relates to a giant abacus.

In the third group of passages, the ephod is frequently mentioned in close connection with the sacred oracle. When Saul or David wished to question God through the oracle, they commanded the priest, “Bring hither the ephod” (1 Sam. 23:9, 1 Sam. 30:7). In this instance, the ephod or abacus was used to obtain information from the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob by asking questions of God  though words and numbers.

1 Samuel 30:7-8 David Inquired Of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Using An Ephod

7Then David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, “Please bring the ephod here to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David. 8So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” (1 Samuel 30:7-8)


= 127 or 27-1=26 or 2+6= 8                                (Hebrew Gematria)

= 6 or 2+8+8=18 or 1+8= 9                                 (English Gematria)

=   48 or 4+8 = 12 or 6                                        (Simple Gematria)


= 297 or 2+9+7= 18 or 1+8= 9

= 282 or 28-2= 26 or 2+6= 8

=   47 or 47+1= 48 or 4+8 = 12 or 6                                       

In Holy Gematria 1 can be 10 or 1, but the number 10 can only represent God. so if it doesn’t represent God, we reduce it by 1 so 10 becomes 9. The number 11 can also be 8 or 10-1=9.

In Holy Gematria, the Number 1 can be added or subtracted at any time. The number 13 can be 1+3=4 or the number 7. And the number 6 can be 9 and 9 can be 6.


= 478 or 4+7+8 = 19 or 19-1=18 or 8

= 636 or 36-6 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 106 or 6


=  74 or 7+4 = 11 or 10-1 = 9 or 9-1 = 8

= 180 or 18 or 9

=   30 or 6

Ephod is a match to abacus, calculator and Ipad according to the three witnesses of Holy Gematria (8-9-6). This give us confirmation with the three witnesses that an Ephod was an abacus in King David’s day and what we call a calculator or Ipad today


= 417 or 71+4=75 or 75-1=74 or 7+4=11 or 8

= 582 or 58-2=56 or 5+6=11 or 8

=   97 or 9+7=16 or 8        (2×8=16)                     

Used Holy Gematria

= 1010 or 10+1=11 or 8                                           (Also equates to a year)

= 1098 or 98-1=97 or 9+7=16 or 8

Alternatively 1098 or 980-10 = 970 or 97 or 9+7 = 16 or 8 (Also equates to a year 970 BC)

=   183 or 8+3 = 11 or 8

A number 1 in Holy Gematria can be 1 or 10.

The more matches by using alternative calculations such as above in 1098, further supports the match. 

It is very interesting that some of the four digit numbers such a 1010 and 970 B.C above also equate to years that give us additional information. King David’s reign was between 1010 and 970 B.C. and it is my belief that the Holy Spirit is telling us through Holy Gematria that the Holy Spirit gave King David the knowledge of Holy Gematria, as Holy Gematria was considered sacred knowledge reserved for the priests, and King David was not a priest.  I also believe that the Holy Spirit is  telling us that the Holy Gematria I am using along with the rules for its use is the same Holy Gematria that King David had used.

Proverbs 25:2 tells why King David was allowed to know Holy Gematria.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2 KJV).

I have been shown by the Holy Spirit that I am one of the 144,000 bondservants of Revelation 7:3-4 and was Fulk the Younger, Count of Anjou and King of Jerusalem in a previous transmigration.  This is why I have been successful in rediscovering Holy Gematria and the rules for its use.  Fulk’s chief fault was his inability to remember names and faces, a problem I have had all my life. The 144,000 bondservants of Revelation 7:3-4 were created in the first creation (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3) by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob (The  Father, The Son or Logos or the Word and The Holy Spirit or “Us” and made man and woman in  “Our image”  and “Our likeness” as mentioned in Genesis 1:26). These 144,000 bondservants are a remnant that were saved from the war in heaven and on earth which is described in Jeremiah 4:23-26. Note in Genesis 2:5 it tells us that there were no men to cultivate the ground.  There was no man because the 144,000 bondservants had been removed for safety.  The Elect or the ancestors of Adam and Eve were created in the second creation by The Lord God or The Logos or the Word and The Holy Spirit (Genesis 2:4 to 3:24) The Logos, the Preincarnate Jesus and The Holy Spirit were sent to earth to repair the destroyed earth in the war mentioned in Jeremiah 4:23-26 and to recreate man. Notice in this second creation man is not created in the same manner as was the first man.  This man later referred to as Adam was created from dust of the ground or DNA.  Adam and Eve were both given the ability to transmigrate, but this ability was taken away from them after they were deceived by the Nachash, Serpent or Gadreel, one of the two hundred fallen watchers. The story of Gadreel is in the Book of Enoch. Romans 9:21 confirms the 144,000 bondservants were made for honorable use and certain people or the Elect were made for common use. Bondservants do not transfer their ability to transmigrate to their children.


=    52 or 5+2= 7                   

=   210 or 10+2=12 or 6          

=     35 or 3+5= 8                    


= 166 or 16+6=22 or 11 or 8

= 312 or 3+1+2= 6

=   52 or 5+2= 7                    



=   269 or 2+6+9=17 or 7                           

=   564 or 64+5=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6   

=     94 or 49-1=48 or 4+8=12 or 6            


=   774 or 7+7+4=18 or 18-1=17 or 7         

= 1074 or 47+1=48 or 4+8=12 or 6            

=   179 or 79-10=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6 

Knowing Good from Evil

= 1946 or 46-10=36 or 12 or 6                    (Also equates to a year)

= 1206 or 12+6=18 or 18-1=17 or 7           

=   201 or 10+2=12 or 6                              

The year 1946 above is very significant. It was the year that the book of Revelation was unsealed for interpretation through Holy Gematria and it represents the year that began the last transmigration of the 144,000 saints mentioned in Revelation 7:4 who must be on earth to be removed during the Harpazo.  The 144,000 saints have all been born in 1946 or later.  These saints are immortal and have lived previously many times, having been created in the first creation.  The elect, or those born in the second creation, are mortal as per Hebrews 9:27. The dead in Jesus the Christ and the 144,000 saints must be caught up or Raptured prior to America and Britain and the Commonwealth being destroyed.

Hosea 5:7 states: Now the new moon will devour them with their land. Is it just a coincidence that the new moon in June 2021 is on the 10th of June, and a annular solar eclipse called the Ring of Fire occurs on the same day? It is also interesting that the new moon on June 10th, 2021 is at 19 degrees 46 minutes.

The number 10 in Holy Gematria signifies severed, to be cut off, separation, destroy, to be haughty, proud, to be miry, dirty.

In Psalms 40:2 it states: He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay. Miry clay refers to altered DNA which is what  the Covid 19 injection  does  to the bodies of those taking the injection.  Anyone that is old enough and mentally capable of making a conscious decision to accept this injection, which is the mark of the beast of Revelation 13:17, is considered dirty by your creator and He intends to punish and cut off all of those who have taken the jab in America and Britain and the Commonwealth.

The significance of 19 and 46 in Holy Gematria.

The number 19 in Holy Gematria signifies brotherly, union, greatly injured, greatly hated, security, to thresh, to kill,  to massacre, a slaughter, to escape or rescue.

In Psalms 40:2 the pit of destruction refers to Ephraim and Manasseh or Great Britain the Commonwealth and America. The brotherly union represents the relationship between  the “Five Eyes” or Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and America. Ephraim and Manasseh believe they are living in security, but they are greatly hated in the world and most citizens in Ephraim and Manasseh have turned their backs to their creator., so their creator will thresh and slaughter them, but will allow a third to survive.

The number 46 in Holy Gematria signifies Mighty God, Elijah, a tribe, a people or to be great and numerous.

The end of this age is at hand and our Creator, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is at the door to bring this age to a close. Elijah is back as is Elisha to try to warn the Tribes of Israel and the world at large that  all of humanity has been deceived.

Miry Clay

= 639 or 39+6=45 or 4+5= 9                                                  

= 636 or 63-6=57 or 57-1=58 or 5+8=13 or 1+3= 4       

= 106 or 6

Altered DNA

= 260 or 60-2=58 or 5+8=13 or 1+3= 4                               

=  504 or 40+5=45 or 4+5= 9                                                   

=    84 or 8+4=12 or 6

Covid 19 Jab

= 1613 or 61-3=58 or 5+8=13 or 1+3= 4                                         

=   912 or 9+1+2=12 or 6

=   152 or 52+1=53 or 53+1=54 or 45 reversed or 4+5= 9         


Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use, and another for common use? (Romans 9:21)

for honorable use

=   687 or 68-7=61 or 61+1=62 or 6+2= 8

= 1044 or 44+10=54 or 6

=   174 or 74-10 = 64 or 8            

The bondservants

= 1315 or 51+13=64 or 8            

= 1116 or 61+1=62 or 6+2= 8      

=   186 or 18+6=24 or 12 or 6

The 144,000 bondservants made by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob were made for honorable use.

for common use

= 634 or 63+4 = 67 or 7-6 =1 or 10-1= 9

= 942 or 9+4+2 = 15 or 1+5 = 6      

= 157 or 5+7 = 12 or 6                    

The Elect

= 246 or 2+4+6 = 12 or 6                 

= 468 or 4+6+8 = 18 or 1+8 = 9

=   78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6 

Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.  (Genesis 2:7)

Dust from the ground

= 1054 or 54-1=53 or 5+3= 8

= 1368 or 1+3+6+8=18 or 9                                 

=   228 or 82+2=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

deoxyribonucleic acid and blood

= 1368 or 1+3+6+8= 18 or 9                                   

= 1608 or 60-8=52 or 52+1=53 or 5+3= 8

=   268 or 86-2=84 or 8+4=12 or 6


The breath of life

= 405 or 45 or 4+5= 9

= 840 or 8+4 = 12 or 6 

= 140 or 14 or 7           

Spirit and soul

= 753 or 53-7=46 or 46-1=45 or 4+5= 9

= 1062 or 62+10 = 72 or 12 or 6

= 177 or 7+7=14 or 7

Oxidation event

= 1413 or 41+4=45 or 4+5= 9

= 1062 or 62+10 = 72 or 12 or 6

= 177 or 77 or 7+7=14 or 7

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob brought oxygen into the world so we could  breathe.

After praying for and being given a double portion of the Holy Spirit, I managed to find out that King David used Katan Gematria and then I worked out all of the rules for its use. The Holy Spirit also showed me that King David had taken Holy Gematria one step further by “theosophical reduction”, a technique known throughout antiquity that consists in reducing all numbers made up of two or more digits to one digit numbers by adding them repeatedly until only one digit is left.  For example, 378 = 3 + 7 + 8 = 18, then 1 + 8 = 9. I use this procedure of reducing all numbers to only a single digit number less than 10, unless it relates to God, where it would  remain a 10. Please note that the initial numbers from the Gematria calculator can be read from left to right or right to left. I am using the Gematria calculator at for all Holy Gematria calculations used in this work so my readers can follow along if they wish to do so. I am using the NASB77 version of the Bible unless stipulated.

At that point in time, further light was shown to me by the Holy Spirit regarding the Scriptures.  Embedded within the New Testament, the Essenes used a type of word play called a Pesher. It is a riddle with only one available solution. The Pesher was inserted to enable readers in the End Times to obtain historical information as to the day, time, date and actual location of any event mentioned in the New Testament. It also gives us the actual identity of every individual mentioned, as in many cases the Essenes used a variety of pseudonyms for the same individual.  The Essenes were a religious party they called “The Way” prior to them using the name Christian. In addition, they were also a political party, so were forced to conceal the truth about their members and activities in case their writings fell into Roman hands. The Pesher gives a birth date for Jesus as Sunday March 1st, 7 B.C. It gives a date of the crucifixion of Friday March 20th, 33 A.D. at noon

What I have managed to achieve was no easy task. As there are seventy-five types of Gematria, it took years of effort to determine the type of Holy Gematria that King David had used himself.  As well, as all the rules of how to use Holy Gematria had been lost to us, I had to rediscover the rules through years of trial and error. There is one Key of David or type of Holy Gematria that King David used, and one Key of Solomon or type of Gematria that the luciferians use for evil.

Being as close to this work over the period of time that I have, I know with all certainty that no human mind has the intelligence to use two completely different systems, one number based (Gematria), and one word based  (a Pesher), and embed them in a spiritual account of faith making use of angels and devils, parables and symbols. God, however, through the Holy Spirit, did achieve it making use of His Suffering Servant’s mind since the name of the book of Revelation, after all, is the Revelation of Jesus the Christ! It was not the Revelation of John, or any of the others involved in the book. They were just the writers and the words they were to write came directly from Jesus the Christ. Revelation is actually a mystery (Holy Gematria) containing a riddle (the Pesher giving us historical information) sealed as an enigma (the surface spiritual message).

And He said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.”  (Matthew 13:52)

In other words, if one is instructed in the word of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob through the Holy Spirit, that individual would use both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Many Pastors and Priests never teach out of the Old Testament as they believe it is no longer relevant which is contrary to Matthew 13:52 and the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Laws and Ordinances.

In John 16:25 Jesus tells his disciples that He had spoken to them in figurative language, and He mentioned the term figurative language twice in John 16:25. Jesus is telling us He was using a Pesher and Holy Gematria to veil His message throughout the New Testament.

“These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; an hour is coming when I will speak no more to you in figurative language, but will tell you plainly of the Father. (John 16:25)

Figurative language

= 1398 or 98-3=95 or 95+1=96 or 8

= 1116 or 10+10+10+6 = 36 or 3+6 = 9

= 186 or 18+6 = 24 or 8

A Pesher

= 249 or 94+2=96 or 8

= 432 or 32+4 = 36 or 9

= 72 or 8

Holy Gematria

= 711 or 17+1=18 or 9

= 804 or 40+8 = 48 or 8

= 134 or 1+3+4 = 8

Jesus the Christ

= 1388 or 3+8+8=19 or 19-1=18 or 9

= 1104 or 40-2=38 or 3+8 = 11 or 8

= 184 or 84 or 48 reversed or 8

Figurative Language equates to Holy Gematria and  a Pesher as well as Jesus the Christ who embedded the code into the Gospels on the evidence of three witnesses or numbers (9-8-8)  and additional witnesses (96-36-18-48).

You need figures to figure things out! Our Father, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, is the ultimate mathematician, and used all sixty-six disciplines of mathematics to create everything in existence. The parable of the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32 is actually about the use of quantum physics by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to create the new heaven and the new earth of Revelation 21:1. Holy Gematria was God’s gift to His priests in order for them to explain His intentions to His people. Mathematics cannot lie, as 2+2 will always equal 4 as God cannot lie.(Hebrews 6:18 and Numbers 23:19)

Hebrews 6:18 Two Immutable or Unchangeable Things

That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: (Hebrew 6:18)

Two immutable things

= 1701 or 17 or 1+7= 8                         (Hebrew)

= 1386 or 68-4=64 or 6+4= 10            (English)

=   231 or 23-1=22 or 22-1=21 or 7    (Simple)    

Two unchangeable things

=   586 or 58+6 = 64 or 6+4=10

= 1020 or 20+1=21 or 7

=   170 or 17 or 1+7= 8 

Two unchangeable numbers

= 1829 or 1+8+2+9 = 20 or 10         

= 1458 or 4+5+8=17 or 1+7= 8

=   243 or 24-3=21 or 7

I have used three witnesses or three different forms of Holy Gematria, namely Hebrew, English and Simple Holy Gematria to establish the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s truth throughout this work

Our God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is a wonderful teacher and Judge. Below, He has not only shown us His Holy Gematria, but has given us an example of three final matches instead of two. Two matches is the minimum requirement of determining truth.

This is the third time I am coming to you. EVERY FACT IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES.  (2 Corinthians 13:1)

Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses

= 5885 or 5+8+8+5=26 or 2+6= 8

= 4578 or 78+45 = 123 1+2+3 = 6

=   763 or 76-3=73 or 7+3=10 

Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three numbers in Gematria

= 5075 or 75+50=125 or 25+1=26 or 2+6= 8

= 4776 or 76+47 = 123 or 23+1 = 24 or 6

=   796 or 79-6=73 or 7+3 = 10

The question that I have been asked by fundamental Evangelicals is why God would choose to hide his interpretation of prophecy through His use of Holy Gematria in the Book of Revelation and other books of the Bible? However Fundamentalism is only a product of the Twentieth Century and I for one have never found anything that fundamentalists have been correct concerning End Times prophecy.

If you stop to think about it, numbers are really the only things in the universe that are absolute and determinate.  Of all the sciences known to man, mathematics and logic are the only exact and pure science.  I believe the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob used all sixty-six disciplines of mathematics to create the universe.

Every branch of science uses and depends upon math.  Words and their meanings are interpretive in nature—they are relative to so many different contributing factors:  various cultures, ideas, feelings, emotions, viewpoints, and interpretations.  Scholars who attempt to deal with the Bible based solely upon the grammatical-historical system—words and their meaning (hermeneutics) must forever be working with some degree of uncertainty.  If not, then why are there so many viewpoints about Revelation (never mind the rest of the Bible!)  In  Second Peter 1:20 we are warned that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation. Further, in Second Peter 3:16 it tells us that some things in Scripture are hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort. Numbers are absolute and inflexible (2+2 always equals 4).  Mathematical laws and principles never change, and since God is the Unchangeable One (Malachi 3:6), it only makes sense that He would express His true meanings of His words to mathematical exactness and precision, or Holy Gematria.

Recently, when some N.A.S.A. engineers set up a broadcast antenna and focused it on distance stars, trying to communicate with any “intelligent life” out there, they decided that the only possible language they could use that would make sense to other civilizations was based solely upon numbers. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob gave humankind the written languages of  Hebrew and Greek in which each letter of the alphabet equates also to a number.

There are twenty-two chapters in the Book of Revelation, the same number as letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Rev. 22:18-19 states: if anyone adds to the words and also states if anyone takes away from the words. You can add and take away words, or the letters that make up the words, and you can also add and take away numbers that represent each letter of the Hebrew or Greek alphabet that the word or words in the biblical verse consists of.

Isaiah 28:10 states: line on line.  Online means Revelation would only be deciphered with the development of the computer and Internet. Line on line also means you compare one line of words of any Bible verse converted to Holy Gematria numbers with another line of what you believe the interpretation of the Bible verse actually is and then convert those words to Holy Gematria numbers. If you obtain a match, your interpretation is correct, as God cannot lie (Numbers 23:10). “A little here a little there” (Isaiah 28:10) means that you may have a Bible chapter that you might think is dealing with only one subject when it is actually dealing with two or more separate subjects.

To help explain why I believe the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob gave His priests Holy Gematria, (aleph) is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and corresponds to the number 1.  Like the number 10, both 1 and 10 represent God in the science of numbers, the supreme unity.  And in the same way, the science of numbers allows us to subtract 1 or 10 from words that express an opposition to the divine.  The letter (aleph) is silent. It cannot be spoken without the addition of a value 1.  That is because the name of God is silent and unpronounceable.  A word like emeth means truth.  Since Adam disobeyed God, the most perfect human being will never rise above the number 9.  Revelation chapter 1 verse 8 states:  “I am the Alpha and Omega,” says the Lord.  God is the Supreme Truth, and the only being with a value of 10.  In the word emeth, the number 1, placed at the end, represents Omega (the end).  By adding 1, the value of Alpha, the beginning, to the start of the number 1, we get 1441 or 1+4+4+1 which equates to a total of 10 and the Absolute Truth.  The message is clear:  without God there is no Absolute Truth.  If you read 1+4+4+1 in either direction, either right or left, you still get 10.  So the wheel turns full circle.  God, the Absolute Truth, envelops the universe, and whichever way we turn, the truth is omni present.  On the other hand, if we remove the letter aleph from the word “emeth” (as if we had removed the letter (e), we are left with “meth” which means “death”.  The message is clear:  without the help and support of the divine, man is condemned to death.

I first decided to take a serious look into the life of the historical Jesus.  Biblical scholars have long determined that Mary and Joseph were Essenes. Essenes were the writers of the New Testament and everything told is from an Essene point of view, as the Essenes are not mentioned in the New Testament. The Essenes also wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and lived in two areas; around the Essene Gate in Jerusalem where their Mikveh baths can still be seen today, and in Qumran south of Jerusalem on the Dead Sea. 

An Essene connection to the family of Jesus has long been apparent. James, the brother of Jesus, was said to have worn garments of white linen, and to have never used oil on his skin; both are striking characteristics of the Essenes that are mentioned together by Josephus. (Josephus War 2:123 and Eusebius, Eccl. Hist. 2:23) James was also called an Ebonite. The Ebonites were Hebrew Christians, who were called the Poor (Romans 15:26 and Galatians 2:10). The same word ‘ebionim meaning the Poor is used many times in the Dead Sea Scrolls for the Qumran community members. 1QpHab 12:3,6,10; 1QM 11:13; 1QH 3:25; 4QpPss 1:9, 2:10, CD 6:21, 14:14.

I now understand that the saying in Mark 10:25 of a “Camel going through the eye of a needle” is referring to the graduation of a celibate in the times of Jesus.  The Essenes used a system of grades in their religious education system.  The four levels of men matched the first four letters of the Hebrew alphabet:  priests (Aleph), Levite (Beth), Celibates (Gimel) and married men (Daleth).

The pictograph of the letter “Gimel” in Hebrew is a camel and the word “camel” is derived from a variation “Gamel”. A man who wished to become an Essene started his studies at age twenty and went through a series of grades in his religious training.  At twenty-three he reached the first grade, Samekh, or full initiation.  Four years of education followed, taking him to Qof, or graduation at twenty-seven years old.  As Qof also meant “eye of a needle”, the graduate had symbolically gone through an “eye of a needle” when he graduated. 

At age twenty-eight, he reached Resh, then after another two years, he reached Taw and was given the sign X.  The numerical values of these letters in Hebrew were 60 (Samekh), 200 (Resh) and 400 (Taw) or 600 plus 60.  When the letters were put together and a Waw added, as the usual letter attached to a Hebrew letter in order to make it a word, and since Waw was 6, the total combination came to 600 plus 60 plus 6.  Many people today are searching for an individual whose name totals 666 in Gematria to determine the identity of the antiChrist.  However there is more to that puzzle than trying to match 666 mentioned in Revelation to the name of a man. What type of Gematria would you use as there are seventy five types?

My belief today is that Jesus the Christ  was telling me that I was the one he had chosen to unravel His Revelation.  However, I would first have to study the Essenes and their lives in great detail and in fact, go through their education system or through the “eye of a needle”.  I also had to go through a full immersion baptism in a Mikveh bath. I would then be able to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation 3:7 by acquiring the key of David or the Holy Gematria that King David had used himself.  The Apocalypse means lifting the veil or uncovering the truth of all of the prophecies contained in the Bible and this is exactly what I have managed to achieve.

The Seven Blessings In Revelation

Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises seven blessings to the reader. The blessings are as follows:

Rev 1:3     Blessed is the one who reads the words

Rev 14:13 Blessed are those Christians who die during the Tribulation

Rev 16:15 Blessed is the one aware of the signs of the End Times

Rev 19:9   Blessed are those Christians invited to the marriage supper of the


(The resurrected dead in Christ and  the 144,000 bondservants who will be caught up to meet the Messiah Jesus in the air)

Rev 22:7   Blessed is the one who understands and follows the words of the

                  prophecy of Revelation.

Rev 22:14  Blessed are those who are followers of Christ awaiting His return and  praying constantly that they will be accounted worthy to escape the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. They have repented of their sin, accepted Jesus as their savior and intercessor to the Father, and have under-gone a full immersion baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are followers of God’s Commandments, Holidays and Ordinances.

The number seven in Holy Gematria means completion or the final phase of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s plan to redeem the earth of all evil. I believe 2021 is the year of Recompense mentioned in Isaiah 34 or the start of The Year of Jacob’s Trouble, and that Jesus will return to set up His Kingdom here on earth on or before 2024. 

Why me?

Why do I think I was selected for this task? Originally I had thought it was because I was a mathematician; I was retired and in good health with time on my hands (I’m in my seventies) had the money to travel and have always been tenacious. However the Holy Spirit eventually showed me that there was more to it than that. I had to make several trips to the Middle East including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and twice to Israel and Egypt. Trump and Kushner are the two False Prophets of Revelation 11:10 that will be assassinated. Revelation 11:11 tells us that after three and a half days, they (Trump and Kushner) will be resurrected. Revelation 11:12 tells us that there was a shout of “Come up here” and they went up to heaven in the cloud. The Holy Spirit eventually told me I was the antithesis to Trump, as we were both born in 1946, and I am mentioned in Revelation 11:4 as one of the two candlesticks. I was then told to leave North America and move to Egypt, which I did several years ago. The reason I was told to leave North America was that my life would be in danger if I remained and that North America will eventually be destroyed.  

The Two Candlesticks

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.  (Revelation 11:4 KJV)


= 285 or 2+8+5=15 or 1+5= 6   

= 606 or 6+6=12 or 6               

= 101 or 10+1= 11 or 8            

Spreading the light of truth

= 1097 or 9+7=16 or 16-1=15 or 1+5= 6      

= 1740 or 40+17=57 or 5+7=12 or 6       

=   290 or 2+9=11 or 8                      


Two candlesticks

= 1425 or 4+2+5=11 or 8                          

= 1068 or 68+10=78 or 7+8=15 or 6        

=   178 or 1+7+8=16 or 8

Elijah and Elisha

= 821 or 8+2+1=11 or 8                             

= 708 or 78 or 7+8=15 or 6                        

= 118 or 18-1=17 or 17-1=16 or 8                       


Two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth

= 2401 or 42 (reversed) or 7                        

= 2892 or 2+8+9+2=21 or 7        

=   482 or 4+8+2=14 or 7          

Elijah and Elisha standing before the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

= 2418 or 24+18=42 or 7              

= 2784 or 2+7+8+4=21 or 7         

=   464 or 4+6+4=14 or 7  


The number 7 in Holy Gematria means completion. Elijah and Elisha have been transmigrated on earth to bear witness to the evil of the Tribes of Jacob Israel, and to give the truth of the intentions of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

However many will not understand the message of salvation in the End Times.  The whole point of the Tribulation is to have the white race, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Seed to repent of their wicked ways and to return to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Laws and Ordinances and seek His face.

14“And in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,









AND I SHOULD HEAL THEM.’  (Matthew 13:14-15)

Intent of the Law  Galatians 3:15-29:

15Brethren, I speak in terms of human relations: even though it is only a man’s covenant, yet when it has been ratified, no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it. 16Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as referring to many, but rather to one, “And to your seed,” that is, Christ. 17What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. 18For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise; but God has granted it to Abraham by means of a promise. 19Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed should come to whom the promise had been made. 20Now a mediator is not for one party only; whereas God is only one. 21Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? May it never be! For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law. 22But the Scripture has shut up all men under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

23But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. 24Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, that we may be justified by faith. 25But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. 26For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Judean nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.  (Galatians 3:15-29)

I will go away and return to My place Until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me. (Hosea 5:15)

Our Father does not take pleasure in destroying evil but would rather that all would welcome the truth and except the saving grace offered freely to all by our savior Jesus the Christ. Elijah and Elisha will be on earth to bring this age to a close, and then will be removed along with the dead in Christ and all of the 144,000 bondservants.  The Holy Spirit will then be removed to bring the Age of Grace to a close.

The Fake Rapture and The True Rapture

In Revelation 11:12 and in Proverbs 25:7 the words “Come up here” are used. Revelation 11:12 refers to a technology based false Snatching Away and Proverbs 25:2 represents the true Snatching Away of the bondservants by Messiah Jesus, Our Redeemer and Savior.

False Rapture:

And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.  (Revelation 11:12 KJV)

The first Harpazo or Rapture will be one orchestrated by satan through technology such as Holography, as satan can not replicate the powers of God.  Humanity will then be told that Trump and Kushner, who are the two False Prophets of Revelation 11:10, were removed from earth  three and a half days after they are killed because they would not go along with the New World Order Agenda. Many Christians will lose faith, especially when the killings of Christians begins after this first False Rapture. Trump and Kushner will be shown to be removed from the earth by spaceship.. This is the reason that so much is being said about aliens and spaceships today. There will be an alien arrival, but the Grigori are not from another planet. They are demons and are from another dimension.

True Rapture:

For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither; than that thou shouldest be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have seen  (Proverbs 25:7 KJV).  I believe the two times the term “Come up here” is used refers to two different Harpazo’s.  The second Harpazo, the true Harpazo, will  remove the dead in Christ and the 144,000 bondservants mentioned in Revelation 7:4 and will take place in 2021. There will then be other occasions in which God will remove his followers or the Elect through hiding and removing them to a safe location. Pray always that you will be found worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass.(Luke 21:36)

It is my belief that the True Rapture will occur within days  of the False Rapture. The True Rapture will remove all of the dead that have died and were saved from the time of the first appearance of Jesus on earth. It will also include the 144,000 Israelite bondservants mentioned in Revelation 7:3-4 or 12,000 bondservants from each of the twelve tribes. It is also my belief that Israelite babies, toddlers and children under the age of five  as well as the Israelite disabled will be removed at this time. 

All humans that were created in the second creation that are Christians are referred to in the Bible as the Elect. They will have to go through the hour of testing or hour of nuclear war to be refined (Daniel 12:10; Isaiah 48:19 and Psalms 66:10-12) They will not be burned and their clothes will not have the smell of fire on them. The event of nuclear war lasting an hour (Revelation 3:10) is a repeat of Daniel 3:26-27. There is also one group of Elect that will be spared going through the hour of testing, and those are called members of the Church of Philadelphia. (Revelation 3:10)  They will be removed from earth prior to the hour of nuclear war as they are guests at the marriage supper of the lamb. The 144,000 bondservants are mentioned in Revelation 14:1-5 where we are told that after they are Raptured, they will be on Mount Zion for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Many today expect the entire Christian church to be Raptured, but the only Church mentioned in Revelation is the Church of Philadelphia.

‘Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell upon the earth.  (Revelation 3:10)

Revelation 3:10 refers to the members of the Church of Philadelphia who I believe have been transmigrated to be on earth at this time.  The Church of Philadelphia are not part of the one hundred and forty-four bondservants.

Because you have kept the word of my perseverance

= 4552 or 57-4=53 or 5+3= 8                  

= 2928 or 2+9+2+8=21 or 7                     

=   488 or 88+4=92 or 9+2=11 or 8        

Because you have kept my Commandments and Ordinances

= 3065 or 56-3=53 or 5+3= 8                                      

= 2988 or 98-8=90 or 90+2=92 or 9+2=11 or 8      

=   498 or 4+9+8=21 or 7                                                

The Isaiah 27:13 prophecy is for our day for the destruction of North America and Western Europe.

The word “also” means there will be two events on the same day.

It will come about also in that day

= 2323 or 32+3=35 or 35-2=33 or 3+3= 6

= 1974 or 74-9=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

= 329 or 9+2+3=14 or 7

The harpazo will come about also prior to  a nuclear surprise attack.

= 3972 or 72-39=33 or 3+3= 6                                       

= 4098 or 98-4=94 or 9+4=13 or 13+1=14 or 7                

=   683 or 68-3=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

Let those who persecute me be put to shame, but as for me, let me not be put to shame; Let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed. Bring on them a day of disaster, And crush them with twofold destruction! (Jeremiah 17:18)

And crush them with two fold destruction

= 3397 or 3+3+9+7=22 or 11 or 8

= 2622 or 2+6+2+2=12 or 6

= 437 or 4+3+7=14 or 7

An Electromagnetic Pulse and Nuclear Missile Attack

= 1736 or 36-7=29 or 2+9=11 or 8

= 2838 or 2+8+3+8=21 or 12 reversed or 6

= 473 or 4+7+3=14 or 7                             

 “Their widows will be more numerous before Me Than the sand of the seas; I will bring against them, against the mother of a young man, A destroyer at noonday; I will suddenly bring down on her Anguish and dismay. (Jeremiah 15:8)

I will now show you how we can determine who the prophecy of Jeremiah 15:8 is referring to through the use of Holy Gematria.


=    93 or 9+3=12 or 6                     

186 or 1+8+6=15 or 1+5= 6   

=    31 or 3+1= 4

Jacob Israel

861 or 8+6+1=15 or 1+5= 6      

=  570 or 5+7=12 or 6                      

=    95 or 9+5=14 or 4       (allowed to drop a 1 at any time as in 14 to 4)

I have now determined that Jeremiah 15:8 above when mentioning “her” was a future prophecy against the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel. I can also show that Jeremiah’s prophecy of 15:8 also relates to Jeremiah ‘s prophecy of 17:18.

And crush them with twofold destruction! (Jeremiah 17:18)

And crush them with two fold destruction

= 3397 or 3+3+9+7=22 or 11 or 8

= 2622 or 2+6+2+2=12 or 6

= 437 or 4+3+7=14 or 7

An Electromagnetic Pulse and Nuclear Missile Attack

= 1736 or 36-7=29 or 2+9=11 or 8

= 2838 or 2+8+3+8=21 or 12 reversed or 6

= 473 or 4+7+3=14 or 7                             

Anguish and dismay

=    934 or 34+9=43 or 4+3= 7

=  1014 or 14 or 10 = 24 or 6

=    169 or 69+10=79 or 7+9=16 or 8                        

I am not a date setter for events such as the Rapture and World War Three.  However I will share with you my best guesstimates.

Matthew 24:36 states:

But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

My task on earth is to be a watchmen for the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel. Ezekiel 3:17-19 states:

17 “Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me. 18 When I say to the wicked, ‘You will certainly die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way so that he may live, that wicked person shall die for wrongdoing, but his blood I will require from your hand. 19 However if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die for wrongdoing, but you have saved yourself.

And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them.  (Revelation 11:12)

Come up here

= 446 or 64-4=60 or 12 or 6

= 654 or 6+5+4=15 or 1+5= 6

= 109 or 9+1=10

The Harpazo

= 813 or 8+1+3=12 or 6

= 708 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

= 118 or 1+1+8= 10

Snatching Away

= 1600 or 60 or 12 or 6

=   870 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6

=   145 or 1+4+5= 10

Jeremiah 23:21 Confirms That The Two Prophets Of Revelation 11:10 Are Imposters

Jeremiah 23:21 states: I did not send these prophets, but they ran. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied.

I did not send these prophets

= 1016 or 61+10 = 71 or 7+1= 8  

= 1746 or 7+4+6= 17 or 17-1=16 or 8                  (also equates to a year)

=   291 or 29+1 = 30 or 30 +1=31 or 3+1=4

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner

= 1757 or 77-6 = 71 or 7+1= 8                            

= 1746 or 7+4+6=17 or 17-1=16 or 8

=   291 or 29+1=30 or 30+1=31 or 3+1=4

Marduk and Bel

=   397 or 39+7=46 or 64 or 8                        

=   636 or 36-6=30 or 30+1=31 or 3+1= 4     

=   106 or 10+6=16 or 8       


Donald Trump and Jared Kushner were Marduk and Bel in Biblical times.  America is Babylon today.

“Declare and proclaim among the nations. Proclaim it and lift up a standard. Do not conceal it but say, ‘Babylon has been captured, Bel has been put to shame, Marduk has been shattered; Her images have been put to shame, her idols have been shattered.’   (Jeremiah 50:2).

The Gematria number 1746 above also equates to a year.

According to Stephen McDowell, in response to French attacks on Britain and her American colonies, New England and British forces captured Louisburg in Nova Scotia, June 17, 1745.  As a result of this, France resolved to raise “a fleet and armament to recover that place, to make a conquest of Nova Scotia, and to lay waste the whole seacoast from Nova Scotia to Georgia.”  The fleet and forces they raised were very significant, comprised of about 70 ships — large and small gunners, fire ships, bombers, transports — in all carrying about 8000 troops.

This force, under the command of Duke d’Anville, was to have sailed the beginning of May, 1746, but “the hand of that providence, which commands the winds and the seas,” sent contrary winds to delay their departure until June 22. They were supposed to meet four ships in the West Indies, who, after waiting so long without finding the fleet and being “severly combated by storms and fogs,” grew discouraged and returned to France.

When the Americans heard of the sailing of the French fleet under d’Anville they were greatly alarmed. Their fears were assuaged somewhat when they also got word a British fleet was being sent for their relief. But this proved abortive, as the fleet attempted to sail from England seven times, but was driven back each time by contrary winds.

After finally departing, the French fleet sailed too far southward, which slowed their travel and caused them to encounter the extreme heat of summer. This brought on a great sickness which killed 1300 troops at sea. The rest were weakened and dispirited. But they continued on to attempt to accomplish their mission.

When news arrived in America that the French fleet was approaching the coast, it brought great distress upon the people, for in the natural there looked to be no hope to avoid defeat. But the people cried out to God and their Christian faith provided extraordinary support to them. In a Thanksgiving Sermon from November 29, 1798, Rev. Jonathan French, declared: “A God hearing prayer, stretched forth the arm of His power, and destroyed that mighty Armament, in a manner almost as extraordinary as the drowning of Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea.”

Fast Day Proclamation, October 16, 1746

New Englanders began to prepare for a potential invasion by the French. They prepared in the natural by assembling troops for their defense, but they also prepared spiritually by declaring a Fast Day for October 16. Such days had been a part of the heritage of the New England Christians. They knew God answered prayer, and looked to His providential care at this time of imminent danger. With the greatness of the approaching armada, and the small numbers of those able to resist, His aid was the only real chance for their success.

Historian Catherine Drinker Bowen relates events of that day:

The Governor [of Massachusetts, Shirley] had proclaimed a Fast Day to pray for deliverance from this present peril. Everywhere men observed it, thronging to the churches.

In Boston the Reverend Thomas Prince, from the high pulpit of the Old South Meeting-house, prayed before hundreds. The morning was clear and calm, people had walked to church through sunshine. “Deliver us from our enemy!” the minister implored. “Send Thy tempest, Lord, upon the waters to the eastward! Raise Thy right hand. Scatter the ships of our tormentors and drive them hence. Sink their proud frigates beneath the power of Thy winds!”

He had scarcely pronounced the words when the sun was gone and the morning darkened. All the church was in shadow. A wind shrieked round the walls, sudden, violent, hammering at the windows with a giant hand. No man was in the steeple — afterward the sexton swore it — yet the great bell struck twice, a wild, uneven sound. Thomas Prince paused in his prayer, both arms raised. “We hear Thy voice, O Lord!” he thundered triumphantly. “We hear it! Thy breath is upon the waters to the eastward, even upon the deep. Thy bell tolls for the death of our enemies!” He bowed his head; when he looked up, tears streamed down his face. “Thine be the glory, Lord. Amen and amen!”

Amen and amen! said Massachusetts, her hope renewed. All the Province heard of this prayer and this answering tempest. Governor Shirley sent a sloop, the Rising Sun, northward for news. The Rising Sun found the French fleet south of Chebucto [now Halifax Harbor] and got chased for her pains. But she brought news so good it was miraculous — if one could believe it. . . . Two of the largest French frigates had sunk in a storm, they said, on the Isle of Sable. The whole fleet was nearly lost, the men very sick with scurvy or some pestilential fever. Their great admiral, the Duc d’Anville, was dead.

A week later the news was confirmed by other vessels entering Boston from the northeastward. D’Anville was indeed dead; it was said he had poisoned himself in grief and despair when he saw his men dying round him. Two thousand were already buried, four thousand were sick, and not above a thousand of the land forces remained on their feet. Vice-Admiral d’Estournelle had run himself through the heart with his sword.

Yet on the 16th, the remaining forces pressed forward on their voyage with plans to lay waste to New England. Rev. French writes:

On this great emergency, and day of darkness and doubtful expectation, the 16th of October was observed as a day of Fasting and Prayer throughout the Province. And, wonderful to relate, that very night God sent upon them a more dreadful storm than either of the former, and completed their destruction. Some overset, some foundered, and a remnant only of this miserable fleet, returned to France to carry the news. Thus New England stood still, and saw the salvation of God.

Bowen declares:

Pestilence, storm and sudden death — how directly and with what extraordinary vigor the Lord had answered New England prayers!

The country fell on its knees. Pharaoh’s hosts overwhelmed in the Red Sea were no greater miracle. A paper with d’Anville’s orders had been found, instructing him to take Cape Breton Island, then proceed to Boston — “lay that Town in Ashes and destroy all he could upon the Coast of North America; then proceed to the West Indies and distress the Islands.”

Storm and pestilence — why, it was like the destruction of the Spanish Armada! Governor Shirley said so, to the Massachusetts Legislature assembled. Never had there been so direct an interference of Providence. “Afflavit Deus,” said Shirley, “et dissipantur — The Lord caused the wind to blow and they were scattered.” A day of Thanksgiving and prayer was proclaimed. From every pulpit the good news rang. Hip and thigh, the Lord had smitten the Philistines. There was no end to the joyful quotation: If God be for us, who can be against us?(9)

The Thanksgiving Day was observed on November 27, 1746. Thomas Prince was one of the many pastors who preached a sermon on that day. Later printed, this sermon, entitled “The Salvations of God in 1746,” recounts the defeat of the French Fleet. Prince makes much of the remarkable coincidence that it was on the day of their fast that God put a total end to their mischievous enterprise. . . . Thus when on our solemn Day of General Prayer we expressly cried to the Lord, “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered, . . .” then his own Arm brought Salvation to us and his Fury upheld him. He trode down our Enemies in his Anger, he made them drunk in his Fury, and he brought down their Strength to the Earth. Terrors took hold on them as Waters: A Tempest bore them away in the Night: The East Wind carried them away, and they departed; and with a Storm he hurled them out of their Place.

God has providentially moved throughout history to accomplish His purposes for men and nations. While “He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth” (Dan. 4:35), He responds to the prayers of His people. The founders of America believed strongly in the providence of God and in the need to cry out to Him in prayer to seek His will and aid. During the first 200 years of our history, government bodies (local, state, and national) proclaimed over 1300 Fast and Thanksgiving Days.  They witnessed God’s answer to these official days of prayer myriads of times, often in dramatic fashion where God used all kinds of events, including the weather, to move on their behalf. If only the nation had the faith of those living in 1746, and prayed and fasted as the citizens of Nineveh when they heard the warnings from Jonah, America and Britain would of been spared the coming Judgment from God.

Some have said that God would never break the covenant He has with His people, and lift His veil of protection from over us. God has already lifted the veil by allowing me to rediscover Holy Gematria in order to tell you what is to happen to your nations, and God has already broken the covenant He had with the Tribes of Israel.

Should America fast and repent as Nineveh did, God will not relent on the punishment he intends to bring to America. Why? Because of Matthew 12:31 which states all sins can be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  In 2010, the Goldman Sachs Group of Wall Street fraudulently induced a bond insurer to guarantee payments of CDO’s (collateralized debt obligations) which were tied to subprime mortgage securities. The bond insurer was told that Goldman Sachs intended to hold the CDO’s long term, and instead Goldman Sachs took a short position and was selling them, knowing that mortgage rates would rise. This little fraud was partly to blame for the financial crises of 2010.The bond insurer lost a billion dollars and Goldman Sachs made a billion on fees. The name of the company the CDO’s were issued under was the same name as the actual name of the Holy Spirit, which is why America as a nation CANNOT be forgiven. I do not intend to release the name of the Holy Spirit in order to protect my readers.

Jeremiah 51:27-29

Lift up a signal in the land,

Blow a trumpet among the nations!

Consecrate the nations against her,

Summon against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz;

Appoint a marshal against her,

Bring up the horses like bristly locusts.

Consecrate the nations against her,

The kings of the Medes,

Their governors and all their prefects,

And every land of their dominion.

So the land quakes and writhes,

For the purposes of the LORD against Babylon stand,

To make the land of Babylon

A desolation without inhabitants. (Jeremiah 51:27-29)

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob considers America and Britain modern day Babylon, and will surely destroy America and Britain as He has sworn to do (Jeremiah 51). So what countries will destroy America and Britain? Jeremiah 51:57 tells us that our enemies are Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz:

Ashkenaz is easy to determine as they are the Edomite/Khazars living in the state of Rothschild.and America today.

In 2002 Benjamin Netanyahu made the following comment in 2002:

“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” It looks as if this Khazar is a man of his word.

Ararat and Minni are ancient lands no longer in existence. We have to use Holy Gematria to determine what countries they represent.


= 263 or 2+6+3 =11 or 8

= 354 or 3+5+4 = 12 or 6

= 59 or 5+9 = 14 or 7

Russian Federation

= 810 or 10+8 = 18 or 8

= 1188 or 88-11 = 77 or 7+7 = 14 or 7

= 198 or 1+9+8 = 18 or 6



= 128 or 28 or 7

= 354 or 3+5+4 = 12 or 6

= 59 or 5+9 = 14 or 7

People’s Republic of China

= 786 or 7+8+6 = 21 or 7

= 138 or 1+3+8 = 12 or 6

= 230 or 30-2=28 or 7



= 655 or 6+6+5 = 16 or 8

= 510 or 10+5 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 85 or 8+5 = 13 or 1+3 = 4

Those who say they are Jews and are not (Rev. 2:9)

= 4217 or 4+2+7=13 or 1+3= 4

= 2334 or 34-23 = 12 or 6

= 389 or 38+9 = 47 or 4+7 = 11 or 8

Zionist Ashkenazi

= 1462 or 1+4+6+2 = 13 or 1+3 = 4

= 1236 or 1+2+3+6 = 12 or 6

= 206 or 2+6 = 8

Zionist Khazars

= 1488 or 488 or 48+8 = 56 or 8 (8×7=56)

= 1176 or 1+7+6=14 or 14-1=13 or 1+3= 4

= 196 or 96 or 9+6 = 15 or 5+1= 6                    

The Edomites

= 406 or 60-4=56 or 8

= 738 or 7+3+8 = 18 or 6

= 123 or 32-1=31 or 13 reversed or 1+3= 4

The Russians, the Chinese and Israel (the Rothschild secular state) are behind the plans for the invasion of America from the North or Canada as well as from the South or Mexico, as well as their agents within America. The foreigners will be wearing the Blue Helmets of the UN and posing as UN soldiers. There are many Chinese soldiers on the west coast of Canada currently, but predominantly it will be Russian troops from the North.

Summon against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz

= 2281 or 81+2+2=85 or 8+5=13 or 1+3= 4

= 3390 or 90-6=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 565 or 5+6+5=16 or 16-1=15 or 1+5= 6

Summon against the Israelite nations the kingdoms of Russia, China, and Khazaria

= 3045 or 54+30=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 4506 or 60-45=15 or 1+5= 6

= 751 or 75+10=85 or 8+5=13 or 1+3= 4

The Illuminati started in Bavaria Germany and later moved their headquarters to Frankfurt. The Tribe of Judah also settled on the western side of Germany but Germany has been infiltrated by the Ashkenaz much like the other Israelite / White Christian Nations like Britain, Western Europe and the USA.

Revelation Chapters 17 and 18 along with the mirror image of Jeremiah Chapters 50 and 51 describe America as the following:

1) Reigning military power (Jeremiah 50:23).

“How the hammer of the whole earth has been cut off and broken! How Babylon has become an object of horror among the nations! (Jeremiah 50:23)

2) Main importer and consumer of goods. (Revelation 18:11)

“And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more; (Revelation 18:11)

3) High influencer and corruption of the rest of the world (Revelation 18:3-4).

3“For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.”

4And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues; (Revelation 18:3-4)

America’s Hollywood movies, television programming, music, pornography sites and magazines, newspaper and news outlets and the pharmakeia (import and distribution of illegal drugs or the use of prescription drugs, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) and steroids). There is a shocking link between psychiatric drugs, SSRI’s, steroids, suicide, mind control, violence and mass murder in our society. Pharmakeia appears five times in the New Testament in Gal. 5:20, Rev. 9:21,18:23, 21:8, and 22:15.

Strong’s 5331 pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells

The Greek word “pharmakeia” has been translated in most bibles as “sorceries”.

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. (Revelation 18:23 KJV)

Zechariah 11:4-14:  The Doomed Flock

4Thus says the LORD my God, “Pasture the flock doomed to slaughter. 5“Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished, and each of those who sell them says, ‘Blessed be the LORD, for I have become rich!’ And their own shepherds have no pity on them. 6“For I shall no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the land,” declares the LORD; “but behold, I shall cause the men to fall, each into another’s power and into the power of his king; and they will strike the land, and I shall not deliver them from their power.” 7So I pastured the flock doomed to slaughter, hence the afflicted of the flock. And I took for myself two staffs: the one I called Favor, and the other I called Union; so I pastured the flock. 8Then I annihilated the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was impatient with them, and their soul also was weary of me. 9Then I said, “I will not pasture you. What is to die, let it die, and what is to be annihilated, let it be annihilated; and let those who are left eat one another’s flesh.” 10And I took my staff, Favor, and cut it in pieces, to break my covenant which I had made with all the peoples. 11So it was broken on that day, and thus the afflicted of the flock who were watching me realized that it was the word of the LORD. 12And I said to them, “If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind!” So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. 13Then the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. 14Then I cut my second staff, Union, in pieces, to break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

“The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, The scepter of rulers (Isaiah 14:5)

The staff

= 316 or 3+1+6=10 or 10-1= 9

= 510 or 10+5+15 or 5+1+0 = 6

= 85 or 8+5 = 13 or 1+3 = 4

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s protection

= 1632 or 632-1=631 or 6+3+1=10-1 =9

= 1968 or 1+9+6+8=24 or 2+4 = 6

= 328 or 28+3 or 82 reversed + 3 = 85 or 8+5 = 13 or or 1+3 = 4

The numbers 316 and 631 and 85 ‘s witnesses as well as the three witnesses of Holy Gematria (9-6-4) confirm that we have a match to the bible phrase “the Staff”.

The sceptre

= 343 or 43+3 = 46 or 64 or 8

= 516 or 16+5 = 21 or 7

= 86 or 8+6 = 14 or 7

The Wisdom

= 1196 or 96-19 = 86 or 8+6=14 or 7

= 696 or 6+9+6 = 21 or 7

= 116 or 1+1+6= 8

So I pastured the flock doomed to slaughter, hence the afflicted of the flock. And I took for myself two staffs: the one I called Favor, and the other I called Union; so I pastured the flock. (Zechariah 11:7)

The afflicted

= 267 or 2+6+7 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 594 or 94+5 = 99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 9

The Christians

= 543 or 5+4+3 = 12 or 6

= 918 or 91+8 = 99 or 9

= 153 or 15+3=18 or 9


The flock

= 202 or 20-2=18 or 1+8= 9

= 480 or 4+8+0 = 12 or 6

= 80 or 10 or 10-1= 9

The Israelites

= 522 or 52-2 = 50 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 900 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 150 or 1+5+0 = 6

And I took for myself two staffs: the one I called Favor, and the other I called Union; (Zechariah 11:7)

two staffs

= 1343 or 3+4+3 = 10 or 10-1= 9

= 774 or 7+7+4 = 18 or 8

= 129 or 92+10 = 102 or 10+2 = 12 or 6

two countries

= 1627 or 27-(1+6) = 20 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 1092 or 92+10 = 102 or 10+2 = 12 or 6

= 182 or 82+10 = 92 or 11 or 8


the one I called Favor,

= 837 or 83+7 = 90 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 372 or 37+2 = 39 or 3+9 = 12 or 6

= 62 or 62-2 = 60 or 10 or 10-1= 9


= 129 or 29+10 = 39 or 3+9 = 12 or 6

= 300 or 30 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 50 or 10 or 10-1= 9


and the other I called Union;

= 802 or 20+8 = 28 or 7

= 1422 or 42+3 = 45 or 4+5= 9

= 237 or 2+3+7=12 or 6

United Kingdom

= 508 or 50-8 = 42 or 7

= 876 or 8+7+6 = 21 or 12 reversed or 6

= 146 or 46-1 = 45 or 4+5= 9

I have heard many Christian ministers in Britain and America saying it is time for repentance in the land. There is no point of fasting and repenting if there is no change of heart. America and Britain are long past the point of repentance. We have long exceeded the evil that was in Sodom and Gomorrah and Nineveh. Luke 11:32 tells us that the men of Nineveh shall rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for the city of Nineveh fasted and repented at the preaching of Jonah and were spared.

Jonah 4:11 states:

“And should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?”  (Jonah 4:11)

If the citizens of Nineveh did not know the difference between their right and left hand, or the difference between right and wrong, and in Luke 11:32 it states our generation today is worse than the citizens of Nineveh, why shouldn’t our Father turn His face from us and punish us for not fearing His coming punishment? A recent survey found that ninety-four percent of Evangelicals in America do not have a biblical perspective of what is going on in the world today. In other words, they are incapable of comprehending that what is taking place on earth was prophesied to happen in the End Times, and all events today are being controlled by our Father, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, which is His memorial- name to all generations (Exodus 3:15).  

Do not pray any longer for the welfare of this people. They have been judged and found wanting and their sentence will be carried out on the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s timetable through the sword, famine and pestilence. (Jeremiah 11:11-12).

Flee from North America and Britain and each of you save his life (Jeremiah 51:6) The safest places to flee to are Jordan around Petra and southern Egypt on the Red Sea.

Revelation 11:10 Because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth

Because these two prophets

= 2017 or 20+17=37 or 37-1=36 or 6     (Also equates to a year)

= 1728 or 1+7+2+8=18 or 9              

=   288 or 2+8+8=18 or 9                   

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner

= 1757 or 75+7=82 or 82-1=81 or 18 reversed or 9    

= 1746 or 1+7+4+6=18 or 9                                       

=   291 or 19+2=21 or 12 reversed or 6

The year 2017 confirms that Donald Trump is one of the two false prophets of Revelation 11:10 as January 20th, 2017 was the date Trump was inaugurated as 45th President of America.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.  (Revelation 11:7 KJV)

And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them (Revelation 11:7 NASB)

And when they have finished their testimony

= 3422 or 3+4+2+2=11 or 8

= 2622 or 2+6+2+2=12 or 4

=   437 or 4+3+7=14 or 4

And when the Peace for Prosperity Plan was rejected and they were defeated in an election

= 6169 or 6+1+6+9=22 or 11 or 8

= 4722 or 4+7+2+2=15 or 5-1= 4

=   787 or 7+8+7=22 or 2+2= 4

Now we must ask who killed the Kennedy brothers and who will kill Trump and Kushner according to Revelation 11:7 KJV.

The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them

= 3558 or 58+5+3=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 4464 or 64+4+4=72 or 12 or 6

=   744 or 44+7=51 or 5+1= 6

HaMossad leModi‘in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim              

= 1522 or 52-2=50 or 50+1=51 or 5+1= 6

= 2226 or 62+2+2=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=   371 or 73-1=72 or 12 or 6

HaMossad leModi‘in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim is the full Hebrew name of the Mossad or the paid assassins of the State of Rothschild, the liter box in the Middle East. The Mossad was also behind the planning and execution of the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 which is mentioned in Revelation 11:10.          

We now have to ask who represents the beast that comes up out of the Abyss?

The beast that comes up out of the abyss

= 2060 or 60+2=62 or 6+2= 8      

= 2382 or 2+3+8+2=15 or 1+5= 6         Note (2+3)82 or 582

=   397 or 39-7=32 or 8                  

Mark Alexander Milley

= 1061 or 61+1=62 or 6+2= 8

= 1218 or 18-2-1=15 or 1+5= 6      

=   203 or 30+2=32 or 8                  


=   131 or 31+1=32 or 8                   

=   258 or 2+5+8=15 or 1+5= 6       

=     43 or 4+3=7 or 7+1= 8


= 470 or 74 reversed or 7+4 = 11 or 8

= 582 or 58+2 = 60 or 6

=   97 or 9+7 = 16 or 8

Amias (also known as Ashema Deva, Ashmedai and Asmodeus) is the Prince of Hell and king of the demons. He is a creature of judgment, and is being used by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for exactly that purpose against the Tribes of Israel. He is the king of lust, jealousy and revenge.  He is mentioned extensively in the Book of Tobit. Amias is also a retired demonic General.

the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them (Revelation 11:7 NASB77)

the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them

= 6554 or 65+5+4 = 74 or 7+4 = 11 or 8

= 5406 or 54+6 = 60 or 10 or 9

=   901 or 90-1 = 89 or 8+9=17 or 17-1=16 or 8


= 470 or 74 reversed or 7+4 = 11 or 8

= 582 or 58+2 = 60 or 10-1= 9                            

=   97 or 9+7 = 16 or 8

Mark Alexander Milley

= 1061 or 61+10=71 or 7+1= 8

= 1218 or 18+2=20 or 10-1= 9                   

=   203 or 30+2=32 or 8                               

Antiochus Epiphanes

= 779 or 79-7=72 or 72-1=71 or 7+1= 8

= 1218 or 18+2=20 or 10-1= 9                     

=   203 or 30+2=32 or 8                               

General Mark Alexander Milley is the transmigrated Antiochus Epiphanes, and is actually Asmodeus, the king of the demons.

There is more to this story. The beast always refers to fallen Watchers. As Amias is a demon and not a fallen Watcher, I believe that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Holy Spirit is going to show us who is actually behind the plan to annihilate Trump and Kushner.

The beast

=   311 or 31+1 = 32 or 8               

=   480 or 48 or 8        

=     80 or 8

Fallen Watcher

= 1189 or 98-2=96 or 8

=   768 or 76+8 = 84 or 48 reversed or 8

=   128 or 28-1 = 27 or 72 reversed or 8

The beast (8-8-8) can only refer to a fallen Watcher (8-8-8).


the demon

= 242 or 24+2 = 26 or 2+6 = 8

= 504 or 54 or 6

=   84 or 48 reversed or 8 


= 690 or 90+6=96 or 8

= 504 or 50+4=54 or 6

=   84 or 48 reversed or 8

The demon refers to Khazars (8-6-8).  The Khazars are children of the devil from the serpent’s rape of Eve in the Garden of Eden. (John 8:44).  The Khazars are those that call themselves Judeans but are really the Synagogue of Satan and do lie (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9).

The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them

= 3558 or 58+5+3=66 or 6+6=12 or 6                       

= 4464 or 64-8=56 or 56+1=57 or 5+7=12 or 6         

=   744 or 7+4+4=15 or 1+5= 6

Michael Pompeo and Yosef Cohen shall make war against them

=  2590 or 2+5+9=16 or 6 

=  3036 or 63+3=66 or 6+6=12 or 6                          

=    506 or 50+6=56 or 56+1=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

Michael Pompeo and Yosef Cohen are planning the invasion and destruction of Ameria.  Pompeo is a traitor just like Judas Iscariot.  

Yosef Meir Cohen

=   781 or 18-7=11 or 8                

=   960 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6        

=   160 or 61 or 6+1=7                 


=   156 or 5+6=11 or 8

=   366 or 3+6+6=15 or 1+5= 6    

=     61 or 61 or 6-1= 7                 

Ramlel is one of the chiefs of the tens of the fallen Watchers.

Michael Pompeo was Director of the Cocaine Importing Agency (CIA) from 2017 to 2018, and Secretary of State from 2018 to 2021. Yosef (Yossi) Cohen is head of the Mossad. Pompeo and Cohen met in January of 2021 at an upscale restaurant in Georgetown, a suburb of Washington, D.C.

“You have to look at the people that donate to those individuals,” Macgregor said in a September 2019 interview when asked if then-national security adviser John Bolton and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham wanted war with Iran. “Mr. Bolton has become very, very rich and is in the position he’s in because of his unconditional support for the Israeli lobby. He is their man on the ground, in the White House.” “The same thing is largely true for Mr. Pompeo, he has aspirations to be president,” he added. “He has his hands out for money from the Israeli lobby, the Saudis and others.” — Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defense Douglas MacGregor

Matthew 26:15:

15 and said, “What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?” And they set out for him thirty pieces of silver.

It is my contention that this little meeting In January 2021 in Georgetown of Pompeo and Cohen was not only to negotiate the amount of money Pompeo would receive for setting a trap for Trump and Kushner, but also for all Christians in America because all of this intrigue leads to the military dictatorship of America under General Mark Milley. Then the imprisonment in FEMA camps and decapitations of Christians will commence based on the seven Noahide Laws.

Do we have a transmigrated Judas Iscariot in our midst?

Judas Iscariot

=  1237 or 1+2+3+7=13 or 1+3= 4        

=    894 or 8+9+4=21 or 7                     

=    149 or 49-10=39 or 3+9=12 or 6     

Michael Richard Pompeo

=    516 or 16+5=21 or 7                       

=  1152 or 15-2=13 or 1+3= 4               

=    192 or 29+10=39 or 3+9=12 or 6    

Is the Jewish Calendar a Month Off in 2021?

By T.W. Tramm and adapted

Some calculate Nisan 1 by first establishing the new moon of the seventh month, Tishrei. A new moon is chosen that allows at least part of the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles to occur after the fall equinox, then six months are subtracted to arrive at Nisan 1.

Others calculate Nisan 1 by selecting the new moon nearest (before or after) the spring equinox.

Still others calculate Nisan 1 by selecting the first new moon that allows the 14th day of the month, Passover, to fall on or after the spring equinox.

Employing one or more of the above rules, most Hebrew calendars have Nisan 1 corresponding to March 14 in 2021.

However, some would disagree with the March 14 reckoning, based on the following Scripture:

“Observe the month of Aviv [Nisan] and celebrate the Passover of the LORD your God, because in the month of Aviv he brought you out of Egypt …” (Deut. 16:1).

The Hebrew word translated “observe,” shamar, means to “

keep within bounds, to preserve, protect, or guard.”

What does it mean to “keep within bounds” the month of Nisan?

Since the nearest astronomical marker, or boundary, is the vernal/spring equinox, it refers to observing the month at the correct time relative to the equinox.

Because Nisan is the month of springtime and ripening barley, it’s reasoned that it should be observed during the spring season, i.e. only AFTER the vernal equinox. To have the month of Nisan straddling the equinox boundary as sometimes occurs on the modern Hebrew calendar is to fail to keep the month “within bounds” as prescribed in Deuteronomy.

Let’s consider some other rationale for the post-equinox reckoning of Nisan.


Scripture implies that Earth’s annual circuit around the Sun has a starting point: “In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun …. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other” (Ps. 19:4, 6).

That the Sun makes a “circuit” connotes more than just the daily sunrise/sunset cycle but a path of travel. The logical starting point of Earth’s path of travel around the Sun is the spring equinox, linked to the first month of the year (Ex. 12:1).

Therefore, to place Nisan 1 before the equinox is to start the New Year before Earth has completed its annual circuit, i.e. before the preceding year has ended.

The modern Hebrew calendar doesn’t always place Nisan 1 before the equinox. Applying the rules mentioned at the beginning, Nisan more often than not begins after the equinox, which means some years begin in winter and others in spring. Critics of the modern Hebrew calendar note that to begin the biblical year in a different season from year to year, winter OR spring, is inconsistent with the orderly character of God (1 Cor. 14:33).

The modern Hebrew calendar’s reckoning of Nisan creates difficulties with the main fall festival as well.


Placing Nisan 1 before the spring equinox sometimes causes the Feast of Tabernacles to occur out of its biblically appointed season, the fall:

“Celebrate the … Feast of Ingathering [Tabernacles] at the turn of the year” (Ex. 34:22).

The Hebrew word translated “turn” in the above verse, tekufah, refers to “a revolution (of the sun), or a coming around in a circuit.” The two main turning points in Earth’s annual circuit are the spring and fall equinoxes, the two times a year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and the length of day and night are equal.

Notice some Bible translations render the phrase “at the turn” more plainly “in the autumn”:

“Keep the Festival of Shelters [Tabernacles] in the autumn, when you gather your fruit” (v.23 GNT).

So according to Scripture, the Feast of Tabernacles is to be observed in the autumn. Yet, as noted earlier, the modern Hebrew calendar requires only part of the seven-day Tabernacles festival to occur in  the fall. Observing Tabernacles partly in summer and partly in fall ignores not only the biblical command to keep the festival “in the autumn” but the emphasis throughout Scripture on all things having an appointed season:

“For everything there is a season” (Ecc. 3:1).

“Can you bring out the constellations in their [assigned] season” (Job 38:32).


Reckoning Nisan 1 before the spring equinox, during the winter, especially during a particularly cold and wet winter, can result in the barley not being ripe enough for the firstfruits offering a few days after Passover (Lev. 23:9-14).

Alternatively, when the first of Nisan is reckoned after the equinox—when the whole month is kept “within bounds” relative to the turn of the season—the barley has plenty of time to ripen during the longer and warmer post-equinox days.

Some argue that reckoning Nisan 1 always after the equinox can result in the barley crop being left in the field too long, subject to rot, as one waits to begin harvesting on the day of the firstfruits offering. However, Scripture does not prohibit the cutting of grain before the day of firstfruits; it merely says the new grain cannot be eaten, or consumed, before this day (Lev. 23:14).

Therefore reckoning Nisan always after the equinox does not create a problem for the barley crop, whereas beginning Nisan too early, in the winter, may result in the grain not being ripe in time for the firstfruits offering.


The case for a spring reckoning of Nisan 1 centers on the vernal-equinox “boundary” and God’s command to “shamar,” or keep within bounds, the month of Aviv (Deut. 16:1).

A similar divine statute is found in Exodus pertaining to the Feast of Tabernacles being observed in the autumn (34:22). Because everything has an appointed season in Scripture, it makes sense for the whole seven-day festival, not just a portion, to be observed in the fall.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob of the Bible is a God of order and consistency. The notion that Nisan and Tabernacles can occur in different seasons from year to year seems at odds with this fundamental truth.

With the above in view, the modern Hebrew calendar’s pre-equinox reckoning of Nisan in 2021 is called into question. When we instead reckon Nisan 1 AFTER the equinox per our reading of Scripture, the first day of the biblical year corresponds to April 13, and the 2021 festival dates are as follows:

Question: If the Feast of Tabernacles can occur in two seasons in the same year—summer AND fall— which season is it appointed to?

Passover: April 27

Second Passover: May 27

Unleavened Bread: April 28

Firstfruits: May 2

Pentecost: June 20

Feast of Trumpets: October 7

Day of Atonement: October 16

Feast of Tabernacles: October 21

It’s interesting that Pentecost occurs on the June solstice, the longest day of the year and also the first day of summer.  The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost and could leave on Pentecost and therefore June 20, 2021 is a high watch date.

Is the modern Hebrew calendar a month off in 2021? A scriptural case can be made that it is.

Nonetheless, different readings of Scripture and a profusion of manmade calendar-rules make for a lack of consensus.

Jesus certainly anticipated the calendar confusion in the last days. Perhaps this is why He tells us to keep watch (Mark 13:37).


1. Biblical months begin with the new moon.

 2. The difference between the true biblical calendar and the modern Hebrew calendar is that the latter has incorporated many rules and traditions not found in Scripture.

3. All methods employed by today’s Hebrew calendar to determine Nisan 1 involve some form of pre-calculation. In contrast, designating the new moon after the equinox Nisan 1 requires no pre-calculation; one simply waits for the equinox to occur and then designates the following new moon Nisan 1.

4. Hebrew “shamar” (Strong’s #8104).

5. Hebrew “tekufah” (Strong’s #8622).

6. Nisan 1 dates as reckoned on the modern Hebrew calendar:

2015 (5775) = March 21 2016 (5776) = April 9 2017 (5777) = March 28 2018 (5778) = March 17* 2019 (5779) = April 6 2020 (5780) = March 26 2021 (5781) March 14* 2022 (5782) = April 2 2023 (5783) = March 23 2024 (5784) = April 9 2025 (5785) = March 30 2026 (5786) = March 19* 2027 (5787) = April 8 2028 (5788) = March 28

Note *:  Nisan begins in winter.

7. The Hebrew word Aviv refers to ripening heads of grain (Strong’s 24).

8. Some teach that the ripened barley determines the first month of the year. However, Scripture tells us to use the lights in the firmament (sun and moon) to calculate the calendar:

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons (appointed times), and for days, and years” (Gen. 1:14). Notice there is no mention of barley or vegetation in God’s instructions, only the sun, moon, and stars.

9. Date alignments do not necessarily reveal anything about the timing of the Rapture. Scripture says “no man knows the day” and implores us to be prepared “in season and out of season” for the appearing of Jesus Christ

 (Matt. 24: 36, 44; 2 Tim. 4:1, 2).

When Is The Rapture?

Do I have a guesstimate of when the Rapture will occur or when Jesus the Christ will return permanently to earth to extinguish all evil including death and establish His earthly millennial kingdom as king of Kings? I believe the Rapture of the 144,000 Saints and the dead in Christ plus the babies and toddlers and disable will occur in 2021 and Jesus will return to earth permanently in 2023-2024.

The year 2022 will bring this age to a close as there are twenty-two chapters in the book of Revelation and twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Alphabet. We are much further along in the events of the Tribulation than most realize. We  completed the three and a half years of the Tribulation on November 27th, 2019 and began the Time of Jacob’s Trouble on November 27th, 2019.

The beginning  of the Tribulation began on May 27 2016 when three refugee ships sank in the Mediterranean Sea and neither  the Italian Navy nor any other ships in the vicinity rescued these migrants and 700 migrants drowned. 

Using the date time calculator:

May 27  2016 + 42 months = November 27, 2019 (also equates to a year)

On November 27th, 2019 the country of Ghana in Africa celebrated the “year of return” marking three hundred years since the first African slave was sold in America. Who was behind the African slave trade? The Khazars which are todays Jews.  The Jews owned all the slave ships!

The Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble started in November 27, 2019 and soon after  all the white Christian Nations were locked down for the flu now renamed Covid with a 99.98% survival rate in March 2020.  The middle class was wiped out and the Jewish banksters made $7 trillion USD while the foolish goyim lost $7 trillion.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob cannot believe how foolish His people are to take an experimental Covid 19 DNA changing injection for the flu with a 99.98% recovery rate.

I believe the Rapture and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will occur in 2021 for two reasons. In 1 Thessalonians 5:2 the Apostle Paul wrote the following to Christian’s living in AD 50 in the city of Thessaloniki Greece: “For you yourselves know full well that the day of the lord will come like a thief in the night”. By using the  Holy Gematria or the key of David with at least two final witnesses and the Holy Spirit to lead us, we can determine what Paul was actually saying.

For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. (1 Thess. 5:2)

For you yourselves know full well that the day of the lord will come like a thief in the night

= 7203 or 30+2+7=39 or 3+9=12 or 6         

= 5604 or 40+6+5=51 or 5+1= 6

=   934 or 9+3+4=16 or 8                                  

For you yourselves know full well that the return of Jesus the Christ will be unexpected by the Pharisees as their Calendar is incorrect.

= 10345 or 34+5=39 or 3+9=12 or 6.            

=   8526 or 85+26=111 or 11+1=12 or 6

=   1421 or 12+4=16 or 8                                   

Jesus the Christ and all of the disciples except Paul and Judas Iscariot were Essenes and used a different Calendar than that of the Pharisees. As we have the three matching witnesses of 6-6-8 in our interpretation as in the original bible verse, we now know that our interpretation as given to us by the Holy Spirit is correct as Our God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob cannot lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Thessaloniki Greece concerned the future of Christians who would die before Jesus the Christ returned to earth. 1 Thess  4:13-18 seems to indicate that the Rapture will occur during the Feast of Trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets in 2021 will occur on October 7th. So let us now, with the help of the Holy Spirit and Holy Gematria, see what we can determine in regard to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

= 1043 or 34+1=35 or 3+5= 8                             

= 1692 or 92+6=98 or 9+8=17 or 1+7= 8        

=   282 or 2+8+2=12 or 6

The Feast of Ingathering in the year two thousand and twenty-one

= 4553 or 45+53=98 or 9+8=17 or 1+7= 8       

= 3852 or 38-5+2 = 35 or 3+5= 8        

=   642 or 6+4+2=12 or 6                                        

Once again as we  have the three matching witnesses of 8-8-6 in our interpretation as in the original bible verse, we now know that our interpretation as given to us by the Holy Spirit is correct as Our God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob can not lie. (Hebrews 6:18) The Feast of Ingathering in the year 2021 will occur on October 21st.

There are some Christian Ministers who believe the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will occur on earth and others who believe it will occur in heaven. Can the Holy Spirit and Holy Gematria tell us which is correct?

In Matthew 26:29 Jesus told us that the Marriage Supper would take place in His Father’s kingdom.

In My Father’s Kingdom

=   919 or 9+1+9=19 or 1+9=10                               

= 1266 or 66+2+1=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6        

=   211 or 21-1=20 or 10                                             

In the third heaven

= 1122 or 22-2=20 or 10                                             

= 1020 or 20-1=19 or 1+9=10                              

=   170 or 70-1=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6                

There are three levels of heaven mentioned in the Bible.

First heaven is earth’s atmosphere (Deuteronomy 11:17 and Deuteronomy 28:12)

Second heaven is outer space  (Deuteronomy 17:3 and Isaiah 5:16)

Third heaven is our God’s dwelling (Psalms 2:4, 1 Kings 8:30, Matthew 5:16)

This all leads to additional questions. Many false teachers within the church today, especially Evangelicals, teach that the bride is the church, so they dictate that all of  today’s church members will be Raptured, including those that fall asleep during the service. The church IS NOT the bride!  Salvation is based on the individuals choice to either accept Jesus the Christ as their personal savior or not.  Only people that are baptized in the name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit with a full immersion baptism at an age of accountability or at 8 years of age and over will be saved and either included in the Rapture or Hidden during the Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

7“Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” 8And it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.  (Revelation 19:7-8)

For the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints

= 1877 or 87-7=80 or 10                 

= 3132 or 31+32=63 or 6+3= 9     

=   522 or 52-2=50 or 10                  

The righteous acts of the saints given freely through Jesus the Christ of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom

= 6596 or 65+9+6=80 or 10         

= 6300 or 63 or 6+3= 9                     

= 1050 or 50 or 10              

In Revelation 22:17 it states: And the Spirit and the bride say “Come”.

And the Spirit and the bride say “Come”

= 1343 or 34+3=37 or 37-1=36 or 6               

= 1884 or 1+8+8+4=21 or 7                              

=   314 or 14+3=17 or 1+7= 8                            

And the Holy Spirit and Wisdom say “Come”

= 2691 or 26+9+1=36 or 6

= 2316 or 16+3+2=21 or 7                                  

=   386 or 3+8+6=17 or 1+7= 8                         

The bride is the Holy Spirit and Wisdom.

However the prophecy about the bride is also duality.

Revelation 21:9 states: The bride, the Lamb’s wife

The bride, the Lamb’s wife

= 1389 or 89+3=92 or 92-1=91 or 9+1= 10     

= 1164 or 1+6+4=11 or 8                                       

=    194 or 94-1=93 or 9+3=12 or 6                     

New Jerusalem

=  1976 or 97-6=91 or 9+1= 10

=    876 or 87+6=93 or 9+3=12 or 6

=    146 or 1+4+6=11 or 8                                        

New Jerusalem will be lowered from heaven.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

The marriage of the lamb is mentioned in Revelation 19:6-9.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob uses a bridegroom and bride analogies of a marriage because they are a mirror image of the fervent relationship He desires to have with each of us

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

= 1043 or 43-10=33 or 22 or 11 or 8

= 1692 or 29-7=22 or 11 or 8

=   282 or 2+8+2=12 or 6

A Coronation of the King and Prince and regathering of the Saints

= 1787 or 7+8+7=22 or 11 or 8

= 3426 or 26+4+3=33 or 22 or 11 or 8

=   571 or 5+7=12 or 6 

Jesus the Christ

= 1388 or 38+8+1=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

= 1104 or 11+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

=   184 or 18+4=22 or 11 or 8


The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

= 1043 or 43+10=53 or 35 reversed or 3+5= 8         

= 1692 or 92+6=98 or 9+8=17 or 1+7= 8                 

=   282 or 2+8+2=12 or 6                                         

The Feast of Ingathering in the year two thousand and twenty-one

= 4553 or 45+53=98 or 9+8=17 or 1+7= 8                

= 3852 or 25+8+3=36 or 36-1=35 or 3+5= 8             

=   642 or 6+4+2=12 or 6  

The Feast of Ingathering (also referred to as Sukkot and the Feast of Tabernacles) is from October 21st to October 27th in the year 2021, and 2021 during the Feast of Ingathering in the only year and Feast that equates to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb In Holy Gematria.

The Lamb was standing on Mount Zion

= 2557 or 75+5+2= 82 or 8+2=10

= 2208 or 80+2+2=84 or 48 reversed or 8

=   368 or 68-3=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

The location of the marriage supper

= 1263 or 63+2=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

= 2058 or 85-2=83 or 83-1=82 or 8+2= 10

=   343 or 43+3=46 or 64 reversed or 8

Jesus the Christ

= 1388 or 38+8=46 or 64 reversed or 8

= 1104 or 40-2=38 or reversed 83 or 83-1=82 or 8+2=10

=   184 or 48 or 8

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob uses the bridegroom and bride analogies of a marriage because they are a mirror image of the fervent relationship He desires to have with each of us.

The bridegroom

=   430 or 43 or 4+3= 7

=   834 or 83+4=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6

=   139 or 39+1=40 or 8

Jesus the Messiah

= 1331 or 33+10=43 or 4+3= 7

= 1086 or 86+1=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6

=   181 or 8+1=9 or 9-1= 8


= 1202 or 20+2=22 or 11 or 8

=   918 or 81-9=72 or 12 or 6

=   153 or 53 or 35 reversed or 7


= 1221 or 22+1=23 or 23-1=22 or 11 or 8

=   750 or 75 or 7+5=12 or 6

=   125 or 52+1=53 or 35 reversed or 7

The Bride

=   213 or 21+3=24 or 12 or 6

=   426 or 26-4=22 or 11 or 8

=     71 or 7

There is an ordinance of The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in Deuteronomy 24:5. It states that when a man takes a new wife, he shall not go out with the army, nor be charged with any duty; he shall be free at home for one year and give happiness to his wife whom he has taken This means that Jesus will stay with the saved Christians that were snatched away for a year, so would not come to earth to destroy His enemies in the Gog and Magog war until June 2022 at the earliest as Jesus must be with His Bride for one year.

Jesus the Christ is our King and has planned the Marriage Supper of the Lamb from the time the foundations of the world were laid, as He was the Logos or Word in the Gospel of John 1:1 who was to become the incarnate Jesus. We now have to find out who the Prince will be in this soon to come monarchy that will rule the world with a rod of iron because man is essentially evil and incapable of ruling over himself.

The major play in progress which has been produced and directed by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob which we are all living through today is about the spiritual wickedness on earth that will result in the return of Jesus the Christ in order to exterminate all evil including death. (1 Corinthians 15:26) All those who are alive today have been chosen to be on earth at this time for a particular purpose (Ephesians 1:11). It is up to each individual to determine what his purpose on earth is.  For many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 24:14)

The Blessings of Redemption Ephesians 1:8-14 KJV

8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is the producer and director of the play or the events that we are all living through today. However there are another two plays or two events we have to be aware of that will occur soon here on earth.

The second play or event is in Isaiah 22:15-16 and is about Shebna.

Isaiah 22:20-25 tells us that the Prince, who will rule over the city of Jerusalem and the biblical territory of Judea, will be Eliakim. King Jesus will rule all of the territory of Greater Israel, which will include the biblical territories of Judea and Samaria, as well as the rest of the earth.

If you read Isaiah 22:15-16 Shebna is in charge of the royal household who we are told has no right to be there. Who is Shebna today and what is the royal household?

The royal household

= 1099 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 1266 or 66-12=54 or 6

=   211 or 10+10+2=22 or 11 or 8


=   330 or 3+3+0 = 6

=   606 or 90+9=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

=   101 or 10+1=11 or 8


=   146 or 1+4+6=11 or 8

=   294 or 94-2=92 or 9+2= 11 or 8

=     49 or 7

Benjamin Milikowsky

= 2255 or 55-22=33 or 22 or 11 or 8

= 1290 or 92 or 9+2=11 or 8

=   215 or 51-2=49 or 7

Benjamin Milikowsky is the real name of Benjamin Netanyahu before the Family name was changed by his father.

The so called Jews, who say they are Jews but are actually Khazars, will all be destroyed on the return of Jesus. Eliakim will replace Shebna, or Benjamin Netanyahu, when the true Tribes of Israel return to their God given homeland of Samaria and Judea in Palestine.

The third play or event we have to keep our eyes on is in 2 Kings 8:12 and concerns Hazael.

And Hazael said, “Why does my lord weep?” Then he answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel: their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword, and their little ones you will dash in pieces, and their women with child you will rip up.” (2 Kings 8:12)

Then Hazael said, “But what is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing?” And Elisha answered, “The LORD has shown me that you will be king over Aram.” (2 Kings 8:13)

Who is but a dog

= 1421 or 1+4+2+1= 8          (same as 2114 below)

= 864 or 64-8=56 or 5+6=11 or 8

= 144 or 4+4= 8

who is but a homosexual

= 2114 or 2+1+1+4= 8 (same as 1421 above)

= 1506 or 50+6=56 or 5+6=11 or 8

= 251 or 2+5+1= 8

Who is but a dog is a match to “who is but a homosexual” on the evidence of three witnesses of Holy Gematria (8-8-8) and two additional witnesses (1421-2114) and 11. 1421 is the same as 2114 as they both have the same numbers.

king over Aram

=1013 or 13+1=14 or 7                     

= 804 or 8+0+4 = 12 or 6

= 134 or 34 or 3+4= 7

Military Dictator of America                                       

= 1181 or 10+10+8=28 or 14 or 7

= 1608 or 16+8=24 or 12 or 6

= 268 or 26+8=34 or 3+4= 7

Elisha was shown by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that Hazael  would become king of ancient Aram. However this prophecy was only partially fulfilled in Elisha’s day as Hazael did become king over Aram but was not successful in destroying the Israelites. So who is a homosexual in the American military who will become the Military Dictator of the United States?


= 535 or 55-3=52 or 52-1=51 or 5+1= 6

= 318 or 3+18=21 or 7

= 53 or 5+3 = 8

Mark Alexander Milley

= 1061 or 61-10=51 or 5+1= 6

= 1218 or 1+2+18=21 or 7

= 203 or 20+3 = 23 or 32 reversed or 8

General Mark Alexander  Milley is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. General Milley, that dog, is a homosexual and  will become the Military Dictator of America after Trump and Kushner are assassinated and after the three shepherds of Zechariah 11:8 are cut off. The three shepherds are Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. It is not specified how the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will cut them off, but it is my belief it will happen in June of 2021. There will then be a military coup and  General Milley will become the Military Dictator of America  and declare Martial Law to confiscate all guns, gold, silver and bibles in America.

Mark Alexander Milley

= 1061 or 61+10=71 or 7+1= 8

= 1218 or 18-2=16 or 8

=   203 or 20+3 = 23 or 2+3= 5

Antiochus Epiphanes

= 779 or 79-7=72 or 72-1=71 or 7+1= 8

= 1218 or 18-2=16 or 8

=   203 or 20+3 = 23 or 2+3= 5

General Mark Alexander Milley is the transmigrated King of the Seleucid Kingdom Antiochus Epiphanes. Antiochus Epiphanes was responsible for installing a statue of Juniper Olympus in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem. He ordered the sacrifice of pig flesh in the Temple Courtyard; the practice of circumcision for babies and the keeping of the Sabbath were outlawed; and ordered the burning of all Holy books. Anyone found with a Holy book or keeping the Sabbath was killed. It is my belief that General Milley will target both Christians and Jews in America, leading to a mass Exodus of Jews from America to Israel. All Christian churches will be closed and all Bibles burned. Christians will be imprisoned and have to renounce their faith or be killed. This will fulfill the prophecies of Amos 8:11-12 and Ezekiel 7:19

Amos 8:11-12

“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God,

“When I will send a famine on the land,

Not a famine of bread or a thirst for water,

But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.


People will stagger from sea to sea

And from the north even to the east;

They will roam about to seek the word of the Lord,

But they will not find it.


Ezekiel 7:19

They will fling their silver into the streets, and their gold will become an abhorrent thing; their silver and their gold will not be able to save them on the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their appetite, nor can they fill their stomachs, because their wrongdoing has become a cause of stumbling.

On December 16th, 167 BC Antiochus Epiphanes erected an alter to Zeus on top of the alter of burnt offerings, and sacrificed a pig in Jerusalem. I believe this will take place once again by General Mark Alexander Milley, the transmigrated Antiochus Epiphanes, on December 16th, 2023.

It is interesting that in 2023. Hanukkah, which is an eight day festival, occurs between December 7th at sundown and ends at sundown on December 15th. In the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew chapter 25, in states: now while the bridegroom was delaying. In Matthew 25:1 it states: then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins. If I am correct, Jesus the Christ will delay His second coming to set up His millennial kingdom here on earth until December 16th, 2023. I believe General Mark Alexander Milley, who is the transmigrated Antiochus Epiphanes, will repeat past history and erect an alter to Zeus in Jerusalem. This event will initiate the war of Gog and Magog and the return of Jesus the Christ.

Zechariah 11:8 The Three Shepherds Annihilated In One Month

Then I annihilated the three shepherds in one month, for my soul was impatient with them, and their soul also was weary of me.  (Zechariah 11:8)

It is not stated in the Bible how the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will annihilate these three shepherds in one month, but I am sure it will not be a pleasant death for these evil shepherds.

Three Shepherds

=   548 or 85-4= 81or 8

=   948 or 9+4+8=21 or 7                                      

=   158 or 58+10=68 or 6+8=14 or 7                     

Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi

= 1967 or 10+9+6+7= 32 or 8

= 2226 or 26-4=22 or 22-1=21 or 7                      

=   371 or 71-3=68 or 6+8=14 or 7

It is extremely interesting that the names of these three shepherds equate to 2226, the same as the full name of the Mossad.

HaMossad leModi‘in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim              

= 1522 or 22+1+5 = 28 or 7

= 2226 or 26-4=22 or 22-1=21 or 7

=   371 or 73-1=72 or 8

HaMossad leModi‘in uleTafkidim Meyuhadim is the full Hebrew name of the Mossad or the paid assassins of the State of Rothschild, the liter box in the Middle East.

Herod the Great, Delilah and Herodias

=    812 or 21+8=29 or 9-2= 7

=  1698 or 1698-1=1697 or 16+9+7=32 or 8   

=    283 or 83-2=81 or 8-1= 7                           

Joseph Biden is the transmigrated Herod the Great, Kamala Harris is the transmigrated Delilah, and Nancy Pelosi is the transmigrated Herodias.


In one month

=   372 or 37-2=35 or 3+5= 8

=   762 or 26+7=33 or 33-1=32 or 8

=   127 or 27 or 72 reversed or 6

In the month of June two thousand and twenty-one

= 4568 or 68-45=23 or 32 reversed or 8     

= 3240 or 40+32=72 or 6                             

=   540 or 40-5=35 or 3+5= 8                       

This is just my estimate.  Only God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob knows the date for sure.

Then I annihilated the three shepherds in one month

=  1432 or 32+4+10=46 or 4+6=10-1= 9

=  2826 or 62+8+2=72 or 12 or 6

=    471 or 47 or 4+7=11 or 8

Then I annihilated Joseph Biden Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi in one month

=  2738 or 38+7+2=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

=  3906 or 60+9+3=72 or 12 or 6

=    651 or 56-10=46 or 4+6=10-1= 9


Messiah Jesus Will Be Returning In The Clouds For the Harpazo

How do I know that Jesus is at the door and will soon be returning?  In Matthew 26:64 Jesus told those at his trial that they would see him returning on the clouds of heaven. I have identified who Jesus was referring to and who they are today. Jesus also told us in Matthew 16:28 that  His  disciples, would be transmigrated to see the return of Jesus, This also includes the disciple Simon Magus and his mistress Helena and her children who will be punished rather than rewarded.

BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen. (Revelation 1:7)

even those who pierced Him

= 2174 or 74+21 = 95 or 9+5 = 14 or 7

= 1494 or 94-14 = 80 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 249 or 2+4+9 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

even those who were responsible for His crucifixion will be transmigrated

= 5857 or 57+58 = 115 or 15-1 = 14 or 7

= 4572 or 4+5+7+2 = 18 or 1+8 = 9

= 762 or 7+6+2 = 15 or 1+5= 6

Some individuals who were responsible historically for the crucifixion of Jesus have been transmigrated and are alive today, living in Israel, and will see the return of Jesus. I have managed to locate two of those responsible for the death of Jesus that have been transmigrated, namely Caiaphas and Jonathan Annas.

All evil from the time of Adam and Eve is with us today awaiting the return of our Lord and Savior who will destroy all evil including death. (1 Corinthians 15:26)

Joseph ben Caiaphas

= 1033 or 33+10 = 43 or 4+3 = 7

= 912 or 93 or 9+3 = 12 or 6

= 152 or 52+1 = 53 or 5+3= 8

Baruch Kahane

= 359 or 35+9 = 44 or 44-1 = 43 or 4+3= 7

= 558 or 58-5 = 53 or 5+3= 8

= 93 or 9+3 = 12 or 6

Baruch Kahane is the high priest selected by the Sanhedrin and is the transmigrated Joseph ben Caiaphas  according to the three witnesses (numbers) of Holy Gematria (7-8-6) and three additional witnesses (43-12-53).

According to the pesher code, Caiaphas was High priest of the Jews AD 18 to 36. Caiaphas was a Pharisee, related to the Boethus family of priests. He supported the eastern doctrine of the Hebrews, with strict views on morality, and so held that Jesus was not the legitimate David or King, but that his brother James was the David or King. Caiaphas supported John the Baptist on this question. In the latter part of his reign the Twelve Apostles, Hellenists, were working to have him replaced as high priest. He was dismissed in AD 36.

“But be on your guard; for they will deliver you to the courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them. (Mark 13:9)

Joseph ben Caiaphas today is Baruch Kahane, the High Priest of the Sanhedrin. As a hater of Christians, he will be responsible for many Christian deaths based on the Sanhedrin enforcing the seven Noahide Laws through the United Nations One World Government. According to these seven Noahide laws, which are laws of men and are not to be found  in our bibles, any Christian worshiping Jesus can be accused of idolatry and the penalty for this supposed crime is death. Anyone can be accused of idolatry and if found guilty on the basis of having only one witness against you, you will be put to death. One hundred and seventy six member states of the United Nations have signed as agreeing to abide by these blasphemous laws which contradict the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s law contained in Deuteronomy 17:6 which says no one can be executed by having the word of only one witness against him.

Jonathan Annas

= 1012 or 12 or 6                      

= 792 or 7+9+2 = 18 or 9  

= 132 or 13+2=15 or 6

Avichai Mandelblit

= 962 or 9+6+2 = 17 or 17+1=18 or 9

= 870 or 8+7+0 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 145 or 54 or 6        

 Avichai Mandelblit, is the current Attorney General of Israel, and is the transmigrated Jonathan Annas.

After John the Baptist was killed, Jonathan Annas became Pope. The two candidates for Pope during the gospel period were Jonathan Annas for peace with Rome and Simon Magus for War. Simon Magus when Pope was called “Lightning” and Jonathan Annas when Pope was called “Thunder” Both Jonathan Annas and Simon Magus have been transmigrated.


= 240 or 2+4 = 6

= 600 or 60 or 10-1= 9

= 100 or 10 or 10-1= 9

Simon Magus

= 547 or 74+5=79 or 79+1=80 or 10-1= 9           

= 786 or 78+6 = 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 131 or 31-1 = 30 or 10-1= 9



= 437 or 4+3+7 = 14 or 7

= 540 or 54 or 6

= 90 or 10-1= 9

Jonathan Annas

= 1012 or 12+10 = 21 or 7

= 792 or 7+9+2 = 18 or 9

= 132 or 1+3+2 = 6

Jonathan Annas was the son of Ananus the high priest of AD 6. Jonathan Annas was himself high priest for six months in AD 37. He was a Hellenist, at first with John the Baptist as the Good Samaritan, opposing militant zealotry. Then he joined the Twelve Apostles, who worked to bring Hellenist high priests into power. Like all the Annas brothers, he supported Gentile members and taught peace with Rome, but insisted on priestly superiority, and the treatment of village priests in the Diaspora as divine persons. Jesus supported him on the Gentile question, but opposed him on the priestly question, often claiming his position. Jonathan Annas thus had a personal animosity to Jesus, despite their political agreement. When it was clear that Jesus would be crucified, he ordered Jesus to take poison, and Jonathan Annas supplied the poison. He was subsequently opposed by Paul, who took part in the process of his deposition in September AD 37.Jonathan Annas was put to death in AD 57 by the Roman governor Felix, for the reason that he was constantly interfering in Felix’s management of the state.

In Revelation 2:20-22, Jesus warned Jezebel, a pseudonym for Helena, the mistress of Simon Magus, one of the original twelve disciples, that Jesus would cast Helena and her followers into the Great Tribulation. Jesus has done exactly that. Simon Magus and Helena are back on earth. But exactly what was the history behind Revelation 2:20-22? A Church of Thyatira, who was led by John Mark, the beloved disciple, was allowing Helena to teach Gentiles. Helena claimed to be a cardinal as the mistress of Simon Magus. Both Helena and Jesus were instructing Polemo of Cilicia prior to his marriage to Berenice. Helena was allowing Polemo to attend Roman banquets in honour of the Roman Emperor to be worshipped as a god. Helena was instructing Polemo, a Gentile, to become fully Jewish and to be circumcised. Jesus wanted Polemo and Helena to become fully Christian and both refused.


= 1137 or 73-1=72 or 6

= 390 or 3+9 = 12 or 6

= 65 or 6+5 = 11 or 8


= 79 or 7+9 = 16 or 8

= 270 or 70+2 = 72 or 12 or 6

= 45 or 54 reversed or 6

Hillary Diane Clinton

= 770 or 70-7 = 63 or 36 or 6

= 1062 or 62+10 = 72 or 8

= 177 or 1+7+7 = 15 or 1+5 = 6


Simon Magus

= 547 or 5+4+7 = 16 or 8

= 786 or 78+6 = 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 131 or 31-1 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

William Jefferson Blythe

= 2406 or 24+6 = 30 or 10 or 9

= 1494 or 4+9+4 = 17 or 17-1 = 16 or 8

= 249 or 2+4+9 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

William Jefferson Blythe is the real name of William (Bill) Clinton who is a murderer as was Simon Magus.  It is interesting that Hillary and Bill Clinton are cousins and both are members of the Rockefeller family, which are Jews. Simon Magus was a Jewish magician as per the early Christian Clementine “Recognitiones” (vii.-x.).

Polemo of Cilicia is Mike Pompeo, a former Director of the Cocaine Importing Agency and Secretary of State. All of these facts that are not my facts but are given to me directly from the Holy Spirit tell us two things. All of these individuals I have mentioned above are currently in their positions because Jesus is at the door soon to return, and Jesus means what He says and will do what He says He will do, and will punish and extinguish all wickedness when He returns and touches down to earth (1 Corinthians 15:23-25) As shown earlier in this work, Mike Pompeo is a type of Judas Iscariot.

Polemo of Cilicia

= 325 or 25-3=22 or 11 or 8

= 858 or 8+5+8 = 21 or 7

= 143 or 43+10 = 53 or 5+3= 8

Michael Richard Pompeo

= 516 or 16+5 = 21 or 7

= 1152 or 52+1 = 53 or 5+3= 8

= 192 or 9+2 = 11 or 8


Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro

= 1042 or 42+10=52 or 5+2 = 7

= 1362 or 10+3+62=75 or 7+5 = 12 or 6

= 227 or 72-2=70 or 10-1= 9


= 247 or 47+2 = 49 or 7

= 474 or 74-4=70 or 10-1= 9

= 79 or 7+9 = 16 or 6

D’Alesandro is the maiden name of Nancy Patricia Pelosi. Herodias was the Granddaughter of Herod the Great, sister of Agrippa I. Herodias was promised as a child to Herod (Thomas) and during this marriage bore a daughter, Salome. Herodias eventually left Thomas to marry the tetrarch Antipas. John the Baptist attacked the tetrarch Antipas for his marriage with Herodias and the Baptist was ordered to be slain by Antipas for meddling in his affairs.


=   301 or 30 or 10-1= 9

=   480 or 84 or 84+1=85 or 8+5=13 or 1+3= 4

=     80 or 8

Paul Francis Pelosi

=   774 or 74-7=37 or 3+7=10-1= 9

= 1176 or 76+10=86 or 86-1=85 or 8+5=13 or 1+3= 4

=   196 or 1+9+6=16 or 8

Paul Francis Pelosi is the transmigrated Antipas.

Antipas, the tetrach – Son of Herod the Great by Malthace the Samaritan, full brother of Archelaus.  Antipas had been promised the succession by Herod about a year before his death, and was disappointed when Archelaus was given the position.  He led a campaign against Archelaus in Rome, establishing an alternate Herodian party there, known as the Figtree.  In the gospel period Antipas was allied with the war faction of Hellenists led by Simon Magus and conspired with the Parthians against Rome.  He was married first to the daughter of Aretas, the Arab king, then divorced her to marry Herodias, who left her first husband Herod (Thomas), half-brother of Antipas.  Aretas took revenge on Antipas by declaring war in AD 37.  Herodias tried to persuade her husband to claim the Herodian kingship against Agrippa I, as Antipas had a better right to it, and he, although unwilling, finally agreed.  However in Rome he was outwitted by Agrippa, and he and Herodias were exiled to Gaul in AD 39.   

Kamala Devi Harris

= 1049 or 4+9=13 or 1+3= 4   

=   912 or 9+1+2=12 or 6        

=   152 or 52-1=51 or 5+1= 6  


=     67 or 6+7=13 or 1+3= 4     

=   306 or 30+6=36 or 12 or 6

=     51 or 5+1= 6     


Here our Father, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, is telling us through symbolism that just as Delilah had cut Samson’s hair destroying his power, the witch Kamala Harris will attempt to destroy the power that Christians and all of the white race in America  supposedly have. Kamala Harris believes all the white race have been privileged due to the color of their skin. It was actually having brains and a work ethic Kamala, two things the black race have always been short of.

Joseph Robinette Biden

= 1264 or 46+2=48 or 4+8=12 or 6    

= 1290 or 29+1=30 or 10-1= 9            

=   215 or 51-2=49 or 49+1=50 or 10-1= 9   


=   147 or 1+4+7=12 or 6     

=   300 or 30 or 10-1= 9

=     50 or 10-1= 9       


Here once again our Father is using symbolism. King Herod the Great was a dictator and Biden is following in Herod’s footsteps by issuing all of his executive orders. Our Father also has a dark sense of humor, Herod was a murderer of all the babies and toddlers in and around Bethlehem after Jesus was born in an attempt to kill the Messiah. Biden has done nothing to stop the mass abortions occurring in America.  Biden can’t keep his hands off children and Biden had his own son killed in a ritual murder in order to possibly become President later in his life.

Cain, the son of The Serpent and Eve

Qayin is Hebrew for Cain and means spearhead.


=   520 or 52 or 5+2= 7                          

=   396 or 96+3=99 or 9+9=18 or 9        

=     66 or 6+6=12 or 6                           

Elon Reeve Musk

= 1240 or 40+12=52 or 5+2= 7              

=   990 or 99 or 9+9=18 or 9                  

=   165 or 65+1=66 or 6+6= 12 or 6       


The Mark of Qayin

= 810 or 8+1= 9

= 978 or 97+8=105 or 15 or 1+5= 6     

= 163 or 36+10=46 or 4+6=10-1= 9      


= 405 or 50-4=46 or 4+6=10-1= 9          

= 630 or 6+3= 9

= 105 or 15 or 1+5= 6   


Neuralink is a Company belonging to Elon Musk that wants to interface our brains to a computer through the Internet, turning humanity into Cyborgs or Robots with his nerualace / fit bit.

The Bush Crime Family – Conspiracy Behind Every Bush

Evil Lamech and his family mentioned in Genesis 4:18-25 have been transmigrated to the Bush Crime family.


=   67 or 6+7 = 13 or 1+3 = 4

= 252 or 25-2 = 23 or 2+3= 5

=   42 or 7

George Herbert Walker Bush

= 1750 or 50 +17 = 67 or 6+7=13 or 1+3= 4

= 1518 or 18+5 = 23 or 2+3= 5

=   253 or 25+3 = 28 or 7

Lamech’s father was Methushael, which is a match to Prescott Bush, George HW Bush’s father.


= 467 or 67+4 = 71 or 7+1 = 8

= 672 or 6+7+2 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 112 or 12 or 21 reversed or 7

Prescott Sheldon Bush

= 1005 or 10+5 = 15 or 1+5= 6

= 1458 or 85-14 = 71 or 7+1= 8

= 243 or 24-3 = 21 or 7

Prescott Bush was the transmigrated Methushael. Lamech had two wives. George HW’s wife was Barbara Bush and George HW Bush had a long-term affair with Jennifer Fitzgerald.


= 14 or 7

= 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 14 or 7

Barbara Pierce

= 329 or 3+2+9 = 14 or 7

= 594 or 59+4 = 63 or 7

=   99 or 9+9 = 18 or 6

Barbara Pierce was the maiden name of Barbara Bush or the transmigrated Adah.


= 558 or 55+8 = 63 or 6+3 = 9

= 408 or 40+8 = 48 or 8

=   68 or 6+8 = 14 or 7

Jennifer Ann Isobel Patteson-Knight (m. Fitzgerald)

= 1662 or 62+6=68 or 6+8=14 or 7

= 2106 or 60+2+1=63 or 6+3= 9

= 351 or 51-3 = 48 or 8

Jennifer Patterson-Knight (maiden name of Jennifer Fitzgerald) is the transmigrated Zillah.

George Herbert Walker Bush, who is a Khazarian Jew, is alive and kicking living in the State of Israel. He was responsible for the deaths of Jack and Robert Kennedy with the help of a rogue element within the Central Intelligence Agency and the Mossad. Bush is the transmigrated biblical figure Lamech (Genesis 4:19-24). His moronic son, George Walker Bush Jr., is Lamech’s Son Jabal.

The assassination of John Kennedy was planned by the Mossad with help from the Clowns In Action (CIA). John Kennedy had told David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Isra-hell,  that he would not allow the Ashkenazi Khazar Edomites in the State of Rothschild to develop atomic weapons. John Kennedy also intended to do away with the Rothschild controlled Federal Reserve and have the United States Treasury issue its own currency. The Bush family was also behind the murder of Robert Kennedy Junior, who had found proof that the Bush family were behind the murder of his family, as well as Cardinal  Spellman of New York. Spellman and the Vatican wanted a war in Vietnam as the Buddhists were killing the Catholics in Vietnam, and John Kennedy was standing in their way as he wanted no part of an war in Asia.


= 624 or 62+4 = 66 or 12 or 6

= 156 or 1+5+6 = 12 or 6

=   26 or 62 or 6+2= 8

George Walker Bush

= 1470 or 70-4=66 or 12 or 6

= 1062 or 62 or 6+2= 8

=   177 or 1+7+7 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

George W. Bush is the transmigrated Jabal.


= 823 or 23+8 = 31 or 3+1= 4

= 276 or 2+7+6 = 15 or 1+5= 6

=   46 or 46 or 64 or 8

John Ellis Bush (also known as “Jeb”)

= 1142 or 42-11=31 or 3+1= 4

= 924 or 9+2+4=15 or 1+5= 6

= 154 or 45 (reversed) +1= 46 or 64 or 8

Jeb Bush is the transmigrated Jubal.

Jabal has a brother, Jubal who is Jeb Bush, another one of lesser intelligence. George Bush Jr. was responsible for the bomb placed on board the plane of John F Kennedy Jr. and his wife and sister-in-law. The Bush Family and Benjamin Netanyahu planned the 911 Twin Towers and Pentagon episode which was nothing more than a plot to bury the evidence of the theft of trillions of dollars and gold that all went to the State of Rothschild.

Revelation 14:4 tells us the 144,000 bondservants are considered saints for they have kept themselves chaste.

For they have kept themselves chaste

= 2798 or 27+9+8=44 or 4+4= 8

= 2214 or 22+10+4=36 or 12 or 6

=   369 or 69+3=72 or 12 or 6

For they have not defiled their DNA through interbreeding with other races

= 4131 or 31+1+4=36 or 12 or 6

= 4230 or 42+30=72 or 12 or 6

=    705 or 50-7=43 or 43+1=44 or 4+4= 8

Revelation 11:1-2  Measuring the Temple

And there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, “Rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and those who worship in it. “And leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months.

The temple is divided into three parts:

Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant is to be located

The Holy Place, where the Table of the Showbread, Altar of the Incense, and the Menorah is to be located

The Outer Courtyard, where the bronze altar is located.

John was instructed to do some measuring of the temple area, but to not include the outer courtyard. So, in examining what John did, in measuring the temple, I had to go back and research the measurements of the tabernacle to see if anything could be learned.

When the tabernacle was built, according to the vision of the Heavenly Tabernacle shown to Moses, it was built with very specific dimensions. How many of us know that in nearly every instance in which numbers are given, those numbers mean something important, and that meaning is often hidden?

How much more true should that be for the dimensions of the temple?

The outer dimensions of the Holy of Holies found in the Tabernacle was 10 cubits wide, by 10 cubits long, by 10 cubits high (found in Exodus 26). If we were to measure the outer volume of the Holy of Holies, that would be 1,000 cubits cubed.

Most experts suggest that the walls of the tabernacle were about half a cubit thick. Thus the inner dimensions of the Holy of Holies found in the Tabernacle was 9 cubits wide, by 9 cubits long, by 10 cubits high. If we were to measure the inner volume of the Holy of Holies, that would be 810 cubits cubed.

The only thing found in the Holy of Holies is the Ark of the Covenant. So, let’s measure that.

“And they shall construct an ark of acacia wood two and a half cubits long, and one and a half cubits wide, and one and a half cubits high. (Exodus 25:10)

The Ark of the Covenant is 1.5 cubits by 1.5 cubits by 2.5 cubits, which yields a volume of 5.625 cubits cubed.

So, we have three different measurements.

We are told in Exodus that the Ark of the Covenant is to go into the inner area of the Holy of Holies. The Ark of the Covenant’s volume is 5.625 cubits cubed, and the inner volume of the Holy of Holies is 810 cubits cubed. Turning that instruction into a mathematical equation would be 5.625 going into 810, because the Ark of the Covenant is to go into the Holy of Holies. Placing the Ark of the Covenant (5.625) “into” (divide) the Holy of Holies (810) yields exactly 144.

The outer volume of the dwelling, the Holy of Holies, is given to us as a 10 x 10 x 10, which is 1,000 cubits cubed. 1,000 times 144 equals 144,000. The 144,000 unit of measurement is then found as part of the Holy of Holies. 144,000 unit of measurement is mathematically built into the Holy of Holies and the instructions surrounding it.

Realizing that little nugget was quite fun. Revelation appeared to be the only place that specifically mentions the number of 144,000, but apparently, that number was hidden and can only be revealed by measuring the tabernacle.

The meaning of this measuring exercise is that 12,000 firstfruits or saints from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, which are mentioned in Revelation 7:3-8 and Revelation 14, will be the only ones allowed into the Holy of Holies, and will be caught up to meet Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua Ha Mashiach) in the clouds along with the saved dead in Jesus, who will be raised first but at the same time as the firstfruits. The 144,000 have always been with us as they are immortal, and were the only ones created in the image and likeness of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the first creation. (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3)

John mentions that he was not to measure the courtyard, as it is trampled by the Nations. Now, there may be a literal trampling of the courtyard by the Nations for 42 months, but there may be something else worthy of considering.

The courtyard is 100 cubits by 20 cubits, which is 2,000 cubits squared. The Nations have certainly been trampling all over the Word of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for nearly 2,000 years. Is that 2,000 years almost up? I believe it will end in 2022 with Jesus the Messiah’s return at the end of the age, or the end of the age of Pisces.

In Genesis 6:9 KJV we are told that Noah was blameless in his generations

Blameless in his generations

=   846 or 64+8=72 or 8

= 1644 or 64-4=60 or 6

=   274 or 74-2=72 or 8

Has not defiled his DNA through interbreeding outside of the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel

= 3613 or 36-13 = 23 or 32 reversed or 8

= 5010 or 10+50 = 60 or 6

=   835 or 83+5 = 88 or 8

Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden was not chomping on some fruit. Anyone that believes that has the brains of a fruitcake, Eve’s sin was having intercourse with the serpent, or defiling her womb and DNA, which resulted in the birth of Cain or the serpent race we call Canaanites or today’s Khazars who call themselves Judeans but are not, or the modern day Ashkenazi Jewish Zionists.


= 290 or 90-2=88 or 8+8=16 or 8

= 522 or 52+2=54 or 6

=   87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6


= 690 or 90+6=96 or 8

= 504 or 50+4=54 or 6

=   84 or 8+4=12 or 6

The Pharisees in the time of Jesus are the same today as the Orthodox Jews, and in Matthew 23:29-39 is a prophecy that their house or country shall become desolate.

29“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, 30and say, ‘If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31“Consequently you bear witness against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32“Fill up then the measure of the guilt of your fathers. 33“You serpents, you brood of vipers, how shall you escape the sentence of hell? 34“Therefore, behold, I am sending you prophets and wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city, 35that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36“Truly I say to you, all these things shall come upon this generation.

Lament over Jerusalem

37“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. 38“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! 39“For I say to you, from now on you shall not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!’”  (Matthew 23: 29-39)

Before the return of Jesus the Christ to rule over this earth can occur, the Tribes of Jacob Israel, which is biblical Manasseh or America, and Ephraim which is Great Britain and Commonwealth Nations, such as Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, must be destroyed and a third of their citizens must go into captivity in foreign countries. Eventually, this remnant of survivors will be returned to Egypt in ships, as there must be a greater second Exodus. (Deuteronomy 28:68).  The freight ships with the remnant will be landing in Alexandria Egypt.  

We must now ask why America and Britain and the Commonwealth Nations will be destroyed, and how it will take place?

When a nation turns their back on the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Laws, God gradually begins to withdraw his blessings. If the nation does not repent, he eventually refuses to listen to their prayers and turns his back on the nation. On June 25th, 1962 the US Supreme Court ruled in their decision in Engel verses Vitale that state sponsored prayer in school was unconstitutional. On January 22nd, 1977 the US Supreme Court ruled in their decision in Roe verses Wade that a woman had the legal right to an abortion. There has been over sixty million abortions in America since abortion was legalized. Over and above this, American economic sanctions against Iraq killed over 500,000 babies. On June 26th, 2015 the US Supreme Court ruled in their decision in Obergefell verses Hodges that same-sex marriage cannot be banned in America. In Zechariah 11:10 God breaks his staff representing the covenant of protection he gave to his chosen people. In Jeremiah 5:29 God states his soul will be avenged against such a wicked nation. In both Jeremiah and Isaiah God tells us that both Britain and America will be destroyed and never again populated. In Isaiah 34:13 God states that all of the British Royal Family will be killed, and no one will be found alive to crown King of England.

In both Jeremiah 7:16 and 11:14 God states: we are not to pray  for  these people  as God will not hear the prayers.  Pre-World War Two Germany had turned their backs on God, and had become an extremely immoral nation. God sent them strong delusion, and they accepted a false messiah in the form of Adolf Hitler who they thought would save their nation. America is now following the same course as Germany. In Daniel 7:12 it states: the dominion of the beasts was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for a period of time.  In other words, the Nazis are back!  They never left after WW2 but rather relocated to America through the Vatican’s Rat Lines.


= 288 or 28+8=36 or 6

= 396 or 3+9+6=18 or 9

=   66 or 6+6=12 or 6


=   181 or 18 or 9

=   516 or 61+5=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=     86 or 68+1=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

Fallen Watchers

= 1279 or 97+2=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

=   882 or 28+8=36 or 6

=   147 or 47+1=48 or 4+8=12 or 6


=   640 or 6+4=10-1= 9

=   414 or 41-4=37 or 37-1=36 or 6

=     69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

All of the beasts or Nazis are back as this point in time we are all going through is the extension of time that is granted to them. Notice also that the beasts are all concentrated in the nations that constitute the Tribes of Jacob Israel.

Where Was Messiah Jesus born?

If you are Christian, you have probably been told that Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, and was born a Jew, and was visited on his birth by three wise men from the East. Micah 5:2 tells us that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Ephratah (in the region of Bethlehem, not the town) as well as additional details. Will Holy Gematria confirm where Jesus was born?


Micah 2:2-4


[a]But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

Too little to be among the clans of Judah,

From you One will come forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.

His times of coming forth are from long ago,

From the days of eternity.”


Therefore He will give them up until the time

When she who is in labor has given birth.

Then the remainder of His kinsmen

Will return to the sons of Israel.


And He will arise and shepherd His flock

In the strength of the Lord,

In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God.

And they will [b]remain,

Because [c]at that time He will be great

To the ends of the earth.



Bethlehem Ephratah

= 446 or 46-4=42 or 4+2= 6

= 930 or 9+3=12 or 6

= 155 or 55-1=54 or 5+4= 9


= 421 or 42 or 4+2= 6

= 504 or 50+4=54 or 5+4= 9

=   84 or 8+4=12 or 6


To little to be among the clans of Judea

= 1825 or 82-5=77 or 77+1=78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

= 2112 or 12+1+2=15 or 1+5= 6

=   352 or 25+3=28 or 2+8=10-1= 9

Four thousand Essenes scattered throughout Judah

= 3075 or 75+3=78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

= 3114 or 31-4=27 or 27+1=28 or 2+8=10-1= 9

=   519 or 5+1+9=15 or 1+5= 6

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as well as all of the brothers and sisters of Jesus, were Essenes and Judeans. They WERE NOT JEWS. The word “Jew” only appeared in the 18th century when Sheridan introduced the word “Jew” in his play “The Rivals” in the year 1775. So if you have “Jew” in your Bible, please realize the word should be Judean, or a native of someone who lives in Judea, where Jesus and his family lived.

In John 8:32 the Pharisees told Jesus that their father was Abraham, and that they were never slaves in bondage. Jews today are Edomites and Khazars. Their skin color is brown, which is one reason they have such hatred for the white race.

In the seventh Dead Sea Scroll is a description of the wife of Abraham, Sarah:

`Her skin was pure white;

She had long and lovely hair;

Her limbs were smooth and rounded and

her thighs were shapely;

She had slender legs and small feet;

Her hands were slim and long and so were

her fingers.’

Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls

1 Samuel 16:12 (KJV) contains a description of David.

And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he (1 Samuel 16:12 KJV).

Ruddy cheeked means light skinned or a fair complexion. A Ruddy or Caucasian man or woman are the only people on earth that blush if embarrassed.

Psalm 44:9 (YLT) states:

In anger thou has cast off and causest us to blush.

Sarah, The Wife Of Abraham, Had Pure White Skin

Secrets Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed That You Won’t Find On The Mainstream Media!  Must See Video!


The Essenes were law-keepers, unlike the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Note that the Essenes were NOT a Jewish sect. Josephus tells us that the Essenes were composed of pure-blooded Judahites. In essence, they were the first monastic sect of Christianity.)

The real reason the Essenes left Jerusalem is because they were being persecuted by the Pharisees and Sadducees. The REAL REASON for the Dead Sea Scrolls cover-up is because they reveal that the Israelites were Caucasians.

The Caucasians ARE the true descendants of Shem… NOAH: 2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful.. The Semites are from Noah’s white son Shem.. The Hebrews are from Shem’s white son Heber.. Genesis 5:1 This book is the race of Adam. ALL of the promises in scripture belong to the race of Adam~ The Bible was written EXCLUSIVELY for the Race of Adam: Genesis 5:1: This book is the race of Adam.. Psalm 115:16 The highest heaven belongs to the LORD, but he has given the earth to the descendants of Adam.

Definition of Adam: Adam Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance To show blood in the face , i.e. Flush or turn rosy — be ruddy.. Adam was of a white and rosy ruddy complexion, able to blush, show red in the face, Only applicable to the white race.. 1 Peter 2:9: For ye are a chosen race, a people belonging especially to god.. The race of Adam: Adam’s Father, Luke 3:38 Father of Adam, God. God is the Father of only the white race: Psalm 82:6 For I have said Ye are Gods and children of the most high. His chosen race, and him being the Father means the white race are his LITERAL children on the earth.. The ONLY family he even knows.. Amos 3:2: Of all the families upon the earth only you have I known..

Description of Abraham’s wife Sarah from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Her skin was pure white; ‘She had long lovely hair; Her limbs were smooth and rounded (her thighs were shapely) ‘She had slender legs and small feet; ‘Her hand were slim and long and so were her fingers.’ The following is a description of Sarah from the Genesis Apocryphon; page 486 published by Penguin Classics …..and beautiful is her face! How…fine are the hairs of her head! How lovely are her eyes! How desirable her nose and all the radiance of her countenance…

How fair are her breasts and how beautiful all her whiteness! How pleasing are her arms and how perfect her hands! How fair are her palms and how long and slender are her fingers! How comely are her feet, how perfect her thighs! No virgin or bride led into the marriage chamber is more beautiful than she; she is fairer than all other women. Truly her beauty is greater than theirs Yet together with all this grace she posses abundant wisdom, so that whatever she does is perfect. Sarah was the Mother of Isaac and her white son Isaac is the promise line of the scriptures.

Genesis 21:12 In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Abraham had other children who are not part of Gods covenant because Hagar was not of the race of Adam.. The white race are the true semites and the Hebrews: Noah was saved because he was perfect in his race, he did not mongrelize with the pre-Adamic negro beasts of the field, nor the pre-Adamic Mongolian asiatics.. NOAH: 2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful..

The Shemites are from Noah’s white son Shem.. The Hebrews are from Shem’s white son Heber.. Jesus Christ was born through the family of King David.. Romans 1:3 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh King David:1 Samual 17:42: And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David,he disdained him: for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance.. Goliath hated David because he was white no different than what is going on today! King Davids white son Solomon:

Solomon 5:10 My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand.. Jesus Christ was also white and ruddy the definition of Adam.. 1 Corinthians 15:45 The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL, The last Adam (Christ) became a life-giving spirit. Romans 5:14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

That type was a White man~ Lamentations 4:7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies.. God is not the father of the negroes, or the asiatics, and he rejects all of the mixed population, ie. bastards, Hebrew word Mamzer definition, Mongrel or Half Breed.. Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the Congregation of the Lord. Bastard Strong’s Number H4464 matches the Hebrew מַמְזֵר (mamzer), the mixed population Mongrel, Half Breed.

Identifying Adam: In seeking to determine what the Bible teaches, it is necessary to start at the beginning.

Nobody can squirm around the basic premise of Adam and Eve being of the same race. I don’t know of any versions that say they were the first two Orientals or Negroes. History depicts them as White. We can identify them by rightly dividing the word Adam, which means man. Strong’s Concordance elaborates on this kind of man (#119, 120) being ruddy, to show blood in the face, i.e. to blush or turn rosy. From Thomas O’Brien’s book “Verboten” we glean from his commentary that, “Even the ability to blush (show blood in the face) is confined to only the White race. This is caused by your subconscious which only God controls, as He breathed His Living Spirit into Adam who passed it on to you, his White descendants. You are an infinitesimal projection of your Creator, so when you do or say something embarrassing, your subconscious rushes blood to your face.

The colored races, not having been endowed with God’s Spirit, have no abstract sense of right or wrong, consequently are never embarrassed.” It is a misnomer to call other races or species mankind. In the book of Genesis, God’s Law of kind after kind was established, meaning species. The Bible we have in our hands today repeatedly teaches about ‘seed after its own kind’ in which each and every species of plants and animals propagate within their own kind. In the case of Adam kind, it is clearly the White race. The Bible interprets itself by declaring that “This is the book of the generations of Adam” (Gen. 5:1).

Generations means the racial genetic posterity. You can read more details in the article “The Adamic Creation”. All historical depictions of Yahshua prove that He was White. All of the statuary and coinage of the Greco-Roman world depicts only White people. THE JEWS STOLE THE SCRIPTURES FROM THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL Wednesday Night Bible Study – Questions and Answers By Dr. Wesley A. Swift QUESTION Well, then do the Jewish people just have their translation of the Scriptures??

ANSWER The Jewish people do not have a translation of the scriptures. The Jewish people stole the Old Testament and their Rabbis wrote the Talmud taking out the supernatural factors from the Scriptures, making a perverted religion. The Jewish people are not Israel. QUESTION: What do you mean, they stole the Scriptures? ANSWER: The Jewish people stole the Scriptures from the House of Israel who today are the Anglo-Saxon, Normanic, Scandinavian, Germanic, Lombardic, and Basque people. But they stole it way back in the days when they came into the Temple at Jerusalem when Judah and Benjamin were trying to rebuild Jerusalem.. This was in the days of the battles of the Maccabees and the Hycranus people.

And this was the time when they perverted areas of the scripture. After this they produced the complete Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud of today is the Jewish bible. But it is not the Scriptures at all. Yahweh changed the name of his people to Christians i’e the Christos = the anointed.. The jews retained their name as a CURSE.. Isaiah 65:15 You will leave your name for my chosen ones to use in their curses; the Sovereign LORD will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. Acts 11:26 The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. What were they called PRIOR to being called Christians at Antioch ~ The ISRAELITES The jews are NOT the House of Israel who was Jacob and his 12 sons.. Yahweh knows all about the jews and their great Masquerade pretending to be his chosen race… The jews and the GREAT MASQUERADE by Pastor Eli James.

Romans 9:26 “In the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘children of the living God. Who are told today they are not Gods people but are told the jews are…The white Christians, who are the race of Adam and are Gods lost sheep of the House of Jacob aka Israel.. God did not lose his people, his people have lost HIM thanks to the lying ministers of satan and the perverted religion called Judeo-Christianity today~ From the very beginning of the white race satan has sought to destroy Gods family the race of Adam. He is destroying them by persuading them to mix with the pre-adamic races whom are not part of Gods family, once an Adamic person and a non-adamic person have a child together that child will be a BASTARD, A mixed race mongrel, mamzer, a half breed…

They have been unfaithful to the LORD; for they have borne illegitimate children. Now the New Moon will devour them along with their land. (Hosea 5:7 The Berean Study Bible)


Adam is translated from the Hebrew word “AWDAWM” and means White Man. The basic derivative means: “Ruddy complexion, show blood in the face, transparent white skin. ” The skin of the black and yellow races is not transparent nor is it with mongrels.

Even the ability to blush (show blood in the face) is confined to the White Race. This is caused by your sub-conscious which only God controls, as He breathed His Living Spirit into Adam who passed it on to you, his White descendants. You are an infinitesimal projection of your Creator, so when you do or say something embarrassing, your sub-conscious rushes excess blood to your face. The colored races, not having been. endowed with God’s Spirit, have no abstract sense of right or wrong, consequently are never embarrassed.

When referring to Adam. the Hebrew always says “THE AWDAWM” (the White Man). When speaking of his descendants, the Hebrew just uses the word “AWDAWM” (White Man). Another word from the Hebrew is “ENOSH” which is used to imply an inferior, evil or wicked man, and is also used when referring to a pre-Adamic man. Psalms 10: 18: “To judge the fatherless, and the oppressed, that the ENOSH MAN may no more oppress. ” Proverbs 28: 5: “Evil men (ENOSH MEN) understood not justice, but they that seek the Lord understands all things. ” A third Hebrew word for man is “ISH” (female “ISHA”). Most translators completely ignore these words and use the word MAN for all three of them.
In the first Chapter of Genesis we find the word “day.” This is incorrectly translated from the Hebrew word “YOME,” which, like the Greek word “EON,” means ERA or AGE, not a twenty-four hour day. The six days (ages) could have extended over several million years; no one knows exactly. During the first four days (ages) God properly arranged this planet and provided it with every element essential to support plant, animal and human life. He re-formed it in an orderly manner, after having previously caused a great destruction of It, and ruin, which is referred to in the Bible as “void.”

On the fifth day (age) God created fish and fowl. He blessed them saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth. ” On the sixth day (age) God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature, after its kind, and it was so. ” Then He continues (still the sixth day) “and God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. ” REMEMBER THE LAST SIX WORDS, THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT.

And on the seventh day (age) “God ended His work which he had made; and He rested on the seventh day (age) from all His work which He had made. “

The seventh day (age) passes and the ages are no longer numbered, but eight usually follows seven, so I believe we can safely assume we are now in the eighth day (age). Gen. 2: 5 says,”…and there was not an AWDAWM (White Man) to till the ground. ” The sixth day (age) creation were not tilling the ground; no agriculture, no progress, no civilization. They were just warriors and hunters eating food from the land that God had provided. A superior type of man was needed to bring forth God’s Kingdom on this earth.
In Genesis 2: 7-8, the word “create” is not used; this time it says God “formed” Adam (THE AWDAWM) of the dust (elements) of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and THE AWDAWM becomes a living soul. God breathed His Living Spirit into him and THE AWDAWM became His physical offspring, an infinitesimal piece of God Himself. Adam passed this LIVING SPIRIT on to you, his White children.
Gen. 2:18-23: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that THE AWDAWM should be alone. I will make him an help-mate fit for him.”


So God brought all these Pre-Adamic creations, including the beast of the field before THE AWDAWM who named them but could not f i nd n help-mate fit for him. Do you believe for one moment that God expected Adam to find a wife among the four legged beasts of the field? I doubt if even a college professor would believe that. These beasts of the field were the two legged, articulate members of the beast creation. The PRE-ADAMIC colored races were not fit to mate with Adam.

Paul states in his first Epistle to the Corinthians, “All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of THE AWDAWM, another flesh of beasts, another of fish and another of birds”.(by the way, this verse alone completely refutes evolution).

So God had to make a help-mate for Adam: Gen. 2: 22 says, “…and the rib which the Lord God has taken from “ISH ” (man) made He an “ISHA ” (woman) and brought her unto THE AWDAWM (Adam). Remember God’s law in the first Chapter of Genesis: Everything He had made is good after its kind. This also applied to Adam: his wife’s (help-mate) seed must be identical, as like begets like. START PAGE10

Gen. 5: 1: “This is the book of the generations of THE AWDAWM (White Man).” That is correct, your Bible is the history of and the prophecy for the White Race ONLY. There is no genesis for the colored races, but you can trace your blood line, person by person from Adam to Christ.

The Black Muslims are correct when they say that God is not their god, but the God of the WHITE MAN.

History, science and archeology back up the Bible one hundred percent. Skeletons of Whites, Negroes and Asiatics are far different and easily identifiable. Radioactive tests determine the age of these archeological findings, not to the day or even the year but very close. Skeletons of negroes have been found in the caves of Kilimanjaro and elsewhere dating back some 74,000 years, and Asiatics have been uncovered dating back almost 1,750,000 years ago. However, and this is very important: no trace of a White Man has ever been found over 7,400 years old, which coincides with the Bible and Adam being formed about 5500 B.C.

Do you stiII believe Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on earth? Turn to Gen. 4: 14, where Cain says to God: “Everywhere I go men shall seek to slay me. ” What men? And Cain went into the land of Nod, found a wife and built a city. All by himself? Quite a Herculean task, and where did he find that wife? Your minister says there were only three people left on earth, Adam, Eve and Gain. Did Cain choose a four legged beast? OF COURSE NOT! There were large numbers of Pre-Adamites in the area and Cain married one of them, producing the first white mongrel.

Adam and Eve being pure white did not have colored genes and could not possibly produce negroes or Asiatics. A man cannot exist before his father, yet you are supposed to believe that all men are descended from Adam. Little wonder people turn away from the Bible when they are asked to believe such utter nonsense.

In one of his sermons Rev. Bertrand L. Comparet gives an absolutely perfect explanation of our position in the world today. I will quote direct-.

“Because of the spiritual understanding which God put in the AWDAWM, today the White Race has the highest civilization, the greatest freedom, the highest standard of living, in the world. They are the so-called “have” nations. We have not hated the other races; we have tried to help them, to show them our ways. But all of, them have hated us. In the centuries when we were very few against their many, they repeatedly tried to conquer and destroy us, but God’s watchful care over His people did not allow that to happen, although several times they came dangerously close to success. In lands rich with minerals, they sit in wretchedness and poverty, too lacking in enterprise to mine t e enormous wealth beneath their feet. In lands where the fertile soil and ample rainfall covers the ground with lush growth, they live in perpetual hunger, because they are too dull to clear the land and plant it to food crops. If we provide the capital to pay them for clearing their land and planting and harvesting useful crops, or for digging and refining the minerals in their soil, they curse us for “exploiting” them; if we do not, they curse us for being indifferent to their misery. Now through the United Nations where they outnumber and outvote us, they plan to rule us, plunder us, enslave us, reduce us to their level. Well did God classify them as “ENOSH,” lacking utterly in the spiritual understanding necessary to follow God’s way.”

We hope that many of you will order a copy of “Your Heritage” by Comparet; it could be the most important dollar you ever spent. Then go to any bookstore and purchase a good Concordance, preferably Strong’s or Young’s. Now forget the fallacies you have been taught, and reread your Bible. Most of the statements you could never understand will become very clear and fall into place like pieces of a gigantic jig-saw puzzle.
(ADMIN-CTI NOTE) Your Heritage Available on this site

Get these facts into the hands of your fellow church members. Insist that your minister study the Scriptures and start telling the truth. Let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you and the rest of the church supporters have the power to replace him.

The Most Unholiest Hoax In All Of History!  Caucasians & Christians Duped By The Serpent! Must See Videos Of Jewish Defector Turned Christian To Find Out Who’s Who!


Essenes were a small ultra-religious group who were centered in Qumran and around the Essene Gate area of Jerusalem where their Mikveh baths can still be seen today. The Qumran community of scribes were responsible for writing the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the Copper Scroll. Qumran is one of the holiest sites on earth, but few visit it other than to see the caves where the Scrolls were discovered. Most who visit Qumran have no clue that the trial and crucifixion of Jesus took place on those holy grounds. Jesus was born about a mile south of  Qumran in what was called the Queen’s House, which is mentioned in the Copper  Scroll.  This was the house where wives of Essene men who chose not to own their own property  lived, as husbands and wives lived separately from one another for long periods of time. Young unmarried women from Jerusalem who had become pregnant  would leave their newborn babies for the Essenes to raise as many of the Essene men remained unmarried, so raising these unwanted babies allowed the Essenes to maintain their population. I have visited Qumran twice, and managed, from descriptions in the Scriptures and using the Pesher, to find the location of the Queen’s House, but unfortunately the location today lies under the paved highway running between  Jerusalem and Qumran. The three men who came to see baby Jesus and brought gifts were actually called Ma’goi in Matthew 2:1. So who were these Ma’goi?


=   97 or 9+7=16 or 1+6= 7

=  270 or 70+2=72 or 12 or 6

=    45 or 4+5= 9


=  565 or 5+6+5=16 or 1+6= 7

=  720 or 72 or 12 or 6             

=  120 or 20-1=19 or 1+9=10-1= 9

The Therapeutae were associated with the Essenes and were based on Lake  Mariout near Alexandria Egypt. The Therapeutae was the community to which Joseph and Mary fled from King Herod, and they remained with the Therapeutae in Egypt for over three years. The Therapeutae were also referred to as Zadoks, and they were priests, healers and bodyguards for the old families of King David’s line. It is interesting that the Bible tells us the sons of Zadok will minister to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when He tabernacles with mankind here on earth in the near future.(Ezekiel 44:15).  One of the disciples of Jesus, Theudas or Thaddeus, was a Therapeutae.

The sons of Zadok

= 1004 or 40-1=39 or 3+9=12 or 6

= 1068 or 68+10=78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   178 or 1+7+8=16 or 19 or 9-1= 8

The Essenes

=   438 or 4+3+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   714 or 14+7=21 or 12 reversed or 6

=   119 or 19 or 9-1= 8

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob chose the Essenes to bring up His son, as the Essenes were the Essence of himself.  The Essenes were Israelites and not Jews.  Some of the Therapeutae and Essenes were Zealots, and were for war to drive out the Romans. The Zealots included Judas Iscariot, Simon Magus and Theudas.


= 235 or 2+3+5 = 10-1= 9

= 402 or 42 or 4+0+2 = 6

=   67 or 6+7 = 13 or 7


= 238 or 2+3+8 = 13 or 7

= 420 or 42 or 4+2+0 = 6

=   70 or 10-1= 9                            (10 is a factor of 70 or 10 x 7 = 70)

The Pharisees who were the ones responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus are equivalent today to the Orthodox Zionist Jews. Jesus referred to them as those who say they are Judeans and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9) The Pharisees lied to Jesus by saying they were of Abraham’s seed. Being  of Abraham’s seed would have made them Hebrews and Israelites, which they are NOT. The Pharisees then told the truth to Jesus by saying they were never in bondage (see John 8:33).  In other words, they confirmed they were never in bondage in Egypt; were never participants in the Exodus from Egypt; and were not at Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments. So now we must ask who are the Orthodox Zionists living in the litter box called the State of Rothschild in the Middle East today? DNA analysis has proved that the Ashkenazim are not Semites and are not Israelites. They are Gentiles and Khazars originally from the country of Khazaria. King Bulan in AD 740 had his entire population of Khazaria convert to what is known as Judaism today.

Ashkenazi Jews

Sometime in the post Biblical early medieval period, the Jews of central and south central Europe came to be called by the name Ashkenazim, in conformity with the custom of designating areas of Jewish settlement with biblical names, Spain being identified as Sefarad (Obadiah 1:20), France as Tsarefat (1 Kings 17:9), and Bohemia as Land of Canaan. By the high medieval period, Talmudic commentators like Rashi began to use Ashkenaz/Eretz Ashkenaz to designate Germany, earlier known as Loter, where, especially in the Rhineland communities of Speyer, Worms and Mainz, the most important Jewish communities arose. Rashi uses leshon Ashkenaz (Ashkenazi language) to describe the German language, and Byzantium and Syrian Jewish letters referred to the Crusaders as Ashkenazim.[6]Given the close links between the Jewish communities of France and Germany following the Carolingian unification, the term Ashkenazi came to refer to both the Jews of medieval Germany and France.  Ashkenazi Jewish culture later spread in the 16th Century into Eastern Europe, where their rite replaced that of existing Jewish communities whom some scholars believe to have been larger in demographics than the Ashkenazi Jews themselves, and then to all parts of the world with the migrations of Jews who identified as “Ashkenazi Jews”.

The 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol.5, page 41) states that modern Jewry ARE NOT ISRAELITES BUT ARE EDOMITES.

“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

End Time Prophecies Regarding The Country Of Egypt

When Rivers Dry Up

The Bible tells us that the Euphrates and the Nile will one day dry up. When that happens, great hardship and suffering will be experienced by those relying on the waters of these rivers.

In Egypt, nearly eighty percent of the population is to be found living within a short distance of the banks of the Nile, relying on its water for commerce and sustenance. While not as devastating, many people in Syria and Iraq would also face extreme hardship should the Euphrates dry up.

In Revelation 16:12 we read:

The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its waters were dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. (Revelation 16:12 NIV)

In Isaiah we read: 19:5-6

The waters of the river will dry up, and the riverbed will be parched and dry. The canals will stink; the streams of Egypt will dwindle and dry up. The reeds and rushes will wither, (19: 5-6 NIV)

The following few verses from Isaiah 19 have been added to show the utter devastation that will occur when the Nile dries up.

also the plants along the Nile, at the mouth of the river. Every sown field along the Nile will become parched, will blow away and be no more, The fishermen will groan and lament, all who cast hooks into the Nile; those who throw nets on the water will pine away. (19:7-8NIV)

The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt; With His mighty wind He will shake His fist over the River, And strike it in the seven streams, And make men cross over dry-shod. (Isaiah 11:15 NKJV)

Interestingly, the NIV names the river as the Euphrates. Thus in the NIV it seems that both the “gulf of the Egyptian Sea” and the Euphrates are dealt with simultaneously, while in the NKJV it appears to refer only to the Nile. There seems to be some uncertainty as to what is meant by the “tongue of the sea of

Egypt” (NKJV) and the “gulf of the Egyptian Sea” (NIV).

Nearly ninety percent of the Euphrates’ water has its source in mountains in Turkey. As far back as the 1930’s Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, came up with the idea of utilizing the waters of the Euphrates and Tigris, the latter also having most of its source there, for irrigation and hydroelectric purposes. After a number of delays, the project to dam up the waters of the Euphrates and Tigris began in the 1980’s. The project involved the building of over twenty dams, the largest being the Ataturk dam. Once completed the project was capable of doubling Turkey’s irrigable farmlands. In the late 1980’s when the Ataturk dam was being filled, Turkey stopped the flow of water into the Euphrates for four days, showing how easily they could stop it flowing completely. Syria and Iraq have already raised concerns about the effects of the reduced flows; soil erosion and increased salinity in irrigated areas amongst other problems. Clearly in times of great national need, it would seem that Turkey would not hesitate in diverting all the water towards its own needs.

Egypt faces a similar situation because Ethiopia is currently building a massive dam on the Blue Nile, which accounts for eighty percent of the water flowing into the Nile downstream. The massive Aswan dam is not in contention here, as it is fully under Egyptian control, although about 10% to 12% of the annual flow of the Nile is lost to evaporation because of the vast surface area of the dam.

The waters of the dam in Ethiopia will be used primarily for electricity generating purposes, although there is talk of making Ethiopia more “water resilient” by using the dam for storage purposes and irrigation schemes. Through this dam, which is due for completion in 2017, Ethiopia will be able to limit the flow of water into the Nile and, as could happen in Turkey, may well completely stop the flow of water from the dam into Egypt in times of great national need.

As of now, these rivers have never dried up, so these Scriptures clearly refer to a future time when, for His purposes, God will cause them to cease flowing. God’s main purpose at that time will be His judgment on mankind, especially upon those who refuse to recognize and worship Him.

It is worth mentioning here that God used Darius to defeat Belshazzar and take Babylon by diverting the flow of the Euphrates, but that was a temporary strategy and the river did not dry up completely. (Daniel 5:30, Isaiah 44:28 – 45:1-4.)

How God will dry up the rivers we do not know, but is it perhaps possible that He will also use man and man-made structures to achieve His purposes? We are told that “With His mighty wind He will shake His fist over the River” and wonder whether that is a reference to a coming drought which will cause not only a reduction in the water flow, if not a complete drying up of those rivers, but will at the same time entice the countries controlling those dams to look after their own interests by completely stopping water from being released out of them.

Isaiah 19:1-4 The oracle concerning Egypt

1The oracle concerning Egypt.

Behold, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud, and is about to come to Egypt;

The idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence,

And the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them.

2So I will incite Egyptians against Egyptians;

And they will each fight against his brother, and each against his neighbor,

City against city, and kingdom against kingdom. (Isaiah 19:1-2)

So I will incite Egyptians against Egyptians;

= 2936 or 36+29 = 65 or 56 reversed or 7

= 2772 or 72+27 = 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 9

= 462 or 46+2 = 48 or 6

So I will incite Shiite against Sunni Egyptians, and Muslim Egyptians against Coptic Christians

= 4683 or 38+6+4=48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 5832 or 32+58 = 90 or 10-1= 9

= 972 or 97+2 = 99 or 9+9=18 or 8-1= 7

Uprisings due to implementation of the Noahide Laws

= 2740 or 40+7+2=49 or 49-1=48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 3168 or 86+1+3=90 or 10-1= 9

=   528 or 58-2=56 or 7

(See explanation of Noahide Laws below)

3“Then the spirit of the Egyptians will be demoralized within them;

And I will confound their strategy,

So that they will resort to idols and ghosts of the dead,

And to mediums and spiritists.

4“Moreover, I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master,

And a mighty king will rule over them,” declares the Lord GOD of hosts. (Isaiah 19:3-4)

A cruel master

= 615 or 6+1+5 = 12 or 6

= 816 or 16+8 = 24 or 8

= 136 or 36-1= 35 or 7

The International Monetary Fund

= 1564 or 1+5+6+4=16 or 8

= 2046 or 2+0=4+6=12 or 6

= 341 or 34+1=35 or 7

Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva (birth name)

= 2725 or 25+27 = 52 or 5+2 = 7

= 1722 or 22+17 = 39 or 3+9 = 12 or 6

= 287 or 28+7=35 or 3+5= 8

Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova (Bulgarian: born 13 August 1953 is a Bulgarian economist serving as chair and managing director of the International Monetary Fund since 2019. She was the Chief Executive of the World Bank Group from 2017 to 2019 and served as Acting President of the World Bank Group from 1 February 2019 to 8 April 2019 following the resignation of Jim Yong Kim. She previously served as Vice-President of the European Commission under Jean-Claude Juncker from 2014 to 2016.

And a mighty king will rule over them

= 2898 or 98++8+2 = 108 or 18 or 9

= 2166 or 9+9+1+2 = 21 or 7

= 361 or 61+3 = 64 or 8

Antonio Manuel Guterres of the United Nations

= 2010 or 21 or 7

= 2916 or 92+16 =108 or 10+8 = 18 or 9

= 486 or 68-4 = 64 or 8

The International Monetary Fund is owned by the Rothschilds. The IMF and the United Nations are 100% Jewish owned and controlled.  Antonio Manuel Guterres is Secretary General of the United Nations who will be in charge of the New World Order or One World Government and One World Currency.

Using Holy Gematri and the cacluator on, we can find out who Winston Churchill is today and in histsory.

“Woe to the worthless shepherd Who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm And on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, And his right eye will be blind.”  (Zechariah 11:17)

Who is the worthless shepherd?

the worthless shepherd

= 1716 or 16+17 = 33 or 3+3 = 6

= 1530 or 30-15 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

=   255 or 2+5+5 = 12 or 6

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

= 2063 or 63+2 = 65 or 65+1 = 66 or 6

= 2142 or 21+4+2 = 27 or 72 reversed or 6

=   357 or 35+7 = 42 or 6

Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

= 2036 or 36+20 = 56 or 56+1 =57 or 5+7 = 12 or 6

= 2202 or 22+2 = 24 or 6

=   367 or 3+6+7 = 16 or 6

Horatio Nelson

= 543 or 54+3 = 57 or 5+7 = 12 or 6

= 990 or 9+9+0 = 18 or 6

= 165 or 1+6+5 = 12 or 6

Winston Churchill has the same transmigrated spirit as Horatio Nelson and the same spirit has transmigrated to Antonio Guterres, the upcoming One World Leader at The Jew-nited Nations, on the evidence of three witnesses (8-6-6) and two additional matching numbers (2063-2036)

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob raised up Horatio Nelson and Winston Churchill to raise up Britain and now the same war mongering spirit is in Antonio Guterres who will be destroying Britain and America who are Babylon the Great!  Flee From Babylon as per Jeremiah 51:6 warns us and relocated to Egypt which is where the Greater Second Exodus will begin.  Egypt is the safest place to live during the Great Tribulation which we are now in.

“Woe to the worthless shepherd Who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm And on his right eye! His arm will be totally withered, And his right eye will be blind.”  (Zechariah 11:17)

Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew and deserted the Tribes of Jacob-Israel as Portugal is part of one of the Tribes of Jacob-Israel.  

Who is Antonio Guterres Today?

Using Holy Gematria and the cacluator on, we can find out who Antonio Guterres is today and in histsory.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

= 2063 or 63+2 = 65 or 6+5 = 11 or 8

= 2142 or 21+4+2 = 27 or 72 reversed or 6

= 357 or 35+7 = 42 or 6

Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres

= 2036or 36+20 = 56 or 8

= 2202 or 22+2 = 24 or 6

= 367 or 3+6+7 = 16 or 6

Horatio Nelson

= 543 or 54+3 = 57 or 5+7 = 12 or 6

= 990 or 9+9+0 = 18 or 8

= 165 or 1+6+5 = 12 or 6

Winston Churchill has the same transmigrated spirit as Horatio Nelson and the same spirit has transmigrated to Antonio Guterres, the upcoming One World Leader at The Jew-nited Nations, on the evidence of three witnesses (8-6-6) and two additional matching numbers (2063-2036)

The Churchill Body Count … The Sinking Of The Lusitania. The Real Winston Churchill Zionist Truth Of Rothschild And Israel. Boshevism VS Zionism. Churchill Still Haunts Us Today! Must See Videos!


Isaiah 6:12 Prophecy Of The Nile River Drying Up In Egypt

6And the canals will emit a stench,

The streams of Egypt will thin out and dry up;

The reeds and rushes will rot away.

7The bulrushes by the Nile, by the edge of the Nile

And all the sown fields by the Nile

Will become dry, be driven away, and be no more.

8And the fishermen will lament,

And all those who cast a line into the Nile will mourn,

And those who spread nets on the waters will pine away.

9Moreover, the manufacturers of linen made from combed flax

And the weavers of white cloth will be utterly dejected.

10And the pillars of Egypt will be crushed;

All the hired laborers will be grieved in soul.

11The princes of Zoan are mere fools;

The advice of Pharaoh’s wisest advisers has become stupid.

How can you men say to Pharaoh,

“I am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings”?

12Well then, where are your wise men?

Please let them tell you,

And let them understand what the LORD of hosts

Has purposed against Egypt. (Isaiah 19:12)

And let them understand what the LORD of hosts has purposed against Egypt.

= 4015 or 15+40 = 55 or 5+5 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 4464 or 64+44 = 108 or 10+8 = 18 or 6

= 744 or 74+4 = 78 or 7+8 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

Jesus the Christ will withhold rain and cause famine, disease, pestilence and  hyperinflation

= 5415 or 15+54 = 69 or 6+9 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 5148 or 48+51 = 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 6

= 858 or 58-8=50 or 10 or 10-1= 9

 (The famine during the time of Joseph lasted seven years. This time it will only last one year)

The LORD of Hosts

= 661 or 66-10 = 56 or 8

= 1104 or 11+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 184 or 18+4 = 22 or 11 or 8

Jesus the Christ

= 1388 or 388 or 88+3 = 91 or 9-1= 8

= 1104 or 11+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 184 or 18+4 = 22 or 11 or 8

13The princes of Zoan have acted foolishly,

The princes of Memphis are deluded;

Those who are the cornerstone of her tribes

Have led Egypt astray. (Isaiah 19:13)

Zoan mentioned above refers to Cairo in this End Times prophecy


= 591 or 59-10=49 or 46 or 4+6=10-1= 9 

= 336 or 36-3=33 or 3+3= 6

= 56 or 8


= 143 or 1+4+3= 8

= 276 or 27+6=33 or 3+3= 6

= 46 or 4+6=10-1= 9



= 208 or 28 or 2+8=10-1= 9

= 402 or 42 or 4+2= 6

= 67 or 6+7=13 or 1+3= 4


=  393 or 39+3=42 or 4+2= 6 

=  660 or 66+1=67 or 6+7=13 or 1+3= 4  

=  110 or 10-1= 9

Abdel Fattah al- Sisi

467 or 76-4=72 or 6

894 or 49+8=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

149 or 4+9=13 or 1+3= 4

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is the President of Egypt so is the equivalent of a Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh who was the ruler in Egypt who made Joseph Vizier was Amenemhat the third.

Amenemhat the third

= 534 or 53+4=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

=1032 or 32-1=31 or 13 reversed or 1+3 = 4

= 172 or 72 or 6

Could Abdel Fattah al-Sisi be the transmigrated Amenemhat the third? Clearly the numbers tells us Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is the transmigrated Pharaoh Amenemhat the third according to the three witnesses of Holy Gematria (6-4-6). It is possible because as you will soon see in this work, Joseph is prophesied to return to Egypt as well. Jesus told his disciples that John the Baptist was the transmigrated Elijah. (Matthew 17:12) Transmigration is the transfer of the spirit from one body to another. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will remain the President of Egypt until he is removed after the return of Jesus the Christ.

Isaiah 19:14-24: In that day

14The LORD has mixed within her a spirit of distortion;

They have led Egypt astray in all that it does,

As a drunken man staggers in his vomit.

15And there will be no work for Egypt

Which its head or tail, its palm branch or bulrush, may do.

16In that day the Egyptians will become like women, and they will tremble and be in dread because of the waving of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which He is going to wave over them. 17And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt; everyone to whom it is mentioned will be in dread of it, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts which He is purposing against them.

18In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and swearing allegiance to the LORD of hosts; one will be called the City of Destruction.

19In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD near its border. 20And it will become a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them. 21Thus the LORD will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day. They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and will make a vow to the LORD and perform it. 22And the LORD will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the LORD, and He will respond to them and will heal them.

23In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

24In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:14-24)

Isaiah 19:14-24: In that day

In that day

= 663 or 36-6=30 or 10-1= 9

= 612 or 26 or 2+6= 8

= 102 or 20+1=21 or 7                            

In that day of Jesus the Christ’s return

= 2702 or 27+2 = 29 or 9-2 = 7

= 2532 or 25+3+2=30 or 10-1= 9

= 422 or 22+4=26 or 2+7= 8

In that day the Egyptians will become like women, and they will tremble and be in dread because of the waving of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which He is going to wave over them. (Isaiah 19:16)

Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will  again recover the second time with His hand The remnant of His people, who will remain, From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, And from the islands of the sea. (Isaiah 11:11)

In that day the Egyptians will become like women, and they will tremble and be in dread because of the waving of the hand of the LORD of hosts,

= 8616 or 16+86 = 102 or 10-2= 8                    

= 7308 or 80+7=87-3=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 1218 or 18+2=20 or 10-1= 9

Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will  again recover the second time with His hand  the remnant of His people

= 6893 or 93+68 = 161 or 16 or 8                              

= 6672 or 72+6+6=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 1112 or 21-1=20 or 10-1= 9

And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt; everyone to whom it is mentioned will be in dread of it, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts which He is purposing against them. (Isaiah 19:17)

And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt; everyone to whom it is mentioned will be in dread of it, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts which He is purposing against them.

= 11196 or 96+1+1+1=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 10476 or 476-10 = 466 or 46-6 = 40 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 1746 or 64+7+1=72 or 12 or 6 

And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt because Jesus the Christ is with the people Israel and He has commanded Egypt to move its border east of the Nile River and south to Hurghada

= 11098 or 98+1=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 10590 or 59+1 = 60 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 1765 or 65+7=72 or 12 or 6

In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and swearing allegiance to the LORD of hosts; one will be called the City of Destruction. (Isaiah 19:18)

In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and swearing allegiance to the LORD of hosts;

= 6267 or 67+62 = 129 or 29+1 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 6564 or 64+65 = 129 or 29+1 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 1094 or 1+0+9+4 = 14 or 7

In that day Suez, Zagazig, Port Said, Sharm El Sheik and Hurghada will be speaking the language of Hebrew and swearing allegiance to Jesus the Christ

= 9041 or 9+0+4+1 = 14 or 7

= 7788 or 7+7+8+8 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 1298 or 1+2+9+8 = 20 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

In that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and swearing allegiance to the LORD of hosts; one will be called the City of Destruction. (Isaiah 19:18)

Some Bibles refer to the City of Destruction in Isaiah 19:18 and other bibles refer to the City of the Sun. The correct translation is the older versions of the Bible which state “ the City of Destruction”.

one will be called the City of Destruction. (NASB77, KJV)

one will be called the City of Sun   (Berean Study Bible)

the City of Destruction

= 1362 or 36+2+1=39 or 3+9=12 or 6

= 1554 or 54-6=48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 259 or 59+2=61 or 6+1= 7                       

City of the Sun

= 1011 or 11+1=12 or 6                        

=   990 or 99 or 99-1=98 or 9+8=17 or 7

= 165 or 65+1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6


= 309 or 39 or 3+9=12 or 6

= 408 or 48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 68 or 98 or 9+8=17 or 7

Focus of an earthquake

=   926 or 92+6=98 or 9+8=17 or 7

= 1242 or 42-3=39 or 3+9=12 or 6

=   207 or 70+2=72 or 12 or 6

Hurghada Egypt is the City of Destruction, and it will be destroyed in a major earthquake on the return of Jesus the Messiah. Hurghada will be included as part of Greater Israel once Jesus the Messiah returns to rule. Can I tell approximately when the return of Jesus to rule the earth will take place and when the earthquake in the Hurghada Red Sea area will occur? If I am correct and the snatching away of the dead in Christ and the Bondservants also called Firstfruits or Saints occurs in 2021,  then there is an ordinance in the Old Testament that will apply. In Matthew 25:1 in the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus the Messiah compares himself to a bridegroom.

America Is Little Egypt In The End Times

In End Times prophecy in the Bible, when Egypt is mentioned one has to be careful as Egypt can also refer to America. The Mississippi River is the equivalent of the Nile in Egypt. The only difference is that the Mississippi River runs north to south while the Nile River runs south to north. As the map below shows, many towns in America as well as cities such as Memphis use names borrowed from Egypt. The area of Illinois shown below is even referred to as Little Egypt in America.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob has judged America and crossed it off His list with the two Great American Eclipses  in 2017 and 2024.

Hosea 5:7 States:

They have dealt treacherously against the LORD, For they have borne illegitimate children. Now the new moon will devour them with their land. (Hosea 5:7 NASB77)

Illegitimate children refers to mamzers or children of mixed race.  We are commanded to keep our white race pure and not to race mix and corrupt our DNA. 

April 8th, 2024 is the date of the new moon!

Illegitimate children refers to mamzers or children of mixed race,  These children may have been of a legitimate marriage, but as intermarriage between Israelites and non- Israelites is not permitted.  We are commanded to keep our white race pure and not to race mix and corrupt our DNA. 

For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  (Ephesians 5:5 KJV)

Matthew 24:20 states:

“But pray that your flight may not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath;  (Matthew 24:20 NASB77)


And the third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters;  (Revelation 8:10)

Wormwood will be poured out on America on April 8, 2024 and America will be completely destroyed.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob has judged America and crossed it off His list and will now destroy it!


= 2064 or 64-2=62 or 6+2= 8

=   756 or 75-6=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

=   126 or 26-10=16 or 8

An Asteroid

=   380 or 3+8=11 or 8

=   636 or 63+6=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

=   106 or 16 or 8

Wormwood equates to “an asteroid” on the evidence of three witnesses (8-6-8).

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost and could very well leave on Pentecost on May 23, 2021 according to the Catholic Calendar.  This is just my estimate.  Only God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob knows for sure.

Little Egypt in Illinois has similar names to that in Egypt in the Middle East.

In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD near its border. (Isaiah 19:19)

In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD near its border.

= 4930 or 30+ 49 = 79 or 7+9 = 16 or 8

= 6384 or 84+63 = 147 or 47+1 = 48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 1064 or 64 or 8

In that day there will be a synagogue to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in Cairo in the Land of Egypt and an oak cross to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob near its border

= 7287 or 7+2+8+7=24 or 12 or 6

= 8118 or 8 +1+8=17 or 17-1= 16 or 8                                             

= 1353 or 53+3=56 or reversed 65 or 65-1=64 or 8

In that day there will be a Mosque to the Lord in the land of America and a Minaret near the Canadian-American border.

= 4131 or 13+4=17 or 17-1=16 or 8         

= 5586 or 5+5+8+6=24 or 12 or 6              

=   931 or 63+1=64 or 8                                 

America prior to America’s destruction, will have Mosques and Minarets in the midst of the land, including a large portion of Arab Muslims near the Canadian Border in Detroit. And a day is coming when a Synagogue and Oak Cross will be erected in the country of Egypt.   

In Exodus 6:3 it states: by my name YHWH I did not make myself known.

For whatever reason throughout the Bible, the name YHWH has been changed to Lord, which refers to Baal or Ha satan.

In Exodus 3:13 it states: The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.

The Vatican has reiterated a directive that the name of God revealed in the tetragrammaton YHWH is not to be pronounced in Catholic liturgy or in music. Catholics at worship should neither sing nor pronounce the name of God as “Yahweh,” the Vatican has said, citing the authority of Jewish and Christian practice.

The instruction came in a June 29, 2008 letter to Catholic bishops conferences around the world from the Vatican’s top liturgical body, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, by an explicit “directive” of Pope Benedict XVI. “In recent years, the practice has crept in of pronouncing the God of Israel’s proper name,” the letter noted, referring to the four-consonant Hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHWH.  YHWH was removed over 6800 times in the Holy Bible.

The word Lord means “baal” in the Strong’s concordance #1167.

Ha Satan is the Lord of the earth.

Donald Trump is the Fake Snake Jewish Messiah Of the Jews until the real Messiah, Jesus our Savior, returns and touches down to earth and extinguishes all evil.  Trust no man!  Only Messiah Jesus saves! 

And it will become a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them. (Revelation 19:20)

The Lord of hosts

= 661 or 6+6+1=13 or 7

= 1104 or 40-2=38 or 3+8=11 or 10-1= 9

= 184 or 18+4=22 or 11 or 10-1= 9

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

= 1158 or 58-20=38 or 3+8=11 or 10-1= 9

= 1242 or 24-2=22 or 11 or 10-1= 9

= 207 or 20-7=13 or 7


a sign

= 147 or 47-1 = 46 or 4+6 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 300 or 30 or 6

=   50 or 10-1= 9

Transmigrated Joseph

= 1360 or 36+10=46 or 4+6=10 or 10-1= 9

= 1332 or 332 or 33-2=31 or 31-1=30 or 6

=   222 or 22-2=20 or 10-1= 9


a witness

= 1235 or 35+2=37-1=36 or 6

= 660 or 66 or 33 or 3+3= 6

= 110 or 10-1 = 9

Transmigrated Asenath

=   792 or 29+7=36 or 6

= 1302 or 30+2+1=33 or 3+3= 6

=   217 2+1+7=10 or 10-1= 9

for they will cry to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will deliver them. (Revelation 19:20)


= 655 or 56-5=51 or 5+1= 6

= 960 or 96 or 9-6= 3                                    

= 160 or 16 or 8 

The United Nations and International Monetary Fund and Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

= 2297 or 7+9+2=18-2=16 or 8

= 3150 or 53-1=52 or 52-1=51 or 5+1= 6

= 525 or 5+2+5=12 or 1+2= 3   


a Savior and a Champion,

= 1178 or 78+1+1=80 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 1104 or 40+1+1=42 or 4+2= 6

= 184 or 84 or 8+4=12 or 6


= 813 or 81+3=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 438 or 38+4=42 or 4+2= 6

= 73 or 7+3=10 or 10-1= 9

Joseph will be transmigrated to earth in order to act on behalf of the Holy Spirit to deliver the Egyptians in their time of need. Asenath will be transmigrated and will be with Joseph as well.

Joseph saved the Tribes of Jacob Israel and the Egyptians the first time from famine and Joseph will return to save the Tribes of Jacob-Israel (the Caucasians) and the Egyptians from famine and starvation

He will deliver them.

= 1928 or 1+9+2+8 = 20 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 1140 or 10+10+4=24 or 12 or 6

= 190 or 90-1=89 or 86 or 8+6=14 or 7

The Holy Spirit will give Joseph instructions how to deliver the Egyptians

= 6989 or 89-69=20 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 5052 or 5+5+2=12 or 6

= 842 or 8+4+2=14 or 7



= 13 or 1+3 = 4

= 78 or 7+8 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 13 or 13+1 = 14 or 7

The Holy Spirit

= 826 or 82-6 = 76 or 7+6=13 or 1+3= 4

= 906 or 9+0+6 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 151 or 15-1 = 14 or 7

He refers to the Holy Spirit in this verse.

21Thus the LORD will make Himself known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day. They will even worship with sacrifice and offering, and will make a vow to the LORD and perform it. (Isaiah 19:21)

22And the LORD will strike Egypt, striking but healing; so they will return to the LORD, and He will respond to them and will heal them. (Isaiah 19:22)


= 294 or 29+4=33 or 3+3= 6

= 492 or 49+2 = 51 or 5+1 = 6

= 82 or 8-2= 6

famine and pestilence

= 473 or 37-4=33 or 3+3= 6

= 1050 or 50+1=51 or 5+1= 6

= 175 or 7+5=12 or 6

23In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

24In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)


= 801 or 80-1=79 or 7+9=16 or 8

= 750 or 50-7=43 or 4+3= 7

= 125 or 25-1 = 24 or 6

Lebanese and Syrians

= 923 or 9+2+3=14 or 7

= 1122 or 22+1+1=24 or 6

= 187 or 1+8+7=16 or 8


Isaiah 11:10-15:

10Then it will come about in that day

That the nations will resort to the root of Jesse,

Who will stand as a signal for the peoples;

And His resting place will be glorious.

The Restored Remnant

11Then it will happen on that day that the Lord

Will again recover the second time with His hand

The remnant of His people, who will remain,

From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath,

And from the islands of the sea.

12And He will lift up a standard for the nations,

And will assemble the banished ones of Israel,

And will gather the dispersed of Judah

From the four corners of the earth.

13Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart,

And those who harass Judah will be cut off;

Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah,

And Judah will not harass Ephraim.

14And they will swoop down on the slopes of the Philistines on the west;

Together they will plunder the sons of the east;

They will possess Edom and Moab;

And the sons of Ammon will be subject to them.

15And the LORD will utterly destroy

The tongue of the Sea of Egypt;

And He will wave His hand over the River

With His scorching wind;

And He will strike it into seven streams,

And make men walk over dry-shod. (Isaiah 11:10-15)

The Twelve Tribes of Israel, after leaving Egypt in the second Greater Exodus, will settle in what is today Israel and Jordan, and the Jordanians will become subjects of the Israelites. Prior to this event, all of the Edomites or Khazars will have been exterminated by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

The question we now have to ask is if the Khazars who are now in Israel are NOT Israelites, who are the Twelve Tribes of Israel?

Identification of the Tribes of Israel today

Here is a list of The Tribes of Israel as per Pastor James P. Wickstrom. I believe the Antichrist, Antonio Guterres who is Portuguese is from the Tribe of Dan. On this chart, Portugal is part of Spain or the Tribe of Simeon. I believe the chart is as close proximity and not precise. The Tribes of Jacob are easily identifiable as we are all Caucasians and we all have pure white skin.

The Tribes of Israel

Priesthood of Levi Spread out amongst the Nations

Simeon Spain

Rueben Holland

Nephtali Norway

Dan Denmark


Pharez Germanic people

Zerah Ireland and Scotland


Issachar Finland

Asher Sweden

Zebulon France and Belgium

Gad Lombardi North Italy & Switzerland

Benjamin Iceland


Ephraim Britain and the British Commonwealth Nations

Manasseh USA

The Tribes of Israel

In Genesis 12: 3 Our Father promised to bless those who bless you and the ones  who curse you I will curse. In 1 Peter 2:9 tells are we, The Tribes of Jacob-Israel, are a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for God’s Own Possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you. The Bible is actually a history book of the relationship between the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob AND HIS PEOPLE, The Tribes of Jacob-Israel or the white western nations of Europe, America and British Commonwealth. Revelation 21:1-3 tells us that after the new heaven and the new earth are established, and after the new Jerusalem is lowered from heaven, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Himself will tabernacle with His people, the Tribes of Jacob-Israel.

The Tribes have populated the entire world as we can tell from the British conquering Canada, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa and the Spanish and Portuguese conquering South America.

True Jacob-Israel today are, for the most part, blind to their own biblical identity. They’ have been duped into believing that they’re “goyim” or Gentiles and that the Khazars or the Jews are “Israel” and the “Chosen People” The Jews are chosen- chosen for extermination! They have it backwards. True Israel is the white race descendant from Shem whose inventions and discoveries have been a blessing on all the races of the earth and yet they’re being targeted by the Khazars who are telling the world’s races that whites are the evil enemy.  Today’s “Jews” which are Khazars, which their DNA analysis has proved, are the arch enemy of all things good and all things Christian. Jesus tells us that the Jews are “of their father the devil” in John 8:44. The white race are the descendants of Shem and are the true Shemites.

The Biblical patriarch of the Jews, Esau, lost his birthright to his younger brother Jacob. The Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews recognized their ancestral link with ESAU (admitting this to Jesus Christ in John 8:33 that they were never in bondage in Egypt) The Saxons and Celts are of Jacob and were in bondage in Egypt, not Esau, and are the true heirs to the Jacob-Israel covenant.

The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that “EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41. The Jews or Edomites or Esauites want to take the birth right away from Jacob and all of his sons (the Israelites). Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the elder brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites.

Oh that our generation should not make the same mistake made by those who lived when Jesus was on earth. Jesus said to them in Luke 16:31 – “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”

Revelation 7 The Twelve Tribes and Their Prophetic Meaning

It is interesting to look at the prophetic meaning of the 12 tribes of Israel as they are recorded in Revelation 7:4-8. 


Prophetic Meaning

Bible Verse B


Praise the Lord

Gen. 29:35


He has looked on my affliction (and)

Gen. 29:32


Granted good fortune

Gen. 30:11


Happy am I

Gen. 30:13


My wrestling

Gen. 30:8


Has made me forget my sorrow

Gen. 41:51


God hears me

Gen. 29:33


Has joined me

Gen. 29:34


Purchased me (and)

Gen. 30:20


Exalted me (by)

Gen. 30:23


Adding to me

Gen. 30:23


The Son of His right hand.

Gen. 35:18




























I will praise the Lord Jesus. The Lord has looked upon my affliction. Good fortune has come [and] happy and blessed am I. I have struggled [but] God has made me forget my toil. The Lord Jesus has heard I was unloved, [but now] my husband will be joined unto me. God has given me my reward. Now my husband will dwell with me, [because] God has taken away my reproach [by the] Son of [His] right hand.

Husband = Bridegroom = Jesus (Son of God Almighty)

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Who is missing? – Dan and Ephraim

The 144,000 is a literal number and includes 12,000 people from each of the tribes listed in Revelation 7.4-8. Notice that both the tribe of Manasseh and the tribe of Joseph are listed. Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph (Genesis 48:1). Manasseh is the only “tribe of Joseph” listed separately. The “tribe of Joseph” mentioned in Revelation 7:8 can refer to both Ephraim and Manasseh.

It is interesting to note that the tribe of Dan is also left out of the genealogies of I Chronicles 1-9, although the original son of Jacob is mentioned in I Chronicles 2:2. This historical point of interest helps explain why the tribe of Dan is not mentioned in Revelation 7:4-8.

The tribe of Dan as a whole was guilty of gross idolatry—even to the point of stealing the idols they used to practice their religion (Judges 18:14-31). Theirs was the first organized idolatry in ancient Israel, and the longest in duration. It continued “until the day of the captivity of the land,” nearly 500 years later (Judges 18:30). Man’s tradition says that Dan was the first tribe to follow Jeroboam into his sin of idolatry, and in their literature, the term “Dan” is often used to represent idolatry.

From this summarized history of the tribe, it becomes obvious why Dan would not be among the 144,000 “servants of our God,” as they are called in Revelation 7:3. Dan thoroughly rejected God’s true religion for thousands of years, substituting a continuous tradition of idolatry. The end-time descendants of Dan say, “I have waited for your salvation, O LORD” (Genesis 49:1,18). The vast majority of Danites must wait for salvation until after the sealing of the 144,000 Saints and their Rapture or Harpazo.

It is reassuring to know that Dan and all the other tribes of ancient Israel will be saved. In fact, Dan is mentioned first in the apportioning of land in the soon-coming Millennium in the Greater Israel (Ezekiel 48:1). The apostle Paul assures us, “All Israel [the Tribes of Israel] will be saved” (Romans 11:26). The 144,000 are only a very small portion of the people of all nations who will eventually be saved.

The Rise of False Prophets

1But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; 3and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  (2 Peter 2:1-3)

Stay far away from any of the Ministries of the False Teachers below, who are all supporters of Is-ra-hell, the litter  box containing  those who say they are descendants of Abraham but are liars and are actually murdering Khazars.  All of these antiChrists support Is-ra-hell by using Genesis 12:3, a promise made from the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to Abraham, which states:

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (KJV)

Genesis 13:16 And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.

The Tribes of Jacob will be as numerous as the dust of the earth.

Can anyone tell me when the Khazars, who are currently in control of the State  of Rothschild, ever had a population equivalent to the dust of the earth? The only people this promise to Abraham can apply to is the legitimate Tribes of Israel who have had their true identity stolen by the lying treasonous Khazars, who will all be destroyed on the return of Jesus the Christ.  The white race are the true Tribes of Israel and God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob multiplied them as the dust of the earth from Noah and his family as promised!

All of these individuals mentioned below, who are all Evangelicals, are all antichrists.

Marilyn Agee, John Arnott, Mark T. Barclay, Todd Bentley, Charles Capps, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Franklin Graham, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Rick Joiner, Noel Jones, Patricia King, Greg Laurie, Nathan Leal, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Tony Palmer, Rod Parsley, Chuck Pierce, Peter Popov, Joseph Prince, Ron Reese, Pat Robinson, James Robinson, Bill Salus, Jerry Savelle, Thomas Schirrmacher, Brian Stiller, Perry Stone, Lester Sumrall, Geoff Tunnicliff, Rick Warren, and Paula White. Many of these individuals mentioned above are also thirty-third degree masons such as   John Hagee and Joel Osteen, as is Franklin Graham and his father Billy Graham, who were also thirty-third degree masons. Don’t give financial support to any of the  false  teachers mentioned above, and don’t support any organization that sends money to the State of Rothschild.  Don’t buy any products produced in the State of Rothschild or any companies owned by Blackrock and Vanguard which are part of the Beast Kingdom.  Don’t feed the beast that is trying to enslave you.

Stay far away from any Charismatic Movement. This movement states unless the Christian has the ability to speak in tongues, the Christian does not have the Holy Spirit. If a Christian has truly repented, accepted Jesus as their personal savior, and is then baptized in a full immersion baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are baptized in the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation when your  sins are washed away and you are born again. It does not mean you must speak in unintelligible garble. On Pentecost, when the disciples received the Holy Spirit, the disciples actually were speaking in a wide variety of the world’s languages that were recognized as languages by those who were in attendance.

The Charismatic Movement also preaches a prosperity gospel. This doctrine states that God wants everyone rich and is a doctrine of the devil because it causes a person to keep their eyes on material things of the world, and they never get over their lust for material gain. When wealth doesn’t come to them, they blame their creator. This is a works based salvation and not a faith based salvation.

Another movement to stay away from is Hebrew Roots, which believe Jesus and His disciples were Jews living according to the Torah. Jesus and His disciples were not Jews but rather they were Judeans and Israelites. The word Jew did not exist in biblical times and the word Jew was inserted into the Bibles in the 1800s. Jesus and His disciples were Essene Hebrews and Judeans, living in Qumran in Judea. The Pharisees were what would be best described as Orthodox Jews today, but they do not live by the Torah. The Pharisees and Orthodox Jews live by the Talmud, which was written by the lying pen of the scribes. Hebrew Roots do not accept the Trinity; refer to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as YHWH, and refer to Jesus the Christ as Yeshua. Some of the individuals involved in Hebrew Roots are Mark Blitz, Jonathan Cahn, and Monte Judah. Hebrew Roots puts their members back under the law of the Torah as they believe people must be saved by works rather than by grace.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will send shepherds to His flock so that they can understand the difference between the Holy Seed of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the profane Serpent Seed of the Devil or between good and evil.

“Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding.  (Jeremiah 3:15)

“I shall also raise up shepherds over them and they will tend them; and they will not be afraid any longer, nor be terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the LORD.  (Jeremiah 23:4)

“Moreover, they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.  (Ezekiel 44:23)

When Camping In The Desert, The Israelites Pitched Their Tents In The Formation Of A Cross

In Numbers 2, God gives clear instructions about where each tribe should pitch their tents in the four directions of the compass: three tribes to the north, three to the south, three to the east, and three to the west. But what is interesting is that the number of people in each tribe was not equal. What we find in total are: 
64,600 + 54,400 + 57,400 (Judah, Issachar and Zebulun, to the East) = 186,400
46,500 + 59,300 + 45,650 (Reuben, Simeon and Gad, to the South) = 151,450
40,500 + 32,200 + 35,400 (Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin, to the West) = 108,100
62,700 + 41,500 + 53,400 (Dan, Asher and Naphtali, to the North) = 157,600

If you represent these numbers in centimeters, and try to draw it, you’ll form a cross (18.6cm, 10.8cm, 15.1cm and 15.7cm). The “bottom” of the cross are the more numerous tribes of Judah, Issachar and Zebulun, stretching out to the East, and the top are Rachel’s offspring, camped tents that reach over to the West, with two arms of camps of similar number branching out North and South. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think God does coincidences. He gave the increase to the tribes as he saw fit, and he arranged them around his tabernacle like that on purpose. Israel was moving around the desert, following their God in the cloud, and making the formation of a cross wherever they set up camp.

The Word of God Made Flesh With Laminin

Did you know that within your body, which is the Temple of God in which the Holy Spirit dwells, that there is a protein called Laminin? Laminin is considered the “glue” protein, because it holds all of our tissue together- our skin, intestines and  our muscles would all fall apart without Laminin.

In other words, without Laminin we would be dead, just as without having a close relationship with Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior, you are dead.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
For by Him all things were created—
in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen,
whether thrones or angelic powers
or rulers or authorities.
All was created through Him and for Him.

He exists before everything,
and in Him all holds together.He is the head of the body, His community.
  He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead—
so that He might come to have first place in all things.

For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him
and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself,
making peace through the blood of His cross—
whether things on earth or things in heaven!
(Col 1:15-20)

Is it just a coincidence that a Laminin protein molecule is shaped like a cross, or is our creator telling us he is the “glue” holding all things together on earth and in heaven.

Unleashing The Beast When You Take The Mark Of The Beast! – Exposing Mystery Babylon! WOW! This Thing Holds Your Body Together With Crosses To Represent Messiah Jesus & Will Be Replaced With Sixes To Represent Satan When You Take The Mark Of The Beast! Must See Videos!!


John 1:1-5:

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 [a]He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of Men. 5 And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

The proper term for Word is Logos and the proper name for Jesus is Yeshua which means Salvation.

It was the Logos and Holy Spirit that created Adam and Eve.

The Logos

= 330 or 3+3= 6

= 606 or 60+6=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 101 or 10+1=11 or 8

Yeshua and the Holy Spirit

= 1688 or 6+8+8=22 or 11 or 8

= 1692 or 69-2-1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=   282 or 2+8+2=12 or 6

Isaiah 11:15:  Messiah Jesus will destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt

The Lord will utterly destroy the tongue of the Sea of Egypt; With His mighty wind He will shake His fist over the River, And strike it in the seven streams, And make men cross over dry-shod. (Isaiah 11:15 NKJV)

The tongue of the Sea of Egypt;

= 780 or 80-7=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

= 1164 or 64+2=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 194 or 19+4 =23+1=24 or 12 or 6

the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba

= 1407 or 70+4=74-1=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

= 1386 or 68 (reversed)-3=65 or 65+1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 231 or 23+1 = 24 or 12 or 6


And He will wave His hand over the River (Isaiah 11:15)


= 13 or 13-1 = 12 or 6

= 78 or 7+8 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 13 or 13+1 = 14 or 7

The Holy Spirit

= 939 or 93+9 = 102 or 10+2 = 12 or 6

= 1104 or 11+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 148 or 48+1 = 49 or 7

Jesus the Christ

= 1388 or 88-13=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

= 1104 or 104 or 10+4 = 14 or 7

=   184 or 48+1=49 or 7


= 217 or 17-2=15 or 1+5= 6,                

= 408 or 40+8 = 48 or 48+1=49 or 7

=   68 or 6+8 = 14 or 7

He refers to the Holy Spirit and the Logos who is Jesus the Christ in bodily form.


And He will strike it into seven streams,

= 2845 or 45+28 = 73 or 73-1=72 or 12 or 6

= 2507 or 25+7 = 32 or 8

= 417 or 41+7 = 48 or 4+8=12 or 6

Jesus the Messiah will divert the Nile into seven streams

= 4800 or 48 or 8

= 3636 or 36+36 = 72 or 12 or 6

= 606 or 60+6 = 66 or 6+6 =12 or 6



= 109 or 91 or 9-1= 8

= 174 or 74-1=73 or 7+3=10 or 10-1= 9 

= 27 or 2+7 = 9

The Nile River

= 1061 or 91 or 9-1= 8

=   870 or 80-7=73 or 7+3=10 or 10-1= 9

=   145 or 4+5= 9




= 294 or 49-2=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

= 492 or 462 or 64+2=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=   82 or 28 or 7 or 7+1= 8


= 480 or 48-1=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

= 642 or 64+2=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 107 or 7+1= 8


And make men walk over dry-shod.

= 2568 or 68+5+2=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

= 1686 or 1+6+8+6=21 or 7

= 281 or 28 or 7

And make men walk over wearing shoes

= 3217 or 71+2+3=76 or 76-1=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

= 1986 or 1686 or 1+6+8+6=21 or 7

= 331 or 31-3=28 or 7

11Then it will happen on that day that the Lord

Will again recover the second time with His hand

The remnant of His people, who will remain,

From Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath,

And from the islands of the sea. (Isaiah 11:11)

Isaiah 11:11, Matthew 25:32, Ezekiel 36:33

The Lord

=   267 or 2+6+7=15 or 1+5= 6             

=   492 or 29+4=33 or 22 or 11 or 8       

=     82 or 28 or 2+8=10-1= 9                 

The Logos and Holy Spirit

=  1201 or 10+10+2=22 or 11 or 8         

=  1626 or 2+6+7=15 or 1+5= 6             

=    271 or 27+1=28 or 2+8=10-1= 9      


Will again recover the second time with His hand the remnant of

His people, who will remain

= 6400 or 64 or 8                                               

= 5058 or 58+5=63 or 36 reversed or 6             

=   843 or 48-3=45 or 4+5= 9                              

Will again recover in a second Exodus with His hand the remnant

of Jacob Israel who will survive captivity

= 10397 or 39+7=46 or 46-1=45 or 4+5= 9                         

=   6276 or 627-6=621 or 62+1=63 or 36 reversed or 6      

=  1046 or 64 or 8                                                                



= 129 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8                     

= 300 or 30 or 10-1= 9                            

=   50 or 10-1= 9                                     


= 301 or 30-1=29 or 2+9=11 or 8            

= 306 or 30+6=36 or 3+6= 9

=   51 or 51-1=50 or 10-1= 9                    


Great Britain

= 434 or 43-4=39 or 3+9=12 or 6             

= 744 or 7+4+4=15 or 1+5= 6                 

= 124 or 24 or 8


= 309 or 39 or 3+9=12 or 6                       

= 474 or 4+7+4=15 or 1+5= 6                   

=   79 or 7+9=16 or 8



= 159 or 59 or 5+9=14 or 7

= 378 or 3+7+8=18 or 6

=   63 or 6+3= 9


= 572 or 57+2=59 or 5+9=14 or 7

= 438 or 4+3+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   73 or 7+3=10 or 10-1= 9



=   50 or 5

= 144 or 44+1=45 or 4+5= 9

=   24 or 8


= 228 or 26-2=26 or 2+6= 8

= 414 or 41+4=45 or 4+5= 9

=   69 or 6+6=15 or 5


South Africa

= 548 or 48+5=53 or 5+3= 8

= 726 or 62+7=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6        

= 121 or 21+10=31 or 3+1=4                         


=   56 or 8

= 186 or 68+1=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6           

=   31 or 3+1= 4                                                




= 502 or 5+2= 7

= 612 or 12-6= 6

= 102 or 10-2= 8


= 671 or 6+7+1=14 or 7

= 552 or 5+5+2=12 or 6

=   92 or 9+2=11 or 8


New Zealand

= 1516 or 16+5+1=22 or 11 or 8               

=   630 or 30+6=36 or 6                            

=   105 or  5


=   148 or 14+8=22 or 11 or 8                  

=   306 or 30+6=36 or 6                            

=     51 or 5


And from the Islands of the sea

=    843 or 48-3=45 or 54 reversed or 6

=  1566 or 66+5=71 or 7+1= 8             

=    261 or 16-2=14 or 7

Associated and Overseas Territories of the British Commonwealth

=  3731 or 3+7+3+1=14 or 7

=  3936 or 393-6=387 or 38+7=45 or 54 reversed or 6

=    656 or 65+6=71 or 7+1= 8     

The islands of the sea are made up of British Antarctic Territory, Falkland Islands,  South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Cayman Islands, Atrotiri and Dhekelia, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Monserrat, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, Pitcairn Islands, Gibraltar

= 12858 or 58+8=66 or 66-12=54 or 6

= 17640 or 76-4-1=71 or 7+1= 8                         

=   2940 or 92-40=52 or 5+2= 7              

Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will again recover the second time with His hand (Isaiah 11:11)

‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the waste places will be rebuilt. (Ezekiel 36:33)

“And the LORD will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the way about which I spoke to you, ‘You will never see it again!’ And there you shall offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer.” (Deuteronomy 28:68)

Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will again recover the second time with His hand

= 6121 or 21+61= 82 or 8+2 = 10

= 5208 or 52+8 = 60 or 10

= 868 or 68-8 = 60 or 10

And the Lord will bring you back to Egypt in ships

= 3093 or 93-3=90 or 10

= 2922 or 2622 or 22+6+2=30 or 10

= 487 or 48+7=55 or 5+5=10

“And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; (Matthew 25:32)

He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

= 3696 or 96-36 = 60 or 10

= 5040 or 40+50 = 90 or 10

= 840 or 8+4+0 = 12 or 2-1 = 1 or 10

On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the waste places will be rebuilt

= 7844 or 44+78 = 122 or 12-2 = 10

= 7260 or 72-60 = 12 or 2-1 = 1 or 10

= 1210 or 21-1 = 20 or 10

Please note that the number 10 can only refer to Jesus the Messiah or to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in Holy Gematria.

Isaiah 11:16:

And there will be a highway from Assyria

For the remnant of His people who will be left,

Just as there was for Israel

In the day that they came up out of the land of Egypt. (Isaiah 11:16)

And it will come about in that day, that the LORD will start His threshing from the flowing stream of the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt; and you will be gathered up one by one, O sons of Israel. (Isaiah 27:12)


And it will come about in that day,

= 2207 or 70-22=48 or 4+8=12 or 6

= 1806 or 18+6 = 24 or 6

= 301 or 30-1 = 29 or 2+9 = 11 or 8

The day of the regathering of the surviving remnant on the earth of all Israelites

= 4232 or 4+2+3+2 = 11 or 8

= 4716 or 47+16 = 63 or 36 reversed or 6

= 786 or 78+6 = 84 or 48 or 4+8=12 or 6


His threshing

= 460 or 60+4=64 or 8 

= 846 or 84+6=90 or 10

= 141 or 14+1=15 or 1+5= 6

To snatch away

= 1694 or 69-4=65 or 65-1=64 or 8 

=   900 or 90 or 10

=   150 or 15 or 1+5= 6 

the Harpazo

= 813 or 81+3 = 84 or 48 reversed or 8

= 708 or 7+0+8 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 118 or 18+1 = 19 or reversed 91 or 91-1 = 90 or 10


gathered up

= 470 or 47-1=46 or 4+6= 10

= 630 or 30+6 = 36 or 6

= 105 or 15 or 1+5= 6

the Parousia

= 604 or 46 or 4+6= 10

= 798 or 79+8 = 87 or 8+7 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 133 or 3+3= 6

The threshing and gathering refer to a Parousia. A Parousia is a Greek word meaning the arrival of a King or in this case Messiah Jesus who will then bring all Israelites together from all the countries where they are in captivity alongside of Messiah Jesus for the sheep and goat Judgment which I believe will take place in Egypt before the second Greater Exodus from Egypt begins. 

O sons of Israel

= 581 or 18+5=23 or 32 reversed or 8

= 1002 or 10+2 = 12 or 6

= 167 or 67-1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

The Elect of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

= 2692 or 92-26=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 2262 or 2+2+6+2=12 or 6

= 377 or 37+7=44 or 4+4= 8

It will come about also in that day that a great trumpet will be blown; and those who were perishing in the land of Assyria and who were scattered in the land of Egypt will come and worship the LORD in the holy mountain at Jerusalem. (Isaiah 27:13)


= 671 or 67+1=68 or 6+8=14 or 7     

= 552 or 55-2=53 or 53+1=54 or 6    

=   92 or 9+2=11 or 8                         


= 563 or 63+5=68 or 6+8=14 or 7      

= 495 or 49+5=54 or 6                       

=   83 or 8+3=11 or 8                         


= 572 or 57-2=55 or 5+5=10-1= 9

= 438 or 38+4=42 or 4+2= 6             

=   73 or 73-1=72 or 12 or 6              

The United States of America

= 1042 or 42 or 4+2= 6                     

= 1566 or 66-6=50 or 10-1= 9

=   261 or 62+10=72 or 12 or 6         


The Isaiah 27:13 prophecy is for our day for the destruction of North America and Western Europe.

The word “also” means there will be two events on the same day.

It will come about also in that day

= 2323 or 32+3=35 or 35-2=33 or 3+3= 6

= 1974 or 74-9=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

= 329 or 9+2+3=14 or 7

The harpazo will come about also prior to  a nuclear surprise attack.

= 3972 or 72-39=33 or 3+3= 6                                       

= 4098 or 98-4=94 or 9+4=13 or 13+1=14 or 7                

=   683 or 68-3=65 or 6+5=11 or 8

Let those who persecute me be put to shame, but as for me, let me not be put to shame; Let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed. Bring on them a day of disaster, And crush them with twofold destruction! (Jeremiah 17:18)

And crush them with two fold destruction

= 3397 or 3+3+9+7=22 or 11 or 8

= 2622 or 2+6+2+2=12 or 6

= 437 or 4+3+7=14 or 7

An Electromagnetic Pulse and Nuclear Missile Attack

= 1736 or 36-7=29 or 2+9=11 or 8

= 2838 or 2+8+3+8=21 or 12 reversed or 6

= 473 or 4+7+3=14 or 7                             

“Their widows will be more numerous before Me Than the sand of the seas; I will bring against them, against the mother of a young man, A destroyer at noonday; I will suddenly bring down on her Anguish and dismay. (Jeremiah 15:8)

Matthew 24:38-39 states:

38“For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.  (Matthew 24:38-39)

For the LORD has a day of vengeance, A year of recompense for the cause of Zion.   (Isaiah 34:8)

A day of vengeance

= 1268 or 68+2=70 or 70-10=60 or 10       

=    768 or 86+79=93 or 9+3=12 or 6           

=    128 or 28-10=18 or 6                                  

A day of vengeance against any Israelite who did not partake of the first or second Passover

= 5550 or 55+5=60 or 10                                   

= 8130 or 83+10=93 or 9+3=12 or 6             

=    855 or 8+5+5=18 or 6                                  


A day of vengeance

= 1268 or 86+2=88 or 88-1=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6          

=    768 or 68+7=75 or 7+5=12 or 6                                           

=    128 or 28+10=38 or 3+8=11 or 8                                          

Fifteenth day of Sivan in the year seven hundred and eighty one

= 4078 or 78-40=38 or 3+8=11 or 8                                             

= 3480 or 80+4+3=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6                              

=    580 or 80-5=75 or 7+5=12 or 6                                               

Any Caucasian, who are the true Israelites, that did not partake in the first or second Passover will be punished by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for not following His commandments and ordinances that He gave to His Holy Seed.

The fifteenth of Sivan is the twenty- six of May this year.  There is a total lunar eclipse on May 26 2021.

A year of recompense for the cause of Zion

= 2114 or 41+1+2=44 or 4+4= 8                   

= 2340 or 34-2=32 or 8                                 

=   390 or 39 or 3+9=12 or 6                         

Year Five thousand seven hundred eighty-one

= 3504 or 35+4=39 or 3+9=12 or 6                   

= 2640 or 40-8=32 or 8                                    

=   440 or 44 or 4+4= 8                                    

The year 5781 on the Hebrew Calendar is the year 2021.

While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  (1 Thessalonians 5:3)       

While they are saying peace and safety

= 2809 or 89-2=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6     

= 2034 or 34-2=32 or 8                                

=   339 or 33-9=24 or 12 or 6

The Start Nuclear Arms Control Treaty renewed

= 3102 or 31+2=33 or 33-1=32 or 8                        

= 2976 or 76+9+2=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6            

=   517 or 7+1+5=13 or 13-1=12 or 6

On February 3rd, 2021 the Start Nuclear Arms Control Treaty was renewed by America and Russia for a five year period.


= 599 or 5+9+9=23 or reversed 32 or 8         

= 384 or 38+4=42 or 4+2= 6                          

=     64 or 8

The United States of America and Great Britain

= 1521 or 25-2=23 or 32 reversed or 8                   

= 2424 or 42 or 4+2=6                                           

=   404 or 4+4= 8

Come, my people, enter into your rooms, And close your doors behind you; Hide for a little while, Until indignation runs its course. (Isaiah 26:20)


= 309 or 30-9=21 or 7

= 696 or 69+6=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

= 116 or 16 or 8

God’s Recompense

= 519 or 5+1+9=15 or 15+1=16 or 8

= 948 or 9+4+8=21 or 7

= 158 or 85-10=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

Nuclear detonation

= 748 or 48-7=41 or 4+1=5 or 5+1= 6

= 1146 or 1+10+4+6=21 or 7

= 191 or 16 or 8

Day of the Lord

=   728 or 28-7=21 or 7                

=   798 or 79+8=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6      

=   133 or 13+3=16 or 8                                   

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10 KJV)

Thus says the LORD of hosts, “The broad wall of Babylon will be completely razed, And her high gates will be set on fire; So the peoples will toil for nothing, And the nations become exhausted only for fire.” (Jeremiah 51:58)

The broad walls of Babylon

= 1852 or 1+8+5+2=16 or 8

= 1392 or 29+3+1=33 or 3+3=6

= 232 or 2+3+2= 7

The broad expanse of North America

= 1214 or 14+2=16 or 8

= 1818 or 8+1+8=17 or 7

= 303 or 33 or 3+3= 6


And the nations become exhausted only for fire

= 2042 or 24+2=26 or 2+6= 8

= 2622 or 2+6+2+2=12 or 6

= 437 or 43+7=50 or 10-1= 9

After a nuclear strike the United Nations invading army will be unable to extinguish the firestorms across North America

= 6474 or 74-64=10-1= 9

= 7236 or 72-36=36 or 12 or 6

= 1206 or 20+6=26 or 2+6= 8

Also stay away from the coastlines (both east and west coasts) as per Jeremiah 51:42-43.

The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof. Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby. (Jeremiah 51:42-43 KJV)

It is interesting that there is four witnesses or four bible verses in relation to the harpazo and destruction of America and Britain or Manasseh and Ephraim, namely Isaiah 27:13, Matthew 25:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and Isaiah 26:20.

I will now let you know who the enemies within your midst are based on the information Apostle Paul gave to us in Ephesians 6:12.  Just remember the following. Everything that has or will happen to America or Britain and the Commonwealth is controlled by the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. These events were destined to take place from the time the earth was created. Think of Our Father as the producer and director of this play we are all living through currently. Everything runs according to His plans and schedule. Our Father has brought all evil to earth today from the time of creation in order for Jesus the Messiah to destroy all evil as well as death for all time (1 Corinthians 15:26).

Ephesians 6:12 Our Spiritual Enemies

The solution to the Ephesians 6:12 bible verse is as follows:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  (Ephesians 6:12 KJV)


=  495 or 49+5=54 or 6                         (6×9)

=  960 or 96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=  160 or 16 or 8

Elohim and Bene ha’elohim                   (Hebrew for gods and sons of gods)

=   350 or 53+1=54 or 6

= 1068 or 86 +10=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=   178 or 1+7+8=16 or 8

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob created gods and goddesses prior to creating man. (number of them unknown) However, they revolted against the rule of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when they found out that man was to be created and rule over them. Three of these gods and one son of a god are mentioned in the King James Bible, namely Anu, Enki, Enlil and the son of Enki, Marduk. These gods, also known as nobles, have always ruled over man. They do die, but transmigrate. Jeremiah 10:11 tells us they will all perish, as does Isaiah 34:12. These gods are also referred to as Anunnaki. The Anunnaki today are in all of the corridors of power in all countries. Their objective is to kill all of humankind and have the planet for themselves.

The Powers

= 1298 or 98-2=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

= 774 or 47+7=54 or 6                         

= 129 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8

The Neplilim

=  294 or 94+2=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6   

=  714 or 14+7=21 or 12 reversed or 6

=  119 or 19+10=29 or 2+9=11 or 8 


= 1187 or 87+10=97 or 97-1=96 or 9+6=15 or 1+5= 6

=   582 or 82+5=87 or 8+7=15 or 1+5= 6

=     97 or 9+7=16 or 8

Watchers are a class of angel that came down to earth to take wives from among humankind. There were two hundred who fell, and their leader was Samyaza. They were originally locked in prison, but were let loose when satan was expelled from heaven. They are also referred to as Nephilim in the Bible, as well as other names. (Genesis 6:1-6, Numbers 13:33 and Deuteronomy 2:20-21) The term Nephilim means “the fallen ones.” The Nephilim are mentioned in great detail in the books of Enoch and Jubilees.  Neplilim kill in order to take over a person’s body and identity.     

The Rulers of the darkness of this world

=  2394 or 2+3+9+4=18 or 9                              

=  2520 or 25+2=27 or 72 reversed or 12 or 6    

=    420 or 20+2=24 or 12 or 6

Rephaim and demons

=    570 or 5+7=12 or 6             

=  1152 or 15+2+1=18 or 9       

=    192 or 1+9+2=12 or 6

The Rephaim were the children produced when the Nephilim mated with human women. Rephaim means “the dead ones” as they do not have souls and therefore do not have a conscience. They must take over and possess a human being in order to enter our dimension, or otherwise they remain as demons. A human being must be willing for the possession to occur, such as being involved in witchcraft or Satan worship. A human being can be possessed by a single demon or by a multitude of demons, such as the case of Legion as told in Mark Chapter 5 who had been possessed by 2000 demons. Demons are also referred to as Grigori, as these try to pose as alien beings from outer space. Demons are inter-deminsional beings and not inter-galactic beings. Earth is a prison colony and nothing can leave or enter its atmosphere. Some individuals have been kidnapped by these demons. Crying out for the protection of Jesus will protect you.

Spiritual wickedness in high places

=  1985 or 9+8+5=22 or 11 or 8   

=   2088 or 8+8+2=18 or 8

=     348 or 48+3=51 or 5+1= 6    

Pontifex Maximus

=   1230 or 23-1=22 or 11 or 8

=   1254 or 54-3=51 or 5+1= 6     

=     209 or 2+9=11 or 8

Edomites Jesuits and Freemasons

=  1829 or 29-8=21 or 21+1=22 or 11 or 8            

=  1962 or 62-10=52 or 52-1=51 or 5+1= 6           

=    327 or 27-3=24 or 8

Pontifex Maximus is the title of the Roman Catholic Pope.  Pope Francis is a Jew and a Jesuit. Edomites are Jews according to their own writings. They are not Hebrews, Semites or Israelites. Jews are Edomites as their own 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol.5, page 41) states that modern Jewry ARE NOT ISRAELITES BUT ARE EDOMITES. Edomites are Khazars, and are in control of every religion and every secret society today. All Jesuits and Freemasons use oaths and are all controlled by the Jews. But what did Jesus have to say regarding this subject?

Matthew 5:34-37 tells us not to make any oaths:

34“But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. 36“Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37“But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; and anything beyond these is of evil.  (Matthew 5:34-37)

If you are a mason or a member of a secret society and have any concerns in regards to your soul, renounce your membership, repent and accept Jesus the Christ as your personal savior, and then obtain a full immersion baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites.  They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago.  The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white.  The Jews are descended from Cain who was fathered by the Nachash (the shining one) through his rape of Eve in the Garden of Eden.  The Jews are antiChrist as they have rejected Christ and they worship Lucifer.  Both Isaiah 34:6 and Ezekiel 35:15 state that the Edomites will be entirely destroyed. Only those who convert to Christianity will be saved. About ninety percent of the Khazars today are Edomites. Edomites are in control of the Jesuits and the Vatican, as well as all secret societies such as the Freemasons.

Jude was the author of the Epistle of Jude, and was the third son of Miriam. (Miriam is the proper name of Mary, the mother of Jesus) This Epistle is short, but long on the information we require.

For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only master and Lord, Jesus Christ. (Jude 1:4)

For certain persons have crept in unnoticed

= 2251 or 51+22=73 or 7+3 = 10-1= 9

= 2646 or 2+6+4+6=18 or 1+8 = 9

= 441 or 44 or 4+4= 8

Elohim and Bene ha’elohim have crept in unnoticed

= 1812 or 81-10 =71+2=73 or 7+3 = 10 or 10-1= 9

= 2424 or 24-(2+4) = 18 or 1+8= 9

= 404 or 40+4 = 44 or 4+4= 8

Elohim and bene ha’elohim is Hebrew for the gods and the sons of the gods respectively that were created in the first creation prior to the first man.

The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens. (Jeremiah 10:11)

Those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation (Jude 1:4)

= 3714 or 37+14 = 51 or 51-1 = 50 or 10-1= 9

= 3720 or 3+7+2+0 = 12 or 6

= 620 or 20-6 = 14 or 4

The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens      (Jeremiah 10:11)

= 4406 or 44+6 = 50 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 5628 or 56+2+8 = 66 or 6+6 = 12 or 6

= 938 or 93-8=85 or 8+5=13 or 1+3= 4

The Elohim or the Hosts of Heaven were created prior to man on the second day of creation, the only day in which God does not say “and it was good.” In Hebrew, the Elohim and bene ha’elohim are Gods and the sons of gods. The Gods and sons of the gods were supposed to be ruled by man. They rejected being ruled by man, and revolted, resulting in the first destruction of earth. (Jeremiah 4:23-26). Gods and sons of the gods do die in accidents or battle but they transmigrate. They have constantly ruled over us, and will continue to do so until Jesus returns and sets up His earthly kingdom. Gods and the sons of the gods all belong to either of two families namely the Enkites and the Enlilites. They are united in only one goal. The complete extinction of humankind. These two groups are in power all over our world, and they are indistinguishable from any race of people on earth. They have successfully integrated in all countries. If I had to describe them I would say fascists, Nazis, and atheists.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not leave mankind powerless against these evil forces. God Almighty rescued 144,000 of His creation prior to the first destruction of earth, and has promised to do so again prior to another destruction of earth (Revelation 7:4). These 144,000 bondservants were created in the first creation by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as immortals and kept their DNA pure and did not pollute their DNA by intermingling with the other preAdamic races and the elohim and bene ha’elohim on the earth. They are the only human beings on earth that transmigrate. They do not pass on this gift of transmigration to their children.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob also promised that Abraham’s seed would be as numerous as the sands of the seashore so these evil Anunnaki (the Enkites and Enlilites) will never be successful in exterminating the tribes of Israel, although they will try. The Anunnaki have been successful in reducing the white population through mongrelization of the white race, promoting abortion and now the Covid-19 vaccines which will change our DNA.

The King James Version of the Bible mentions Anu, the father of Enki and Enlil, as well as the son of Enki, Marduk, who is the Anunnaki’s ruler until the end of the Age of Pisces.

Revelation 6:1-8  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


=  308 or 80-3=77 or 7+7=14 or 1+4= 5

=  582 or 82-5=77 or 7+7=14 or 1+4= 5

=     97 or 9+7=16 or 8

Elohim and Bene ha’elohim

=   350 or 35 or 3+5= 8

= 1068 or 68+10=78 or 7+8=15 or 15-1=14 or 1+4= 5

=   178 or 78-1=77 or 7+7=14 or 1+4= 5

During the biblical times of Jesus, the Four Horsemen really were horsemen, that is they were priests who visited villages in the Diaspora, riding on horses because of their superior status. More humble persons in those days rode on donkeys. Because of the distances involved, the priest would come to a village for a season, arriving on the 31st of the solar calendar, the day when the season was considered to begin, staying for three months to teach, and leaving on the 31st after the three month stay after the arrival of the next priest who would assume the teaching role. Because their organization was based on the four seasons of the year, they used colors for the seasons, carrying a banner of the appropriate color for the season attached to the horse’s neck. The priest, who arrived for summer, the Pentecost season that was primary in Ephesus, carried a white banner. Following him, the priest for autumn carried a red banner. After him the priest in winter carried a black banner, and then the priest for spring carried a green one. In Revelation the word chloros was translated “pale” to avoid the improbability of there being a green horse.

The colors of the horses in Revelation Chapter 6 appear in the correct chronological order according to the seasons [summer (white), autumn (red), winter (black) and spring (green)].

The White Horse

And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer. (Revelation 6:2)

And I looked and behold a white horse

= 1583 or 1+5+8+3 = 17 or 1+7 = 8

= 1716 or 16+17 = 33 or 3+3 = 6

= 286 or 28+6 = 34 or 3+4= 7

The United States of America

= 1042 or 24 reversed +10=34 or 3+4= 7

= 1566 or 5+6+6 = 17 or 8

= 261 or 26+10=36 or 6


And he who sat on it had a bow

= 2372 or 2+3+7+2 = 14 or 7

= 1380 or 1+3+8+0 = 12 or 6

= 230 or 32 reversed or 8

And he who sat on it was the False Messiah

= 2865 or 2+8+6+5 = 21 or 7

= 2214 or 22+14 = 36 or 12 or 6

= 369 or 39-6=33 or 33-1=32 or 8


And a crown was given to him

= 1548 or 48+5+1=54 or 6

= 3068 or 68+3=71 or 7+1= 8

=   258 or 58-2=56 or 8

President and Commander in Chief

=  761 or 61-7=54 or 6

= 1614 or 14+16 = 30 or 6

=   269 or 69+2 = 71 or 7+1 = 8


and he went out conquering, and to conquer.

= 2600 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8

= 2520 or 25+20 = 45 or 54 reversed or 6

= 420 or 24 or 8

and he went out conquering and to conquer through imposing

economic sanctions and import tariffs to strive to make America

great again.

= 6337 or 6+3+3+7=19 or 9-1= 8

= 7950 or 79-50=29 or 2+9=11 or 8

= 1325 or 325 or 52(reversed) +3 = 55 or 55-1= 54 or 6


Leader of a coalition of elohim planning to destroy humankind

= 2070 or 70+20=90 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 3426 or 3+4+2+6 = 15 or 5

= 571 or 75 or 7+5=12 or 6

Donald John Trump

= 1287 or 87+2+1=90 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 1110 or 10+1+1=12 or 6

= 185 or 85+1=86 or 8+6=14 or 1+4= 5


= 325 or 3+2+5=10 or 10-1= 9

= 408 or 40+8=48 or 4+8=12 or 6 

= 68 or 86 reversed or 8+6=14 or 1+4=5

Cyrus the Great

= 1079 or 79 or 10 =89 or 89+1=90 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 1020 or 10+2 =12 or 6

= 170 or 70-1 = 69 or 6+9 = 15 or 5

Many Jews believe Donald Trump to be the transmigration of Cyrus the Great who will allow them to rebuild the third temple.

The Holy Gematria confirms that Donald Trump was indeed Cyrus the Great but that Trump is actually Marduk, King of the Elohim during the Age of Pisces. See Jeremiah 50:2)

A Red Horse

And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men should slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. (Revelation 6:4)

Red Horse

= 322 or 32-2 = 30 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 552 or 5+5+2 = 12 or 6

=   92 or 9+2 = 11 or 8

People’s Republic of China

= 786 or 78+6 = 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 1380 or 8+3 = 11 or 8

=   230 or 30-2 = 28 or 2+8 = 10 or 10-1 = 9


And to him who sat on it

= 1590 or 1+5+9=15 or 1+5= 6

= 1368 or 68-4=64 or 8

=   228 or 28+2 = 30 or 10-1 = 9

Xi Jinping                                                 (President of China)

= 1074 or 74-10 = 64 or 8

=   672 or 6+7+2 = 15 or 1+5= 6

=   112 or 11-2 = 9


It was granted to take peace from the earth

= 2150 or 50+2=52 or 52-1=51 or reversed 15 or 1+5= 6

= 2280 or 80+4=84 or reversed 48 or 48-1=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

= 380 or 3+8+0=11 or 8

It was granted to attack the Israelites

= 2224 or 24+22 = 46 or 46+1=47 or 4+7=11 or 8

= 2292 or 2+2+9+2 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

=   382 or 38+2=40 or 8


Jacob Israel

=  861 or 16 reversed-8= 8                                                    

=  570 or 75 or 7+5=12 or 6

=    95 or 9+5=14 or 7

Twelve nations

= 2060 or 2+6= 8

= 1074 or 74+1=75 or 7+5=12 or 6                      

=   179 or 97-1=96 or 96-1=95 or 9+5=14 or 7    

Thirteen Tribes

=   633 or 63+3 = 66 or 6

= 1032 or 32+10 = 42 or 7

=   172 or 72 or 8

Britain and the Commonwealth, America and Western Europe

= 3430 or 34+30=64 or 8

= 3120 or 3+1+2= 6

=   520 or 5+2=7

Ephraim is Britain and the Commonwealth Nations and Manasseh is the USA.

Levi is the only Tribe that was not a Nation and lives among the other 12 nations.

Xi Jinping’s primary focus will be to pillage America, Britain and the British Commonwealth nations first and then attack these countries with nuclear weapons. The European nations appear to be spared from nuclear destruction in prophecy but I certainly would not recommend moving to Europe as they will undergo famine, pestilence and disease.

and that men should slay one another

= 1591 or 59-2=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

= 2106 or 60+2=62 or 6+2= 8

=   351 or 35 or 3+5 = 8

Christian martyrdom worldwide

= 3087 or 87-30=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

= 2046 or 64-2=62 or 6+2= 8

=   341 or 34+1= 35 or 3+5= 8


and a great sword was given to him

= 3312 or 33+12 = 45 or 4+5 = 9

= 1890 or 90-18 = 72 or 12 or 6

= 315 or 31-5 = 26 or 2+6 = 8

And a great nuclear arsenal was given to him

= 2774 or 2+7+7+4 = 20 or 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 2280 or 2+2+8+0 = 12 or 6

= 380 or 3+8+0 = 11 or 8


Isaiah 46:11 A bird of prey from the east

A bird of prey from the east

= 1172 or 72+2=74 or 7+4=11 or 8

= 1494 or 1+4+9+4=18 or 9

= 249 or 2+4+9=15 or 1+5 = 6

Xi Jinping

= 1074 or 74 or 7+4=11 or 8

=   672 or 6+7+2=15 or 1+5= 6

=   112 or 12-1=11 or 10-1= 9

Xi Jinping is the bird of prey from the east of Isaiah 46:11

A Black Horse

And when He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. (Revelation 6:5)


= 88 or 16-1=15 or 1+5= 6

= 216 or 16+2=18 or 9

= 36 or 6


= 222 or 22+2=24 or 12 or 6

= 492 or 4+9+2=15 or 1=5= 6

= 82 or 8+2 = 10 or 10-1 = 9


= 1052 or 25+10=35 or 35+1=36 or 6

= 1194 or 1+1+9+4=15 or 1+5= 6

= 199 or 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 9


And I looked and behold a black horse

= 597 or 97+5 = 102 or 10+2 = 12 or 6

= 1500 or 5                                                         (also equates to a year)

= 250 or 25 or 5

The Russian Federation

= 923 or 23+9=32 or 3+2= 5

= 1386 or 98 +4 = 102 or 10+2=12 or 6             (also equates to a year)

= 231 or 23+1 = 24 or 24+1= 25 or 5

The year 1500 also equates to a year. The year 1500 was seen by many Christians in Europe as the beginning of the end of the world. Their belief was based on the phrase “half time after the time”, when the apocalypse was due to occur, which appears in the Book of Revelation and was seen as referring to 1500. Historically, the year 1500 is also often identified as marking the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Early Modern Era.

The year 1386 also equates to a year. The following happened in 1386: February 24 – Elizabeth of Bosnia, the mother of the overthrown Queen Mary of Hungary and Croatia, arranges the assassination of Charles III of Naples, the ruler of

Hungary, Naples, Achaea and Croatia with the result that Mary is reinstated as Queen of Hungary and Croatia.

Could the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob be warning us that another Elizabeth today will be behind the assassination of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner to return America to Britain as a colony? (See Revelation 11:7-10)

In the beginning when the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob created the heavens and the Earth, the Earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep. (Genesis 1:1-2)

The black horse represents the Earth as it was in Genesis. Due to nuclear war, the Earth will come close to returning as it once was – a formless void covered by darkness. It also represents famine, another result of the war. The black horse also attended the opening of the third seal. The number three in the third seal represents indissolubility. The black horse is the end result of the three other horses which bring war, inflation, disease and pestilence.

Black has a special meaning here. The word Black or its variations such as Dark or Darkness occurs eighteen times in the Bible, fifteen of which are in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament.

Black has the following meanings in the Bible:

1) Famine due to drought (Jeremiah 14:1-2)

2) Famine due to war (Revelation 6:5)

3) Mourning and Sorrow (Job 30:28)

4) Period of time when there is no spiritual light such as Nazi Germany (Micah 3:6)

Black can also represent:

5) God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s judgment (Zechariah 6:2)

6) Suffering for one’s sins (Job 3:5)

Interestingly, black can also represent a place of temporary restraint for the Nephilim in Antarctica called Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4). Is that why, after a meeting with Pope Francis in 2016, Patriarch Krill of the Russian Orthodox Church visited Antarctica?

Black can also represent the Power of Evil (Acts 26:18).

For if God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into Tartarus and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; (2 Peter 2:4).


= 652 or 56-2=54 or 6

= 708 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

= 118 or 18 or 9


= 338 or 3+3+8=14 or 14+1=15 or 1+5= 6

= 540 or 54 or 6

= 90 or 9


and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand

= 2044 or 20+44 = 64 or 6+4 = 10 or 5

= 2400 or 24 or 6

= 400 or 40 or 10-1= 9

Vladimir Putin (President of Russia)

= 1262 or 62+2 = 64 or 6+4 = 10 or 5 (also equates to a year)

= 1008 or 10+8 = 18 or 9

= 168 or 16+8 = 24 or 6

The Gematria number 1262 also equates to a year. The following happened in 1262: King Mindaugas of Lithuania renounces Christianity, returning to his pagan roots, and reverting to Grand Duke of Lithuania.

Is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob telling us that many Christians are turning their backs on Jesus’ teachings and returning to the Mosaic Law through the Hebrew Roots movement? They are being led like sheep to the slaughter by Hebrew Roots. Galatians 3:1 tells us about the foolish Galatians, who were bewitched by going back under the law after Jesus the Messiah was crucified.

And he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand

= 2044 or 44+20=64 or 8

= 2400 or 24 or 6

= 400 or 10 or 10-1= 9

weighing his options whether to go to war against America and the British Commonwealth

= 5082 or 5+0+8+2=15 or 1+5= 6

= 6005 or 60+5=65 or 65-1=64 or 8

= 847 or 47+8 = 55 or 5+5 = 10 or 10-1= 9

And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:6)


And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying,

= 4906 or 49+6 = 55 or 5+5 = 10

= 4272 or 4+2+7+2=15 or 1+5 = 6

= 712 or 7+1+2 = 10

And I heard as it were the voice of The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the center of the four Cherubim saying

= 5220 or 52+2=54 or 54+1=55 or 5+5=10

= 5208 or 5+2+8=15 or 1+5 =6

                          =   868 or 68-8=60 or 10


                          “A quart of wheat for a denarius,

= 2088 or 8+8+2=18 or 9

= 1722 or 72+2=74 or 74-1=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

=   287 or 28-7 = 21 or 12 reversed or 6

High inflation

=  307 or 70+3=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

=  792 or 7+9+2=18 or 9

=  132 or 23-1=22 or 22-1=21 or 12 reversed or 6


and three quarts of barley for a denarius

= 1914 or 1+9+1+4=15 or 1+5= 6 (also equates to a year)

= 2316 or 23+6=29 or 2+9=11 or 10-1= 9

= 386 or 38-6=32 or 3+2= 5

Worldwide famine

= 2063 or 63-2 = 61 or 6-1= 5

= 966 or 96-6 = 90 or 10-1= 9

= 161 or 16-1 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

June 28, 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria: Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, 19, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Duchess Sophie, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, triggering the July Crisis and World War I.

November 16, 1914 A year after being created by passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opens for business

Could the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob be warning us to expect a financial collapse of the U.S. dollar and Armageddon?

And do not harm the oil and the wine

= 1712 or 71+2=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

= 1794 or 1+7+9+4 = 21 or reversed 12 or 6      (also equates to a year)

= 299 or 99-2=97 or 9+7=16 or 8

And do not harm the countries of Europe and the Middle East

= 1980 or 80+19 = 99 or 99+1=100 or 10-1= 9   (also equates to a year)

= 3174 or 3+1+7+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 529 or 92+5=97 or 9+7=16 or 8

The Holy Gematria number 1794 pertains to a year. The following occurred in 1794:

May 7 – Robespierre establishes the Cult of the Supreme Being as the new state religion of the French First Republic during the French Revolution.

April 5 – French Revolution: Reign of Terror began with executions by guillotine. July 12 – Horatio Nelson loses the sight in his right eye, in the British Siege of Calvi in COrsischa.

Note to my readers. This event on July 12 1794 in regards to Horatio Nelson losing his eyesight is relevant to the antiChrist whose right eye shall be totally blinded (Zechariah11:17) as you will see later.

Could the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob be warning us that civil war, imprisonment and capital punishment by guillotine is coming to America? is the antiChrist with his one world government and one world religion ready to be introduced?

The Holy Gematria number 1980 also pertains to a year. The following occurred in 1980:

March 22 – The Georgia Guidestones are erected in Elbert County, Georgia.

May 18 – The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano in Washington state.

June 23 – Tim Berners-Lee begins work on ENQUIRE, the system that will eventually lead to the creation of the World Wide Web in fall 1990.

September 22 – The command council of Iraq orders its army to “deliver its fatal blow on Iranian military targets,” initiating the Iran–Iraq War.

October 10 – The 7.1 Magnitude  El Asnam earthquake shakes northern Algeria killing 5,000.

October 25 – Proceedings on the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction conclude at The Hague.

Could the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob be telling us He will be returning to destroy Freemasonry, all secret societies, and child trafficking once and for all? Could another Middle East war be imminent? Will the prince of the power of the air’s Internet and television system’s permanently crash?

An Ashen Horse

And I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:8)

and three quarts of barley for a denarius

= 1914 or 1+9+1+4=15 or 1+5= 6 (also equates to a year)

= 2316 or 23+6=29 or 2+9=11 or 10-1= 9

= 386 or 38-6=32 or 3+2= 5

Worldwide famine

= 2063 or 63-2 = 61 or 6-1= 5

= 966 or 96-6 = 90 or 10-1= 9

= 161 or 16-1 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

Schicklgruber was the family name of Adolf Hitler before he changed the name to Hitler. Akibeel is the name of the fallen Watcher that possessed Hitler during World War Two and is currently possessing Hitler today, who is in the body of Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. Erdogan and Hitler look uncannily similar.

And Hades was following with him

= 3310 or 33+10=43 or 4+3= 7                    

= 1812 or 18-2=16 or 16+1=17 or 1+7= 8   

=   302 or 30+2=32 or 8                                

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei

= 1343 or 34-3=31 or 31+1=32 or 8             

= 1614 or 46-2=44 or 44-1= 43 or 4+3= 7    

=   269 or 2+6+9=17 or 1+7= 8                      

We can determine who Ali Khamenei actually is.

Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei

= 1343 or 43+3+1=47 or 4+7=11 or 8       

= 1614 or 1+6+1+4=12 or 6

=   269 or 2+6+9=17 or 1+7= 8


=  107 or 10+7=17 or 1+7= 8                     

=  282 or 2+8+2=12 or 6                            

=    47 or 4+7= 11 or 8                       

Ananel is one of the top twenty of the two hundred fallen Watchers mentioned in the Book of Enoch. Ananel is possessing Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei who is the Supreme Leader of Iran.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob created gods and goddesses prior to creating man. The number of these hosts of heaven is unknown. However, they revolted against the rule of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when they found out that man was to be created and rule over them. Three of these gods and one son of a god are mentioned in the King James Bible, namely Anu, Enki, Enlil and the son of Enki, Marduk. These gods, also known as nobles, have always ruled over man. They do die, but transmigrate. Jeremiah 10:11 tells us they will all perish, as does Isaiah 34:12. These gods are also referred to as Anunnaki. The Anunnaki today are in all of the corridors of power in all countries. Their objective is to kill all of humankind and have the planet for themselves. So let me tell you who some of the Anunnaki are today.

Revelation 12:17 states: the dragon went off to make war with her (Eve’s) offspring who keep the Commandments of God and hold to the Testimony of Jesus.

The dragon

=   295 or 29+5=34 or 3+4=7

=   552 or 5+5+2=12 or 6

=     92 or 9-2= 7


=   241 or 24+10=34 or 3+4= 7

=   216 or 912 or 91+2=93 or 93-1=92 or 9-2= 7

=     36 or 12 or 6

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild

= 1459 or 95-4=91 or 91+1=92 or 9-2=7

= 1782 or 28+7=35 or 35-1=34 or 3+4= 7

=   297 or 29+7=36 or 12 or 6

In Holy Gematria, we are allowed to change a 6 to 9 or a 9 to 6 as we have done with 216 above.


=    64 or 8

=  234 or 43-2=41 or 14 reversed or 7

=    39 or 63 or 6+3= 9

Vladimir Putin

= 1262 or 62+2=64 or 8

= 1008 or 80+1=81 or 8+1= 9

=   168 or 6+8=14 or 7

Mao Tse-tung

=   623 or 62+3=65 or 65-1=64 or 8

=    810 or 81 or 8+1= 9

=    135 or 35-1=34 or 3+4= 7

The Anunnaki Enki is Vladimir Putin today and was Mao Tse-tung



=     94 or 9+4=13 or 1+4= 4

=   312 or 12+3=15 or 1+5= 6

=      52 or 5-2= 3

Xi Jinping

= 1074 or 7-4= 3

=   672 or 6+7+2=15 or 1+5= 6

=   112 or 12+1=13 or 1+3= 4

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

= 3559 or 59+5+3=67 or 6+7=13 or 1+3= 4

= 2322 or 23+22=45 or 54 reversed or 6

=   387 or 38-7=31 or 3

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili is the real name of Joseph Stalin and he was the Anunnaki   Enlil and is Xi Jinping today.

Revelation 13:1 states:  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

The Calculation of the Beast 666 or the antiChrist

Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is six hundred three score and six. (Revelation 13:18)

He that hath understanding

=   959 or 59-9=50 or 10-1= 9    

= 1494 or 49+5=54 or 6

=   249 or 49-2=47 or 4+7=11 or 8 

He that hath understanding of Holy Gematria

= 2147 or 47+1+2=50 or 10-1= 9

= 2100 or 10+2=12 or 6

=   350 or 50-3=47 or 4+7=11 or 8 

Father Son and Holy Spirit

= 1251 or 52-2=50 or 10-1= 9

= 1656 or 6+5+6=17 or 7-1= 6             

=   276 or 6+7=13 or 13-2= 11 or 8

Holy Gematria belongs to the Father Son and Holy Spirit as the three numbers of 9-6-8 proves.

For it is the number of a man

=   942 or 9+4=13-2=11 or 8

= 1512 or 12+5=17 or 7-1= 6                  

=   252 or 52-2=50 or 10-1= 9  

For it is the name city and country of birth of a man

= 2346 or 3+4+6=13-2=11 or 8

= 2892 or 2+8+9+2=21 or 12 reversed or 6            

=   482 or 48+3=50 or 10-1= 9

The number 666 consists of three digits or three pieces of information, namely the name, city and country of birth. We then must locate a conqueror whose name, city and country add to 600 three score (60) and 6.

Six six six

= 1197 or 97+11 = 108 or 10+8 = 18 or 6

= 936 or 93+6 = 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 6

= 156 or 1+5+6 = 12 or 6

three pieces of information

= 841 or 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 1608 or 16+8 = 24 or 6

= 268 or 26-8 = 18 or 6

name city and place of birth

= 1761 or 61+17 = 78 or 7+8 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 1818 or 18+18 = 36 or 6

= 303 or 3+0+3 = 6

We must first see how the number 666 relates to man. An atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Carbon-12 is one of five elements that make up human DNA, being composed of six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons, or 666. This is how 666 relates to man. Carbon-12 is the more abundant of the two staple isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon. Its abundance is due to the triple-alpha process, by which it is created by the stars. Our bodies are actually atoms, which are connected to the entire solar system! Songwriter Joni Mitchell was correct in the song she wrote entitled “Woodstock”. We are all Star Dust!

I will now identify who the beast of Revelation 13:1 actually is today.

Revelation 13:1 KJV states:  And saw a beast rise up out of the sea.

Revelation 13:7 states: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.  Revelation 13:7 applies to Antonio Guterres.

Rise up out of the sea

= 1059 or 59-1=58 or 5+8=13 or 1+3= 4

= 1338 or 83-3=80 or 80+1=81 or 8+1= 9

=   223 or 32+2=34 or 34-1=33 or 3+3= 6

Rise up out of the United Nations

= 1651 or 51+6+1=58 or 5+8=13 or 1+3= 4

= 2178 or 78++2+1=81 or 8+1= 9

=   363 or 36-3=33 or 3+3= 6

On 13 October 2016, the UN General Assembly adopted by acclamation a resolution to formally appoint António Guterres of Portugal as Secretary-General for a five-year term of office, starting on 1 January 2017.  Antonio Guterres has  announced his intention to seek a second five-year term which would begin on 1 January 2022.

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, the current Secretary General of the United Nations, was born on 30 April 1949 in Lisbon Portugal. Note that Portugal is part of one of the Tribes of Israel.

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres = 2202 or 2+2+0+2 = 6 )*

Lisbon = 426 or 42+6 = 48 )*

Subtotal = 2202+426 = 2628 or 2+6+2+8 = 18 or 6

Alternatively Σ* = The Sum of 6 +48 = 54 or 6                 (6×9 = 54)

Portugal = 660

Country of Birth = 660 + (Full Name + City of Birth) = 6

Total 660+6

António Guterres will be the ruler of the New World Order. António Guterres who is the last world leader is actually Nimrod who was the first world leader who was in charge of building the Tower of Babel.  He is again trying to usurp  the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Creator of the Universe, through the use of CERN, the Large Hadron Collider which is located along the Franco-Swiss border. CERN’s headquarters is in the town of Meyrin, which is not far from Geneva Switzerland. CERN is actually a weapon which is trying to create a hole in the veil that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob stretched over the entire earth (Isaiah 25:7). Earth is actually a prison colony. After the removal from earth of the Saints or Firstfruits and the Holy Spirit in the Harpazo, Cern will be successful in tearing the veil, allowing dark matter and every evil imaginable to descend to earth. Men’s hearts will fail them from fear (Luke 21:25-26). However as I stated previously, the main objective of Nimrod is to attempt to kill Jesus when he touches down and returns to earth by having Jesus sucked into the black hole they are trying to create by tearing the veil. See Psalm 2:4-5 and Psalm 37:12-15 for the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s reaction to Nimrod’s and humankind’s efforts. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob laughs at the wicked in derision. Antonio Guterres is also the Little Horn of Daniel 7:25.

Antonio Manuel Guterres

= 1153 or 35-1-1=33 or 33-1=32 or 3+2= 5     

= 1602 or 60+2=62 or 62-10=52 or 5+2= 7     

=   267 or 76-2=74 or 74-1=73 or 7+3=10-1=9 


=  213 or 23 or 32 reversed 3+2= 5                                             

=  438 or 43+8=51 or 51+1=52 or 5+2= 7       

=    73 or 7+3=10-1= 9                                      

A Little Horn

=  433 or 33+4=37 or reversed 73 or 10-1= 9

=  804 or 40-8=32 or 3+2= 5

=  134 or 43+10=53 or 53-1=52 or 5+2= 7

When there is an aleph or 1 in the middle names, it is acceptable to drop it as it is neutral.

Where there are more than one middle names, it is acceptable to just use the first middle name.  Antonio Guterres’s full name is Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres.     

The three major characters that make up the evil trinity of the New World Order are Antonio Guterres, Pope Francis and Bill Gates with the same Gematria numbers of 1206 and 201.

Antonio Guterres (Secretary General of the United Nations)

= 857 or 85+7 = 92 or 9-2 = 7

= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9

=   201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7

Jorge Mario Bergoglio. (Pope Francis)

= 1142 or 142 or 1+4+2 = 7

= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9

=   201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7

William Henry Gates                  (Bill Gates)

= 1725 or 25+17 = 42 or 7

= 1206 or 12+6 = 18 or 9

=   201 or 20+1 = 21 or 7

Revelation 13:7 states: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

The False Prophet today is Jorge Mario Bergoglio (birth name of Pope Francis).

False Prophet

= 485 or 48+5 = 53 or 35 reversed or 5   

= 846 or 68-4=64 or 8

= 141 or 14 or 4-1= 3

Agrippa II

= 236 or 26-3=23 or 2+3= 5

= 516 or 65-1=64 or 8

=   86 or 8+6 = 14 or 4-1 = 3

Jorge Mario Bergoglio

= 1142 or 24-1=23 or 1+3= 5

= 1206 or 60+3=63 or 63+1=64 or 8

=   201 or 20+1=21 or 2+1= 3          

Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is the transmigrated Agrippa II.

We must use Roman numerals for the II in Agrippa II for the calculator in order to calculate the Holy Gematria.

Agrippa II, son of Agrippa I and Cypros. Born AD 27. On his father’s death, Agrippa II was not named successor because of his youth. He became king in AD 49, and remained unmarried. He came under the influence of Paul, whose order acted as tutors to the Herods, Agrippa II encouraged the Pauline form of the ascetic doctrine, and opposed Samaritans, who had been responsible for his father’s death, thus leading to the separation of Christians and Samaritans. When given Galilee by Nero in AD 54, he received a separate Christian baptism from Paul, replacing the form of baptism that Agrippa had once received from John the Baptist. Agrippa II remained with eastern ascetics in the position that had been held by Thomas, accepting Jesus as the Messiah, Priest and Pope, but not as the David (Christ).  Bernice was the sister of Agrippa lI and had an incestuous relationship with Agrippa ll.

Bernice was the mistress of Agrippa ll. So who is Bernice today?


= 144 or 14+4 = 18 or 9

= 336 or 36+3 = 39 or 3+9 = 12 or 6

= 56 or 8

Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti

= 1884 or 18+84 = 102 or 10+2=12 or 6

= 1800 or 18 or 1+8 = 9

= 300 or 30 or 6

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is the transmigrated Bernice.

Máxima is Argentinian, as is Pope Francis. While in Argentina, Jorge Bergoglio had an affair with Máxima, which resulted in a baby. For more on Bernice and the False Prophet see my previous article entitled “Who is the Woman Riding the Scarlet Beast in Revelation Chapter 17? Are We All In For A Rough Ride? Who is Mystery Babylon? Chapter 17 deciphered.” By clicking “More Stories” at the top of this article below my name.

Revelation 17:12 tells us that the ten horns are ten kings who in John’s time when he wrote Revelation on behalf of Jesus the Christ were destined to rule in the future. The ten kings or rulers who were to be Anunnaki in the End Times are now in power over ten nations that have nuclear weapons. We are also told that the ten horns or nations have seven heads, or represent seven major world religions which is exactly what we find today.  These ten kings will receive authority with the beast for one hour to launch their nuclear weapons.


=   108 or 10+8=18 or 9

=   222 or 2+2+2= 6

=     37 or 3+7=10 or 10-1= 9


=   310 or 31-1=30 or 10 or 10-1= 9

=   648 or 48-6=42 or 4+2= 6

=   108 or 10+8=18 or 9

The seven heads or religions mentioned in Revelation 13:1 in nations that possess nuclear nations are as follows:

America and Britain       =           Protestantism

France                           =           Roman Catholicism

India                              =           Hinduism and Buddhism

Israel                             =           Judaism

Russia                           =           Russian Orthodoxy

Pakistan                        =           Islam

The ten kings or nations that possess nuclear weapons ruled by the Anunnaki are as follows.

The following 13 countries are ruled by 13 Anunnaki but only 10 of these Anunnaki ruled countries have Nuclear Weapons.   




Ancient Diety

Nuclear Weapons



Donald Trump





Scott Morrison





Boris Johnson





Justin Trudeau





Xi Jinping





Emmanuel Macron





Narendra Modi





Ali Khamenei





Benjamin Netanyahu




North Korea

Kim Jong-un





Arif-ur-Rehman Alvi





Vladimir Putin





Recep Erdogan



Australia, Canada, Iran are excluded from the ten horn prophecy (Rev. 17:12) as they do not have nuclear weapons.

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is Shebna from Isaiah 22:19 and Messiah Jesus will drive Netanyahu and the Edomite Jews from the State of Israel when He returns and touches down to earth.

The ten countries, which have Nephilim rulers and nuclear weapons, are as follows:

America, Britain, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey

“And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. (Revelation 17:12)

But they receive authority as Kings with the beast for one hour

= 4714 or 4+7+1+4=16 or 8

= 3960 or 60+39=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 660 or 6+6=12 or 6

But they receive authority as rulers with the antiChrist for Armageddon for one hour

= 5633 or 56-33=23 or 32 or 16 or 8

= 5328 or 5+3+2+8=18 or 9

= 888 or 8+8+8=24 or 12 or 6

Revelation 3:10 Church of Philadelphia to be kept from the hour of testing.

The exchange of nuclear weapons in Armageddon will all occur within an hour. In Revelation 3:10 Jesus promised to keep members of the Church of Philadelphia from this same hour of testing. Those who believe the entire Christian Church members will be removed from the earth through a Rapture prior to Armageddon are in error. The only ones to be included in the Rapture will be the saved dead in Jesus the Christ who will be raised from the dead, the 144,000 bondservants of Revelation 7:3-4 (12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel), Israelite babies and toddlers and the disabled. The  144,000 Bondservants, also known as Firstfruits, Barley,or Saints were created in the first creation (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3) and have proven their loyalty to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob by their  being removed from the first war on earth. (Jeremiah 4:23-26)

The Christian Elect or those that were created in the second creation (Genesis 2:4 to 4:26) have to go through Armageddon in order to be refined. Zechariah 13:8-9 tells us that a third of all Christian Elect will be refined and survive and join the Second Greater Exodus out of Egypt. After North America and Britain and the Commonwealth are destroyed, survivors between the ages of fifteen and fifty will be sent into captivity. (Ezekiel 11:16-21) Deuteronomy 28:68 tells us the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will return them from captivity by ship to Egypt, and Jeremiah 16:14-18 tells us Messiah Jesus  will then lead us from Egypt home to our land, Palestine or Samaria and Judea, that was promised to Jacob surnamed Israel (Genesis 28:13)

If you are a Christian Elect married with babies, toddlers under five years of age and you find after the Rapture of the Saints that your children are missing, they may have been removed for safekeeping by angels. You will be reunited with your children in Egypt prior to the beginning of the second Exodus. Your babies or toddlers will not have aged when they are returned to you.

Isaiah 49:21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

“Then you shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude, because you did not obey the LORD your God.  (Deut. 28:62)

“And the LORD will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the way about which I spoke to you, ‘You will never see it again!’ And there you shall offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer.”  (Deut. 28:68)

Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.   (Revelation 3:10)

The hour of trial

=   717 or 7+1+7=15 or 1+5= 6

= 1056 or 65 or 6+5=11 or 8                        

=   176 or 1+7+6=14 or 7                              

The hour of nuclear war

=  1837 or 73-8=65 or 6+5=11 or 8           

=  1392 or 3+9+2=14 or 7                            

=    232 or 23-2=21 of 12 reversed or 6

Revelation 3:10 was a promise made to the Elect of the Church of Philadelphia.  What did the promise mean?

The church of Philadelphia

=   676 or 6+7+6=19 or 1+9= 10                                

= 1296 or 1+2+9+6=18 or 1+8= 9                             

=   216 or 16+2=18 or 1+8= 9                                   

Invited guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

= 2503 or 2+5+0+3=10

= 2862 or 2+8+6+2=18 or 1+8= 9                             

=   477 or 4+7+7=18 or 1+8= 9                                 

I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ”

(Zechariah 13:9 NKJV)

Jesus the Christ promises to hide His followers, including those of the Tribes of Israel and all other Christians who have accepted Jesus as their savior and have been baptized, or  those who have been grafted in.

Isaiah 43:1-5 KJV:

1But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. 2When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 3For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. 4Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life. 5Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.

Psalm 66:9-12 KJV

9Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

10For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.

11Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins.

12Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

So what do these gods and sons of gods, Watchers and Rephaim look like. They look like us and they walk among us.  Hebrews 13:2 tells us that angels come down to earth in human form and people cannot tell they are angels.  The same goes for fallen Watchers.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  (Hebrews 13:2 KJV)

It was a woman, a medium, by the name of Maria Orsisch who belonged to the Vril Society during the Second World War in Germany that allowed these evil entities to enter our dimension. The Nazi’s were heavily into the occult, and Maria Orsisch was working with the Nazi’s to obtain advanced technology for them. Maria Orsisch deceived the Nazi’s into believing she was communicating with aliens from another planet, a planet far more advanced than ours. Once Maria Orsisch opened a small portal through a séance, these evil entities entered our sphere of influence, and possessed members of the Nazi Party and the Nazi Military. After the war was over, 150,000 of these hard core Nazis entered America through the Vatican’s Rat Lines. So let us see what the Bible and Holy Gematria tells us about who brought many of the demonic Nazis into this dimension  

Maria Orsisch who is Sarpanitum was the prime occultist who opened up a portal for the demonic entities to enter in our dimension in the 1930s onwards.  Melaniji Trump is Sapranitum today and she is continuing to open up portals to allow demonic entitites in.  I believe Trump Tower is a portal.

Maria Orsitsch is back in the form today of Melanija Knavs, which is the maiden  name of Melania Trump. Melania Trump is the Anunnaki goddess Sarpanitum who was the consort of Marduk.

Maria Orsitsch

= 551 or 55+1 = 56 or 8

= 918 or 91+8=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 153 or 35+1=36 or 6

Melanija Knavs

= 1547 or 47+15 = 62 or 6+2 = 8

= 792 or 92+7=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 132 or 32+1=33 or 3+3= 6


= 611 or 61+1 = 62 or 8

= 792 or 92+7=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 132 or 32+1=33 or 3+3= 6

Sarpanitum is the consort of the Anunnaki god Marduk (Donald Trump) and is Melania Trump today.  Both Maria Orsitsch and Melanija Knavs were both born in the former Yugoslavia.

Jeremiah 51:51 states: For aliens have entered the Holy places of the Lord’s house.

The holy places of the Lord’s house

= 1536 or 36+15=51 or 5+1= 6                        

= 2034 or 34+20=54 or 6

=   339 or 33+9=42 or 4+2= 6                     

The Holy places of the Israelite nations

= 1588 or 58-8=50 or 50+1=51 or 5+1= 6         

= 2358 or 58-5=53 or 53+1=54 or 6                  

=   393 or 39+3=42 or 4+2= 6                           

The blacks and the Muslims and Jews will be ruling over the whites in the Latter Days.  The Jews rule over the blacks and Muslims to do their dirty work by conquering the white race, which is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers, Our houses to aliens.  (Lamentations 5:2)

Strangers devour his strength, Yet he does not know it; Gray hairs also are sprinkled on him, Yet he does not know it.  (Hosea 7:9)

Surely I will fill you with a population like locusts (Jeremiah 51:14)


=   165 or 65-1=64 or 8                  

=   360 or 36 or 3+6= 9                  

=     60 or 10-1= 9


=     64 or 8                                                      

=   414 or 41-4=37 or 37-1=36 or 3+6= 9        

=     70 or 10-1= 9



=   553 or 53-5=48 or 8

=   654 or 54+6=60 or 10-1= 9

=   109 or 9


=      64 or 8

=    414 or 4+1+4= 9

=      70 or 10-1= 9

It is interesting that Revelation 9:3 mentions both locusts and scorpions. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob always warns His people of His intended judgement prior to the actual punishment occurring. However you have to be aware of what is foretold in the Bible, and today most bibles are just dust collectors. America is the main object of God’s punishment. In July of 2019, there were two interesting stories in the news. Los Vegas Nevada was struck by a plague of locusts of biblical proportions. Then a woman traveling on United Airlines flight 1554 from San Francisco to Atlanta was stung multiple times by a scorpion on the aircraft. So if the locusts represents Nazis, what do the scorpions represent?


=  472 or 47+2=49 or 7

=  768 or 86+7=93 or 9+3=12 or 6

=  128 or 28-1=27 or 72 or 12 or 6


= 1129 or 29+10+10=49 or 7

=   996 or 99-6=93 or 9+3=12 or 6 

=   166 or 6+6=12 or 6

Waffen SS

=  1138 or 38+10+1=49 or 7

=    558 or 55+8=63 or 93 or 9+3=12 or 6

=      93 or 9+3=12 or 6



=    313 or 13+3=16 or 8

=    498 or 4+9+8=21 or 12 reversed or 6

=      83 or 8+3=11 or 8


=   242 or 2+4+2= 8

=   498 or 4+9+8=21 or 12 reversed or 6

=     83 or 8+3=11 or 8

Grigori is just another name for demons  and Grigori are mentioned in 2 Enoch 18.

Luke 10:19 states: authority is given to the followers of God and Jesus to tread upon scorpions, and gives us a promise that nothing will injure us.

Revelation 9:10 states: the scorpions will torment but not kill for a period of five months.


=   405 or 50+4=54 or 6

=   630 or 36 or 6

=   105 or 5+1=6

Coronavirus lockdown

= 2380 or 38-2=36 or 6

= 1512 or 51+2+1=54 or 6

=   252 or 52+2=54 or 6

The first ordered lockdown in America occurred on March 16th, 2019, so the five months mentioned in Revelation 9:10 would come to an end on August 16th, 2019. Now the provision against killing has been lifted and people are now being picked up and murdered such as Rick Hesky creator of website or murdered in their own home such as Brandy Vaughan and Jeff C.

Second Thessalonians 2:11-12

And for this reason Almighty God will send upon them a strong delusion so they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

A strong delusion

= 786 or 7+8+6=21 or 7

= 1158 or 1+1+5+8=15 or 1+5= 6

= 193 or 19+3=22 or 11 or 8

The Mandela Effect

= 339 or 3+3+9=15 or 1+5= 6

= 768 or 7+6+8=21 or 7

= 128 or 1+2+8 = 11 or 8

I hope that none of my readers have been brainwashed through the Mandela Effect, and can recognize the truth when they see the truth of Holy Gematria. I believe many of the British, Canadians, Australians and Americans as well as the rest of the world are suffering from delusional psychosis, being more afraid of the non-existent virus that of the Covid injection.

Jeremiah 23:19-20: (The First Wave of The Coronavirus)

“Behold, the storm of the LORD has gone forth in wrath, 

Even a whirling tempest;

It will swirl down on the head of the wicked.

“The anger of the LORD will not turn back 

Until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; 

In the last days you will clearly understand it.

(Jeremiah 23:19-20)


Even a whirling tempest;

= 2214 or 22+4=26 or 26-10=16 or 8

= 1470 or 70+14=84 or 8+4= 12 or 6

= 245 or 2+4+5 = 11 or 8

Even a false coronavirus

= 2176 or 2+1+7+6 = 16 or 8

= 1470 or 70+14 = 84 or 8+4 = 12 or 6

= 245 or 2+4+5 = 11 or 8

You cannot acquire a virus through breathing or sneezing. You can only catch a virus if it is inserted into you on a swab such as the COVID-19 tests, which have been proven to be contaminated, or it is injected into you in the COVID-19  Injections. DO NOT take the covid-19 swab tests, and DO NOT take the covid-19 injections. Adults and Children SHOULD NOT wear masks. Wearing a mask can result in Byssinosis, also called brown lung disease, which is a respiratory disorder caused by the inhalation of an endotoxin produced by bacteria in the fibers of cotton, such as cotton masks. Wearing masks can also cause pneumonia, or an infection that inflames the air sacs of one or both lungs. Wearing a mask can result in you being affected with bacteria or fungi.

On February 23, 2021 Dr. Fauci stated we will all be wearing face masks until such a time that humans  evolve a nose and mouth covering at birth, probably in two million years from now. Dr. Fauci is eighty years old and should have been sent out to pasture long ago. He is suffering from the same disease as President Biden, namely dementia.  They should both be euthanized as they have both become useless  to society,  the same formula they are using  on all the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals who they consider useless eaters.

This planned coronavirus event is just a fabricated event to collapse the U.S. dollar and global economy to introduce a digital currency as the Mark of the Beast. The planned Coronavirus event was also designed to destroy the middle class and put the wealth of the world into the hands of a few Jewish bankers and Luciferians.

Jeremiah 30:23-24 (The Second Wave Of A Corona Virus)

Behold, the tempest of the LORD!

Wrath has gone forth,

A sweeping tempest;

It will burst on the head of the wicked.

The fierce anger of the LORD will not turn back,

Until He has performed, and until He has accomplished

The intent of His heart;

In the latter days you will understand this.

(Jeremiah 30:23-24)

A sweeping tempest

= 1507 or 70+5=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

= 1182 or 82-2=80 or 10 or 10-1= 9

= 197 or 67-1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

Destruction of the Psyche

= 1416 or 61+4+1=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

= 1668 or 68+6+1=75 or 7+5=12 or 6

=   278 or 78+2=80 or 10 or 10-1=9

The Psyche is the human soul and spirit.


A sweeping tempest

= 1507 or 15+7=22 or 11 or 8                               

= 1182 or 82+10+1=93 or 9+3=12 or 6                

=   197 or 9+7=16 or 8

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

= 2201 or 22 or 11 or 8                                          

= 1884 or 84+8+1=93 or 9+3=12 or 6                   

=   314 or 3+1+4= 8

After taking the Covid injection, many people have tested positive for HIV!

The Covid-19 test is shoved right up to the brain barrier and it is has been proven that they are sticking up a chip and nanoparticles into our brain and breaking the brain barrier.  This is a very invasive procedure  first used on slaves in Egypt.

Red Alert! Cows Are Vaccinated With a Swab in the Nose – Dr. Lorraine Day Confirms That The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Vaccinating You Through Your Nose Like Cattle Or Goyim- Live Nanotechnology Found in the PCR Swabs Test! Must See Videos!


The Holy Spirit informed me that anyone taking the Moderna or Pfizer Injection will destroy their Psyche or the soul and spirit that God gave them at the moment of conception that makes them human as well as having the potential of contacting HIV later. The Moderna as well as the Pfizer injection will also sterilize any female or male taking the injection and not allow a women to carry a baby as it attacks the placenta.

First Corinthians 3:16-17 states: Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.

Your body is a temple of God because he created you and installed His Spirit in you.

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand,  they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.  And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”(Rev. 14:9-11)

Babylon has been a golden cup in the hand of the LORD, Intoxicating all the earth. The nations have drunk of her wine; Therefore the nations are going mad. (Jeremiah 51:7)


In the End Times which we are now in, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob refers to America as Babylon.


= 515 or 51-5=46 or 4+6=10-1= 9

= 426 or 26+4= 30 or 10-1= 9

=    71 or 7+1= 8

United States of America

=   929 or 9+2+2=20 or 10-1= 9

= 1368 or 68+3=71 or 7+1= 8

=    228 or 28+2=30 or 10-1= 9

And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come here, I shall show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,  (Revelation 17:1)

The great harlot who sits on many waters

= 3549 or 49-8=41 or 4+1= 5

= 2634 or 34+26=60 or 10-1= 9

=   439 or 4+3+9=16 or 8

The United States of America

= 1042 or 42-1=41 or 4+1= 5

= 1566 or 66-6=60 or 10-1= 9

=    261 or 26-10=16 or 8


The nations have drunk of her wine

= 2594 or 94-25 = 69 or 6+9 = 15 or 1+5 =6

= 1992 or 92-19 = 73 or 7+3 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

= 332 or 3+3+2 = 8

The nations have swallowed America’s Coronavirus Lies

= 4793 or 93-47 = 46 or 64 reversed or 8

= 3264 or 3+2+6+4 = 15 or 1+5 = 6

= 544 or 54-4 = 50 or 10 or 10-1 = 9


Therefore the nations are going mad

= 1016 or 16+1 = 17 or 1+7 = 8

= 1914 or 14+19 = 33 or 3+3 = 6

= 319 or 31-9=22 or 11 or 8

practicing social distancing and wearing masks

= 2096 or 2+0+9+6 = 17 or 1+7 = 8

= 2508 or 25+8 = 33 or 3+3 = 6

= 418 or 18+4 = 22 or 11 or 8

Spiritual Teachings:  Milk and Meat

In 1 Corinthians 3:2 and Hebrews 5:12 the Apostle Paul told followers that they were like babes that needed milk and not solid food. The problem with the church today is they do not have any spiritual leadership capable of telling the truth of the word of God.   In 2 Timothy 4:3 we were warned that:  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

The word “milk” in the above quote (Greek gala, Strong’s Concordance #G1051) means the basic, elemental teachings of true Christianity first learned by new believers. The word “meat” comes from the Greek word Broma (Strong’s #G1033) and means the more solid, complete and deeper spiritual doctrines of the Gospel.


= 136 or 36-1=35 or 3+5= 8

= 234 or 2+3+4= 9

=   39 or 3+9=12 or 6

Holy Gematria

= 711 or 7+1+1= 9

= 804 or 8+4=12 or 6

= 134 or 34+1=35 or 3+5= 8

Tourism makes up about twelve percent of the Egyptian Gross National Product. If you are currently employed in any field connected with Tourism, I strongly suggest that you try to find other means to support yourself as I do not believe the Industry will ever return to the level it once was. I am not just referring to Egypt. I’m talking globally. We are in the Last Days of this age, just prior to the return of Jesus the Messiah to reign. You have to realize that America as a country will soon cease to exist as a war with China is on the horizon due to America’s debt.

On October 6th, 1940 Arthur Greenberg of the British War Cabinet announced that the soon to come New World Order would be administered by the Khazar Zionists. This is extremely worrisome for all Christians around the world. The Khazars have rejected both the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, His Son Jesus, and the Commandments. The Khazar’s god is Lucifer or the god of forces (Daniel 11:38), and the Khazar Rabbi’s have concocted their own set of commandments called the Noahide Laws, of which there are a total of seven laws and numerous sub laws.  Judaism follows a completely inverted teaching from the Bible and the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s commandments.

There are several problems here in that neither the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob or Noah ever heard of these laws. It is from the lying pen of the scribes (Jeremiah 8:8) just like the Khazars blasphemous Talmud. Another problem is that the Khazars are Edomites and are Gentiles, whereas most of the Western Europeans and Anglo Saxons are Hebrews and Israelites. The Khazars are not Hebrews or Israelites and never will be.

The 7 Noahide Laws

The 7 Noahide Laws are rules that all of us must keep, regardless of who we are or from where we come. Without these seven things, it would be impossible for humanity to live together in harmony.

1. Do not profane God’s Oneness in any way.  Acknowledge that there is a single God who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world.

The problem here for Christians is that we believe The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is three equal entities in one: God the Father, God the Son, who is our intercessor to the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Due to the fact that we pray to Jesus our Savior, the Jews can say that all Christians are idolaters, and the penalty for idolatry under the Noahide Laws is death by decapitation.

On June 10th, 2013, United Nations diplomats from several different nations, including Egypt and Israel, attended the “One People, One World” Conference which was hosted by The Institute of Noahide Code (INC), a UN-accredited NGO dedicated to spreading awareness of the Seven Noahide Laws. A summary of the conference was uploaded as a PDF to the United Nations website which you can view below. According to this UN summary of the conference, the attending delegates signed a “Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah,” which emphasized the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws in maintaining peace, justice, and harmony among peoples and nations. The conference organizer, Rabbi Cohen, emphasized the need for “monotheism” in order to unite the world under “the one true God” and reiterated the Noahide Law prohibitions against “idolatry”, “blasphemy” and “forbidden sexual relations.” The UN document states the Noahide Laws are laws “which all peoples of the world are obligated to follow.” The document also mentions the “Lubavitcher Rebbe”, presumably Rabbi Schneerson who said that non-Jews exist only for the sake of Jews. Since 2013, the UN has hosted several other INC conferences. (Videos Below) Why would the United Nations sign a “Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah,” which are Jewish supremacist laws from the Babylonian Talmud and command non-Jews to set up courts which are at least theoretically supposed to execute non-Jews who do not follow Jewish strictures? Why would the UN document state that the Noahide Laws are laws “which all peoples of the world are obligated to follow.” Does the UN really believe that Noahide Laws are mandatory for all nations and that we must all submit to the “one true God” of the Jewish Talmud.

2. Do not curse your Creator. No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.

3. Do not murder. The value of a human life cannot be measured. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world – because, for the victim of the murder, the world has ceased to exist.

4. Do not eat a limb of a living animal. Respect the life of all of God’s creatures. We have a duty not to cause undue pain to all creatures.

5. Do not steal. Whatever benefit you receive, make sure none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else.

6. Harness and channel the human libido. Incest, adultery, rape, and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.

I do not think we need any moral lessons from Jews. The State of Rothschild or that liter box in the Middle East, is the leading country involved in child and sex trafficking and organ trafficking.

7.   Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.

With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.

As the Muslim’s pray to Allah and Mohammed is considered a prophet, they are not a problem for the Jews. Christians and Caucasians are a major problem for the Jews  as they know that belief in Jesus is the only way in which we can be saved and they do not want anyone to be alive to call upon the name of Jesus as per Hosea 5:15.  The Jews will try to exterminate all Caucasians and Christians by any means they can think of as Satan and his children, the Jews, are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, His son Jesus and His Holy Seed, the Caucasians and all Christians grafted in.

I now wish to give you three specific warnings.

Matthew 10:18, Mark 13:9 and Luke 12:11 all tell us that Christians around the world will be persecuted for their faith because of the Jews and their Noahide Laws. They will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you to courts and prisons. Do not worry about how to respond to their questions, for in that hour you will be given what to say by the Holy Spirit.

There are two lessons for us here. Matthew 16:25 states: whoever wishes to save his life (by either denying Jesus or the Christian faith) will lose his life, and who shall lose his life (by not denying Jesus or the Christian faith) will be rewarded in heaven.

Matthew 10:33 Gives All Christians A Specific Warning.

Whoever Shall Deny Me (Jesus) Before Men, Him I Will Also Deny Before My Father Which Is In Heaven!  (Matthew 10:33)

My second warning is in regard to Revelation 13:17:

And he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:17)

He provides

= 1011 or 10+1+1=12 or 6

=   726 or 72+6=78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   121 or 21+1=22 or 11 or 8

The Gates Foundation Funds

= 1156 or 1+5+6=12 or 6

= 1608 or 10+60+8=78 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   268 or 28-6=22 or 11 or 8


Except the one who has the mark

= 1972 or 9+7+2=18 or 1+8= 9

= 1740 or 40+10=50 or 50-7=43 or 4+3= 7

=   290 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8

Except the one who has the Covid Nineteen Injection

= 3717 or 3+7+1+7=18 or 1+8= 9

= 2910 or 29 or 2+9=11 or 8

=   485 or 48-5=43 or 4+3= 7


Either the name of the beast

=   763 or 97+3=100 or 100-1= 99 or 9+9=18 or 9

= 1392 or 92+10=102 or 102-3=99 or 9+9=18 or 9

=   232 or 23-2=21 or 7


= 419 or 4+1+9 = 14 or 7

= 594 or 94+5 = 99 or 9+9 = 18 or 9

99 or 9+9 = 18 or 9


Or the number of his name

=   839 or 8+3+9=20 or 10-1= 9

= 1374 or 47-3=44 or 44+1=45 or 4+5=9

=   229 or 92+2=94 or 9+4=13 or 1+3= 4

Or the U.S. Patent Number

= 1196 or 96-2=94 or 9+4=13 or 1+3= 4

= 1530 or 30+15=45 or 4+5= 9

=   255 or 25-5=20 or 10-1= 9

The U.S. Patent Number is 060606. 

Bill Gates and the Cloud

Bill Gates is the Grigori or Fallen Watcher Azazel, as you will see below. The Gates company Microsoft came up with the name “Cloud” for their vast network of remote servers around the globe which are meant to operate as a single ecosystem in an attempt to mock the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Cloud  or Merkabah.


= 277 or 2+7+7=16 or 8

= 330 or 30-3=27 or 72 reversed or 12 or 6

=   55 or 5+5=10 or 5


= 137 or 1+3+7=11 or 8

= 354 or 54+3=57 or 5+7=12 or 6

=   59 or 5+9=14 or 1+4= 5

Chariot of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

= 1465 or 1+4+6+5=16 or 8 

= 1812 or 1+8+1+2=12 or 6

=   302 or 3+2= 5

Merkabah is Hebrew for the Chariot of God.  The Chariot of God is the same as the one that removed Elijah from earth as in 2 Kings 2:11.

The Beast

=   311 or 13 or 1+3= 4

=   480 or 4+8=12 or 6

=     80 or 8

The Grigori

=   355 or 5+5+3=13 or 1+3= 4

=   696 or 69-6=63 or 36 reversed or 6

=   116 or 1+1+6= 8 

William Henry Gates                      (Full name of Bill Gates)

= 1725 or 75-5=72 or 8     

= 1206 or 60+2=62+1=63 or 36 reversed or 12 or 6

=    201 or 20+1=21 or 12 reversed or 4

Josef Mengele

=   863 or 63+8=71 or 71+1=72 or 8

=   696 or 69-6=63 or 36 reversed or 12 or 6

=   116 or 61+1=71 or 71+1=72 or 12 or 4                                     


=   1027 or 27 or 72 reversed or 8                  

=     426 or 4+2+6=12 or 6                   

=      71 or 71+1= 72 or 12 or 4     

The full name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III.  It is not necessary to put the III or the third in into the Holy Gematria calculator. Bill Gates and his wife were killed long ago, and cloned so that they could be possessed. So let us now see how we are being mocked by Melinda and Bill Gates and the Grigori. The maiden name of Melinda Gates was Melinda Ann French.

Melinda Ann French

=  332 or 33-2=31 or 3+1= 4

=  846 or 46-8=38 or 3+8=11 or 8                           

=  141 or 4+1=5 or 5-1= 4                                           

Robin McLauren Williams

= 1643 or 6+4+3=13 or 3+1=4                                

= 1482 or 82+5=87+1=88 or 11 or 8                      

=   247 or 24+7=31 or 3+1=4


= 1023 or 32-1=31 or 3+1= 4                                     

=   516 or 5+6=11 or 8                                                  

=     86 or 8+6=14 or 4

In Jeremiah 31:22 it states “a woman will encompass a man.” No theologian has been able to explain this verse. This verse has several meanings all relating to the End Times, but in the instance above Holy Gematria along with the Holy Spirit has interpreted the verse for us.

A woman shall encompass a man

= 1602 or 16+2=18 or 9                                        

= 1518 or 8+5=13 or 13-1=12= 6

=   253 or 35-2=33 or 11 or 8                               

Melinda Gates will be possessed by Samyaza

= 3177 or 7+7+1+3=18 or 9                                   

= 2442 or 2+4+4+2=12 or 6

=   407 or 40-7=33 or 22 or 11 or 8                      

Samyaza or Bill Gates and Azazel or Melinda Gates were two of the leaders of the two hundred Watchers who came to earth to mate with human women. Robin Williams was in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire  in which he played a woman. Watchers always tell us what they plan to do before they do it, thinking we are so dumb we would never figure it out. You need figures to figure it out!

Hell-i-wood is absolutely full of fallen Watchers, demons and of course is controlled by the children of the devil, the Khazar Zionist Jews. (John 8:44) Russell Brand, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi are all fallen Watchers or Grigori. Dan Aykroyd wrote the screenplay for the movie “The Blues Brothers” and the character “Joliet” was based on some aspects of my life.  Adam Sandler wrote the screenplay “Happy Gilmore” about my extended family and I. The music industry is as bad as Hell-i-wood and also controlled by the children of the devil. Do not watch any  American produced movies or  television. They do not call it programming without a reason. Do not forget Satan is prince of the power of the air. (Waves) Do not listen to any Rock, Rap, or Hard Rock music. The Khazar Zionist Jew’s who control the music industry make every singer or group sign their music contract in blood and all music scores are devoted to Satan.


= 1028 or 82 or 8-2= 6

=   780 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   130 or 30 or 6 (6×5)


=   618 or 6+1+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   780 or 7+8=15 or 1+5= 6

=   130 or 30 or 6


=   379 or 79+3=82 or 8-2= 6

=   630 or 30+6=36 or 6

=   105 or 10+5=15 or 1+5= 6

= Cinema

=      88 or 8+8=16 or 6

=    270 or 70+2=72 or 12 or 6

=      45 or 54 or 6

Hard Rock Music

=   568 or 68-5=63 or reversed 36 or 6

=   858 or 58+8=66 or 6+6=12 or 6

=   143 or 43-1=42 or 4+2= 6

As the Grigori or demons are all Nazis it can be determined who they were in World War Two as they do not die, but transmigrate. Bill Gates is one of the original two hundred fallen Watchers who came to earth to rape human women. His name is Azazel and Azazel was Doctor Josef Mengele in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Bill Gates is a mental midget who did not finish University and does not know anything about computer code. If Bill Gates does not have the knowledge to remove a virus out of his Windows operating system for a personal computer how are we to trust someone technically having no medical knowledge, except what he picked up in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, to produce a vaccine?

Bill Gates and his wife were killed long ago, and cloned so that they could be possessed.  The people have to be killed before a fallen watcher or demon  can possess them.  The devil can possess someone without killing them. 


= 419 or 49-1=48 or 12 or 6            

= 594 or 49+5=54 or 6                     

=   99 or 9+9=18 or 9                       

The Final Solution to the Christian Problem

= 1485 or 1+4+8+5=18 or 9             

= 2502 or 52+2=54 or 6                    

=   417 or 47+1=48 or 12 or 6 

Luciferase: Bill Gates Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Exposed!! The Smoking Gun Of The Mark Of The Beast! Must See Videos Heavily Censored Everywhere! ! Watch While You Can! !


LUCIFERASE OR LUCIFER’S RACE? Activated By The Signal – You Need To Know This!  This Is The One Game For Your Soul! A Must See Documentary (Videos)!


In an interview on May 12th, 2020 Bill Gates stated that his vaccine is the final solution. Bill Gates is a Jew, and Jews intend to exterminate all Christians with the help of the Talmud, the lying pen of the scribes (Jeremiah 8:8) and the seven Noahide Laws.

UPDATE: #ExposeBillGates Vaccines Enabled By LUCIFERASE (Lightbringer) -Microsoft’s New ‘Mark of the Beast’ Technology is Patent #060606 — Renegade Tribune


Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. The name was first used by Raphaël Dubois who invented the words luciferin and luciferase, for the substrate and enzyme, respectively. Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer – meaning lightbringer.

Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it is composed of multiple things. At its center we have the COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every human on earth, there will be quantum dot microneedles, a digital identification mark from ID2020, and a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency with a patent number of #060606. The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport. All of these things, and all being funded by one man, Bill Gates, represents in total at the very least a stunning forerunner to the Mark of the Beast world system. That’s at the very least estimation, taken to its logical end, it very well could be the actual Mark of the Beast system.

But today, I want to draw your attention to one component, the quantum dot microneedles that will deliver the vaccines, and a very, very unique biochemical that makes it all work. If you’re standing up while reading this, you might want to sit down. Today we bring you ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase‘ which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app.

To learn more about luciferase, please read below.

One day after Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft, his patent containing the Mark of the Beast (666) was published and this technology will supposedly be used in the vaccines that he is touting for 7 billion people.

And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666…” Revelation 13:16-18

On March 26, 2020 patent WO/2020/060606 was published. It is a Microsoft patent for cryptocurrency technology that is connected to the movements of a person’s body. The first inventor listed is a jew named Dustin Abramson, who is a software engineer working with AI. Here is a link to the patent and here is the archive of it in case the original is taken down. And here is a screenshot:

H.R. 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot

A House resolution from Illinois Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush that would put Big Government in charge of tracking citizens’ movements as they relate to COVID-19 mitigation efforts — even sending health bureaucrats to “individuals’ residences,” “as necessary,” as the legislation states — has a most apt number: 6666.

Mark of the beast. Mark of the beast for a beastly, monstrously unconstitutional bill.

After all, what’s more devilishly un-American than launching one of the most massive government surveillance programs of private citizens in U.S. history, all under the guise of protecting people from the coronavirus?

H.R. 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot – Washington Times 2021-01-25, 12:56 AM

That’s the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act” in all its $100 billion grant giveaway glory.

According to H.R. 6666’s text: The taxpayer funds will be used to “trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through mobile health units and, as necessary … at [citizens’] residences.”

That means government comes to your home, taps on your door and demands you take a COVID-19 test. And if you test positive, that means the government makes sure you stay at home. How? Good question. Good unanswered question. Good chillingly unclear question.

The top dogs at the Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are in control of disbursing the $100 billion to local governments to carry out the COVID-19 testing — more specifically, to “hire, train, compensate and pay the expenses of individuals” to staff mobile health units and to knock on citizens’ doors and to enforce compliance with quarantining.

It’s all for the good of the country, don’t you know.

“Reopening our economy and getting back to normal will be all but impossible if we do not step up our testing efforts and implement robust and widespread contact tracing,” Rush said in a statement on his House webpage. “The COVID-19 TRACE Act will allow us to do this by creating a $100 billion grant program for local organizations to hire, train and pay individuals and to purchase supplies to run mobile testing units and door-to-door outreach as is safe and necessary.”

Be afraid; be very afraid. The resolution has dozens of cosponsors.
This is nothing but a massive government surveillance program cloaked in a cure-the-coronavirus label.


As I Have Mentioned Previously In This Work! Under No Circumstances Take The Covid 19 Test Or The Injection When It Becomes Available.

Revelation 14:9-11 Warns anyone taking the Mark of the Beast that there is no chance of Redemption for anyone taking the Mark of the Beast.

If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.  (Revelation 14:9-11)

Identification Of More Nazis

While we are on the subject of Nazi’s let’s identify few more Nazis.

Anthony Stephen Fauci

= 1166 or 66-11= 55 or 55-1=54 or 6

= 1344 or 1+3+4+4=12 or 6

=   224 or 42+2=44 or 4+4= 8

Otmar von Verschuer

= 2222 or 22+22=44 or 4+4= 8

= 1422 or 42+2+10=54 or 6

=    237 or 2+3+7=12 or 6


=    123 or 1+2+3= 6

=    264 or 2+6+4=12 or 6

=       44 or 4+4=8

Doctor Anthony Fauci is Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Officer to the President of America. He is actually the fallen Watcher Asbeel and during the Second World War was Otmar von Verschuer and was Josef Mengele’s supervisor at the University of Frankfurt.

Otmar von Verschuer

Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (July 16, 1896 – August 8, 1969) was a German human-biologist and eugenicist concerned primarily with “racial hygiene” and Nazi twin research. 1, 2, 3, 4 He became Secretary, German Society for Race Hygiene (Tübingen) in 1924, and worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics (KWI-A or KWIfA) in Dahlem, Berlin, from its founding in 1927 until its dissolution in 1945: first as director of the Department of Human Genetics, then as director of the Division on Twin Research, finally succeeding Eugen Fischer as Director of the KWI-A in 1942. 5 He was also associated with the Frankfurt Institute for Genetic Biology and Racial Hygiene (Institut fur Erbbiologie und Rassenhygiene). Verschuer did not formally join the Nazi party until 1940, 6 but he participated in activities that strongly advanced the Nazi agenda to protect Nordic peoples (Aryans) from ‘contamination’ by ‘inferior races’, then, at the close of the war and beyond, hid or destroyed the record of those activities and other activities carried on by KWI-A personnel.

Two of Verschuer’s most well-known assistants were Karin Magnussen 7 and Josef Mengele. 8 Karin Magnussen studied eyes from living twins at Auschwitz harvested for her by Mengele at Auschwitz. Mengele was a Schutzstaffel (SS) physician at the Auschwitz death camp who later became known as the “Angel of Death” at Auschwitz.

Deborah Birx

Deborah Birx is a demon who possessed Karin Magnussen in Nazi Germany and is now possessing Deborah Birx. Deborah Birx is a physician and was the Response Coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Deborah Birx

=     541 or 54-10=44 or 4+4= 8

=     636 or 36+6=42 or 24 or 2+4= 6

=     106 or 6

Karin Magnussen

=     643 or 46-3=43 or 43+1=44 or 4+4= 8

=     996 or 9+9+6=24 or 2+4= 6 

=     166 or 6+6=12 or 6

Demons normally do not have names.  I am primarily just matching up the fallen watchers or Grigori.  I am told by the Holy Spirit that Deborah Birx is demon possessed with the same demon that possessed Nazi Karin Magnussen In World War Two.

Nazi Karin Magnussen

The music playing is Sarasate’s “Zigeuner” music (“Gypsie music”) in honour of the Gypsie children whose eyes were harvested for Karin Magnussen, under her direction, by Josef Mengele at Auschwitz during the Third Reich, as well as her suggestion that she could continue this after WW2.

Karin Magnussen (February 9, 1908- February 19, 1997) was a researcher at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics during Germany’s Third Reich, known for her 1936 publication “Race and Population Policy Tools”, and her studies of heterochromia iridis (different colored eyes) using iris specimens from Auschwitz concentration camp victims (supplied by Joseph Mengele).

Sterilization  Verschuer argued in principle for the eugenic sterilization of the “feeble-minded, schizophrenics, the manic depressive, epileptics, psychopaths, chorea sufferers, the congenitally blind and deaf-mute, whereby he qualified his statement by referring to the uncertain prognosis of heredity in such cases as manic-depressive insanity, epilepsy, and deaf-mutism.” 10 He expressed the opinion that this issue had a moral, theological aspect. Eugenic sterilization (which Verschuer equated with medical curative treatment) was “no ‘unauthorized intervention into the natural process of creation;’ the willingness to make oneself sterile is rather a command of Christian charity. The fulcrum and hub of the argumentation comprised the concept of ‘sacrifice’

According to sections 263 and 264 of the 1927 General German Penal Code, “… sterilizations with a medical indication would remain exempt from punishment… in accordance with section 263 (as the practice of a conscientious doctor), or in accordance with section 264 (as not contra bona mores),…”.

I can tell you that the Covid 19 injection will sterilize anyone that chooses to take the injection and that has been confirmed by a number of medical doctors as well!

The Jesuit Handler of Bill Gates and Tony Fauci is Francis Collins.

Whenever you see Gates and Fauci together they always have a Jesuit handler with them on behalf of the Vatican. His name is Francis Sellers Collins who is a geneticist and the boss of Fauci. He works for the National Institute of Health in America.

The Jesuits are orchestrating the destruction of America on behalf of the Vatican in order to bring in a one world fascist government and one world religion under the Catholic Pope. The objective is to once again give all power, both spiritual and temporal to the Pope.

Francis Sellers Collins

= 771 or 77-1 = 76 or 7+6=13 or 1+3= 4

= 1464 or 64-14 = 50 or 10-1= 9

= 244 or 44-2 = 42 or 4+2= 6

Otto Adolf Eichmann

= 517 or 71+5 = 76 or 7+6=13 or 1+3= 4

= 1050 or 50 or10-1= 9

= 175 or 7+5 = 12 or 6


= 345 or 54-3=51 or 5+1 = 6

= 474 or 47+4 = 51 or 51-1= 50 or 10-1= 9

= 79 or 76 inverted or 7+6=13 or 1+3= 4

When someone is super evil we can invert a 9 to a 6 such as 79 to 76 above.

Penemue is a fallen Watcher mentioned in the Book of Enoch. Penemue in Hebrew means “the insider” and you can’t get any more inside than in the White House! Penemue encourages the stupidity of humankind. Put those masks on Sheeple! Eichmann was possessed by Penemue and organized the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Collins is now in charge of organizing the march to the FEMA camps and guillotines in America for all Christians and Caucasians.

Let us now determine who Warren Buffet is today.

Warren Edward Buffett

= 2519 or 25-10=15 or 1+5= 6

= 1284 or 84-3=81 or 8+1= 9

= 214 or 14-2=12 or 2+1= 3

Julius Heinrich Dorpmuller (WW2 Nazi)

= 1830 or 18-3=15 or 1+5= 6

= 1800 or 80+1=81 or 8+1= 9

= 300 or 3

Kasdeja (fallen watcher)

= 711 or 71+10=81 or 8+1= 9

= 306 or 6-3= 3

= 51 or 15 or 5+1= 6

Julius Heinrich Dorpmueller (24 July 1869 – 5 July 1945) was general manager of Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft from 1926 to 1945, a Nazi politician and the Reich Minister for Transport from 1937 to 1945.

Warren Buffett is the owner of Berkshire Hathaway. One of the companies he owns is the Railroad Burlington Northern Santa Fe. Burlington Northern Santa Fe has freight cars containing leg and hand irons in order to transport “Undesirables” and “useless eaters “ to FEMA camps for extermination. Many of the railroads employees knew what was going on as they started saying BNSF stood for better not start a family. Julius Dorpmuller was Reich Transport Minister from 1939 to 1945 in charge of arranging railroad transport to the concentration camps in Germany. Julius Dorpmuller and Warren Buffett were both possessed by the fallen Watcher Kasdeja.

Warren Buffet has refurbished his old steam locomotives so that he can switch back to coal for fuel for the coming EMP. Buffet wants to make sure that he can get all the people in America on a one way trip to the FEMA extermination camps for beheading by guillotine using the contrived Noahide Laws.

Warren Buffett is a good friend of Bill Gates and Bill Gates is a major shareholder of Canadian National Railways in Canada. Both Canadian National and Burlington Northern Santa Fe have interconnecting rail routes, so both railroads will bring Christians and Caucasians on a one way trip to the FEMA camps, which are all located near rail terminals.

People will be barred from having heterosexual relations in the stinking Jew New World Odor and will not be allowed to have a baby. All babies born will be killed as they consider babies and chldren under 15 as useless eaters. All heterosexual couples will be separated. The Devil is turning the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s commandments upside down and implementing his commandments that are in direct opposition to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s commandments. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob instructed us to go forth and multiply. Ha Satan’s commandment will be contrary to the Holy Bible and will not allow any procreation or heterosexual couples or any babies.

Who is Henry Kissinger?

Heinz Alfred Kissinger

= 1018 or 18 or 9

= 1314 or 14 +3+1=18 or 9

= 219 or 21+9 = 30 or 10-1= 9

Martin Ludwig Bormann

= 1643 or 43-16 = 27 or 2+7= 9

= 1368 or 1+3+6+8 = 18 or 9

= 228 or 28+2 = 30 or 10-1= 9


= 515 or 15+5 = 20 or 10-1= 9

= 426 or 26+4=30 or 10-1= 9

= 71 or 17+1=18 or 9



=   102 or 20-1=19 or 9               

=   246 or 46-2=44 or 4+4= 8      

=     41 or 14 or 7

Heinz Alfred Kissinger

= 1018 or 18+1=19 or 9               

= 1314 or 41+3=44 or 4+4= 8      

=   219 or 19-2=17 or 7                                      

Heinz Alfred Kissinger is the Abaddon of Revelation 9:11. He is the ruler over all of the Nazi’s or Nephilim here on earth and Abaddon in Hebrew means destruction. Kissinger is a Khazar Zionist, and was responsible for the planning of the destruction of the World Trade Centre. He has also planned the downfall of America. 

Henry Kissinger served as United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Presidents Nixon and Ford. Martin Bormann was Hitler’s right hand man and chancellor, the man that controlled all the stolen Nazi wealth. Bormann was tried in absentia in October 1946 at the Nuremberg trials, and was sentenced to death by hanging. Bormann evaded the noose with a little help from his friends in American and British Intelligence. Bormann was both possessed by the fallen Watcher Barkayal who now possesses Kissinger today.

Revelation 9:11 tells us that Abaddon has a second-in-command named Apollyon who is Klaus Martin Schwab.

Who Is Klaus Martin Schwab?

Klaus Martin Schwab

= 1585 or 58-10=48-5=43 or 43+1=44 or 4+4= 8

= 1170 or 70+11 or 81 or 8+1= 9

=    195 or 95+1=96 or 8

Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht

= 1617 or 97-1=96 or 8

= 1482 or 84-3=81 or 8+1= 9

=   247 or 47-2=45 or 45-1=44 or 4+4= 8


=   186 or 86+10=96 or 8

=   378 or 78+3=81 or 8+1= 9

=      44 or 4+4= 8 



=   641 or 64 or 8                

=   660 or 6+6=12 or 6        

=   110 or 11 or 8

Klaus Martin Schwab

= 1585 or 58+5+1=64 or 8              

=  1170 or 1+7= 8

=     195 or 19+5=24 or 12 or 6       

Klaus Martin Schwab is founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum based in Switzerland) Schwab planned the destruction of the world’s economy and global financial collapse and a reset based on a one world currency and Fascist one world government, Schwab was Schacht in World War Two and was one of the two hundred fallen Watchers who was named Araqiel.

Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht was a German banker and financial expert who achieved international renown by halting the ruinous inflation that threatened the existence of the Weimar Republic in 1922–23. He also served as minister of economics (1934–37) in the National Socialist government of Adolf Hitler.

Klaus Martin Schwab’s World Economic Forum was the first to use the term “Great Reset” that would restart the world’s economy after the Covid 19 fraud is over. But what does the Great Reset really mean?

Great Reset

=   473 or 47-3=41 or 4+1= 5

=   708 or 80-7=73 or 7+3=10-1= 9

=   118 or 18 or 9

Fourth Reich

=    549 or 5+4+9=18 or 9

=    786 or 78-6=72 or 9

=    131 or 31+10=41 or 4+1= 5

Warning To Accept Messiah Jesus as Your Savior Or Perish

For those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior, do so as soon as possible as time is short. Repent of your sins and be baptised by full immersion in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 (KJV) States: And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

The literal translation indicates the Holy Spirit will be “taken out of the midst” of the lawlessness. Since the Holy Spirit is sealed within the 144,000 bondservants,  this means the bondservants and Holy Spirit will be removed from earth at the same time.

Until he is taken out of the way

= 2365 or 65-5=60 or 10-1= 9

= 1836 or 1+8+3+6=18 or 9

=   306 or 36 or 6

Until the Holy Spirit is removed from earth

= 2641 or 64-3=61 or 61-1=60 or 10-1= 9

= 2844 or 2+8+4+4=18 or 9

=   474 or 4+7+4=15 or 6

Once the Holy Spirit is removed, it will end the age of grace. It will then not be possible to be forgiven for sin after the Holy Spirit leaves as there will not be an intercessor between the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the individual available.

The removal of the Holy Spirit is consistent with the action the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob took just before the Great Flood, where He withdrew the Holy Spirit from Earth in advance of the judgment. (Genesis 6:3)

1 Peter 4:17

For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Household of God

= 552 or 5+5+2=12 or 6

= 924 or 4+2=6+9=69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

= 154 or 54-1=53 or 5+3= 8

Ephraim and Manasseh

=   503 or 53 or 5+3= 8

= 1014 or 14+10=24 or 12 or 6

=   169 or 69 or 6+9=15 or 1+5= 6

Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph. Jacob adopts Ephraim and Manasseh as his first born sons and gives them blessings usually reserved for the first born sons. The blessings given to Ephraim and Manasseh should have belonged to Reuben, but he was disqualified for defiling his father’s bed. (Genesis 48:6 and 1 Chronicles 5:1-2)

Now the sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel (for he was the first-born, but because he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel; so that he is not enrolled in the genealogy according to the birthright. Though Judah prevailed over his brothers, and from him came the leader, yet the birthright belonged to Joseph),  (1 Chronicles 5:1-2)

Ephraim represents Britain and the Commonwealth and Manasseh represents America.


= 193 or 39-1=38 or 3+8=11 or 8

= 420 or 24 or 2+4= 6

=   70 or 10-1= 9

Great Britain

= 434 or 34+4=38 or 3+8=11 or 8

= 744 or 74-4=70 or 10-1= 9

= 124 or 421-1 = 420 or 42 or 4+2= 6                   



= 265 or 26-5=21 or 7

= 480 or 84 or 8+4=12 or 6

=   80 or 10-1= 9

United States of America

=   929 or 9+2+9=20 or 20+1=21 or 7

= 1368 or 86-3=83 or 83+1=84 or 8+4=12 or 6

=   228 or 82-2=80 or 10-1= 9

Manasseh or America will receive a double portion of the wrath of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. (Revelation 18:6) the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob has crossed Manasseh off His list.

The Law of Redemption

In ancient Israel, land wasn’t sold as simply as we are used to. Since the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph was the real landowner, Israel was simply a tenant under conditions of obedience. When land was “sold,” what the buyer received was only the use of the land, not clear title. There were conditions under which a kinsman of the seller could “redeem” the land back to the original family. These conditions were typically noted on the outside of the scroll defining the transaction. An example of this was when Jeremiah, despite the impending Babylonian captivity, was instructed to purchase land from the son of his uncle Hanameel. He, of course, would never benefit from this purchase. The deed was secreted in an earthen jar in anticipation when his heirs would return after the captivity and claim it (Jer 32:6–15). I believe the Israelites, during the second Exodus, will find this Jar.

The scroll in Revelation Chapter 5 was written “within and on the backside,” which identifies it as a deed subject to redemption. A Kinsman of Adam, in His role as a goel, a Kinsman-redeemer, is taking possession of what He had already purchased with His blood as the sacrificial Lamb. Jesus not only purchased the land; he also purchased a Bride.

Jacob told Joseph in Genesis 48:22 that Jesus, the Messiah will bring the Tribes of Israel and his remnant people back to the Promised Land of Israel.

Then Israel said to Joseph, “Behold, I am about to die, but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be with you, and bring you back to the land of your fathers. (Genesis 48:21) This is the reason I believe the transmigrated Joseph is on earth, most probably in Egypt, today.

Hebrews 11:22

By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the exodus of the sons of Israel, and gave orders concerning his bones.

As Christians, we must wait for Jesus the Messiah to gather up the remnant of the Tribes of Israel from the four corners of the earth and bring us back into the land of Israel which he purchased for us at the cross. Greater Israel, without Khazars, Edomites and Palestinians, will be ours when Jesus our King returns and leads us out of Egypt to our promised land during the second Greater Exodus! (Deut. 28:68)

The Pharisees gave Judas Iscariot thirty pieces of silver as payment for the assistance of Judas in their arrest of Jesus. The British Mandate of Palestine ended at midnight on the 14th of May, 1948.  Britain gave Palestine to the Khazar Zionists in return for the Khazars financing the Second World War and bringing America into the war. Britain should never have issued the Balfour Declaration to Rothschild as Palestine was not there property to give to Rottenchild. No one was to enter Palestine UNTIL our Father returned to take us back to the land he promised to Abraham. America has now made the same mistake with the Kushner plan to divide up the land of Palestine between the so called Jews, who say they are Jews and are not, and the Palestinians. America, Britain and the Edomite/Khazar Zionists are all to be destroyed in His fierce wrath. The desolation of both North America and Britain is prophesied in Isaiah 34:9-12 as follows:

 9And its streams shall be turned into pitch,

And its loose earth into brimstone,

And its land shall become burning pitch.

10It shall not be quenched night or day;

Its smoke shall go up forever;

From generation to generation it shall be desolate;

None shall pass through it forever and ever.

11But pelican and hedgehog shall possess it,

And owl and raven shall dwell in it;

And He shall stretch over it the line of desolation

And the plumb line of emptiness.

12Its nobles—there is no one there

Whom they may proclaim king—

And all its princes shall be nothing.  (Isaiah 34:9-12)_

Isaiah 34:12 states that all of the British Royals will be killed and no one will be found to crown King.

For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.  (2 Cor. 2:17, KJV)

We now have one last thing to cover, and that is the coming deception orchestrated by the Zionist Jews in regards to their concept of a Messiah.

“How can you say, ‘We are wise, And the law of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is with us’? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.  (Jeremiah 8:8)

Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth.  (Titus 1:14)

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (Revelation 3:9)

At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it.  (Matthew 24:23)

The Jews who say they are Jews and are not, and are actually Khazars, believe there are two Messiahs to come, a Messiah Ben Joseph and a Messiah Ben David.  There is no basis for a Messiah ben Joseph and it is another Rabbinic fable.  I believe the Rabbis concocted this fable based on their belief that Jesus did not fulfill all prophecies at His first coming.

Jewish tradition sometimes refers to two redeemers, each being called “Messiah”.   Both of these redeemers are involved in delivering the Jewish people from exile and ushering in the long-awaited Messianic era. These two Messiahs are called Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yosef.  When Jews typically think of “the” Messiah, however, they generally have in mind Mashiach ben David of the tribe of Judah who shall rule in the Messianic Age. Mashiach ben Yosef is said to be of the tribe of (son of Joseph), and is also sometimes called Mashiach ben Ephraim (Bavli Sukah 52b).  Mashiach ben Yosef will come first, before the advent of Mashiach ben David, to prepare the world for the coming of the kingdom of the LORD. He will fight God’s wars (against “Edom,” collectively understood as the enemies of Israel) in a time preceding the fulfillment of the Messianic Kingdom (this is sometimes referred to as the “footsteps of the Messiah”).

The Rabbis derive this understanding of Mashiach ben Yosef from their exegesis of Obadiah 1:18: “The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble; they shall burn them and consume them, and there shall be no survivor for the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken.” Moreover, they understand the confrontation between the “house” of Joseph and the “house” of Esau to be prefigured in the birth of Joseph himself, where Rachel indicated that God would “add a son” (who would be anointed for battle in the End of Days (midrash on Gen. 30:24).

However, Mashiach ben Yosef will be killed during the war against evil, as described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child” (Zech. 12:10, Bavli Sukkah 52a). His death would be followed by a period of great calamities and tribulations for Israel, and shortly after this mourning period, Mashiach ben David would appear to avenge his death and inaugurate the Messianic kingdom on earth.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known as the Rebbe, was the seventh leader of the Chabad Lubavitch.

Chabad messianism, or Lubavitch messianism, generally refers to the passion among adherents of the Chabad movement regarding the coming of the Messiah and their goal is to raise awareness that his arrival is imminent. In addition, the term also refers more specifically to the belief that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad’s seventh leader, is the Messiah and will be transmigrated.

For decades, many within the movement believed that their beloved Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was the Messiah. When he died in 1994 without having revealed himself as such, his closest advisers — the highest levels of Chabad’s leadership — tried to put an end to the overt messianic fervor. But the belief persisted, and has now morphed into both a power struggle and something of a public relations problem for the organization, whose “mitzvah campaigns” and “Chabad houses” reach millions each year.

So let us see what the plans for the great deception of these two Messiahs entail.

The Trump Dynasty

Messiah Ben Joseph

= 1093 or 93 or 9+3 = 12 or 6     

= 1008 or 10+8 = 18 or 8-1 = 7

=   168 or 86 or 8+6=14 or 7

Donald John Trump

= 1287 or 28+7=35 or 7                        

= 1110 or 10+1+1=12 or 6

=  185 or 85+1=86 or 8+6=14 or 7

As they both have the final numbers 6-7-7, Holy Gematria confirms that Donald John Trump will be proclaimed as the Messiah Ben Joseph after Trump’s and Pence’s assassination and resurrection after three and a half days as prophesied in Revelation 11:9-12.  Both Trump and Pence will be then taken up to heaven.

Messiah Ben David

= 998 or 9+9+8 = 26 or 2+6 = 8

= 810 or 8+1 = 9

= 135 or 35 or 3+5 = 8

Menachem Mendel Schneerson

=   637 or 6+3+7 = 16 or 8

= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8   

=   235 or 2+3+5 = 10 or 10-1 = 9  

Barron William Trump

= 1712 or 1+7+1+2 = 11 or 8

= 1410 or 10+14 = 24 or 8                 

=   235 or 35+2 = 37 or 3+7 = 10 or 10-1 = 9

Barron Trump will be proclaimed the Messiah Ben David and the transmigrated Menachem Mendel Schneerson as they match 8-9-8 in Holy Gematria.   According to Holy Gematria, Barron Trump is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson, and will be declared so by Chabad Lubavitch, as they both have 1410 and 235 in their Holy Gematria numbers.

Many Lubavitchers followers will eventually claim Trump’s youngest son Barron as the Messiah ben David.  They will claim he is the transmigrated Menachem Schneerson based on the two matching numbers in the Gematria of their names.  However before they will announce that their Messiah has returned, their Messiah ben Joseph (Trump) must be assassinated.  According to Jeremiah 17:18 and the Book of Revelation 11:9-12, the two prophets mentioned in verse 10 are Trump and Pence who will be assassinated, and who will be caught up to heaven after three and a half days.  The assassination of Trump and Pence will initiate several events

So what is the future of America? From May 14th, 1948 when the state of Rothschild was created, the Jews who say they are Jews but are The Khazars have been infiltrating every segment of western society in order to destroy  our  Protestant moral values and ethics. They have been extremely devious in doing so, taking over our newspapers, television stations, magazines and book publishing, and are now controlling what we are allowed to read and hear. We have our politicians to blame as well as ourselves as the political system has sold out to the Rothschild lobby and their filthy lucre long ago. The Khazars were responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the implementation of Communism in Russia and all over the world using America as their puppet master.

Under Joseph Stalin, there were 80 Russian Gulags and in America today, there are 800 FEMA Camps which leads me to believe that it will be ten times worse in America than it was in Russia.  The Jewish Communists in Russia killed a million white Christians a year for 70 years for a total of 70 million Christians.

We are now experiencing the same thing in America that occurred in Russia in 1917 when the Bolshevik Revolution began.  There will be no difference between a Gulag in Russia and a FEMA camp in America.  Millions were killed in Russia and millions will be killed in America. Two thirds of all Israelites or those in Britain, Ireland, the British Commonwealth Nations and America as well as the Israelite Tribes located currently in Europe will lose their lives as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob intends to bring only one third through the fire or nuclear war as per Zechariah 12:8-9.

And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.  (Zechariah 13:8 KJV)

The future of America is a communist supported coup d’etat after Trump and Kushner are taken out of the way which will be supported by the blue helmeted United Nations warmongers. The arrests and detention of Christians and those that do not support the Rothschild state or the new communist state of America. will begin. Those that do not accept indoctrination into this new utopian reality when they are locked up in a FEMA camp will be decapitated by guillotine. America  will be striped of her wealth through the selling off of her states to the highest bidder. (Joel 3:2) Those responsible for the destruction of America will be the Khazar Zionists along with the Chinese and Russians. (Jeremiah 51:27) who will eventually destroy America with nuclear weapons. They will never extinguish the fires (Ezekiel 20:47).

Revelation 19:2-3 tells us that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will  punish America and the fires will be burning forever as He is a just and righteous God.

The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob warned all of His people to Flee Babylon (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) in Jeremiah 51:6 and Revelation 18:4-5.  I have been sounding the trumpet for over a year now since December 1, 2019. 

The safest country to flee to is Egypt as there will be a Second Exodus out of Egypt.

2For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. 3And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.  (Revelation 19:2-3 KJV)

Messiah Jesus, our intercessor, is at the door. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Messiah and Personal Savior, then I urge you to get baptized as soon as possible, full immersion at an age of accountability 8 years and over. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob does not want anyone to perish and His Kingdom is open to everyone.

The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

Ephesians 6:10-19

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 With every prayer and request, [d]pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be alert with all perseverance and every request for all the [f]saints, 19 and pray in my behalf, that speech may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.

My final words can be found in 2 Timothy 2:2:

The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.

Please share this information with everyone you know. 

This post is the thirty seventh installment of a continuing series on deciphering the prophecy of Revelation and the Holy Scriptures through the use of Holy Gematria. Please click on “More Stories” below my name at the top to see all my previous articles on the Book of Revelation for the complete Rubber Necker’s guide to Armageddon.  I have revealed all the major characters of the Book of Revelation including the enemies of the Christians, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the Nimrod antichrist, the Beast from the Earth and the Beast from the Sea in both WW2 and WW3, the two witnesses, the two lampstands and the two imposter prophets.

See also Candle Lighting For the Truth 

Candle Lighting For The Truth – Stories Contributed | Before It’s News

Jesus Our Messiah is at the door and if you have not yet been baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, 8 years and over, then time is running out and I encourage you to do so today.

David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, 8 years and over, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.

Note that the Holy Spirit has given me a list of all the evil players on earth today who are trying to kill all of humanity. I did my best to match up all the names of the Elohim, bene ha’elohim and fallen watchers but may have made some errors.  It is easy to identity the evil people on earth as well as the good people as you will know them by their fruits.   I am not a prophet but rather a messenger to sound the alarm to all Christians and the Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel about who our enemy is and what the prophecy in the Bible tells us what is coming so that we can be prepared and not scared. Messiah Jesus is at the door and if you have not accepted Jesus as your personal Savior then I encourage you to get baptized, full immersion, at an age of accountability (8 years and over) after repenting and accepting Jesus as your personal savior.

In my upcoming Post entitled “The prophecies concerning Manasseh or the country of America.” In this new work we explain who was created with the ability to transmigrate if the God of Abraham so wills it. Being alive today, you have been chosen to be on earth at this time to see the End of the Age and the return of Jesus to destroy all evil. You could possibly be included in the Rapture and never experience death, or you might be killed for your testimony and belief in Jesus. In either case, you will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years providing you keep your faith to the end and not take the Mark of the Beast.

Killer Gates will be in charge of the Mark of the Beast with his Digital ID 20200 and Covid-19 vaccines. Do not take the Covid-19 tests, which have been proven to be contaminated with live nanoparticles.  Do not provide your blood to anyone and do not take the Covid-19 DNA changing Covid-19 vaccines. Protect your DNA and do not insert anything into your body (PCR tests or Covid experimental vaccine) or affix it to your body (quantum dot tattoos, RFID chips & Neuralink) The Neuralink being pushed by Elon Musk is another form of the Mark of the Beast. God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Spirit will not dwell in a machine or in your temple (body) when you change your DNA or mix iron (technology) with clay (your body).

Elon Musk is Cain today and will be responsible for dishing out the Mark of Cain which is the Neuralace / Fit Bit in the Brain.  

Neuralink is a Company belonging to Elon Musk that wants to interface our brains to a computer through the Internet, turning humanity into Cyborgs or Robots.

Anyone taking the Mark of the Cain or the Neuralink will have their DNA changed and be cut of from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob forever.  The Mark of Cain is one of the Marks of the Beast.  The Beast has more than one Mark.  Do not take anything associated with either Bill Gates or Elon Musk as they are trying to change your DNA and damn you to Hell as they need more members for the GLEE club.  The PCR test, the Covid-19 vaccine, the Neuralink, and the quantum dot tattoo and electronic tattoos are all forms of the Mark of the Beast.   Do not input anything into your body or affix anything to your body as they are trying to trick you into changing your DNA which will cause you to kill your spirit and soul and be separated from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob forever.

The Tribes of Jacob-Israel Found! Tribe of Judah Identified Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From The Tribe Judah as Prophesied. The Sceptre Shall Not Depart From Queen E Until Shiloh Comes! Find Out About The 144K Saints (Rev 7&14)! Messiah Jesus Was Not A Jew Dummy! Must See Video!


The Biggest Identity Theft In History!  Over 100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White –Full 5 Part Series! – Must See Videos To Determine Who’s Who And What’s What & How The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent!


Bombshell!! Even More Than 100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 6 To 9! The Biggest Identity Theft In History! Must See Videos!


Red Alert!  The Serpent Has A Hybrid Race Of Children Here On Earth Today Who Is At War With God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Seed!  This Is The Real War Occurring Now Except The White Race Is Still Asleep!  Must See Video!


“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources as Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous articls so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

Myron Fagan, a Jew substantiates the quote by Israel Cohen above. Here’s what he says about it:

“Around 1910; one Israel Zengwill wrote a play entitled “The Melting- Pot.”

“It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews because the play purportedly visualized how the American people were discriminating against, and persecuting Jews and Negroes.

“At that time nobody seemed to realize that it was a propaganda play.

“It was that cleverly-written.

“The propaganda was well wrapped-up in the truly great entertainment in the play and it was a big Broadway Hit.

“Now in those years, the legendary Diamond Jim Brady used to throw a banquet at the famous Delmonico Restaurant in New York after the opening-performance of a popular play.

“He threw such a party for the cast of “The Melting-Pot,” its author, producer, and chosen Broadway-celebrities. By then I’d already made a personal mark on the Broadway Theater and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen.

“Zangwill, Shaw, and Cohen were the ones who created the Fabian Society in England and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordicai who had changed his name to Karl Marx; but remember, at that time both Marxism and Communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either and nobody suspected the propaganda in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.

“At that banquet; Israel Cohen told me that he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill’s “The Melting-Pot.”

“The title of his book was to be “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century.” At that time I was completely absorbed by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, its real objective never dawned on me nor was I interested in reading the book.

“But it suddenly hit me with the force of a hydrogen-bomb when I received a newspaper-clipping of an item published by the Washington D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book “A Racial-Program for the 20th Century” and it read as I quote:

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial-tension.

“‘By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party.

“In America; we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites; we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.

“We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige; the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.’

“… Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen’s book was fully
established. But the one question that remained in my mind was whether it represented the official policy or plot of the Communist Party or just a personal expression of Cohen himself.

“Hence I sought more proof and I found it in an official pamphlet published in 1935 by the New York Communist Party’s official Workers’ Library Publishers.

“That pamphlet was entitled: “The Negroes in a Soviet America.” It urged the Negroes to rise-up; form a soviet state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. It contained a firm pledge that the revolt would be supported by all American “reds” and all so-called “liberals”.

“On page 38; it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes than to whites and again this official communist pamphlet pledged that; I quote: ‘any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law.’

“That statement proved that the excerpt in Israel Cohen’s book published in 1913 was an official-edict of the Communist Party and directly in line with the Illuminati-blueprint for world-revolution issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.

“Now there’s only one question and that is to prove that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy.

“A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party, as we know it, was created by those masterminds (capitalists if you will note)…

“Schiff, the Warburgs, and the Rothschilds that planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution; the murder of the Czar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin took their orders directly from Schiff and the other capitalists whom they supposedly are fighting.

“Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites.

“Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian-prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the “Consular Treaty” which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs?

“All those 66 Senators are 20th century Benedict Arnolds.”

Above excerpt comes from The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, by Myron Fagan. For Part 12 of this intriguing look at Illuminati information, see The Order of Illuminati.

Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy Quote

“We who have posed as Saviors of the World … we (Jews) are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, it’s incendiaries, its executioners .. We who have promised to lead you to a new heaven, we have finally seceded in leading you into the new hell.Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy, Preface to the World Significance of the Russian Revolution 1920.”

Famous Quote Abouts Jews

“I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.”

“For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.”

“If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.” “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.”

“Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatic (Khazars – GOG & MaGOG of Russia), let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, (Khazars) are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.”

Ben Franklin, 1789.

Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order

Mysterious Force was the original name of Freemasonry, which started in 43 A.D and later took on the name of Freemasonry started in 1717 by Joseph Levy and Abraham Abuid to bring in more European men, then to to destroy Christianity that was growing to fast for them to infiltrate–Facts and fictions of Freemasonry by Margaret C. Jacob and Dissipation of Darkness: The Origins of Freemasonry

THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18: “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”

LA VERITE ISRAELITE, Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74: “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel. It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”

LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928: “The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”

AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia, 1906: “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”

MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile: “The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”

THE FREEMASON, April 2, 1930, quoting Br. Rev. S. McGowan: “Freemasonry is founded on the ancient law of Israel. Israel has given birth to the moral beauty which forms the basis of Freemasonry.”

Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”

Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England, in The Life of Lord George Bentick: “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”

LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July 1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism (Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to further human welfare. Socialism and Freemasonry, together with Communism are sprung from the same source.”

BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic News, London: “I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”

O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936: “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”

JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503: “The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”

B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi and mason Magnin: “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.

Please Note: The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) of B’nai B’rith is a totally Jewish controlled organization with its main goal to destroy Christianity.

(Also, the B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no “Gentiles” are admitted.)

TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”

Trump’s Surprising Alaska-Canada Rail Announcement. Will There Be High Speed Express Trains To The FEMA Camps For The Christians On A One Way Trip? Great Videos To Provide You With The Real News.


Trump’s Surprising Alaska-Canada Rail Announcement. Will There Be High Speed Express Trains To The FEMA Camps For The Christians On A One Way Trip? Great Videos To Provide You With The Real News.


See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.


The complete bible prophecy of the 6 prophets of Revelation 11, the Jewish Fake Snake Messiahs, the Trump Dynasty and Armageddon.

Who Are the 6 Prophets In Revelation 11? Messiah Jesus Is At The Door For His 144,000 Saints In The Harpazo. Who Did Messiah Jesus Tell Us Would Be Alive To See His Return To Earth And Who Are They Today?


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Invade North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Identified. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet / Moloch Revealed.


The Truth About Killer Gates and Dr. Fraudski. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America.


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!


The Red Dawn Invasion of America by the Blue Helmets – Find Out Who Is Going to Be Invading America Under the Deception of the Blue Helmets of the United Nations – Great Video


The Prophecy of the Psalm 83 War, The Prophecy Against Edom In The Book Of Obadiah, And The Prophecy For America (Manasseh) And The British Commonwealth (Ephraim)


“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions taken from Jewish sources as Modern Jewry are being whited out / deleted from all my previous articls so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and all Christians.

Bombshell! Over 100 Proofs That America And Britain Are End Times Babylon –Once America Is Obliterated Then Britain Will Be Destroyed Afterwards! FLEE From Babylon While You Can! Must See Videos!



The Jews Themselves Tell Us That They Are Edomites And Not Semites In Their Own Writings. Great Historical Information Telling Us That Judaism is Communism And That Judeo Christianity Is a Myth. Great Videos Revealing The Enemy Within Plotting The Demise of Christianity and All White People & All White Nations.


It Is Time To Hear From The Jews Themselves! Jews Admit They Are NOT The Israelites Of The Bible! Must See Videos For The Truth!


Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:

Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites

See Book on the Pre Adamite, Or Who Temped Eve to show the different races here on earth and how we are not to race mix.  The white race is the “holy seed” as per Ezra 9:2.  The Serpent that Seduced Eve produced Cain and his descendants.


Links to prior heavily censored posts as BIN will not feature anything that goes against the Jewish Edomite party line and suppresses and deletes all my posts.  Censorship has dramatically increased!

Many of Pastor James P Wickstrom’s videos are being taken down on bitchute.  Please see his full library on “TheOven” site:—dr.-james-wickstrom?channelName=ARCODEAUS-RELOADED

Bombshell: The antiChrist Has Arrived! Find Out Who Is Going To Rule The World! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beasts 666 Per Revelation 13!


The Main antiChrist “The Big Dicktator” Is Here!  Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government for the Jew NWO.  He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7 and the Beast That Comes Out Of the Sea In Rev.13.  Dope Francis is the Beast that comes out of the earth as he is the false prophet.

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew.  These 3 “dicks” are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead.  Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 tests / flu shots /  quantum dot tattoos / Neuralink which are all Marks of the Beast plus the food shortages and nuclear war.  The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white race which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in.  See Genesis 3:15 and John 8:44-47 and links below for more info.  Adolf Hitler and Joseph “Rabbi” Goebbels were the First Two Beasts of the Sea and the Earth respectively in WW2 and were both Jews.

The Truth About The Elites Who Are Trying To Enslave And Kill Us! Must See Videos!


“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” 

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.” 

-“Jewish Chronicle” (newspaper), December 1918

Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (copyrigt 1958) Literary Press page 64

Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (© 1958)

If you were a Caucasian, you are also an Israelite according to Noah Webster, and the Holy Bible. 

Webster Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (Copyright 1958 by the Literary Press, page 64), says “Caucasian” pertains to the white race originating from the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.

The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (1 Kings 14:15).  This promise was fulfilled when, in 721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus Mountains located between the Caspian and Black Seas (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9-11).  Hosea 2:6 says,  “I will hedge up the way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.”  In this way God was making it clear that the tribes were not to return to Palestine.  As Israel left the mountains and migrated into Europe, and finally to North America, they became known as CAUCASIANS.  

The Anti-White New World Order!! No Whites Allowed! Full Documentary To Wake Up The Caucasians That You Will Be Hunted Down And Sent To A FEMA Camp! The White Race Is On The Endangered Species List! Must See Video!


“Domestic Terrorism Bill” — Witch Hunt on Patriots. (This bill will be used to set up a witch-hunt for mainly white people in America, mostly white males. Half the country will be considered guilty. It will be used to destroy businesses, steal property, incarcerate those that oppose the state narrative, separate families, to censor speech at every turn, and even murder.)


Heavily Censored

It Is Time To Hear From The Jews Themselves! Jews Admit They Are NOT The Israelites Of The Bible! Must See Videos For The Truth!


The Not So Chosen People Explanation. 

Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:

The Most Unholiest Hoax In All Of History!  Caucasians & Christians Duped By The Serpent! Must See Videos Of Jewish Defector Turned Christian To Find Out Who’s Who!


The Tribes of Jacob-Israel Found! Tribe of Judah Identified Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From The Tribe Judah as Prophesied. The Sceptre Shall Not Depart From Queen E Until Shiloh Comes! Find Out About The 144K Saints (Rev 7&14)! Messiah Jesus Was Not A Jew Dummy! Must See Video!


The Biggest Identity Theft In History!  Over 100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White –Full 5 Part Series! – Must See Videos To Determine Who’s Who And What’s What & How The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent!



Bombshell!! Even More Than 100 Proofs The Israelites Were White – Part 6 To 9! The Biggest Identity Theft In History! Must See Videos!


The Tribulation Timeline and Where We Are Today in Events on God’s Timetable – What Event Triggered the Beginning of the Tribulation Referred To As The Sign Of Jonah and When? We Are Currently Only Two Steps Away From the Great Tribulation.  Must See!


Bombshell! Over 100 Proofs That America And Britain Are End Times Babylon –Once America Is Obliterated Then Britain Will Be Destroyed Afterwards! FLEE From Babylon While You Can! Must See Videos!


Red Alert!  The Serpent Has A Hybrid Race Of Children Here On Earth Today Who Is At War With God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Seed!  This Is The Real War Occurring Now Except The White Race Is Still Asleep!  Must See Video!


Find Out Who Is Cain Today And Whether You Are Following The Way Of Cain In The World Today Or The Way Of God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  Find Out Who’s Who Today. Don’t Miss The Picture Of Obama Taken In A Chicago Bath House!  Must See Video! 


The Serpent Seed Doctrine, The Kenites, And The Seed Of Cain Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures. Must See Videos!!


The Not So Chosen People Of The Bible Explanation!  Must See To Know Who’s Who!  


Ex Illuminati Turned Christian Exposes the Satanic Infiltration Of The Rock Music Industry And The Infiltration Of Churches In America With Rock Music And The Judeo Christianity Fable. Must See Videos Explaining The Plan To Take Down America!


Very Heavily Censored

The Most Informative Interview Ever By A Washington Insider To Understand The Planned Agenda For The New World Order! Must Listen (Video)!


Alert!! Super Heavily Censored Post on Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Brian Gerrish - Must See Post!!! Unable to Repost so watch while you can!!

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich | Brian Gerrish – U.K. Column News Interview And May 26/ 28 2021 News. Who Is Behind The Plannedemic And Why? Lucifer And The United Nations And The New World Order Rising Out Of The Ashes! Must See Videos!


The Prophecy Of Daniel, Bel & The Dragon In the Apocrypha And Who They Are Today. This Is A Prophecy For America Today! Must See Videos!


Bombshell!! The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin & The Real Noah’s Ark Found! Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Have Been Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race!  Must See Videos!


The Real Story Behind The Swastika Before It Was Adopted By The Nazis. Learn The Truth Hidden From You About Your European Israelite Heritage. Must See Historical Informative Video On One Of The Symbols Of The Tribes Of Israel!


Ancient Mysteries Of Michigan! Must See Video To Understand What Has Been Hidden From You!


The Churchill Body Count … The Sinking Of The Lusitania.  The Real Winston Churchill Zionist Truth Of Rothschild And Israel.  Boshevism VS Zionism. Churchill Still Haunts Us Today!  Must See Videos!


Crispr Covid 19 ‘Vaccines Can Alter A Person’s Thinking, Alter Their Behavior, & Can Be Remotely Controlled! Dr. Charles Morgan On Psycho-Neurobiology And War – West Point Lecture. Must See Videos!


Dr Lorraine Day Calling It As It Is On The Destruction Of America And The Noahide Laws With Jana Israeli News Live – Must See Interview On Her New Book Now On Its Second Edition!  Bill Gates Is Jewish!


The Current World Is Run By A Satanic Mafia! Enemy Of Satan Vol.1 – Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pizzagate & Freemasons! Enemy Of Satan Vol.1.5 – Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed Documentary! Must See Videos!


The History Of The Communist Movement In The United States Which Is The Supreme Revenge On Caucasians And Christianity!  Must See Video! 


Exposed!! Cain’s Satanic Seed Line.  Satan Literally Has Children Here On Earth Today And John 8:44 Confirms It!   Heavily Censored Videos! Watch While You Can!!


Bombshell!  The Mark Of The Beast And The Beast Identified!   No One Will Be Able To Buy Or Sell Without The Mark!  Must See Video!


Trump Calls Himself ‘Father Of The Vaccine’ And Claims He Deserves Credit For Coronavirus Shots!  Must See Video On How Trump Has Deceived Many!


Bombshell! The History Of The Communist Movement In The United States!! Big Booms In This Post! Must See Video!


Trudeau Implements Full Scale Communist Style Takeover Of Canada! Communist Canada Launches Nationwide Manhunt For Anti-Lockdown Protester Chris Sky!  Must See Videos!


Black Villanova Prof Admits Critical Race Theory Is A Marxist White Genocide Cult! Satan’s New World Order! Must See Videos!


Wars Wars And Rumours Of Wars All Lead Back To The Rothschilds. Dr. Stan Monteith Talks To Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton & Ambassador Smith. All Communist Revolutions All Lead Back To The Jewish Banksters.  Must See Videos!


Pharmacist Reveals Vaxx Ingredients!  Urgent Info On The Use Of Midazolam in the Jab!  Magneto Woman Interviewed After Doctor Confirms Vax Injury. Vaccine Disaster Ahead!  Fauci’s Emails Released – Motive Is Genocide! Must See Videos!


Operation Crimson Mist & The Coming Genocide By Vaxxed Mind-Controlled Zombies. NY Mom Fights Back Against Teaching Critical Race Theory. The Great Reset Exposed. Covid Vaxx Shedding Hurting Unvaxxed – Dr. Lee Merritt! Must See Videos!


Follow The Good Shepherd! Must See Video On A True Shepherd in Glasgow!


Beware Of False Prophets, Who Come To You In Sheep’s Clothing But Inwardly Are Ravenous Wolves. Must See Videos !!


Illuminati Wife Tells All – The Kay Griggs Story (Full Interview)! Must See VIdeo!


The Fall Of America Began Here! Must See Videos For The Truth!


The Great Reset – The Way Of The Future!  Must See Video!


Pfizer Approves Jab For 12-15 Year Olds Despite A 99.98% Recovery Rate For The Covid.  UK Paramedic Speaks Out!  4 Ireland Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out! UK Column News 6/2 5/31.  Vernon Coleman – The Jabs Must Stop Now! Must See Videos!


Iran Warship Goes Down – Israeli Tech Continues To Pour Into Russia And China!  Interview – Crypto And A June Financial Collapse?  Must See Videos With Brendon O’Connell That Took Out His You Tube Channel!


The Mark Of The Beast Is Here!! The Va666inated Are Being Tracked Real Time! Covid Va666inated Man Can Light Up A Light Bulb With His Injected Arm! Man’s Forehead Becomes Magnetic After Only Taking Cov Test! Must See Videos!!


The Secrets Of Judaism & Freemasonry, The Noahide Laws, And Jack The Ripper. Must Watch Video!!


The Great White Reformers In Christianity! Must See Video for All Christians And Caucasians To Understand Who’s Who!


White Genocide And The Zionists Behind It! Look Who Is Behind The Curtain Trying To Genocide All Caucasians!  Must See Video!


The Mark Of The Beast System Is Here! End Times Social Conditioning, The Great Reset, Vaccine Agenda, Digital ID 2020 And The Involvement Of The Vatican ! Must See Videos!


The Mark Of The Beast System Is Here! End Times, Social Conditioning, Great Reset, Vaccine Agenda, Digital ID 2020 And The Involvement Of False Prophet Francis! Must See Videos!


The Final Refutal Of Virology – The Scientific Revolution Is Here! English Version.  Must See Video As Recommended By Doctor Yummy & TheCrowhous!


The Mark Of The Beast: You Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell Without The Covid Lethal Injection! Aborted White Male Fetus In All Va666ines For Vanilla Flavoring! Christians This Is Your Wake Up Call! Must See Video!!


Shocker! Today It’s Best You Understand The Real History Of Who Owns What In America! You Will Be Surprised! Must See Video!


Dr. Lorraine Day Warning: Tricks Of The Deceiver! The Truth About Covid! Tony Fauci Is Not White But Jewish! Must See Videos With Dr. Day And Lillian McDermott!


Heavily Censored

Donald Trump And 9/11: Case Closed! September 11 The New Pearl Harbor Documentary. Must See Videos By Johnny Gat!


Heavily Censored

The Abundant Israeli Connections To 9/11 Documentary By Johnny Gatt! Do You Remember When Donald Trump Said He Would Tell You Who Knocked Down The Towers? Destroying The Big 911 Lie! Must See Videos!


Heavily Censored

Who Did 9/11? Trump, 9/11 And The Israeli Connection! The Death Of Free Speech. Iran, Israel And Russia Secret Relationship! New US Bill: Israel’s Veto Power! Must See Videos By Johnny Gat!!


All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars Full Version.  Must See Video!


Amazing Lecture on Abductions, Who Is Doing the Abducting And How To Stop An Abduction! Must See Video!


Covicide!  We Face A Clear And Present Danger!  Must See Videos By TheCrowhouse!


The Satanic Cult That Rules The World! The Unholy Trinity. The Jewish AntiMessiah (666)!  1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History!  Redemption Through Sin! Must See Videos!


Find Out Who Is Trying To Take America Down In Order To Establish The Stinking Satanic New World Odor! Must See Videos!!


THE BALFOUR AGREEMENT Is The Repayment For The Devil And His Children For Forcing America Into The Second World War! Must See Videos! Bible Prophecy Warning For Dividing Up God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Land!


Donald Trump Time Traveler.  Is Donald Trump The Last President And Will America Fall As Per The Book Written In 1896 By Ingersol Lockwod?  Must See Videos By Demon Hunters!


Is Donald Trump A Time Traveler? Is Donald Trump The Last Elected President And Will America Fall As Per Book Written Over A 100 Years Ago? Must See Videos By Demon Hunters!


Rare Eye Opening Interviews With Dr. Stan Monteith And Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton &. Ambassador Smith. All Communist Revolutions All Lead Back To The Banksters On Wall St. And The 4th Floor.  Awesome Brother Of Darkness Video! Must See Videos!


Spontaneous Human Combustion – Mystery, Paranormal Phenomenon, 5G, Coronavirus, Social Distancing And More!  Must See Video By XTreme Reality Check!


Legends Speak Of Giants That Once Walked The Earth. Where Did The Evidence Go? Did The Smithsonian Institute Cover It Up? There Were 7 Races Here On Earth Prior To Adam And Eve & The Science Confirms The Bible. Must See Videos!


Thunder Over Zion: Illuminati Bloodlines and The Secret Plan For A Jooish Utopia And A New World Snake Messiah! Must See Video!!


Chanel Manufactured “Smart Guillotines” In China And They Have Been Shipped To Fema Camps Here!  Fema-CDC Plastic Coffins The Truth.  Get Ready For the Contrived Noahide Laws!  Must See Videos!


The Real Rocket Man, The Story Of David Adair And Area 51! Must See Video!


The Truth About The Corona Virus With Clint And The Wisdom Circle! Must See Video!


LUCIFERASE OR LUCIFER’S RACE? Activated By The Signal – You Need To Know This!  This Is The One Game For Your Soul! A Must See Documentary (Videos)!


How To Fake An Alien Invasion And Project Blue Beam! The United Nations Will Be The One To Announce The Fake Alien Invasion Threat And Request All Countries To Unite As Millions Will Be In Fear! Must Watch Videos To See What Is Being Planned For You!


Bill Gates Affair Exposed! Must See Video!


American Gone Wild!  10,000 Canadian Doctors Tell The World Pandemic Is A Fraud.  Here Is How The Covid Injection Can Cause Neurological Disorders.  The Vaccinated Are The Pathogen Spreaders – It Has Been Confirmed!  Must See Videos!


Dr. Hodkinson Interview – COVID-19 Vaccines, Infertility & Spike Protein Dangers – Must See Video With The Last American Vagabond!


Dr. Bill Deagle, A Highly Intelligent Whistleblower: “The Plague… I Don’t Know When It’ll Happen But It’s Coming” And He Called Fauci A Monster!! IQ 220 MegaGenius Deepstater Red Pills The World For 4 Hours Straight In Historical 2008 Video!


The Sinister Global Agenda Revealed By the President of Ghana And How The Second Lockdown Will Be Much Longer Than The First Lockdown!  Must See Video!


Proof That The Mark Of The Beast Is Here!! Vaxxinated Are Being Tracked Real Time! Covid Vaxxinated Man Can Light Up A Light Bulb With His Injected Arm! Man’s Forehead Becomes Magnetic After Only Taking Cov Test! Must See Videos!


Virus Deception History: Dr Robert Willner Proves That Viruses Do Not Cause Disease!  The Messenger Was Killed 3 Months After This Presentation!  Must See Video!


Whistleblower And Former CIA Employee Discusses The Infamous Heart Attack Gun! Must See Video!


MUST WATCH – Reiner Fuellmich Talks With James Delingpole! Animals Died In Trials For This mRNA Jab Which Has NEVER Been Used On Humans Before! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – Briefs Nurses On The Great Deception!


Here Are Some Extremely Important Things They Don’t Want You To Know About Masks!   Must See Video!


Wow! What World Famous People Have Said About The Jewish Question! Fasten Your Seatbelt! This Is Going To Be A Rough Ride!! Buckle Up! Must See Banned Video!


The Last Card: A Fake Alien Invasion. First The Russians, Then Terrorists, Then Asteroids And The Last Card Will Be The Extra Terrestrial Threat!  Must See Videos!


Vatican Secrets.  Are The IRS, FBI, US Department Of Labor, The Mafia & Labor Unions Part Of The Vatican?   Is The Pope The Super-Boss Of All Government Agencies As Well As The Vatican?  Must See Video!


The Fourth Reich Rising And The New World Order Documentary By Eric Dubay! The Jews Declare War! Find Out The Real History Not Taught In Schools! Must See Videos!


The Fourth Reich Rising And The New World Order Documentary By Eric Dubay! The Jews Declare War – Rick Wiles! Must See Videos!


Secret Underground Bases.  The Hidden New World Religion.  Sacred Dance of the Seven Veils.  Must See Videos By Robert Sepehr! 


God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Israelites vs The Dragon’s People!  Must See Video!!


Hacking Humanity!  Must See Video By TheCrowhouse !


Illuminati Unveiled! Must See Video!


The Mysterious Death Of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic.   Fauci Says Mask-Wearing Will Likely Become Permanent.  5G Whistleblower Says Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus.  Must See Videos.


Betelgeuse And The Cosmic War In Heaven Before The Evil Entities Were Thrown Down To Earth!  Who Are Our Spiritual Enemies Today?  Find Out The Truth!  Must See Video!


Covid 19 Vaccine Agenda Exposed In 1990’s Cartoons!  Another Cartoon Promoting Covid 19 Vaccine Exposed! The Satanic Signs In Disney Movies In Plain Sight!  Must See Videos!


You Think You Have Seen Everything?  Wait Until You See The Clones Of Hollyweird.  Music, Comedians, Actors And Much More!  The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!  Must See Video!


This Video Will Open Your Eyes And Save Your Life And The Lives Of Everyone You Love!  Must See Banned Video!  Watch While You Can!


Here Are Some Of The Things They Don’t Want You To Know About! The Unmasked Buried The Masked In The 1918 Spanish Flu!  Who Knew And Wrote About It?  Dr. Fauci!  Is History Repeating Itself?  Must See Videos What You Need To Know About Masks!


Amazing Interview On The Infiltration And Destruction Of Western Christian Societies With The Wisdom Circle!  Watch If You Can Handle The Truth!  Heavily Censored!  Watch While You Can!


History Of The Infiltration And Destruction Of Our Western Christian Societies With Harry Vox And The Wisdom Circle On Revolutionary Radio! Must See Video!


History Of The Infiltration And Destruction Of Our Societies With Harry And The Wisdom Circle! Must See Video!


The Trump “Prophecies” Based On 2 Books Written Over 100 Years Ago Namely “The Last President”!  Japanese Commercial Featuring Trump! Obama Goes Into The Shapeshifting To Robotoid Akhenaten Files!  Must See Videos!


Two Top Leading Experts Explain the Alien Human Abduction Agenda And Who Are The Ones Doing the Abducting! Must See Videos!!


Max Igan: Antarctica Hidden Secrets, History Of The Matrix, Current Events And More – Rice TV!  Must See Video!


Dr. Jane Ruby: Important Update Covid ‘Shedding’ Fecal Transfer And How It Can Happen In The Home.  The Magnetic Mark Of The Beast Explained. Your Magnetic Field Has Been Changed. You Are A Transmitter!  Must See Videos!


Wake Up Call-Pharmacist Speaks Out!  Covid – The Perfect Cover For Mass 5G Genocide!  Dr. Jane Ruby & The Eagle Discuss All The Anomalies Of The Vaers Data Base!   Must See Videos!


Fighting To Breathe: Children School Tyrants On Forced Mask Child Abuse. Where Are The Parents?  Here Are Some Of The Things They Don’t Want You To Know About – For Instance, Masks Are Killing You! Must See Videos!


Here Are Some Of The Things They Don’t Want You To Know About – For Instance, Masks Are Killing You! The Unmasked Buried The Masked In The 1918 Spanish Flu! Who Knew And Wrote About It? Dr. Fauci! Must See Videos!


Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Psychological Warfare And Domestic Terror Black Ops Beginning In The 60’s.  International Science Frauds Usher In The New World Order. The Global Gang Stalking Program (Mind Control).  Tavistock And The New Age.  Must See!


The Forehead Mark And The Number Of The Beast!  The Man Who Invented The RFID Chip Speaks Out! Fauci Owns Coronavirus Patent – His Income Is 100% Dependent On Keeping This Fake Pandemic Alive!! Show Me The Virus!  Must See Videos!


A World Of Freedom? Or Covidiocracy? It’s Your Choice!  Must See Video By TheCrowhouse!


Tip Toe To Tyranny… Now It Comes With Free French Fries! Must See Video By Dollar Vigilante!


Pap Test Linked To Cervical Cancer – Teachers, Parents Are Criminals For Masking And Testing Children. Must See Banned Video While You Can!


Fritz Springmeier – Undetectable Mind Control.  Illuminati Bloodlines: Satanism, Cannibalism, 1000 Points Of Light, Adrenochrome, Mothers Of Darkness.  General Michael Aquino – Satanism – Mk-Ultra.  Out Of The Shadows About Hollywood! Must See Videos!


Every Breath You Take, Satan Klaus Will Be Watching You! Must See Video By Dollar Vigilante!


Pray For Palestine Because The Way Of Palestine Will Be The Way Of The World!  Must See Video By TheCrowhouse!


Is Covid-19 A Bioweapon? UK Column News – 14th & 12th May 2021. Update! Shawn Skelton Has Gotten Worse – Moderna Gene Therapy Victim! Man Behind Viral Magnetchallenge Video; Snopes Slander Addressed. Must See Videos!


Celeste Solum Discusses The Depopulation Agenda!  Must See Interview With Aplanetruth!


This Will Open Your Eyes And Save Your Life And The Lives Of Everyone You Love!  Must See Video!


Aplanetruth Discussing Depopulation Agenda Being Enacted With Celeste Solum!  Must See Interview!


The Cult Of Shallow! Dr. Amanda Volmer Speaks! Must See Video!


Antifa: History And Tactics | Andy Ngo Who Was A Victim Of The Terrorist Organization Called Antifa! Must See Video!


Vaccine Information For Dummies! Penises Are Shrinking And Sperm Counts Are Falling! Pap Test Linked To Cervical Cancer Just Like The PCR Test! We’re All Under The New World Order Spell And There Is No Escape From Hell On Earth! Must See Video!


Psycovidosis! A Psychic Pandemic Of Mass Psychosis! Must See Video By TheCrowhouse!


The Jewish Plan To Conquer Caucasians & Christians & Rule The World Exposed! Horrifying Kabbalah Secrets Exposed! Caucasians And Christians Better Wake Up That Your So Called Allies Are Coming For You And It’s Not To Give You Lox And Bagels! Must See Videos!


Unleashing The Beast When You Take The Mark Of The Beast! – Exposing Mystery Babylon! WOW! This Thing Holds Your Body Together With Crosses To Represent Messiah Jesus & Will Be Replaced With Sixes To Represent Satan When You Take The Mark Of The Beast! Must See Videos!!


Biden’s Queer Army And The Invasion Of Aliens Into America To Make America Much Easier To Conquer And To Destroy To Take America Down!  Must See Videos!!


Satan In Hollywood Demonizing Christianity.  The Satanic Mafia That Controls The World Today And Soon The Stinking Satanic New World Odor!!  Must See Videos!!


The Writing Is On The Wall – We Were Warned! I Bought A Timeshare On Mars The Documentary! One Hive Mind Blinded By Science – The Final Countdown! Must See Videos By Shaking My Head!


England’s Royal Family Polluted And The Kings Of The Earth As Prophesied From The Tribe Of Judah! The Queen Will Remain In Power Until Shiloh Returns To Earth! Must See Video!


Buzz Aldrin Finally Confesses The Apollo Moon Landing Was A Hoax. More Proof That The Moon Landings Were A Big Freemasonic Hoax!! Must See Videos!!


Fraud & Crypto – What They Don’t Tell You | Pipeline Shut Down | June 2021 Crash.  Covid, Klaus, & Bringing Down The USD.  News: Bill & Melinda Split – Israel Technology Outted As A Backdoor By Australian Intelligence!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Bombshell! Eve Was Beguiled By The Serpent And Produced Cain And Introduced A Serpent Seedline Into The World!! The Serpent Doesn’t Want You To Know This Information!  Must See Videos ! !


Monopoly ~ Follow The Money! These Jewish Companies Made $7 Trillion USD From The Plannedemic While The Foolish Goyim Lost $7 Trillion USD! Must See Videos!


Unravelling Some Of Satan’s Hoaxes To Caucasians & Christians!  Must See Video As Many Have Been Duped!


The Envelope Affair Solved !! The Black Mirror Of Mike Pence! ! Must See Video By Tamara!


Source: Bitchute

Heavily Censored – See Bitchute Video



Hear Me Loud And Hear Me Clear – It’s A Big Hoax! If You’re Conscious – Just Say No & Do Not Consent! Vaccine Shedding. Must See Videos By Dr. Amanda Vollmer!


Why Are Fedex Body Bags Being Shipped Across America?  Whistleblower Reveals Extermination Plan For Rounding Up Caucasians & Christians!  Two Thirds Of All Caucasians Are Prophesied To Perish As Per Bible Prophecy! Must See Videos !


Proof That The Covid 19 Injection Is The Mark Of The Beast! The Word “Hand” In Hebrew Also Means “Arm”! They Have Learned How To Fuse Biological Life And Robotics. The Jabbed Will Become Human 2.0! Must See Videos!


Bill Gates’ Covid-19 Vaccine Are The “Final Solution”. Proof Of The Planned Genocide Of The White Race Which Was First Documented in January 1849. Book Written On The “Final Solution” To Exterminate All The Germans In 1941 And Operation Vegetarian! Must See!


It’s a Big Club And You Ain’t In It! Coronavirus Hoax – Banksters Crash Global Economy – Get Ready For The Contrived Noahide Laws That Are Not Biblical But From The Babylonian Talmud! It Is Time To Remove Your Children From Schools! Must See Videos!


Who Is Behind The Invasion Of The White Christian Nations? Must See Video!


The Truth About Covid-19, Viruses, Germs & Bacteria, The PCR Test And How To Increase Your Immunity! Must See Interviews With Dr. Lorraine Day And Lilillian Mcdermott!


Killer Gate’s Population Control Agenda Exposed!  The Truth Behind Bill Gates’ Fall From Grace!  Bill Gates & Jeffrey Epstein Connection!  “He’s A Registered Sex Offender” NBC Reporter Admits On Live TV! Must See Videos ! !


SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full Documentary By A C Hitchcock. 300 Truckloads Of Bullion Were Simply Driven Away From Fort Knox! Americans Are Being Plundered From Within!  Must See Video!


Interview On The Synagogue Of Satan: Andrew Hitchcock’s Explosive Book On Truth Hertz. Must See Interview! Book Banned By Jeff Bezos On Amazon!


It’s Time – Video!! Banned Everywhere – Please Watch – Last Hope Video!! The Reds In America. The Modern Surveillance State! Bill Gates Deleted Documentary Why He Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines!


Why The Vaccine Is A Lethal Murder Weapon! Covid ‘Vaccine Shedding’, Evidence Sars-Cov-2 Spike Protein Can ‘Alter Human Genes’ Permanently & Vaers Truth! CDN Woman Speaks Out – FDA Has Not Approved The So Called “Vaccines”! Must See Videos!


Will America Stand Or Be Destroyed By A Hoax?  Must See Presentation By Dr. Russell Blaycock On The Extreme Dangers Of Wearing A Mask And The Irreversible Damage It Causes!


Proof That The Covid Depop Shot Will Change Your DNA And Either Kill You, Give You A Serious Injury Or Turn You Into A Zombie Without A Spirit Or Soul! Must See Interview!


Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender! He Is Pretending To Be Your Savior But In Reality He Is AntiChrist. Find Out the Truth So That You Are Not Deceived! Awesome Videos!


WOW!! Rabbi Confirms To Pastor That Sacrificed Babies Are Put Into The Food At McDonalds And Matzo Balls!!  America Is Sinking Fast, Rottenchild’s State Of Is-ra-hell Must Step Up As New World Superpower Says Rabbi In January 2021. Must See Video To Understand The Agenda For Global Domination!


Rabbi confirms that the Jews infiltrated the Vatican in the 1800s.

Also Rabbi states, among many additional other jaw-dropping things, including the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews, that:

“we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” – an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God – the Christian God – God the father.

The Real Star Wars Is Far More Astounding Than Any Science-Fiction Fantasy And It Is Absolute Reality!  Must See Videos To Understand What Is Going On Today!


Bombshell! Hell Is Empty! The Devil and His Children Are All Here on Earth Today in Human Form To Create Hell On Earth! – Find Out Who Is At War With God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob & His Holy Seed, The Tribes Of Jacob-Israel! Must See Video!


Bombshell! The History Of The Communist Movement In The United States!! You Will Be Surprised!! Must See Video!


The Khazarian Mafia: The Synagogue Of Satan Full Movie! Must See! Heavily Censored! The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Know His Lies! Watch While You Can ! !


Transpocalypse Now! Elite Gender Inversion – The Documentary! Joe And The Dragsters! Must See!


The Drugging Of America And The West To Destroy Western Christian Civilization And Usher In The New World Order! Must See Video !!


Dr. Carrie Madej Warns About Giving An “Experimental” DNA Changing Injection On Humanity Could Eliminate Humanity As We Know It! Covid Shots Shedding! Must See Interviews With Dr. Carrie Madej And Janet Ossebaard!


Luciferase: Bill Gates Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Exposed!! The Smoking Gun Of The Mark Of The Beast! Must See Videos Heavily Censored Everywhere! ! Watch While You Can! !


It’s Official: Covid-19(84) Has Been Militarized!!! Canada On The Brink Of Martial Law!!!! Must See!


The Internal Enemy Of America And The World The Creators Of Communism, Marxism And Zionism Have Global Control! Must See!



lHeavily Censored

We Don’t Bow Down To Tryanny Bone Chilling Speech!! This is A Must! Heavily Censored Videos!!


Heavily Censored

We Don’t Bow Down To Tryanny Bone Chilling Speech!! This is A Must! Heavily Censored Videos!!


COVID-19 is a Smokescreen for 5G Radiation Sickness. The Invisible War, Experimental Jabs With 5G Electronic Activation! Agents Of The Apocalypse And The Beast Of Revelation. Must See Amazing Videos By EndTimesWatchman!


Dr. Lorraine Day Shares How To Prevent The Coronavirus Covid-19! The Distracted And Delusional Christians Who Have Been Brainwashed By Their Sold Out Communist Pastors! The Ten Commandments And The Coming Noahide Laws! Must See Videos!


Heavily Censored

The Pandemic Is Over! We Are In An Endemic! No One Needed To Die With This Miracle Cure That Is Being Suppressed! Must See Heavily Censored Videos! They Don’t Want You To Know!


Live News: Sidney Powel, Alleged Election Rigging, Rats In The Ranks, Israel, Iran & Other News. Must See Videos With Brendon O’Connell!


Wow!! The Pfizer Vaxx Has The Same Ingredient Used In Executions! Manulife Insurance Not Paying Out For Anyone Taking The Experimental Covid Depop Shot!Toronto’s Top Doctor Provides No Data To Justify Lockdown!Follow The Money!! Must See Videos!


Ancient Chinese Mummies, Pyramids and Samurai DNA! Must See Video By Robert Sepehr!


Ancient Chinese Mummies, Pyramids and Samurai DNA! Must See Video By Robert Sepehr!


Hear Me Loud And Hear Me Clear – It’s A Big Hoax! If You’re Conscious – Just Say No & Do Not Consent! Vaccine Shedding. Must See Videos By Dr. Amanda Vollmer!


Hear Me Loud And Hear Me Clear – It’s A Big Hoax! If You’re Conscious – Just Say No & Do Not Consent! Vaccine Shedding. Must See Videos By Dr. Amanda Vollmer!


Former FEMA Operative, Celeste Solum, On What’s In The Bill Gates Injection And What Does It Mean To Be Human! Must See Videos Before Anyone Takes The Jab!!


The Hidden Name of Our Creator YHWH in Your DNA! Sacred Geometry In Our DNA! Must See Videos!


Pentagon DOD Briefing Re: Chemical Lobotomy Virus For All “Religious Fanatics! Alan Watts: You Have To Hate The New Mandate! Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection! Must See Videos!!




Fraud & Crypto – What They Don’t Tell You | Pipeline Shut Down | June 2021 Crash.  Covid, Klaus, & Bringing Down The USD.  News: Bill & Melinda Split – Israel Technology Outted As A Backdoor By Australian Intelligence!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Heavily Censored

Fraud & Crypto – What They Don’t Tell You | Pipeline Shut Down | June 2021 Crash.  Covid, Klaus, & Bringing Down The USD.  News: Bill & Melinda Split – Israel Technology Outted As A Backdoor By Australian Intelligence!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Fraud & Crypto – What They Don’t Tell You | Pipeline Shut Down | June 2021 Crash.  Covid, Klaus, & Bringing Down The USD.  News: Bill & Melinda Split – Israel Technology Outted As A Backdoor By Australian Intelligence!  Must See Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Heavily Censored

Live News With Brendon O’Connell! Lucky For Us Israel Just Happened To Be Working On A Coronavirus Vaccine When The Big Corona Broke Out! Must See Videos!



The Moderna’s mRNA Covid 19 Injection Is An Operating System And Will Require Regular Ongoing Updates! Must See Video!


MASSIVE Pedophile Network EXPOSED: What Does Netflix’s “Cuties” Have To Do With It? Elite Human Trafficking Ring Exposed! Pedogate 2020 – Tom Hanx And Pope Francis! Must See Videos!


Redacted Official Documentary On The Planned Destruction Of America And The Creation Of A Better Satanic New World Order According To The Babylonian Talmud!  Must See Video!


Spiritual Warfare As Our Warfare Today Is Not Just Against Flesh And Blood But Rather Powers And Demons! Must See Videos!


Satan’s New World Order Documentary!! People Who Think They Came From Doo-Doo Are Going to End up Extinct Like the Dodo Bird!! Must See Videos To Understand How Most People Have Been Deceived By The Serpent!


Molech ~ It’s Priests & Temples Of Today ! Must See Videos !!


Spiritual Warfare And Exorcism [Matthew 16:18-19; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 10:19-20]. Excellent Videos! /christian-news/2021/01/spiritual-warfare-and-exorcism-matthew-1618-19-mark-1615-18-luke-1019-20-excellent-videos-2592897.html

The antiChrist Is Here To Stick It To Us With His Little Horn! The Angel Of Death Is Back Doing His Human Experiments! The Book Of Esther Is An End Times Prophecy For Today For The True Tribes Of Jacob! Find Out Who’s Who And What’s What!


Only Ten Commandments? The Commandments For Israelite Christians Today That We Are All Supposed To Abide By According To The God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.


Satanic Illuminati Cult Revealed. Confessions Of A Former Satanist! Must See Videos!


Pervywood ~ Part 6 ~ Royal Flush.  Connecting The Dots With Lady Di, JFK Jr, Justin Trudeau & Who’s His Daddy? False Prophet Francis And The Vatican!  Must See Video!


Time For Melting – The Present Brain Freeze – The Real Virus – The Stupid Virus That The US Government Created! The Amazing Car That They Don’t Want You To Know About! Must See Video!


Must-Watch: What’s Really In The Covid-19 Experimental ‘Vaccines – Former FEMA Employee Celeste Solum With David Icke!!


They Rule From The Shadows, The Whole World Is Deceived. CV1984 Is A Mass Mind Control Intelligence Psyops, This Is How They Operate! Must See Videos By EndTimesWatchman!


“Magicians” Prove a Spiritual World Exists – Demonic Activity Caught on Video. Excellent Educational And Entertaining Videos!


The Noahide Laws: A Tool Of The Vatican And The Satanic New World Order. The Force Behind The Noahide Decapitation Laws, This Deception Is Truly Monumental. Noahide Laws Adopted By The United Nations. Must See Videos!


Will Donald Trump Be The King Of The State Of Is-ra-hell? Update On The 3rd Temple – Peace Deal – Noahide Laws – One World Religion Controlled By False Prophet Francis! Must See Video By Shaking My Head!

Update On The 3rd Temple – Peace Deal – Noahide Laws – One World Religion Controlled By False Prophet Francis! Excellent Video By Shaking My Head!


The Sons Of LIght Vs The Sons Of Darkness! This is The Real War Going On Today! Must See Video!


The War Between The Sons Of LIght VS The Sons Of Darkness!  This is The Real War Going On Today!  Must See Video!


The Vaccine Trials – Documentary Film 2021 – Deleted By Youtube! Why Is No One Talking About The Placebos And Who Is Getting Them? Raising The Dead: Digital Resurrection Begins! Must See Videos!


Shadow World  ~  Inside The Global Arms Trade!  Must See Documentary Video!  Lots Of Surprises In This One!!


What Happened To The Passengers On The 9/11 And The Malaysian Flights? Rothschild Conveniently Gains Rights To A Semiconductor Patent!  Will These Passengers Be Arriving With The Fake ALIEn Arrival As Part Of Project Bluebeam And Satan’s False Resurrection?Must See!!


The New World Order! Redemption Through Sin! Must See Video Showing How The Secret Societies Are Being Used To Usher In The Stinking Jew New World Odor With Their Two Fake Snake Messiahs!


History Of Putin, KGB, Chabad, & The Mossad – Must Watch Video To Understand How Well Coordinated and Organized These Agencies Are!


Project Blue Beam: The Fake Alien Invasion To Usher In The Antichrist To Rule The Satanic New World Order – The Fake Holographic Asteroids Preparing For The Day Of 1000 Stars And Asteroids! – Must See Videos!


AI God – New Church With New Deity (AI) As It’s Head! Must See Video On “The Image Of The Beast” Revelation 13:15 ! 


Gym Declines Vaxxed Clients Due To Insurance Liability!  Life Insurance Not Paying Out For Anyone Taking The Experimental Covid 19 Lethal Injection That Has Not Yet Been Approved By The FDA!  Boris Confirms That They Are Injecting The Virus Into You!  Must See Videos!



Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off on the protestant denominations.  Billy “Frank” Graham  and his son Franklin are puppets of the Jesuits whose main mission is to destroy Protestantism.

Billy Graham:  Freemason & Satanic Illuminati NWO False Prophets Exposed!! Must See Videos To See How The Church Was Hijacked From Within!!



Billy Graham was a Jew and his real name was Billy Frank and was spreading a false Satanic gospel teaching that Jesus was a Jew and that the Jews are God’s Chosen people and the Judea-Christian message which is antiChrist.  The Jews are chosen by Lucifer who is their god. 

Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a
Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic “jews.”  Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in
the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.

Billy Graham was also a 33 degree freemason.

See link below for proof that Billy Graham was a Jew.

Secrets Of The Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed That You Won’t Find On The Mainstream Media!  Must See Video!


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America In Bible Prophecy And Specifying Which Countries Will Be Invading North America. The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Revealed. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Identified! Video Interview.


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!


A Complete Analysis Of Revelation Chapter 11 And Where We Are In The Timeline Of End Times Events. Who Are The 6 Prophets In Revelation 11 And 3 Shepherds Who Will Be Annihilated In 1 Month? The Harpazo And Who’s Going & Who’s Staying.


The Angel Of Death Is Back! The Book of Esther Is An End Times Prophecy For Today For The True Israelites. The antiChrist Revealed! The Anunnaki And The Nephilim Are All Here. They Never Left! Find Out Who’s Who And What’s What!


The Truth About The Vaccine Pimps Gates, Fraudski And Collins. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Caucasians & Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America To Take Them Down!

The Book of Esther prophecy unravelled and who’s who today.  Haman today (Donald Trump) and the plan to exterminate all Israelites (the white race).


And For Our Next Covid Backflip… Who Is Lucifer? Lucifer Is Not In The Original Hebrew Manuscripts! Must See Video By TheCrowhouse!


Eisenhower The Butcher!  The “Other Losses” Post WW2 Engineered Holocaust Of Germans By America’s Hitler Not Taught In Your Communist Indoctrination Centres!  Must See Videos !!


UNsustainable ~The UN’s Agenda For World Domination (2020) | Full Documentary Showing How They Plan On Destroying The White Christian Western Nations! Crime In America – We Are Being Lied To ! Must See Videos! !


CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations States: “We’ll Just Get Rid Of All Whites in the United States”! The Jew Genocide Of The White Race! The White Supremacy Lie! I Am Here To Help Wake Up The White Race! Must See Banned Videos!!


Bombshell! Satan Has A Hybrid Race Of Children Here On Earth That Has Stolen The Identity Of The White Race!  Find Out How The White Race Lost Their Identity & How They Better Wake Up Soon Or Perish!  Must See Videos!


Zoom Call Leaked – President Joe Biden Declares “This Country Is Doomed” Along With The White European Race In America!! The Covid PCR Test Can Be Deadly! A Very Tragic Story From Taking The PCR Test! Must See Videos!



Is Adam Green Related To David Rothschild??  Must See Video!!


Urgent! Horrible Vaccine Reactions! What Is The Cost/Benefit For Your Life? Vax Deaths Skyrocket! – Countries Recall Vaccine As Vaccine Passports Are Unrolled! I Met An Mk Ultra Slave, Their End Game… Must See Videos!


Bill Gates Funded Chinese Genomics Firm Tied To CCP Collecting American’s DNA Using Covid Tests! DNA Tests Can Tell Whether You Are Possessed By Demons! Must See Videos!


One Of God of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Holy Days Is Passover, Not Easter!! Must See Videos!


The Mystery Of Genesis 3:15 Unravelled!! Find Out Who Was Screwing Who And Who Is Screwing Us Today! Must Watch Video!!


Harry Vox Talks To Lillian McDermott On The Spars Pandemic And Who Is Destroying America. Must See Heavily Censored Interview!



Bombshell!! Rothschild Created Communist Red China! Find Out What Happened To The Oil In Iraq That Was Supposed To Pay For The US – Iraq War. Must See Video!!


The Chinese ghost cities in China will be used for slave labor camps where the remnant of The Tribes of Jacob-Israel (the white race from the Christian nations) will be sent.

Yet I will leave a remnant, for some of you will escape the sword when you are scattered among the nations and throughout the lands. (Ezekiel 6:8 Berean Study Bible)

to disperse their offspring among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands.  (Psalm 106:27 Berean Study Bible)


America’s Right To Bear Arms Written Into The Constitution! Must See Video!!


The Dissolution Of Europe And America Through The Invasion Of Rapeugees And Making It A Melting Pot Race! Must See Videos To Understand How George Soros Is Funding The Refugees And The Jesuits To Weaken The White Christian Nation And To Incite Race Riots To Exterminate The White Race!


Major Jordan Wrote Down All The Explosive Deep State Secrets! He Was Instrumental As A Witness To The Communist Theft & Acts Of Treason Of America Transferring Their Arms And Technology To Russia During WWII And The US Communist Government Did Nothing! Best Whistleblower Video Ever!!


The Truth About The World’s Deadliest “Virus”! The Enemy Of Christianity And All Of Humankind! Must See Video!


How The Covid 19 Contract That People Sign When They Take The Covid 19 Experimental “injection” Is A Covenant With The Devil!  Must See Video!


Brutal Honesty “It’s Ripping Time!” Is This What We Are Fighting For? Truth Is Becoming A Revolutionary Act! Must See Heavily Censored Video! 


The Brainwashing of America and Exploding The Chosen People Myth And Why It Is So Important To Know Who’s Who Today!  Must See Video!


Chrstian Identity Archive With Impeccable Research On The Tribes Of Israel Including America Being The Tribe of Manasseh and Britain and the Commonwealth Being The Tribe of Ephraim.  Free to everyone to learn the truth.

The Mystery of True Israel

Bombshell!! The Vatican Now Has The Head Of Nimrod From The Tomb Of Gilgamesh Pickled In A Jar!  Are They Planning To Resurrect Nimrod?  Must See Videos With Anthony Patch!


Pharmakeia ~ Drugs, Black Magic & The End Times!  Virus Mutates Into ‘The Devil Variant’. How Effective Are The Vaccines, Again? Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, Minerals And Herbs!  Must See Videos!!


Bombshell! Israeli Author Groundbreaking Works On Zionism, Notably “The Invention Of The Jewish People“ And “The Invention Of The Land Of Israel”.  The Construction Of The Jewish People That Has Deceived The World!  Must See Videos!


Proof That The White Race Are The True Natives Of America!!  The Los Lunas Stone (Decalogue Stone), The Ark Of The Covenant And Cherokee Jubilee Stone Discovered In America!  Must See These Amazing Discoveries (Video)!


Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (© 1958)

If you were a Caucasian, you are also an Israelite according to Noah Webster, and the Holy Bible. 

Webster Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (Copyright 1958 by the Literary Press, page 64), says “Caucasian” pertains to the white race originating from the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.

The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (1 Kings 14:15).  This promise was fulfilled when, in 721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus Mountains located between the Caspian and Black Seas (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9-11).  Hosea 2:6 says,  “I will hedge up the way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.”  In this way God was making it clear that the tribes were not to return to Palestine.  As Israel left the mountains and migrated into Europe, and finally to North America, they became known as CAUCASIANS.  

The Satanic Cult That Rules The World! The Unholy Trinity | The Jewish AntiMessiah (666)!  1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History!  Must See Videos!


The Communist And Masonic Infiltration Of America And The Catholic Church! – Must See Video By Dr. James Wardner!!


British PM Boris Johnson Lets Slip That The CV19 Vaccines Are Actually A Virus!  The Force Behind The Noahide Decapitation Laws Coming Soon To A Neighbourhood Near You!  Must See Videos!!


“Lethal Injection” The Story Of Vaccination ~ It Is Far Deeper Than You Can Even Imagine!  Must See Video!


Azazel The Fallen Watcher In Movies! Darkest Secrets Revealed Of Luciferians!  Serial Killers And The History Of Ritual Murders!  Full Banned Video!  Must Watch!


They Live [1988 Movie]!  They Are Brainwashing You!  Turn Off Your Talmudvison!  Must See Video!


Bombshell! The Plan!  Lack Of Oxygen Causes Cancer! Is This Why They Want Us Wearing Masks?  Depopulation CV-1984 Vaccines Can Erase And Rewrite Memories, And Also Terminate It’s Host! Is Joe Biden Human? Must See Video!


One World Government: The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations [Military-Psychological Backroom Staff!] That Controls And Brainwashes America And Europe! Must See Video!!


Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Psychological Warfare And Domestic Terror Black Ops Beginning In The 60’s.  International Science Frauds Usher In The New World Order. The Global Gang Stalking Program (Mind Control).  Tavistock And The New Age.  Must See!


We Need To Talk About The Synagogue Of Satan! Must See Documentary Video! The Church of Philadelphia and Smyrna The Two Favourite Churches Taught & Understood Revelation 2:9 & 3:9!!


The One About… Vackseenz – You Are Being Lied To!  Must See Video! 


lHeavily Censored

9/11 The Missing Links Documentary, The 9/11 Suspects And Amerithrax! Must See Videos!!


The Synagogue of Satan Who Say They Are Judeans And Are Not, But Do Lie (Revelation 3:9).  DNA Confirms The Truth!  Must See Video To See Who’s Who!!


X-Factor Winner Altiyan Child Reveals World’s Secret Religion! Global Population Reduction Through Vaccinations Is The Illuminati’s Goal! Every Lie Will Be Revealed! Must See Videos!


Vatican Secret Societies – Jesuits, Zionism And The New World Order Documentary! Must See Video!


Tip Toe To Tyranny… Now It Comes With Free French Fries! Must See Video By Dollar Vigilante!


Murder By Injection (Covid-19 Vaccines): The Illuminati’s Depopulation Reduction Program Documentary! CIA Mind Control Experiments On Americans! Must See Videos!


Heavily Censored

The Illuminati’s Depopulation Reduction Program Through Vaccines Documentary! The 100 Year Plan To Disarm The American People. CIA Mind Control Experiments On Americans. Trump, Jeffrey Epstein And Sex Slaves! Must See Videos!


Dr. Lorraine Day Speaks With The Wisdom Circle! “Covid-19 Does Not Exist!” Find Out Who Is Deliberately Trying To Destroy America And Why! Must See Videos!


Heavily Censored

Are The Convid Vaccines Shedding? This Is A Biological Weapon And People That Are Quackinated Are Little Biological Bombs! Warning For Pregnant Women! MSM Admits Covid-19 Vaccines Sterilizing Women. Must See Videos!!


Secrets Of The Illuminati, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group. Agenda 21 & 2030, Club Of Rome, Food Control, Sustainable Development, Depopulation. Out Of The Shadows, Operation Mockingbird & Paperclip, Mk-Ultra, LSD & Psyops!! Must See Videos!!


Harry Vox Talks To Lillian McDermott On The Spars Pandemic And Who Is Destroying America. Must See Heavily Censored Interview!


Harry Vox Talks To Lillian McDermott On The Spars Pandemic And Who Is Destroying America. Must See Heavily Censored Interview!


Harry Vox Talks To Lillian McDermott On The Spars Pandemic And Who Is Destroying America. Must See Heavily Censored Interview!


Harry Vox Talks To Lillian McDermott On The Spars Pandemic And Who Is Destroying America. Must See Heavily Censored Interview!


The Vaccine Cosa Nostra! Harry & Nick From Denmark Interview Plus Zoom Call With Lillian – Harry Gets it and Hopefully You Will Too After Watching These Enlightening Videos!


Red Alert! Cows Are Vaccinated With a Swab in the Nose – Dr. Lorraine Day Confirms That The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Vaccinating You Through Your Nose Like Cattle Or Goyim- Live Nanotechnology Found in the PCR Swabs Test! Must See Videos!


Red Alert! Cows Are Vaccinated With a Swab in the Nose – Dr. Lorraine Day Confirms That The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Vaccinating You Through Your Nose Like Cattle Or Goyim- Live Nanotechnology Found in the PCR Swabs Test! Must See Videos!


America’s Right To Bear Arms Written Into The Constitution! Must See Video!!


UK Agreement In 1940 Pledged The New World Order To The Jews In Exchange For Getting America Into WW2.  The Jews Are Now Your Slave Masters!!    NY Times Article Explains How America Was Bamboozled Into WW2 By The Communist FDR!  Must See Video!


UK Agreement In 1940 Pledged The New World Order To The Jews In Exchange For Getting America Into WW2. The Jews Are Now Your Slave Masters! NY Times Article Explains How America Was Bamboozled Into WW2 By The Jew Communist FDR! Must See Video!


A Big Unholy Hoax! The gWord Gentile Does Not Exist In the Hebrew Scriptures And Was Inserted Into The Bible To Deceive Everyone And To Teach A Universal Religion That All Races Are Equal Which Is Contrary To The Word Of God! Must See Video For The Truth!


Wow!! The Pfizer Vaxx Has The Same Ingredient Used In Executions! Manulife Insurance Not Paying Out For Anyone Taking The Experimental Covid Depop Shot!Toronto’s Top Doctor Provides No Data To Justify Lockdown!Follow The Money!! Must See Videos!


If Only Americans Knew!! Must See Videos To See What The Lying Main Stream Media On Your Talmudvision Won’t Tell You! Heavily Banned! Watch If You Can!


If Only Americans Knew!! Must See Videos To See What The Lying Main Stream Media On Your Talmudvision Won’t Tell You! Heavily Banned! Watch If You Can!



If Only Americans Knew!! Must See Videos To See What The Lying Main Stream Media On Your Talmudvision Won’t Tell You! Heavily Banned! Watch If You Can!


Communist Leader Dr. Bella Dodd Confesses To The Communist Infiltration Of The Churches In The USA!  Must Se Videos!


THE CONCEPTION COMET!  Revelation 12 Virgo Sign In Heaven In September 2017 Was Inseminated In November 2016!  Amazing Discovery! Must See Video!


If Only Americans Knew!! Must See Videos To See What The Lying Main Stream Media On Your Talmudvision Won’t Tell You! Heavily Banned! Watch If You Can!


Heavily Censored

Bill Gates: Jeffrey Epstein, The Spirit Cooker, and Population Control! Four Key Documents: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, The Report From Iron Mountain, The NASA War Document And The Brooking’ Report! Must See Videos!!


Satan Has Little Time! Lucira / Lucifer-Ase DNA Changing Vaccines You Wont Feel God Anymore! Songbird Programming, Nationwide Blackouts, Internet Shutdown, 5g & 6g Rollouts Exposed! The Simpsons Predictive Programming, Is Destruction To Come? Excellent Videos!


Heavily Censored

Monopoly – Follow The Money! The Most Concise Guide As To Owns And Controls Everything In The World! Qui Bono From The Plannedemic?  Must See Video!!


Barbara Thiering Unravels The Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls Using The Pesher Technique In the Gospels And Revelation. The Book Of Revelation Contains A Pesher and Holy Gematria Code That Has Now Been Unravelled!  Must See Video!


The Biggest Identity Theft In History!  Over 100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White –Full 5 Part Series! – Must See Videos To Determine Who’s Who And What’s What & How The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent!


Cathy O’Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim Tells Of Her Experience As A CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon Level Trauma-Based Mind Control Slave. Must See Heavily Banned Video!!


Is Moses Back On Earth? Why Does Barack Obama Look Like Akhenaten And Moses? Are Akhenaten And Moses The Same Entity? Find Out Who Barack Obama Is And His Role In The End Times! Must See Videos!


A Shot In The Dark!  Helping Each Other By Sharing This Important Information – Already Blocked In Some Countries!!  Must See Heavily Censored Video!


The MATRIX: Golems, Avatars, Clones, Simulation Theory, Base REALITY And The “Back Rooms”. Titanpointe, Project Paperclip, & Alien Abductions. NSA/CIA/FBI/Darpa Vs Americans. Must See Videos By Xtreme Reality Check!


The MATRIX: Golems, Avatars, Clones, Simulation Theory, Base REALITY And The “Back Rooms”. Titanpointe, Project Paperclip, & Alien Abductions. NSA/CIA/FBI/Darpa Vs Americans. Must See Videos By Xtreme Reality Check!


Tares Among The Wheat ~ Expose Documentary! End Times Prophecy For Us Today!  Must See Heavily Censored Video! !


Predictive Programming: Idiocracy 2006 Film!  The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America To Usher In The Stinking Satanic Fascist New World Odor! Must See Video!


The Truth About The Vaccine Pimps Gates, Fraudski And Collins. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Caucasians & Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America To Take Them Down!


Two shocking headlines that sum up Covid: Billionaires MADE $3.9 trillion during the pandemic, while workers LOST $3.7 trillion


The Winners And Losers Of Covid 19! Two Shocking Headlines That Sum Up Covid: Billionaires MADE $3.9 Trillion During The Pandemic, While Workers LOST $3.7 Trillion! Must See!


All Of These Things Connect Like A Puzzle – 5G – Chemtrails – Vaccines – Masks – Morgellans. Television – (Tell Lie Vision) – Believing A Delusion – The Biggest Lie In Human History – 2021. Must See Videos!


Forbidden Knowledge: Planned Agenda For Three World Wars And The Detailed Plan For WW3. WW1 And WW2 Occurred As Planned! Lecturer Died Mysteriously After This Talk. Must See Video!


LBJ At The Signing Of The 1965 Immigration Act And How One Congressman Shaped American Immigration Policy To Destroy The Anglo Saxon Ethnicity Of America With The Invasion Of The Aliens To Weaken America!  Must See Videos!


The Holy Grail Of Ufology!  Hidden Under The Water UFO Underwater Base Found Off The Coast Of Malibu! Must See Video!


Revelation 2:9 Jewish People Are Not The Israelites Of The Bible Exposed By Texe Marrs

Revelation 2:9 Jewish People Are Not The Israelites Of The Bible Exposed By Christian Author!  Must See Video For The Truth!


Gun Grab, DHS Redo, Border Madness, New Viruses, Vaccines And Vax Pass, & Election Lawsuits. Great News Update With Humour!


The History Jews Do Not Want You To Know: Judaism Is Bolshevism, Communism, Zionism & Marxism As Detailed In Their Jewish Babylonian Talmud For World Domination And Enslavement Of Humanity! The Jews Want A World Of Their Own! Must See Videos!


‘US Backed Coup Plot’ Involving The Take Down Of The Belarusian President, Foiled By Moscow!!  Belarus  Is The Only Country In Europe Where People Never Stopped Living Normally As President Refused The IMF Bribe To Lockdown For Covid Scam! Must See Video !


We Never Knew, We Knew [Documentary 2021 Video] Must See What People Will Do For Money And Power!


How Blacks Are Being Played. A Time for Truth: “Color, Communism, & Common Sense”!  Former Communist Manning Johnson Confirms How All The Seminaries Have Been Infiltrated With Communists. Why The Blacks Are Not The Chosen People!  Must See Videos!


Bill Gates Pedophile Relationship That Needs Further Investigation! Must See Video!


Secret Societies’ Coast To Coast AM With Alan Watt! The Plan To Set-Up Russia, Soviet System And China And Take Down America Was Long Ago To Build Up Communism For The Fascist New World Order!  Must See Videos!


For Those Who Cannot Hear! (9 Days Left)! The End Of Humanity! The Satanic Genocide Of Seven Billion People!  Dancing Into Our Graves! The End Of Humanity – Our Satanic Future?  Must See Videos!!


Warning From The State Of Israel Who Is Largely Vaccinated Now!!  Prepare To Either Take The Mark Of The Beast Or Be Outcast!! Better To Be An Outcast And Not To Take The Mark Of The Beast! Must See Video!


The Looking Glass And The Simpsons! The Great Work And A Look Inside The Freemasons Predictive Programming. The Rule of the Serpents Is Judgment From the Most High! Must See Videos! !


Nobel Prize Winner Confirms Lack Of Oxygen Causes Cancer! Depopulation CV-1984 Vaccines Can Erase And Rewrite Memories, And Also Terminate It’s Host! Is Joe Biden Human! Must!


False Prophets In The Church Pushing The Covid 19 Vaccine. The White Race Is Being Discriminated Against And The White Race Hasn’t Figure Out Why Yet As They Have Lost Their Identity. Must See Video By Know More News With Adam Green And High Impact Flix!


The Winners And Losers Of Covid 19! Two Shocking Headlines That Sum Up Covid: Billionaires Banksters MADE $3.9 Trillion During The Pandemic, While Workers LOST $3.7 Trillion!


What In The World Is Going On And What Time Is It? Must See Video On Biblical Events And Possible Dates For The Rapture – God’s Roadmap To The End!


Vaccine Mass Sterilization Depopulation Agenda Revealed on Amazon ‘Utopia’ Show. Decode By Enter The Stars! Biden Falling, Fraudski Lying, Magufuli Dying, Bitcoin Mooning, Utopia Show– Dollar Vigilante. Must See!


Biden Falling, Fraudski Lying, Tanzania President Dying, Bitcoin Mooning, Utopia Show Sterilizing Depopulation Agenda– Dollar Vigilante. Must See! ‘Utopia’ Show Film Clip And Decode By Enter The Stars!


Sex Crimes And The Vatican 2006 BBC Panorama Documentary Banned From You Tube.  Watch Before It Is Deleted Again!  Everyone Needs To Watch This Documentary And Then Throw Up & Get Out Of The Church!


Martin Luther On The Jews And Their Lies!  Must See Video By A Christian Pastor & Author!!


This Is Mind Blowing! This Thing Holds Your Body Together Like Glue In The Shape Of Little Crosses And Holds Our DNA Together. Proof Of The Word Of God Made Flesh!! Must See Discovery !!


Race vs. Religion. What Does The Holy Scriptures Tell Us? Must See Video!


Bombshell! The Iron Curtain Over America! Military Intelligence Insider’s Real Story Of What Happened In History That Brought Communism To America At The Turn Of The 20th Century! You Will Be Surprised! This Is A Must Video For All Americans & Canadians!


The Modern Synagogue of Satan Unveiled (Documentary) Video! Must See To Understand The Facts Of Life Today! !


China Deception – Game Of Misdirection! Covid-19 Vaccine Truth. Truth, Lies, And Deceit! The Truth Of Biblical Israel; Not Church Lies! Must See Videos !!


MAGA, Save America & You; Here Is The Truth! This Lie Kills America Daily! Must See Videos


The Ancient Secrets Of Cymatics, Resonant Frequencies And Architecture. Must See Video by Michael Telliger!


Lil Nas X Can Shove His Satan Shoes Where The Sun Don’t Shine! Kanye West Is Also On The Highway To Hell For His Jesus Shoes! They Better Stock Up On Asbestos Underwear! Must See Videos Shaking My Head!


Spacebusters (Coronavirus & The DNA Changing Injection, MRNA, Nano-Tech, 5G Crime Report) “They Once Were The Living…” Must See!!  Fauci Exposed! Must See Videos!


Bioethics And The New Eugenics – The Corbett Report. Geert V. Bossche: Whistleblower Or Trojan Horse? IceAgeFarmer! The Vaccine Trials Banned Documentary. Gates’ Huge $579k+ Contributions To Politifact Factcheckers! Chris Sky VS 30 Cops! Must See Heavily Censored Videos!


Fighting For The Children! Once You Take The Covid-19 “Shot In The Arm”, There’s No Going Back!! Nurse Tells Of The Tragedy Happening To The Elderly. Licking The Boot After Taking The Jab! Must See Videos!!


I Pet Goat 3 Shows How The World ENDS! Awesome Decode Video With Enter The Stars, Nicholson 1968 And KJ!!


Lies Lies Lies! Proof That Covid 19 Test Kits Were Purchased And Received In 2017 And 2018 By Most World Governments – Must See Videos To Show How Covid Was All Planned!


What The HEK? Why It Is An Abomination For Christians & Caucasians To Take The Covid Vaccines With Murdered Babies In It? Why Is False Prophet Francis Pushing Catholics To Ingest Murdered Babies? Must See Videos!


The Real Reason For The Lockdown! Must See Videos!


Former Illuminati Turned Christian Tells Us Of The Pagan Origins Of America Holidays And How They Were Placed Over God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Calendar To Deceive Christians! Fascinating Video!


Anyone That Takes The Covid-19 Jab Will Be Turned From The Image Of God To The Image Of The Beast!  How People Will Be Forced To Worship The Beast or Die. Must See Interview With Dr. Carrie Madej And Jana!


Gates, Epstein, Adrenochrome, Monsanto And Online Buying! The Bill Gates Body Count Is Far Surpassing The Clintons And Climbing! ZOMBIE Ah Pock O’ Lips – Psychological Operations! Vernon Coleman We Are The Resistance! Vaccine Passport Pushback Mounting! Must See Videos!!


Christian Zionist Slaves! Zionist ‘Tikkun Olam’ Covid Propaganda On South Park! – Must See Videos By Know More News!


The Truth About The January 6th, 2021 Storming Of The Capitol | Must See Video With Know More News Live!  The Jacob vs Esau War Still Rages On!  Find Out Who’s Who !


It’s About To Get Crazy! MRNA Gene Therapy & The Shamdemic Vaxscheme Exposed! They Can Take My Jab & Shove It! The Prion Apocalypse! Must See Videos By Shaking My Head!


MUST SHARE WITH EVERYONE! mRNA Vaccine is an Operating System! Excellent Video!


The Planned Death Of Germany And The German People As Well As The White Western Christian Nations and America! Excellent Video!

Jewish Communist Race Mixing Agenda In Advertising And “Entertainment” To Genocide The White Race. The White Race Is The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob And We Are Not To Corrupt Our DNA! Great Video!

This corona plandemic is to bring in the Jew NWO under the Rabbi`s and the 7 Noahide laws with the main anti-Christ (Antonio Guterres at the Jewnited Nations) and total enslavement, this is all conditioning for serf class existence.  It is a stinking Jew New World Odor for the Jews and run by the Jews for the Jews and all the non Jews will either die or be their slaves until King Jesus returns in 2022 to extinguish all evil and set up His Kingdom here on earth for the millenium.  The Great Tribulation is God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob pouring out His wrath on the unbelievers and punishing His children, the white race and Christains for turning their face was God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Commandments and Ordinances.

Bill Gates’ Big Prick Exposed For What It Is! The Ju Jab Will Not Only Corrupt Your DNA But Will Target Your Testicles! Excellent Videos!

Clearly, the MRNA DNA Changing Gene Altering “Soul Damning” Covid-19 Vaccine + RFID Chip included is the Mark of the Beast!  The Covid 19 Test is also a Mark of the Beast if it changes your DNA (see Dr. Lorraine Day Interview with Jana below) as it contains nanobots that can change your DNA. The number in Holy Gematria equates to 666 for Covid 19 test. 

Do not take anything from Bill Gates or Elon Musk or any electrononics / tattoos to affix on your body or in your body that will corrupt and change your DNA.  We must keep our DNA pure!

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is also another form of the Mark of the Beast.  Anything that is inserted in or on your body or orfices that changes and corrupts your DNA is a Mark of the Beast. 

Sunday worship is another form of the Mark of the Beast.  The Sabbath is Saturday, the 7th day, according to the Bible and must be adhered to by all Christians / Israelites / the white race which are the true Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel  (Friday sundown until Saturday sundown).  The Law has not been done away with.  See link to the Commandments and Ordinances still in effect today that must be adhered to.  

Jews Have Been Kicked Out Of 109 Locations Including 79 Countries Throughout History! The Jews Have Taken Lessons From Their Brother Hitler Who Was A Jew And Now They Are Trying Bring All The White Caucasians Into A Jew Created Holocaust! Excellent Videos!

António Guterres Calling For The “Great Reset” To Turns Man Into Machine With The Covid-19 Vaccine To Serve The Jewish UN Controllers. The Little Horn Is Going To Stick It To Us With The Covid-19 Vaccine & Wants To Take Charge Of The Global Vaccines Rollout!

by Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992

“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel My God, My Soul Is Dead” – Covid Vaccine Trial Volunteer Reports. Great Video!

In Order to Understand Revelation, We Have to Go Back to Genesis – There Were Two Creations of the White Race in Genesis Namely The Saints And The Elect – Great Video To Understand Revelation And The Harpazo Of The 144,000 Saints.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250


Jacob Have I Loved…Esau Have I Hated! Romans 9:13. Find Out Who’s Who! Great Videos!

Trump Gave Pope Francis Books By Martin Luther King, Jr. At His Vatican Meeting In 2017. A Deeper Look At Martin Luther King Jr. To See Why He Is Treasured By These Two. Great Videos!

Mossad 101 Restricted Information. Great Video To Show How The Majority Americans Have Been Duped!

Jewish Kabbalah (Zohar 1,25b) “Exterminate All Non-Jews”.  

Wake Up Stupid, It’s The Jews! Excellent Videos To Understand Who Is Trying To Take America Down In Order To Establish The Stinking Jew New World Odor!

Tracked Like Cattle – QR Codes – RFID Chips – Quantum Dots. Tracked ‘Til Death’ – ID2020 – “Digital Vaxines” – The Digital Currency Beast System Is Upon Us. Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head.

Jesuits Are Crypto Jews. Must See! Excellent Video!

The absorption of Edom/Idumea into Judea is recorded by Josephus and Strabo.  See link below.

The Book of Obadiah is a future prophecy of Edom and Esau being destroyed for dealing treacherously with his brother Jacob surnamed Israel when Jesus the Messiah Touches down to earth.

The Jasons: The Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite.  Find Out About This Secret Illuminati Science Group Working For The Government Trying To Devise Ways To Kill Off Humanity.  Great Video!

Viral Video Rocks the Rabbinic Establishment and Shocks Israel! The Women Are Considered Animals in the Talmud and Decided to Make This Shocking Video! Must See As These Talmudic Jews Will Soon Be Treating the Goyim Worse Than Their Wives!

God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Warning to America on 11/9 1965,  55 Years Ago. 

November 9 Northeast blackout of 1965: Several U.S. states (VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, NY and portions of NJ) and parts of Canada are hit by a series of blackouts lasting up to 13½ hours.  No one can explain the reason for the blackouts even up until today.

God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Warning to America on 11/9 1965, 55 Years Ago Is This A Foreshadowing Of This Coming November 9th?. Great Videos And Analysis.

Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order

The Kalergi’s United Nations Plan for The White Race Extinction in Europe and America. International Communism. Great Video!


Revelation 19:15-16 Jesus the Messiah will be Victorious, Destroy All Evil and Rule over Us as King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereign

Acts 4:12 There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has Two Marks! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will! Great Videos!

The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

The American Eclipses Collide at LITTLE EGYPT America! America is the new Egypt. Here’s Actual PROOF!!! Excellent Videos!

The Covid-19 Vaccine, the Covid-19 Test, the Quantum Dot Tattoo And Neuralink Are Each  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender! He Is Pretending To Be Jesus Our Messiah With His Blood And He Is Pretending To Be Christian. Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!


The Jews Themselves Tell Us Who They Are From Their Own Writings! Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!


What World Famous Men Have Said About The Jew. Awesome Video!


The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations!  Excellent Video.


109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem. Great Videos!


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have begun Their Gallop Towards War!  Trump is the rider on the white horse and he is the first horsemen to ride of the four horsement of the Apocalypse.  Trump does not have any arrows in his quiver as he is a windbag and will bring down America to her knewws without firing a shot just like Cyrus took down Babylon without firing a shot.

Jesus Our Messiah is at the door and if you have not yet been baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, then time is running out and I encourage you to do so today.

David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.

See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.


See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.


“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions as Modern Jewry are being whited out from all my previous articles so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribe.

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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